Neev Times Issue. 33, Feb 2024

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Community Culture

This artwork


I took with my brother, before he left for college in Singapore Our communities are built by the relationships we foster between individuals, to uplift each other and celebrate diversity

depicts last picture

Dear Neev Community,

Leadership Speak

Leadership Speak

In our quest to nurture a thriving culture at Neev, we embark on a journey to create an environment where curiosity and innovation flourish Our aim is not merely to meet expectations but to exceed them, all while staying grounded in our core values At Neev, culture is not just something we possess; it's an active endeavour a set of living relationships working toward a shared goal fostering an atmosphere where learning is triggered, collaboration sparked, trust built, and positive change driven within our community

Neev cherishes diversity, recognizing that each member brings unique perspectives, ideas, knowledge, and cultural backgrounds It's this diversity that binds us together, enriching our collective experience and driving us towards excellence We can see all of this coming alive in classroom interactions, during inter-school participation, as ambassadors representing Neev, during our events and celebrations and as Neev Alumni Our school is built upon a strong philosophical foundation, inspiring us to create traditions that nurture a robust value system within our community Neev functions as an ecosystem, where students, teachers, parents, and all community members work collaboratively, contributing their uniqueness to build collective intelligence.

Culture evolves through the actions and interactions of individuals and groups

When we witness people or groups playing with ideas that convey powerful messages, it influences our behaviour and shapes our culture In essence, culture stems from care (Cultus) from cultivating an environment where every member feels valued, supported, and connected Can we build and sustain our community to strengthen the culture we care about?

As we embark on this journey, let us remember that building a vibrant culture is an ongoing process one that requires dedication, commitment, and active participation from every member of our community Together, let us continue to care for our culture and watch it flourish, guided by our shared vision and unwavering commitment to excellence

From the lens of G5 - PYPX

A whirlwind of images, frenzied ideas and endless classroom discussions all finally descended into a spectacle of sorts – visually vibrant, sensorially appealing

It all started off with abstract ideas, slowly germinating from our experiences and our learnings in PYP followed by ideating with fellow colleagues, a roller coaster ride just triggered,

Sparks of inspiration ballooned, and a kaleidoscope of thoughts started taking shape with daily discussions, agreements, disagreements and cohesive efforts of teams, teachers and mentors

The challenge was to condense vast research onto a 5’ x 5’ whiteboard and captivate the audience Over time, cohesion grew, making our team more confident Despite months of preparation, the D-day passed swiftly, leaving memories of moments, learning, and fun etched in our minds


Internal Affairs

Celebrations and Upliftment: Language Day

~ Shereen Bhattacharjee, Grade 7

Every individual has their own culture, background, traditions and practices, which makes them special and adds a piece of uniqueness to their identity In school we learn to enrich our identities through culture, encouraging students to learn about ther history and teach others

Our annual Language Day celebrations are experiences filled with diversity, varying groups of languages all eager to show off their stories, sometimes with artistic events such as games, dances and songs, and other times with culinary stalls Language Day is fulfilling, even in the practices leading up to the final day, the practices where everyone can learn new ideas, bond with others over their own cultures and build new relationships

The day is filled with various types of learning, which is not always in the classroom and not always academic

Sometimes learning can also be about one another, learning about why your best friend dresses in a certain style on specific days, learning the story behind some worldwide sayings Language Day is like traveling our nation all in a couple of hours, and as the days till the event build up, the excitement in our community is palpable

Neevotsav: The Wonderland of Community

~ Tara Pramod, Grade 3

This Neevotsav we all learnt something special that we will never forget Through this magical journey we all had fun and made sure that the last Neevotsav for grade 3 was a memorable one. We were all collaborating well and practicing We were a community! I realized there were many systems that worked together in harmony like an orchestra, to make the show flawless

There were performers-students of grade 3, teachers, organizers – Parth sir and Sumit sir, music team, reviewers, set designers-art team, technicians-audiovisual, parent volunteers-makeup, set assistants-ammas, parents-costume and audience, refreshments-for parents and students and security It reminds me of credit titles at the end of a movie

We will always work hard and collaborate better than ever as a community just like my character in the play, the Mad Hatter does with the March Hare and the Dormouse to host tea parties And if it wasn’t for the entire Neevotsav community, I couldn’t have brought the madness out of the Mad Hatter Looking forward to being a part of many new communities at Neev.


Current Affairs

USA warns of Russian Space Weapons

The recent warning issued by the United States concerning Russia's alleged development of a nucleararmed anti-satellite weapon shows the growing technological sophistication and potential dangers inherent in the militarization of space This advanced weapon system, if deployed, could disrupt vital satellite networks, threatening global communication, navigation, and early warning systems upon which modern societies depend

Space-based weapons challenge the foundational principles of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which aims to maintain the peaceful use of space for all nations. Despite the absence of explicit restrictions on conventional anti-satellite weapons, the treaty explicitly prohibits the placement of nuclear weapons or any other WMDs in orbit

The development of space-based weapons raises several scientific and technological considerations The deployment of space-based weapons could trigger a costly arms race, diverting resources from peaceful uses of space technology Secondly, the proliferation of spacebased weapons could increase the risk of accidental conflict due to the speed and complexity of space operations

The threat of space weaponisation still exists, despite US warnings to Russia not to go down this road Maintaining the benefits of space while preventing the advent of destabilising space-based weaponry requires ongoing national cooperation and vigilance If Russia does put together a space weapon, it would be the next atomic bomb, the next humanity-destroying weapon!


Current Affairs

The Rise of Tamil HipHop Music

~ Amrita Meenakshi, Grade 9

Tamil Hip-Hop is a genre of music that has been growing in popularity recently Originating from the streets of Tamil Nadu, this genre blends traditional Tamil culture with the urban sounds of hip-hop. The artists use their music as a platform to address socio-political issues that are pertinent in the Tamil community These discussions include identity, language, and economic disparities

The genre owes its rise in mainstream media to several factors One of the most significant being the internet and social media, which have helped independent artists reach wider audiences. Collaborations with established artists from other regions have helped elevate the visibility of Tamil hip-hop on a global scale By fusing elements of Tamil culture with mainstream hip-hop, artists have been able to attract a diverse audience while staying true to the community's values and roots

Pakistan’s Election Results

~ Neeti Nayak , Grade 11

In a stunning upset, Pakistani voters have given Imran Khan’s PTI party 93 Parliament seats in an election predicted to have low turnout Despite falling short of a majority, it marks the end to an election marred by allegations of rigging and electoral fraud

Audiences are increasingly drawn to music that reflects their lived experiences and cultural heritage, leading to greater acceptance and appreciation for such genres

The rise of Tamil hip-hop in mainstream media is a testament to the power of cultural expression and diversity for communities As artists continue to push boundaries and challenge norms, this vibrant genre promises to leave a lasting impression on the global music scene

Pakistan’s government, which is famously controlled by the military, jailed its previous cricketer-turned-Prime Minister Imran Khan with back-to-back accusations of numerous crimes, including corruption, unlawful marriage, and illegally selling state gifts The military, claiming to be apolitical, is widely considered the reason why none of Pakistan’s Prime Ministers have been able to complete a 5 year term The election is a reminder of the strength of the people’s vote


Student Voice

Embracing Diversity: How Different People Make Life Awesome!

~ Prisha Agarwal, Grade 3

They say the world today is a global village My house community is a mini example of just that It's like having a big family with lots of cousins from everywhere! The society has people of different cultures, religions, backgrounds and countries This diversity can be seen in the way we all come together to celebrate so many different festivals with equal enthusiasm

For example, I am part Assamese and the harvest festival we celebrate in Assam is called ‘Bihu’ But here in my society, I participated in the festivities for Lohri and Pongal, since there are no other fellow Assamese

Through the traditional songs, folk dances and the bonfire rituals I learnt a lot about a different culture But I also try to take my culture along by wearing the Assamese traditional clothing called ‘Mekhela Chador’ for such festivities The best part is that we get to taste different types of dishes and snacks.

When Music Unites People

Did you know ‘Konnakol’ is a form of rapping used all over South India? We used it to sing a Tamil song at a workshop that I attended at my music school, Harmony, which teaches me about a variety of different cultures though we are all one large community

For our Christmas concert, we learned songs in Latin, which helped me learn new words like Deo Gracias meaning 'Thanks to God' Our music school's director said, that when she went on a tour with the choir to Russia, they were in a room with people from many countries They could not communicate with everyone since they all shared different languages, but when they sang common songs, it was the sound of music that brought them together. When I was 5, I failed my first choir audition, but that made me motivated to improve With Harmony's help, I did vocal warm ups which made my singing better I personally grew in music in all of these aspects I made it to the Choir at the age of 9, due to my hard work

In my society we even celebrate festivals that are not traditionally Indian like Halloween! You should see how some residents decorate their homes and the lift lobbiesso spookily, so fright-tastic! And trick-or-treating is always so much fun for us kids not so much for the adults when they see the candy stash we bring home

All these celebrations make me realise the importance of diversity Being part of such a cosmopolitan and inclusive housing community has made me a better person by teaching me to appreciate all cultures and religions and also how to accept the differences because the world would be so boring if we were all the same!

Living among diversity is a lesson in tolerance, empathy, open-mindedness, respecting the different perspectives of neighbours and challenging biases. Whether we are just having a day-to-day conversation in the park or getting together for an event, we are always exchanging ideas and opinions and that way we get exposed to new ways of thinking Perhaps, there would not be so much war and conflict around the world if only everybody was exposed to a multicultural and inclusive housing society like mine while growing up


Student Voice

Cultivating Communities

~ Vihaan Agarwal, Grade 5

“If you want to go quickly, go alone… If you want to go far, go together…

The above words spell out the Power of Community –“Coming together in Unity”

Nature is filled with examples where species have survived just because of the presence of community From the flock of birds flying long distances in V-formation with small and light feathers and using the power of each other’s upthrust, to the clarion calls made by herds of animals to save themselves from predators, the essence of community is inseparable from living beings.

The most successful business houses in the world have evolved over generations, furthered by family support, values and trust generated with their customers Success Stories of “Gujaratis and Marwari '' business communities in India and abroad exemplifies the joint and extended family systems they are rooted in

“Within Neev, a community is nurtured carefully and teamwork is echoed in every day's tasks The seeds of togetherness are sown deep along with the facets of diversity Service Saturdays, team collaborations, interhouse events and fund-raising opportunities encapsulates coexistence in our mindset

We may have all come in different ships, but we all are in the same boat now – Martin Luther King Jr

“India is not a place, it is a people

~ Pranav Hari, Grade 7

Asgard is not a place, it’s a people

” – Thor

This quote really says that community makes culture what it is It says, that community culture is all about diversity

As MK Gandhi rightly said “No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive ” Composite culture is only developed and the most stunning man-made designs all originated with composite culture.

I feel the culture in India is full of richness and diversity, a reflection of our shared human heritage that is both fascinating and beautiful One of the most remarkable aspects of culture is its incredible diversity Across India, there are countless cultures, each with its unique customs, traditions, and ways of life

Colonization has formed several composite cultures which have made India what it is today Diversity in India makes Indian Culture what it is, unique yet connected The diversity from all the states is all in the same boat of Indian culture India is the thriving society of today, and it would not be where it is without culture Culture makes a place or society, and it leaves a lasting impact Culture is not only a 7 letter-word It is what makes a place or society what it is


Student Voice

A Cultural Odyssey

~ Riddhi Mantri, Grade 5

When I went to Kollur, Mangalore, I was mesmerised by the uniqueness of the people, community, and place itself The traditions, the beliefs, values and culture that we can’t maintain ourselves in a huge city like Bengaluru, are being maintained in a small town in Kollur Things that our ancestors used to do many generations before, I saw in front of my eyes performed by Pandits The energy around us seemed so positive, so peaceful I felt connected to the others around me, like I was someplace wondrous, an experience of a lifetime

The way they chanted the mantras, the devotion, the exquisite designs around the temple, the stories told through these ancient forms of art, through the eyes and walls of the mandir were all so beautiful and mesmerising

Despite it being a Hindu temple in such a small town, there were people from all around Europeans, South Indians and Americans It was such a diverse and accepting society Everyone proud of their culture, in their cultural outfits Nobody ashamed of themselves And, I feel that that’s exactly how it should be Why should one be ashamed of who he/she is ? Or, Where he/she comes from? One should be proud of who they are When I went there, I was mesmerised by how all of these people had different backgrounds, thoughts, feelings, fashions, and yet, they were all there together, as one And that’s the way I feel it should be


~ Omkar Brahmadesam, Grade 6

What is culture?

Culture is mainly what we practice, What we celebrate.

But it’s even

Awesomeness you can find

In nature and


It’s the true

Spirits that lie within us

Keep the spirits good, And you will succeed

And live a good life.

A bad spirit is like

A raging fire in a forest

Only the purest of hearts can calm you

Now I realize how culture does play, It’s the things we do and tell, And just as the purest hearts will say, ‘Keep your intentions well Be the ringer every day

Make yourself a bell

Be the giver wherever you stay, Make yourself a well ’

You may find it unusual, But it’s just how it is, Complain again, again, and again, And you’ll find yourself in an abyss


Student Voice

Nagaland Reflective Snippets

~ Adhavan S Kumar, Grade 11


The ball was chased after

The people shouted in joy

Football is played many times

But this felt more than that

The feeling of joy was, uncomparable

And although our score was, unreasonable

The memories made and joy felt, unforgettable

And lastly the bond created, unbreakable

~ Neeti Nayak, Grade ~ Abdul Majid, Grade 11

Service and Community

My SAA Realisations

~ Shenaya Bhattacharjee, Grade 9

During one of my SAA sessions, I saw a little girl isolated from everyone else When I asked her why she wasn't playing Kho-Kho with everyone else, I learned that this stemmed not from a lack of company but from a difference of interests When I asked her why, her response was simple: she didn't like playing sports I was intrigued

As someone who always found sports interesting, but grew up with a sister who didn't, not liking sports wasn't new to me, what struck me was her response when I asked her what she liked doing - she simply said she preferred studying In an attempt to connect with her I asked if she wanted help with any of her classes and there was a glint of excitement in her eyes as she nodded eagerly and ran to her classroom A couple of minutes later she came out holding her Hindi book

Once again she met me with an unexpected answer, she is from Bihar and when I asked her what language she spoke at home she said Bhojpuri, and it struck me that my mother speaks Bhojpuri as well I took down a mental note to bring my mother one day so she could talk to her in Bhojpuri as it might make her feel more comfortable in a place that was linguistically foreign to her

We continued talking and I learned about how her father had relocated their family to Bangalore in an attempt to provide a better life for them Throughout the conversation, I could also feel her words get lighter and then I saw her laugh for the first time that day

I had assumed that we had broken the ice with every student, but I learned that day that we hadn't I sat there telling her the names of new colours in Hindi and how to write them and she eagerly listened, slowly a couple of other girls joined us This experience was important to me because it made me realize that it is important to cultivate relationships with those around you, and the only way of doing that is by listening to people and what they have to say, you never know it could just make someone ' s day

My contribution to a green future

~ Ayaan Gupta, Grade 4

In grade 4, we completed a project on renewable energy

The joint effort stimulated our critical thinking

We analysed new information, evaluated different viewpoints and were able to address multiple questions

As a community, we were encouraged by our teachers to implement our learnings at home

Personally, I took it a step further Viewing this world as a global community, I decided to play my small but significant role in it

There is a collective shift towards sustainability and growing consciousness towards renewable energy It so happens that my father is building our new house I took it upon myself to convince him to install multiple solar panels At first it seemed like a Herculean task as the installation costs were high But we worked out the carbon footprint that would be reduced and the results were overpowering

I feel satisfied knowing that my actions have contributed to a larger cause The commitment to work towards protecting the environment has shaped how I now perceive the world I feel responsible towards it and hope to continue to contribute substantially


Keystone Exhibitions 11

Extended Essay Exhibitions

The keystone projects in the diploma programme consist of the extended essays of students of grade 12 This was a presentation of each student's research paper in a particular subject from the stage of ideation, across a literature review and research, to the stage of execution and reflection Emerging clearly from each student's learning was a shift in knowledge or a realization about either the new nature of a concept or about degree and intensity The range covered essays in the literary arts, the sciences , Mathematics and the human sciences The presentation showcased the student’s overall learning journey in the extended essay project, where they have put in their head, heart and soul over the tenure of about eight months in a row The event is an expression and celebration of their hard work and learning, depicting the ideas, beliefs and their true emotions with the audience Although an independent project, Neev community collaboration in terms of feedback and suggestions has been value additions to the overall work

Especially during the two day EE camp in August 2023, students dropped everything and worked on writing their essay, based on the feedback received from the peers, teachers and juniors Even on the written work, peers provided their feedback which certainly provided perspectives into the deep research and led to a work which students were certainly proud of

Reminiscing as an EE coordinator, cherished memories include working with the cohort to prepare them for the skills required for the Extended essay Working together in framing research questions, getting views from others and refining them Unpacking the criteria to prepare students for ancillary skills, organizing the initial and work in progress presentation etc Over the period of time the camaraderie developed has built in trust and belongingness with the community One of the most thrilling experiences has been closely reading all the twenty nine extended essays What an impressive piece of writing and a great learning experience!


For the past few months, all of the students in 5th grade have been preparing for PYP-X It was a great experience filled with lots of learning, fun, and knowledge We learnt from our mistakes and built relationships with our peers

Our group was focusing on culture, and how it has been diminishing over a period of time As a part of our action, we hosted a puppet show for the younger ones and a street play for all. We inquired into what makes communities unique and diverse Through this, I inquired into myself and my family I learnt about who I am, and what makes me, me Your hobbies, passions, interests, your gender, how you look, your culture, all that matters It shapes your identity It is who you are And nobody can change that That’s what makes you, you It makes you unique and different from the others

Cultures have been fading over a period of time, and been changing due to modernisation.

We should do whatever we can to stay connected to our roots and ancestors, and now it’s up to us: Will the next generation stay proud of their culture and connected to it? Or will they forget about it? Leave their routes and culture behind?

I had a great year at Neev last year when I was in Grade 1 But my biggest challenge was my handwriting I tried a lot but I was not getting better During the Summer break, I promised myself that I will do something about it When I joined Grade 2, my class teachers supported me That gave me immense confidence and I decided not to give up till I improve. I used to practice writing everyday My handwriting has improved now and I have also improved my writing stamina Now I feel proud of myself I have realized that you should practice a lot to get better at anything

I’m Ariyanna Lal, a ten year old with a love for baking that’s as big as my love for singing I recently set up my very own stall in a very well known pet store in Bangalore, and let me tell you, it was a blast I was driven by my love for baking and the compassion that I have for stray animals

Picture this : the smell of blueberry and chocolate muffins in the air, each bite was a burst of happiness on the faces of all my customers I also played the ukulele to make things more fun and sang a few songs to spread the joy of music around I realised that everytime I played or sung customers came towards me in curiosity to know what I was selling I had my furry companions along with me (my dogs Bella and Elvis) who added an extra layer of cuteness to everything

By 4pm, my stall was a sell-out success My true triumph was when I realised I had made my own money My mom asked me to use my money to pay for the table we had rented for this stall I was a bit apprehensive in the beginning, as I thought that my mom would pay for it

Student Stories

I wondered if I would have any left for the cause I had dedicated it to: CARE, a local shelter dedicated to rescuing animals in need I wanted to help those dear animals out and make a positive change Luckily, the owner was sweet enough to tell me that she was proud of my achievements and would be happy to waive off the amount as she noticed my dedication and effort towards the whole cause.

What I learnt through this venture was that its tough to make so many cupcakes and without my mother who earnestly helped me I would not have been able to it I also felt very happy to see how many people supported my cause, from family and friends to the encouraging people who just passed by to the owner who waived off my table fee I felt very blessed and happy

A lot of people loved my idea and wanted to join us to the shelter to help our little friends out So, there you have ita day filled with baking, music, and a little bit of goodness Who says you have to be all grown up to make a difference I’m just a kid who loves to bake, and I’m on a mission to spread smiles, one cupcake at a time


Student Stories

So, with the help of my TAs and peers, my team built an A B i h d fl h ower re Our using on back crops crops t of watch d me iven ha? It et ding un. I ferent day


Book Recommendations

Refugee, Alan Gratz

Ishaan Khandelwal, Grade 5

The book revolves around three main characters from three different eras: Nazi Germany, 1990s Cuba, and modern-day Syria It follows Josef Landau, a German Jew in the 1930s, who tries to escape Germany to Cuba, Isabel Fernandez, a Cuban girl in 1994, who tries to escape Cuba's hunger crisis following the dissolution of the Soviet Union to the US, and Mahmoud Bishara, a Syrian youth in 2015 whose house gets destroyed by a missile and whose family decides to seek asylum in Germany It has received positive reviews, praising its style and historical accuracy The novel eventually made it to The New York Times Best Seller list.

The Last Bear, Hannah Gold

~ Anezka Iris Sequiera, Grade 4

Three words I’d use to describe this book are: Adventurous, Hopeful, Emotional This book is so captivating that it lures you to read it It teaches us to be strong-willed, courageous and passionate Going on a treacherous journey, a young girl called April breaks stereotypes to save the last polar bear on Bear Island. But, the question is, can she do it, and how?

A Drop Of Hope, Keith Calabrese

Riddhi Mantri, Grade 5

A Well A Wish And a little drop of hope

In If Only, Ohio, when a well starts magically granting wishes, everyone thinks it’s a miracle, But is it really? Only three sixth graders know why Ernest, misunderstood and misunderstanding himself believes that magic happens when good deeds do Lizzy believes in facts, not fairy tales, and Ryan, of course, would just like to mind his own business As more people start believing, three children begin losing their control over what started off as a tiny adventure Little did they know what trouble they would cause

Ernest, Lizzy, and Ryan know that they can’t fix anything and everything in the world, But in their own little corner of it, They can make a change By spreading some hope One step at a time, one wish at a time I loved this book because it reminded me of all the little adventures I once had The plot twists in the way the author has written it makes it really suspenseful I would recommend this book to anybody who likes a good adventure and cliffhanger at the end of every chapter


Movie Recommendations 15


Rated 13+

~ Anay Agarwal, Grade 4

Experience the exhilarating and heart-pounding journey of Lift, a captivating movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat Brace yourself as a daring group of robbers execute a high-stakes heist, making off with a staggering 500,000 dollars worth of gold bars from a plane soaring 40,000 feet above ground Prepare to be enthralled by the suspense and excitement that unfolds in this gripping cinematic masterpiece

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Rated 7+

Zaaryan Tyagi, Grade 3

I watched the LEGO MOVIE 2 twice and could never stop thinking about it! The characters and scenes made it a fun experience to watch This movie is about a man named Emmet (The Master Builder) who got his city destroyed by a suspicious queen, and his friends were taken away too As he goes to find them, he bumps into Rex (The Master Breaker) They team up, but Emmet has no idea that Rex is evil! This inspired me to make a Youtube Channel called "ZT BRICKS" I think you should watch this


Rated 7+

Arjun Jain, Grade 6

The movie Wonka is a perfect movie to go to a theater for It hooks you from the first minute It doesn't take time to set in The action starts as soon as the movie starts The movie is touching and gives you a clear insight into how the real world works Some characters have a true sense of good character while others are easily bribable Some are nasty while others are kind The movie revolves around Willy Wonka and how his indomitable desire to sell his chocolates at the Galleries Gourmet makes him think outside of the box. There are many obstacles he has to face - Ms Scrubbit and Mr Bleacher, The Chocolate Cartel which comprises Mr Prodnose, Mr Ficklegruber and Mr Slugworth, and the Chief of police who has been bribed by the Chocolate cartel Willy Wonka doesn't shy away from overcoming these obstacles though, he has his newfound team that helps him through these challenges

The sheer beauty of re-imagining Roald Dahl's story is amazing So far, if you (grown-ups included) have been unfortunate to not have read the original book yet - read it as soon as possible I recommend this movie to everyone from the age of 5 - 99


Aida Sandy Sree, Grade 11


Ananya Malde, Grade 11


Beliefs 1. Faith 2. Hobbies3. Religion4. Celebrations5.





Fashion10. Language11. Traditions12.

Diversity13. Food14. Music15.

Sitara Rishikesh, Grade 10




Nihaal Singh Sehgal, Grade 9

Aditi Garg, Grade 10

Myra Nigam, Grade 5

~ Aarna Rao Potta, Grade 2
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