NonTox Newsletter - February 2024 (1)

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FEBRUARY 2024 | 1


H T N O M E H T F BRAND O Cridling Kombucha



Brand of the Month

What’s in a Label?





Romantic AF Cocktails

Sober with a love chaser?


Love Your Liver

Brand Partner News

AT A GLANCE Pulling together the news, updates and the insider knowledge from the world of Alcohol Free is a labour of love. We mix, shake and stir things about until we have the perfect cocktail of news, products, hints and tips to make your low and no journey is as fun and easy as can be!

Sips at Six gives us the chance to taste test and give your our thoughts in real time

hind the e b d r a h Working ring you b o t s e n sce g AF as it everythin happens




Brand of the Month

NonTox HQ team member Laura, talks to Claire from Cridling all about her kombucha and what we can expect to see from the micro brewery in the future!


cans eady to Drink R in d e rv se Cridling is your g with you on in k ta r fo t c e rf pe adventures

Claire! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to chat to me about all things Cridling!

For the first year when I had taken up brewing, I was pretty much creating vinegar. It wasn’t good.

Not to worry, I am super busy right now onboarding a couple of new employees! So it’s all go around here!

Around the same time, I had also started bee keeping and decided to experiment with adding honey in to the recipes. That’s when it all changed. I found our signature taste.

We better not faff about then, let’s talk Cridling. So why kombucha? I’d heard about this thing called kombucha on a podcast. I’d become interested in gut health as a way of improving overall bodily health but there wasn’t a great deal of research available at the time.

OK so that was a few years ago now, how did we get to here? During the Covid pandemic I had a dental abscess. After 4 courses of antibiotics it still wasn’t clear and the dentist had told me I would need dental surgery.


I was distraught and I decided that I would put my kombucha brew to the ultimate test and drank it daily. It took just over a month for the abscess to finally clear - but the kombucha had done what modern antibiotics couldn’t and actually sent that infection packing! So you really do focus on the health benefits of Kombucha in your day to day? Since the abscess cleared up, I’ve relied on kombucha. My health took a serious down turn for a while. To the extent that I was experiencing regular allergic reactions and I had become reliant on carrying an epi-pen with me. Just like the abscess, I have overcome these health issues, and I credit kombucha for that. After a couple of years of brewing kombucha for myself - then friends and family, I realised there was a need to take my brewing to the next level. So, in 2022 with the help of close family, the Cridling micro-brewery was established. Do all of your customers drink Cridling purely for the health benefits? Not at all! As well as servicing regular customers who drink Cridling kombucha for its health benefits we have many customers who just enjoy drinking a natural beverage. It is naturally fermented to encourage the lactic acid bacteria growth, a bi-product of this is the low alcohol content. It is very low with the average can being around one quarter of a UK unit of alcohol.


So what’s next for Cridling? We are developing an alcohol free kombucha due to launch in 2024. Not only is it alcohol free but it will also be much more affordable. However, it is worth bearing in mind that as great as the new range tastes, it doesn’t have the same amount of beneficial content in terms of the gut healthy bacteria. We have also just launched a new range of flavours that are without honey - making them perfect for those vegans (and anyone not keen on the taste) that are not happy to consume bee products. Sounds to me like you are steadily expanding Cridling to offer something for everyone! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat!

Cridling Kombucha are giving NonToxicated Members 10% discount. Use Discount Code NONTOX10 at checkout. *please note that the current Cridling Kombucha available for purchase is a LOW alcohol beverage.


? L E B A L IN A

In today's society, labels are absolutely everywhere. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat, and significantly, to the lifestyle choices we make, labels help categorise the world around us. This is especially true when it comes to our drinking habits, where terms like sober curious, mindful drinking, sober, and teetotal offer insight into our relationship with alcohol. But at the end of the day, one might wonder: do these labels actually matter? Understanding the Spectrum The rise of terms such as “sober curious” and “mindful drinking” speak to a growing awareness and intentionality around alcohol consumption. The sober curious movement invites us as individuals to reconsider our drinking habits without demanding total abstinence - fostering a more mindful and intentional approach to alcohol​​. Mindful drinking goes a step further by encouraging individuals to savour each drink, setting limits, and choosing non-alcoholic options to enhance rather than dull their experiences​​.

“Life's not alway s black and white, and the journey towards understanding one's drinking habits can invo lve many shades of grey .”


me, it's not e h c s d n a r g “In the ll yourself, a c u o y t a h w about fe and li r u o y e v li u but how yo for your e k a m u o y s the choice well-being.” On the stricter end of the spectrum, sober individuals commit to a complete abstention from alcohol, often due to past experiences, health concerns, or personal choices. Similarly, teetotalers take a lifelong pledge to avoid alcohol, motivated by a variety of factors including health reasons, religious beliefs, or ethical convictions. The Significance of Labels Labels like these do serve several purposes. They provide a shorthand for complex personal choices, offering a way to communicate our habits and preferences to others. They also help foster communities of like-minded individuals, creating spaces for support, discussion, and shared experiences. For instance, someone identifying as sober curious might find solace and encouragement in groups that understand the nuances of questioning one's alcohol consumption without the pressure to quit entirely. A place like NonToxicated.


These labels can be empowering. They allow someone to define their relationship with alcohol on their own terms - making conscious choices that align with their health, well-being, and social life. This can be particularly liberating in a culture where drinking is often the norm, providing a language to articulate alternative choices and preferences. The Limitations of Labels However, as we all know, labels of any kind have their limitations. Especially when it comes to alcohol, a label can oversimplify the complex, fluid nature of your relationship with alcohol. Life's not always black and white, and the journey towards understanding one's drinking habits can involve many shades of grey, with progress, setbacks, and evolutions over time. Strict adherence to a label can sometimes hinder more than help, creating unnecessary pressure or a sense of failure if your behaviour deviates from the chosen label.

ortance of p im e th g in is s a h p urney, em We celebrate this jo tting into a fi r ve o th w ro g d n a , areness personal choice, aw ory. neatly defined categ A focus on labels can distract from the more important, underlying reasons behind our drinking habits and the impacts of those habits on our lives. It can create a sense of division or judgement, where the label becomes a metric for evaluating oneself or others, rather than a tool for understanding and growth. The (ir)relevance of Labels at NonTox Ultimately, while labels like sober curious, mindful drinking and sober can be helpful, they don't capture the full complexity of an individual's relationship with alcohol. This brings us to an essential realisation: at the core of NonToxicated, the label itself doesn't truly matter. What matters is the journey towards healthier, more conscious living, regardless of the specific path taken. At NonToxicated we celebrate this journey, emphasising the importance of personal choice, awareness, and growth over fitting into a neatly defined category. It's about recognising that everyone's relationship with alcohol is unique and that the most important label is the one that best serves your health, happiness, and well-being, even if that label is "none at all."


In the grand scheme, it's not about what you call yourself, but how you live your life and the choices you make for your well-being. The conversation around alcohol and its role in our lives is evolving, and so too are our approaches to discussing it. Maybe it's time we focus less on what to call our drinking habits and more on understanding them, creating a culture where the need for labels diminishes in favour of genuine, personal insight and choice.

F A C I T N A M O R S L I A T K C CO those connection. For d an y, ac m ti in , l touch lebrate love can add a specia opportunity to ce t ls ai ec rf kt pe oc e m c th ti is an ting rom uring Valentine's Day d delightful, feat hout alcohol, craf it an w d g te in ca en ti ev is e ph th so c s can be looking to enjoy tive and romanti coholic beverage ea al cr ne no m e so es e Th ar e n. ection. Her to your celebratio xation and conn la re e ot om pr to n ingredients know one. y with your loved jo en to s pe ci re mocktail Rose and Berry Bliss A floral and fruity concoction that combines the elegance of rose water with the sweetness of fresh berries. The ingredients typically include: Fresh raspberries and strawberries Rose water for a floral note Lemon juice for a tangy twist Honey or agave syrup for sweetness Sparkling water for a fizzy finish Muddle the berries with the lemon juice and sweetener, add a hint of rose water, and top with sparkling water for a refreshing drink that's as beautiful as it is delicious.


Lavender Lemonade Lavender is known for its relaxing properties, making this mocktail a perfect drink to unwind and connect. Ingredients often involve: Freshly squeezed lemon juice Lavender simple syrup (water, sugar, and dried lavender) Still or sparkling water A sprig of lavender or lemon slice for garnish Combine the lemon juice and lavender syrup in a glass, add water to taste, and garnish with lavender or lemon. This mocktail not only tastes great but also has a calming effect.

Ginger Peach Sparkler Ginger adds a spicy kick and is known for its aphrodisiac properties, while peach adds a sweet, fruity note. You'll need: Fresh peaches, pureed Fresh ginger, finely grated or Gimber Honey or simple syrup, to taste Lime juice for a citrusy zing Sparkling water to add bubbles Mix the peach puree, grated ginger, lime juice, and sweetener in a shaker. Pour over ice and top with sparkling water for a spicy-sweet treat.


Cucumber Mint Cooler Cucumber and mint are refreshing and perfect for a light, invigorating mocktail. The ingredients usually include: Cucumber slices Fresh mint leaves Lime juice for a fresh citrus note Simple syrup or agave nectar for sweetness Sparkling water for effervescence Muddle cucumber slices and mint leaves with lime juice and sweetener, then top with sparkling water for a crisp, refreshing drink.

Chocolate Decadence Mocktini For a touch of luxury and indulgence, a chocolate mocktini can be a perfect choice. Consider using: Chocolate syrup for a rich flavor Coconut milk for creaminess A dash of vanilla extract for depth Cocoa powder for garnish Shake the chocolate syrup, coconut milk, and vanilla extract with ice. Strain into a martini glass and garnish with a dusting of cocoa powder or a chocolate swirl for a romantic finish.


LOVE YOUR LIVER Understanding the Benefits of Alcohol-Free Living In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, one organ often takes center stage: the liver. Often overlooked and underappreciated, the liver plays a vital role in detoxification, metabolism, and overall well-being. With the rise of mindful drinking and the increasing popularity of alcoholfree living, understanding the profound impact of abstaining from alcohol on liver health becomes paramount. Let's delve into the benefits of alcoholfree living and how it nurtures our most hardworking organ: the liver.

The Liver's Role in Detoxification The liver is the body's primary detoxification powerhouse, responsible for filtering out toxins, metabolising drugs, and breaking down harmful substances. When we consume alcohol, the liver prioritises its metabolism, leading to the accumulation of toxins and oxidative stress. By embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle, we alleviate the burden on the liver, allowing it to focus on its essential detoxification functions.

Regeneration & Repair One of the liver's remarkable qualities is its capacity for regeneration. Given the opportunity, the liver can repair and regenerate damaged tissue, restoring its optimal function. However, chronic alcohol consumption can impair this regenerative ability, leading to liver diseases such as fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Choosing an alcohol-free lifestyle provides the liver with the rest and nourishment it needs to repair itself, promoting long-term liver health and resilience.

Overall Wellbeing Beyond detoxification and regeneration, abstaining from alcohol offers a myriad of benefits for overall well being. Without the disruptive effects of alcohol on the liver, individuals may experience increased energy levels, improved digestion, clearer skin, and better mental clarity. By prioritizing liver health through alcohol-free living, individuals can enhance their quality of life and vitality.


Long-Term Benefits of Alcohol-Free Living The decision to embrace an alcohol-free lifestyle extends far beyond short-term health benefits. By prioritising liver health and well being, individuals reduce their risk of developing chronic liver diseases, such as fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Additionally, alcohol-free living promotes longevity, supporting optimal liver function well into old age. For those interested in learning more about the impact of alcohol on the liver and the benefits of reducing intake, resources such as the Cleveland Clinic and Northwestern Medicine provide valuable insights and recommendations for fostering liver health through alcohol abstinence and a nutritious diet​​.




t ntine’s withou le a V o d to le Is it possib e, the answers m ti a n o p u e c n booze? On hy would I eve “w r o ” o n , ll e would be “h t to myself?” want to do tha

Changing your relationship with alcohol can prove to be challenging when it comes to your romantic connections. Right now that upcoming challenge is probably Valentine’s Day. Making the decision to go low or no alcohol may find you white knuckling your way through holidays and celebrations that you may once have looked forward to. Valentine’s Day is no exception. With advertisements all around telling us that having a fancy dinner and fine wine is the only way to create a memorable night, it’s no wonder there are feelings of apprehension about surviving the day, dry.

Valentine’s sans the booze is completely possible and it can be enjoyable too. It will require some planning, but, what memorable romantic encounter doesn’t require some kind of forethought? Start with communication (ahead of time). Telling your significant other that you want to have a dry Valentine’s is one thing, but perhaps you don’t want to also get into a discussion about your relationship with alcohol. Try something like “My memory can become fuzzy after a few drinks and I’d like to be able to remember every moment of our date.”


Plan ahead to avoid potential triggers. Triggers are cues that can remind you of past behaviours. These can be certain people, places, topics etc that can create in you a strong desire to drink. In the earlier stages of changing the way you relate to alcohol, learning to recognise these triggers can go a long way. Set yourself up for success, by planning ahead to avoid as many triggers as you possibly can. For example, a date at an old regular drinking spot, may cause you to want to drink alcohol. So perhaps, going to a different venue would be a good idea. Going to a fancy restaurant where wine is served at every table will not make your night any easier, but calling ahead to make sure there are zero alcohol options on the menu will help- if there are none, book a table where there are alternatives to alcohol being served. Maximise your fun It is important to remember that limiting your alcohol consumption, does not mean that you are limiting your potential for fun! It’s not about missing out on life, it is about being fully present in your life and experiencing everything that it has to offer. A good Valentine’s Date needs some good fun! So take advantage of your sobriety in order to seize upon opportunities you may have avoided in the past because of your drinking. It could look like hiking a route you skipped in the past because you had drunk that extra bottle of wine. It could be board games you maybe didn't have the cognition to play when you’d had a few, rock climbing because before now you couldn’t walk a straight line, never mind climb. Whatever it is, grab it with both hands!


The possibilities are endless thanks to your low or no lifestyle - your only limitation is your imagination, and perhaps also the laws of physics. Go wild, have fun and live your life to the fullest. You have lived all the possibilities of a life that included alcohol, now its time to try all the other fun and joyful things that life can offer. Reward yourself It’s possible that this whole dry valentine’s thing sounds easy on paper, but successfully celebrating and enjoying yourself is an accomplishment you should not ignore. Pat yourself on the back! One of the ways you can do this is by creating a gratitude list. I know it sounds trite, but, so can the idea of Valentine’s so stay with me here. This list is a list of all the things you appreciate about spending valentine’s without alcohol. The things you would have missed if you were drinking. Take a few minutes and make your list. Immerse yourself in your success and let it linger. Enjoy it! Lastly but importantly, it’s okay to ask for help. If you find yourself struggling with more thoughts and cravings about alcohol; if you have doubts about how to plan a romantic date that supports your sobriety; or if you fear that you will not be able to endure Valentine’s Day without giving in, you are not alone. Help is always available. Reach out in the NonTox group - the community is here for you.



h DJ Flourish it w p u m a e T Hip Pop Hip Pop are partnering with DJ Flourish at her next event, Self Love Rave, on the 15th of February at The Monastery in Manchester. Go along for an evening of alcohol-free Hip Pop slushies, Self Love and good tunes. If you would like to attend you can head over to @ravewithdjflourish’s page to find more information about the event.


istillation 8 D h c n u la m u Herbari Offering a gentle blend of distilled floral herbs including rosemary, lavender, and lemongrass with hints of pink pepper and citrus. Distillation 8 pairs particularly well with premium tonic or rose lemonade for a delicious easy-to-prepare aperitif. Free from alcohol, sugar, sweeteners, calories and added flavourings. Everything you taste is from the carefully selected botanicals hand distilled in the UK.


on Brewing at d n o L f o rt a e The h er Wise Bartend


Nirvana's Alcohol-Free London Porter ⁠is a rich, dark brew bringing a sophisticated palette of caramel, coffee, and a hint of chocolate to your glass, all without the alcohol. ⁠ Perfect for the mindful drinker looking to indulge in the complex flavours of a classic porter. Dive into a guilt-free experience that doesn't compromise on taste. ⁠Head to Wise Bartender to buy.


easer Goat Drinks T Over on their instagram account Goat Drinks have teased a new flavour coming to market in 2024! From what we know it’s vegan friendly, and if it’s half as good as the existing offerings, we know this newbie will be a hit! Head to their insta account to be the first to know when it’s available!


NEWS TO SHARE? Be in the next NonTox Newsletter! If you have news, views or opinions for the land of alcohol free we are here for it! We want to hear from brands AND from consumers - everyone’s voice matters here. Send us your info New products New collaborations Events you want us to know about Stories about your brand Reviews Taste Testing Opinions Video content


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