Normandale Connections
A CONGREGATIONAL UPDATE DURING COVID-19 GREETINGS TO YOU, DEAR PEOPLE OF NORMANDALE! We will turn the calendar on 2020! We will see 2021 together! We will emerge stronger, more connected, and ready again to sing our praises to God! We will continue to serve our neighbors in need! And we will build a future in which our children, and our children’s children, will rejoice! “For those…who come after us!” Pastor Ian’s sermon on October 18, implored us to consider the question, “Is the neighbor being served?” It hearkens us to the voice of Jesus, to the Scriptures, to Martin Luther, pointing us to our foundational understanding of calling. We do not ask "what is the meaning of life?" Instead, we ask "what is it that makes our lives meaningful?" In serving our neighbors, our question fades into acts of lovingkindness. And so, in this liminal season, as we wander the wilderness of pandemic, we ground ourselves in serving others, seeking the well-being of others, living for others, under the theme of “For those…who come after us!” We do not lose heart, for our work is essential now more than ever. As we serve one, we lay down a stone in a bridge our children will cross. As we reach out to one, we plant a tree, the shade in which our children’s children’s children will sit. As we live generously today, we bless the many tomorrows. Read this publication and follow NLC communications in the final months of this most important year! Please prayerfully prepare your giving to 2021 ministry. See the impact our congregation has as we band together our gifts. Hear the voices of those who partner with us in service. Take in the spirits of the ancestors upon whose shoulders we now stand, so that we might be the shoulders for generations to come.
INSIDE... 2 | Edging Back Into Community 3 | Confirmation Class of 2020 4 | A Season "For Those..." 6 | NLC By the Numbers 8 | Congregational Family Updates
Thank you for your generosity that has sustained us through 2020. Look now out 11 | Church Business ahead, as we wade into the river, across which God’s promises will be fulfilled! and Resources “For those…who come after us!” To God be the glory, now and forever!! Alongside you in ministry, Pastor Paul
EDGING BACK INTO COMMUNITY Grief and gratitude. We are grieving over being apart for so long, but also overwhelmingly grateful for blessings found in online worship and other virtual connections. For some, it is enough for now. For others, there is a deep longing for return. The diversity of feelings and comfort levels around returning reveals that there are no easy answers. The tension between our longing to be together and keeping each other safe is palpable. Your pastors, staff, and church council are listening as we offer soft, safe openings, edging our way back into community. You are the church, the body of Jesus Christ. Continue to reach out to one another in love, putting a stone in the bridge, as we walk across into the unknown future. EDGING BACK INTO... SUNDAY SCHOOL In September, we launched our new COVID-friendly Anytime! Anywhere! Sunday School! Families work in small pods of two to three families over Zoom or socially-distanced in person. This for-
mat has given families an opportunity to safely connect and build small communities once a week while focusing on faith formation. EDGING BACK INTO... HOW WE WILL EMERGE Together in Stillness, Normandale members are meeting (virtually) in small contemplative discernment groups to pray, listen and wrestle with this question. With the Holy Spirit as their guide, the fruits of their experience will strengthen our community connections and prepare our congregation for the emerging church that God is cultivating. We are recording, gathering and considering this collective wisdom and, together, we will respond to God’s call.
EDGING BACK INTO... COMMUNITY DINNERS The return of Wednesday Night Community Meals (drive-thru edition) has been a great success! With only a few small hiccups, we have pivoted to an order-ahead and pick-up model. It has been heartening to see your beautiful masked faces as we safely hand over delicious family meals.
Order online Thursday–Monday, or by calling the church office on Thursdays. Consider placing an additional order to deliver to a friend on your way home! We continue to break bread together while we await the day we are once again in Fellowship Hall. EDGING BACK INTO... COMMUNITY EVENTS TRICK-OR-TREATING @ NLC Happy Halloween! The Normandale community is finding creative ways to connect! On Saturday, October 31st, 140 trick-or-treaters visited our all-community drive-thru trick-or-treating event.
NLC staff donned Halloween costumes and handed out special treats in the parking lot. A very NOISY offering was also collected to benefit Every Meal (formerly Sheridan Story). Watch for other opportunities to safely connect as a faith community. Separated for Now, Together in Christ Always!
THANKSGIVING After carefully considering the nature of our annual Thanksgiving service (lots of singing! big crowds!), staff and council decided to cancel the service for 2020. To help stay together as a community, NLC is planning a Thanksgiving "Dinner Drop & Pie Pick-Up!" In a topsy-turvy year, Let's do Thanksgiving in reverse: Come get dessert first, then give a meal away! Your generous non-perishable food and financial donations will benefit the CES food shelf. Drop off your gift and pick up a piece of pumpkin pie from our pastors! Wednesday, November 25, 5:00-7:00 pm at the canopy entrance.
EDGING BACK INTO COMMUNITY EDGING BACK INTO... THE WORSHIP SPACE In October, NLC started offering an opportunity for quiet, contemplative prayer in the worship space, allowing for up to 30 people in the space at a time. “I cannot begin to tell you what that [time] meant to me...just being there once again and seeing the altar, the cross, the stained glass... when Pastor Paul took his place at the pulpit to pray and read the day's lessons, I wept. I could envision the Liturgical Dancers, the Thanksgiving cornucopia, the Chrstmas trees, Communion, Sunday school, people all over the fireside room having coffee...the place was FULL for me. It was a precious time today. Driving home I realized how truly revived and uplifted I felt! Just to be there. Thank you, thank will be my weekly something to look forward to.” -Kim Pinkham, NLC Member
Look for sign ups for Prayer in the Worship Space in the Thursday Weekly Teaser emails. EDGING BACK INTO... CONFIRMATION & HSHO Though we have been mainly gathering virtually, Normandale Youth are finding creative ways to stay connected to one another and our community of faith in Confirmation, High School Hangout (HSHO) and on the High School Leadership Team (HSLT). Each week, 60-70 7th-9th graders and small group leaders gather with Maggie and the pastors for a short large group worship, a special teaching time with the pastors, and small group time where confirmands can ask questions, gain support, make friends, and share what’s going on in their lives. HSHO has been primarily taking place over Zoom, but each week
we have special “snack pickups” where NLC youth can swing by church and pick up a special treat that we can enjoy over Zoom together. We also hosted our first distanced and masked HSHO bonfire at the end of October! Laughter and joy were abundant at this gathering and we hope to offer more safe and distanced ways for high school youth to come together in the winter months. The HSLT began meeting on November 1. This year, 10 remarkable 11th & 12th graders make up the leadership team and are excited to continue to share ideas of ways to be together in Christ while physically separated.
CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2020 This year's confirmation class participated in NLC’s first ever distanced outdoor Rite of Confirmation worship service. Twenty-six of our 10th graders and their families affirmed their baptism in the parking lot in October! Their caring and thoughtful Confirmand Projects included delivering food and flowers, collecting bikes, making masks, fall yard clean-up, and more! Gunnar Anderson Joe Niemeier Kristen Bonneville Katie Collier Clara Duray Matthew Gaasedelen
Avery Nitz Jaedon Nygaard Molly Obert Macklin Patzloff Aaron Pence
Bobby Granquist
Jacob Perszyk
Jorgen Halstensen
Jacob Ruud
Max Heitzmann Anna Henningsen
Anna Skunberg Alyssa Stahl Charlie Thorsen
Ansley Lauer
Owen Van Heuveln
Jackson Moon
Natalie Warnke
Noah Moss
Ruby Wohlrabe
A SEASON "FOR THOSE..." Jackie Robinson, who broke through the color barrier in Major League Baseball, once said “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” As we socially distance, there is a temptation to hunker down and allow distance to become isolation. Truth be told, serving others will save all of us! Through generosity of giving, reaching out with a call, text, email, or handwritten note, joining in virtual connections groups, delivering a meal, welcoming a new member, through prayer, prayer, and more prayer, we realize God’s power to impact the lives of others, for the good of the whole world. As we march through the final two months of 2020, take up the mantle of servanthood and live for others, fulfilling God’s law of love through bearing one another’s burdens. FOR THOSE...WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE US
All Saints’ Sunday | Sunday, November 1
New Members Received | Sunday, November 8
We humbly acknowledge that our lives are lived on the shoulders of our ancestors, who sought to teach us by word and example how to live a meaningful life. On this day we give honor to the: remembering them in love, lighting a candle to shine their light, and sitting with them in the power of the Holy Spirit. For those who have gone before us, we now live for those who come after.
We are a porous community, open to receiving new lives into our body of people. As the Holy Spirit stirs in our midst, others take note, bringing their gifts and their spirits to the mission we share. We welcome them with the love of Jesus in our hearts to receive them with joy. For those who seek to join us, may they know and be known, love and be loved, care and be cared for.
“To those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” - I Corinthians 1:2 & 3
With creative intent, we find ways to connect these new sisters and brothers into our community faith, welcoming them into the love and joy we have in Jesus Christ.
Pastor John "Jack" Berg Rose Roberts Dorothy Christenson John Cunningham Bob Marshall Marge Bergquist Patricia Olson Gloria Brown Pat Pearson Fern Call John Trelstad Roger Brown Gladys Erlandson Dick Jensen Carol Uppgaard Dorothy Murray Layne Haugen
For those who seek to join us…welcome them generously!
Robert T. Johnson Carole Egeland Dave Schroeder Virgil Dissmeyer Arlen Olson Paul Billings Ron Lovdahl Eleanor Stenoien Adeline Gibbons Jim Presthus Jim Swenson Alice Mae Johnson Shirley Bentdahl Jean Olson Thelma Larson Bill Miller Lois Arnevik
Obituaries for members who have passed since the date of our last publication can be found in the "Congregational Family Update" section on pages 8-11.
NEW NORMANDALE SISTERS & BROTHERS IN CHRIST Jane and Dan Fesler Patrick Larson Petz family Ryan, Michelle, Hadley, Kieran Mark Olson Susan Maki Shirley Ramberg Klisanich family Michelle, Michael, Anja, Mari Merle and Berna Hanson
Caring for the Neighbor | Sunday, November 15
Celebration of Stewardship | Sunday, Nov 22
We are living in a time of urgency, as the pandemic combined with systemic racism has brought our brothers and sisters who need us now to the forefront of our thinking. It is not for us to bury our talents, our privilege, or our wealth. Instead, God calls us to activate them now in service to and love for our neighbors. There is no time like the present to be generous!
We are planters of trees bringing shade in which we will never sit. When Martin Luther was asked, “If you knew the world would end tomorrow, what would you do today?” He answered, “Plant a tree.” Living fully in the present, each day a gift, we offer our lives to God, to be used for the future we will not see. For those who come after us, live generously today.
For those who come after us…generosity for our brothers and sisters in need.
"As you did it for the least of these, my siblings, you did it also for me.” - Matthew 25:31-46 We live generously on behalf of all those in need; the naked, the hungry, the poor, the imprisoned, the sick, the oppressed, the powerless. We live generously for the small children in our midst, and the children still to come. We live generously toward balancing of the scales of justice. And so, where we work, breathe, move, and give on behalf of the underprivileged, Jesus is there as the receiver of our gifts.
As we look to our neighbors, and toward a shared future, it becomes only more clear that our wellbeing is entwined with the wellbeing of all. NLC has been gaining faithful flexibility this season, finding new communal and individual ways to serve while adapting to shifting circumstances. We're now leaning in to building deeper personal relationships, learning to share power, and committing to paralleling community-transformation with our own inner-transformation.
people participating in the Bible Study for (F)all, including small group breakout studies!
facilitators and participants are gathering in the Together in Stillness small discernment groups.
masks and 28 quilts lovingly crafted and delivered to the Lutheran World Relief warehouse by NLC members, led by Judy ...flu shots administered at NLC’s Henderson and Katie Niessen. AND 10 heavy quilts sewn for October Flu Shot Clinic with Hennepin Healthcare coordinated Normandale House! by Parish Nurse, Susan O’Connell.
lives saved from donations through the Memorial Blood drive (an NLC record!)
special cards of cheer made and sent out by NLC families during COVID – THANK YOU! meals served in
the first 2 weeks of Wednesday Night Dinner Drive-Thru, including more than 20 meals delivered to friends in need.
An average of
households partic-
ipating in weekly online worship! Separated for now... Together in Christ, Always!
Have colored sheets you’re finished using? Drop them off at the NLC canopy entrance, M-F, 9am-3pm, for our mission quilt team!
– the number of hours NLC members have put into conversations about race, power, and equity through Porch-Sitting Conversations and Book Club meetings on Zoom.
festive carload of Halloween pumpkins, fun gifts, and necessities for Normandale House Families.
new apartment units added as an expansion of our Normandale House program.
NLC BY THE NUMBERS (Continued) In addition to our planned benevolence, you responded with
in emergency gifts to address hunger and immediate community needs in the wake of George Floyd's murder (benefitting CES/VEAP, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Normandale House, Sheridan Story - now called Every Meal, and Our Saviour's Housing) - Stay tuned for information coming to your inbox in the coming weeks regarding The Joy of Giving Christmas Gift drive starting Nov. 22.
...the number of Blessing Place students this year that are being lovingly taught by
7 teachers!
Normandale Preschool students
Normandale House & SAYFSM children received backpacks & gift cards for school supplies through the NLC Sponsor-a-Student drive. Plus 10 TI-84 calculators to boot!
11.16.20 the date Reading Buddies returns with Turkey Bingo on Zoom from 5:30-6:30 pm! Contact Maggie at for a link and more info.
youth participating in virtual confirmation each week!
High School juniors & seniors participating in our High School Leadership Team. who come each day wearing their masks to school to learn together as they care for one another. HEALING & WHOLENESS
The approximate number of client encounters the Center has provided through virtualsupport groups and education; adding
kids participating
in Any time! Anywhere! Sunday School!
3 new services, and welcoming 1 new social work intern to assist addressing the growing needs of isolated seniors and caregivers.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely. And let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.� - Hebrews 12:1 Since our last publication we have said goodbye to sisters and brothers from our community of faith. They are now in that great cloud of witnesses, cheering us on to persevere through this time and trust in Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. With thanks to God, we gently release them to our loving God in Jesus Christ. Go in peace, dear friends! CAROL EGELAND~ JUNE 14, 2020 Egeland, Carole Mae, 86, passed away peacefully in Edina surrounded by her family on June 14, 2020, after a short illness. Carole was born May 11, 1934 in Two Harbors, MN of Ellen (Ella) and Carl Shogren. She married her high school sweetheart, John Egeland of Two Harbors, in 1954. She lived the majority of her life in Two Harbors, relocating later in life to Edina to be a significant part of her grandchildren's lives. Always the light and life of any gathering, Carole made friends wherever she went, especially at Kane Lake, where she had a cabin for many years. Her family and friends meant the world to her, second only to her commitment to church and her faith. She always had a warm welcome for everyone she met, and she will be deeply missed for the grace and love she brought to our lives. Carole was preceded in death by her husband, John Egeland; her late-in-life friend Jim Jumer; siblings Roy Shogren, Marion Hogenson, and Ralph Shogren. She is survived by son Todd (Ellen Hahn) of Scottsdale AZ; daughter Terri Johnson of Edina and grandchildren Matt Johnson (Darien), Ryan and Tori Soderberg; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
ELEANOR STENOIEN ~ JULY 8, 2020 Stenoien, Eleanor Valborg Erlandson, 87, loving wife and mother, passed away July 8, 2020. Born August 8, 1932 in Kittson County, MN to Alric and Walborg (Haglund) Erlandson, she grew up on the family farm, then attended Hillcrest Academy in Fergus Falls where she met the love of her life, Dan Stenoien. After graduating from Gustavus, she and Dan married in 1956 eventually making their home in Edina raising three children. A wonderful mother and homemaker, she was a great cook, kept an immaculate house and was skilled with a sewing machine. Most of all, she loved her family and instilled in her children strong values. Several choirs and vocal groups benefited from her musical gifts over her lifetime. This lovely soul will be greatly missed by her husband and best friend, Dan, their children; Anita (the late Mark Allen & Gary Wilson), Mark (Ann) & Peter (Kirsten). Seven grandchildren; Jonathan (Sarah), Jef, Missy (Isaiah), Joel, Emma, Mitch and Hannah, and 3 great grandchildren. Eleanor lived her faith as an active member of Normandale Lutheran and volunteered for several ministries. Remembering her kindness, generosity and gentle spirit, we find comfort knowing that "they who die believing, die safely in God's love". Special thanks to the caring staff at Orchards of Minnetonka for their kindness and support.
ADELINE GIBBONS ~ JULY 20, 2020 Gibbons, Adeline Spilde, 100, died July 20, 2020. Born February 21, 1920 she was predeceased by parents Thea and Thom Spilde of Halma MN and five sisters; 1 brother. Treasured by extended family. She taught at Lenox Elementary in St. Louis Park, was co-owner of the Beauty Spot at Chicago and Lake Street. She married the love of her life, James Gibbons in 1961. Living in Minneapolis, Bloomington and Edina: Summered in Pequot Lakes area, wintered in Sun City, Arizona. "Don't cry because it is over - Smile because it happened." -- Theodor Seuss Geisel
CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY (CONT'D) JAMES PRESTHUS ~ JULY 31, 2020 Presthus, James "Jim" Byron, MD James Presthus, age 67, of Edina, MN passed peacefully in his sleep at home on July 31, 2020. A beloved father, grandfather, brother, uncle, colleague, and friend, he is preceded in death by his parents Melvin and Norma Presthus and grandson Benjamin Lukaska. He is survived by daughters Jennifer (David) Lukaska, Claire Presthus, and Anna Presthus; grandsons Hendrik Presthus and Nathan Lukaska; and brothers Paul (Linda) Presthus and David ( Joleyne) Presthus. Jim was born and raised in Rugby, ND, the youngest of 3 boys. He went on to graduate from the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks and the Baylor School of Medicine in Houston, TX. He completed his medical residency in OB-GYN at the University of Minnesota. "Dr. P." was a leader in the Twin Cities OB-GYN community for over 30 years with a focus on minimally invasive surgery. He enjoyed teaching and sharing skills with other medical professionals all over the world. He will be remembered for providing compassionate and expert care to his patients. Jim was larger than life both in his love and stature. His storytelling, sense of humor, and giant bear hugs left a lasting impression on all who knew him. Other passions include trips to Disney World, his dogs, golf, buying in bulk, and the art of magic. The gifts he shared are beyond measure and everlasting. JAMES SWENSON ~ AUGUST 3, 2020 Swenson, James D. MD (1935-2020), Edina, MN. Jim passed away at his home on August 3, 2020. Born and raised in Dawson, MN, Jim was married to his beloved wife, Shirley, for 62 years. Together they had 3 children: Clark (Valerie), Julie (Dan) and Jill (Paul) and 7 grandchildren: Sam, Rachel, Mike, Matt, Zach, Max and Anna. He is also survived by two sisters: Margaret and Florence and many nieces, nephews and friends. Jim attended St. Olaf College and the University of MN for his B.A./B.S. He graduated from the University of MN Medical School in 1960. He will be remembered as humble, compassionate, a person of faith and deeply interested in people, our country and the world. He served patients first in General Practice, including a tour of duty in the US Army as a Captain in the Medical Corps with the 1st Armored Division (196263) prior to and during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He later completed residency in psychiatry and practiced for over 40 more years. He considered it a great privilege to care for his patients as he believed he was blessed to be a blessing to others. He was a fervent advocate on mental illness topics in multiple forums. He became an artist and woodworker in later years and passed on a love of music, science, history and language to his family whom he encouraged to be curious and life long learners. He lived his life with kindness, humor, great generosity and a grateful heart.
ALICE MAE JOHNSON ~ AUGUST 5, 2020 Alice Mae Johnson, 98, of Minneapolis, was born October 23, 1921. Preceded in death by husband, Iver, and son, Thomas. She is survived by her son, Spencer, and several grandchildren and great-granchildren. She and her husband were married on June 24, 1945. She was a longtime member of Normandale Lutheran Church. Blessed be her memory.
CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY (CONT'D) SHIRLEY BENTDAHL ~ AUGUST 21, 2020 Bentdahl, Shirley Ann (Klingsheim), 83, of Scottsdale, AZ passed away peacefully on August 21 surrounded by her loving family in her home in Edina. She suffered a massive stroke on June 25, 2019. She not only survived the stroke, but worked tirelessly for 14 months to recover. A testament to the lifelong commitment she had to exercise and staying in excellent shape. She was born on April 28, 1937 and raised on her family farm near Harmony, MN. She graduated from Harmony HS in 1955 with honors as class Valedictorian. She graduated from Luther College in 1959, served one term on the Board of Regents, and was a recipient of the Luther College Distinguished Alumni Award in 2009. She had a love for learning and a love of teaching. She taught 7th and 8th grade English at LaCrescent HS for many years. She was a tutor and mentor to homeless children enrolled at the Pappas Kids Schoolhouse Foundation in Phoenix. She went on to create the Ray Bentdahl Scholarship Foundation to allow many of the Pappas students to attend college and grad school. Her last student was just accepted to the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law. Once she started something, she saw it through to the end. She created a scholarship fund for students graduating from Harmony HS to attend Luther College. She was a generous philanthropist and active member of Normandale Lutheran Church and the Pinnacle Peak Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale. She was a long-time choir member in both church choirs and took great pride in hosting the annual choir party at her home in Scottsdale. When the family moved from southern MN to Edina she started a flower business, LesFleurs, and she was well known among interior designers as the “go to” flower designer in the Twin Cities. Her greatest joy was spending time with her devoted family and her many friends. She married the love of her life, Ray Bentdahl, when they were seniors at Luther College. They spent 53 years together and raised a wonderful family. Survived by children Ann (husband Roger), Craig; grandchildren Kelsey, Kinsey, Kelly and Kate; step-grandsons Tyler and Cory; nieces Kristi Nitz and Mary Babel; grandnieces Avery, Lyla, Carolyn and grandnephews Ryan, Noah, and Keane. Preceded in death by her parents, Arthur E. and Amelia T. (Olson) Klingsheim, sister Elenore, brother Kenny, and her devoted husband and best friend, Elray E. “Ray” Bentdahl. JEAN OLSON ~ SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 Jean Ann Olson of Chanhassen passed away peacefully September 5, 2020. Jean was born January 21, 1959 and was baptized and confirmed at Bethlehem Lutheran in Mankato. She attended Wilson Campus School where she was Homecoming Queen, participated in swing choir, theater, basketball, cheerleading and volleyball. She attended Bethany Lutheran College and played Division 3 women’s volleyball and basketball on an athletic scholarship. Jean married Mark Olson in February of 1979 at Bethlehem Lutheran. Jean and Mark moved several times eventually settling with their son Zachary in Chanhassen. Jean took a position at Mount Calvary Lutheran in Excelsior as the Sunday School Director in the late ‘80’s and then as Youth Director at Mt Calvary during the ‘90’s. Jean sang in the church choir and was worship leader on Saturday night. Jean’s career years brought her to Gilbert Mechanical where she developed a safety program for the company, managed the vehicle fleet and planned events. A particular blessing that she carried forward from her years at Mount Calvary with the Youth to Gilbert was the servitude to Loaves and Fishes. In 2008 Jean founded “Olson Safety Solutions,” a safety consulting business for the contracting industry. Jean served a variety of clients well with her kind way, common sense and general love for people. Jean and Mark joined the Le Sueur Country Club in 2004 and soon after served on the board of directors, ultimately serving as President of the board for an unprecedented 10-year term. Jean joined the Minnetonka Yacht Club Board as a volunteer in recent years to be voted “Woman of the Year” in 2019. Jean was the consummate MN Viking fan. Jean or “Jeannie” as her close family knew her was a great organizer of people with a strong will and spirit. Never afraid to volunteer or donate time or resources to a cause or just support those around her Jean was always there. Jean loved all whom she met unconditionally and welcomed them with her infectious smile and unique kindness. Jean is survived by her husband Mark of Chanhassen: Son Zachary ( Jessica) of Delano, Granddaughters. Elliana, Ayla and Paisley, Sister Janet (Doug) Schwingler of Rochester: Brother Jeff Wall of Chanhassen; Brother Jim (Lori) Wall of Chanhassen; Brother Joe (Tasha) of Eden Prairie. Jean was preceded in death by her parents Charles and Ardyce Wall.
CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY (CONT'D) THELMA LARSON~ SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 Larson, Thelma Harriet, 99, of Brooklyn Park born 7-11-21 died 9-21-20. Loving wife, mother & grandmother. She was the heart of the family & showed this through her strong faith and kind and loving heart. She will be deeply missed. She is survived by her children, Gary, Bruce, Bonnie (Brian) Glass, Gloria ( Jeff) Wressell; grandchildren, Laura Koehnen, Lisa (Van) Johnson, Erica (Troy) Tikalsky, Sarah Larson, Sam (Marisol), Joe (Danielle), Rebecca Wressell; great grandchildren, John Skille, Nicole & Taylor Tikalsky, Abby & Daniel Larson; great great grandchild, Jase Skille; sister, Margaret Swartz; many nieces & nephews. Preceded in death by husband, Lennard Larson; grandchildren, Eric Larson & Stephanie Larson; daughters-in-law, Bobbi and Carol Larson; parents, Anfin & Sarah Stordahl; siblings, Curtis, Magnus (Phyllis) Stordahl, Ansolf (Milton) Mootz, Marvin (Diane) Stordahl, Richard Swartz; nephews, Mike Swartz and Daniel Stordahl. WILLIAM PETERS MILLER, M.D. ~ OCTOBER 5, 2020 May 25, 1927- October 5, 2020. Dr. William (Bill) P. Miller passed away after a long, well lived life. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Jean Karina Hansen and his brother James Brookner Miller. He will be missed by his wife of over 52 years, Jeanette Marilyn Johnson Miller, and children, Janet (Mark) Dahlman, Emily Miller ( Jack Kobinsky), Michael Peterson, and John (Cassie) Peterson. He is also survived by six grandchildren: Kristen Peterson, Claire Dahlman, Karla Pakulski, Nathan Kobinsky, Leslie Kobinsky, and Patrick Peterson, as well four great grandchildren. Bill was born in Ortonville, MN to June Peters Miller and Earl Miller. He earned the Eagle Scout Award, played basketball, football, and was a lifeguard. He enlisted in the army after graduating from high school in the spring of 1945 and was shipped to Germany, shortly after VE Day. On his return, he got a job on a cattle farm. Maybe hauling hay and manure motivated him to become part of Hamline University class of 1951. He graduated from University of Minnesota Medical School in 1954. He practice Family Medicine in Montevideo, MN for 10 years, before joining the Richfield Medical group for 30 years. He was the Chief of Staff of Chippewa Co. Hospital and Fairview Southdale Hospital, as well as the Board of Directors of the Hennepin County Medical Society. Bill had a great love for the outdoors, which he shared with his children. Hayward, WI was where the family’s cabin provided lots of fun hiking, sailing, and skiing. He also loved to travel, having been to all 50 states, as well as many European trips. After retirement, he and Jeanette spent 20 years of winters photographing and golfing in the Sonoran Desert in Tucson, AZ. In recent years, he read and did crossword puzzles while residing at Friendship Village in Bloomington, MN.
LOIS ARNEVIK ~ OCTOBER 10, 2020 Lois Arnevik, 90, of Edina, was born April 6, 1930. She married her husband, Lenny, June 27, 1953 and they were married for 60 years until he passed in 2013. Lois is survived by children, Bruce (Cathy) Arnevik and Debra (Bob) Weideman and many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Lois lived a good and full life and was deeply loved by many. She was woman of deep faith and very involved for many years at Normandale Lutheran in Edina. She was physically active. Until 5 years ago, when she broke her foot, she played tennis weekly. Lois' death was sudden and out of the blue, but she was was surrounded by family. She was a wonderful mom and grandma, she had fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith‌for 90 years. Thanks be to God! NORMANDALE CONNECTIONS // NOV 2020
CHURCH BUSINESS SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Income was $105,199 under budget for the first nine months of 2020. Expenses were $136,847 under budget. Normandale supported ministries outside our walls with $147,620 in the first nine months of 2020. Thank you for your strong and faithful support of Normandale's mission and ministries.
Operating Fund 2020 (9 months)
Envelope Offerings:
Other Income:
$ 410,488
Receipts minus Exp:
VISION 2020 TEAM & NLC CHURCH COUNCIL APPROVE FUNDING TO BEGIN SOUTH PROPERTY DESIGN WORK For two years now, your Vision 2020 Team, led by co-chairs Bill Evans and Katie Sieben, have been considering the next five years of congregational life. While paused by Covid-19, they now have renewed their meeting and made recommendation to the NLC Church Council to begin design work for the renovation of our south property, for a three fold purpose: 1. Construct an outdoor worship area; 2. Build a columbarium space for the placement of cremated remains and markers of memorial; and 3. Renovate the playground. The South Property refers to the existing playground area, and the parking area to the west of the playground.
Actual Budget 2020 (9 months) 487,317 2,689
RESOURCES | BEING CHURCH If your household is experiencing daily hardship right now, please talk with us! Contact Pastor Rebecca at or Kati Salmon at 952.977.9355. For specific needs, see items listed below: • Technical Assistance - if you need assistance gaining access to emails, online worship, or any of our virtual events, contact Suzanne Klein, Communications Coordinator, at or 952.977.9360. • Online Worship CDs/DVDs for those who are offline - contact Kati Salmon at 952.977.9355. • Grocery & Prescription Pickup/ Delivery - contact Kati Salmon at 952.977.9355. • Hymnals/Devotionals - available at the canopy entrance of NLC. To keep up with resources and needs, watch your email for our twice weekly emails or go to being-church.
Vision 2020 recommended approval of funding to begin the design work, which will include plot survey, detailed design, a proposal for project completion. We have engaged OPUS Design/Build for the purpose of moving forward. CONNECT WITH US | 952.929.1697 | | |