Visit Antigua & Barbuda 2018

Page 57

devoured eggs, chicks and reptiles. Goats


ensured that vegetation did not thrive,

Our country’s waters are home to

numbers decimated because of the numerous challenges they face from

and the handful of trees that remained survived only by clinging to cliffs out of

foraging sea turtles: leatherbacks, green,

eggs to adulthood. Predators such

hawksbill and loggerheads. During the day, a sea turtle may be spotted gliding

as rats and mongooses ravage

through the water or bobbing up and

isle was overrun by 6,000 rats, which

their reach. Redonda is globally recognised as an

Sea turtles have had their

eggs. Humans have compounded

important bird area because of its

down in sea grass beds. During the

the problem by the overconsumption of turtle meat and eggs. In

significant nesting seabird populations of brown, masked and red-footed boobies;

night, female turtles lumber ashore to

addition, turtles get caught in

dig nests, where they will deposit as

fishnets or are struck by boat

magnificent frigate birds; and red-billed

many as 150 eggs the size of golf balls.

propellers. Their shells as well are

tropicbirds. Redonda is also home to

The warmer the nests, the more females produced; the colder the nests, the more

prized for jewellery making.

males. After two months, hatchlings

properties can cause hatchlings to become disoriented and go towards the road rather than to the sea, where they meet their demise. The ASTP volunteers spend late hours on dark beaches, monitoring nesting turtles. Thanks to ASTP, locals learn about these amazing creatures and efforts to ensure their survival. Additionally, the ASTP team facilitates walks where residents and visitors can assist in monitoring turtles as they come ashore, nest and return to the sea.

critically endangered species of reptiles including the Redonda pygmy gecko, the Redonda tree lizard, and the Redonda ground dragon. The Redonda Restoration Programme, a collaboration of the Environmental Awareness Group, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, and Fauna & Flora International — has stepped in to reverse the degradation of the island. The goats have been relocated to Antigua, and the rats have all been removed. Seedlings have sprouted, and we wait with great anticipation to see Redonda once again become a thriving ecosystem.

emerge from their shells, usually at night, and make for the sea, guided by the light of the moon. It’s estimated that only 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings will survive to adulthood. Sea turtles play a huge role in balancing ecosystems. For example, green turtles, considered lawn mowers of the sea, keep sea grass beds well manicured. Leatherbacks love jellyfish, which are big consumers of fish eggs and larvae, and keep their population under control.

Bright lighting of beachfront

BE A RESPONSIBLE VISITOR We’re pleased that you are discovering our islands and hope that you’ll help us with our conservation efforts. Here’s how: • When visiting offshore islands, be sure to check your belongings for any invasive items, including ants and seeds. • Do not disturb nesting birds. You may cause eggs to crack, and chicks may be exposed to extreme heat. • When leaving, take all your garbage with you. • Whilst on the coast or on a boat, secure all items. An animal that mistakes the article for food may ingest anything blown away. • Stick only to established paths to minimise disturbance to wildlife. • Take lots of photos and tell everyone about your fantastic time on our shores!



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