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AULA 17 LAW & CRIME Como já tivemos oportunidade de ver na AULA 2 quando mencionamos diversos termos relacionados com law, há uma infinidade de outros termos relacionados com crime as well. Naturalmente os termos relacionados a information technology vistos na aula anterior sob a forma de um grande brainstorming são indiscutivelmente mais comuns. Mas mesmo que você não esteja tão familiarizado com os termos e collocations abaixo procure sem o auxílio de nenhum dicionário resolver o exercício que se segue: money laundering, theft, bank robbery, bank vaults, corruption, illegal imports, smuggling, counterfeit money, bombings, blackmail, kidnapping, fraud, justice, social inequalities, poverty, trials, court of law, security, legal procedures, weapons, terrorism, police, landmines, shanty towns, slums, … BRAINSTORMING Sem consultar nenhum dicionário procure correlacionar as colunas A & B:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A charge with a crime release on bail on parole be picked up be locked up hold-up

a. ( b. ( c. ( d. ( e. ( f. (

B ) be in jail, be behind bars ) accuse of wrongdoing ) robbery at the point of a gun ) freed on condition ) free sby after an amount of $ is paid ) be arrested by the police




Text 1: The Witches of Salem









In 1692 a group of adolescent girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, became subject to strange fits after hearing tales told by a West Indian slave. When they were questioned, they accused several women of being witches who were tormenting them. The townspeople were appalled but not surprised; belief in witchcraft was widespread throughout 17-century America and Europe. What happened next, although an isolated event in American history, provides a vivid window into the social and psychological world of Puritan New England. Town officials convened a court to hear the charges of witchcraft, and swiftly convicted and executed a tavern keeper, Bridget Bishop. Within a month, 5 other women had been convicted and hanged. Nevertheless, the hysteria grew, in large measure because the court permitted witnesses to testify that they had seen the accused as spirits or in visions. By its very nature, such ‘spectral evidence’ was especially dangerous, because it could be neither verified nor subject to objective examination. By the fall of 1692, more than 20 victims, including several men, had been executed, and more than 100 others were in jail - among them some of the town’s most prominent citizens. But now the hysteria threatened to spread beyond Salem, and ministers throughout the colony called for an end to the trials. The governor of the colony agreed and dismissed the court. Those still in jail were later acquitted or given reprieves. The Salem witch trials have long fascinated Americans. On a psychological level, most historians agree that Salem Village in 1692 was seized by a kind of public hysteria, fueled by a genuine belief in the existence of witchcraft. They point out that, while some of the girls may have been acting, many responsible adults became caught up in the frenzy as well. But even more revealing is a closer analysis of the identities of the accused and the accusers. Salem Village, like much of colonial New England at that time, was undergoing an economic and political transition from a largely agrarian, Puritan-dominated community to a more commercial, secular society. Many of the accusers were representatives of a traditional way of life tied to farming and the church, whereas a number of the accused witches were members of the rising commercial class of small shopkeepers and tradesmen . Salem’s obscure struggle for social and political power between older traditional groups and a newer commercial class was one repeated in communities throughout American history. But it took a bizarre and deadly detour when its citizens were swept up by the conviction that the devil was loose in their homes. The Salem witch trials also serve as a dramatic parable of the deadly consequences of making sensational, but false, charges. Indeed, a




frequent term in political debate for making false accusations against a large number of people is “witch hunt”. (From An Outline of American History, page 45, USIA, 1994) VOCABULARY PRE-TEST Choose the best completion or substitution: 1. The townspeople were ............................. but not surprised. a) appalled b) astonished c) astounded d) amazed 2. Belief in witchcraft was widespread throughout 17th-century America. a) forbidden b) persecuted c) disseminated d) forecast 3. Town officials ..................... a court to hear the charges of witchcraft. a) conveyed b) convened c) contacted d) converted 4. The witness to the bank robbery refused to ...................... that she had seen the robbers. a) notify b) testify c) fortify d) certify 5. Some of the most prominent citizens were in jail. a) notorious b) active c) prestigious d) affluent 6. Those citizens were acquitted later on. a) accused b) tried c) sentenced

d) freed

7. The hysteria ............................... to spread beyond Salem. a) frightened b) impelled c) approached d) threatened 8. The governor of the colony agreed to ................................ the court. a) dismiss b) disperse c) depose d) dethrone 9. Salem Village was ......................... an economic transition. a) foregoing b) undergoing c) growing d) unloading 10. The struggle for social and political power took a strange detour. In fact, not only ........................ but deadly as well. a) unexpected b) scary c) bizarre d) sharp




II. Reading Comprehension Questions 1. The adolescent girls in Salem Village ... a) accused a West Indian slave of witchcraft. b) began to behave strangely after they’d heard stories told by a West Indian slave. c) brought about an isolated event in American history: witchcraft in Puritan New England. d) were used by town officials to get a number of women hanged. 2. The governor of the colony agreed to dismiss the court ... a) to free prominent citizens who were in jail. b) because the hysteria had grown to a degree that the number of victims had reached 20 in less than a year. c) otherwise all the prominent citizens of Salem village might be hanged. d) on account of pressure from people living in other villages who were afraid the hysteria might spread beyond Salem. 3. The author implies that ... a) the real cause for the Salem trials might have been the fight for social and political power between two classes. b) all that happened to the adolescent girls may have been acted out. c) economic and political motives were behind the strange behavior of some adults caught up in the frenzy. d) Salem Village in 1692 was seized by a kind of public hysteria, helped by a real belief in the existence of witchcraft. 4. It is stated that ... a) the expression ‘witch hunt’ originated in Salem Village. b) some people in Salem Village firmly believed the devil was loose in their homes. c) Americans have long been fascinated by witchcraft. d) the wave of witchcraft eventually went far beyond Salem Village. 5. An analysis of the identities of the accused shows that they ... a) belonged to a Puritan-dominated community. b) were members of the traditional church. c) were tied to farming and led a traditional way of life. d) represented a threat to the widespread conservatism.




WORD FORMS Complete the sentences with one of the words in bold type. 1. Belief // believer // believe // disbelieve // disbelief a) It was hard to tell apart the people who believed in witchcraft from those in ........................... b) You would get angry as well if she had .......................... your words. c) “Seeing is .......................” . 2. Event // eventful // uneventful // eventually a) It thrills me to attend such an ............................ festival. b) ............................. Samantha got used to the new grading system. c) In any ................., you know you can count on us no matter what. 3. Convicted // convict // conviction a) A number of ........................... were sent away to the new territory. b) Mrs. Benson showed remarkable .................. as a witness at the trial. c) I’d like to bring about the various .......................... the defendant has accumulated over the years. 4. Hysteria // hysterical // hysterically a) Calm yourself! There’s no need to be .......................... We’re going to find a way out of this situation. b) Then the witness on the stand started to cry .............................. It took her a long time to pull herself together. 5. Prominent // prominence // prominently a) Years after Dr. Ray’s arrival in town, he gained a lot of ...................... b) Senator Williams has always acted most .............................. throughout the political hearings. 6. Existence // existent // existing // nonexistent a) Don’t go near the edge of that cliff. The .............. danger is too great. b) Class distinctions among the Anasazi were virtually ......................... c) Do you believe in the ....................... of life on other planets ? 7. Threaten // threat // threatening // threateningly a) The prosecutor was used to receiving .................... letters in his mail. b) UN officials knew those chemical weapons constituted a ....................... to peace in the region. c) ............................, the country’s ruler refused to grant inspectors permission to enter the plant.




8. Dismiss // dismissal // dismissed a) No one could account for her ....................... from her job as a consultant. b) All the ....................... employees were protesting in front of the factory gates. 9. Acquit // acquittal // acquitted a) O J. Simpson’s ...................... caused a lot of controversy in the USA. b) “Having ..................... the defendant of the offense has restored my peace of mind”, the judge declared. 10. Seize // seizure // seized // seizing a) After the American war for independence the ....................... of Loyalists’ property was ordered by courts throughout the nation. b) You know what people say, “opportunity knocks only once”. So when it presents itself, .......................... it. 11. dominant // domination // dominating // dominance a) All the measures taken by management aimed at achieving economic .......................... over their competitors. b) That is not a minor factor affecting them. I would say it is a ………………………………….. one. c) There are currently lots of firms fighting for …………………………… of the insurance market. 12. Sensational // sensationalism // sensationalist // sensation a) All the time I had the ………………..………... that someone had been following me. b) Only ……………..………....newspapers will show any interest in this kind of story. c) I remember that night vividly when my girlfriend was wearing her ………………….. blue dress.




‘KILLING’ VERBS From text 1: “ ... five other women had been convicted and hanged.” (L-10) cinco outras mulheres haviam sido condenadas e enforcadas Here it is the regular verb to hang (hanged, hanged) that is being used - meaning to kill by putting a rope round the neck of the victim. In the old west many outlaws ended up with a rope round their neck, summarily hanged by an infuriated mob. Do not confuse it with the irregular one: to hang, hung, hung. A beautiful picture hung on the wall of her living room. Um belo quadro estava pendurado na parede da sala de estar. There are other ‘killing’ verbs. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate verb from the box. butcher slaughter stab assassinate

strangle massacre

murder slay

choke shoot

1. A plum pit got stuck in the boy’s throat and he ................. to death. 2. Cattle are fattened for being taken to the ....................... house at the proper time. 3. Although many people thought it had been suicide at first, the police believe there has been premeditated ............................. 4. All of us hate wars. It is painful to think about the millions of war victims ............................ in battles. 5. Were it not for the bulletproof vest the agent was wearing, she might be dead after she was ........................ 6. Lots of women were raped, many children were abused, in fact, most of the civilian population had been ................. savagely by the enemy troops. 7. Several marks on the victim’s neck indicated that the woman had been ........................... 8. The man’s body was savagely cut up. The man had been ......................... 9. Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was brutally ............................. by a fanatic. 10. Before the gunshot the girl had been .................... with a pair of scissors.




Text 2: Police investigate biggest bank robbery in Brazilian history






Three months ago a house was rented for commercial use in Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará. The house was located some 80 meters away from the local Central Bank of Brazil (BC) building on a street that ran parallel to the street where the BC was located. A landscaping firm, called Synthetic Grass, opened for business in the house. For the past three months the occupants of the house have been doing some unusual landscaping. It was all underground. They dug a tunnel exactly 78 meters long, with interior lighting and air conditioning. The tunnel was dug 4 meters below the surface. It was 70 centimeters high, 70 centimeters wide and lined with canvas and wood. When the diggers reached their destination, the vault of the BC, they had to cut through 1.10 meters of solid steel-reinforced concrete before they could get to the money. That is what they did this weekend. The bank vault closed on Friday and when it was opened Monday morning a lot of money had disappeared and the robbery was discovered. The amount of money missing, in used, untraceable bills, totalled* US$65 million (R$150 million), making it the biggest bank robbery in Brazilian history, and the second biggest ever (behind only a US$72 million robbery in England in 1987). The police say they have descriptions of the men involved and have begun a manhunt. The BC president, Henrique Meirelles, has ordered the bank to make its own investigation and report back to him. Meirelles is curious about how that much money, weighing an estimated 3.5 tons, could have been moved around without anyone seeing anything. There is also the problem of an alarm system inside the vault that did not work. (From Agência Brasil, translator: Allen Bennett 09/08/2005) VOCABULARY PRE TEST Sem consultar nenhum dicionário procure correlacionar as colunas A & B:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A landscaping firm bank vault untraceable bills begin a manhunt biggest robbery money missing

B a. ( ) notas não rastreáveis b. ( ) firma de paisagismo c. ( ) iniciar uma caçada humana d. ( ) caixa forte do banco e. ( ) dinheiro que faltava f. ( ) maior roubo




READING COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. How much time did it take the robbers to carry out their plan? _______________________________________________________ 2. How long was the tunnel dug by the thieves? _______________________________________________________ 3. How could you describe the tunnel made by the thieves? _______________________________________________________ 4. Was it the biggest robbery ever? _______________________________________________________ 5. What was the president of the Central Bank curious about? _______________________________________________________ GRAMMAR / USAGE TIPS 1. Retire do texto três exemplos de estruturas verbais na voz passiva: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. Retire do texto dois exemplos de usos do present perfect: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ BRITISH & AMERICAN ENGLISH Spelling differences: Observe que em British English escreve-se ‘totalled’, enquanto que os norte-americanos escrevem ‘totaled’, sem o duplo ‘l’




GRAMMAR TIPS: SUBJECT - VERB AGREEMENT From text 1: “ ... whereas a number of the accused witches were members of the rising commercial class.” (L-31 / 32) enquanto que um número de bruxas acusadas eram membros de uma emergente classe de comerciantes ... From text 2: Police investigate biggest bank robbery in Brazilian history” (title) A Polícia investiga o maior roubo de banco na história do Brasil The police say they have descriptions of the men involved…” (L-20) A polícia diz que tem descrições dos homens envolvidos É preciso ter atenção com a concordância entre sujeito e verbo. Após o substantivo ‘police’, diferentemente do português segue-se uma forma verbal no plural. No outro exemplo extraído do texto após a expressão ‘a number of ... segue-se plural verb. Veja outro exemplo: A number of students were late for the examination. Alguns alunos estavam atrasados para a prova. Se usarmos a expressão ‘the number of ... segue-se singular verb. The number of accused citizens was surprisingly high. O número de cidadãos acusados foi surpreendentemente alto. Estude estes outros casos depois faça o exercício no final desta aula. Observe que às vezes a tradução que apresento não corresponde literalmente ao que você está lendo em inglês. a) Neither ... nor pode se seguido de singular or plural verb dependendo do elemento que estiver mais próximo ao verbo: Neither the accused nor the accusers were guilty. Nem os acusados nem os acusadores eram culpados. Neither the accusers nor “the witch” was guilty. Nem os acusadores nem a ‘bruxa’ era culpada. (tradução literal)




b) Either ... or também pode ser seguido de singular or plural verb dependendo do elemento que estiver mais próximo ao verbo Either Julian or his kids were to blame Ou o Julian ou os garotos eram os responsáveis. Either Julian’ s kids or Julian himself was to blame. Ou os filhos do Julian ou Julian ele próprio era o responsável. c) Both ... and – segue-se plural verb. Both men and women were accused of witchcraft in Salem. Tanto homens quanto mulheres foram acusados de bruxaria em Salem. d) Everybody (everyone, everything ), Somebody ( someone, something), Nobody ( no one, nothing ) seguidos de singular verb. Everybody dreams of the love and care of a true friend. Todo mundo sonha com o amor e carinho de um amigo verdadeiro. e) após news, politics, measles, economics, mathematics, segue-se singular verb It’s 7 p.m. and here is the news. São 19 h e aqui estão as notícias. German measles is dangerous to pregnant women. Rubéola é perigoso para mulheres grávidas. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Matemática é minha matéria preferida. f) Com People, cattle, police ... segue-se plural verb. Cattle feed on those herbs. O gado se alimenta dessas ervas. People prefer to live by the seashore. As pessoas preferem viver a beira mar. Police are making inquiries of all suspects. A polícia está interrogando todos os suspeitos.




g) Após Either of ..., Neither of ..., Each of ... segue-se singular verb. Either of the roses smells sweet. Cada uma das rosas tem perfume doce. Each of the soldiers has his duty. Cada um dos soldados faz seu dever. Neither of the consultants has the answer. Nenhum dos consultores tem a resposta. h) Most of, all of, some of, % of, the majority of + determiner ... podem ser seguidos de singular or plural verb dependendo se o substantivo a que estão vinculados for countable or uncountable. Most of the money was spent wisely. A maior parte do dinheiro foi gasta sabiamente. The majority of the homework was done. A maior parte do trabalho doméstico foi feita. 70% of the students in my class are from abroad. 70% dos alunos na minha turma são do exterior.




KEY WORD: THROUGH From text 1: “belief in witchcraft was widespread throughout 17-century America and Europe.” (L-5/6) a crença em bruxaria estava espalhada por toda a América e Europa do sec. 17 “ … was one repeated in communities throughout American history.” (L38) era repetida em comunidades por toda a história americana From text 2: “they had to cut through 1.10 meters of solid steel-reinforced concrete before they could get to the money.” (L-11/12) Eles tiveram que cortar 1,10m através de uma parede de concreto reforçado com aço até chegar ao dinheiro Certamente você já está familiarizado com a preposição through, normalmente significando ‘através’. For example: The train went through a long tunnel. O trem passou através de um longo túnel. Por outro lado é muito comum a associação de um verbo com a partícula through formando phrasal verbs como cut through acima. What time did you get through your work yesterday? A que horas você terminou o seu trabalho ontem? I’ll give you more time to think the whole problem through. Vou lhe dar tempo para pensar no problema direito. My sister says she has R$ 50 to see her through this week. Minha irmã me falou que só tem R$ 50 para passar esta semana. Preste atenção à palavra throughout também. Outros exemplos: Jackie did not say a Word throughout the trip. Jackie não disse uma palavra durante toda a viagem. Why don’t you take a throughout train? Por que você não pega um trem direto?




Text 3: Protecting the EU's financial interests





In brief: Cigarette smuggling~ counterfeit euro coins, diversion of aid for Kosovo subsidies for oranges grown on farms which do not exist -all these defraud European taxpayers. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has more than 300 officials looking after the financial interests of the European Union and its taxpayers. OLAF’s mission is to protect the financial interests of the European Union, to fight fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity, including any misconduct within the European institutions with financial consequences. OLAF investigates several hundred cases each year where the EU is being cheated out of revenue or its funds have been misused. More than half the cases opened by OLAF result in follow-up measures. These can be prosecution by national authorities, disciplinary proceedings or administrative sanctions. Past examples of fraud include cheating on the value-added tax payable on used cars and mixing illegal imports of cane sugar with legitimate imports of beet sugar OLAF has also investigated complaints about money being used to develop tourist facilities in a region so remote no tourist is ever likely to visit it, and double claims for money for the same developing country project - once from the European Commission and then again from member states. Cases relating to agriculture and external aid account for nearly half the allegations investigated by OLAF. READING COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Responda em português: 1. Sucintamente, qual é a missão do OLAF? ______________________________________________________ 2. Escreva três atividades criminosas mencionadas no texto: ______________________________________________________ 3. Que medidas podem se seguir a uma investigação do OLAF? ______________________________________________________ 4. Quais casos investigados pelo OLAF correspondem a quase 50% das queixas formalizadas? ______________________________________________________




WORD FORMS a) The Prefix MISFrom text 3: “…including any misconduct within the European institutions” (L-8) incluindo qualquer conduta errônea no seio das instituições européias “...or its funds have been misused.” (L-10) ou seus respectivos fundos foram malversados. Este prefixo, acrescentado a verbos e substantivos, indica algo feito erradamente ou mal feito. Nos casos do texto misconduct é uma conduta errada, e misused é mal utilizado. Estude os exemplos a seguir e traduza as palavras ou expressões em negrito. Sorry, I misunderstood you. Perdão, eu ______________________. She said that you’ve mispronounced her name. Ela diz que você ___________________________. You showed that you were totally misinformed. Você demonstrou que estava _______________________. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com esta mesma formação quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.




DISCOURSE MARKERS (VI) From text 3: In brief: Cigarette smuggling~ counterfeit euro coins, diversion of aid for Kosovo subsidies for oranges grown on farms which do not exist -all these defraud European taxpayers. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has more than 300 officials looking after the financial interests of the European Union and its taxpayers. Em resumo: contrabando de cigarros – falsificação de moedas de euro – desvio dos subsídios para ajuda ao Kosovo para plantações de laranja em fazendas fantasmas – tudo isso burla os contribuintes europeus. O Escritório Contra Fraude tem mais de 300 funcionários cuidando dos interesses financeiros da EU e de seus contribuintes. Como se observa no exemplo acima a locução in brief, uma daquelas de que se mune o autor para indicar a idéia de resumo ou conclusão, deve ser estudada em conjunto com as outras que aparecem na caixa a seguir:

Indicando conclusão ou para resumir IN BRIEF, in summary, to summarize, in sum, in short, to conclude, in conclusion, on the whole

Vera had a job interview at 2 p. m. today. She not only arrived late but she also forgot to bring her CV. In sum, she got all messed up. Vera tinha uma entrevista de emprego hoje às 2 da tarde. Ela não só chegou atrasada como não levou seu CV. Em suma, confundiu-se toda. To sum up, here are all the suggestions I’ve made to you up until now. Resumindo, aqui estão todas as sugestões que eu lhes fiz até agora. Most of the books you lent me do not deal in detail with the subject I intend to write about. In short, they are useless. A maioria dos livros que você me emprestou não trata com detalhes do assunto sobre o qual eu quero escrever. Em resumo, eles são inúteis. And here is the news in brief. E aqui está um resumo das notícias.




A LOOK AT PHRASAL VERBS From text 3: “300 officials looking after the financial interests…” (L-4) 300 funcionários cuidando dos interesses financeiros ... Preste atenção aos phrasal verbs, verbos seguidos de preposição. Têm significados diferentes do sentido mais comum do verbo usado isoladamente: Look! It’s raining. Veja! Está chovendo. Dependendo da partícula adverbial que se seguir a verbos como look, keep, put, call etc você terá significados diferentes. Complete com as palavras do quadro abaixo de modo a formar um phrasal verb com look. Um significado equivalente é dado entre parênteses: OVER





1. If you need any help with your Math problems, look _________ me. (= ask me for help) 2. My grandpa was a man I looked _____ to. (= admired) 3. Look ______! You can’t cross the street in the middle of the block. (= be careful) 4. This is not the word I was looking ________. (= trying to find) 5. Dora is not going out with us. She has to look _______ an apartment she intends to rent. (= examine)





Can you [a) say / b) tell] apart the rational from the irrational animal? USEFUL TIPS Há alguns dias I came across the expression ‘No pain, no gain’, e aí fiquei pensando nas nossas aulas. Procuro sempre me policiar para que não me torne um ‘terrorista’ do ensino. Mas o fato é que para você ter sucesso você tem que suar, fazer sacrifícios. Sei que é enorme a quantidade de vocabulário que vimos apresentando, mas, por outro lado, também é absurdo o nível de exigência léxica dos últimos grandes concursos. Portanto, ao invés de se desesperar, desenvolva seu método seletivo de vocabulary build-up, be creative!




A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS SILENT WEAPONS Technological Hurdles for Terrorists





To be successful, a terrorist or terrorist organization has to overcome formidable technical challenges. First, the terrorist has to obtain a sufficiently lethal strain of a disease pathogen. Second, he must know how to handle and store the pathogen correctly and safely. Third, he must know how to produce it in bulk. Tiny amounts of a microorganism are lethal enough to ravage a field of crops, a herd of animals, or a city of people, assuming the pathogen is delivered precisely to the target. However, biological agents do not survive well outside the laboratory. In reality only a fraction of the biological agent would reach the target population, so vastly larger amounts would be needed to launch a catastrophic attack. Considering the array of technological hurdles involved, it is surprising that few terrorist attacks with biological weapons have been attempted. What is more, those attempts produced few casualties. Recently, anthraxlaced letters killed five people in the United States. That is tragic enough, but the casualties were fewer than might have occurred from a small explosive or even a pistol. Researchers calculate that since 1975, in 96 percent of the attacks worldwide in which chemical agents were used no more than three people were killed or injured. (Awake! September 22, 2002.) UFRRJ 2004 Depois de ler o texto sobre armas biológicas e responda as questões de 1 a 5. QUESTION 1 To be successful, a terrorist or terrorist organization has to a) produce species of a disease pathogen in a great quantity. b) know a disease pathogen deeply before it is produced. c) experiment a disease pathogen in other species, like mice. d) search for similar species of a disease pathogen beforehand. e) prove how useful a disease pathogen could satisfactorily be.




QUESTION 2 Assuming that the pathogen is well-delivered, microorganism considering the target population a) has to be lower. b) may be ignored. c) will never be enough. d) is proportionally calculated. e) must be redefined.




QUESTION 3 Terrorist attacks with biological agents have a) killed many human beings. b) produced uncertain consequences. c) brought about few injuries. d) proved to be meaningless. e) been constantly delayed. QUESTION 4 In the sentence, "...casualties were fewer than might have occurred…” (L- 14) the underlined word implies a) possibility b) permission c) necessity d) assumption e) capacity QUESTION 5 In the sentence, "...biological agents do not survive well..." (L-7) the use of me present tense implies a) doubt b) condition c) probability d) objectivity e) certainty




EXERCISES I. - LAW: A NECESSARY EVIL? Translate the paragraph from Richard Powell’s book ‘Law Today’, “In the opinion of many people, the law is a necessary evil that should be used only when everyday, informal ways of settling disputes break down. When we buy a train ticket a lawyer may tell us it represents a contract with legal obligations, but to most of us it is just a ticket that gets us on the train. If our neighbor plays loud music late at night, we probably try to discuss the matter with him rather than consult the police, lawyers or the courts. Only when we are injured in a train accident, or when a neighbor refuses to behave reasonably, do we think about the legal implications of everyday activities”. (From Law Today, introduction, by Richard Powell, p.6, Longman) II. VOCABULARY CLOZE - Insert each of the words in the box below in a way that completes the sentences coherently: concealed





The police have arrested the notorious criminal Julio Dureba, a drug ______________ (1) who was planning to leave for Europe as a stowaway on board an Ocean Liner heading for Greece. Police inspectors had been able to retrace his threatening phone calls to various of his blackmailed __________ (2). Julio was in _________ (3) of an unusual quantity of cocaine carefully stowed on the ship hold. Well-trained dogs helped the police officer find where Julio had __________ (4) the drug. On the spot, the very moment the police stepped in, a frightened Julio opened fire. He’s likely to stay in __________ (5) for many years.




III. Procure correlacionar as colunas A & B:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A suppression of evidence wrongful act power of attorney grace period court order misappropriation

B a. ( ) procuração b. ( ) sonegação de prova c. ( ) carência d. ( ) liminar e. ( ) apropriação indébita f. ( ) delito

IV. In text 1 there are a number of law terms like reprieves (=orders to delay the execution of prisoners) and to acquit (=free sby, to say that sby is not guilty). Try to find out the Odd Man Out (=O Estranho no Ninho) the one term that is not part of the lawyer’s jargon: a) jury // b) lawsuit // c) defendant // d) attorney // e) penalty // f) promoter // g) testimony // h) verdict // i) sentence (v.) // j) prosecutor // k) bail // l) appeal // m) sue (v.) // n) felony // o) custody // p) parole V. Subject-Verb Agreement: Select the better alternative in parentheses: 1. Everyone (need /needs) the security and comfort of a place to live in. ___________________________________________________________ 2. A number of teachers at school (doesn’t plan /don’t plan) to take a trip on their vacations. ___________________________________________________________ 3. There (is /are) news about an imminent invasion of the African country. ___________________________________________________________ 4. The local police (are not / is not) well-equipped to fight drug traffickers. ___________________________________________________________ 5. Almost every parent and teacher (approve / approves) of Neil’s nomination for principal. ___________________________________________________________ 6. In my class at the university there were newcomers from various Latin American Countries. Half of them ( was / were ) from Paraguay. ___________________________________________________________ 7. The number of high school drop-outs in the USA (has / have) increased significantly over the years. ___________________________________________________________




8. Each of the factory employees (has / have) to punch in cards. ___________________________________________________________ 9. A lot of cattle (were / was) grazing in the field. ___________________________________________________________ 10. Neither game nor people (has / have) any chance of surviving such a devastating fire. ___________________________________________________________ 11. Every piece of furniture in the room (has / have) a historic value. ___________________________________________________________ 12. Hilda or Jessica (is / are) supposed to take charge of the arrangements while I’m away. ___________________________________________________________ 13. A lot of sheep (come / comes) near the fence to graze. ___________________________________________________________ 14. Either the good guy or the bandits (die / dies) at the end of the movie. ___________________________________________________________ 15. Neither of your answers (make / makes) any sense to me. ___________________________________________________________ 16. The majority of the girls in the neighborhood (love / loves) skating. ___________________________________________________________ 17. Mathematics (has / have) always been a hard subject for Christine. ___________________________________________________________ 18. Everyone involved in the construction of the new pool (was / were) amazingly optimistic about it. ___________________________________________________________ 19. Twenty percent of the members of the community (were / was) in favor of the change. ___________________________________________________________ 20. Economics (is / are) the subject Della has a better command of. VI. Read the sentences below and select the one where the translation is not correct. 1. My grandpa slept throughout the movie. Meu avô dormiu durante o filme inteiro. 2. You won’t find him at home except on Sundays. He works Mondays through Saturdays. Você não o encontrará em casa exceto aos domingos. Ele trabalha de segunda a sábado inclusive.




3. Deborah danced the whole night through. Débora dançou a noite inteira. 4. The teacher told us she was through with nonsense in class. A professora nos disse que estava farta de bobagens em aula. 5. Nobody knows what she has gone through in her life. Ninguém sabe o quanto ela já explorou na sua vida.




ANSWERS Brainstorming

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A charge with a crime release on bail on parole be picked up be locked up hold-up

B a. (5) be in jail, be behind bars b. (1) accuse of wrongdoing c. (6) robbery at the point of a gun d. (3) freed on condition e. (2) free sby after $ is paid f. (4) be arrested by the police

VOCABULARY PRE-TEST Choose the best completion or substitution: 1. The townspeople were appalled but not surprised. Os moradores da cidade estavam chocados, mas não surpresos. 2. (c) [disseminated] Belief in witchcraft was widespread throughout 17th-century America. // A crença em bruxaria estava disseminada por toda a América do séc. 17. 3. Town officials convened a court to hear the charges of witchcraft. As autoridades municipais reuniram uma corte (um tribunal) para ouvir as acusações de bruxaria. 4. The witness to the bank robbery refused to testify that she had seen the robbers. A testemunha do roubo do banco se recusou a testemunhar que havia visto os ladrões. 5. (c) [prestigious] Some of the most prominent citizens were in jail. Alguns dos mais proeminentes cidadãos estavam na cadeia. 6. (d) [freed}Those citizens were acquitted later on. Aqueles cidadãos foram absolvidos mais tarde. 7. The hysteria threatened to spread beyond Salem. A histeria ameaçava se espalhar além de Salem. 8. The governor of the colony agreed to dismiss the court. O governador concordou em dissolver a corte. 9. Salem Village was undergoing an economic transition. A aldeia de Salem estava passando por um transição econômica. 10. The struggle for social and political power took a strange detour. In fact, not only bizarre but deadly as well. A luta por poder social e político tomou um desvio estranho; na verdade, não só estranho como mortal também.




Word Forms 1. a) It was hard to tell apart the people who believed in witchcraft from those in disbelief. // Era difícil separar aqueles que acreditavam daqueles que não acreditavam. b) You would get angry as well if she had disbelieved your words. // Você ficaria furioso também se ela não tivesse acreditado nas suas palavras. c) “Seeing is believing.” // Só vendo para crer. 2. a) It thrills me to attend such an eventful festival. // Fico emocionado ao assistir um festival tão movimentado. b) Eventually Samantha got used to the new grading system. // No final Samantha se acostumou com o novo sistema de avaliação. c) In any event, you know you can count on us no matter what. De qualquer forma você sabe que pode contra conosco pra tudo. 3. a) A number of convicts were sent away to the new territory. // Vários condenados foram banidos para o novo território. b) Mrs. Benson showed remarkable conviction as a witness at the trial. A Sra Benson demonstrou notável convicção como testemunha no julgamento. c) I’d like to bring about the various convictions the defendant has accumulated over the years.// Gostaria de trazer à baila o grande número de condenações que o réu acumulou ao longo dos anos. 4. a) Calm yourself! There’s no need to be hysterical We’re going to find a way out of this situation. Acalme-se Não ha necessidade de ficar histérico. Vamos achar uma saída desta situação. b) Then the witness on the stand started to cry hysterically. It took her a long time to pull herself together. Então a testemunha no banco começou a chorar histericamente Demorou muito tempo para que se controlasse. 5. a) Years after Dr. Ray’s arrival in town, he gained a lot of prominence. Anos após sua chegada à cidade o Dr. Ray ganhou muita projeção. b) Senator Williams has always acted most prominently throughout the political hearings. O Senador Williams sempre agiu destacadamente durante todas as audiências políticas.




6. a) Don’t go near the edge of that cliff. The existing danger is too great. // Não chegue perto da beira do penhasco. O risco existente é grande demais. b) Class distinctions among the Anasazi were virtually nonexistent. Distinções de classe entre os Anasazi eram praticamente não existentes. c) Do you believe in the existence of life on other planets? Você acredita na existência de vida em outros planetas? 7. a) The prosecutor was used to receiving threatening letters in his mail. // O promoter estava acostumado a receber cartas ameaçadoras em sua correspondência. b) UN officials knew those chemical weapons constituted a threat to peace in the region. Representantes da ONU sabiam que armas químicas constituíam uma ameaça à paz na região. c) Threateningly, the country’s ruler refused to grant inspectors permission to enter the plant. Ameaçadoramente o governante do país se recusava a conceder a comissão de inspetores permissão para entrar na usina. 8. a) No one could account for her dismissal from her job as a consultant. // Ninguém podia esclarecer sua demissão do emprego de consultora. b) All the dismissed employees were protesting in front of the factory gates. // Todos os empregados demitidos estava protestando em frente dos portões da fábrica. 9. a) O J. Simpson’s acquittal caused a lot of controversy in the USA. A absolvição de O J. Simpson causou muita controvérsia nos EUA. b) “Having acquitted the defendant of the offense has restored my peace of mind”, the judge declared. ‘Ter absolvido o réu do crime restabeleceu minha paz de espírito’, declarou o juiz. a acusação. 10. a) After the American war for independence the seizure of Loyalists’ property was ordered by courts throughout the nation. Após a Guerra Americana pela Independência ao tomada dos bens do Loyalists foi ordenada pelos tribunais em toda a nação. b) You know what people say, “Opportunity knocks only once”. So when it presents itself, seize it. Você sabe como eles dizem: A oportunidade só boate a sua porta uma vez. Portanto, quando for o caso, agarre-a!




11. a) All the measures taken by the management aimed at achieving economic dominance over the competitors. Todas medidas tomadas pela direção visavam a alcançar a dominação econômica sobre os concorrentes. b) That is not a minor factor affecting them. I would say it is a dominant one. Não é um fator de pouca importância que os está afetando; eu diria, que é um dos mais importantes. c) There are currently lots of firms fighting for domination of the insurance market. Há no momento muitas empresas lutando pela dominação do mercado securitário. 12. a) All the time I had the sensation that sby had been following me. O tempo todo eu tinha sensação de que alguém nos estava seguindo. b) Only sensationalist newspapers will show any interest in this story. Somente os jornais sensacionalistas irão demonstrar algum interesse nesta história. c) I remember that night vividly when my girlfriend was wearing her sensational blue dress. Lembro-me daquela noite vividamente quando minha namorada usava um vestido azul sensacional. Reading Comprehension Questions 1. (b) As adolescentes de Salem começaram a se comportar de forma estranha após ouvirem histórias contadas por uma escrava das índias ocidentais. Em (a) lê-se que as adolescentes acusaram a escrava de bruxaria; em (c), que as meninas provocaram um incidente isolado na história americana: a bruxaria na Puritana Nova Inglaterra; na (d), que as adolescentes foram manipuladas por autoridades municipais para provocar o enforcamento de diversas mulheres. 2. (d) O governador da colônia concordou em dissolver o tribunal por causa da pressão exercida por habitantes de outras cidades que temiam que a histeria pudesse se alastrar além da Aldeia de Salem. Na (a) temse: para libertar cidadãos proeminentes que estavam na cadeia; em (b) porque a histeria chegara a um grau tal que o número de vítimas havia alcançado vinte em menos de um ano. na (c), porque do contrário todos os cidadãos proeminentes de Salem seriam enforcados.




3. (a) O autor sugere que a causa real para os julgamentos em Salem pode ter sido a luta pelo poder político entre duas classes. Na (b), lê-se: tudo que aconteceu com as garotas foi encenação; na (c), motivos políticos e econômicos estavam por trás do comportamento estranho de alguns adultos apanhados no frenesi reinante; na (d), na aldeia de Salem em 1692 foi tomada por um tipo de histeria coletiva ajudada por uma verdadeira crença na existência de bruxaria. 4. (b) Está expresso que algumas pessoas na Aldeia de Salem acreditavam firmemente que o diabo estava solto nas suas casas. Nas outras opções: em (a) a expressão ‘witch hunt’ (= caça às bruxas) originou-se em Salem. Na (c) os Americanos sempre foram fascinados por bruxaria. Na (d) a onda de bruxaria finalmente se alastrou para outras aldeias além de Salem. 5. (d) Uma análise das identidades dos acusados indica que eles representavam uma ameaça ao conservadorismo reinante. Em (a) tem-se que eles pertenciam a uma comunidade dominada pelos puritanos; na (b) que eram membros da igreja tradicional; na (c), que eram uma comunidade agrícola e apegados a um modo de vida tradicional.




KILLING VERBS 1. A plum pit got stuck in the boy’s throat and he choked to death. Um caroço de ameixa ficou preso na garganta do garoto e ele se engasgou. 2. Cattle are fattened for being taken to the slaughter house at the proper time. O gado é engordado e levado ao matadouro na época devida. 3. Although many people thought it had been suicide at first, the police believe there has been premeditated murder. Embora muitos acreditassem, a princípio, que havia sido suicídio, a polícia crê que tenha sido assassinato. 4. All of us hate wars. It is painful to think about the millions of war victims slain in battles. Todos nós detestamos as guerras. É penoso pensar nos milhões de vítimas de guerra mortos em batalhas. 5. Were it not for the bulletproof vest the agent was wearing, she might be dead after she was shot. Não fosse o colete à prova de balas que o agente estava usando e poderia ter morrido após ser atingida pelo tiro. 6. Lots of women were raped, many children were abused, in fact, most of the civilian population had been massacred savagely by the enemy troops. Muitas mulheres foram estupradas, muitas crianças foram mal tratadas a maior parte da população civil fora massacrada pelas tropas invasoras. 7. Several marks on the victim’s neck indicated that the woman had been strangled. // Diversas marcas no pescoço da vítima indicavam que a mulher havia sido estrangulada. 8. The man’s body was savagely cut up. The man had been butchered. O corpo do homem havia sido cortado brutalmente. Ele havia sido esquartejado. 9. Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was brutally assassinated by a fanatic. // O presidente egípcio Anwar Sadat foi cruelmente assassinado por um fanático. 10. Before the gunshot the girl had been stabbed with a pair of scissors. Antes do disparo a garota havia sido apunhalada com uma tesoura.




Text 2: Vocabulary Pre Test

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A landscaping firm bank vault untraceable bills begin a manhunt biggest robbery money missing

B a. (3) notas não rastreáveis b. (1) firma de paisagismo c. (4) iniciar uma caçada humana d. (2) caixa forte do banco e. (6) dinheiro que faltava f. (5) maior roubo

Text 2: Reading Comprehension Questions 1. How much time did it take the robbers to carry out their plan? Quanto tempo os ladrões levaram para executar o seu plano? It took the robbers three months to do it. Eles levaram três meses para executá-lo. 2. How long was the tunnel dug by the thieves? Qual o comprimento do túnel cavado pelos ladrões? It was 78 meters long. Tinha 78 m. 3. How could you describe the tunnel made by the thieves? Besides the length, all these aspects can be cited: it had air conditioning & lighting; it was dug 4 m below the surface, it was 70 cm high and 70 cm wide, it was lined with canvas and wood. Além do comprimento mencionado, todos estes aspectos podem ser citados: possuía ar condicionado e iluminação, foi cavado a 4m da superfície, tinha 70 cm de altura e 70 cm de largura e era revestido com lona e madeira. 4. Was it the biggest robbery ever? It was the second biggest bank robbery ever to happen in the world. Foi o 2º maior roubo a banco na história mundial. 5. What was the president of the Central Bank curious about? He was curious how so much money, weighing 3,5 tons, could be moved around without anybody noticing. Ele ficou curioso como tanto dinheiro, pesando 3,5 toneladas, pôde ser movimentoado sem que ninguém percebesse nada. Grammar / Usage Tips 1. três estruturas na voz passiva: was rented (L-1) // waslocated (L-2) // was dug (L-9) // was opened (L-14) 2. dois exemplos de usos do present perfect: have begun (L-19/20) // has ordered (L-21)




Text 3: Reading Comprehension Questions 1. A missão do OLAF basicamente é a de proteger os interesses financeiros da EU. 2. Smuggling (= contrabando), counterfeit euro coins (= falsificação de moedas de euro), desvio de ajuda humanitária, fraud (=fraude), corruption (= corrupção quaisquer três dessas. 3. A uma investigação do OLAF pode se seguir indiciamento por autoridades nacionais, medidas disciplinares, e sanções administrativas. 4. Os casos relacionados com a agricultura e ajuda externa. The prefix MIS Sorry, I misunderstood you. Perdão, eu entendi você mal. She said that you’ve mispronounced her name. Ela disse que você pronunciou o nome dela errado. You showed that you were totally misinformed. Você demonstrou que estava totalmente mal informado. Phrasal verbs with LOOK 1. If you need any help with your Math problems, look to me. Se você precisar de alguma ajuda com seus problemas de matemática consulte-me. 2. My grandpa was a man I looked up to. Meu avô era uma pessoa que eu admirava. 3. Look out! You can’t cross the street in the middle of the block. Cuidado! Você não pode atravessar a rua no meio do quarteirão. 4. This is not the word I was looking for. Esta não é a palavra por que eu estava procurando. 5. Dora is not going out with us. She has to look over an apartment she intends to rent. Dora não vai sair conosco. Tem que ver um apartamento que quer alugar. A Look at Past Exams - Silent Weapons 1. A // 2. D // 3. C // 4. A // 5. E Picture Test 17 (b) Can you tell apart the rational from the irrational animal? Você consegue distinguir o animal racional do animal irracional?




EXERCISES I. -Lei: Um Mal Necessário? Na opinião de muita gente a lei é um mal necessário que deve ser usado quando fracassam outras formas corriqueiras e informais de resolver disputas. Quando compramos um bilhete de trem, um advogado pode dizer-nos que se trata de um contrato com obrigações legais; porém, para a maioria de nós, não passa de um bilhete que nos dá acesso ao trem. Se nosso vizinho toca música alto, tarde da noite, provavelmente tentamos conversar com ele sobre o assunto ao invés de consultar policiais, advogados ou cortes de justiça. É somente quando nos ferimos num acidente de trem que pensamos nas implicações legais das atividades do dia-a-dia. II. VOCABULARY CLOZE: 1. addict // 2. victims // 3. possession // 4. concealed // 5. prison III. Procure correlacionar as colunas A & B:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A suppression of evidence wrongful act power of attorney grace period court order misappropriation

B a. (3) procuração b. (1) sonegação de prova c. (4) carência d. (5) liminar e. (6) apropriação indébita f. (2) delito

IV. The Odd Man Out (= O Estranho no Ninho) (f) promoter (= promotor de eventos) Diz-se prosecutor para falar do promotor para assuntos jurídicos. V. Subject-Verb Agreement: 1. (needs) Todos necessitam da segurança e do conforto de um lugar onde morar. 2. (don’t plan) Alguns professores não planejam viajar durante suas ferias. 3. (is) Há noticias de uma invasão iminente no país africano.




4. (are not) A polícia local não está bem aparelhada para lutar contra os traficantes de drogas. 5. (approves) Quase todos os pais e professores aprovam a nomeação de Neil para diretor. 6. (were) Na minha turma na faculdade havia recém-chegados de vários países latino-americanos. Metade deles era proveniente do Paraguai. 7. (has) O número de alunos que abandonam o colégio nos EUA aumentou muito nos últimos anos. 8. (has) Cada um dos empregados da fábrica tem que bater o ponto. 9. (were) Muito gado estava pastando no campo. 10. (have) Nem os animais nem as pessoas tinham chance de sobreviver a um incêndio tão devastador. 11. (has) Cada peça do mobiliário na sala tinha um valor histórico. 12. (is) Ou a Hilda ou a Jéssica deve se encarregar dos preparativos enquanto eu estiver fora. 13. (come) Muitas ovelhas vêm até próximo da cerca para pastarem. 14. (die) Ou o mocinho ou os bandidos more no final do filme. 15. (makes) Nenhuma de suas respostas faz algum sentido para mim. 16. (love) A maioria das garotas da vizinhança adora patinar. 17. (has) Matemática sempre foi a matéria mais difícil para Christine. 18. (was) Todos os envolvidos na construção da nova piscina estavam demasiadamente otimistas sobre o projeto. 19. (were) Vinte porcento dos membros da comunidade eram a favor da mudança. 20. (is) Economia é a matéria que a Della mais domina. V. The translation is not correct. 5. Nobody knows what she has gone through in her life. Ninguém sabe o quanto ela já sofreu na sua vida.




Avalie se os seguintes objetivos da AULA 17 foram alcançados. OBJECTIVES (OBJETIVOS) Draw your attention to the following essential points: Chamar sua atenção para os seguintes pontos essenciais: I. Warm-up: Law and Crime Terms Aquecimento: Termos relativos à lei e ao crime II. Analysis of text 1: ‘The Witches of Salem’ Análise do texto ‘As Bruxas de Salem’ III. Reading Comprehension Questions – multiple-choice Questões de interpretação do texto – múltipla-escolha IV. Word Forms – Deriving words Formação de palavras – palavras derivadas V. Vocabulary Build Up – ‘Killing Verbs’ Construção do Vocabulário – ‘Killing’ Verbs VI. Analysis of text 2: ‘The Evolving Internet’ Análise do texto 2: ‘A Internet em Desenvolvimento’ VII. Grammar Tips – Subject Verb Agreement Dicas de Gramática – Concordância entre sujeito e verbo VIII. Key Words : THROUGH Palavras-Chave : THROUGH IX. Analysis of text 3: ‘EU’s OLAF’ Análise do texto 3: ‘O OLAF na EU’ X. Word Forms – Prefix MIS Formação de palavras – prefixo MISXI. Discourse Markers (VI) – indicating Conclusion Marcadores do Discurso – indicando conclusão




XII. Phrasal verbs with LOOK Phrasal verbs with LOOK XIII. Picture Test 17 Teste com gravuras 16 XIV. A Look at Past Exams – ‘Silent Weapons’ Uma olhada nos exames anteriores – ‘Armas Silenciosas’ XV. Exercise Section Seção de Exercícios



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