12 years of vienna hub ! (3)

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Vienna - Hub 5.0 “bringing FUN to life”


> I am running Vienna-Hub (connecting people with passion) with some 250 focus > members (client base) paying a 100 euro retainer, and I am earning some > 50,000 more from them in referral fees and commissions. The Vienna-Hub has a > further 2500 free members who interact as they wish. I organise some 10 > Vienna-Hub events per year, with interesting local and visiting speakers so > I meet new people without travelling. I travel to events as an attendee and > speaker, talking about how the internet changes (/changed) absolutely > everything, and on topics such as social and business networking, and new > age working/portfolio living.


12 Years of Vienna Hub !!! Aux Gazelles / 7th November 2017 / 19:11:11hrs

Event format Arrive and Welcome. Speed Networking / Guest Speakers / Speed Networking Vienna Hub Social Business Networking, focus on “Entrepreneurship� Session 1, 19:11:11 to xx


Session 2, 40 minutes to close


Welcome from Nigel - Vienna Hub 5.0 film Lisa Wilma surprise! P


red - Wilma blue - Lisa yellow - Hai green - Aladin

red - richard blue - brian yellow - yolanda green - garry

with thanks to friends - partners - nurturers….

without whom there would have not been, and the “why” would not have been so friggin obvious, or the fun so frivolous...... wtf !

with thanks to friends - partners - nurturers….

without whom there would have not been, and the “why” would not have been so friggin obvious, or the fun so frivolous...... wtf !

gif.ts, takeaways. wisdoms The Happy Manifesto - pdf version … http://www.happy.co.uk/about-happy/free-publications/ Luni - kindle book -


mking your visit ( real or virtual ) ever more valueable….

gif.ts, takeaways. wisdoms ii The Happy Manifesto - pdf version … http://www.happy.co.uk/about-happy/free-publications/ Luni - kindle book -

Phoung to sing tomorrow


Nine Million Bicycles (Katie Melua) - Phuong Ngo Phuong Ngo covers "Nine Million Bicycles" by Katie Melua.… YOUTUBE.COM

mking your visit tonight more fun with Phoung….

Pre - Preparation - Wien Web and First Tuesday Feb 1999 Visit Vienna Flathunting - “City of my Dreams” April 1st 1999 - Arrive Vienna A-1040 with 100 words of German ( ein, zwei, drei… ) -

started meeting amazing people and it has never stopped….

June 1999 - Wien Web based on First Tuesday London September 1999 - First Tuesday Vienna, one of 17 new cities launching Executive Breakfast 2002 - Deborah, Peter, Robert, Heinz - Cafe Landtmann Company Secretary Daotec Vice Chairman Austro British Chamber

Logos and more‌. 1999-200X Thank you to -> daotec CA BenQ FSC abc aux gaz t-online roland berger Frequentis TirMedia Sebastiano Credit Anstalt OBI IT Versity A Team

RIP - Christian Elfriede Peter Simon Melissa ‌.

Preparation - Women with Passion 2004 - announced at Das Trieste, at “IT Salon pour elle”, with two weeks to go, no venue/speakers/audience Cafe Pruekerl, 40 to 60 people, half page in Der Standard -

Lydia moderating... Cat Deborah Elisabeth Selma

plus guests…. and the press release I use still https://www.pressetext.com/news/20040927054

Preparation - Women with Passion pte20040927054 Medien/Kommunikation, Bildung/Karriere

Neue Frauenplattform startet in Wien Women with Passion für internationales Speednetworking Wien (pte054/27.09.2004/17:45) - "Women with Passion" ( http://www.womenwithpassion.at.tt ) stehen Donnerstagabend im Wiener Cafe Prückel im Mittelpunkt. Berufstätige Frauen sprechen über ihr Leben, ihren Beruf, ihre Zukunftspläne und Schwierigkeiten bei deren Umsetzung. Ziel ist es, eine branchenübergreifende, internationale, vertikale Networking-Plattform zu schaffen, die Frauen dabei unterstützt ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen. Die erste Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen der Vienna MBA-Fair ( http://www.buyusa.gov/austria/de/mbafair.html ) statt und beschäftigt sich mit der Bedeutung des MBAs bei der Karriereplanung. Nach der Vorstellung von Women with Passion diskutiert Lydia J. Goutas, MBA und Managing Partner bei LEHNER EXECUTIVE PARTNERS, mit MBA Graduates und Studenten über die Sinnhaftigkeit von MBA-Programmen und lebenslanges Lernen. Danach bietet sich den Gästen Gelegenheit zum Kennenlernen und Networking. "Woman with Passion wendet sich einerseits an Frauen, die ihre Karriereziele mit Leidenschaft verfolgen und Spaß daran haben, und andererseits an Frauen, die gerade dabei sind ihre Träume zu verwirklichen", meint Nigel Stonham, der Gründer. Die Plattform soll dabei Unterstützung und die Möglichkeit zu vertikalem Networking bieten. "Junge Berufseinsteigerinnen können sich mit erfahrenen Business-Ladies direkt austauschen", erkärt der 43-jährige Brite. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt sei der Wiedereinstieg ins Berufsleben nach mehrjähriger Karriereunterbrechung. "Als Vater in Karenz kenne ich die Probleme, die Arbeitswelt hat sich in den letzten Jahren komplett verändert. Gleichzeitig ermöglicht das Internet Real Time Communication in die ganze Welt von zu Hause aus und schafft dadurch neue berufliche Möglichkeiten - vor allem für Frauen." Das sei auch der Grund warum er Women with Passion ins Leben gerufen habe.

Launch Event - People with Passion 2005 - Aux Gazelles ( Last minute switch from Semper Depot ) -

Bill Joerg Selma Thomas

with Nigel hosting‌.. plus guests‌.

Launch Event - People with Passion Nach "First Tuesday": Premiere für "Vienna-Hub" Österreichische Initiatoren des "First Tuesday" gründen neues Netzwerk Wien (pts008/21.10.2005/08:00) - Die Premiere von "Vienna-Hub" am Dienstag, den 8. November 2005, hat das Ziel, Menschen verschiedenster beruflicher Erfahrungen und Ideen zu vernetzen, um neue Ideen zu entwickeln und Geschäftskontakte zu knüpfen. Die österreichischen Initiatoren des "First Tuesday" rund um Nigel Stonham rufen ein neues Netzwerk ins Leben, das Wien als Ost-West-Drehscheibe in das Zentum ihrer Aktivitäten stellt. Die Veranstaltung findet am Dienstag, den 8. November 2005, ab 18:00 Uhr im Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8, A-1060 Wien statt. "First Tuesday"-Veranstaltungen gab es von 1999 bis 2001 in 110 Städten, mehr als 550.000 Menschen nahmen daran teil. Die Österreich-Initiatoren dieses "New Economy"-Netzwerkes gründen am 8. November 2005 eine neue Meeting-Plattform, die Menschen verschiedener Branchen - von IKT über Bildung bis zu Life Sciences - in Wien zusammenbringen soll. Der Hub-Funktion Wien als Drehscheibe zwischen Ost und West kommt in diesem neuen Netzwerk ein besonderer Stellenwert zu. Ganz ähnlich dem Konzept des "First Tuesday", ist das Ziel von Vienna-Hub, Menschen zu unterstützen, sich zu vernetzen und davon zu profitieren. Vienna-Hub fördert den Austausch von Gedanken und Ideen und will seinen Mitgliedern die besten Möglichkeiten bieten, um schneller zu wachsen und sich zu profilieren. Netzwerk-Pioniere und Kenner des State-of-the-Art Der Abend beginnt mit einer Podiumsdiskussion, der unter anderem Bill Liao, Mitgründer von openBC, and Ondrej Bartos, Mitgründer des "First Tuesday" in Prag,

Creating a Culture of Happiness Global


Vienna Happiness Project

http://gulfnews.com/news/uae/government/uae-ministe r-launches-training-programme-for-60-chief-happinessand-positivity-officers-1.1870548

creative swiping - repeat with 60 over 50s from jan 2018 to Dec 2019

UN Happiness Day

repeat every day

Pharell Happy

live aid type concert in wien http://www.happyland.cc/ Heaven - Foundation College

Action for Happiness

make our own

Act Happy Cities

9 cities across Austria with CHO 2018-2019 and measurable impact

The Happy Workplace CEO Programme Fast track your personal and business growth through the power of peer support, personal insight, and the latest leadership thinking

mirror in Wien with CEE CEOs, Bane, Sean

What is Vienna Hub?

2009, Lentos, Linz Stuart Jolley-Socea

Nigel on film...

2009-2017 Stuart Jolley-Socea Phil et al Jeli

Others on film...

2009-2017 Stuart Jolley-Socea Phil, et al Jeli

Stuart Jolley-Socea

Stuart Jolley-Socea

Pradeep -


snipcard -

snipcard franchise

jpg image here

“Take more Pride”


“Handmade by People”


the Wonderful World of Wilma

Eric -


the !art years… 2009-2015


travel and co-curation…. Vienna, Moedling, Passau, Berlin, London, Chicago, Munich, Heidelberg … !artspace191 offspace 2012-2013, international exhibitions

happiness / power / love / flow / energy / awareness ……

Vienna Hub / The Hub Vienna !!!


Vienna Hub launched in Vienna 2005 The Hub launched London 2005 The Hub Vienna launched 2010, causing no small confusion, but creating a lot of impact

Santigie - an amazing person...

...with amazing projects

Santigie - an amazing person... “ you cant please all the people all the time!” converse, “please some of the people, some of the time!” as in Nigel, you can't believe this, I keep watching your film over 20 to 30 times, you inspired me more and I feel so empowered right now. Thank you, thank you so much for sharing. You are the amazing person I have ever met. Thank you. ( https://nigelstonham.wordpress.com/2017/11/06/vienna-hub-5-0-take-aways/ )


Susanne Wolfsohn Dein Name exklusiv in Farben bringt dir Kraft und Erfolg: Farb-Strichcode.at Farb-Strichcode.at Wiener Schule fĂźr Kunsttherapie

Mentors including

Ashok since 1990 Finlay since 1997 Bill since 2006 and Vincent Luke since 1999!!! , with Betty sMiles immer in the background‌.

Mentoring Concept including

everyone to have a lifelong mentoring support in 8 key areas, education, health, finance, accomodation, travel, fitness, career, relationships -

provided in future to Alumni of the Vienna Hub Academy

The Book of Nigel Vienna

Another 12 year old!


The Book of Nigel Vienna

The abchamber Days

The abchamber Team New Kids

Old Team

Blended together

Deborah Nigel Petra Robert

Andrew Roland Stuart


The abchamber Experience

“Petra, Can you create a logo please? Here are three Nigel, choose one…! ( 20 seconds consideration) The one above, Thank you very much !!!” -

leading to two hours of discussion over the image in a 7 hour board meeting!

projects‌.. VH and others Women with Passion

cafeEnglish Happy Hour at Summer Fete July 3, 2017 cafeEnglish



https://www.facebook.com/groups/797954510380996/ pictures coming soon ( here if you joined the event )


Vienna Hub Events Monthly Social Business Networking - Nov 7th Sales Talks - Nov 15th Creative Circles ! see - https://viennahub.wordpress.com/events/

Delivering Training CV Training ( NEW ) info Settling in Vienna, English Welcome ( NEW ) CafeDEnglish - Nov 6th

Selling Stuff Lingophant riiwards Schoolfox

Building Education Infrastructure Asia / CNM - Nepal Africa / RISA - Kenya, WYCF - Sierra Leone Austria / SMART Academy, Sprach Zentrum, OTM

“to optimise people places projects”

Optimising - People Places Projects People - http://viennahub.strikingly.com/#people Places - http://viennahub.strikingly.com/#places Projects - http://viennahub.strikingly.com/#projects - a mix of other people’s and Vienna Hub initiated

promoting “safe spaces” - from which one can bloom. - homes schools streets trains workplaces should be safe spaces, and we can choose to hang out in safe spaces in preference to all others. safe:- its smart , healthy, and happy. a basis for peace


google any two of

Nigel, Mr Happy, Vienna

Happiness Coach Strategy Mentor English Trainer Desire is to nurture people from a to b, via c. - faster than expected. Whether Happiness, Business or English. By defining a, defining b, and co-creating c.

Goals 1. 2. 3. 4.


1,200 CV reviews in training sessions, in groups of 12 Team of Over 50s at FC Mariahilf to support the club’s development to a training academy beyond football based on FC Mattersburg, engaged in 2 year project Create a Model “Education Centre” that can be community funded in scalable program 60 Chief Happiness Officers engaged in European Happiness Project on 2 year “on the job training program” spreading happiness around Europe from a base in Vienna - “city of my dreams” Vienna Hub becoming safely self sustaining - an umbrella organisation of people who know where they belong, and who feel safe nurturing a wider community of members

- KPI’s financial solvency through 2018-2020

Calling you to act! watch the videos:https://nigelstonham.wordpress.com/vienna-hub/ https://nigelstonham.wordpress.com/coaching/ write down your “b” https://nigelstonham.wordpress.com/coaching/a-b-c/ send your “a” ( cv or xing/LinkedIn link ) & b for me to see nigelstonhamcoaching / gmail

NAU good stuff - eric -pradeep - santigie - sina -aladin -hussein

nigel’s angelic universe, nau nigels angelic universe - "supporting good stuff" - umbrella over becomes rock solid floor under NAU said now/new, imagine it has a 100m of FUNds for great stuff... how to allocate it TODAY for a smilier tomorrow .... start by simply doubling the salary/income of those above who are doing great stuff on limiteed income, as they fly free , they will drag( uplift by example ) others up too- LOW RISK‌. and they are empowered to be ( ps, how many times was star wars or harry potter or the electric light blub rejected before it was accepted -.. )

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