SEEING EACH OTHER AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME I began this letter on the morning after the death of Daunte Wright, a young black man who was shot and killed by a police officer in Brooklyn Center. As Bob Dylan so prophetically wrote in his infamous 1963 song, “Blowing in the Wind,” “Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn’t see?” How many times? How many times will we look away? How many times will we look away from the sins of our past? How many times will we ignore the root causes of inequity and go home to our comfortable bed? How many times will we read the news of another wrongful death and walk on by? “Seeing Each Other Again for the First Time” A Congregational Movement in Reconciliation A look back, a look in, a look ahead. Drawing on the power of the Holy Spirit, we will walk in faith behind Jesus, taking up the cross of suffering, and giving up our lives for the good of all people. We will sacrifice, even surrender, that which stands in the way of reconciliation with others, so that equity and justice may be lived experiences, not only in what we say, but the way in which we live. We will acknowledge the past, embracing our growing understanding of privilege, oppressive power, and wealth advantage. We will work toward personal change of heart, systemic reformation, and community-wide equity, whereby our belief that all are created in the image of God will bear out in our discipleship to Jesus Christ. The poor, the oppressed, the disadvantaged shall hear and receive good news. For those who enter our community, those who walk with us, companions who seek the way of Jesus Christ, they will experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Our community will reflect Jesus’ truth, that “blessed are the poor, for they will see God. Blessed are the hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.” (Luke 6:20-21) We believe what we pray, when we say, “Your kingdom come, on earth, as in heaven,” and that we are
2 VISION 2025 | July 2021
“And Peter and John looked intently at him…”
-Acts 3:4
alongside God in the work of ministry, trusting that God’s will is toward greater love for all people. Jesus lifted the cup from the table, giving thanks, and saying, “This cup is the NEW covenant, in my blood, shed for you, and for ALL people, for the forgiveness of sin.” Justice, equity, and reconciliation are the fruit of forgiveness realized! As our welcoming statement describes, we will work toward reconciliation with all people, and in these next five years, we will heighten our focus on people of color. Our country and culture have been broken open in the past year, unveiling the great divisions in our hearts and society. We can no longer turn our heads from the sins of the past, watching as the “sins of the Fathers” are visited upon the third and fourth generations of those who come after us. What will the next generations see and say about our faithfulness to Jesus Christ? Will they see that we sacrificed our lives to the more abundant offering of God’s power and love? Will they see that we have surrendered our wealth, our privilege, our power, and our comfort to the vision of the “wolf living with the lamb, and the leopard lying down with the kid? And, will a little child lead us?”(Isaiah 11). “Seeing Each Other Again for the First Time” will be a cultural vision, a reformative work in self-awareness, both individual and communal. Its result will not be measurable nor realized within the generation of those who live it. The fruit will be born long after we have gone on, for which future generations will rise up and give thanks for the congregation of Normandale Lutheran Church in 2020-2025. Jesus goes before us! Solo Deo Gloria…To God alone be the glory, and may Jesus Christ be praised! Peace be in and among us,
THE VISION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS: This vision will be realized in the body of God’s people called Normandale Lutheran Church, as we continue working the soil of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the soil of our community, creating nourishment for people to thrive. Within the river of our faithful past, we will go forward in faith, expanding our ministry through our core values of: • Worship Life • Mission and Outreach • Children, Youth, and Family We see this as a triad of initiatives, each bearing the marks of this story:
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Trinity Commons for Worship, Remembering and Play: “Walking and Leaping and Praising God” Emerging Generations and the Good Use of Digital Media-Conduit for Connections: “Meeting People Outside the Gate of the Church” Racial Equity and Reconciliation: “Seeing Each Other Again for the First Time”
Seeing Each Other Again for the First Time by Pastor Paul Pettersen
The Vision & Its Implications
Vision 2025: A Look Back, A Look In, A Look Ahead by Katie Sieben & Bill Evans
2019 Survey Results by Mark Werley & Ian McConnell
Vision 2025: The Root of Our Vision
Trinity Commons by Bill Evans & the Vision 2025 Team
Emerging Generations and the Good Use of Digital Media: by Ian McConnell & the Vision 2025 Team
Racial Equity and Reconciliation by Rebecca Gamble & the Vision 2025 Team
On the cover: Rendering of Trinity Commons outdoor worship space. July 2021 | VISION2025
VISION 2025 A LOOK BACK, A LOOK IN, A LOOK AHEAD. By Katie Sieben & Bill Evans
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Photo: Rendering of Trinity Commons outdoor worship space looking south.
A LOOK BACK... Normandale Lutheran Church has been rooted in scripture and grounded in prayer since 1950. In his inaugural sermon, Pastor Donald Carlson preached under this title, “From the Beginning We Will Pray,” a sermon that has survived the test of time as a grounding practice in congregational life. We are a people in prayer, both individually and collectively, trusting the power of God to heal, save, and direct our lives. It is the principle of prayerful life that guides this vision, wrapped in the gracious love of Jesus Christ, the good news we proclaim through loving, learning, worshiping, and serving. From worship as the heartbeat of our congregational life and ministry, we venture out into the world in mission, sharing Christ’s love with partners both near and far. We value our children and youth, investing in their faith formation, as not only the future of the church, but its present.
was helpful in creating a framework as we considered previous campaigns, such as Marching off the Maps (MOM) and All Together in One Place (ATOP). We discussed the founding of NLC and its history; reviewing Annual Meeting reports from recent years, reviewing mission and outreach summaries prepared by pastoral staff, discussing recommended facility improvements. We discussed the role of Normandale Lutheran Church in today’s busy society and how our congregation can best support one another, engaging in community and growing together in faith. From this thoughtful exploration and discernment, we began our effort in active listening with the congregation.
We shine in our music, the sounds of our thanks and praise to God. We call for sacrificial living, boldly and generously giving up from that which God has entrusted to us, our God-given gifts put to work toward God’s will in the world. The Vision 2025 Team has been grounded in a spirit of prayerful discernment from its onset in January of 2019. Before we met for the first time, our work began with reviewing documents and events in Normandale Lutheran Church’s history. “Learning to Listen to God: The Vision 40 Process”
OUR VISION Normandale Lutheran Church is a welcoming, engaging, and nurturing community where the love of Jesus is encountered, expressed and sustained by ministry, programs, and spaces.
OUR MISSION Led by the Holy Spirit and living in God’s grace, Normandale Lutheran Church is a community proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through love, learning, worship, and service.
July 2021 | VISION 2025
A LOOK IN... Open forum listening sessions provided the congregation an opportunity to shape the initial focus of our work. Sessions provided congregants an opportunity to openly share their views on the strengths and opportunities for the future of Normandale Lutheran Church. From these sessions we heard many common themes, such as the need for connection, inclusion, and safety across all aspects of worship and outreach. Our Vision Team engaged in conversation with the church council and staff about their thoughts and dreams for the church. Their desires reflected what we heard in the initial open forums, including a need to build relationships, to be innovative while respecting tradition, and to engage youth and young families differently given the demands of 21st century life. We interviewed congregation members directly, as well as engaged in conversation with those who do not currently attend worship at NLC. Congregation-wide surveys were conducted by Vision Team member Mark Werley on behalf of NLC and the Vision Team. Survey responses provided feedback for our three pillars of ministry: Mission and Outreach, Children, Youth, and Family, and Worship Life. The Vision Team and Council had in-depth discussions about the data outcomes of the surveys and used this information, as well as the listening sessions, staff discussion and historical review to prioritize our recommendations for the future of Normandale Lutheran Church. For a closer look at what these surveys revealed, keeping in mind they were all conducted pre-covid, turn to page 8.
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Photos: CES & VEAP donations collected at NLC during the pandemic, Summer Stretch After Dark youth with summer CYF interns Vishaka Kanwar, Jakob Klein, and Ben Moss, and the altar being prepared for NLC’s return to in-person worship in April 2021.
A LOOK AHEAD... While 2019 and 2020 provided opportunities to explore both our history and a very different future than we anticipated, the Vision 2025 Team’s recommendation is stronger because of this shared experience. Our recommendations are undoubtedly shaped by the events of the past year, alongside our firm foundation in the decades of life prior. We believe this vision will set a strong course for Normandale and our diverse congregation for decades to come, all of it led by the Holy Spirit, empowered by God’s grace, and guided by the cross of Jesus Christ. We will see each other again for the first time, as we walk with Jesus in faith, offering our lives in service to the Good News that all people are worthy of God’s love, and we will bear witness to that truth.
I know I’ve said this before, but all of our neighbors need to know the amazing things God is accomplishing through Normandale Lutheran Church...their children will lead them into our community of faith through our Preschool and Blessing Place. - Layne Haugen
LAYNE HAUGEN | 1937-2020
Katie Sieben and Bill Evans Co-Chairs for the Vision Team
Katie Sieben is the Co-Chair of the Vision 2025 team. She and her husband, Dave, live in Edina with their twin 6-year-old daughters, Eleanor and Grace, (who are graduates of Normandale Preschool!) and 6-month-old son, Maxwell. Katie brings a passion for social justice and leadership experience as the current Director of the Cargill Foundation and previous Commissioner of the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development. Bill Evans is the co-chair of the Vision 2025 Committee and has been a member since 2003. He previously served on the NLC Finance Committee, including Chair, and he has been active in choir for many years. Professionally, Bill is an executive with Allina Health and leads surgical teams across the system.
IN MEMORIAM In May of 2020, beloved member of our Vision Team and congregation, Layne Haugen, died from COVID-19. We grieved his passing, joining others in offering prayer and love to his wife Garni and their family. We will remember Layne for his passionate practice of reaching out to new people, encouraging us to take a close look at our near neighborhood and message of welcome. Layne also highlighted our valuable early childhood programs of Preschool and Blessing Place, exhorting us to build an easy bridge for families to enter into our worshiping community. Layne Haugen was a wonderful gift to our team and the vision we now see!
July 2021 | VISION 2025
2019 SURVEY RESULTS by Ian McConnell
In preparation for the work of the Vision 2025 team, we conducted a series of three congregation-wide surveys throughout 2019 focusing on the three distinct pillars of our ministry at Normandale Lutheran Church: Worship & Music, Mission & Outreach (M&O), and Children, Youth, and Family (CYF) Ministry. While in many ways, the COVID pandemic throughout 2020 and 2021 has shifted the ways we’re now thinking about ministry and congregational life, many of the learnings from these surveys remain true today, and in fact have been strengthened and sharpened as a result. In all three pillars of ministry at NLC, congregational satisfaction has been quite high, particularly among those who participate in our ministries and programs. Additionally, we learned that there is a significant desire to have a more comprehensive and widespread understanding of our Mission & Outreach and CYF ministries that goes beyond those who are already activated in them. Given what we heard from congregants in all three surveys regarding this desire to know more, and our staffing model around communications leading up to this Vision 2025 proposal, we have identified some of the opportunities we have to develop a strategy around how to tell the story of Normandale, both internally with current membership as well as more broadly to the general public who might see their own interests, values, and passions reflected in what we’re up to as a community.
about 70% were interested in an outdoor worship space
so that our CYF and M&O ministries would be reflected more intentionally into corporate worship, our work among young people would be in closer proximity to our mission partners, and the relationships we build through M&O initiatives would attract more participation, for example. In your survey responses, you demonstrated a trend seen in the Church around the world: that the boundaries between worship and faithful daily living are once again crumbling, and in some ways, the Church— the gathered body of Christ—is looking to return to its ancient roots!
Regarding Worship & Music, you indicated a distinct sense of appreciation for traditional liturgy, along with a strong desire for increased diversity in musical expression and some different formats of worshiping and the use congregation of liturgy—holding on to satisfaction traditional frameworks with worship with an appreciation for the life was 86% past while seeking to do corporate worship in ways that continue to engage where people are at today. Both in and out of worship, there is a desire for connection with others: to know others and be known well, because “if you’re not there, we’re not whole!” There were diverging understandings of and appreciation for some experiences in worship like regularly reading our Welcoming Statement as a part of corporate worship, sharing the peace, and the use of technology in worship, and these differInterestingly, as we looked ing understandings tended to fall along generationat responses to each of al lines. We give thanks that worship is something the surveys, you reported the Holy Spirit brings us to, and that worship exgreat interest in weaving periences offer something for everybody any given our three pillars together, week. Thanks be to God!
VISION 2025 | July 2021
congregation satisfaction with mission & outreach was 81%
A key learning that came out of the Mission & Outreach survey was that we are—and have been—eager to get to work for the sake of the gospel outside the walls of the church building. Many noted that throughout time, we have perhaps tried to do too many things at a more shallow level, and that they don’t understand the program goals, principles, or don’t feel that enough of the congregation is involved in our M&O ministries. We prioritize Twin Cities-based reach (>90%) followed by global engagement (66%) with 3 tiers of issues: 1. Elder support, hunger, spiritual development, and mental health (91-84%) 2. Affordable housing, education, and physical wellbeing (82-76%) 3. Immigration ministry and outreach to new members (69-65%) Although we tend to feel informed—particularly around individual programs—some don’t understand the big picture, and we largely desire more transparency, looking for 80% have M&O ministry to be more been involved evident in our worship life. in some proWe heartily celebrate that gram; 40% most of us (80%) have been involved in some program, indicated inand that 40% of you inditerest in more cated interest in more ininvolvement volvement.
and acceptance, engagement, and spiritual support at Normandale. Their wellbeing was generally good, but most sought answers to their questions beyond the church—from parents, friends, relatives, and the internet. While this is likely true for all generations, it’s worth noting congregation as we consider intergenerasatisfaction tional relationships moving with our cyf forward! Those of you who ministries are younger or are parents of young people expressed was 73% satisfaction with both worship and M&O opportunities, but not at the same level as our elders, seeking more leadership and relational/small group engagement. About 75% of young families reported that worship is a priority and desire for them, but that they seek alternative formats and options for our weekly worship experiences, and that a top priority is an outdoor space for worship and recreation on our campus. We were encouraged, too, by the high level of desire by those of you without children in our programs for intergenerational friendships and mutual mentorship with young people. What a beautiful testament to the value we place on people of all ages in this faith community!
While there was a great diversity of opinion expressed in the surveys and the data was collected prior to COVID-19, we are thrilled that Vision 2025 has been a collaborative effort, driven by data, stories, and testimonies by so many of you. It is with great appreciation for your participation in these Our CYF Ministry survey indicated similar levels of studies and with excitement for our collective fucongregational satisfaction, and also that those who ture that we present Vision 2025: Seeing Each Othdon’t currently have children in our CYF programs er Again for the First Time to you for the sake of the feel much less informed about or engaged with gospel and our life together. them. We learned that youth feel greater security
July 2021 | VISION 2025
VISION 2025:
When Jesus was departing the earth, he empowered his followers with his presence, taught them by washing their feet, and called on them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. At Pentecost, the Spirit came, while they were all together in one place, and each was given power to speak in their own language about the mighty deeds of God. Following that Pentecost event, the first recorded encounter for the disciples is found in Acts chapter 3. Peter and John are going up to the temple to pray. It is three o’clock in the afternoon, the time of almsgiving, and there, outside the Beautiful Gate, is a man who has been lame from birth. He is there to collect daily rations from the people entering the temple. Peter and John are changed people, carried beyond their fear, denial, and lack of understanding to a place of great power in the resurrection of Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. On any other day, they may have passed the man by, but on this day, in this moment, we learn that they “looked upon him intently,” and gave him what they had to give, the healing power to stand up and walk. It is in that divine gaze, the fixed intention of Peter and John, that our Vision 2025 is given eyes. As we see each other again for the first time, we begin the healing of the world, one person at a time, across centuries of oppression and hatred, across the past year of suffering revealed, across the divides of fear and misunderstanding. It is the look of Jesus upon all people, seeing their humanity and responding in love. “My body, my blood, given and shed for you and for all people, for the forgiveness of sin.”
Photo: Rendering of columbarium wall as it would look in its early stages.
10 VISION 2025 | July 2021
In five years I see our church: • Being clearer and more vocal about who we are we as a congregation of love, faith and service; gaining awareness and new members among communities we have not traditionally reached, but who are motivated to serve with us. • Better engaging our congregation during worship with sound and visuals, while also effectively communicating with members of all ages in their daily lives through digital platforms. • Actively working toward racial and social reconciliation beginning with examining our own biases, while walking and talking with other congregations as we learn and grow. • Outside! Using nature’s sanctuary, we will be blessed to bring all ages together for worship, fellowship, remembering, and recreation in the beauty of the outdoors. -mark werley, vision 2025 team member
July 2021 | VISION 2025
“Walking and Leaping and Praising God” 12 VISION 2025 | July 2021
Photo: Rendering of Trinity Commons looking southeast. The playground is on the other side of the columbarium wall.
TRINITY COMMONS FOR WORSHIP, REMEMBERING, AND PLAY INVESTMENT: $850,000 Trinity Commons is proposed as a common space to meet three needs in truly unique, integrated ways as detailed below. The three aspects of Trinity Commons are envisioned to be fully incorporated into each other such that outdoor worship, play, and remembrance are all cohesively connected to create the center point for outdoor church life at Normandale Lutheran Church.
The work of Vision 2025 comes at a time of unprecedented change in society. However, it also comes with strong connections to the history of NLC and a view looking decades into the future. It is my hope that the work of the Vision 2025 Team fosters deep, meaningful relationships through worship, play, mourning, and celebration, which in turn empower the congregation to address spiritual and societal needs for many years to come. -bill evans, vision 2025 co-chair July 2021 | VISION 2025
While the sanctuary remains the heart and soul of the church’s worship space, the need for alternative worship settings exists. Outdoor worship, when weather permits, has become a vital component of worship life for many in our congregation. The COVID era has reinforced how important outdoor space is, and outdoor worship will support our need for safe return to in-person worship in the foreseeable future. In addition to congregational worship, many youth activities also lend themselves to outdoor worship.
Photos from top to bottom: aerial view with columbarium forming the east wall, north-facing view, south-facing view.
14 VISION 2025 | July 2021
As more people select cremation as their preferred choice following death, NLC proposes the building of an outdoor columbarium within the construction of an outdoor worship space and newly remodeled play area. This 300 niche columbarium will serve family members and the congregation in our desire to remember our ancestors, mourn their passing, and celebrate God’s promise of eternal life. We believe this ministry will bring power to our gathering and meaningful remembrance to all who enter in.
Normandale Preschool, Blessing Place, Sunday School, and all children and youth in our congregation benefit from and build community through a safe, modern play area, and having an appropriate setting for these members is crucial to helping them remain connected to NLC, as well as introducing new families to the community. The current play area is in need of upgrading, providing opportunities for needed improvements that will serve our younger generations for years to come.
Playground proposal as of March 2021.
Teen play proposal as of March 2021. July 2021 | VISION 2025
VISION 2025: EMERGING GENERATIONS AND THE GOOD USE OF TECHNOLOGY by Ian McConnell INVESTMENT: $700,000 • $300,000 – Staffing to Support AV Production & Outreach Communications • $400,000 – Acquisition of Technology
In October of 1517, when Martin Luther first posted his 95 Theses, kicking off the protestant reformation, a very real part of the rapid spread of his public questions and theological treatises was both the invention and use of the printing press. Luther knew his audience well, and used the language of the people as he used this new technology to make the gospel more accessible far and wide. Luther understood and embraced the use of technology for the sake of the gospel and growing the church. Just imagine how much fun he would have today! As we consider ways to reach out and grow the life and ministries of Normandale Lutheran Church into the 21st century, we will draw on the early days of the Reformation for inspiration while building on the strength of our congregation’s history of meeting people where they’re at and creating engaging community for people to belong to. We cannot simply assume that former technologies and their use will work at the level they did for previous generations.
“Meeting people outside the gate of the church”
In the next five years, I would like to see Normandale Lutheran evolve into a church that embraces innovation, addresses inequity and seeks avenues for reaching new and different people. The challenges of the past year have shown us that, as a congregation, we can adapt to the changing needs of both our members and the broader community. We must launch forward in faith and not turn back. The past informs the future, into which we will boldly step together. We need to be fearless and humble, inquisitive and teachable, compassionate and determined, as our congregation walks along the path that God is laying before us. - allison pence, vision 2025 team member
16 VISION 2025 | July 2021
Our church has always been a strong advocate for living God’s mission and outreach. This vision builds on that strong foundation and casts a net where it’s much needed: close to home. By focusing on initiatives that innovate communication, inspire community and strive for meaningful connections within our greater church family, I see Normandale building bridges and welcoming more people into our collective faith journey. This vision cannot come to be without effort… In the coming years, I see our church members working and worshipping with sister churches that reflect diversity that’s becoming more familiar and understood. But this vision is one of healing, spiritual growth and abundance… I see networks of prayer, support and fellowship springing up across communities divided by historic redlining and gentrification. I see relationships made, and barriers falling away. I see all of our youth feeling acknowledged, valued and able to identify with our congregation as a whole. I see people feeling called back to live their cause through their church, and our church growing because we are relevant to that calling. This vision is about more than Normandale Lutheran Church. It’s about The Church, and the opportunity and responsibility that we have as a congregation to carry out God’s will and good news of love. -hillary plank, vision 2025 team member STAFFING TO SUPPORT AV PRODUCTION & OUTREACH COMMUNICATIONS As previously mentioned, the surveys and studies that were conducted throughout 2019 indicated a clear need for increased communication and strategy around reaching out to tell the story of who we are, whose we are, and what we’re up to. Recognizing that our staffing picture around production and communications has limited what we can do, these dollars represent supplemental support to the annual operational budget for Normandale, indicating that this expansion needs giving beyond our annual budget to meet it. We have hired professional staffing to envision and articulate our “brand,” and execute on a strategy that encompasses communications, social media presence, and marketing beyond what we’ve been able to do in recent years, so that both our online and in-person experience will improve. Additionally, bringing an audio/video specialist onto our staff ensures that we will use technology well in our worship offerings, maintain and operate upgraded equipment, and more effectively share and celebrate our story within the congregation and out into the world. continued> July 2021 | VISION 2025
VISION 2025: TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION OF TECHNOLOGY As we listened for the years leading up to the development of this congregational vision, we increasingly heard calls for the good use of technology as a conduit for connections and a broader reach. Nothing has illustrated the need for high-quality, reliable technology more than the COVID-19 pandemic. For well over a year, we worshiped at least once every week online in either pre-recorded or high-quality livestreamed worship but had to borrow equipment along the way to make it happen. We offered online bible studies, weekly book clubs, virtual coffee hours, small groups, and developed the online “Front Porch Conversations” around race and class in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. And we have just barely begun to tap into the potential uses of technology to reach people where they are—not just within the church, but outside the church building. Where is the Holy Spirit at work? We must capture the power of technology to work for good, improving our ability to tell our story more clearly and broadly. In the coming years, we aim to improve dynamic in-person worship and program experiences, making AV upgrades to the worship space and other spaces, while embracing the new reality that our growing online community needs nurturing and easy-to-access online spaces to gather.
“[Jesus] said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” -Mark 16:15
18 VISION 2025 | July 2021
Photos: An evolution in online worship production from March 15, 2020 - May 23, 2021: a wary Pastor Paul gives the announcements on March 15, 2020; Pastor Rebecca preaches that same Sunday broadcast on technology we had on hand: an iPhone and our streaming service, with Pastor Ian orchestrating things behind the camera; a split screen shows Lorna & Ferg’s prelude in November 2020; and Pastor Ian preaches on Pentecost Sunday 2021.
All of these have an up-front cost associated with them, and the system will be designed to meet our needs beyond the short term so that we can continue to learn and grow, adapting to the needs and style of emerging generations for years to come.
We will make significant upgrades to our audio (audio mixer, microphones, modern cables, consoles) and video (cameras, video mixer, etc.) equipment in our worship, education, and fellowship spaces, and contract out for an acoustics assessment from a sound engineer to make sure we can livestream quality sound without sacrificing the warmth of the sound in the sanctuary. We will update our lighting in the worship space to be both more useful and up to code. Our goal is to better network our building and run cable throughout our space in a way that gets us caught up to current technology and will set ourselves up for future development in technology. With the development of Trinity Commons, our outdoor worship space, we’ll also need to establish a suitable (and weatherproof) sound and video system with enough power to broadcast through both wind and highway noise, and that will tie into our control room consoles. Finally, we’ve learned much during the COVID pandemic, and know that for us to sustain the kind of high-quality online presence and community—one that has drawn in new members who had never stepped foot in our building! – we need to streamline and upgrade our livestreaming capabilities.
How will we do this?
Update and improve current cameras: • 4K resolution at industry standard interfaces • better low light response • mix of permanent & portable cameras Update the video mixer: • 4K resolution at industry standard interfaces • alpha channel blending capability Assess Acoustics/Sound Engineering: • obtain professional audio designer insight into hardware/speaker needs • enhance spoken and sung human voice New Streaming/Recording Equipment: • expandable to 4K resolution • high quality camera recording for archive footage/post-production
New Audio Mixer Console(s): • obtain networking capability • obtain secondary console to achieve a balanced livestream mix separate from in-person Lighting: • re-route all lighting control to AV control booth, enabling spotlight, color, and mood light control • update bulbs and chancel lighting • add more permanent/up to code Smart Lighting Fellowship Hall audio system: • update in-ceiling speakers, mixer, microphones Outdoor worship space: • obtain secondary sound system interconnected with the main system • obtain speakers powerful enough to broadcast through both wind and highway noise • obtain cameras, projector system, cabling in AV booth with the ability for future expansion • weatherproof all outdoor components
Ian McConnell serves as Pastor to Emerging Generations at NLC, and has a keen interest in the integration of faith and daily living. His most cherished and important vocational identities are as Rachel’s husband and Rollie and Sig’s dad. Pastor Ian is excited to discover— together—what kinds of changes the Holy Spirit is once again calling the Church to in this new era.
July 2021 | VISION 2025
$150,000 | Raise Awareness & Educate $100,000 | “Seizing the Moment” $100,000 | Partnerships $150,000 | Mission & Outreach
Rooted in the unifying and grace-filled claim of our Welcoming Statement, that “all people are created in the image of God, and as beloved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace,” we recognize and strive to work against anything that serves to marginalize, divide, and value some of God’s children over others. Divisions and disparities according to race have caused unspeakable harm in ways that we have yet to fully recognized, and have been unwilling to see. Yet, the Spirit of healing and truth is stirring up a response in us! We are experiencing new life and energy within ourselves and within community for the sake of racial conciliation and equity. Seeking the wholeness of not only our neighbors, but also ourselves, we are gathering up our courage to turn and truly see one another (and ourselves), again, for the first time. This means honest self-reflection, challenging perspectives, and accountability. But it also means the harkening of
freedom, renewed relationships, energizing joy, healthy activation, and hope! As with our work toward becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation, this is missional work. We have been here before; in love, we can have hard conversations together because God continues turning us outward in welcome and witness to all. Every step of the way, we continue to feel the Holy Spirit calling us forth with the commission of Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” So, may we truly be transformed! As we build new relationships across our fear, as we support and build bridges for others to walk on, and as we learn to listen deeply and heal, may our hearts, minds, and reality be renewed on the way.
What if we become a people who acknowledge the ways we have hurt others, and even, perhaps, turned them off to the “Church?” What if we now boldly proclaim that following Jesus Christ means welcome to all and actively living that welcome in word and deed? In the years to come, Normandale Lutheran Church will become more widely known as a community that is dedicated to healing the wounds of hatred and division, wounds within ourselves and those caused in others by their past relationship with the church. Normandale members, both current and new, will have opportunities to grow into a faith rooted in the core commands to love God, and to love and be in community with each other, not just some, but all. -cameron james, vision 2025 team member 20 VISION 2025 | July 2021
RAISE AWARENESS AND EDUCATE Continue building a congregational culture that encourages the uncomfortable, courageous conversations among our members – from wherever they may be - creating space to actively listen and learn. We will boldly and honestly engage and assess our biases, seeking God’s power and spirit to change us. Key questions: How will we become a community where racial healing is central to our mission? In what ways will seek to root out systemic racism in our community? How will we grow together in our understanding of our contribution to the division, actively learning to think and live differently? What other divisions are being created today? With whom will we partner, and where will we activate, putting our bodies where our mouths are, listening for the Holy Spirit’s leading?
how will we do this? • Establish an NLC Racial Justice and Equity Team • Engage speakers and facilitators to lead and guide us • Provide materials needed for common reading and discussion • Invite cultural leaders to provide greater understanding through presentation of the arts and worship life • Solicit grant contributions to young leaders who spearhead needed change • Provide continued support for our “Justice Liaison,” Julia Dinsmore, as congregational consultant in this work.
“SEIZING THE MOMENT” Recognizing the wind of the Holy Spirit blowing us further into the future’s unfolding, we will set aside dollars for what we do not yet see. As prophets of a future not our own, we will prayerfully watch for ways to capture the opportunities God presents for unleashing the power of our faith for building relationships across our fear. Perhaps we ought to bring this before our youth and let them decide.
“Seeing Each Other Again for the First Time” continued> July 2021 | VISION 2025
VISION 2025: RACIAL EQUITY AND RECONCILIATION PARTNERSHIPS Believing that our witness is stronger alongside others, and that God will bring us together with partners, we set aside investment for this purpose. Broader relationships with Minnesota Council of Churches, Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota, and other congregations in our near community are suggested, but this too allows for the leading of the Holy Spirit. MISSION & OUTREACH Expand support for our work in Hunger, Housing, and Health, with intention toward establishing greater racial equity. These dollars reflect increased contribution to our current annual giving to Normandale Housing Corporation ($90,000) and The Normandale Center for Healing and Wholeness ($55,000). Why will we do this? The purpose is to encourage our non-profit partners to envision the next five years with increased resources.
MEASURING IMPACT The shifting of heart and mind, and deepening of soul are the most profound changes we can experience in life. Yet, to those looking in, personal and cultural shift can appear unquantifiably hidden in the mystery of community soil. We will be accountable to ourselves and the community, not to help, but to live alongside others with extensive congregational engagement and healthy activation.
how will we do this? • Giving consideration to reparative and restorative justice, we will look at our current Mission & Outreach ministries for how they currently serve to “build relationships across our fear,” and how they might better serve the purpose of “repairing the breaches” between peoples. • We will identify the ways in which we respond to resistance, from wherever and whomever it comes. • We will boldly articulate that the Good News of Jesus Christ compels us to activate into more just and equitable life with our neighbors.
Rebecca Gamble is Pastor for Outreach and Congregational Care. She has a passion for building and deepening community through conversational learning and mutual aid. She hopes to raise not only awareness, but also empowerment and equitable opportunities for the wellbeing (and continued leadership) of God’s diverse people. She believes that active engagement with the public topics that impact daily lives is not only essential to knowing and loving our neighbors, but also an avenue brimming with promise for the vibrant public witness of the Church.
22 VISION 2025 | July 2021
We are what we’ve been waiting for. We worship in a sanctuary on stolen ground soaked with indigenous blood. We will work to repair that injustice and lift up our native siblings. We are the face of the asylum seeker. We will provide sanctuary. We are the voice of George Floyd. We will not be silenced. We are the tears of the transgender teen thinking about ending their life. We will celebrate love. All love. We are the gospel, the good news, and we will show the world the love of Jesus. We will follow His example and live into the hard truths about the sins of racism and patriarchy. On Good Friday, we will remember that Jesus was lynched, because He loved the outcast and the sinner, because He was a disrupter who came to remind us how to love. And every time we gather, we will live His message that “All are welcome at the table” and we will mean it. All. Period. -jennifer musolf, vision 2025 team member
July 2021 | VISION 2025
Normandale Lutheran Church 6100 Normandale Road Edina, Minnesota 55436
be a part of the vision Let’s dream dreams together. Let’s see visions together. Let’s listen for the voice of God and follow. We will go forward, all together by faith, not knowing what is before us, but only that God in Jesus Christ will guide us.
vision sunday sunday, september 12, 2021 9:30 am, outdoor worship space Join us for worship and celebration of our exciting journey ahead.
congregational meeting sunday, september 19, 2021, 12:00 pm We will gather as a congregation and present the comprehensive campaign, VISION 2025, for approval. Together we see where God leads.
questions? Please contact any member of the Campaign Committee, the Church Council, or Pastor Paul Pettersen at 952.929.1697 or Learn more about Normandale, our mission, and our ministries at
NORMANDALE LUTHERAN CHURCH . 6100 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55436 . 952.929.1697 .