He Pākiki: Takurua 2023 Issue

Page 9


POUA TE PĀTŪTŪ (KĀINGA) As reported previously, Te Korowai is supporting hapū development with a focus on strategic planning, kāinga and land development opportunities. Here are some of the key updates:

• All six hapū have completed their development strategies, these are being collated and will inform the Ngāruahine kāinga and land development programmes • Our consultant Jeremy Wichman, nō Ngāti Manuhiakai me Ōkahu Inuawai, has completed desktop kāinga feasibilities and financial analysis on 18 properties that are currently owned or about to be received back as a part of Te Korowai’s Land reacquisition programme. These include a mix of DSP, RFR and marae properties › The purpose of the desktop feasibilities and financial analysis is to confirm if the properties are suitable for kāinga development, relative development cost and viability so Trustees can make informed decisions about kāinga development on their whenua › Trustees can then make the call if they want to use the land for kāinga development › Properties that are not considered for Kāinga development can be included for MPI alternative land use feasibility › The plan is to support hapū and marae through the kāinga development process if they decide to proceed › Te Korowai will now engage with participating hapū and marae to discuss their results, and complete a more detailed analysis

TE KAWA WHANAKEORA (MAHI) As reported previously we are working with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to support Ngāruahine landowners to investigate alternative land development opportunities. The Ngāruahine land stock take (results below) revealed we (uri, marae & hapū) own, administer or have significant land interests in our takiwā: Ungoverned Land PKW Ahu Whenua Trust Total Land banked land

449 ha 2,494 ha 1,332 ha 4,276 ha 1,025 ha

I have completed an initial analysis which confirms we should be looking at better ways to utilise our whenua in order to better protect our Taiao, create jobs and business opportunities for our uri. In 2022 MPI held a Land Development Roadshow in New Plymouth to promote their Māori Agriculture development programmes, most of the attendees were Ngāruahine and there is already interest from our hapū and marae who have land to develop. We intend to organise a Ngāruahine Land Development workshop which will showcase existing projects, expose uri to expert advice, alternative land use options and funding support. We are looking at a August/September date and a venue in our takiwā so watch this space.

- TeUraura Nganeko

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