Northern Connection Magazine February 2015

Page 20



Sticking With It BY JOELLA BAKER


ast month, I talked about resolutions and how starting a resolution is simply half the battle. Sticking with it is the true battle. It’s so easy to give up when you miss a few days or even a couple weeks. However, don’t throw it all away. Stick with it so you can be successful. One of the problems is that we start our resolutions in January. Our worst month for weather. It’s cold, it’s dark and it’s simply hard to get out and be active. But think about it. If you can get through January and February and stick to your resolution, then staying with it as the weather gets better will be so much easier. This month, I want you to make things easy for yourself. Use these tips to get your resolution going and stick with it for the rest of the winter. Set very realistic goals: Don’t just say you want to lose weight or eat healthier. Say I want to workout 3

days a week. I want to lose 15 pounds. I want to eat fruits and veggies with every meal. Write your resolution down and post it where you have to look at it every day. You need that reminder every day of what your goals are. Post it, look at it, live it! Enlist the support of your friends and family. If you’re lucky, they’ll have similar goals and you can work on your resolutions together. Encourage people to be helpful and supportive. Take action immediately. Sign up for a gym membership or buy any equipment you need, hire a personal trainer or coach. Join Weight Watchers® or a weight loss group at your gym so you have support throughout the process. Do something you enjoy: The biggest mistake most people make is they try things they don’t enjoy. If you don’t like to run, then don’t run. Pick the type of exercise you really love and enjoy. Walking, cycling, swimming, strength training, Zumba, yoga or aerobics. Pick something you love so you can stick with it. Find someone to workout with: This winter, find a training buddy. Someone to keep you accountable and make sure you will stick to your plan. Try something new: Outdoor winter sports like snow shoeing, skiing, cross country skiing, winter hiking or sled riding can all entice you to get outside this winter and have fun. Never be afraid to try something new. Try a cleanse: When it comes to nutrition, kicking off your nutrition resolution with a cleanse can kick-start your metabolism and get you on track to a healthier weight and life style. I like the Standard Process Cleanse. It takes you back to how we should eat. It takes us back to the basics. After a cleanse you will find yourself leaner and more energetic. Balance your nutrition: Focus on vegetables, good fats from fish, nuts and vegetables, lean protein from lean meats and fish and fresh fruits to take care of that sweet tooth craving. Set incremental goals and reward yourself for partial successes. If you lose 5 pounds towards your 15 pound goal, buy yourself some new workout clothes. The key is to enjoy your resolution and your success. Don’t beat yourself up if you get off track. Just jump back in. Most of all, make sure you’re having fun along the way and never give up! F


Northern Connection | February 2015

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