Spring 2018 New Mexico Farm & Ranch

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New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Life Along the Ag/Urban Interface

New Mexico Envirothon

Pronghorn Program Revisions Spring 2018



The Value of Giving Back Last month my wife, Teresa and I, along with our daughter Linsey, spent President’s Day weekend in Juarez, Mexico, on a short-term mission trip. A diverse group of strangers, from a retired nuclear engineer to a paramedic and a teacher to several farmers, joined together to build a house for a family in need. In a matter of three days, we prepared the lot by hand, poured a concrete foundation, built walls, insulated, wired, sheetrocked, and stuccoed a three-room house. Staying in the outskirts of Juarez and witnessing the poverty experienced by individuals living right across the border from us is humbling to say the least. However, the ability to witness joy and excitement as we handed a family the keys to their new home helped me to see the hope and benevolence existing in the midst of hardship. Nothing is more neighborly than joining together to help others in need, regardless of whether or not we know them personally.

on their feet. We give academic scholarships, not just on the state level, but in many counties as well. From fairs to education activities, we have always tried to use the money from dues collected to be both fiscally responsible and supportive of the communities we live in. I thank you for being a member of the NMF&LB organization and hope you are as proud of our diverse accomplishments as I am. On a final note, our Ag in the Classroom program, led by the talented Traci Curry, educates elementary students about agriculture and the impact it has on their lives. In doing so, we are able tackle misconceptions about the ag industry, while simultaneously educating our future generation. To further support this endeavor, I hope you will join me for a dining experience you won’t forget as Ag in the Classroom and the NMSU School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management come together on April 14th for a “Farm to Fork” fundraiser. All the ingredients, from the wine to our world-famous green chile will be sourced from New Mexico. For more information, contact Cecilia Diaz-Johnson, at 575-532-4708.

“I thank you for being a member of the NMF&LB organization...”

As a grassroots organization, Farm Bureau prides itself in being a platform for the rural voice. We represent agriculture, but in doing so, we also maintain the rural mentality many of us were brought up with, if someone is need of help, we help them. The New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau has donated one thousand dollars to a relief fund to assist with recovery following a devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico. Last year, when Texas ranching communities experienced grave loss due to fires, our YF&R members built H-braces to help our neighbors to the east get back Page 2

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly. Spring 2018



Pressing Forward for Ag Literacy If you want something done right, often, you have to do it yourself. That’s what the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is doing when it comes to how children’s books portray agriculture. Believing that there should be more high-quality, enjoyable and, most of all, accurate books about agriculture available to children, the Foundation has launched Feeding Minds Press to help meet that need. The Foundation will publish its first title, “Right This Very Minute,” in January 2019. The book, by award-winning author Lisl Detlefsen, is about the foods we enjoy in our daily lives and the farmers and ranchers who are working right this very minute to grow it.

uscripts and will accept submissions throughout the month of March. Interested authors can learn more about what we’re looking for and how to submit a manuscript here: http://feedingmindspress.com/submissions.html. Children start to form their views about the world very early. By publishing books for children that open their eyes to the vital role of agriculture in their everyday lives, Feeding Minds Press will help shape a positive perception about today’s agriculture. I look forward to seeing what comes from this publishing venture in the years ahead, and reading the published books to my own grandchildren!

“Feeding Minds Press is searching for

The Foundation has worked for years to identify “accurate ag books,” children’s books that are educational, not pointless or, worse, making the wrong point about how agriculture works and how our food is grown. Unfortunately, it is getting more difficult to find books that meet that standard. So the Foundation is turning a challenge into an opportunity!


Feeding Minds Press will publish two to three books per year, depending on the manuscripts it receives. To add value for authors, readers and educators, the Foundation will create educational resources to accompany the books it publishes, making the books great options for classrooms. Do you know someone who has a story and would like to get it published? Feeding Minds Press is searching for manPage 3

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

New Mexico Ag in the Classroom volunteer Melinda Jackson displays a collection of ag accurate books. Want to purchase books for your children or school library that accurately portray modern agriculture? Go to https:// www.agfoundation.org/recommended-pubs Spring 2018

Urban/Agriculture Interface By Chad Smith, NMF&LB CEO

Greetings from New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau. As a valued member of our organization, I want to thank you for your support. New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau would not have celebrated its centennial last year without members like you. It is only a couple of times a year that I have the opportunity to reach out to our over nineteen thousand member families, and I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your loyalty. I recently had the opportunity to present to the Western Pecan Growers Association about the urban/agricultural interface. It is a very timely conversation, as we rely on both our urban and agricultural members, and this issue goes out to both of those Houses mingle with fields and pecan orchards. groups. As the population grows, Americans have a strong desire to move away from the crowded cities yet stay close enough to enjoy the amenities that our cities have to offer, and we see more growth in agricultural areas that border urban communities. We must start having conversations about the two, urban and agriculture, and how they are going to cohabitate. Farmers and ranchers are realizing that they must adapt many of their standard agricultural practices to city standards. The way things have been done for generations are not acceptable to our new neighbors. We must initiate the conversation to inform our neighbors, consumers and those that are so far removed from agriculture. I opened my presentation with a reminder that in 1790, 90% of Americans were farmers, growing for the remaining 10%. Fast-forward to today and there are fewer than 2% growing for the remaining 98%. Combine those statistics with an anticipated population of 9 billion by the year 2050 and it certainly gives you something to think about. Farmers and ranchers have adapted for decades. Learning to grow more with less has become the key to success. We certainly thank technological advances for this, but must also recognize the achievements of our family farms and ranches who are adapting everyday to meet the needs of our consumers and to provide every American with an abundant and affordable food supply. I would like to give our urban neighbors a few things to think about... Following my presentation, I moderated a panel discussion with a diverse group of farmers, one particular panelist was a producer from California. Many know that California is far more progressive than the Land of Enchantment, but also gives us insight into the future and perhaps helps guide this conversation of the urban and agricultural interface. The panelist suggested that California-style agriculture is the future of New Mexico. I do not disagree with that theory but hope we can avoid stifling regulations, and it starts with this conversation. One panelist from Chaparral, New Mexico explained how he was checking orchards one day and found a sprinkler head removed with water shooting straight in the air along with shampoo bottles and soap. He could clearly tell that someone had been bathing in the orchard during irrigation. As he proceeded down the road he came across two young neighbor girls with towels wrapped around them and dripping wet. He approached the girls and asked if they had been bathing in his orchard. The two young girls replied “no” and replied that they had been swimming. Well, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck... The farmer went directly to his neighbor’s house to talk with the parents and asked that the girls join the conversation. He explained what had happened and the safety concerns for this type of behavior. First, you never know what has been injected into the irrigation water for application on the crop. It could have been a pesticide, herbicide or fertilizer that clearly is not meant to be bathed in. Of course, I say this in a time and era where kids are eating detergent pods for whatever godly reason, so why would young kids think about this! Well, we as agriculturists have to consider what happens when those young girls “harmlessly” go into this orchard after a chemical application which causes burns to their skin and eyes, who is held responsible? After all, the kids Page 4

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

Does chocolate milk come from brown cows? Does cotton come from sheep? Do peanuts grow on trees? Now we know the answers are no, no and no, but for a typical fourth grader these are legitimate questions. Making sure New Mexico’s school children have the correct answers to those questions is the mission of New Mexico Ag in the Classroom (NMAITC). NMAITC is an educational outreach effort that works with K-12th students to foster an appreciation of New Mexico’s farmers and ranchers while growing an understanding of the important role agriculture plays in our lives. To further our efforts, we have partnered with New Mexico State University’s School of Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management (HRTM) to host a fundraiser dinner. Proceeds will be divided between the two programs to spread agricultural awareness and to fund scholarships for HRTM students. We appreciate your support and hope to see you there.

are trespassing and though they think it is fun and harmless, we must all think about the situations that come with ag and urban interface. Another panelist from Arizona explained how they have incorporated walking paths near their pecan orchards. I asked if these paths where fenced off, and his response was “no.” So, does he not have trespassers in the orchard stealing his livelihood, or better yet, what about those individuals that are out walking their dogs? Does he worry about dogs relieving themselves in his orchard? With our web of rules and regulations, the contamination of the water by these pets could potentially cause the pecan farmer a lot of money and even his crop for that year. So as the urban population heads for the hills of rural New Mexico and as our cities expand to accommodate the rapid growth of the Land of Enchantment, I would ask that you think about these stories. There are many stories like this out there. Our farmers and ranchers want to be good neighbors, they want to be proactive in addressing the concerns and issues that come with urban and agriculture encroachment. We both can live side by side, after all there are benefits to everyone, but we must start having the conversations. I challenge the agriculturists to engage in this discussion, to think outside the box and be proactive as our communities continue to grow and prosper. I would also challenge those who are moving into agricultural areas to be respectful of the land, animals and crops that are the heart of a food producer’s livelihood. Page 5

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

Envirothon, a natural resource encounter for the next generation By Dalene Hodnett, Director of Communications Stewardship of the environment and care for our state’s natural resources are a primary concern for New Mexico’s farmers and ranchers. For information regarding soils and water conservation they turn to the experts at one of 47 Soil and Water Conservation Districts across the state. These SWCDs are tasked with conserving and developing the natural resources of the state, providing for flood control and preserving wildlife. Food producers and SWCDs are partners in ensuring a successful future for agriculture in our state so naturally farmers and ranchers have a vested interest in the next generation of SWCD professionals. Enter Envirothon. Envirothon is a contest, sponsored by SWCDs across the state for high school students as they compete in five relevant areas aquatic ecology, forestry, wildlife, soils and land use, and a current environmental issue. This year’s current issues topic will be western range management. New Mexico Envirothon teams participate in an outdoor competition where students conduct a series of infield investigations followed by a multiple choice, true/false, and short answer test. The team of students then presents to a panel of judges, offering detailed solutions to a real-world resource scenario. “This competition helped me select what degree I wanted to pursue in college,” says Travis Day, the Natural Resource Director for the Sierra SWCD and president of the Sierra County Farm & Livestock Bureau. “I decided to pursue a career in natural resources management because I competed in Envirothon.” Day was a member of the Hot Springs High School Envirothon team known as the Scat Cats. Coached by biology teacher Mark Hedge, this team has won five of the last six state competitions. “The things kids learn here they’ll use for the rest of their lives,” says Hedge. “Research and presentation skills, as well as a respect for the beneficial use of land and water will make them terrific resource managers.” This year’s competition Scat Cat team members work on range evaluation. held April 20-22 at the Lone Tree Ranch near Capitan will be the 11th held in New Mexico. The winning teams advances to a national competition which will be held at Idaho State University and is the 39th time teams from across North America will come together to vie for an international title. At last year’s National Envirothon in Maryland there were over 500,000 participants representing 45 states, seven Canadian provinces as well as two teams from China. The Hot Springs team came in third overall. The New Mexico Envirothon is sponsored by the New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts, the New Mexico Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service -New Mexico Forestry Division, New Mexico Game and Fish and many others. Teams practice at area schools, but must be sponsored by a SWCD. Want to help sponsor a team, please contact Peter Vigil with the New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts at 575-751-0584. Good luck to all New Mexico teams competing in April! Page 6

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

It Pays to be a Member

By Theresa Widner, Director of Membership Services Springtime is a great time to take advantage of your New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau member benefits. Whether you are planning a family vacation, or that sticker in the car reminds you that you’re two months overdue for an oil change, we are here to help save you money. You can’t save money if you don’t use the benefits, and you will be surprised how much you can save on things you do every day. The easiest way to stay up to date on NMF&LB benefit information is to download our benefit app for your smartphone. It is completely free and even allows you to pullup an electronic copy of your automobile insurance card in a pinch. Search “FB Benefits” in your App Store or Google Play to download. Be sure to have your membership number handy to login. Once inside the application you will be able to search by category, name or location! For discounts from across Clip this card to save money on your next prescription at the locations shown the country on shopping, travel, entertainment, food, and more visit nmflb.benefithub.com. It is a great starting place for choosing that perfect vacation spot. After you’ve decided on your travel location browse on over to www.choicehotels.com. They will help you find lodging near your points of attraction. Try using the benefit application to locate the hotel nearest you. In order to be eligible to receive your special pricing, reservations must be made using our Corporate ID 00209720 either by calling (800)258-2847 or going to www.choicehotels.com If you’ve decided to take a road trip, start off with an oil change from Jiffy Lube. Just ask them to add the New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau discount to your account for special savings discount. Or maybe it is time for a new vehicle? Visit www.fordfarmbureauadvantage.com for information on how you can save $500 on a new Ford or visit www.lincolnfarmbureauadvantage.com for $750 savings on a new Lincoln. These are just a few of our benefits. Please login to www.nmflb.org or our FB Benefits app for information on all member benefits and as always, keep an eye on our Facebook page for some exciting new offers coming your way in the next couple months. If you are a business owner or know a business owner who would like to join our business partners, please contact me at theresaw@nmflb.org or 575.532.4703. Page 7

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

Revisions to A-Plus Program By Tanner Anderson, NMF&LB Regional Director

Last fall it was brought to the attention of the State Board and counties that the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish would be making changes to the current system for hunting Pronghorn in the state. Currently, the A-Plus program is the system used by NMDGF to regulate pronghorn hunting, however every four years the rules for big game species can be opened and revised, and the NMDGF has presented their changes to the NMDGF commission. The current A-Plus program distributes antelope tags based on acreage for landowners that qualify for the program. The required acreage differs unit to unit, some units require more acreage per tag. The department feels, based on their recent surveys, that this system makes for a hunt that is too conservative. The revised proposal was put before the commission on March 1st, 2018. Below are the changes that have been proposed. Please contact me if there are any questions or concerns. *Note that the following is taken directly from the NMDGF Alternative Pronghorn Hunt Management Document that can read in its entirety here: http://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/download/commission/rule-development/ Alternative-Pronghorn-Hunt-Management-Summary.pdf PROPOSED CHANGES TO PRONGHORN HUNTING Improved pronghorn survey methods have resulted in better data from which to base harvest recommendations. However, the Department is currently unable to reach targeted sustainable harvest levels because A-PLUS does not provide rifle hunting opportunities in many areas where robust pronghorn populations occur. The proposal is structured similarly to how deer are hunted in New Mexico, providing increased opportunity for both public and private land hunters, and includes: 1) Public licenses allocated by GMU through the big game draw a. Public hunters would be able to hunt accessible public land in the GMU they draw, and would also be able to hunt private deeded land with written permission; 2) Private licenses (unlimited) offered over-the-counter during established seasons. These would run concurrently with public hunts in the same GMU a. Private hunters would be able to hunt private deeded land with written permission. Current Proposed Hunt Structure as of 1/30/2018 Hunt Description, Duration and Start Date *Archery Hunt (9 days): 1st or 2nd Sat. in Aug. *1st rifle hunt (3 days): 3rd or 4th Sat. in Aug. *2nd rifle hunt (3 days): 4th Sat. in Sept. *3rd rifle & Youth hunts (3 days): Last Sat. in Sept. OR Mid-week (Tues.-Thurs.) in MidAug.*** *Mobility impaired (3 days): 4th Sat. in Aug. *Current hunts for muzzleloader maintained *F-IM public draw Youth hunts: 2nd Sun. in Oct. Photo by Dalene Hodnett *Increase from ~60 public hunt codes to a proposed 150 public hunt codes (proposing to have >1 rifle season and draw public licenses on a GMU-level) ***The department is seeking input on which of the two options for the youth hunts is preferred by the public. There is still opportunity to provide input on this issue. If you are in support of the changes in the proposal we would like to know, and if you have concerns we would like to hear those as well. We want your feedback as soon as possible so that we can represent your voice to the commission. You can contact me at tannera@nmflb.org, or call (575) 607-0655. Page 8


New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

2018 NM Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year Wins National Award! Ms. Julie Janecka is one of eight teachers in the nation that will be awarded an Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Award at the 2018 National Ag in the Classroom Conference in Portland, ME in June. The award is sponsored by National Ag in the Classroom, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Farm Credit.

“I am proud to represent our state’s agricultural community and I am grateful I have the opportunity to incorporate many aspects of New Mexico agriculture in my curriculum. I am privileged to share my agriculture heritage with my students and stress the importance of agriculture in today’s society,”says Janecka.

2018 NM Organic Farming Conference “ The conference re-energized Hosts Track Especially for Educators! me as a teacher by providing me

The NM Organic Farming Conference provided a great venue for educator professional development with eye-opening ways to integrate agriculture across the curriculum. This year the conference partnered with NM Ag in the Classroom to bring teachers the opportunity for their own workshop and networking sessions. Thanks to the generosity of Albuquerque Master Gardener’s Program, Peregrine Corporation- Cherri Page 9

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Porter, and Lyles Farms Foundation, thirty- four teachers received a scholarship that sponsored their registration to attend the twoday conference. A special thank you goes out to all those that shared their expertise and helped make the conference a great experience. A special thank you to: Sage Faulkner, Nissa Patterson- Bernalillo County Extension School Gardens Coordinators, Mallory Garcia- APS School Gardens & Food Corps., Jinx Baskerville- New Futures Principal, John GarlishNMSU Cooperative Extension, and Elizabeth Turner- teacher Mayfield High for all of your help.

with knowledge, techniques, resources and connections with other teachers working to establish an outdoor classroom/ community garden.” -Jennifer

Hamilton LCPS

“The sessions have been amazing and I have so much information to share with my students.”-Jennifer Emery, Hatch

Pictured: (Left) Elizabeth Turner, Mayfield teacher presenting on her school garden. Above: Sonja Stiefel shows off her student’s prize carrots. Spring 2018

Young Farmers & Ranchers

3rd Annual Pasture Golf Tournament By Britney Lardner, Second Vice Chair

On February 24th, the Young Farmers & Ranchers program hosted their 3rd Annual Pasture Golf Tournament, on the farm of NMFLB’s President and First Lady, Craig & Teresa Ogden. They were gracious enough to welcome our wild crew onto their farm, have a great time with amazing people, and even playing a little golf along the way. We could not have done it without the amazing support of our venue hosts, the dedication and teamwork of our committee members who took time out of their busy schedules to put on an event fit for all ages, and of course, our sponsors who added their generous financial investment into our program – it was a great success! This tournament is an annual fundraiser designed to raise funds for our members and to help us grow as a program, in more ways than one. Here are a just a few; * Assisting YF&R members travel to conferences & ag programs, acquire booth props & activities for AgFest, as well as purchasing items throughout the year for operational support, as needed. * We will now have the ability to have more activities and outreach opportunities for our young farmers and ranchers, in NM. Last but not least, these sponsorships allow us to improve our growing connections with each business, as we look to gain more networking opportunities within our districts, counties, and our farm & ranch communities. Since this committee has many new faces, this tournament weekend also served as a form of retreat for the group. We laid out our year in what events we would like to commit to, how each committee member can engage with their communities on recruiting, and simply just growing together as a unit. We have more events to join in on, this year – so, stay in the loop & follow our Facebook page – New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers, or be sure to read our YF&R newsletter articles that are sent out, like this one. We look forward to getting connected with you! Talk to one of our current committee members about signing up today, with New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau. 2018-2020 YF&R Committee: as shown in the adjacent picture, left to right, top row; Dist. 4 Reps – Russell & Brandy Johnson; Chair – Andy Ellett, member Danielle Lowry; 1st Vice – Keith & Jana (not shown) Shafer; Treasurer – Jeff Mayberry ; Dist. 3 Reps – Bronson & Barbara (not shown) Corn; Program Coordinator Tanner Anderson. Bottom row; CoChair – Haley Montes, 2nd Vice/Secretary - Britney Lardner, and Dist. 5 Co-Rep – Nicki Jaynes. Not shown, Dist. 1 Reps – Erin & Allyn Fuchs, Dist. 2 Reps – Jeroen & Traci van der Ploeg, and Dist. 5 Co-Reps – Savannah & Glenn Trujillo. Page 10

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

Collegiate Farm Bureau Active and Growing

By Shelby Herrera, Social Media Chair At New Mexico State University nearly 30 students meet twice a month to discuss their many activities and how they can advocate for agriculture across campus, across the state of New Mexico, and even across the nation. Before each school year begins, members of Collegiate Farm Bureau have the privilege of joining NM Farm & Livestock Bureau (NMFLB) members and employees and the annual summer conference. Members have the chance to make connections with other great members in the industry while learning more about agriculture in the process. As the fall semester gets under way, the collegiate members get busy collecting donations for the silent auction they put on during NMFLB’s Annual Conference. This year we received over 100 donations to help raise money for the trip to National Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Conference. This event provides a great fundraising opportunity for our organization. During Annual Conference our collegiate members had the chance to compete in a discussion meet, for the chance to win a $500 scholarship and a paid trip to compete at National YF&R. Six collegiate members attended this year National YF&R conference in Reno, Nevada, to connect with peers, mentors, and learn more about how they can contribute to our industry. After attending the discussion meet, NMSU collegiate attendees said that the competitors did a great job of discussing how we all can move forward within the industry and embrace the future. They also learned a lot about how to help improve our Collegiate Farm Bureau programs. The members of Collegiate Farm Bureau also stay very active within the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. Throughout the four-day event known as ACES Week members compete against other College of ACES organizations in dodgeball, window painting, trivia games, and a talent show. Welcome Home, Aggies! Street Festival During this year’s 5th annual Agriculture Day hosted by NMDA and the College of ACES, Collegiate Farm Bureau had the privilege of joining the rest of the Farm Bureau booths. Our members made root beer floats as a refreshing treat for the families attending the event! It provided a great opportunity for us to interact with the community and talk to them about the great experiences Collegiate and New Mexico Farm Bureau can offer. Our elected Vice President also serves the role of Dona Ana County Farm Bureau’s executive director. Through this office we assist them in taking secretarial work, coordinating with the rest of the executive board to plan events, and most importantly we help them accomplish the organizational goals each year! It also Farm Bureau members that attended this year’s NMFLB Annual Conbuilds great ties for collegiate members ference. Left to right, top – Brian Roberts, Collin Anderson, Madeleine to our local Farm Bureau, establishing Haggard, Hayden Randall, and Tyler Monzingo. Bottom – Shelby Herrera, further knowledge for their careers after Taylor Hayes, Kylee Rice, and Allison Martinez. graduation. Page 11

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

Women’s Leadership Program By Anita Hand, WLP Chair

Our Women’s Leadership Program has had a great start to the year with many opportunities for outreach. Our Food Link event was a success as we spent $1,023.48 to stock the pantry of the Ronald McDonald House in Albuquerque. This charity provides a place for families to call home when they are in town spending several weeks or months getting treatment for their seriously ill or injured children. A big shout out to Smith’s on Carlisle for their $100 donation to our purchase, a $500 gift card to the House, and for hosting over 15 of our shoppers purchasing everything from meat to fresh fruits to freezer items. Not only do farmers and ranchers help families in need, the Ronald McDonald house, in turn, supports our youth by purchasing steers at the State Fair. The day after shopping, the Women’s Leadership Program manned a booth at AgFest. We interacted and served coffee to the attendees. At the end of the night we raffled off our beautiful, authentic Navajo Rug. This rug was donated to the program by Farm Bureau member Eileen Dodds and was won by Robert Wooley, a Farm Bureau Financial Services Agent in Deming. We appreciate the generosity of our members. Towards the end of the Legislative Session, the ladies participated with other ag groups and agencies for the Roundhouse Feed. This is always a great opportunity to highlight New Mexico Agriculture! We were excited to have four ladies from both Women’s Leadership and Young Farmers and Rancher attend the first ever DC Fly-in. Thanks to Brandy Johnson, Britney Lardner, Allison Wilton and Cheryl Hartman for making the time to participate in this vital program. During the two-day event, the ladies attended advocacy training, were briefed on issues impacting agriculture and made congressional visits. The ladies also received in-person trainings on agriculture literacy. Locally sourced New Mexico food favorites are ready to be served to Speaking of being a great AGvocate, applications are members of the legislature at the Roundhouse Feed. now available for the Women’s Communication Boot Camp. Boot Camp is an intense training opportunity to build skills needed to communicate about agriculture and for Farm Bureau. We’re fortunate that many of our NMF&LB WLP members have attended the training and are now active in helping to share the ag message in their communities. If you’re interested in this first-rate training, go to fb.org for an application. We would like to thank our WLP and our supporters who have been so engaged this first part of the year. Our success is because of you! If you would like more information on how to participate in the Women’s Leadership Program please contact me at wtriangle@hotmail.com, or WLP Coordinator, Valerie Huerta at valerieh@nmflb.org.

Save the Date New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau Summer Conference Albuquerque, June 19-21 Follow us on Facebook for more details Page 12

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

Here’s to hard work from sun up to sun down. You’re the expert when it comes to caring for your farm or ranch and you wouldn’t trust it to just anyone. The same is true for your insurance. Farm Bureau’s AgWise Certified® agents have the deep agricultural experience you need to get the right coverage for your operation. Contact an AgWise Certified® agent today to see how we deliver Smarter Insurance for Agriculture®! AgWise Master Certified Monte Anderson Clayton (575) 374-8933 www.agentmonteanderson.com

Darren Kuhn Roswell (575) 622-6860 www.darrenkuhn.com

Susan Sumrall Silver City (575) 538-5864 www.agentsusansumrall.com

Bobby Bowen Carlsbad (575) 628-2600 www.agentbobbybowen.com

Larry Marshall Dexter (575) 734-5415 www.agentlarrymarshall.com

Brandon Williams Artesia (575) 746-2171 www.agentbrandonwilliams.com

John Garcia Springer (575) 483-2706 johngarcia.fbfsagents.com

Robin Prudencio Edgewood (505) 281-9157 www.robinprudencio.com

AgWise Advanced Certified JoAnn Alcon-Ortiz Las Vegas (505) 425-5404 www.agentjoann.com

Beau Jackson Silver City (575) 538-5864 beaujackson.fbfsagents.com

Mike Hudson Socorro (575) 835-0555 www.agentmichaelhudson.com

Whelan Shields Peralta (505) 869-0202 whelanshields.fbfsagents.com

Farm Bureau Property & Casualty Insurance Company,* Western Agricultural Insurance Company*/West Des Moines, IA. *Company providers of Farm Bureau Financial Services. PC135 (2-18)

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New Mexico Farm & Ranch

Spring 2018

Non-profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Cruces, N.M. Permit No.2093

2220 N. Telshor Las Cruces, NM 88011


NEW MEXICO FARM & LIVESTOCK BUREAU Since 1917 . . . a Leader in New Mexico

ISSN 0028-6192 2220 N. TELSHOR BLVD. • LAS CRUCES, NM 88011 575.532.4700 • FAX: 575.532.4710 PUBLISHER: New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau New Mexico Farm & Ranch is published monthly. Yearly subscription is $24.00. New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau members receive a complimentary subscription with yearly dues. U.S. Postage PAID, bulk rate, PERMIT #31, Las Cruces, NM 88001. FORWARDING/RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED, ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED. OFFICERS Craig Ogden President, Loving Larry Reagan 1st Vice President, Ft. Sumner Boe Lopez 2nd Vice President, Springer Chad Smith Chief Executive Officer Page 14

New Mexico Farm & Ranch

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Burl Brown, Des Moines Bud Deerman, La Mesa Jim Ellett, Hope Duane Frost, Claunch Gary Hathorn, Flora Vista Leon Hemann, McDonald George Jackson, Lordsburg John Jackson, Lake Arthur Deena Kinman, Elida Matt Lansford, Clovis Danielle Lowry, Albuquerque Donald Martinez, El Rito Tommy Ortiz, Las Vegas Troy Sauble, Maxwell Casey Spradley, Cuba John Sweetser, Deming Tom Wilton, Ft. Sumner Anita Hand, Chair Women’s Leadership Committee Andy Ellett, Chair Young Farmer & Rancher Committee

REGIONAL DIRECTORS Tanner Anderson, Portales Valerie Huerta, Santa Cruz Benjie Segovia, Las Cruces Matthew Gonzales Director of Government Affairs Brenda Logan Director, Northern Region Ag in the Classroom Traci Curry Director, Southern Region Ag in the Classroom Francisco Hatay Marketing Coordinator Dalene Hodnett Director of Communications and Media Relations Cecilia Diaz-Johnson Bookkeeper Theresa Widner Director of Membership Services

Spring 2018

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