TBB February 2022

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Beautiful New FreshCo Store Opens In Thunder Bay!

INSIDE Lakehead University receiving $100k from Bell Let’s Talk to support students’ mental health FIRST COMES LOVE The NWMO releases Transportation Planning Framework and Preliminary Transportation Plan North Superior Publishing


Finnish Labour Temple Fire

Provincial program helps businesses improve safety and earn rewards



The NWMO releases Transportation Planning Framework and Preliminary Transportation Plan The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) has released two planning documents that address the wide range of priorities, questions and concerns heard to date from Canadians and Indigenous peoples about the transportation of used nuclear fuel. The

Transportation Planning Framework and the Preliminary Transportation Plan were designed to advance conversations and provide more information on how we plan to safely transport used nuclear fuel. Transportation is an essential part of

Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term management of the country’s used nuclear fuel. The used fuel will need to be moved from interim storage facilities near reactor sites across Canada to the deep geological repository site. The transportation program is expected to begin in the 2040s, once the repository is operational. “While transportation of used nuclear fuel won’t happen for at least 20 years, we know it’s a subject of broad public interest and we want to hear from Canadians and Indigenous peoples about what they want to see in a safe and socially acceptable transportation plan,” said Caitlin Burley, the NWMO’s Transportation Engagement Manager. “The planning framework and preliminary plan provide a solid foundation to advance our public dialogue as we develop more detailed site-specific transportation plans in the years to come.” The Transportation Planning Framework sets out objectives, priorities, and considerations for transporting used nuclear fuel. It was informed by public feedback on an initial draft released in August 2020.

Key updates include more discussion of

the importance of Indigenous voices in the planning process and an acknowledgement that people have concerns about existing infrastructure gaps and impacts. In addition, the document reflects a need to continue to engage with the public to ensure it remains aligned with their priorities over the 20-year planning process. Around the world, used nuclear fuel has been transported safely for more than five decades. Incorporating proven methods and best practices, the Preliminary Transportation Plan provides an overview of the technical approaches, regulatory requirements and planning assumptions that the NWMO will build on to ensure safe and secure transportation that protects people and the environment. “In 2015, we started an inclusive dialogue about transportation to hear from a diverse cross-section of individuals, municipalities, First Nation and Métis communities and organizations, and first responders,” said Caitlin Burley, the NWMO’s Transportation Engagement Manager. “To date, we have engaged with thousands of Canadians and Indigenous peoples to understand their perspectives, suggestions, questions and concerns related to the transportation of used nuclear fuel. And, like everything else we do, we are interweaving western science and Indigenous Knowledge into our transportation planning approaches.”


Publisher’s Note Scott Sumner

Finnish Labour Temple Fire all able to accommodate a queen or king bed with night stands, nice open hallways with 10 foot plus ceilings and good trim detail.The size of the units will range from low 800’s square feet to almost 1800 square feet. The condos will be in line with the market at the upper end because of the amenities being put into them such as high end flooring, kitchens, spray foam insulation in all the walls and high efficiency hot water boiler heat pumps in every unit which should create low utility bills.

Unfortunately a major fire on December 22 , 2021 has destroyed the Finnish Labour Temple structure and all the work that developer Brad McKinnon had done over the previous year. We hadjust interviewed Brad in April and had been following his progress over the year. It has been encouraging to hear that Brad has intentions of rebuilding the structure on the current site including some of it’s unique features. In our May 2021 issue of Thunder Bay Business we produced a feature on the project which prior to the fire was nearing completion. Here is some of that article from then. The Finnish Labour Temple had been a landmark in Thunder Bay since it opened March 1910! The historic building, located at 314 Bay Street in the Bay and Algoma district, has been the centre of the large Finnish community of Thunder Bay. The Hoito was an icon in Thunder Bay forever. Many guests from out of town as well as the people of Thunder Bay were frequent visitors to the Hoito and Bay Street area. In my own family I know my sister and her family would always make the Hoito a stop when visiting from Toronto. It is personally very sad for me to see the historic building in such a poor state and I guess slated for demolition. The famed Hoito restaurant located in the basement of the three storey building opened on May 1st, 1918. The Hoito was established to feed hungry bush workers that could find lodging but not a decent meal when they came into Port Arthur. It served affordable, home-cooked meals to residents and visitors in the Bay and Algoma District until it’s recent closing due to financial difficulties. The Finlandia and the Hoito have been the home to cooperative and labour movements, and served as the economic anchors of the Bay and Algoma area in the beginning and Finnish businesses started establishing themselves in the area soon afterwards. Some of which


included hotels, stores, bakeries and boarding houses, pool rooms, taxi services and of course, sauna. Brad McKinnon recently bought the Finnish Labour Temple, which includes the Hoito restaurant, and has begun major renovations to transform the historic property.

of about 4,000 to 5,000 square feet.They are adding extra living space up in third storey, which was the attic space, and increasing the size of the east side entrance going up two stories. So they have the original envelope of the building and are adding to it.

“ We have my own crew guys that work for me and local trades people from Thunder Bay including local electrician’s, plumbers, HVAC, sheet metal, drywall and other various trades,” said Brad. “ The time frame for completion is a quick as possible.We started November 16th, 2020, took a month off for Christmas, and started up again for 5 months so far. I would say by the end of this year we should have the first floor finished and people moving in. Early 2022 we will finish the second and third floors with an anticipated delivery date to the people of Thunder Bay- so the main floor this year and the second and third floors by first and second quarters of 2022.”

Brad lives in Southern Ontario but was born and raised in Sault Ste Marie. He then spent 4 years in Thunder Bay at Lakehead University taking Forestry and Biology as well as education. Brad worked in the forest industry in NW Ontario for Domtar and Buchanan in silver culture technology and then went on to education in Barrie as a teacher. He is now a realtor with Century 21 in Barrie and completes real estate developments. “ I loved the Hoito and the Bay and Algoma District as well as Thunder Bay while going to university, being partial to the Port Arthur side and lived on Van Norman Street then,” said Brad McKinnon. “ When I saw the Finnish Labour Temple up for sale I thought it could be a good opportunity to come in and rejuvenate the Hoito and the Bay and Algoma District. In my opinion the area looked a little run down, in need of some TLC. Renovating the Finnish Labour Temple and bringing new residents to the area could be good financially and socially to Port Arthur. We want to try and bring people back to the downtown core.”

There will also be the original Hoito Restaurant and Embassy Bar. The future of the Embassy Bar they are not sure of yet as it will depend on whether there is a higher or better use for the space.

“ This is a complex project. In essence we have taken away everything but the brick and exterior frame.We have also left the historic facade on the Bay Street side but are redoing the east side entrance facing Algoma. It was a mishmash of various renovations so we are trying to add something contemporary but also add to the heritage look.We also will clean up the parking lot and improve the whole lot.”says McKinnon. There will be 16 units in the property- 2 commercial and 14 residential. At this point they anticipate some sales and some rentals. In the next week or so the McKinnon team are going to start listing some units and see what the market demand is and what people are looking for. The citizens of Thunder Bay will tell us what they need notes McKinnon. The Finnish Labour Temple will become 27,000 square feet in size with an addition

Mckinnon recently purchased the old Kivela Bakery building which fronts onto Secord street and shares a laneway with the Finnish Labour Temple. There will be three phases of the overall project with the Finnish Labour Temple. Phase 2 will be a 9 unit building facing Algoma Street and Phase 3 will be a 14 unit building facing Secord Street, both brand new 3 story buildings with excellent views. Brad anticipates just the Finnish Labour Temple building renovation investment alone to be $ 3.5 to $ 4 million dollars.

Brad McKinnon, developer The apartment units will be well finished with nice kitchens with Quartz counters tops, well equipped bathrooms, bedrooms

“ We aren’t setting an actual date of construction of the next two buildings yet. I would like to start this year but the high cost of materials make it difficult.We are seeing the cost of lumber up as much as 350%compared to last year. The cost of a 7/16 exterior sheeting for example is $50 now versus $12 last year.The high prices make it difficult for developers. We are in an inflationary period right now.” notes McKinnon. I have talked to other business owners in the neighbour and the reaction has been excellent.” I hope Brad and his team can rebuild the Finnish Labour Temple on the original site with some of the historic features in place.



Provincial program helps businesses improve safety and earn rewards Ontario businesses can register for health and safety program by Feb. 18 When it comes to health and safety, many Ontario businesses are uncertain of where to start. That’s where the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Health and Safety Excellence program comes in. The provincial Health and Safety Excellence program helps businesses develop their own workplace health and safety programs, network, and learn—all with the potential for earning a WSIB premium rebate.

role in flood forecasting, water level monitoring and the administration of development regulations. We also own, operate, and maintain recreational conservation areas where people can go hiking and trail running, and we supply education programming. We’re a very interesting and unique organization and there’s 36 of us in the province of Ontario, which is the only province with conservation authorities. Have you recognized a reduction in work-

The networking aspect of the program is extremely beneficial. This has slowed down a little due to the pandemic, but it’s always really interesting to hear different perspectives from other companies of different sizes to help frame and contextualize health and safety issues across the board. Also, networking in terms of resource-sharing and support has been helpful.

How did the Excellence program affect your workplace?

The standard samples and organized approach that WSN and the program itself have, lends itself to efficient policy development. There’s a lot of resources in place that make it easier than starting from scratch with a blank Word document.

We’re fairly collaborative in how we develop or decide which policies we need, so it’s really brought health and safety to the forefront. We’ve gone almost a complete 180 as an organization. Before, safety was hardly talked about, now, it’s what we lead with. Everybody needs to buy in and take part in our health safety program. That’s a mandatory condition of employment here now.

The pandemic has brought workplace health and safety to the forefront of public awareness, and the Excellence program guides and rewards businesses for the activities they undertake to help keep workers and the public safe.

There are support and resources in place that help organizations that may be worried about adding more work; there are mechanisms in place that alleviate that. I think the resources provided are excellent.

As an approved provider, Workplace Safety North (WSN) has registration available until Feb. 18 for its 2022 Excellence program and encourages Ontario organizations to apply.

The Workplace Safety North staff are a fantastic resource. Whenever I email or call, I get very quick responses, and any issues I’ve had have been fixed as quickly as possible.

Ryan Mackett, Communications Manager with the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority in Thunder Bay, talked about the benefits of the program and the following interview has been edited for clarity and length. Can you tell us a bit about your organization? Conservation authorities play a significant

place injuries or an improvement in workplace safety culture? We have 11 full-time permanent staff, and there haven’t been any workplace injuries here for quite a while. I think that the standards we created as part of the program last year clarified a few things and has affected our workplace culture in a positive way. What are the benefits of the program for you?

Of course, the other benefit or reward is that if you do your five topics and you are successful in implementing them, the rebate is a nice perk. I can honestly say that the rebate is part of why we joined, but first and foremost, our reason is that we needed help in developing and implementing a proper, sound health safety program.

The program positively influenced our workplace. Our health and safety culture has become top of mind for everybody. I’m regularly working on health and safety items, and they’re always being discussed or referenced.

Would you recommend other firms joining the excellence program, and if so, why? One hundred percent I’d recommend it, especially if your organization needs that extra little bit of assistance or direction in how to properly develop a health and safety program. That’s where this program really shines. I think some larger corporations have dedicated health and safety staff and that’s all they do, and I think there’d still be a benefit for organizations like that. The direction and structure provided by the Excellence program is extremely beneficial. For more information, visit workplacesafetynorth.ca.

Top Six Selling Bloopers (and how to avoid them) Sports bloopers often about preventable errors that favor the other team. The classic is when players score against their own side. In the world of business, there are similar blunders – particularly during buying conversations with potential customers – that end up favoring the competition. As I explain in my seminars for sales teams, it’s not always a shortfall in your company’s product, price, or service that ruins a potential sale. Often it’s inadvertent comments that put customers off just enough for them to choose your competitor. Unfortunately, sales reps are usually unaware they commit these offences so they keep repeating them. See if you or your team members ever make these top six selling gaffs. 1. Insulting their intelligence Let’s assume that if a customer is in a posi-

tion of authority in their company (meaning they are trusted to make significant buying decisions) they must be somewhat streetwise and smart. That means that any kind of pushy, manipulative sales approach is going to backfire. You need to enter a buying conversation presupposing that this customer is an intelligent, well intentioned grown-up. Your comments should include a healthy dose of, “You probably already know…”, “At your level, you’ve likely experienced…”, “For you this is obvious; the challenge is your staff may not be aware…” 2. Not Listening Contrary to popular opinion, the most important part of a sales pitch is not your value proposition. The most important part of a pitch is demonstrating your understanding of that specific customer’s unique circumstances. That requires asking pointed questions that help customers see for themselves where there are opportunities for improvement. Then verify your understanding with statements like, “Sounds like you…(summarizing their situation).”

3. Insulting the competition If your potential customer is currently doing business with your competitor, it’s fine to compare your offerings, but be careful not to criticize the competition. After all, the customer decided to do business with them. So slamming the competition is tantamount to telling the customer that he or she made a bad choice. (See point #1 – insulting the customer). 4. Ignoring objections If you propose a solution that ignores a customer’s objection or concern, you are essentially saying that you weren’t listening (see point #2 – not listening). That requires being transparent in how your proposal either addresses their concerns, or it provides extra value that could outweigh their concerns. The key is we shouldn’t pretend we didn’t hear or value their initial objections.

the weather, you name it. Ironically, one of the easiest ways to gain trust is to quickly admit ignorance about anything the customer seems to know a lot about. Showing respect by deferring to your customers’ knowledge and expertise helps them become more receptive to yours. 6. Ignoring the influencers It’s easy to focus on the key decision maker – presumably the economic buyer. After all, they are the people who will approve the payment. And yet by focusing on that ‘bag of money’ we are inadvertently insulting the people who may have more say in the matter than anyone. The father of the bride may be paying the bill, but imagine the consequences of a wedding planner ignoring the wishes of the bride and her mother! (We all know the groom has no influence – he just needs to do what he’s told). The lesson is no one should feel like they’re being ignored. Bottom line – Effective selling has less to do with pushiness and manipulation, and more to do with good manners and respect. Talk less. Listen more. Allow your competitors to blunder their way out of their customers’ good graces and send them into your capable hands. Here’s to you not dropping the ball.

5. Being a know it all It takes time and effort to gain trust. Yet it’s so easy to lose. It happens when we stray out of our own area of expertise and claim to be an expert in… politics, sports, raising kids,

Jeff Mowatt is a customer service strategist, Hall of Fame speaker, and bestselling author. For more tips, training tools or to inquire about engaging Jeff for your team visit www.JeffMowatt.com



Beautiful New FreshCo Store Opens In Thunder Bay! BY SCOTT A. SUMNER

Thunder Bay BUSINESS We sat down with Brandon recently to talk about the new FreshCo store in Thunder Bay and his involvement in

I was the Store Manger here and oversaw the closure of the location as Safeway in preparation for the FreshCo conversion. The store was going to become a FreshCo franchise and I applied for the opportunity and

Brandon Farough, Store Owner/ Operator the project. 1. Brandon you have a beautiful new FreshCo store here in Thunder Bay! I understand you are very familiar with the location as you have worked here for many years when it was a Safeway? Yes I spent over 15 years with Safeway starting at this location. I worked in the Deli and Meat Departments through high school. While studying at Lakehead University I started to transition into more management roles eventually becoming an assistant manager at the location. After graduating from Lakehead, I entered Safeway’s Manager training program and worked for 3 years as a 1st Assistant Manager at the Arthur Street location before being promoted to Store Manager and moving to Thompson Manitoba to run that location for 5 years. Brandon studied business/commerce and completed his degree in political science and economics at Lakehead Univrsity. He grew up right around the corner, living just minutes from the store. 2. Tell me about how you came to be managing and running this location?

Recently I had the opportunity to move back home to Thunder Bay and manage the Court Street Safeway location.

was chosen to become the Franchise Owner/Operator. I spent the next 5 months preparing to reopen the location. 3. What are the unique features of a FreshCo store for the people of Thunder Bay and NW Ontario? I was excited to bring the FreshCo

banner to Thunder Bay and to the neighbourhood because customers had asked me for years, when are you going to lower the prices and when are you going to update this location. FreshCo’s goal is to bring lower food prices to Thunder Bay and offer a simplified shopping experience that will save you money. We have a fantastic offering of Fresh Produce, Meats, Deli and Bakery items. Our Grocery department has an easy to navigate specious layout that covers all the key categories.

British, Italian, Greek, Latin, Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, and Middle Eastern. Other features include, bulk foods, floral, full-service pharmacy, specialty deli meats and cheese, cut fruit, and hot in-store cooked chickens. We have 3 money saving guarantees. Lowest Price Guarantee, In-Stock Guarantee and our Double Fresh Guarantee.

We have also introduced many international categories such as: European,


Many people are discovering the store has many unique items hard to find in the area and are coming back.



Beautiful New FreshCo Store Opens In Thunder Bay! Continued 4. The building has undergone an extensive renovation and looks basically brand new. How did that process go and what were the time frames involved?

It is truly amazing the transformation that took place in such a short time. In basically 5 months this 60 year old grocery store was brought into the modern era. We closed on May 15 and began emptying the store. The team that stayed back worked very hard and within a couple weeks it was com-

pletely empty and construction began. The Pharmacy remained open the entire time in a temporary facility across the street. The incredible work of all the local companies that worked on this project allowed for us to get back in and prepare to open. We set and stocked the store throughout October and opened on Oct 28. Just undoing a grocery store that had been running for so long was a huge task. The main goal at the time was to properly close the store. Brandon had to step back and let the construction people do their thing, following the progress and doing lots of training online and from Winnipeg. Other things had to be prepared behind the scenes. Everything in the store had to be looked at during the construction phase and almost redone. Some things from Safeway were still able to be reused but it is mostly all new. The store is 36,000 square feet used by FreshCo and 7600 square feet has been set aside for a future tenant. The old deli and meat department was in that space.

cious store and the lower prices. Most importantly the customers, especially those from the area, have missed stopping in and seeing the employees. While some did retire or move to the other Safeway locations, we did staff approximately half of the store with returning Safeway employees with some of them having up to 40+ years of service at the location. The entire pharmacy staff remained on and moved into the new location.

5. You recently opened and how has the store been received so far?

These familiar faces combined with the great new teammates has made the shopping experience incredible.

The feedback from the customers has been positive beyond anything I could have imagined. Customers love the Fresh departments, they love the product assortment, the bright clean spa-

FreshCo Thunder Bay have approximately 75 employees at the store. About half of them came from Safeway and the rest are new. There was quite a bit of work to train the new employees. Many people applied for the jobs. Continued



Beautiful New FreshCo Store Opens In Thunder Bay! Continued The entire pharmacy stayed on.These staff members along with the new team members have made for a great shopping experience here. Over the years Brandon has learned especially at a

some time now, I still have many years ahead of me. I wanted to be the Franchise Owner at this location because it meant the most to me personally. I grew up only minutes away from the store and know and love the

Extensive renovations were undertaken at FreshCo

neighbourhood store like this it is about the people and having that conversations at the till. People come first. It is all about the staff and customers. 6. You are quite young in your position. How has it been so far becoming an entrepreneur? Although I have been doing this for

neighbourhood. My familiarity with the community and area has allowed me to customize the store to match what customers wanted from us. I have brought in great local products such as fresh baked daily bread, buns and pastries from Bennetts Bakery, Vanderwees Eggs, Heartbeat Hot Sauce, Thunder Oak Cheese, North Country Garlic Sausage, B&B pota-

toes, Pops Kettle Corn to name a few. It is Brandon’s responsibility to make sure this business is run properly and profitable for years to come. Nothing

is guaranteed but up to the team to operate well and make it come together. Continued



Beautiful New FreshCo Store Opens In Thunder Bay! Continued 7. What are your impressions of the current Thunder Bay economy and how do you enjoy living and working in Thunder Bay?

Moving away from Thunder Bay gave me a different perspective and opened my eyes to how great Thunder Bay truly is. It is amazing to see and be

part of the Downtown revitalization and see all the new development and business moving into the area. Prince Arthur’s Landing has become the most beautiful waterfront and a national destination. Thunder Bay is home and always will be. Myself, my wife and daughter, age 3, have our friends and family here and couldn’t be happier to be given this opportunity.

FreshCo Offers . Double Fresh Guarantee – If you are not satisfied, we will replace your item and refund your money. · Lowest Price Guarantee – We will price match select competitor’s flyers. · In-Stock Guarantee – If we are out of stock on a flyer items, we will give you a rain check with an additional 10% off.



FIRST COMES LOVE ©2022 Brian Babcock Then comes marriage. But where does a new will fit in this picture?

Legal Matters Prior to January 1st 2022, if you had an existing will and got married, the marriage automatically revoked your existing will unless the will was “made in contemplation of marriage”. If you were living with your spouse without marriage and then got married that will would become invalid the will, but this remained a trap for the unwary.

The amendments to the Act remove that trap but create a new issue. For example, if while unmarried you had made a will in favor of your nieces and nephews, that will would still be valid even after your marriage. Because of this we still recommend that couples planning to marry meet with their lawyer to review their current situation, and revise their estate plans, including their wills, accordingly. A new will is cheaper than leaving a mess behind and can be a happy occasion. The second major change effective January 1st is that separation, as defined in the law, now makes a will invalid in certain circumstances. Previously, only the final divorce invalidated an existing

will in favour of your spouse. This amendment applies retroactively to include wills made prior to January 1st 2022 but, without an agreement or order, only if the separation continues for three years after January 1st 2022. In other words, the soonest that the will could be invalidated by separation would be January 1st 2025. Until then you would still want to revoke the will or make a new will as part of your fresh estate plan to protect your assets from your soon to be former spouse.

tion planning, review all your assets and designations to make sure they still reflect your wishes. There are many complexities beyond this very general description of the new law. For that reason, there is even more reason to consult your Weilers Law team about your estate planning needs. Do it yourself is not a solid investment. Everyone at Weilers Law hopes that you enjoy a Happy Valentine’s Day. Whether or not you find love, we are here to help you plan for your future.

These changes affect your will only. They do not affect other aspects of your estate planning such as joint tenancies, preferred beneficiary designations under pensions or insurance plans, or Powers of Attorney. As part of your post separa-

Lakehead University receiving $100k from Bell Let’s Talk to support students’ mental health Bell Let’s Talk announced $1 million in grants to 16 Canadian post-secondary schools, including $100,000 to Lakehead University. This funding will assist with Lakehead's initiative to support students’ mental health by building individual capacity to sustain well-being and increase the availability and scope of resources accessible to students.

existing mental health challenges in 78 per cent of students, but it has created new challenges for 64 per cent, and while some students remain optimistic, the percentage has dropped by five per cent in the past year to 41 per cent. “Bell’s commitment to student mental health is an ongoing priority especially as students continue to be impacted by the effects of the pandemic,” said Mary Deacon, Chair of Bell Let’s Talk.

focus on Bell’s digital toolkit to ensure post-secondary institutions can safely engage students in virtual ways across the country.

· short films about mental illness, hope and recovery Bell Let’s Talk Day is January 26 – Join the conversation!

The toolkit is designed to keep the student mental health conversation going during the challenges of COVID-19 and contains the following resources:

On Bell Let’s Talk Day, Bell donates 5 cents to Canadian mental health programs for every applicable text, local or long distance call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, every Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video, and every use of the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or Snapchat lens. All at no cost to participants beyond what they would normally pay their service provider for online or phone access. To learn more, please visit Bell.ca/LetsTalk.

· virtual photo booth for students, faculty and staff to post selfies and share personalized mental health messages · wellness activities that encourage awareness and self-care · a digital Bell Let’s Talk flag to be shared on social media channels and websites

“We are thrilled to have our submission chosen by Bell,” said Cheryl D’Angelo, Lakehead University’s Director of Student Health and Wellness. “This grant will help Lakehead implement initiatives that align with the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students.” The initiative includes a mental health screening program, increased training for members of Lakehead’s campus communities to recognize signs of distress, the development of a mental health dashboard and a campus-wide anti-stigma campaign. “Thank you to Bell Let’s Talk for helping Lakehead do even more to assist our students,” said Dr. Moira McPherson, Lakehead’s President and Vice-Chancellor. “We recognize that the pandemic has caused unique challenges for students and we know that this funding will allow Lakehead to increase our ability to help students in need.” According to the 2021 survey by the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, the pandemic has not only worsened pre-

“We are proud to continue our support of post-secondary institutions’ efforts to expand, enhance or establish programs that support student mental health and wellbeing, and ultimately student success.” In 2021, Lakehead University received a $25,000 grant from Bell Let’s Talk allowing researchers to study how COVID-19 impacted physical activity behaviour and mental health in university students. Two researchers from Lakehead University’s School of Kinesiology, Dr. Ian Newhouse, Director/Professor, and Dr. Erin Pearson, Associate Professor, led the research project thanks to the Bell Let’s Talk Post-Secondary Fund. To date, Bell Let’s Talk has awarded more than $4 million in grants to Canadian postsecondary institutions, starting with more than $3 million in initial grants to over 120 schools in early 2021. Bell Let’s Talk 2022 Campus Campaign Now reaching students at more than 225 colleges, universities and cégeps in every province and territory, this year’s Bell Let’s Talk Campus Campaign continues to



How Can Chiropractic Care Improve Your Overall Health? Chiropractors are the third largest primary health care profession in Canada. Over 4.7 million Canadians visit a chiropractor each year. Chiropractic is based on the basic principles that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism and that the nervous system is the master control of all systems in the body. Chiropractors specialize in the spine and all its related parts which include nerves, bones, joints, and muscles. The spinal cord is an extension of the brain and runs down your spinal column. Nerves branch off at each bone in your neck and back and send out information to your

entire body. Because of this, problems in the spine can potentially affect several other bodily areas such as your shoulders, arms and hands, or hips, legs, and feet as well as bodily functions such as digestion, breathing, balance, concentration, and sleep. Chiropractors are

trained to look at a person’s health wholistically rather than as separate parts. The general understanding is that all parts of the body are connected and problems in one area can influence parts of the body both near and far. As well as the physical aspects, wholistic health care recognizes that your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are also all connected. Another basic life principle that chiropractors support is that life is about movement and humans can not reach good health without all their parts moving. From each joint in your body to

your various muscles to your digestive, cardiovascular, hormonal, and lymphatic systems to inside every cell in your body. As such chiropractors will focus on increasing movement and proper function of your entire neuro-musculoskeletal (NMSK) system to help you achieve a higher level of health. We do this with several manual techniques to adjust or manipulate the joints. Supporting techniques to complement chiropractic adjustments may include various soft tissue therapies, acupuncture, laser, or other modalities. To support what we do in the office patients are educated on proper ergonomics at home and work, stretch and strengthening exercises and other lifestyle modifications such as diet and sleep. Here is a common example of a chiropractic patient. A person visits a chiropractor complaining of headaches, neck pain and numbness in their right hand. Because of this they experience poor sleeps and difficulty concentrating. They have decreased their exercise routines because of pain, or they just don’t have the energy. This inactivity causes them to sit more, watching television and snacking in the evenings. Are these all related or do they have separate origins. Are these new injuries or old ones that come and go? Are there other health issues that could be the cause such as uncorrected vision, high blood pressure, or more serious health issues? How much is influenced by mental stress, emotional trauma, or poor diet? After a detailed history and thorough examination, the chiropractor will decide whether they can help. If the cause of the injuries appears to be of a NMSK nature, then chiropractic care is most likely the best option for care. Headaches often have a cervicogenic origin (originate in the neck). Neck pain can be from misaligned neck joints or muscle strain. Hand numbness can often be caused by nerve irritation in the neck or repetitive strain injuries in the shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Ultimately the goal with chiropractic care is to help the body heal more quickly and restore proper alignment of body movement patterns. This will increase overall function and strength and often significantly reduces pain. The positive cascade then allows for better more restful sleeps. Better sleeps will increase energy and concentration. To support the bodies healing the patient will be educated on the best ways to sleep, how to set up a computer workstation to reduce repetitive strain injury, types of exercises to both reduce reoccurrence and to maintain a higher function overall. Chiropractic is a very safe and effect form of conservative heath care that helps improve the body’s overall function, health, and wellness. James DiGiuseppe is a local chiropractor with a busy family and wellness practice. For more health information or to contact Dr. DiGiuseppe visit: www.portarthurchiropractic.com




Great Outdoors Several years ago I was able to go on an amazing snowmobile adventure in Quebec. Now that Covid is sort of improving in our world I hope to travel again soon! The people of Quebec have a passion for the sport of snowmobiling. It was fun for me to travel to the town of Saint Raymond for three exciting days of riding

on their comprehensive trail system. It was very easy to fly to Quebec City from my hometown of Thunder Bay. You have your choice of many flights on Air Canada, Westjet or Porter. After leaving at 8am I was in the beautiful Quebec City terminal building at 12:30 and ready to begin my adventure. Annie Martel of the Development Office of Saint Raymond was there to meet me and we began our 40 minute drive east to Saint Raymond with lots of snow evident on the ground. Our first stop was to the Hotel Roquement which features 44 rooms, including 17 brand new with a recent addition, as well as dining area, bar and even a gated compound to store your snowmobile. This hotel caters very much to the snowmobiler and offers packages that feature breakfast and dinner included. This very nice property is located right on the trail that allows you to explore 500 km in Saint Raymond alone! A few miles away is Quebec’s largest Ski Doo dealer, Dion Moto. A great feature of Dion Moto is they will pick you up at the Quebec City airport and bring you to their location eliminating the need for a rental car. Dion Moto is a very impressive snowmobile dealer that sells 500 sleds per year including 300 brand new and 200 used Ski Doos. Their market is 60% from the area including Quebec City and 40% from the northern regions. They have 35 employees and operate from a 25,000 square foot building. Very interesting is their building previously was a motel operation. They purchased the building and have made it their own including large showroom, rental area, enclosed sled storage space and even a used showroom in the basement. It is really quite impressive and great to see if you are a snowmobile lover. The rental side of the business sees 60% of their business from Quebec and area and 40%

European people. The European audience rides during the week and weekends the renters are from Montreal and Quebec. We now had our Ski Doo Expedition 600 ACE and were ready to begin our snowmobile adventure the next day. Our first ride was to Lake Edward, 160 kilometers one way up into the mountains to Demain Lake Edward. The day was bright and sunny, about -9 degrees Celsius

and our group of 11 was ready to put on some kilometers! The first thing I noticed riding was the excellent marking of the trails. You had signage everywhere you needed and this makes you feel more comfortable riding in a new area. Of course our guide today was the local Snowmobile Club President who knew the trails like the back of his hand and also had a GPS mounted on his sled!” The great riding continued for two moredays. My trip to Saint Raymond was excellent and included 600 kilometers of great snowmobiling. The people here were

the highlight of the trip. The small town nature of the area meant everyone you met was very genuine and ready to help at all times. Their goal is to make your time

there special! I would like to thank Christine, Dave and Annie for all their help during my visit and I hope to return again one day.



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