Taking FROM Leaving IN Moving ON

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Yasmine Abbas

Neo-nomad dictionary



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involves 1. navigating the world wide web, 2. in the lineage of Ascher’s definition1, changing social groups and identities in the physical and digital world, 3. utilizing a method of associations of information and concepts or eth·no·mog·ra·phy2. 2 Ascher, F. 2000. 'La Société Hypermoderne ou Ces évènements qui nous dépassent, feignons d’en être les organisateurs' in: La Tour d’Aigues: L’Aube, Essai, reprinted 2005

dig·it·al mo·bil·ity (what we will also call hy·per·text·ing) describes the online activities of people and their alter egos (representations of the self or avatars for example), i.e. it is the navigation of digital platforms and spaces.

phys·i·cal mo·bil·ity relates to the movement of bodies, objects and spaces from a point (A) to another (B) in the physical world. It includes the physical displacements of digital devices, portable or embodied (we then become cyborgs).

1 Abbas, Y. 2006. Neo-nomads: Designing Environments for Living in the Age of Mental, Physical and Digital Mobilities. Doctor of Design Thesis: Harvard University Graduate School of Design

mo·bil·i·ties mobility

is now plural; it is at once physical, mental and digital.

men·tal mo·bil·i·ty is the shift in position of the self within spaces (physical, digital, social) and thus the transfer of meanings of spaces and the attachment to them. Mental mobility is due to cultural crossings, which are a consequence of physical and digital displacements. Naturally, physical, digital and mental mobilities intersect and are a consequence of one another; yet each kind of mobility entails specific tactics of Re: lo·ca·tion or anchoring to spaces.



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pro·to·cols of in·ter·ac·tions the organization of networks of physical, mental, and digital storage spaces. This space has a morphing quality and depends on sam·pling. See meta-ar·chi·tec·ture of sto·rage.



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establish the identity of the persons, places and objects interacting. Neo-nomads create tools and protocols of interaction to understand the culture in which they land, and to swiftly adapt to spaces.

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