Pentecost 26 13 nov 2016 11

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New Laigh Kirk Scottish Charity No. SC031334

A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all

Remembrance Sunday Welcome to Worship 13th November 2016 Minister: Rev. David S Cameron Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Organist: Martin Sharp

Order of Service Choir Introit

What shall we pray for those who died

Welcome and Intimations Call to Worship Hymn 63

All people that on earth do dwell

Prelude to Act of Remembrance Congregation Stand They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Silence Hymn 710

‘I have a dream’, a man once said

During the singing of this hymn Poppy Wreaths will be placed at the War Memorials in the Sanctuary All age address Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me; Let there be peace on earth, The peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father We are family Let us walk with each other In perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me, Let this be the moment now; With every step I take, Let this be my solemn vow To take each moment and live each moment In peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me Children leave for Kingz Kidz Reading

Micah 4:1-8 page 932

Allan Kidd

Choir Anthem Go forth into the world in peace Reading

St. Luke 21:5-19 page 1056

Hymn 18

The earth belongs to God alone

Prayer of Intercession Hymn 691

Be still, my soul:

Sermon Offering Hymn 810

Sing to the Lord of heaven and earth

Prayer of Dedication Hymn 622

We sing a love that sets all people free

The National Anthem God save the Queen Benediction There will be a retiral offering for Remembrance Sunday in aid of the Earl Haig Fund. Your generous gifts will be much appreciated.

Welcome and Intimations A very warm welcome to worship this morning from all at New Laigh Kirk. We are glad you are here and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you as we gather together for worship on this Remembrance Sunday. We especially welcome visitors worshipping with us today. Please join us for tea and coffee served in the sanctuary immediately after the service. Worship on Sunday, 20th November will be conducted by Barbara Urquhart beginning at 11.00am. Kingz Kidz meet in church at 10.50am and sit together. There is a creche facility for children under three years of age. Tea and coffee will be served in the church immediately after the service. Pastoral Cover will be provided by Barbara Urquhart from 14th November to 20th November, Tel: 01563 538289. Imagine: Our next Imagine event will be held in the halls on John Finnie Street, 4.00pm to 5.30pm, THIS AFTERNOON. We'd love you to join with us to explore life's purpose through praise, teaching, discussion and a buffet dinner. Imagine:Life - ‘What on earth am I here for?’purposeful follow up alongside our Imagine events. Monday, 14th November, 7.30pm to 9.00pm at 4 Seaford Street. Please indicate your interest to Bethany, Tel: 07827 816405.

Tickets £5 for the Guild Week concert with A Choired Taste on Monday, 14th November will be on sale after the service. Welcome Group meeting on Wednesday, 16th November at 7.30pm in Session Room. Friendship Group/Pastoral Care Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday, 19th November from 10.00am to 12noon in lower hall. Donations of bottles, Christmas crafts and bakery will be greatly appreciated. Tickets costing £1.50 available after the service or at the door. Contact Margaret Paterson, Tel: 551288. 2017 subscriptions for Life and Work are now due at a cost of £30 for the year. This sum should reach Stephen Brown by Sunday, 20th November. Highlights Klub on Monday, 21st November at 8.00pm in upper hall. Come along and enjoy a Creative Christmas Sugarcraft Workshop. Kirk Session will meet on Tuesday, 22nd November at 7.30pm in lower hall. Please note change of date. The Narnia Experience will take place in NLK Halls, 1.30pm to 5.30pm on Sunday, 27th November. If you are available to help set up for The Narnia Experience, the set up team will commence at 10.00am on Saturday, 26th November in the halls. Donations of Lion bars and knitted scarves are also much appreciated. If you can lend your Christmas tree or a fur coat for scenery, please label them with your name and phone number. They will be received at the halls and church TODAY and on Sunday, 20th November. Please contact Bethany, Tel: 07827 816405 or Email: with queries or offers of help. Tickets are now fully booked. Next Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches service on Sunday, 27th November at 6.30pm in Crosshouse Parish Church. All are welcome. Tickets available for the pantomime - Beauty and the Beast - for the young and young at heart (over 60s) on Saturday, 3rd December at 1.00pm. Tickets cost £12. Please contact Margaret Paterson, Tel: 551288 or complete form in November magazine. EACHa is very grateful for all your donations of toiletries for the hygiene packs. Anything you are able to bring is very much appreciated. Just now we would particularly welcome shaving gel/foam, disposable razors, shampoo and conditioner. Foodbank. Donations of non-perishable foods should be placed in the blue bin in the vestibule. Particularly welcome just now are UHT milk, tinned fruit, rice pudding, meat and vegetables. New volunteers are always welcome. Intimations to be included in Sunday’s Order of Service and the Standard should be with Helen Colman ( by Wednesday of this week.

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