Time Management

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How do I manage my Time?

Session Objectives

Priori%ze and Plan

Overcome Procras%na%on

First Lets think What are your biggest time wasters? What are you currently doing to manage your time?

What could you be doing better?

Prioritizing Your Goals

“If I had a heart attack and could only work 2 hours a day, what would I do?” “If there was one thing I had to do today that would get me closest to my goal what would it be?”

Prioritizing Your Time

“Being busy is a form of laziness: lazy thinking and indiscriminate action� Timothy Ferris

Believe it or not, it is only possible to accomplish more by doing less. It is MANDATORY!

The 80/20 Rule

Results 80%

-Timothy Ferris

Ac%ons 20%

The Urgent/Important Matrix Urgent and Important

Important, But Not Urgent

Urgent, But Not Important

Not Urgent and Not Important

Knowing what you are saying YES to!

Planning Wisely

A work well begun is half ended. Plato

The hallmark of successful time management is being consistently productive each day. .

Creating Your Productivity Journal Notebook Priori%ze tasks Cross off completed items Carry over unfinished tasks

Maximizing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Journal Plan the night before Keep your journal with you Sense of sa%sfac%on Remove tasks postponed three %mes

Ready, Fire, Aim! Do not over plan Just take ac%on Adjust your aim

Tackling Procrastination

Procrastination means delaying a task (or even several tasks) that should be a priority. Remember – “You may delay. But time will not.”

I am a great

believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson

Why We Procrastinate No clear deadline Inadequate resources

Where to begin?

Feel overwhelmed Lack of passion

Fear of failure

Nine Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Delete Ask for advice Clear deadline


Do it

Chop it up

15 minute rule


Remove distrac%ons

Eat That Frog! "If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first!"

Using Calendars Organize tasks

Iden7fy pa;erns

Improve workflow

Setting a Ritual

Rituals and routines can actually help increase the spontaneity and fun in your life.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplish-­‐ ment. Jim Rohn

What is a Ritual? Iden%fy the %me

Ritual Iden%fy the task

Sub-­‐ tasks

Using Rituals to Maximize Time During a break read for ten minutes Deep breathing and stretches Clean off a small area Update your journal Set aside a lunch hour for personal errands

What will I do now to manage my time better?

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