TBB July 2021

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Covid 19 and Our Economy - 16 Months Later!

INSIDE Thunder Bay Ventures

Supports Dozens of Local Businesses The NWMO exploring geology of the Ignace area and surrounding region GETTING PAID North Superior Publishing


New Chevrolet and Cadillac Electric Vehicles Coming Soon!




The NWMO exploring geology of the Ignace area and surrounding region A recently published series of reports document our understanding of the regional geology as we continue our work towards confirming if the Ignace area is a suitable site for a deep geological repository. The Ignace area, along with South Bruce, Ont., is one of two locations the NWMO is considering as potential hosts for the repository – a repository that will be designed to safely contain and isolate Canada’s used nuclear fuel in a manner that protects people and the environment for generations to come. “Results from these integrated studies provide a foundation for understanding the regional geology and are a very important stepping-stone for the other work we do,” said Andy Parmenter, Section Manager for the Geoscientific Integration and Synthesis team at the NWMO, who led the team that drafted the three reports. This work strengthens our understanding of the bedrock geology of the Revell batholith – the rock formation at the potential site – near Ignace. Other work by our geoscience team such as ongoing borehole drilling activities will continue to advance this understanding. Work by the NWMO’s Geoscientific Integration and Synthesis team One of the new reports presents an updated bedrock geology map for the

Photo Caption: Bedrock map of the Revell Regional Area located between Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and Ignace, Ont. Surface locations of drilled and planned NWMO boreholes are also shown. Revell batholith and surrounding areas. The authors drew on aerial surveys, field mapping data gathered on the ground, and information from historic bedrock

geology maps of the area to produce this updated map. The authors sought to integrate all that complex information into a technically comprehensive, yet still visually appealing image. “A geological map needs to tell a complex story in a simple manner,” said Lindsay Waffle, a geologist at the NWMO who worked on developing the overall presentation and layout of the map. ‘A detailed picture’ of subsurface geology The NWMO and our contractors were able to take this understanding further. Using the updated map, as well as data from geophysical surveys, we were able to generate a 3D image of the Revell batholith and surrounding rock units. “This information provides the NWMO a detailed picture of the subsurface geology in the region,” said Dr. Aaron DesRoches, Senior Geophysicist at the NWMO. To better understand potential pathways for groundwater flow, a team of NWMO geoscientists also completed a detailed lineament (or geological feature) interpretation for the Revell batholith and surrounding rock units using the available geophysical and remote sensing data. “Interpreted lineaments represent areas of the bedrock that may contain fractured pathways for water to flow,” said Dr. DesRoches. “Using the most accurate bedrock geology and lineament data is a key step in

understanding the potential suitability of the lgnace area for implementing Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term storage of used nuclear fuel inside a deep geological repository,” said Dr. DesRoches. “These recent and older studies, combined, paint a picture of what the area is like, both at the surface and deep underground.” About the NWMO The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is a not-for-profit organization tasked with the safe, longterm storage of Canada’s used nuclear fuel in a manner that protects people and the environment for generations to come. We are implementing Canada’s plan to safely contain and isolate used nuclear fuel inside a deep geological repository. The plan is based on years of public input, Indigenous Knowledge, international scientific consensus, and best practices from around the world. Canada’s plan will only proceed in an area with informed and willing hosts, where the municipality, First Nation and Métis communities, and others in the area are working together to implement it. The NWMO plans to select a site in 2023, and two areas remain in our site selection process: the Ignace area and South Bruce, both in Ontario. Transparent and accountable, the NWMO works in close co-operation with communities, all levels of government, national and international regulators, Indigenous peoples, industry, academia, and civil society organizations.


Publisher’s Note Scott Sumner If you spend a night with a poor sleep the next day you're not a happy camper. In our last three columns we talked about exercise aerobic and anaerobic, as well as what you eat- Canada’s Food Guide. A third component to health is proper rest. Many people don't achieve a consistent sleep for various reasons. However the most prevalent reason is that they simply can't sleep well. There is usually no reason why you can't sleep well each night . All it takes is some common sense thinking. In fact there has been much written on this subject. Perhaps a first step is to determine how much sleep you need at night to function well through out the day. You can determine this by experimentation. I'm sure sometimes you need more sleep


Do You Sleep Well? some nights than others, depending on your recent activity level or general health. If you have a cold you could sleep all day but if you're on a holiday in Southern california you are ready to get by on much less sleep. Sleep works well if you develop a routine. Go to bed at the same time if at all possible. This will help your body get on a regular clock. Before you go to bed try to wind down from your day by following some soothing activities, such as taking a hot bath or reading a book. Listen to music. Don' t allow your mind to think about problems or things that are worrying you. Try to relax. Eliminate caffeine for at least 6 hours before bedtime. Also eating late or strenuous exercise will make your body work and not want to sleep. Alcohol is also a stimulant that will affect your

sleep patterns. I am a believer in afternoon naps, but don't try it in the evening before bed. It will disrupt your night pattern and create sleep difficulties. If you are a sensitive sleeper make you bedroom as quiet as possible, and keep it dark. Overall good rest allows your body to regenerate and awaken fresh for a new day. Other components of health that seem obvious includes the way you treat yourself. There are reams of evidence that proves smoking is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself. Common sense should scream at us loud and clear that cigarettes negatively affect our heath. In whatever way you can you MUST STOP SMOKING!. There is no way around it. YOU MUST STOP SMOK-

ING if you want to really improve you quality of life Drinking alcohol is also something I'm not a fan of . It represents an increase of unwanted calories. Also the potential for abuse is mammoth. One of my biggest so called "vices "is candy. This is another enemy to your health. Candy provides little advantage for you, since sugar intake tends to be counter- productive to a healthy body. It creates poor calories with no positive nutrients. If you have a sweet tooth, try to limit your candy to as little as possible. The only candy I partake of is when I'm at a social gathering away from my own home. I've learned that not having any sweets in the house allows me to avoid eating it. www.scottsumner.com

GETTING PAID ©2021 Brian Babcock As we emerge from the pandemic, perhaps you are anxious enough about money to decide for the first time to sue somebody for a debt, or because they have caused you damages. If they do not defend, what do you do next? The answer depends upon the nature of your claim. If you have a “liquidated claim” for unpaid balances on an account, or where the amount owing is capable of simple mathematical calculation, you (or your lawyer) set out the amounts, including any calculations, in the claim. You note the defendant in default, file some documents, and the Registrar issues a default judgment. However, when the court talks about

simple mathematical calculations, they mean really simple- like “the contract was to supply an unknown amount of lumber at $7.00 per board foot. I supplied 100 board feet of lumber for a total of $ 700.” Anything more complex will likely require a motion for judgment.

4. how much did it cost to repair defective work? 5. How much did it cost to compete the unfinished work? 6. What extra expenses did the homeowner have (such as a stay in a hotel while repairs were done)? 7. Were these costs reasonable?

A motion for judgment is required for “unliquidated damages”-amounts that

If the answer to number 7 is “yes”, then the damages are 3+4+5+6.

Legal Matters are not fixed by an account, nor capable of simple calculation. Examples include damages for personal injury; damages for “wrongful dismissal”; or damage to property, or certain breach of contract claims. Common issues, in a ‘renovation gone wrong’ case, include: 1. what amount was paid to the contractor? 2. what was the value of the work properly completed by the contractor? 3. What was the resulting overpayment, if any?

General damages for inconvenience, or aggravated damages for mental distress, or punitive damages, are extremely rare in breach of contract cases except insurance or employment claims. This motion does not require notice to the defendants, requires affidavit evidence explaining why the damages claimed are fair and proper. The amounts may need to be supported by expert evidence, from a witness with proper experience and qualifications to give an opinion. My colleagues at Weilers Law will often charge a moderate flat price to obtain default judgment on your behalf, or a judgment by default. This

Next Issue:

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Women in Business Ad Copy Deadline July 23rd,2021 Contact Sylvia @807-629-7599 www.thunderbaybusiness.ca

may improve your recovery, and will reduce your stress and time commitment.



Getting Your Foot In The Door 7 steps to successful cold-calling “The problem with my salespeople is they’re not cold calling enough!” That’s the concern I hear most often from sales managers and business owners when I speak at conventions on how to boost sales. Yet when I examine their cold calling strategies, I generally find they’re ill conceived. Decision-makers in most organizations soon grow weary of the large number of salespeople phoning them. So if you’re not well trained when you cold call, I guarantee that you’ll face a lot of rejection. On the other hand, when you’re professionally trained, cold calling is easy and tremendously profitable. Here are 7 steps to boost your cold calling success.

and when you’ll follow-up. 1. Create a targeted telephone list. Have the list of people you’re going to contact within easy access so that you can make several calls without stopping. You can create your list through trade association directories, chambers of commerce and even your local library. You can also purchase lists from private companies listed under “mailing lists” in the yellow pages. The best list is the referrals you obtain from current customers. Phone your satisfied clients and ask them how your product or service has been working for them. When they rave about your excellent service, ask “I wonder if you could give me some advice? (pause) I’d like to contact other people who might also be interested in this, is there anyone who you would suggest I contact?” That’s it. The key phrase is that you are asking for their advice. People are so flattered to be asked for advice that in general, they’ll go out of their way to help. While you are generating your list of calls, it’s also a good idea to have a contact management system to keep track of your calls

2. Set a goal and script your call. Be clear about what the goal is for your call; be it to set up a meeting, send literature, or whatever. Then write a script to achieve that goal. That’s not to suggest that you’ll recite the entire conversation, just the first few key statements. Though this may seem artificial, most successful salespeople use a script to ensure that they consistently have a strong impact. On the telephone you don’t have time to make mistakes. Every word counts, so you must be prepared. 3. Locate the decision-maker. In some cases, the decision-maker is not necessarily the person who does the buying. The organization may have a separate purchasing department for that purpose. So ask the switchboard operator or the receptionist to speak with, “The person who makes the decision regarding . . .” When attempting to contact the key person, avoid leaving voice mail messages the first two times you call. Unfortunately, it’s relatively rare that people who have buying

authority return unsolicited sales calls. If, after the third attempt, you still can’t reach them, then leave a voice mail message. But make sure you’ve scripted a powerful message that has a compelling reason for them to return your call. That’s another reason why it’s important to prepare a script in advance. “Do not ask a stranger on the telephone, “How are you, today?” 4. Introduce yourself and get to the point. Do not ask a stranger on the telephone, “How are you, today?” They realize that you don’t know them and you really don’t care how they are. So they think you’re wasting their time. Don’t fake familiarity. Here’s how your conversation with the decision maker might begin: “Hello, Mary. We haven’t met yet. My name is Jeff Mowatt, with JC Mowatt Seminars. I wonder if you might help me. The reason I’m calling is that I understand that you’re the person who’s in charge of staff training. Is that true?” Notice the phrase I wonder if you might help me. Showing humility this way appeals to the other person’s desire to come to your rescue. 5. Give a benefit statement. This is a clear, simple statement that indicates what the benefit might be of them doing business with you. For example, “The reason I’m calling is to find out if we might be able to enhance your staff’s ability to gain and keep customers.” At this point you’ve said enough. It’s time for the other person to get some control. So, follow that benefit statement with, “Do you have a moment to talk?” If they do, then go on to the next step. If they don’t, then ask when would be a good time to call them back and then follow-up accordingly. 6. Share your Unique Selling Proposition. In 2 or 3 brief sentences share the benefit of your services, what is unique about it, and one piece of evidence that this works. This is known in selling circles as your USP or unique selling proposition. The USP is the compelling argument why people should buy from you vs. someone else. Of course the sale only begins when the customer perceives a need, so you need to then shift the focus of the conversation from you to identifying their needs. 7. Accomplish your goal. If your goal is to set up a meeting, suggest to the person, “Perhaps we can sit down together and . . . (give them a general idea of what you’ll do in the meeting – usually about identifying their needs).” Notice the phrase sit down. That implies a face to face meeting without the time consuming inconvenience associated with having a meeting. Keep in mind that some prospects are so leery of telephone solicitors, that they have to be completely sold on the phone before they’ll agree to see you in-person. So you need to know how to probe, summarize, make an emotional connection, ask for the order, and deal with objections – all the aspects of selling- before you start cold calling. Training is the Key Cold calling doesn’t have to be a demoralizing knuckle-biting activity. It can, in fact, be motivating and extremely profitable – providing you have the right training. Jeff Mowatt is a customer service strategist, Hall of Fame speaker, and bestselling author. For more tips, training tools or to inquire about engaging Jeff for your team visit www.JeffMowatt.com



Covid 19 and Our Economy 16 Months Later! BY SCOTT A. SUMNER

Thunder Bay BUSINESS It’s been about sixteen months now since the onset of COVID-19 in our world which meant a virtual shut down of much of the economy. Things are now starting to look better with about 75% of Canadians having at least a first dose and the higher availability of second doses for the population.

I continue to be quite impressed with the job done by government. Prime Minister Trudeau and his government have done virtually everything they could to try and soften the blow for Canadians. To have over 8 million people at one time receiving the CERB benefit and CRB benefit has to have been a big help to many families. This program has been extended. The wage subsidy benefit of 75% of

We are lucky to have the Port of Thunder Bay which continue to experience excellent results during this time. Their services are in high demand. So what’s next? What can we expect? It’s sort of hard to tell I think. How will the consumer react after all of this isolation protocol? Will they feel comfortable

It is definitely somewhat unknown and will require new ways of doing things specific to your business. The best answer is a vaccine for everyone which would allow for somewhat normalcy but even then the average person may not want to return to the old ways. I was able to get my first vaccine shot in

So what have we learned in the last sixteen months? I tend to ask a lot of questions to business people that you meet and there are always a wide variety of answers. Generally though COVID 19 has had far reaching implications for most people and business. Air Canada is back in operation with jet service flying people to Toronto with it looks like 2 flights a day. On the other hand Porter Airlines has been continuously extending their complete shut down. Westjet seems to have 2 flight a day to Toronto. There is also a new arrival in the market with Flair Airlines operating weekly on some days. Overall the Thunder Bay airport traffic is still tremendously down which is quite an economic barometer. This is coming back now but a return to pre COVID l9 levels could take some time. Hotel occupancy is still significantly down with some rebound taking place as well. Restaurants have outdoor seating again but not indoor yet which will be very difficult if in place for a long time. Also the question is will people want to travel again, go out and eat, attend large scale events? Retail seems to be coming back with some indoor shopping allowed with capacity restrictions but it certainly less busy to than pre COVID 19, even though people do have disposable income. In fact some recent news reports have stated lost wages of about $19 billion have been replaced by over $50 billion of government funds provided to people during the same period. Gyms have not reopened yet for indoor activity. They can offer outdoor opportunities. Magnus theatre did some outside performances. The Auditorium has booked it’s first show for December 13th with July Talk. Local dealerships selling cars, trucks, ATV’s etc are still having difficulty getting the inventory they would normally have. There is a shortage of electronic components. This will mean a drop in sales overall. It is sad so many deaths from COVID 19 have occurred across the world including Canada and our neighbour to the south.We have been a little better in the Thunder Bay area with our isolation from large urban areas. In some ways it is good to be here especially during this time.

wages has helped businesses move forward as best as possible. It has been extended. The loan program of $40,000 available to some small businesses is a good program and has been extended and increased to $60,000. There are many other financial programs which have helped many.

going to a restaurant, concert or movie again? Will you be able to socially distance 6 feet for the future? How will that affect the cost of doing business? If you are flying to Toronto will you want to be on a packed flight. Could the airline make it on low occupancy and how will that affect ticket pricing?

late April and hope to get the second soon. I guess all of us will be watching as we continue on in this COVID 19 environment



New Chevrolet and Cadillac Electric Vehicles Coming! BY SCOTT A. SUMNER

Thunder Bay BUSINESS This year alone General Motors will offer three versions of a new Bolt, have a new electric Cadillac SUV coming and have

moved forward production of a new Silverado electric truck to September from next year. General Motors is requiring 8 charging stations to be placed at Badanai Motors and are sending someone down to choose

the locations at the dealership.This will require a substantial investment by Badanai Motors. Information on the new Silverado electric truck is limited at this time but we know it will have an over 600 km driving range on a single charge. “ We will have the Cadillac electric SUV the Lyric similar to the XT5.The capital cost will be a little bit higher but the cost of ownership will be much lower, your

charging will be less costly than fuel , your upkeep maintenance will be lower with no oil changes and you just need tire rotations.The updates to the systems will be covered by warranties. It will be like a computer on your phone with downloads right to the vehicle.”said Pat Spina of

Pat Spina Badanai Motors Below:the Cadillac Lyric and Chevrolet Bolt Badanai Motors. There will be quick charging solutions within an hour depending on the voltages.You can have quick charges or

overnight charges depending on your needs. GM is going all electric, not a hybrid model with their electric vehicles. “ GM will have to be competitive with their selling prices of electric vehicles to be competitive as major competitors with electric trucks coming out are quite reasonable in the mid $40,000 range for a work truck that is well equipped.”said Pat. “The auto industry is going to change more in the next 6 months to a year that it has in the last 10 years, with going from the internal combustion engine to electrification.”

An electric vehicle is very quick in it’s acceleration as it is more of an instant power versus building up with a gas engine. This is a postive for someone like me as well as helping the environment! It’s an exciting time in the automotive industry which will make a huge impact on our climate.




Great Outdoors Far more accurate than GPS and more customizable than any other golf rangefinder, the new GX®-5i3 offers all of Leupold’s latest technology that enables golfers to sharpen their game and improve scores. A recent update to Leupold’s high-performance DNA® (Digitally eNhanced Accuracy) engine and an advanced infrared laser empower the GX-5i3 to deliver faster measurements with accuracy displayed to the nearest 1/10th of a yard. New PinHunter™ 3 Laser

Technology increases the pulse rate and as a result, the rangefinder ignores user movement to quickly identify and lock onto the flag or pin for extremely precise and fast target acquisition. “Our new GX-5i3 laser rangefinder is an all-in-one solution for golfers who want to shoot lower scores and get around the course faster,” said Rob Morrison, vice president, global marketing for Leupold & Stevens, Inc. “Why mess with GPS when you can have the accuracy and customization of GX-5i3? It’s like having a personal caddie who really knows your game and can take the measure of any course.” Tournament use of GX-5i3 is permitted under the Rules of Golf when a Local Rule is in effect (see USGA Decision 14-3/0.5) and the True Golf Range™ (TGR®) and Club Selector™ features are disabled. Using a custom algorithm that no other rangefinder has, TGR allows golfers to compensate for uphill shots that play long and downhill shots that play short. With the TGR and Club Selector features, GX-5i3 takes customization to an elite level by providing ranging information and club recommendations matched to the slope of the shot, atmospheric

conditions and a golfer’s personal hitting strength. TGR displays the adjusted “plays like” range, calculated from the laser-measured line-of-sight distance, incline or decline, trajectory of the ball, current temperature, and specific altitude. Club Selector factors in the golfer’s specific hitting strength and TGR to the target, automatically recommending the proper club for each shot. Users simply input their personal striking distance for three specific clubs and the GX-5i3 does the rest, even indicating when the distance falls between clubs. GX-5i3 is compact, weighing just 7.3 ounces, and measuring only 3.8 inches long, 3.0 inches high and 1.4 inches wide. Built to Leupold’s exacting standards for ruggedness and to withstand the typical rigors of golf, the rangefinder has a lightweight yet durable aluminum housing with rubber armor coating. Additional features include multi-coated

lenses for a crystal-clear image, and a red, mirror-coated OLED display that is brighter and easier to read than traditional LCD displays. GX-5i3 is waterproof and covered by the Leupold Limited 5Year Electronics Warranty. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price is $624.99. For more information, go to www.leupold.com/golf/rangefinders/gxgolf-rangefinders-accessories or call 1800-LEUPOLD. Leupold & Stevens, Inc. is a fifth generation, family owned company with product lines including rifle, handgun and spotting scopes; binoculars; rangefinders; mounting systems; and optical tools and accessories.



Let’s think strategy! By Sherry Hanes To get to the point…. There is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to economic recovery from this pandemic but, progress is being made. With the major down turns in the economy, due to closures and minimizing labour forces in manufacturing and in retail services, Mom and Pop stores, the little guys, as they are referred to, are sure facing their fair share of struggles to survive as well. Dealing with financial ruin and the forfeiting of family businesses, losses have also affected business traditions that shop owners, families and community have come to identify with and enjoy over the years. We all like to reminisce about the ‘good ole’ days’ and in these times, that is exactly what we are doing, except for the fact that, the ‘good ole’ days’, weren’t that long ago. It is sad to see employers have to lay-off and even let go of, long time and dedicated employees. To say the least, there have been countless tears that have fallen in the disparity of the effects of what the world is experiencing, ‘the Corona Virus’ and, as we are experiencing a grieving process for the life we used to know, we must not give up or give in. We must share strength and constructive ideas and try to be part of the solution and ignore the beckoning of the abyss for living in a negative state of mind, which will only make one feel worse, cause stress, which in turn, lowers an already compromised immune system, thus making one more vulnerable to contracting the virus. The changes we have experienced did not come gradually. It was swift and furious, leaving many, at first, in a state of non-belief, and thinking that this would be ‘just a phase’. But the truth of the matter is, everyone has been affected either directly or indirectly by the forces of which we could not see coming and the amount of control it seems to have over almost every aspect of our lives. It is good to say it out loud and as difficult as it is…we have to look at this through the eyes of reality, and ‘reality is the way things are, not the way we want them to be’. We have to develop a sense hope, no matter how small it is and we need extend ourselves to being a good Samaritan (A compassionate person who unselfishly helps others, especially strangers) to feel that we are making some contribution of good will for all. Here is one example worth sharing … The story is about a group of men and women who worked for a large manufacturing company. The company was dealing with a major, financial crises, due to circumstances outside of their control. The crises was so bad that, the company, reluctantly, had to lay off several employees. All the labour and trades employees were members of a union. Employees that were laid off, had not worked for some months and money was tight for them and living with fear and anxiety, that were ever present in the home, became a daily scenario. The great part about this story is, business eventually started to pick up again

but only in waves and the company needed to run extra shifts now to fulfill the orders coming in so, extra man hours needed to be added, which lead to OVERTIME HOURS becoming available. Overtime hours were of course, by union contract requirements, offered to the employees who had seniority. The working employees with

tomers as well. Rico will be happy to see his customers again when the current lockdown ends again and they will be just as happy to see him…once he has cut the hair away from their eyes, that is! LOL! We were starting to look like we were going back to the Beatle Mania hair do’s!

taking an interest in providing fun for themselves. Getting out, seeing what fun there is to be enjoyed in our own back yard has benefitted, not only local shops but, has afford the added value of families spending irreplaceable time together. The demand has been very strong for most recreational products so the best way to make sure you get

the seniority felt so badly for the people that were laid off and who were struggling to feed their families that, they decided to share the hours in a way that would not violate any contract issues and yet at the same time, provide income for those who hadn’t any coming in for months and yet still, have a pay cheque themselves.

J & J Sports of 939 Tungsten Street, here in Thunder Bay, are keeping really busy, helping customers with some of their ‘Fun’ purchases! Manager, Anne Marie Polhill, who has been with J & J Sports for over 20 years, shares this: “At one point, the majority of my staff was laid off.”, reducing operating store staff to five persons only, from the original twelve employees.” When asked how did it go for the business during that time, Anne Marie responded with “You had to do what you had to do! There were a number of serious buyers so, the deals got done, the parts got sold, and believe it or not, we got a system that worked for us. J & J Sports has adapted well during the pandemic, putting into place Plexiglass in customer service areas and cleaning stations. Anne Marie shares, “We’ve downsized the showroom so there’s more room for the customers to move around and they are only just now allowing customers back in the store.

what you want is to preorder the product which is then given priority by the manufacturer.

So, when the working employees with seniority were called to work ‘overtime’, they were just not available for the extra hours…so, the company had to go down the list, calling the next available employee in line, which just happen to be, the employees who had been laid off. This resulted in everyone being helped. The regular workers were still working their regular shifts, the laid off workers were earning some money, fulfilling the overtime hours, and the company was meeting their obligation to their clients for fulfilling the orders. Everyone was happy! It was a Win, Win for all! A wonderful story! In some personal interviews, we share with you what some local businesses strategies for surviving and combating Coronavirus. Rico of Hollywood Hairstyling, located in the Victoriaville Mall, took the care and protection needed, to give his clients the peace of mind they deserve, and making them look great, supporting that. Taking appointments as opposed to ‘Walk-Ins’, is just one way, Rico ensured safe, social distancing. Clients are seated far apart from each other, at more than the prescribed distance, offering more peace of mind to all. Wearing masks and using sanitizers, are now the order of the day for proper protocol for servicing the cus-

Even though J & J have dealt with the effects of the pandemic very well, Anne Marie tells that at the beginning of the pandemic, they were hit hard in relationship to the snowmobile sales which have rebounded tremendously with pre orders at a high level. Since there may never be a ‘return to normal’ way of operating, new ways of conducting business and implementing strategies to survive, have helped J & J to stay in the game. “People needed things to do since they are not travelling and so they say to themselves, ‘I’m just going to spend my money and have fun!’” Everyone at J & J Sports are happy to see people investing in their own community by shopping local and they are happy people are

As with anything, no one is perfect but all in all, we are just beginning to recover and as far as future waves? ...there are no confirmed facts that a second wave will come, but we must take what we have learned and apply it to our daily living. We as human being intuitively know that we do not live in a perfect world and there will always be something to challenge us so, practice good health. Don’t become complacent with your practices of social distancing because, like it or not, there is always the certainty that something else could be brewing…it’s not over yet, but it can be if we are mindful enough to think of safe health practices. It won’t be easy but, do keep it in the forefront of your mind and have your family members do the same, for the sake of life itself! The biggest positive in the fight against Covid 19 has been the arrival of vaccines with over 75% of Canadians getting a first shot and the beginning of more broad based second shots to become fully vaccinated. We thank all those who participated in this article and we are proud our government is doing their best to have our backs, supplying money, health care and support in housing and in emotional and mental disparities.



Flair Airlines Grows with Addition of 13 New Boeing 737 MAX 8 Aircraft EFlair Airlines, Canada’s only ultra lowcost carrier (ULCC), is expanding ambitiously with the addition of 13 new Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft. Emerging as Canada’s only true ULCC, Flair will accelerate its disruptive mission to make travel affordable for all Canadians. “Canadians have been paying too much for too long. We must do our part to ensure affordable air travel is available to all Canadians across Canada if travel and tourism are to return this year,” says Stephen Jones, President & CEO of Flair Airlines. “Our efficient new aircraft will provide us the foundation to execute our ULCC business model. These planes will enable us to keep fares low while expanding our service to meet travel demand. As a ULCC, we have an extraordinary impact on the lives of Canadians and the communities in which they live by making travel across the country affordable and accessible. The new aircraft will allow Flair to achieve the lowest cost per seat mile of any Canadian airline. The aircraft will deliver fuel savings and cut the airlines CO2 emissions by 14%. Lower per passenger emissions are a vital step in lowering Flair’s carbon footprint as it works to become Canada’s greenest and most sustainable airline. “In advance of the new 737-8 aircraft joining our fleet of existing 737-800s, Flair’s team of pilots, maintenance professionals, flight attendants and safety officers will conduct extensive testing and training programs,” says Jones. “Our team continues to work tirelessly to ensure our processes and training help better our already impeccable safety standards. We look forward to working with Boeing and our regulators to ensure a smooth entry into service for this fantastic aircraft.” The new 737-8 aircraft will come with a fresh, modern look to reflect the evolution of the Flair brand and will be comfortably configured to seat 189 passengers and fly 3,550 nautical miles (6,570 km). The aircraft allow Flair to grow its network across Canada with increased options for low fare service to a greater number of destinations. Flair is currently accepting expressions of interest from airports interested in partnering with Flair to provide ULCC service to their communities. Flair will lease the initial 13 aircraft from one of its significant financiers, 777 Partners, who recently entered into an agreement with Boeing for 24 new Boeing 737-8 aircraft along with options to purchase another 60 737-8 aircraft. Flair’s new management team, led by ULCC veterans Stephen Jones and new Chief Commercial Officer Garth Lund, both formerly with Wizz Air, will begin accepting delivery of the new aircraft in early 2021. With this order, Flair is well on the way to achieving its “F50” ambition of growing to 50 planes within five years. “The days of limited choices and frustration with high fares from legacy carriers are gone,” says Jones. “Flair, and ultra low-cost travel, is here to stay. No longer will Canadians pay a premium to explore their own country.” Flair Airlines expands with eight new destinations across Canada ULCC to bring low fare air travel to 18

cities by August, filling voids left by legacy carriers and ensuring affordable travel

options are available for Canadians Flair Airlines, Canada’s only independent ultra low-cost carrier (ULCC), is expanding service and will bring low fare air travel to 18 Canadian destinations by summer. Service to four of the new destinations will begin in May with more added in the coming months as non-essential travel within Canada safely restarts. Flair’s ambitious expansion focuses first on growing its domestic network. Flair’s network will expand beginning on May 1st

as service is added to Ottawa, ON; Kitchener-Waterloo, ON; Halifax, NS; and

Saint John, NB. Flair will add service in June to Thunder Bay, ON; and Charlottetown, PE; in July to Victoria, BC; and in August to Abbotsford, BC. “Canadians have been paying too much for too long, and we are changing that with our ULCC model that makes getting around Canada affordable,” says Stephen Jones, President & CEO. “Providing affordable air travel within Canada is the first step in restarting travel and tourism, and Flair is uniquely positioned with the efficiencies of our low-cost model. When

non-essential travel returns, Flair will be there to reconnect families and provide the low fares that have long been denied to Canadians.” “We strongly support the need for restricting non-essential travel as Canada works to bend the curve. Flair was one of the first airlines to reduce our network and focus exclusively on essential domestic travel,” says Jones. “We are confident, as travel returns, there is a strong market for low fare travel choices from a socially responsible Canadian airline. Flair’s ULCC business model doesn’t have the overhead and costs associated with legacy organizations and networks, and this allows our efficiencies to be passed along in our pricing.” About Flair Airlines Flair Airlines is Canada’s only independent Ultra Low-Cost Carrier (ULCC) with a mission to make travel affordable and accessible for all Canadians. With a fleet of 737-800 Next Generation aircraft, Flair currently serves ten cities and provides service exclusively in Canada. For more information please visit www.flyflair.com



Thunder Bay Ventures Supports Dozens of Local Businesses Thunder Bay Ventures (TBV) is supporting dozens of local businesses through covid relief loans and other business development projects. TBV fosters community development through innovation, modernization, diversification, and inclusion. The support they have provided local businesses has had a profound positive impact in helping businesses survive and thrive throughout the shutdowns. Through the Regional Relief and

Recovery Fund (RRRF), TBV is disbursing another $1,269,177 to local small business. The RRRF is designed to catch small businesses that did not qualify for the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA). To date, through the RRRF program, TBV has supported 83 small businesses with a disbursed total of $3,443,030. TBV has also partnered with Dougall Media to provide 32 local businesses an opportunity to showcase their business in the “Thunder Bay, Moving

Forward” initiative. This campaign gives small business the opportunity to advertise their business to the local community. The advertisements are featured on Television - Global Thunder Bay and CKPR Thunder Bay, as well as online at tbnewswatch.com. TBV has also partnered with Lakehead University’s Faculty of Law to bring Thunder Bay entrepreneurs a panel discussion on legal issues facing business owners. The panel discussion featured lawyers informing and answering

audience questions on topics such as employment contracts and Covid workplace health and safety. Thunder Bay Ventures along with its funder, FedNor, is proud to support small business in Thunder Bay. For more information on small business support availability, visit TBV’s Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter @TBayVentures, or phone TBV at 807-768-6650.

Mackenzie Tour – PGA TOUR Canada announces 2021 season and tournament plans Eight-tournament schedule begins in lateJuly, concludes in October TORONTO—The Mackenzie Tour – PGA TOUR Canada will return to action in 2021 with a set of eight tournaments available for players based in Canada. The PGA TOUR made the announcement June 10. A year after the global pandemic forced the cancellation of the 2020 season, and with restrictions still in place at the Canada-U.S. border, the Mackenzie Tour is giving competitive opportunities to players already in Canada through this eight-event schedule that begins in July and runs to October.

“We couldn’t be more thrilled to make this announcement. We always knew we would have PGA TOUR-affiliated golf in Canada in 2021, so it’s nice to finally make it official with the announcement of these eight tournaments,” said Scott Pritchard, Mackenzie Tour Executive Director. “We are appreciative to all of our partners, the golf courses where we’re playing, the communities that will host us for the week and Mackenzie Investments, which has been such a significant partner for so many years.”

just outside of Montreal on July 26-August 1. Following a two-week break, the Tour begins a seven-tournament-in-seven-week stretch, beginning August 16-22 at TPC Toronto at Osprey Valley for the Osprey Valley Open. Next is a two-week stay in Prince Edward Island for a pair of tournaments at two of the island’s finest golf courses. First up is the Prince Edward Island Open (August 23-29) at Dundarave Golf Club followed by the Brudenell River Classic (August 30-September 5) at Brudenell River Golf Course.

and the Tour offering some compelling season-ending incentive for these players,” Pritchard added.

The season begins in late-July, with the Mackenzie Investments Open at Club de Golf Le Blainvillier in the city of Blainville

Players will then travel west for a tournament to be announced at a later date and will be played the week of September 6-12, followed by Calgary’s ATB Financial Classic (September 13-19) at Country Hills Golf Club, both long-time Tour partners. The season concludes with a pair of tournaments in British Columbia, the GolfBC Championship at Gallagher’s Canyon Golf and Country Club (September 20-26) followed by the DCBank Open presented by Times Colonist at Uplands Golf Club (September 27-October 3).

Tour officials will continue to monitor the travel restrictions in place and adapt accordingly should policies change before or during the season.

The Mackenzie Tour and tournament organizers continue to monitor issues surrounding the global pandemic, and they have worked with local and provincial health authorities and will continue to do so leading up to the tournaments. Approvals to return to competition still need to happen across the country, but organizers remain encouraged that the tournaments will be able to take place based on the vaccine rollout. Even with the compacted schedule and the number of events played in consecutive weeks caused by continued pandemic issues, Pritchard sees this year’s set of tournaments and their place on the schedule as a good thing. “We believe there is a good pacing to our schedule, and the players will get in a lot of golf this summer in successive weeks. With the limited amount of competitive golf available over the last year, we know the players are anxious to get started and will embrace these events played at high-quality golf courses in the summer and into the fall,” Pritchard added. In 2020, the PGA TOUR conducted a fourtournament grouping of tournaments for players in Canada. What the Tour conducted last summer will serve as a model in 2021. “What I’m most excited about is that these players will have opportunities to compete at PGA TOUR-sanctioned events, the competitions taking place at quality golf courses

The top player at the conclusion of the season will earn full status on the 2022 Mackenzie Tour, while players finishing No. 2 through 5 on the Points List will receive conditional 2022 Mackenzie Tour status, which will gain them entry into the first set of events before the reshuffle. Finishers six through 10 will each earn a sponsor exemption into a 2022 Mackenzie Tour event.

2021 Mackenzie Tour – PGA TOUR Canada Schedule July 26-August 1 Mackenzie Investments Open Club de Golf Le Blainvillier Blainville, Quebec August 16-22 Osprey Valley Open TPC Toronto at Osprey Valley Caledon, Ontario August 23-29 Prince Edward Island Open Dundarave GC Brudenell, Prince Edward Island August 30-September 5 Brudenell River Classic Brudenell River GC Brudenell, Prince Edward Island September 6-12 TBD TBD TBD September 13-19 ATB Financial Classic Country Hills G&CC Calgary, Alberta September 20-26 GolfBC Championship Gallagher’s Canyon GC Kelowna, British Columbia September 27-October 3 DCBank Open presented by Times Colonist Uplands Golf Club Victoria, British Columbia



Happy Canada Day! How We Became Canada! By Sherry Aalto A little bit of what happened to me and how it all started!! Well, let’s start with how I got my name? Between 1534 and 1542, Jacques Cartier made three voyages across the Atlantic, claiming the land for King Francis I of France. Cartier heard two guides speak the Iroquoian work Kanata, meaning “village.” By the 1550’s, the name of CANADA began appearing on maps. Then in 1867, The Beginnings of Democracy Democratic institutions developed gradually and peacefully. The first representative assembly was elected in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1758. Prince Edward Island followed in 1773, New Brunswick in 1785. The Constitutional Act of 1791 divided the Province of Quebec into Upper Canada (later Ontario), which was mainly Loyalist, Protestant and English-speaking, and Lower Canada (later Quebec), heavily Catholic and French-speaking. The Act also granted to the Canadas, for the first time, legislative assemblies elected by the people. The name Canada also became official at this time and has been used ever since. The Atlantic colonies and the two Canadas were known collectively as British North America. Then there were a few wars, that were fought on my soil about me! One of the wars was over who was going to control the fur trade in Canada as the market for exporting beaver pelts to Europe was very lucrative business! Then later, there was the problem of which country was going to rule me? That was another issue entirely! I didn’t know who was going to be in control of me? Was it going to be the France? Was it going to be Spain? Was it going to be the Americans or Great Britain? Or was it going to be the First Nations? No matter who was the successor, the only thing I could do was watch! And, not through any fault of my own, my winters are so harsh up here in Canada that, a few poor souls succumb to the conditions of the elements! Well, on to some good news…I’m proud to say a few important people have brought recognition to me (CANADA) for their contributions for great things! Like, during the war of 1812 when The Duke of Wellington sent some of his best soldiers to defend Canada in 1814. He then chose Bytown (Ottawa) as the endpoint of the Rideau Canal, part of the network of forts to prevent the U.S.A. from invading Canada again. Wellington, who defeated Napoleon in 1815, therefore played a direct role in founding the National Capital. In 1813, Laura Secord, pioneer wife and mother of five children, made a dangerous, 19 miles, (30 KM), journey on foot to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon of a planned American attack. Her bravery contributed to victory at the Battle of Beavers Dam. She is recognized as a heroine to this day. Believing it would be easy to conquer Canada, the United States launched an invasion in June of 1812. The Americans were mistaken! Canadian volunteers and First Nations, including Shawnee, led by Chief Tecumseh, supported the British Troops in Canada’s defense. They defeated the American invasion in 1812-1814. Then there was the Rebellions of 183738…another episode of turmoil for me! In the 1800’s, reformers of Upper and Lower Canada believed that progress towards full democracy was moving too slowly. Some believed that Canada should adopt the Republicans values and even join the United States. When the armed rebellions broke out in the area just outside Montreal and in Toronto, the rebels didn’t have enough public support to succeed. They were defeated by the British Troops and Canadian Volunteers. Lord Durham, an English reformer sent to report on the rebellions, rec-

ommended that Upper and Lower Canada merge and be give “responsible government”. Some reformers, including Sir Etienne-Paschal Tache` and Sir George Etienne-Cartier, later became Fathers of Confederation, as did a former member of the voluntary Militia in upper Canada, Sir John A, Macdonald. Then finally…some great news!! Everyone has been fighting over me…I was really afraid what was going to happen to me!! So! From 1864 to 1867, representative of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada, with British created two levels of government, Federal and Provincial. The old Province of Canada was split into two provinces...Ontario and Quebec, which, together with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia formed the new country called the Dominion of Canada. Each province would elect its’ own legislature and have control over such areas as health and education. The British Parliament passed the British North America Act in 1867. The Dominion of Canada was officially born on July 1, 1867. Until 1982, July 1, was celebrated as

Dominion Day to commemorate the day that Canada became a self-governing Dominion. Today it is officially known as Canada Day. At the time of Confederation, the vote was limited to property-owning adult white males. This was common in most democratic countries at the time. The effort by women to achieve the right to vote is known as the women’s suffrage movement. Its founder in Canada was Dr. Emily Stowe, the first Canadian woman to practice medicine in Canada. In 1916, Manitoba became the first province to grant voting rights to women. In 1917, thanks to the leadership of women such as Dr. Stowe and other suffragettes, the federal government of Sir Robert Borden gave women the right to vote in federal elections — first to nurses at the battle front, then to women who were related to men in active wartime service. In 1918, most Canadian female citizens aged 21 and over were granted the right to vote in federal elections. In 1921 Agnes Macphail, a farmer and teacher, became the first woman MP. Due to the work of Thérèse Casgrain and others, Quebec granted women the vote in 1940. Expansion of the Dominion

1867 — Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, 1870 — Manitoba, Northwest Territories (N.W.T.), 1871 — British Columbia, 1873 — Prince Edward Island, 1880 — Transfer of the Arctic Islands (to N.W.T.) 1898 — Yukon Territory, 1905 — Alberta, Saskatchewan, 1949 — Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999 — Nunavut Look! I want every one of you to have the best time ever celebrating my birthday and I would like everyone to remember that you represent me and respect everyone. I am proud of what I am and who you are! You all should be proud of yourselves too and your ancestors and realize that everyone of your ancestors, and yourselves, had a part in how I came to be what I am today! And as we move forward as a nation remember, “my fate” will forever be in your hands! There is strength in number…so…together we stand for a stronger, the strongest Canada ever!! Thank you for reading my story…for it’s Your story too!



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