PA Recycler Summer 2014

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P r o f e s s i o n a l R e c yc l e r s o f PA

Stewardship ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

full of materials. Now coordinating this effort on their own each year, ACNB continues to offer this program to meet the ongoing needs of the community. Improper disposal of prescription drugs and pharmaceuticals is an emerging issue within the community. It has created concerns regarding safety and adverse effects on the environment. A partnership was formed involving local law enforcement, Adams County, and Collaborating For Youth (CFY), a drug-free community coalition, to address this issue. Working together, this group held their first take back medication collection in 2010. Since that time, the group has held subsequent drop-off events twice each year under the organizational guidance of CFY. The County has also been very successful in partnering with the Adams County Conservation District and the Adams County Department of Probation Services to offer an annual tire recycling event. By only charging participants one dollar per tire and obtaining matching funds from DEP, the County and its partners have managed to eliminate unsightly piles of tires while reducing the potential threat of West Nile Virus. In 2003, Gettysburg College, Adams County and United Way of Adams County took on the task of reducing the trash discarded by college students moving off campus at the end of the school year, and they vowed to eliminate the numerous roll-off dumpsters used for that purpose. After much planning and a few field trips to Penn State’s main campus to learn from the experts, ‘Operation Move Out’ was developed. In its first year, ten tons of saleable items were donated and sold to benefit United Way’s mission to assist the community. Usable food items and personal care products were also accepted and given to local shelters and low-income families. Today the ‘Operation Move Out’ program is known as the “Give it up for Good” sale. Donations have greatly increased over the years along with support to the United Way. By now, you are probably beginning to understand the power of partnerships. Partnerships play an important role and are especially important to those counties or communities that may find themselves not included as a line item in a budget or that do not generate fees from operating disposal facilities. We have to be creative and reach out to local, state and federal partners to meet the needs of our residents. 22 PA Recycler SUMMER 2014

Solid Waste, Recycling, and Composting Specialists

full-service environmental and engineering support services composting and organics solid waste plans and feasibility studies recycling programs and evaluations facility designs and permits waste audits and waste minimization RFPs and contracting grant assistance

Camp Hill • 717-737-8326

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