NonTox Newsletter March 2024

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Dr ZeroZero

MARCH 2024 | ISSUE 2
ISSUE 3 Letter from Laura 4 At a Glance 5 Brand of the Month 9 No Monkey Business 10 The L’s Love 13 What we tasted this month 16 Takes to the Airwaves 18 Brand Partner news 11 What’s all the buzz about B-Corps? 14 Love From Manchester 17 freshening up at diddly squat 20 Discounts Galore


Brought to you by Team Tox!

Lisa Marie Godfrey Fabulous Founder & Taste Master

Laura Jennifer Edwards Implementation Machine & Side Eye Queen

Leanne Marie Waite

Self Proclaimed Bossy Britches & Spreadsheet Maven



Welcome to awards season! No not the Oscars, or any of those awards, but the awards season that counts for the Alcohol Free space.

This week our Founder, Lisa, is in London judging for not one, but two awards - the World Alcohol Free Awards and the Free From Awards! Super exciting and we are sure she will have lots of gossip to tell us about! The Free From Awards are particularly important to Lisa because she has food allergies - so all things that come with that are a personal passion of hers. Tune in to next months newsletter where you can expect a full write up about Lisa’s experience of judging, as well as the lowdown on who won what.

In the Lancashire base of NonTox (i e Laura’s office space), I am beavering away on executing all the things for our amazing community. Talking to new drinks creators, working on our new and upcoming publications and content for our lovely groups! It’s a busy and varied role that keeps me on my toes- and out of trouble!

“I am beavering away on executing all the things for our amazing community.”

Over yonder Yorkshire way, our Leanne is busy beavering with our brand partners and contacts and strategising for the rest of the year! Filling out spreadsheets, making plans and making sure that we are all doing what we are supposed to be!

It’s an odd time really. After the buzz and bustle of Sober October, Clean Christmas and Dry Jan, it can feel quiet. Too quiet. But at NonTox we stay committed to bringing you all the news and info about the low and no world, sharing our love of alcohol free with all of you and building and supporting our amazing community.

So is it quiet? Perhaps it seems that way, but there is a lot to look forward to coming your way!

To be the first to be in the know and stay up to date with all the goings on, make sure you are on our email subscriber list and a member of our free Facebook Group.

Laura Edwards


We have a blast when we get together, and that usually involves a stash swap! We are very lucky to get sent things to try along side what we buy for ourselves - and what we have, we always share

It’s a great way to taste new drinks, and makes up a very fun part of getting together to plan and execute all things NonTox!

Hard at work!

When you aren’t allowed to drink the drinks in the establishment, but no one said you can’t take photos!




“A delicious medicinal drink”~ Leanne Waite, NonTox

Introducing AmarNo, the Non Alcoholic evolution of Italy’s traditional Amari

For centuries Italians have appreciated the flavor and digestive properties of bitter herbs, the key ingredients of the Amaros.

AmarNo contains extracts of sage, Chinese Rhubarb, wormwood, and quassia, considered by many as digestive stimulants as well as tonics benefitting energy levels

An exquisite after-dinner botanical bitter, crafted by master “Amarologists” in Italy, yet without the alcohol content of other Amari and is an ideal complementary component to creative cocktails,

The love of Amaro is an Italian tradition. Master craftsmen have kept perfecting this essential spirit.

Today, DrZeroZero brings you their NonAlcoholic version, maintaining the flavor and smoothness that has delighted us for so long in this country of world-renowned food and drink culture.



Stresa Sour

2oz Amarno

1oz Lemon Juice

1 oz Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice

0 5oz Rich Simple Syrup, (2:1, sugar: water)

1 egg white

Combine all the ingredients except the egg white in a shaker and shake to chill, for 10-15 seconds. Strain into a glass, discard the ice, pour the mixture back into the same chilled shaker, add egg white, and shake for 10 more seconds. Pour into a chilled Coupe. Garnish with a half orange wheel and a cherry.

Fixer Upper

1.5 Amarno

0.5 oz Cold Brew Coffee Ginger Beer

Add the Amarno to a collins glass filled with ice. Top with Ginger Beer. Top with Cold Brew.


order here


Welcome to the daring world of REBELS 0.0%, where the spirit of innovation meets the essence of rebellion in every sip. We were born to revolutionize the adult drinking culture as we invite you to join the cheers revolution, a movement that challenges norms and sparks a new era in socializing.

At the heart of our revolution lie our award-winning products. Crafted with precision and passion in the Swiss Alps using only natural botanicals, thanks to our unique double distilling process we manage to completely avoid alcohol along the way and yet still bring out the intense and complex flavors. REBELS 0.0% is not just a brand: it's a rebellion against the ordinary, an invitation to celebrate life on your terms.

Together, we're pushing boundaries and redefining what it means to raise a glass.

Cheers to the rebellion!



Opening this month, on Main Street in Keswick, Cumbria is No Monkey Business,


Vicki, operator of Cafe Hope in the same town is bringing No and Low Alcohol options to the nightlife of Keswick and we are here for it!

Vicki has been very clear to let the locals know that No Monkey Business isn’t come kind of youth club - but instead a bar simply for those who do not drink

Vicki aims to freshen up the culture and nightlife in the area, bringing a different approach to how people both local and tourist, enjoy their time in the town.

Vicki has commented that a lot of the younger generation in the town, now opt out of drinking. We know this to be true, and so much so that larger media sources such as Vice and Bloomberg have done pieces on what they term as a “phenomenon” of young people choosing not to drink.

We wouldn’t call it a phenomenon of course - but that’s because the “bigs” are only just starting to catch up with us! ;)

Gen Z are definitely drinking a lot less than their predecessors, but as we at NonTox know, this isn’t a fad or a craze - and certainly not only going on within “the youth”.

Vicki is bringing actual alternatives to alcohol to the bar, whilst also offering mood enhancing experience drinks on the menu, and even some fungal options (No drink served will ever be over 0 5% ABV)

Whilst this is an adult establishment, no one is excluded During the daytime, everyone is permitted to sit and dine on casual dishes like French toast for brunch, changing to flatbread pizzas and small foods in the evening But after the clock strikes 9pm the pumpkin changes back and the venue becomes adultonly.

Keswick is very much known for being a hub for walkers, hikers and mountain climbers - so if you think about it, it makes sense to set out into the wilds with your head on straight!

We are super excited to hear about new venues popping up all over the place, and Laura has already said that whilst she won’t be headed to Keswick to hike, she will be headed over to No Monkey Business!

To have a look at what’s going on head to their Facebook Page here


The L’s Love

This month we are sharing what drinks we loved in February at NonTox HQ!

Lisa Loves

Noughty Rouge

Noughty Rouge has been dealcoholized to less than 0 5% ABV and yet retains a rich flavour. With just 14 calories per glass and only 2.5g of sugar per 100ml, it's the perfect alternative to an alcoholic red wine. The bottle contains less than 150mg per litre of sulphites and is gluten free.and is definitely Lisa’s go to drink this month!

Leanne Loves

Abbeydale Breweries Sparkling Hop WaterMosaic

With a generous serving size (440ml) and beautiful citrusy flavours, and a hoppy back end, Leanne loves this Gluten Free, Vegan drink and has already had it paired with spicy fajitas!

Laura Loves

Dr ZeroZero AmarNo

With a beautiful medicinal quality, and served over ice with soda and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, Laura not only loves the splendid branding and packaging of Dr ZeroZero, but to serve it after dinner



and why should we care?

The small unassuming B-Corp Logo is popping up all over products across the globe and ever more frequently, it’s appearing on the packaging of our favourite low and no drinks!

So that being the case, we buzz off to do some investigation!

We heard the phrase B-Corp last year when our friends over at Bemuse got their accreditation. At the time they said that it was difficult to get, required a lot of hard work, but they couldn’t be prouder to have it

That piqued our interest, but now seeing the logos popping up more frequently than a memes about a certain presidential race, now seemed the time to see what all the buzz is about. Get it? B-Corp? (We are laughing even if you aren’t)

Some googling led us to a very formal and serious looking website, but what really stands out, besides that it looks harder to obtain than ISO certification, is that B-Corp, led by B-Labs is on a mission to make a change

B-Lab are a global Non-Profit network, actively aiming to change the way that our economic

systems work. B-Lab is mobilising it’s network to create serious change in a system we all know to be deeply flawed

“Learn more about who we are, and how we're working together to shift the behavior, structure, and culture of capitalism.” They say - “Yes please”, say we!

B-Lab are aiming to benefit all people, all communities and our planet as a whole. Using their standards and process of certifying, the network is leading the way towards a vision that is inclusive, equitable and to develop a regenerative economy Their tools and systems are looking to help build B-Corps that are resilient for the future including helping multinational companies to understand and improve their social and environmental footprints and dedicated policy work that pushes for meaningful legal change around corporate accountability and social impact

Now this all sounds positively delightful, pure sunshine, rainbows and unicorns, but what does it actually mean on a ground level?


Well it just so happens that Feragaia, Scotland based AF Spirit and RTD producers, are so proud of their certification that they take time to go into detail about what real changes they have made to their business

So let’s go from theory to practice!

Feragaia is proud to be locally sourced and produced, so to expand upon that they have cut 400 miles out of their process by making a simple change to their supply chain manager from Portsmouth (UK South Coast) to Scotland - i.e. right where Feragaia is made! Now this makes total sense to us. Local business, supporting local business, improving local economy, reducing carbon footprint and cutting out unnecessary travel time

So what else is there - cause that, sounds too simple right?

The Feragaia distillery is based in Fife Bringing their bottling and labelling facilities in house to the distillery cuts out a whopping 1950 miles of transportation and helps to employ local people! This again, sounds like common sense practice, right?

The local botanical nursery that sources the ingredients for Feragaia, now grows what is needed - and is very close to the distillery - again keeping that mileage low, increasing employment in the area and also making life a heck of a lot easier Want to inspect the crop and yield on what’s grown? Easily done when it’s down the road!

All packaging is non-plastic - and where plastics are unavoidable they are all recyclable, and already recycled.

It does very much strike like these things are no brainer, common sense decisions But, when we look at businesses that have their operations sprawled out across multiple cities and continentsit maybe isn’t as much of a no brainer as we thinkif it were, surely all businesses would be fulfilling the requirements to hit B-Corp status and wearing their badges with pride?

It’s an unfortunate but present truth that cash is king and that capitalism remains the thing. We know that these choices made by these B-Corps make sense - but it also stands to reason that there is a monetary component to this B-Corp thing. Savings made in some areas, won’t necessarily negate increased expenditure across the board.

A larger and ever growing network that prioritises people, the planet and the economy, means it becomes easier to make these choices that benefit us all - the more of us are in, than out, the more we all will see these positive results across the board. It’s not just shareholders that matter after all, its the stakeholders.

For B-Corps like Feragaia that means that the people growing their botanicals matter as much as the bottom line and that is a beautiful thing. Purpose and Passion.

That’s a lot about locality, road miles, employment and carbon footprint... so what else is there?

Plastics reduction

So what’s all this buzz about B-Corps? Well to us, it seems like a literal growing hive network of good that is growing across the globe to make things better for us all. Now obviously there is a lot of work to be done, and many miles to go to make this dream a full reality - but B-Labs are on the way and we look forward to seeing more of those logos in our future!



When we were gathered together last we had some sneaky sips of drinks we are excited to share with you!

Abbeydale Brewery Sparkling Hop Water - Mosaic

Abbeydale describe as:

“This version features Mosaic hops, bursting with notes of guava, grapefruit and mango and an underlying character of fresh cut grass Here, they’re given space to shine in their purest form! No booze, no artificial flavouring and no carbs, caffeine or sugar – just spritzy, zesty, mindful drinking”

What we had to say:

Smell: smells sweet, you get a really fresh citrus smell full of mango when you open then can.

Colour: Pale Green We were expecting a more “fruity colour” that would match the delightful smell

Not an unpleasant colour at all - just a little surprise!

Taste: Beautiful Citrus Taste The note of grapefruit and mango shine through really well, with a gentle hoppy note on the backend

Serve with: Leanne already tried this with Fajitas and said it was a perfect accompaniment!

Lisa said it would be great with salty snacks, served as a tall drink over ice with some fresh grapefruit squeezed in for a spring / summer picnic drink

General Comments: Tastes like a sparkling fruit tea - really drinkable. Pleasant. Large serving - 440ml can. Really refreshing and something that is easily drinkable and very enjoyable.

Mahala Botanicals Amber

Mahala Describe as:

“Mahala Botanical Amber is a non-alcoholic, triple distilled spirit Once you open a bottle of Mahala Amber the fragrant chilli, smoke and oak become apparent with subtle floral notes of the honey bush coming through from the indigenous South African fynbos ”

What we had to say:

Smell: a bold scent of woodsmoke and barbecue comes through as soon as you open the bottle It is a very strong scent

Colour: Beautiful colour of Amber that you would expect to see in the gemstone

Taste: A real taste of BBQ. A very potent, unique flavour that none of us had experienced previously. A really unique taste!

Serve with: For sure serve this one with BBQ and spicy foods! We think this one would make for some really great cocktails! Lisa said it would be great with salty snacks, served as a tall drink over ice with some fresh grapefruit squeezed in for a spring / summer picnic drink

General Comments: Strong, unique drink that you really couldn’t find anywhere else. Exactly as described. Really interesting to try

No one likes thick, gloopy tomato juices! In a sea of sweet drinks dominating the mindful drinking category, we created Marty’s alcoholfree drinks because we recognised the need for delicious and umamipacked alternatives. We believe that a Virgin Bloody Mary can be tasty, not packed full of unhealthy ingredients and doesn’t need to feel like you are swallowing your way through a bottle of cold soup. Marty's is vegan, with no refined sugar, no additives, filled with gut loving apple cider vinegar and a distinctively savoury flavour profile.


The Love From Alcohol Free Bar Popped Up into Manchester’s Kampus in the New Year and it has been a resounding success!

So much so that the opening dates for Manchester’s first alcohol free bar have been extended giving all of us local enough, a chance to visit (if we haven’t already)!

The Love From Popup bar’s aim has been to create a space for the sober curious, non drinkers and people who are just looking for something a bit different. An aim which it has definitely achieved and more!

With an extensive drinks menu and an events schedule to rival the local established bars, Love From is a triumph borne of passion and hard work.

Love From is not only a welcome change from the local bars and nightlife for those of us who choose not to drink alcohol but Karl has made the space inclusive to the LGBTQIA++ community too, culminating with a special event collaborating with Manchester Pride at the end of March. We suspect Love From will be the place to be that weekend!

Whilst Manchester is long held as a place that embraces everyone, of late we all know that globally things have not been easy for a community long plagued by intolerance, misunderstanding and violence. It is wonderful to see these safe, inclusive, beautiful places opening, being successful and really changing culture that has sorely needed a good shake up for a long time.

To check out the events at Love From

head to their Facebook Page here

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Talonmore have been named by Good Housekeeping UK as No 1 Top Non-Alcoholic Spirit 2024.Their panel of wine and spirit accredited experts and consumers blind tested 54 non-alcoholic spirits, scoring on its aroma, flavour and overall finish.

Talonmore has also been named Best Non-Alcoholic Spirit by Men's Health. We are delighted to be recognised by such a high quality publication, showcasing our goal of bringing health and wellbeing to the forefront of social occasions.



Diageo, global drinks giant, has, as we know recently jumped in on the alcohol free bandwagon. So much so that they have partnered with K-Pop Star SUHO, who has released a song encouraging mindful drinking.

“Enjoy the flow, savour every moment”

The “Enjoy the flow, Savour every moment” campaign is the latest in Diageo’s efforts to break into the alcohol free space, and collaborating with SUHO from K-Pop band EXO is an interesting, and dare we say it, fun way to bring the principles of mindful drinking to APAC.

The campaign has kicked off in South Korea, and will expand to Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam over time

The campaign includes the song, music video with behind the scenes footage and emphasises slowing down and moderation. Principles that we can absolutely get behind.

Laura at NonTox HQ has a somewhat eclectic taste in music should we say, so we tasked her with the first listen to the song

“It’s a catchy track with a great tune. It’s definitely a good K-Pop song and will appeal to anyone who enjoys the genre.” If you want to hear the song and watch the video click the image below:



Anyone with an Amazon Prime Subscription and a mind for the slightly ridiculous, has embraced Jeremy Clarkson’s venture the Diddly Squat Farm.

Jeremy’s adventures in creating a working, profitable farm in the Oxfordshire countryside have seen crop planting, sheep rearing, lambing and an ill fated restaurant that he remains in planning dispute with the local council over. Clarkson’s Farm is actually a great watch, bringing farming and agriculture into the light somewhat. It’s very much been the thing that because farms have been handed down generationally, that to know about farming, and be part of the world of agriculture, you have to be in, to be in the know

Clarkson and his farm hand Caleb have tried many a new scheme to bring success to the farm. The most infamous of which is the farm shop that attracts hundreds of tourists - but blocks up the local roadscreating chaos and discord in the surrounding area, not to mention the saga with the car parking.

But why do we care about Diddly Squat or Jeremy Clarkson here at NonTox? Well apart from our Laura’s obsession with watching Clarkson’s Farm, the latest venture at Diddly Squat is “Diddly Fresh” lodged with the patent office as a range of low and no alcohol beer and wine.

The first drink to come out of Diddly Fresh is the Hawkstone Lager (pictured left). Mr Clarkson is the latest in a long line of celebs putting their name onto low and no alcohol drinks Is this a passion project? A monkey maker? Or a combo of both?

No matter the impetus behind this latest product, we are eager to try and see what this new lager is like. Although secretly we are a bit disappointed that the name doesn’t follow in the same Diddly vain!

Want to try Hawkstone Lager?

grab it from The Alcohol Free Co here



What’s been going on with our brand partners? Let’s have a look!

Myth are the People’s Choice!

“We won!!!!!! Proving that Myth is the people’s choice”.

HipPop on the High Street

As long time supporters at NonTox of Colette and her adventures with Myth, we have always known what a fantastic range Myth is, and it’s wonderful see that being recognised!

HipPop have launched in both Waitrose and M&S Food - meaning that another of our popular brand partners are being seen and enjoyed by a wider audience of people. Why not have a look and see if it’s on the shelves in your local M&S or Waitrose and drop a pic in the Facebook Group?!

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Herbarium releases new Distillation 8

Herbarium Drinks are excited to introduce their new alcohol-free botanical spirit, Herbarium Distillation 8 - Floral Herbs!

Offering a gentle blend of distilled floral herbs including rosemary, lemon grass, with hints of delicate lavender Herbarium Distillation 8Floral Herbs is light and refreshing on the palate yet has a subtle pink peppery spice and warming, citrus finish. Pair with premium tonic or why not try with rose lemonade for a delicious easy-toprepare aperitif!

OSCO launches its new 25cl formats: same taste, same character, smaller size!

The perfect gift to bring wherever you go and enjoy an OSCO tonic with your friends: 1 part of OSCO, 2 parts of tonic, lots of ice this is all you need to travel to the South of France)

A New Goat on the Horizon!

Details on this new Goat are a closely guarded secret - you don’t want to be on the wrong end of those horns! ;) What we do know is that new goat will be caffeine free and we have managed to wrangle a sneak peek at the new goat head!

We will bring you more information when we can get hold of it!

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Nuisance Drinks

Nuisance are offering NonToxicated Members

15% discount (One time Use)

Nuisance Ships to the UK

Discount Code - NONTOX15

discounts galore!
Nuisance Drinks

Cridling Kombucha are offering NonToxicated Members 10% discount

Discount Code - NONTOX10

Visit Cridling Kombucha

Wise Bartender

Wise Bartender are offering NonToxicated Members £5 off when you spend £25

Discount Code - NONTOX5

Visit Wise Bartender


Lyres are offering NonToxicated Members 15% discount

Discount Code - NONTOX15

Visit Lyre's

Myth Drinks

Myth are offering NonToxicated Members 10% discount.

Discount Code - NONTOX10

Visit Myth Drinks


Herbarium are offering NonToxicated Members 20% discount.

Discount Code - NONTOX20

Visit Herbarium Drinks

Mahala Botanical

Mahala Botanical are offering NonToxicated Members 20% discount

Discount Code - NONTOX20

Visit Mahala Botanical


JOMO Club are offering NonToxicated Members 35% discount off their first box!

Discount Code - TOX35

Visit JOMO Club

Clean Break Brewing

Clean Break are offering GrapeVine members 15% off (Not applicable to packs of 4 Not stackable with other codes)

Discount Code: NONTOX15

Click Here to Buy

Reformed Characters

Reformed Characters are offering GrapeVine members 20% off all products in store including full cases and bundles

Discount Code: NONTOX20

Click Here to Buy

Pentire Botanical Non-Alcoholic Spirits

Pentire are offering GrapeVine Members an exclusive discount 20% off their first two orders and 15% off every order that follows on the Subscribe and Save option plus some exclusive bonus items along the way!

Discount Code: NEWSUB

Click Here to Buy

Talonmore Drinks

Talonmore are offering NonTox member 15% off

Discount Code: nontoxvip15

Click Here to Buy

LA Brewery

L A Brewery are offering GrapeVine Members 20% discount

Discount Code - NONTOX20

Click Here to Buy

Intune are offering GrapeVine Members 20% discount

Discount Code: NONTOX20

Click here to buy

Everleaf Drinks

Everleaf are offering GrapeVine Members 15% discount

Intune Drinks

Discount Code: NONTOX15

Click here to buy

Drink Martys

Drink Martys are offering NonTox customers 10% off

Discount Code: NONTOX10

Click Here to Buy

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