1 minute read

Damage to Property by Patients

Damage to Property by Patients

Patients admitted to NIMH may from time to time behave in a manner, that results in damage to property.


It is of paramount importance to identify the behaviour of these patients early and to take steps to avoid such damage as much as possible by the medical and nursing staff.

Damages to moveable to or immovable property incur costs on the state and it is a fiduciary duty of all public servants to ensure that loss to the state is minimised.

If damage occurs to state property by a patient it must be documented on the BHT by the Medical Officer and reported to the Director. Such a patient should be reviewed by a senior clinician within 24 hours of the incident.

The Nursing in Charge of the Ward/ Unit must report this damage to the Director via the communication book as well as inform the Special Grade Nursing Officer.

Special Grade Nursing Officers should keep a summary of the damages happening within the section and report to the Director periodically.

The Director will direct the Accountant and the relevant officers to act in accordance with the Financial Regulations with regard to the damaged property.

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