New Israel Fund 2017 Annual Report

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A Story of TRUE

Partnership In 1979, a group of Israeli lawyers who were

taking pro-bono cases met with liberal Jews from the San Francisco Bay Area. They had seen the integral role that organizations like the ACLU and the NAACP had played in civil rights struggles in America and they were excited to work together on creating similar institutions in Israel’s democracy. If Israel, a young country, was going to succeed as a democracy and fulfill its promise, it would need these kinds of groups and much more. So they came up with a simple idea. People who cared about Israel could join together and empower activists on the ground working to strengthen

Israel’s democracy. Their partners would be change-makers and civil society leaders, Israelis defending the rights of minorities and fighting injustices and extremism of all kinds. They started by collecting $80,000 and distributing grants to 20 grassroots organizations in Israel. These were the first grants made by the New Israel Fund, launching a true partnership between Israelis and Americans guided by the values of justice, equality, and democracy.


NIF grantee Tag Meir held a Chanukah candle-lighting with Jerusalem’s Muslim and Christian communities.


Jerusalem Pride drew 20,000 attendees in 2017, bringing together Israelis committed to inclusion and equality.


This story continued to In the nearly 40 years that have

passed since that first meeting, we’ve improved the lives of millions. NIF affiliates have been founded in Canada, the UK, Australia, Switzerland, and Germany, creating a global presence for our values and work. NIF grantees have won some of the most important legal and legislative victories that have improved the lives of millions of Israelis, opening doors to women, Palestinian citizens, Mizrahi Jews, the LGBTQ community, non-Orthodox Jews, immigrants, and people with disabilities. NIF has changed the consensus on some of Israel’s most contentious social issues.

unfold in 2017. Over the past year, NIF grantees worked to reduce social and economic gaps and protect the rights of all of Israel’s inhabitants. They fought back against racism and discrimination, while promoting a vision for Israel as a shared, inclusive society. From their communities around the world, NIF supporters spoke out and supported progressive Israeli activists. In response to extremism and attempts to punish dissent in Israel and in America, NIF mobilized and made our voices heard.

Shatil’s Shared Living Forum enables Jewish and Arab students to learn about building a shared society

Members of Standing Together, a new ArabJewish grassroots movement, demand “full equality— and no less!”

While NIF has grown and evolved, our core

values have stayed the same. The story of NIF is a story people standing shoulder to shoulder to protect democracy and promote freedom for all. It’s the story of partnership.

Characters in the illustrations are inspired by NIF’s founders, grantees, and partners. Special thanks to Eleanor Friedman and Jonathan Cohen, who are among NIF’s founders and are the inspiration for the narrators of the comic strips.

The Two States, One Hope rally drew thousands of Israelis calling for peace, justice, and an end to the occupation.

Last summer marked the 50th anniversary of the occupation that began after the Six Day War. In recent years, the right-wing government in Israel has tried to intimidate and silence Israelis who speak openly 2

about human rights and ending the occupation. But

so that they can be

In 2017, we mobilized thousands of people to take a stand. NIF worked in Israel and abroad to speak out against the occupation and secure Israel’s future as a liberal democracy. We led a coalition of organizations working to amplify this message. In the U.S. and in Israel, we raised funds, advocated for our values, and educated our communities about the occupation.

addressed and solved.

50 Out! Forum In partnership with several dozen

problems are never solved by denial. Instead, NIF grantees are committed to keeping these issues on the public agenda

organizations, NIF’s action arm Shatil created the 50 Out! Forum, a broad coalition and an online home for activism around the 50th year of the occupation. The 50 Out! Forum publicized all major events and initiatives to mark the anniversary, while providing human rights activists and organizations with ongoing assistance, news updates, and spaces for collaboration.

NIF grantee B’Tselem shapes the public discourse by documenting and recording violations of human rights.

Two States, One Hope On May 27, 2017, 20,000 Israelis


Kingdom of Olives and Ash Book Tour At the

invitation of NIF grantee Breaking the Silence, Michael Chabon, Ayelet Waldman, and 24 other world-renowned authors toured the West Bank and wrote about what they saw. The result was a remarkable anthology of stories, Kingdom of Olives and Ash: Writers Confront the Occupation. More than 1,000 people in six U.S. cities came out to hear these powerful stories during the NIF-sponsored book tour, presented with Harper Perennial and Breaking the Silence.

The Jubilee Haggadah NIF distributed over 1,000

copies of an English-language anti-occupation guide to the Seder, while partnering with SISO: Save Israel, Stop the Occupation and the Haaretz newspaper to distribute 100,000 copies to Israeli households.


gathered in Tel Aviv under the banner of “Two States, One Hope.” This inspiring rally for a two-state solution and an end to the occupation featured speakers NIF President Talia Sasson and NIF board member Achinoam Nini (Noa). In the U.S., thousands of supporters followed the action on NIF’s Facebook livestream.


If the political events of the last year have taught us

Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman told moving stories of struggle and hope on the Kingdom of Olives and Ash Book Tour.

anything, it’s that turning away and opting out is not an option. We give to the New Israel Fund because we’ve seen the results of the 4

work they do and the difference it makes.” — Ayelet Waldman and Michael Chabon

No problem can be solved by being swept under the rug. That’s why NIF supports organizations who are safeguarding human rights, keeping the continued occupation on the public agenda, and defending freedom of speech. NIF grantees like Yesh Din and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) use strategic litigation to fight against human rights violations such as land confiscation and settlement construction. At the same time, other grantees like B’Tselem document the reality for Palestinians in the occupied territories, while Breaking the Silence publishes testimonies of Israeli soldiers who have witnessed the harsh reality of the occupation during their service. This work exposes the human costs of the occupation and makes them relatable to the Israeli public. NIF grantees also organize mass events for Israelis to bear witness to the occupation’s toll, such as the annual Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony. Led by Combatants for Peace and the Parents Circle-Families Forum and sponsored by NIF, this annual gathering in Tel Aviv is a powerful statement of solidarity and hope. Over 4,000 participants stood together last year to acknowledge the pain of those living on the “other side” and to call for a peaceful end to the conflict. In the U.S., a group of funders pooled their money to create a matching gift fund to support NIF’s human rights and anti-occupation grantees. Over the course of several months, 1,044 donors answered the call. Together, we raised almost $550,000 to support progressive Israelis building a movement to oppose the occupation.


Yesh Din Following a petition by Yesh Din, the

Supreme Court halted a bill that would have legalized illegal outposts in the West Bank. Yesh Din also held dozens of legal workshops in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, ensuring that Palestinians know their rights and can push back against confiscation of land and other resources.

Breaking the Silence To mark 50 years of the occupation, Breaking the Silence hosted “Black Mirror,” a five-hour public reading of over 300 newly published testimonies of soldiers who served in the occupied territories. Hundreds of Israelis participated, including former Knesset Members and Israel Prize laureates.

B’Tselem Following months of research,

B’Tselem published major reports on the confiscation of Palestinian land for the use of settlements and the detention of Palestinian teenagers in East Jerusalem. B’Tselem also produced a groundbreaking exhibit called “50 Years: 50 Photographs of Palestinians Born in 1967,” which was widely covered in the Israeli media and was viewed by over 1,000 people.

Ir Amim

To secure a sustainable and just future for Jerusalem, Ir Amim advocates against the expansion of Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem. In 2017, Ir Amim successfully thwarted two major construction plans.


two states, one hope rally in Tel Aviv.

NIF’s founders wanted to strengthen Israel’s democracy and empower progressive Israelis, but not as passive supporters. Rather, NIF has rallied both Israelis and people around the 6

world to be partners in creating change. When you support NIF, you are invited to grapple with the issues, meet the activists and change-makers, and be part of a dynamic conversation about Israel’s future.

In 2017, NIF brought that model to communities of young Jews who care about Israel and social justice with an exciting program: New Generations giving circles. A giving circle is like a small-scale version of NIF itself—a group of people pool their money, discuss the issues that matter to them, build community around NIF’s work, and make a collective donation to an NIF grantee. By pooling their resources and making a decision together, the giving circle is able to make a greater impact than any of the members could make as individuals. Young people experience collective philanthropy, learning together about impactful work on the ground. For these younger NIF supporters, just as it is for most of our supporters, contributing to NIF’s strategic grant-making is a statement of values and a commitment to impact. Our grants team in Israel maintains a bird’s-eye view of civil society—identifying new trends, seeking out innovative strategies, and evaluating results. This is the NIF model of partnership—active, inclusive, and impactful.


giving circle meeting in Boston.


Declaring “Racism is not my Judaism,” demonstrators showed support for people seeking asylum in Israel.


Learning about the grantees and where my donations go allows me to build on the deep relationship that I have with Israel…and to know that there is a role for 8

me to continue to engage with Israel while being a Jew in the diaspora.” —Hannah Levine, NIF New England Regional Council Member

Signs in South In Boston, two recent Tel Aviv protest New Generations giving the deportation of people seeking circles directed funds asylum in Israel. to Achoti (Sister) – For Women in Israel and Sikkuy: The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality. In Washington, D.C., the New Generations giving circle chose Machsom Watch as its primary grantee.


For NIF, democracy is more than just voting. It means taking action to ensure that society is inclusive, egalitarian, and just. As a Mizrahi feminist organization, Achoti empowers women from Israel’s geographic and economic periphery to organize, advocate, and build a better future. In south Tel Aviv, Achoti’s “Power to the Community” project mobilizes residents to improve conditions in their neighborhood. And when rightwing politicians incite against people seeking asylum in Israel and try to drive a wedge between them and veteran residents, Achoti refuses to let them be enemies. This is shared society at its best­­—people from different backgrounds working together, based on common interests and values, to build a more equitable future for all.


When a study performed by Sikkuy revealed that only a tiny fraction of participants on Israeli radio and TV shows were Arab, Sikkuy established a database of Arab experts and made it available to editors and producers. The result has been a sharp increase in the number of Arab interviewees in Hebrew-language media. By creating shared space in the media and promoting a more inclusive discourse, one that actually represents the broad spectrum of Israeli society, Sikkuy is creating a model for a shared Arab-Jewish future.


Second Intifada. A group of Israeli women—concerned about the occupation—wanted to do something about what was happening in the West Bank. And they wanted others to know about it too. So they went to the Israeli military’s checkpoints, which restrict freedom of movement and are a major point of friction between the military and Palestinian civilians.

Through its advocacy and reporting, Sikkuy works to ensure that more Arab voices are heard in the public sphere.

This group now calls itself “Machsom Watch.” They help thousands of Palestinians navigate the military bureaucracy, and simply by being present, they impact soldiers’ behavior for the better. By educating Israelis and bearing witness to the occupation, Machsom Watch ensures that this reality is seen.


MACHSOM WATCH It all started during the


At NIF, relationships with activists go both ways. We support their work and they open up new ways of connecting with Israel. For too many people, engaging with Israel can be difficult and fraught. But a partnership based on 10

social justice can enable people to connect with Israel through their values, support NIF grantees, and reimagine what a relationship with Israel can mean.

Eli Philip was one of those people. After an emotionally difficult summer during the 2014 Gaza war, he was starting to feel disconnected from Israel. But when Eli heard about the NIF/Shatil Social Justice Fellowship—which places postcollege young adults in Israeli organizations to work and learn for the year— he realized that Israel was a part of his identity that he did not want to give up. Eli interned at Zazim–Community Action, which was one of two organizations that NIF incubated as part of our New Initiatives for Democracy (NIFD).


Modeled after MoveOn and incubated by NIF, Zazim is an online organizing hub for the entire progressive agenda in Israel. Throughout the past year, Zazim has built diverse coalitions and led successful campaigns for justice and equality, such as stopping the expansion of polluting refineries in Haifa and defending a new development plan for Jisr al-Zarqa, which would allow the Arab town in northern Israel to build new housing and better infrastructure. By the end of the year, Zazim grew to over 80,000 members.

The Whistle

Another grantee incubated by NIF, the Whistle launched in 2017 and began monitoring the media for bias. Every day, the Whistle factchecks statements made by Israeli politicians and exposes falsehoods. This organization is already changing the discourse in Israel, ensuring that the media plays its role in defending democracy and holding the powerful accountable.

Another NIF fellowship opportunity, the Naomi Chazan Global Activism Fellowship takes a cohort of young people from around the world to see NIF’s work firsthand. Following an activism-oriented 10-day trip during which they meet civil society leaders, fellows take what they’ve learned back to their home communities, acting as ambassadors for NIF and bringing others into this partnership of values. Erika Purdy recalls being on a prior trip to Israel and struggling with understanding Jewish-Arab relations and the occupation. For Erika, the Naomi Chazan Fellowship was a chance to explore those issues with organizations like Tag Meir, an NIF grantee that combats racism and extremism.

Tag Meir

A coalition of nearly 50 Jewish organizations from across the religious-secular spectrum, Tag Meir responds to every hate crime by organizing rallies and solidarity visits. Tag Meir has also successfully advocated for tougher measures against Jewish extremists, leading to the indictment of a West Bank rabbi for incitement to violence.


2017-2018 Naomi Chazan Fellows photographed with and by NIF Executive Director in Israel Mickey Gitzin.


From NIF we received the best gift of all— a social justice fellow! In our first few years, having an additional staff person — particularly someone so enthusiastic, 12

bright, and committed — made all the difference.” —Raluca Ganea, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Zazim–Community Action

Social change 2017-2018 NIF/ShatIl Social Justice in Israel requires more Fellows: Ben Bendor, Josh Leifer, and Jacob Levkowicz. than grant-making alone. We are trying to build and sustain a thriving civil society that can tackle the challenges of the day. Early on in NIF’s history, we understood that in addition to financial resources, grantees also need technical skills and strong relationships with other organizations. That’s when NIF’s action arm, Shatil: The NIF Initiative for Social Change, was founded to meet those needs. More recently, in response to antidemocratic trends in the Knesset, NIF added another major strategy: New Initiatives for Democracy (NIFD). Finally, NIF supporters enable all of these programs and strategies to impact Israeli society for the better. When people donate to NIF, advocate for democratic values, and participate in NIF’s fellowships, they are living out the partnership at the core of NIF’s vision.

Shatil Shatil provides the ongoing support that civil society needs in

order to thrive, including consulting services and professional development. Shatil complements NIF’s support by connecting and collaborating across different organizations, issues, and geographical regions. In 2017, Shatil provided more than 13,000 hours of consulting and trained over 2,500 activists. Shatil’s Free Cities Forum mobilized religious freedom activists in cities across Israel, empowering them to fight back against the exclusion of women from public events and other forms of extremism. Shatil’s Center for Policy Change built a coalition of organizations to oppose legislation like the Nation-State bill, a proposed law that would prioritize Israel’s Jewish character over its democratic character and potentially formalize discrimination against Arab citizens.

Zazim members rally to “defend the beaches” and advocate for a law to protect Israel’s public beaches from private interests.

When NIF launched our New Initiatives for Democracy (NIFD) four years ago, we sought to identify new programs and partners that could harness progressive power towards effective social change in Israel. We are proud of the civil society that we have supported for almost four decades—and we knew then, as we do today, that a new growth strategy, connecting sectors and organizations, is necessary to leverage the efforts of Israel’s progressive movement towards real power and influence. Our strategy was twofold. First, we engaging in “building up” the power and influence of progressive voices in Israel by funding, expanding, or partnering with institutions that cross issue and sector lines. Second, we engaged in “reaching out” to

constituencies that share values with NIF but do not identify as progressive. In both areas, we identified or incubated partners to communicate with the Mizrahi and Russian-speaking communities and create platforms for online organizing, media monitoring, and reframing issues like national security, which have long been dominated by right-wing ideas. At a time when Israel’s democracy is under attack and the political opposition to the rightwing government is weak and fragmented, NIFD is ensuring that Israelis have the tools to defend democracy. By building up institutions and reaching out to new constituencies, NIF is strengthening and rebuilding the progressive movement in Israel.




2017 achievements securing housing for vulnerable populations Thanks to advocacy by Shatil’s Public Housing Forum, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon Housing and Construction Minister Yoav Gallant (both from the Kulanu Party) introduced a one billion shekel plan that would make a minimum of 2,000 housing units available to Israel’s poorest citizens. This plan would also enable more public housing tenants to eventually purchase their homes.


Expanding Access to Healthcare The Arab-Jewish Forum for Promoting Health in the Galilee, a coalition led by Shatil, successfully lobbied the government to open a radiotherapy center in an underserved area of northern Israel. This center, located at Ziv Hospital in Safed, is the only such facility north of Haifa, representing a major step towards narrowing the gap in medical care between Israel’s urban centers and its periphery.

Combating Women’s Exclusion The Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) won a case representing an 81-year-old woman forced to move from her seat to accommodate a male ultra-Orthodox passenger who refused to sit next to a woman. The court ordered the airline to end its policy that allowed flight attendants to ask women to change their seats. This is another victory in NIF’s ongoing battle against gender segregation and the exclusion of women in public spaces.

Advocating for Bedouin Children In a victory for equality, the Be’er Sheva District Court ruled that the Education Ministry must build bus stops next to schools in six Bedouin villages in southern Israel, where previously, Bedouin-Israeli children waited for busses in unsafe conditions next to major roads. NIF grantee Adalah filed the legal petition to advance this construction, which will include other safety measures such as protective fences, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings.


Preserving Land rights in East Jerusalem After a petition filed by NIF grantee Emek Shaveh, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that public spaces in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan must remain open to the public. This measure thwarted an attempt by Jewish settlers to close off these areas to Palestinian residents, which would have been a precursor for settlement construction and further seizures of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem.

Making All Voices Heard The Whistle, an NIF grantee that monitors the media for right-wing misinformation, is putting an end to the racist practice of conducting opinion polls of Jewish citizens only. In response to The Whistle’s coverage, Israel Hayom and Globes, two publications which had previously conducted surveys of Jews only, have now begun including Arab citizens. This will help ensure that all voices are heard in the public discourse in Israel.

financial statements New Israel Fund Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2017 with summarized financial information for 2016


2017 2016



Cash and cash equivalents* $4,856,780 Investments* 8,690,214 Pledges receivable, current portion, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $62,700 and $69,400 in 2017 and 2016 respectively 2,408,365 Accounts receivable 256,173 Prepaid expenses 133,757

$5,380,638 9,109,640

Total current assets 16,345,289



Furniture and equipment Leasehold improvements

Less accumulated depreciation and amortization

3,305,632 81,767 112,443

2,559,640 226,492

2,496,997 222,642

2,786,132 (2,284,380)

2,719,639 (2,093,685)

Net furniture, equipment and leasehold improvements 501,752


Pledges receivable, net of current portion Deposits

48,309 137,211

57,971 137,211

Total other assets



Total assets





Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Grants payable Annuity payable, current portion Deferred rent abatement

1,814,202 2,640,555 9,010 31,633

Total current liabilities 4,495,400 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES

The statement of financial position of the New Israel Fund as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, and

Accrued severance Deferred rent abatement, net of current portion Annuity payable

176,968 112,976 24,644


Total long-term liabilities


Unrestricted Undesignated Unrestricted Board designated

3,673,000 2,994,477

4,276,123 3,212,499








Total unrestricted

Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

changes in net

Total net assets

Total liabilities and net assets

are unaudited.

231,869 98,877 33,654 6,157,159

of activities and

years there ended,


Total liabilities 4,809,988

related statements

assets for the

1,828,418 3,917,356 15,352 31,633

*$3M cash in transit shows up on the audited financials statements in the cash balance





Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets As of December 31, 2017 with summarized financial information for 2016





REVENUE Contributions Special events Other revenue Net assets released from donor restrictions

Total revenue

$24,568,057 429,019 103,422 3,921,812

$3,631,213 — — (3,921,812)

$500,135 — — —

$28,699,405 429,019 103,422 —

$26,483,450 489,285 92,210 —







Grants Shatil Other Programs

13,626,816 4,216,863 5,392,783

— — —

— — —

13,626,816 4,216,863 5,392,783

13,541,427 4,429,977 4,261,563




Total program services


3,292,246 3,776,025

— —

— —

3,292,246 3,776,025

4,606,072 3,946,869

Total supporting services



Total expenses





Change in net assets before other items







Investment income Transfer of assets

Total other items

Change in net assets

Net assets at beginning of year

Net assets at end of year

442,213 199,150 19,065 (19,065)




















NIF’s Engagement, Education, and Leadership Programs in Israel and the U.S.

are major components of NIF’s mission, and include our social justice and law fellowships, study tours, New Generations programming, education and awareness-raising events, critical media campaigns, and press work.


n Grants to Israeli


n Shatil n Engagement,

Education, and Leadership SUPPORT SERVICES

18% 45% 11%

n Management

and General

n Fundraising



Program and Support Services expenses Not-for-Profit Organizations

641,363 —


NIF’s support expenses are the

infrastructure throughout the U.S. and in Israel that help us raise funds and keep the lights on in our offices in Jerusalem, Haifa, Beer Sheva, and cities across the United States. The pieces of this pie come together to form a strong and sustainable network of change-makers in Israel and communities of supporters there, in the U.S., and around the world.


Management and General Fundraising

Michel Abitbol

Lady Dahrendorf

Liz Greenstein

Jan Abby Liff

Orna Sasson-Levy

Susan Adelman

Rabbi Jerome K. Davidson

Lois Gunther

Russell M. Linden

Naomi Schacter

Richard Gunther

Bryna Linett

Frederick P. Schaffer

Hanoch Gutfreund

Nathan Linial

Joshua Schoffman

Yisca Harani

Barbara Lipman

Lawrence Schwartz

David Harel

David Lipman

Daniel Segal

Gilad Harish

Susan Liss

Amnon Sella

Tova Hartman

Sara Litt

Hannan Serphos

Roni Hefetz

Pierre Loeb

Alla Shainskaya

Nehama Hillman

Jonathan Lopatin

Shimon Shamir

Michael Hirschhorn

Yossi Malka

Joan Shapiro

Avraham Infeld

Robin Margo

Peter Shapiro

Marvin Israelow

Fathi Marshood

Aliza Shenhar

Haim Izraeli

Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon

Ruth Sheshinski

Karen Adler Sari Agatston Arieh Arnon Adeeb Awad Mira Awad Avner Azulay Marc Baer Mark Baker Eliyahu Bareket Maya Bar-Hillel Uri Bar-Joseph Mordechai Bar-On Ilan Baruch Oz Benamram


Haim Ben-Shahar Mindy Berman Melissa Berman David Bernstein Jaron Bernstein Michael Bien Shimon Biton Dvora Blum Ephrim Bortiz Rabbi Sharon Brous David Broza Avraham Burg Paul Burger Deborah Bussel Sara L. Cannon Ruth Cheshin Aaron Ciechanover Shlomo Cohen Alan Cohen Steven M. Cohen Yehudah B. Cohn Rabbi Rachel B. Cowan James Cummings

Jacques de Haller Avner de-Shalit Reuben Dori Omri Dotan Karin Dreiding Roger Dreyfus Isser Dubinsky Rachel Elior Roberta Elliott Lawrence Englander Uzi Even Sidra Ezrahi Lois Frank Ellie Friedman Robert Frier Aviva Futorian Barry Gaberman Lily Galili Linda Gallanter Itzhak Galnoor Judith Gelman Benjamin Gidron Susie Gilbert Dorothy Gitter Harman David Goldberg Mark Goldberg Bruce N. Goldberger Amiram Goldblum Phyllis Goldman Frances E. Goldman Joanna Goodwin Sara A. Gottesman

June Jacobs Daniel Kahneman Arlene Kanter Emile Karafiol Judith Karp Jane Katcher Hadass Kaufmann Yadin Kaufman Leslie M. Kimerling Jonathan Klein Sara Klein Eve Biskind Klothen Ken Klothen Yehoshua Kolodny Joan Kuriansky Luis Lainer Betsy Miller Landis Noam Lautman Paul Lehman Terry Lenzner

David Gottlieb

Rabbi Marion Lev-Cohen

Jeffrey Green

Mel Levine

Barbara S. Green

Shelley Levine

Sherri Greenbach

Judith Lichtman

Aviva S. Meyer Sami Michael Cindy L. Miller Dale Mnookin Robert Mnookin Harriet Mouchly-Weiss Judd Ne’eman Smadar Nehab Jacob Ner David Louis Newman Raquel H. Newman Craig Newmark Lisa Orlick-Salka Bonnie M. Orlin Israela Oron Amos Oz Sarah Ozacky-Lazar Rabbi Aaron Panken, z�l Kathleen Peratis Motty Perry Alon Piltz The Honorable Stuart Pollak Lisa Portnoy Daniel Price Avi Primor Uriel Procaccia Paula J. Rackoff, M.D. Frances Raday Claude Rakovsky Elaine Reuben

international council

Robert S. Rifkind June Rogul Irwin Rosenblum Bettylu Saltzman Itzik Saporta Gerard Sarnat Lela Sarnat

Varda Shiffer Jonathan Shimshoni Avraham Shochat Gay Sigel Susan Silverman Marsha Soffer Howard Sohn Ronny Someck Marla Stein Gideon Stein Nancy S. Sternoff Shaanan Streett Simone Susskind Dr. Ingrid D. Tauber Alfred Tauber Bonnie Tenenbaum Karen Tucker Rabbi Gordon Tucker David M. Umansky Zvia Valden Frank Vogl Albert Vorspan Paul Wachter Irving Wallach Michael Walzer Ami Weinstein Sharon Weintraub Diane Jordan Wexler Carol Winograd Terry Winograd Ruth E. Wolman Vincent Worms Menahem Yaari Dan Yakir Marcie Zelikow Fred Zemans Dina Zisserman-Brodsky Neta Ziv

legacy giving

Allan & Jane Paulson

Dr. Gabor T. Herman

Arthur Peck

Suzanne R. Hirsch

Doris Pfeffer

Lotte Hoffman

Benette Phillips

Donald & Mary Ann Horenstein

Dan M. Pulcrano

Seymour S. Bluestone

Ruth Michaels

A. David & Esther Redding

Barbara F. Cole

Estelle Nachimoff Padawer

Leon Reinharth & Françoise Rothman (z”l)

Lotte Fields

Judith S. Hozore Juel M. Janis Linda J. Kacser Karen Kalish

The following individuals have generously provided for the future of the New Israel Fund by naming NIF the beneficiary of a will, life insurance policy, retirement plan or by establishing a charitable gift annuity or trust.

NIF Legacy Society

Jan Kallish Michael L. Kaplan Yahara Katzeff Hadass Kaufmann Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

Sue Reinhold Irwin J. Robinson William Rosen Marcus M. Rosenblum Molly Rosenthal Lori Roth Gale Anita Rotman

Murray Koppelman

Jane Rubin

Robin Kosberg

David M. Saperstein

Hannah L. Kranzberg

Lela & Gerard Sarnat

Joan Kuriansky

Hanna Schepps

Anonymous (17)

Eddie & Rachel Eitches

Linda & Frank Kurtz

Ralph Alpert

Roberta Elliott

Alyse Laemmle

Senator Elliot Schewel & Rosel Schewel (z”l)

Eric R. Alterman

Barbara & William (z”l) Fairman

William E. Leavitt

Judith & Robert Applebaum Peter & Lucy Ascoli Diane & Jean-Loup Baer Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Phillip L. Bereano Howard & Dorothy Berger Joan I. Berger David W. Berkowitz Michael Bien & Jane Kahn Adam M. Birnbaum Deborah Blank Dr. Ellen Borenfreund, Ph.D.

Sybil A. Fields Mark and Lucy Rose Fischer Sylvia Fischer Glenn R. Fleischman Carl (z”l) & Leonore Foorman Gail Foorman John A. Franken Henry N. Friedel Sonia P. Fuentes Sanford & Linda Gallanter Mary E. Gamson Jeffrey Gaynes

Allen Leboff Ruth Lederman Gary Libman & Gail Tapley-Libman Jan Abby Liff Martin Lowenstein & Inbar Telem

Hilde Staniulis Anita Steiner

Roberta & Bernard (z”l) Marcus

Harold & Shirley Strom

Gayle & Jerry Marger

Martin H Tannenbaum & Alex Ingersoll

Daniel & Noémi P. Mattis

Steve Teichner Bruce Temkin

Ghita D. Ginberg

Patricia A. Miller

Joshua N. Goldberg

Shirley G. Miller

Zelia K. Goldberg

Theodore & Marylyn Miller

Robert E. Cohen Mary I. Coombs John W. Cotton

Peter J. Gollon Lois & Richard Gunther

Melissa E. Crow

Stephen Gunther & Linda Essakow

Ilana d’Ancona

Helen Mayer Hacker

Shulamit Decktor

Gerald & Carol (z”l) Halpern

Beverly A. Diamond Alan Dowty Douglas E. Duckett Isabel P. Dunst Marcy Eisenberg

Daniel Harris & Jane Buttars Ellen & Ellis (z”l) Harris Ruth Harrison

Laura S. Smith

Judy Mann

Linda B. Miller

Serra and William (z”l) Goldman

Joanne Shapiro

Mitra Makbuleh, Ph.D.

Leonore B. Gerstein

Majory Goldman

Harold Shames

Ellen Soren Beda

Martin & Geraldine Brownstein

Jonathan Cohen & Eleanor Friedman

Daniel & Sheila Segal

Ruth B. Lurie

Gerald Gerash

Claudia I. Chaves

Mildred A. Schwartz

David & Lea Soifer

Laura S. Brown, Ph.D.

Natalie Caplin

Debra R. Schoenberg

Caroline & Brian Lurie

The Purple Lady/ Barbara J. Meislin Fund

Norman L. Cantor

Mark Shleisner & Vivien Hoexter

Sandy (z”l) and Bob Temkin Steven Tulkin & Sydney Kapchan Judith Tuller Elizabeth Vorenberg

Anne P. Mintz

Paul & Dorothy Wachter

Harriet Mouchly-Weiss & Charles Weiss

Benjamin Ward

Leila Mustachi

Kayla Weiner, Ph.D.

Jamie Natelson

Raymond L. Weisberg, M.D.

Iris Newman

Stephen S. Winter

Louis Newman & Amy Eilberg

Gail Bates Yessne & Peter Yessne

Raquel H. Newman

Jacques & Laura Zakin

Barry Nobel

Margot & Paul Zimmerman

Henry Olshin Rachel Oriel Berg, Ph.D. Dr. Richard & Martha Pastcan

Janet Zobel

In 2017, NIF received bequests from the following generous donors, may their memories be a blessing.

Morris (Norman) Eisner William (Bill) Goldman Earl Harris Sabina H. Harris Henry and Betty Landsberger Shirley Dorothea Leos

Belle and Murray Nathan Philanthropic Fund Françoise Rothman Gerald B. Rosenstein Ruth Share Rose L. Shure and Sidney N. Shure

Eleanor L. Lewis

Alec and Emily M. Skolnick

Carl E. Lutrin

Arthur F. Steinberg

Richard Magat

Ruth Wolf

Endowment Funds NIF is grateful to many individuals and foundations for establishing endowments, family endowments, memorial funds, and field-of-interest funds. These funds honor or memorialize individuals whose lives and values are reflected in the work of the New Israel Fund. Tzippora and Moshe Ayalon Memorial Fund

Linda B. Miller Endowment Fund

Rosalyn Amdur Baker Endowment Fund

Raquel Newman Fund for Professional Development

Stephen P. Cohen Seekers of Peace Fund Edith S. Coliver Human Rights Fund Gerald Cromer Paths of Peace Fund The Mitchell and Esther Fisher Law Fellowship Gallanter Family Philanthropic Fund Rita and Herbert Z. Gold Fund The A. Hiatt Fund Richard Israel Social Justice Fellowship Fund

Josephine Bay Paul Endowment for the Center for Law and the Child The Pomegranate B Fund Radov Family Philanthropic Fund The Hirsch and Braine Raskin Endowment for Youth and Education Esther Leah Ritz Endowment Elizabeth Seelig Fund

Toby and Nathan Jelinski Fund

Rose L. Shure and Sidney N. Shure Endowment Fund

Kahal Foundation Special Fund

Wendy Weiker-Gordon Memorial Fund

Karsten Family Philanthropic Fund

Marianne Wolman Family Endowment Fund

Naomi Kies Endowment Fund Clara Spitzer Lauder (Tanaka) Fund Miriam Fligelman Levy Cross-Cultural Prize

Rudolph and Sarah Wyner Fund Yaffa London Yaari Scholarship Fund


Legacy gifts committed by generous NIF donors.

In Memoriam

Sheldon Hearst

2017 donors $100,000+ Anonymous (7)


Kathryn Ames Foundation, Inc. The Bertha Foundation The Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Foundation The Nathan Cummings Foundation Dobkin Family Foundation Dorot Foundation

New Israel Fund United Kingdom

Leo Model Foundation, Inc.

Debra F. Pell

Olive Bridge Fund

Kathleen Peratis

Bonnie Orlin

Charles H. Revson Foundation

Elaine Reuben

Sylvia Sabel & Joel Rubinstein Segal Family Foundation Rose L. Shure & Sidney N. Shure Endowment Fund

Paul & Joanne Egerman

Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation

Lois & Richard England Family Foundation

Bonnie & Marty Tenenbaum

The Everett Foundation

Drs. Carol & Terry Winograd

The Fine & Greenwald Foundation Fohs Foundation Phyllis K. Friedman Sanford & Linda Gallanter Serra & William (z”l) Goldman Sally Gottesman Lisa & Joshua Greer Lois & Richard Gunther Mimi & Peter Haas Fund The Irving Harris Foundation The Lopatin Family Foundation Caroline & Brian Lurie The Herbert McLaughlin Children’s Trust Lisa & Yaron Minsky-Primus Moriah Fund, Inc. Libby & Leo Nevas Family Foundation, Inc. New Israel Fund Australia Foundation New Israel Fund of Canada New Israel Fund Switzerland

Carole & Saul Zabar

$50,000$99,999 Anonymous (8) Daniel & Ewa Abraham The Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation Izhar Armony & Noamit Armony-Erel The Beverly Foundation The Morton K. & Jane Blaustein Foundation Isabel P. Dunst Franklin M. Fisher & Ellen Paradise Fisher

Marietta & Andrew Romay Foundation Nancy & Miles Rubin Dan & Gloria Schusterman Charitable Foundation Joel Spolsky & Jared Samet Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation of Greater Washington Union Square Fund, Inc. Ruth B. Ziegler, z”l


MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

The Chrysalis Fund

The Purple Lady/ Barbara J. Meislin Fund Mitzvah Fund of New Mexico The Morningstar Foundation MWC/ACW LLC National Council of Jewish Women, Inc.

Roger & Brenda Gibson Family Foundation Alice Goldman Reiter & Benjamin Reiter John & Marcia Goldman Foundation Marc & Diane Greenwald Walter & Elise Haas Fund

Ilana DeBare & Sam Schuchat

Concepción & Irwin Federman

Frederick Schaffer & Barbara Schatz

Susan Feit & Eitan Stern

Daniel & Sheila Segal

Benjamin & Rachel Geballe

Yehudah B. Cohn

Robert Pindyck & Nurit Eini-Pindyck

Fischman Family (Steve, Nancy, Laura, Ben & Wendy)

Gaia Fund

Marshall & Shirley Cohen

Elaine Galinson & Herb Solomon

Leonard Schwartz

Sara Fried Avni Fund

Jonathan Cohen & Eleanor Friedman

Stacy & Keith Palagye

Firedoll Foundation

Foundation For Middle East Peace

Cogan Family Foundation

Shepard Broad Foundation Elaine R. Shizgal Cohen Susan & James Snider

Alan & Betty Feldman Sybil Fields Sandra F. Fisher Forrest & Miriam (z”l) Foss Fowey Light Fund, Inc.

David P. Stone

Frankel Family Foundation

Sidney & Lillian Topol

Robert & Janine Frier

George S. Warburg

Jonna Gaberman & Bruce Wintman


The Gal Foundation

Anonymous (21)

Gesher Family Foundation

Walter & Alice Abrams Family Fund

Judith Gelman & Steven Salop

Claude P.J. Ghez, M.D.

All Voices Welcome

Joseph & Leelah Gitler

Alpern Family Foundation

Frances E. Goldman Susan Sachs Goldman

Anonymous (16) Anonymous SF

Arthur Hurwitz

Joshua & Elyse Arnow

Samuel I Adler Family Supporting Foundation

Marvin Israelow

Peter & Lucy Ascoli

Nadine Joseph & Neil Goteiner

Joan & Irwin Jacobs

The Barn Road Foundation

Mark & Janet Gottesman

Peter J. Barrer

David & Rita Gottlieb

Richard & Eileen Bazelon

Carol & Allen Gown

Laurie Anderson Robert Arnow David M. Becker & Leslie C. Seeman Beller Moses Family Foundation Melissa A. Berman & Richard Klotz

Anne Germanacos Jane Gottesman & Geoffrey Biddle

Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation

Joel & Julia Greenblatt

Michael Bien & Jane Kahn

Jewish Women’s Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches The Karev Foundation Jane & Gerald Katcher Jim & Catherine Koshland Harry Kramer Memorial Fund The Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation Inc. Landau Family Foundation

The Bydale Foundation

Legacy Heritage Programming IV LLC

Stella & Charles Guttman Foundation

The Cannon Family Foundation

Eugene & Janet Lerner Family Foundation

Hiatt Family

Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation

Peachy & Mark (z”l) Levy

The Lee and Luis Lainer Family Foundation

The Leon H. Charney Foundation, Inc.

The Victor & Lorraine Honig Fund of the Common Counsel Foundation

Judith & Michael Berman

Stephen Gunther & Linda Essakow

Amy Mandel & Katina Rodis

Ilana d’Ancona Dan & Alisa Doctoroff

Jan Abby Liff The Longhill Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Ronald M. Ansin Madeleine & David Arnow

Mindy Berman & Andrew Sumberg Peter Bokor & Jeannie Blaustein Gay Block/The Shlenker Block Philanthropic Fund Harvey Bock Sally Weiskopf Bock Jon & Bobbe Bridge Ossi & Paul Burger Beth Burnam Merle S. Cahn Foundation Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation

The Goodwin Foundation Robert & Doris Gordon

Terry E. Grant Thomas C. Green Brenda Gruss & Daniel Hirsch The Lynn Handleman Charitable Foundation Peter J. Silverman & Janet Heettner Implementation Allies DAF Dr. Sherry Israel Rabbi Richard J. Jacobs & Susan K. Freedman Jewish Funders Network Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta Daniel & Anne Marie Kahneman

Dr. Morton & Merle Kane Steven & Priscilla Kersten Susan L. & James D. Klau Stella & Leonard Kleinrock Eve Biskind Klothen & Kenneth Klothen

Edwin & Penelope Peskowitz

Rachel B. Tiven & Seth M. Marnin

Lois & Irving Blum Foundation

Jack Z. Gilad & Douglas D. Hauer

Miriam Klevan & Steven Meier

Melissa & Max Polaner

Dan Tocatly

Norma D. Brach

Judith F. Goldberg

Laurayne Ratner

Karen Tucker & Jerry Avorn

Paul Cahn

Victor J. Goldberg & Patricia A. Waldeck

Lauren Kogod & David Smiley

Elsbeth Reisen & Mark Dyen Justin Pollack & Suzanne Reisman

Margaret Kohn

Robert Stillman & Janet Surkin

Kenneth & Naomi Koltun-Fromm

David Roberts & Sue Fischlowitz

Peter B. Kovler

Adam J. Robinson

Barbara N. Kravitz

Tobey H. Roland

Lizbeth & George Krupp

The Elizabeth B. & Arthur E. Roswell Foundation

Linda & Frank Kurtz Evely Laser Shlensky Susan Morse-Lebow

Rothman Family Foundation

The Lehman-Stamm Family Fund

Samuel Rubin Foundation

Leichtag Foundation

Rabbi Sonia & Dr. Ned Saltzman

Raymond Lifchez David & Barbara Lipman Ted Live Helen Lowenstein in memory of Louis Lowenstein In memory of Malka Lubliner

Emily & Frank Vogl Paul & Dorothy Wachter Dr. Bettyruth Walter Denis Weil John Weinstein & Heidi Stewart Amos & Ruth Wilnai Foundation

The Samuels Foundation Stanley & Kay Schlozman Debra R. Schoenberg Leonard & Celia Schuchman The Seiger Family DAF

Walter S. Mander Foundation

Charles & M. R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc.

Yaffa & Paul Maritz

Ben & Norma Shapiro

Albert E. Marks Charitable Trust

Peter Shapiro & Bryna Linett

Dr. Marcia Kramer Mayer

Joan Blum Shayne

Ilse Melamid Joseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds David Nachman & Amy Schulman Natembea Foundation Belle & Murray Nathan Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Marion Newman Philanthropic Fund Louis Newman & Rabbi Amy Eilberg Raquel H. Newman Rabbi Suzanne & Andy Offit The Vivian & Paul Olum Foundation Opportunity Fund Batsheva & Ronald Ostrow

Abby Sher Karina A. Litvack Alan Sieroty Robert S. Sikorski Karen Sloss Joelle Steefel Jim & Debby Stein Sharpe Henry Steiner Arthur & Edith Stern Family Foundation The Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation

Chicago Mercantile Exchange Alan Cohen & Robert Bank David Cohen & Ellen Goodman Michael & Rhoda Danziger Claudia Davidoff & Joseph Kahan Hadas & Doron Davidov

Winter Cove Foundation

Roger & Chagit Deitz

Otto & Marianne Wolman Foundation

Edmund P. DeLaCour, Ph.D.

Gail Bates Yessne & Peter Yessne

Renee & Michael Dernburg

Marcie & Howard Zelikow

Fulvio V. Dobrich


Lela & Gerard Sarnat

Dennis & Jane Carlton

Anonymous (28) John & Betty Ann Altman Noah & Tamara Arnow Irl Barg & Janet Walkow Harry & Lore Bauer Alvin Baum & Robert Holgate William & Debbie Becker Froma & Andrew Benerofe Barry & Elizabeth Bennett Sandra J. Berbeco Nancy Bernstein & Robert Schoen The Wexler Beron Family Foundation Eric Berzon & Danielle Ruymaker BFK Foundation The Billstein Family Foundation

Reuben & Rivka Dori Roger Dreyfus & Elisabeth Dreyfus-Braasch Peter Edelman Marcy Eisenberg Stanley Eisenberg Roberta Elliott Wantman Ziva & Yoel Epstein Fabrangen Tzedakah Collective Leroy & Edna Mae Fadem Carl & Blossom Fraiman John & Elaine Frank Lois Frank

Charles & Naomie Kremer

The Harry & Barbara Goldman Foundation

Doris & George Krevsky

Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund The Marvin Naiman & Margery Goldman Family Foundation Robert & Ruth Goldston Good Earth Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of the East Bay Rabbi Judy Shanks & James Gracer Steven Greenberg & Avra Goldman Natasha Grigg Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund James & Marlene Henerson Herst Family Foundation of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund

Richard Lavenstein Lederer Foundation The Leichtag Foundation Stephen O. Lesser Rabbi Marion & Professor Steven Lev Cohen The Renaissance Foundation, Irving Levin & Stephanie Fowler Joshua Levin & Debra Fried Levin Benjamin Lichstein Judith Lichtenberg & David Luban

Susan Liss & Rabbi Fred Reiner

Martin Indyk

Sara & Andrew Litt

Martin H Tannenbaum & Alex Ingersoll

Roger M. Low

Juel M. Janis

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix

At the first national assembly of Standing Together, hundreds of Arab and Jewish citizens committed themselves to inclusive, grassroots activism.

The Harry & Sadie Lasky Foundation

Harry Hutzler

Ernest Fried & Laura Barbanel

The Generations Fund

Gordon Lafer

Jacob Lipton

Jewish Community Center of the East Bay

Thomas & Ann Friedman

Edward Labaton

Dr. Russell M. Linden

Peter Frey & Carrie Shapiro

Mary & Stanley Friedman

Jeanney Kutner

Marvin Hoffman & Rosellen Brown

Ziva Freiman Katz

David Friedman & Paulette Meyer

Louis Krupp

Anita Hirsh

Jewish Aid Worldwide: America, Israel & Beyond

Tom & Myrna (z�l) Frankel

Leslie S. Kogod

Alexander G. Goldenberg

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh

Phil & Carol Lyons Madelyn Mallory & Mark Bresnik M.D. Fain Malsky Charitable Foundation Marin Community Foundation Daniel & Lenore Mass Steven Matthews & Rebecca Stein Beth Sieroty Meltzer

Leslie Kane & M. Manuel Fishman

Rabbi Rachel Mikva & Mark Rosenberg

Kaplan Family Foundation

Charles & Nola Miller

Emile Karafiol

Vicki F. Miller & Warren Zinn

Kates Diamond Family Foundation

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Stuart Katz & Jane Martin

Judy W. & Jay A. Nadel

Dennis & Barbara Kessler Paul L. Kester David M. Kies

Lisa Messinger & Rabbi Aaron Panken (z�l)

Linda G. Klein Charitable Lead Trust

Bradford & Phyllis Perkins

Sara & Jonathan Klein

Eric Newman & Janice Gepner Jeffrey Newman John & Kayla Niles Fred & Gilda Nobel Foundation Omidyar Network Fund, Inc.


Elnatan Reisner & Lianna Levine Reisner

Middle Road Foundation (Elizabeth R. & Michael A. Varet)

Arthur Applbaum & Sally Rubin Dr. Hemda Arad & Yuval Neeman Aronson Foundation, Inc. B&D Foundation

$5,000-$9,999 continued Daniel Padnos Arthur Peck Ruth & Stephen Pollak The Honorable Stuart & Lee Pollak Marc B. Porter The Posel Foundation


Jill J. Prosky & James R. Posner, PosnerWallace Foundation Dr. Norman Postone & Lisa Fruchtman Daniel C. & Lisa R. Price Lisa & John Pritzker Family Fund Dorothy L. Raizman The Returning Wealth Philanthropic Fund

Michelle R. Sender David Shainok Gay Sigel & Howard Epstein

Meredith & Andrew Ball Barry & Elizabeth Bar-El Wendy Bear

Daniel Sokatch & Dana Reinhardt

Ornah Becker & Marc Robbins

Gary B. Sokol

Ruth Belzer

Bruce, Steven, Gerald & Diane Solomon Fund

Julie Russin Bercow & Jeffrey Bercow

Aryeh & Betsy Stein

William Berley

Eugene & Marilyn Stein

Jessica Bernhardt & Theodore Goldstein

Gary Stein Abbe & Peter Steinglass Jerry V. Sternberg Mark & Judith Taylor Arthur Telegen & Abigail Ostow Temple Beth Avodah Tikkun Fund

Miriam Bernstein & Joshua Tenenbaum Hannah (z”l) & Ernst Biberstein Joseph & Joan Birman James Blume & Kathryn Frank Shirley Bob

Marjorie & Stephen Richards

The Hyman Levine Family Foundation: L’Dor V’Dor

Robert S. Rifkind

Charles I. Trainer

Robert L. Book

Shai & Judy Robkin

Janet Traub

Mikhal Bouganim

June & Marvin Rogul

Diane Troderman

Joseph L. Bower

Aaron Roland & Annelise Goldberg

Mark Tushnet

Richard & Barbara Braun

Nathan Rome & Bonnie Alpert Susan Romer & Donald Ungar Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld LLP Lyle & Gloria Rosenzweig Jocelyn Ross & Ben Blumenfeld Phyllis & David Rothman Jennie Rothschild & Jon Lederer Hagai Rottenberg Toby & Robert Rubin David Salem & Laurie Aloisio Bettylu & Paul Saltzman Steven J. Samuel Betty & Jack Schafer

Uncle Mike Foundation Ayelet Waldman & Michael Chabon

Sue & Benjamin Boley

Martin M. Brod Renee & Harold Brook Rabbi Gustav & Sheila Buchdahl

Sanford Weiner

Hon. Minna Buck

Arthur Wernicke & Barbara Kasman

Susan E. Bullowa

Brenda A. Wolfson World Institute for World Peace Foundation Stanley Wulf & Linda Press Wulf

$2,500$4,999 Anonymous (19) Steve & Joanne Abel

Suzanne Schecter

Jesse & Amy Abraham

Senator Elliot Schewel & Rosel (z”l) Schewel

William & Susan Abrams

Myron & Linda Schonfeld

Almoney Fund

Carol & Seth Alberts

Renata & Jack Schwebel

Liora Alschuler

Stephen & Patty Segal

Debby Appel & Gene Schneyer

Stefanie Seltzer

Ernest & Rita Bogen

Jean & Adolph Weil, Jr. Family Fund

Whizin Philanthropic Fund

Anita Altman & Gil Kulick

After a Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem was desecrated, activists from Tag Meir came to show solidarity and repair the damage.

Rabbis Justus Baird & Julie Roth

Amy L. Cahn Norman L. Cantor Richard Claman & Elizabeth Clark Florence Cohen Peter & Barbara Cohen Edith Simon Coliver Family Susie Coliver & Robert Herman James & Sonia Cummings Mark Davidow James Dubey The Edouard Foundation, Inc. Barbara Ellison Rosenblit & Ish Rosenblit Alan & Shulamit Elsner Michelle & Glenn Engelmann

Lisa Erdberg & Dennis Gibbons

Steven Hochstadt & Stephen Sass

Lee & Esther Erman

Inge S. Hoffmann

Steven J. & Barbara K. Mandel

Jerome & Nancy Falk

HWS Enterprises Trust

Gayle & Jerry Marger

Marc & Gail McClelland Fenton

Jon & Idit Isaacsohn

Mazur Family Foundation

Carl (z”l) & Leonore Foorman Daniel & Rosele Frishwasser Andrew Gabor & R. Iris Bahar The Joseph & Anna Gartner Foundation Jeffrey Gaynes David Glaser & Leslie Ann Elton Marian & Arthur Glasgow

Adam Jacobson & Beth Levine Simon & Marie Jaglom Foundation, Inc. Valerie & Thierry Jahan

Morse Family Foundation

Barbara & Clive Kabatznik

Jane & Norman Moscowitz

Jan Kallish

Moser Family Philanthropic Fund

Helen Kaplan Sally B. Kaplan Ezra Jack Keats Foundation

Jerome & Linda Golden Helen Goldstein Jeffrey & Doris Goldstein Lynda M. Goldstein Peter J. Gollon Jeffrey & Beth Green David & Rennie Greenfield Ted & Dru Greenwood Paul & Michelle Grobman Liz & Steve Gruber Dorien Grunbaum The Guttman Family Foundation Eliyahou & Britt Harari Herbert Harris Eric Hassall M.D. Mark J. Heiman Willard J. Hertz Nechama Hillman Michal & Jack Hillman Linda Lurie Hirsch Pamela & Steve Hirsh

Miralie Fund

Elana Caplan Jassy & Andrew Jassy

Luna A. Kaufman

Bruce N. Goldberger & Esther Sperber

Ruth Minka Gale Mondry & Bruce Cohen

Alfred & Joan Goldberg

Nathalie & Emanuel Goldberg Advised Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester

Jerome Meislin

Peter & Karen Jakes

Neta Golan Harold Goldberg & Alisa Israel Goldberg

Amnon Lotan

Lauren Moskovitz & Scott Sholder Rabbi Steven Moskowitz

Leona Kern

David Myers & Nomi Stolzenberg

Anne Kiehl Friedman

Jack Needleman

Rabbi Emma KippleyOgman & Benj Kamm

New Generations Washington, D.C. Fall 2017 Giving Circle

Safira & Joel Klein Robert & Joan Klivans Arieh Konigl & Alice Roston Susan & David Kraemer Maris & Jesse Krasnow Linda & Jake Kriger Adam Laden & Elizabeth Lieberman Pnina Lahav Norman Lefstein Terry & Margaret Lenzner Herbert & Bernice Levetown

Jane Newman & Amy Lange Sharee & Murray Newman Bill Padnos & Margy Kaye Julia Parzen & Daniel Johnson Rabbi Ephraim Pelcovits & Rachel Weber The Joseph Perlman Family Foundation Ronald Poretz Arleen & Aaron Priest Shlomit & Peleg Radai

Irwin & Rachel Levin

Adam Rattner

Rich & Kathleen Levin

Robert Rebitzer

Robert & Bonita Levin

Sue Reinhold & Deborah Newbrun

Toby & Jerry Levine Bernard & Lory Levinger Naomi & Azriel Levy Jennifer Lewis & Marc Bernstein Haley Lieberman & Rabbi Michael S. Friedman Lodestar Fund

David Reisen & Ann Peck Reisen Paul Resnick & Joan Karlin David Richman & Janet Perry Dorothy Richman & Michael Steinman

Ivan Rosenberg


Rabbis Jennie & David Rosenn

Anonymous (67)

Linda A. Rosenthal

Bradley Abelow & Carolyn Murray

Seymour & Sylvia Rothchild Family 2004 Charitable Foundation Arnold Sameroff Laura Saunders Louis & Barbara Savrin Jim & Emily Scheinman Ellen Semonoff Jill & Robert Serling Margaret & Howard Shainberg Dan Shalev & Amanda Geller

Ruth & Henry Aaron

Steven & Valerie Abrahams Ronald & Marie Abrams

Rabbi Ariel Stone & Dr. Joseph Thaler Thomas H. & Donna M. Stone Strear Family Foundation Dr. Amelia Terkel Topol Family Foundation, Inc. Gary & Evelyn Trachten Avi & Yael Urban Michael & Judith Walzer Mary Ann & David Wark Cecille Wasserman Leonard M. Wasserman The Joseph & Felicia Weber Family Foundation Sylvia Weider-Amber Family Foundation Alan Weiner & Nancy Maizels The Winstead Charitable Foundation Drs. Steven & Sybil Wolin Max Yaffe Dr. Lois E. Yellowthunder Michael Young & Debra Raskin Margot & Paul Zimmerman Robert & Edith Zinn Steven Zuckerman & Paula Gorlitz

Nancy Dickenson

Michael J. Churgin

Karyn DiGiorgio & Steve Sattler

Howard Belfer & Laurie Leventhal-Belfer Rabbi Haim Dov & Lynn Beliak Ruth Greenspan Bell & Joseph Bell

Dr. David & Mrs. Ellen Braun Sheila & Edward Braun Brener Family Foundation Mayer & Sandra Brenner

Judith A. Benstein, M.D.

Martin I. & Shirley B. Bresler

Mara & Stephane Acel-Green

Marjorie & Barry S. Berg Marc & Elizabeth Berger

David T. Adler James & Esthy Adler Rabbi Rachel Adler, Ph.D. Henry & Rachel Alcalay

Mark Berger Robert L. Bergman M.D. Norma & Rabbi Donald R. Berlin Arthur Berliner & Marian Lever Jim & Diane Berliner

Meryl Brod Marvin & Lois Broder David Brodsky Shifra Bronznick Rabbi Sharon Brous & David Light

The Altman-Aronow Charitable Foundation Beulah & Ezra Amsterdam

Judy & Ed Berne

Diane & Stuart Brown

Ralph & Gail Bernstein

Rabbi Angela Warnick Buchdahl & Jacob Buchdahl

Walter & Diane Ariker Dan Arnon & Tao Kai Lam William & Israela Aron Mark & Judith Aronchick Howard I. Aronson Bennett Ashley & Ruth Weinreb Associated Capital Group, Inc. Alexander Astrakhan Sergio Atallah Eileen Auerbach & Lawrence Burgheimer Robert C. Auritt Esq. Janet Aviad Jeffrey & Arella Axelrod Maia Azubel

Leon J. Bijou Richard & Elaine Binder Rita & Irwin Blitt Rabbi Bernard & Bailey Bloom Jordan & Judy Bloom Yoel Blum Stanley & Roberta Bogen Ellen Beth Bogolub Marcia Bogoloub & Phil Kaplan Hedy & Jerome Bookin-Weiner Ronald & Linda Borkan Stephanie & Alex Borns-Weil Jeffrey Bornstein & Veronica Sanchez

Michael & Charlotte Baer

Judith Bain JoAnne & Michael Bander Simeon Bardin & Susan Denman Harvey & Sonya Barsha

Frank & Lee Battat Howell Baum & Madelyn Siegel

Rabbi Paul F. Cohen

Laura S. Brown, Ph.D.

Pamela Burdman Kathleen Burk Marcia Burnam Mark Burstein & David Calle Ann Buxbaum Burton & Shulamith Caine Maria Cancian & Charles Kalish Jerry Carle, D.D.S. B. S. Chandrasekhar Ellen T. Charry Dr. J. Samuel Chase, M.D. Rabbi Kenneth Chasen & Allison Lee The Chasin Family Zehava Chen-Levy & Eyal Levy

Stuart Cohen & Susan Hartman Marcia Cohn Spiegel Alisa Cohn Barbara Cohn Jonathan Cohn

Ruth Donig-White & Robert White Gayle Donsky & Morton Stein Kenneth Douglas Foundation Daniel Drake Joy & George Dryfoos Charitable Fund Betty & Ira Dyer Eaton Vance Investment Managers Harriett M. Eckstein Rabbi Judith Edelstein & James Meier Michael & Ruth Edidin Tom & Ellen Ehrlich

Roberta Cohn

Jack Eiferman & Fern Fisher

Adina Hoffman & Peter Cole

Ruth Eisenberg & Letitia Gomez

Congregation Beth El Tzedakah Hevra

Al & Naomi Eisman

Congregation Rodef Sholom Ellen Corenswet & John Morgan Danielle Cowan

Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation, Inc. Elissa & William Oshinsky Michael Ellenberg

Larry Cuban in memory of Barbara Cuban

Rabbi David & Rabbi Jacqueline Koch Ellenson

Diana Cutler

The Elovitz Family

Kay B. Cynamon

Jeremy Elster

Richard Dale & Dorit Harverd

Prof. Aharon Eviatar

Michelle Dardashti Rachel Davenport Pamela David Stuart Davidson & Ann Cohen Charles & Jonis Davis Joel Deitz & Barbara Berko Jay & Phyllis Denbo

NIF President Talia Sasson and Executive Director in Israel Mickey Gitzin at a Knesset presentation of an NIF-sponsored photo exhibit on Arab-Jewish cooperation.

Lawrence Bailis & Susan Shevitz

Abraham & Elizabeth Bass

Jonathan & Victoria Cohen

Steven Cohen & Elsie Stern

Nancy S. Brown

Michael Appel & Ruth Kraut

Ilene P. Cohen

Leona & Murry Brochin

Steve & Gita Berman

Peter Bickel & Nancy Bickel

Rabbis Ayelet S. Cohen & Marc Margolius

Julie Shapiro & Shelly F. Cohen

Joan Alpert

Rabbi Sharon & Shimon Cohen Anisfeld

Annebelle Cohen

David Bressler & Susan Adler-Bressler

Michael & Mara Berman-Maze

David & Rachel Biale

Alan & Teri Cohen

Deborah Falik David & Judith Falk Dr. David S. Fankushen Ellen Farbstein Leslee & Wayne Feinstein Elliot & Lily Gardner Feldman James & Sara Feldman Mark B. Feldman


David Steinhardt & Tobi Richman-Steinhardt

Brett & Molly Dick

Joshua Chover

Ruth R. Been

Cantor Nancy Abramson & Mitch Glenn

Lisa Alexander

Adele H. Steinberg

Jack & Ellen Deutsch

Carol D. Chinn

Sonia S. Abrams

The Silver Tie Fund

Naomi Sobel & Rabbi Becky Silverstein

Bonnie & Mervin Cherrin

Jeffrey & Judith Bramson

Naomi Brenner & Ari Berger

Sari K. Agatston

Steven Slutsky

Rabbi Jill Borodin

Paul A Beck

B. Richard & Mary Benioff

Joan & James Shapiro Foundation Itamar & Yael Simonson

Barbara Beck


Victoria Riskin & David W. Rintels

Eden Gallanter & Miki Habryn

Dorothy & Donald Gonson

Lorraine Gallard & Richard H. Levy

Enoch Gordis, M.D. Francine M. Gordon

Miriam Galston

Richard & Mary Gray

Mrs. Terry Gamble Boyer Elkan & S. Zelda Gamzu


Anne Freedman

Diane Gardsbane

Michael D. Felsen

Henry & Helen Freedman

Jared Garelick & Ellen Kramarow

Charles Freiberg & Andrea Alfano

Eric Geller

continued Tony Felzen

Elias Feuer & Ethel Rubinstein

Barry & Fradle Freidenreich

Barry & Karen Fierst

Philip & Ellen Freidin

Robert Fine & Nina Cortell Susan Fisher & Jonathan Yenkin

Friedman Family Foundation

Harriet & Albert Fishlow

Benjamin M. Friedman

Leora Fishman

David Friedman & Tirzah Firestone Friedman

Michael Flamm & Jennifer McNally

Rabbi Dayle Friedman & David Ferleger

Isaac Flegel-Mishlove

Diana Friedman

Samuel Fleischacker & Amy Reichert

Elizabeth & Glen Friedman

Martin & Helen Tager Flusberg

Howard Friedman & Sherry Leibowitz

Deborah & Marc Fogel

K. Bruce Friedman

Nathan A. Fox Richard & Phyllis Franco Diane & Charles L. Frankel Rabbi Joshua Frankel & Rachel Berger Martha Whitman & Larry Frankel Noam Frankel & Laura Sova Barbara & Herb Franklin Deanne Franus Dr. Morrie & Carol Fred

Robert Friedman Rabbi Stacy & Frank Friedman Wendy J. Frosh Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation Dr. Jonathan D. Fuchs Jonathan A. Funk Barry & Joan Gaberman Betsy & Richard Gaberman Barbara Gaffin & Douglas Cahn

Barbara Green Barry Green & Jennifer Altshuler Jerry & Pamela Green Stephanie Green & Zeke Vanderhoek

Jay Geller & Lowell Gallagher Norman I. Gelman

Sherri Greenbach & David Goldstein

Jerilyn Gelt

Arthur N. Greenberg

Ari Gesher

Peter Greenberg

Myron & Penina Glazer

Linda & Richard Greene

Arthur I. Glick

Liz Greenstein

Robert & Susan Glovsky

Robert Greenstein

Bernard & Rochelle Goffe

Win & Jerry Greenwald

Candice Gold

Rabbi Suzanne Griffel & Dr. Saul Weiner

Avram & Carol Goldberg

Diane Asseo Griliches

Nancy Goldberg

Marc Gross & Susan Ochshorn

Norbert Goldfield

Marjorie Heumann Juliane M. Heyman Howard Hiatt Rabbi Joanna Samuels & Jeremy Hockenstein Rabbi Lauren & Ari Holtzblatt Stephen & Lusia Hornstein Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman, & Minnesota State Representative Frank Hornstein

Richard Kazis & Jill Medvedow

Grace A. Hughes

Tracey Keij-Denton & Eelco Keij

Toby R. Hyman Independent Charities of America

Mark X. Jacobs

Irle Goldman & Janet Yassen

Peter & Ginnie Haas

James & Deborah Jacobson-Maisels

Philip L. Hammer

Rabbi Lisa L. Goldstein & Igal Harmelin Moria

Joel Handelman & Sarah Wolff

Susan Goldstein & Andy Kivel

Daniel Handler & Lisa M. Brown

Lirona Kadosh & Ethan Goldstine

Vida & Jeff Harband

NIF supporters at the 2017 Guardian of Democracy dinner in San Francisco, NIF’s largest event of the year.

Earl Harris Fifteen Year Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Michael Harris & Elizabeth Foster Elisa J. Harvitt Robert & Carol Hausman Sophie Hearne Shai Held & Rachel Forester Held

William & Judith Kates

L. Francis Huck & Natalie Murphy

David F. Haas

Jeffrey Goldstein

Tal Kastner & Ivan Lehon

Joel Kazis & Sara Nathan

Debbie J. Goldman

Debra E. Goldstein

Richard Kass & Elaine Soffer

Sylvia Horwitz

Stephanie Ives & Yehuda Kurtzer

Michael & Marcia Halperin

Sally Karasov & Jonathan Katz

Sidney & Helen Katz

George & Lynn Guttmann

Philip & Judith Hahn

Michael & Donna Kaplowitz Family

Rebecca Katz

Amy Goldman & Joel Brill

Phyllis Teicher Goldman & Alvin Goldman

Stuart M. Kaplan

Larry Horwitz & Naomi Pinchuk

Mark & Susan Irvings

Frederic Haber & Jill Jacobs

Stephen & Rachel Kaplan

Horwitz Family Fund

Werner Gundersheimer

Karla A. Goldman

Paula E. Kaplan

Mandy Katz & Jonathan Massey

Dr. Carl & Gay Grunfeld

Harry Goldin & Jane Kaplan

Daniel Kaplan & Kay Richman

Ada & Jim Horwich

Andrew Irving & Evelyn Sucher



David Firestone

Elizabeth Friedman Branoff & Steven Branoff

Arthur & Kathy (z”l) Green

Meir & Rina Heth

Robert & Ellen Jasper The Jewish Federation of Nashville & Middle Tennessee Jonathan Joseph & Paula Casson Joseph Daniel & Katherine Kaberon Charles Kadushin & Ghislaine Boulanger Max Kahn & Kathy Lampe Beatrice (z”l) & Robert Kahn Tamar & Jeremy Kaim Doniger Jeffrey & Llyn Kaimowitz Rachel Kalikow & David de Graaf Linda & Thomas Kalinowski

Bill & Lisa Kelly Herbert & Rose Kelman Abby Kenigsberg Ellen & Jack Kessler Harry & Doraline (z”l) Kesten Maliha Khan Rabbi Jason & Devora Kimelman-Block Stephen & Susan Kippur Adina Sue Kleiman Jonathan Klein & Amy Schottenfels Karen Wilk Klein Kenneth Klein & Harriet Bograd Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum & Randi Weingarten Daniel & Lisa Klerman Persis Knobbe Rabbi Lori Koffman Florence S. Kohn Janet L. Kolodner Yehoshua & Tova Kolodny Patricia Konstam Ben Korman Mary Kostman

William H. Helfand

Michael & Jacqueline Kallay

Nathan & Mary Lynn Kotz

Michael & Juliet Helft

Sheila B. Kamerman

Jill Kowal

Steven & Bonnie Heller

Jonathan Kamin

Marvin & Gerry Kraus

Clifford Hendler & Deborah Neipris Hendler

Grace Kamins

Rabbi Harold J. Kravitz & Dr. Cynthia F. Reich

Alice H. Henkin Judith N. Herr Frederick Hertz Sandra D. Hess

Meredith J. Kane Alan H. Kanner Elaine & Gilbert Kanter William & Phyllis Kantor

Bernard E. Kreger Arthur Kreiger & Rebecca Benson Samuel & Marilyn Krimm Susan G. Krinsky

Emily & Bernard Mehlman Family Fund Arlene Alpert & Dr. David Mehlman Joseph A. Meis Kenneth & Vera Meislin Jeffrey Mendell & G. Edgar Adkins

NIF supportERs gather in cities all over the country to build community around NIF’s values.

The Kronhill Pletka Foundation Joseph A. Kruger Clifford & Robin Kulwin Arnold & Victoria Kupetz David & Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen Rabbi Lawrence & Karen Kushner

Gerald & Sherry Merfish Andrew Lachman & Ruth W. Messinger

Rabbi Joshua Lesser

Matthew Louchheim

Alan & Jean Lettofsky

Steven J. Metalitz

Inbar Telem & Martin Lowenstein

Zahavah Levine & Jeff Meyer

Esther & Elie Lowy

Nancy Meyer & Marc Weiss

David & Cathy Levenson Jill & Aaron Levin Evelyn Levin Diane Keefe & John Levin Rochelle S. Levin Edward P. Levine

Marilyn Luebeck Lurie Family Foundation

Joy Midman

Lynchburg Jewish Community Council

Ariela Migdal Gary & Maria Milgrom

Barry & Joanne Lynn

Paul R. Milgrom & Eva Meyersson Milgrom

Leslie & Marsha Levine

Richard & Helen Lynn

John Antignas & Rabbi Susan Laemmle

Robert Levine & Michele Lieban Levine

Len & Maxine Lyons Bernard Lytton, M.D.

Dr. Barbara Lafer

Kim Muth & Alex Levinson

Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Family Foundation, Inc.

Ruth & Peter Laibson Jesse & Dani Lainer-Vos Ellie & Mark Lainer Susanne & Bruce Landau Becky & David Landis Dorothy & Brian Landsberg Eva & Arthur Landy Eugene M. Lang Foundation Suzanne & David Larsen Judith Lasker Elizabeth & Scott Lassar Rabbi Sari Laufer & Ben Cutter Steven M. Laufer Stuart Laurence Deborah & Jonathan Lauter Serene Lazar William E. Leavitt Dr. Joel L. Lebowitz Aviva & David Lee-Parritz Jonathan & Shelah Lehrer-Graiwer Robert & Ellen Leibenluft The Leiter Family Foundation Melanie Leitner Hollis G. Lenderking Libby Lenkinski Jan Leno & Peter Harrold Bruce & Diane Lercher Suzanne Lerner

Judith Levitan Arielle Levites & Craig Cohen David Levy & Ellen Cutler Frederic M. Levy Herbert L. Levy Bruce & Claudia Voss Lewenstein David C. Lewis, M.D. Rabbi Noa Kushner & Rabbi Michael Lezak Lee Lichter Robyn Lieberman William I. Lightfoot Alan Gordon Lipson & Judith D. Harris Channing T. Lipson, M.D. Steven & Judith Lipson

Seth Maerowitz & Ann-Isabel Friedman

Andrea Miller-Keller Marla Miller & David Kremer Mor Miller Shirley G. Miller

Dagny Maidman & Molly Wood

William Mindlin

Frank Mainzer & Lonnie Zwerin

Shirlyn Miller Glenda & David Minkin

Iris Newman Myra & Bruce Newman Gary Cohen & Liz Nichols Samuel Norich & Deborah Ugoretz The Odyssey Fund Bernard & Renee Oppenheim Elizabeth Waksman & Darren Orbach Jeremiah & Alicia Ostriker Robin Panovka Curt & Susan Parnes Richard & Martha Pastcan Marilyn Paul & David Stroh Lenore Pearlman Wendy Peikes Michael Peltz

Laurence & Caren Peters Geoffrey P Picket

Judith Mishkin

Rafael Mandelman

Robert & Dale Mnookin

William & Karen Podolsky

Judy Mann

Burckhard Mohr

Mark & Eileen Polasky

Michael & Maxine Mantell

Elaine & Ronald Morris

Lana Pollack

Michael Marcus

Linda & Robert Mostovoy, D.D.S.

Susan Pollack & Mark Sullivan

Steve & Jeanne Marcus

Ellen & Michael Mundell

The Jean & Henry Pollak Division of the Lucile & Maurice Pollak Fund

Stephanie Listokin

Adele & Sidney Margulies Paulina K. Marks Sara J. Marks Suzanne Marks

Anthony Litwinko

Melanie Mason

Ellen Livingston & Jason Brown

Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon & Talia Hatzor

Jeremy Lizt

Ofer Matan

Aviva & Noam Lockshin

Willy & Susan Mautner

Rabbi Andrea London & Daniel London

Daniel & Karen Mayers Joanne S. McGillis

N. James & Ellen Myerberg Maxine Myers Amy J. Nathan Marcia & Aaron Naveh Elliot Y. Neaman Nelco Foundation Inc. Bettyrose Nelson David Nerenberg & Elyse Wechterman Jan Neuenschwander

Michael & Lynn Reichgott Julian & Frieda Reitman Eugene & Libby Renkin Rotem & Shai Reshef Eli & Adina Reshotko Catherine Ribnick Drs. Barak & Laura Richman Joseph & Naomi Skop Richter Steven M. Riskin & Claudine Isaacs Arthur & Judy Robbins Robbins Family Foundation

Jeffrey Robinson & Carol Stockton

Joel Perwin

Laura K. Mandel

Ronit Muszkatblit & Yonatan Israel

David Reed & Laurie Fanger-Reed

Rabbi Scott Perlo

Jonathan I. Mishkin

Judith & Michael Margulies

Alan & Nancy Raznick

A.J. Robinson & Nicole Ellerine

Leora Mirvish

Sarah Liron & Sheldon Kahn

Jeffrey Rappin & Penny Brown

Felice & Daniel Perlmutter

Gerald & Madeline Malovany

Jerold & Carol Muskin

Elizabeth Rappaport & Daniel Fife

Rachel & Richard Robbins

Michael & Anita Malina

Alfred Munzer & Joel Wind

Melissa T. Raphaely

Janet Penn

Rabbi Joshua & Betsy Minkin

Alan & Sharon Lipworth

Gerald & Selma Lotenberg

I. William & Diane Millen

William & Ruth (z”l) Maginnis

Diamondston Foundation

Paula & Barry Litt, Joseph & Jacqueline Kirshbaum Memorial Fund of the Liberty Hill Foundation

Rabbi Shira Milgrom & Prof. David Elcott

Ernest & Eva Miriam Newbrun

Don Raphael & Gail Green

Talia & Edgar Pierluissi Judith Plaskow & Martha Ackelsberg Charles & Natalie Plotkin

Lisa Portnoy The Isaac & Leah M. Potts Foundation, Inc. Russell & Joan Pratt Naomi Prusky & Rabbi David Levin Lawrence Pry & Tsippi Wray Orlee Rabin & David Shlachter Maryann Rabovsky & Daniel Rabovsky Harriet Rafkin Michael & Debra Rand Elisa Rapaport & Michael Schoenbaum Jack Rapaport

Bruce A. Rosen Harold L. Rosen Professor Robert E. Rosen Barry Rosenberg Samuel I. ‘Sandy’ Rosenberg The Joseph & Evelyn Rosenblatt Charitable Fund Irwin & Cecilia Rosenblum Kenneth Rosenthal Sheldon & Rose Rosenthal Ann Rosewater Sara Rostolder Mandell & Jeffrey Mandell Katalin Roth & Phillip Singerman Meyer & Naomi Rothberg Edward Rothfarb Steven Rothman & Kathleen Tierney Dan Rothstein & Ana Karchmer Françoise Rothstein Robert J. Rubenstein The Rubin Family Foundation Jane Rubin David N. Rudo, D.D.S.


Patrick Lacefield & Dinah Leventhal

Sally Mendelsohn & David Lowenfeld

New Generations Boston Fall 2017 Giving Circle

Ernest & Eve Simon

Edward Steinhouse

Katherine G. Simon

Jules Steimnitz & Anne Salsbury

Daniel & Maxine Singer Rabbis Jonathan & Beth Singer Julie Sissman & Phil Richter

$1,000-$2,499 continued

Dr. David & Mrs. Catharine D. Rush

Lynn & Paul Sedway

The Robert Russell Memorial Foundation

Joshua Segal & Jennifer Geetter

Rebecca & Rabbi David Russo

Peter & Carole Segal

Ruth Gottlieb Ryave Jonathan L. & Barbara Ryder

Beth Ann L. Segal

Richard & Betty Seid Lawrence P. Seidman Joel Seligson

Adene Sacks & Joseph Hellerstein

Rita R. Semel

Michael & Julie Salinger

Dorit Shahar & Paul Friedberg

Charlotte Salomon & R. Scott Fetherston Alfred & Marta Samulon

Karen Senter

Leslie Shalom

Victor & Annette Sandler

Risa Shames & Neil Silverston

Rabbi David N. Saperstein

Gary & Dana Shapiro Joanne Shapiro

Claire Satlof & Jeffrey Bedrick

Greg Sharenow & Julie Gersten

The Sheree Savar Philanthropic Fund

Steven Sheriff & Michele Alperin

Judith & Richard Schachter

Reuben & Leona Shevitz

Steven & Bonni Schiff Mark & Isabel Schiffer Mary Beth Schiffman & David Tochen Jean Schiro-Zavela & Vance Zavela Alice & Robert Schloss Jerry & Elaine Schneider Paul M. Schneider David Schorr The Schreck Family Foundation Dee Dee & David Schurman Jolie Schwab & David Hodes Amy Schwartz & Eric Koenig Donald & Mary Schwartz Harry Schwartz Jonathan & Oriyan Schwartz

Varda & Stanley Shiffer-Sebba Audrey Shiffman & Peter Langmaid Hannah P. Shostack Susan & Y. Judd Shoval Ariella Sidelsky & Roy Alcalay Peter Siegel & Hope Stevens David Silberman & Claire Engers Jonathan Silberman & Debra Fields Janice & Donald Silverman Jackie & Manny Silverman

Michael & Kathleen (z�l) Slater Louis & Jean Sloss Mitchell & Valerie Slotnick Malcolm & Betty Smith Sarah Smith Richard & Greta Smolowe Deborah Kaufman & Alan Snitow Robert Socolow Eugene Sofer & Judith Bartnoff Aviam Soifer & Marlene Booth David & Lea Soifer Rabbi Felicia L. Sol Bruce Solomon & Susan Swartz Jeffrey Solomon & Audrey Weiner Marc Soloway Peter & Lucia Sommers Arleen Sorkin Varda Spiegel Martin Spiro Helen & Thomas Spiro Arthur Spitzer & Elisabeth K. Boas Jennifer Spitzer Rabbi Toba Spitzer Rabbi Samuel & Lynn Stahl

Judge Edward Stern & Judge Maxine Chesney

Judith Tuller David & Bonita Turner Dr. Jonathan W. Uhr Richard & Gail Ullman Charitable Gift Fund

Walter I. Strauss

Michael & Marion Usher

Joe Sultan & Sandy Chilewich

Raphael van Nieuwenhoven

Jonathan H. Sunshine

Jack & Margrit Vanderryn

Sussman Family DAF of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Richard & June Swartz Michael & Bryna Sweedler Roselyne Chroman Swig

Michael & Serene Victor Milton & Judith Viorst

Rayla G. Temin in memory of Howard M. Temin Bruce Temkin & Judson Morrow Bruce & Judith Tennebaum Judith Tenzer Benn William Terry, M.D. & Honora Kaplan Gregory & Rachel Tertes Susan Thal Jeffrey Thomases Walter (z�l) & Anne Tick Tides Foundation Aaron & Ziva Tomares Susie Tompkins Buell Jay & Joan Topkis Ilana Trachtman & Jonathan Friedan

Rebecca Westerfield & Ivy Fine Gerald Westheimer

Carol & Brad White Ruth Wielgosz & Benjamin Edelman Louise W. Wiener Noam Wiener & Laura Appleby

Milton and Miriam Waldbaum Family Foundation

Carole F. Wilder Jacqueline Williams

Andrea & Arthur Waldstein

The David A. & Shoshana Wingate Foundation

The Sarah Wall Memorial Trust

Marc Wishingrad

Joan Warshaw

Doug Wissoker & Alys Cohen

Melvin & Harriet Warshaw

Iris Witkowsky

David Wasserman & Susan Ginsberg Laurie J. Wasserman Larry & Linda Weaner Henry Webber & Christine Jacobs

Rabbi Peretz & Becki Wolf-Prusan Fredric Woocher & Wendy Dozoretz Carl Woolf

Jacob & Amy Weber ERJ Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Kevin & Susan Weidenbaum

Rudolph & Sara Wyner Prize Fund at the Boston Foundation, established by their children, Elizabeth Wyner Mark & Justin L. Wyner Linda Yenkin Josephus Youngerman & Ronnie Scharfman

Penny Kirsch Wein & Bruce J. Wein

Norma & Arnold Zack

Toni K. Weingarten

Bob Zeidman

Janice & Lanford Weingrod

B. Andrew Zelermyer & Daniel Romanow

Jan Silverstein

Rabbi Daniel & Louise Zemel

NIF Board Member Achinoam Nini (Noa) and NIF International Council Member Mira Awad performed at the 2017 Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony.

Jonathan M. & Carol W. Zenilman Rabbi Irwin & Anne Zeplowitz Elaine Leitner & Steve Zieff

Sheldon & Ellen Schwartz

Schwarz Family Foundation

Rabbi Lisa Grant & William Weitzer

Stanley Wachs

Kate Schwartz

Schwartzberg Family Foundation

Stephen & Rita Weisskoff

Deborah Waber

David Waksberg & Ellen Bob

Lisa Cannon Taylor & Chuck Taylor

Jed Ariel Weiss & Ilana Braun Weiss

Naida S. Wharton Foundation

Steven & Sheila Taube

Dr. Anna Newman Taylor

Dr. David & Estare Weiser

Elizabeth Vorenberg

Ira J. Wagner

Dr. Ingrid D. Tauber & Frank Taforo

Barbara C. Weisenfeld

Richard & Beatrice Wernick

Dianne & Daniel Vapnek

Barbara Tabachnick

Paul Tischler

Harold & Vera Stein

David A. Weisbrod

Ruth Waddell & Eric Stockel

Robert & Andrea Stanger James Steiker & Wendy Epstein

Steven Tulkin & Sydney Kapchan

Jane R. Stern

Miriam R. Stampfer

Alexandra Stanton

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg



Mark Seal & Margo Bloom

Rabbi Jonathan Slater

Claude & Andrea Stern

Tree of Life Education Fund, Inc.

Emer. Prof. Stanley Zimmering/Brown University Mark & Margie Zivin Ami Zusman

board of directors Talia Sasson NIF Board President Beit Zayit, Israel

William (Bill) Goldman, z”l

bill goldman, Z”L in memoriam

San Francisco, CA

Bill Goldman was a deeply beloved

Itzik Danziger

Lisa Greer

Vice President in Israel Ra’anana, Israel

Los Angeles, CA

friend, board member, and part of the

Paul Egerman

Palo Alto, CA

dedicated to the New Israel Fund’s

Rachel Liel

work to promote democracy and equality for all Israelis.

Vice President in North America Weston, MA

Elah Alkalay Secretary Kfar Mordechay, Israel

Jim Koshland

New Israel Fund family. Bill was fiercely

Mevaseret Zion, Israel

He personified and embodied the values we share and

Menachem Lorberbaum

his vision, idealism, and sharp sense of humor sustained

Jerusalem, Israel

us all. Bill was a modest and self-effacing person, but he

Stephen Gunther

Brian Lurie

Treasurer Santa Monica, CA

Ross, CA

was also a passionate and incredibly effective champion

Amal Elsana Alh’jooj

Los Angeles, CA

Beer Sheva, Israel

Achinoam Nini (Noa)

Odeh Bisharat Nazareth, Israel

Vadim Blumin Tel Aviv, Israel

Naomi Chazan Jerusalem, Israel

Yossi Dahan Tel Aviv, Israel

Peter Edelman Washington, DC

Franklin M. Fisher Cambridge, MA

Janine Frier Baltimore, MD

David N. Myers

Tel Aviv, Israel

— Daniel Sokatch, CEO, New Israel Fund

Beit Zayit, Israel

Clive Sheldon London, England

Ilana Snyder Melbourne, Australia

Daniel Sokatch Chief Executive Officer San Francisco, CA

Mary Ann Stein Bethesda, MD

Yael Sternhell Tel Aviv, Israel

Jenna Weinberg New York, NY

San Francisco, CA

Reem Younis

Toronto, Canada

memory will be a blessing, as was his life.

Debra Pell

Sanford Gallanter

Joan Garson

for justice, compassion, and humanity. We know that his

Nazareth, Israel

Carole Zabar New York, NY

U.S. Offices New York (HQ) 6 East 39th Street New York, NY 10016 212.613.4400 212.714.2153 fax San Francisco 235 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 415.543.5055 415.543.6066 fax Washington, D.C. 2100 M Street NW Washington, DC 20037 202.842.0900 202.842.0991 fax Boston 437 Newtonville Avenue Newton, MA 02460 617.467.5678

Los Angeles 3250 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010 323.NIF.1616 (323.643.1616) 323.978.1835 fax Chicago 106 West Germania Place Chicago, IL 60610 312.643.0283

ISRAEL Offices New Israel Fund PO Box 53410 Jerusalem, Israel 91534 972.73.244.5000 972.2.672.3099 fax

Shatil PO Box 53395 Jerusalem, Israel 91533 972.2.672.3597 972.2.673.5149 fax www.english.shatil.nif.

International Offices Australia New Israel Fund Australia 65 York Street Sydney NSW 2000 61.2.9045.3688 Canada New Israel Fund of Canada 801 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, Ontario M5N 1E3 416.781.4322

Germany New Israel Fund Deutschland Friedrichstrasse 246 10969 Berlin Switzerland Neuer Israel Funds Schweiz Winkelriedplatz 4 4053 Basel United Kingdom New Israel Fund UK Bedford Mews London N2 9DF 44.207.724.2266 www.newisraelfund.


Thank you for joining us in pushing for a more just and democratic Israel. Together we are building hope and a better future for all Israelis.

When we think of NIF, we think of our friends, our allies, our partners working to advance a just resolution to the conflict. Your support not only enables our organization to keep running, it enables an indispensable community that keeps us running.

— Ronit Heyd, Shatil

— Betty Herschman and Connie Hackbarth, Ir Amim There is another Israel— an Israel of peace, equality, and partnership. With the help of NIF supporters, we are building this Israel, one step at a time. ­­— Nadav Bigelman, Standing Together

With NIF’s partnership, we were able to stop the deportation of people seeking asylum in Israel. We sincerely thank you! — Michal Pinchuk, ASSAF– Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel

Thank you for supporting us in improving the everyday life of Arab citizens of Israel through our work in planning, housing, and urban development. ­­ Samer Swaid and Hiba — Bawardi, The Arab Center for Alternative Planning

We are proud to be counted among NIF grantees working for human rights and an end to the occupation. Thank you to NIF and your supporters. We are grateful for your vision and encouragement. — Aviva Hay, Machsom Watch

On behalf of Gisha, thank you for your generous support and friendship! Thank you for helping us grow Israel’s leading grassroots movement for religious freedom and for continuing to advance equality and democracy in Israel.

— Tania Hary, Gisha

— Ran Lutski and Mindy Goldberg, Israel Hofsheet

Thank you for being a unifying force for good, both in bringing together organizations and activists from across Israel, and in keeping universal human rights and progressive values on the agenda of global Jewry. ­­ Reut Shaer, Association — for Civil Rights in Israel

NIF supported us when we established Women Against Violence, and today WAV is the leading organization in the Palestinian community in Israel working on the issues of violence against women and women’s rights. Thank you! — MK Aida Touma-Suleiman, founder of Women Against Violence

The New Israel Fund The New Israel Fund (NIF) protects and advances liberal democracy in Israel.

how you can help

We believe that Israel can live up to its founders’ vision of a state that ensures complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants, without regard to religion, race, gender, or national identity. Widely credited with building Israel’s progressive civil society from scratch, we have provided over $300 million to more than 900 cutting-edge organizations since our inception.

DONATE or 212.613.4400 Make a contribution n Become an NIF Sustainer with a recurring monthly gift n Honor a friend or loved one with a tribute gift, or give in memory of a loved one n Ask your company about a matching gift n Donate appreciated stock n


Leave a lasting legacy through planned giving


Shatil Shatil is the New Israel Fund’s Initiative for Social Change. Shatil provides NIF grantees and other social change organizations with hands-on assistance, including training, resources, and workshops on various aspects of non-profit management. Go behind the headlines and examine the realities of contemporary Israeli life. Meet the leaders of Israel’s dynamic social change movement. Learn about challenges facing Israel and the steps Israelis are taking to meet these challenges. Tour participants come back energized partners in our work to build a more just society in Israel.

Today, NIF/Shatil is a leading advocate for democratic values, builds coalitions, empowers activists, and often takes the initiative in setting the public agenda.

LEARN + ACT Stay informed about what is happening in Israel and what you can do to help. Join us for educational events, sign up for our bi-weekly e-newsletter, sign on to action alerts, and join us on Facebook and Twitter.

PARTNER WITH US NIF can work with you to tailor your giving to your philanthropic interests. Whether it is an unrestricted gift for NIF, a gift underwriting an area of work or a project, or a donor advised gift to a specific organization, a donation to NIF is a powerful way to express your commitment to building a better Israel.

Mail your contribution to: New Israel Fund, P.O. Box 177, Lewiston, ME 04243-0177

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