1 minute read

General Advice for all staff

General Advice for all staff

1. Staff who are working in NIMH are expected to give their undivided allegiance to the state at all the time and on all the occasions when the state has a claim on his/her service.


2. All staff are expected to behave with professionalism and dignity

3. Wastage of state resources must be strictly avoided by staff.

4. Patients must be given the foremost place within the institution.

5. Any claim made for extra duty or overtime or other allowance should be made in good conscience being truthful about duty.

6. All written communications should follow the proper chain of command.

7. Should perform any duties assigns diligently efficiently

8. An officer is required to familiarize themselves with an to observe to provisions of all the Guidelines of NIMH, Financial Regulations, Establishment Code, Circular Instruction and other Departmental

Manual and Instruction

9. Should at all the time acting a manner befitting of publish office, should not commit any act that would bring publish service or post he holds in to disrespect

10. An officer should not do anything which will bring his private interest into conflict with his public duty or which compromises his office

11. An officer should not use liquor or narcotic drugs during his working hours or within NIMH premises

12. Offers or member or his family shall not accept any presents, gifts or other benefits from patients or their family members

13. A work attire should be strictly adhere to when attending to work

14. The staff member must be punctual and prompt in delivery of services

15. Must be prepared to accommodate any form of aggravated or normal cases (patients) at NIMH

16. Every staff member is under the obligation to protect the environment and maintain the properties of


17. All the public officer working in NIMH, shall adhere to provisions Mental Health Ordinance, Vision and Mission and Guidelines of NIMH, Establishment Code and Financial Regulations and Public

Administration and Treasury Circulars