Neev Times December 2023_Issue 32

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Neev Times


Rest, Resilience, Redirection.

~ Ishanvi Rao Murari, Grade 10B

Leadership Speak

02 Dear Neev Community,

As we culminate the first term of the academic year 2023-2024, we embark on a journey of introspection, exploring the profoundness of rest, redirection, and resilience. Through this, we have paved the way for a future marked by growth, along with a deeper understanding of ourselves and our potential. Amidst the pursuit of academic excellence, we took steps to rejuvenate by bringing in festivity and cheer in the form of celebrations. These events went a long way in nurturing relationships that are vital to our existence. Pausing and re-evaluating the goals that we had set for ourselves was an important step that led us to analyse if our journey is following the right trajectory. The path that we are on informs us that we possess the resilience and the mindset to take on challenges with determination. As we gear up for Sarvajeet Diwas, it is heartening to see perseverance and personal growth shine through, with sportsmanship and team spirit. Looking ahead into term 2, we are convinced that our positive attitude towards learning as a community will be our strength and guiding force. We are certain that we will be able to build further on the strong foundation that we have set for ourselves. It will enable us to endure challenges that may come our way, and we will emerge stronger, armed with newfound wisdom. Shilpi Nagpal Head of Primary School

Narmada sets Neev Record ~ Aarush Gupta, Grade 10 While running for house captain at the start of the year, one of my promises was to make Narmada emerge victorious amongst all the other houses. When I made that commitment, I was confident in our ability to succeed, but our house members exceeded expectations.

We’ve emerged victorious in every extracurricular event we’ve participated in, which is truly remarkable.

Looking back at all the events, it is impossible to overlook the hard work, dedication and sheer effort that our entire house has put in. For all the years that I have been in Narmada and for all the times we’ve been the underdog, I have never seen our house this determined, the members this confident, and a house spirit this strong. From the passion towards the house events from the PYP students, to the leadership of MYP and senior school, along with the guidance from our teachers, every single member of the house has contributed greatly to our success. Finally, with Sarvajeet Diwas coming up, I am confident that each of our members will give it their all and continue to show perseverance, effort and unmatched house spirit so that Narmada can continue on our historic run and go on to win the house cup!

Internal Affairs Diwali at Neev ~ Devyanshi Chakraborty, Grade 10 Diwali marks a time of reflection, renewal, and festivity. In a vibrant display of culture and camaraderie, our school recently hosted a diwali celebration that illuminated the school, showcasing the essence of diwali and our culture through a myriad of activities, food, art and attire. On this occasion, our school was transformed into a canvas of colors. The school radiated with the vibrant hues of traditional Indian clothing, which included sarees, kurtas, and lehengas, adding to the festive ambience.

Sarvajeet Divas Practice ~ Myra Nigam, Grade 5 2023 has been a year full of fun events, amazing experiences, and astonishing accomplishments. We at Neev have had so many learning platforms to help us express ourselves. And the best way to end this year would definitely be with Sarvajeet Divas! The journey of practicing for Sarvajeet Divas for the Brass Band has not been easy. There were lots of ups and downs, for example the brass sections not playing the notes right, the drums not in sync, and the Brass Band not sounding like a Brass Band at all!. This did not stop any of us. All of us were reflecting on how each of us can improve and how we can sound magnificent as a Brass Band community.

03 The students participated in a range of hands-on activities that became the heart of our celebration. The diya painting activity allowed students to transform simple clay lamps into personalized artworks. Rangolis adorned the school's pathways with unique patterns and motifs, showcasing the cultural richness of the festival. The Diwali potluck, a culmination of culinary delights from various cultures within our school community, brought families together in a shared celebration of diverse cuisines. This experience not only highlighted the flavors of our multicultural community but also strengthened the bonds that form the foundation of our school spirit. Beyond the festivities, the event underscored our community’s commitment to diversity and unity. By bringing individuals together through shared experiences, the celebration acted as a bridge that transcended cultural boundaries and fostered a sense of fraternity among students and staff alike.

Our Brass Band teachers were really patient with us and made sure that we would play our best; they would teach us again and again if we would not sound right or play the beat right. Most importantly, what is learning without fun? Cracking jokes, talking about school, and the homework each section got, made the Brass Band really fun!. All in all, this experience has taught each one of us the power of perseverance and amazing memories that we will all remember forever.


Nepal’s return to the Crown ~ Sahasra Nangineni, Grade 10 Nepal, officially a constitutional monarchy until 2008, has recently had a change of heart in the face of their political reformation. On November 23rd, a large-scale protest consisting of thousands of participants took place in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, in an effort to demonstrate their support for the restoration of the monarchy and the old Hindu state. Protestors were seen carrying Nepali flags and chanting, “We love our king and country more than our lives. Bring back the monarchy, and abolish the republic”, referring to former King Gyanendra in their slogan, claiming that current governmental rule is corrupt and failing, especially in light of the government’s poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The response from the Nepali police was to combat the protesters using water cannons, tear gas, and by beating people with batons. Both sides sustained injuries in this exchange. These acts, while dispersing the crowd, have raised awareness about the growing movement around the world.

Really a THUG? ~ Parth Manaktala, Grade 9 Born on August 16, 1991, in Atlanta, Georgia, Jeffrey Lamar Williams, known as Young Thug, gained fame with his unique rap and melodic singing. He also made an impact in fashion and culture. In May 22, Young Thug faced legal troubles, charged twice under the RICO Act for alleged gang activities linked to his label, YSL (Young Stoner Life). The charges included drug possession and criminal gang activities. Prosecutors accused him of breaching Georgia's RICO laws, pointing to violent and drug-related activities. He faced eight charges, potentially leading to sentences ranging from five to twenty years. 14 defendants accepted plea deals. Prosecutors used social media and song lyrics as evidence. His defense argued that his lyrics are protected by the First Amendment, emphasizing that YSL is a music label, not a criminal gang.

Current Affairs As of November 24th, leaders and activists of the protest have been put under house arrest, including the leader, Durga Prasai. Prasai, along with his fellow activists, are not allowed to leave the homes and motels they have been locked in, although the government continues to deny this, with a senior home ministry official stating that Prasai was neither arrested nor under house arrest, but being given “government protection” at this time. However, despite such efforts of hushing up the leaders, the movement currently poses a real threat as the support and momentum garnered for it in this short period of time has taken the Nepali government by surprise. Currently, even the youth of the country have played a large role in spearheading this movement, expressing their support for the restoration of the monarchy through social media, mobilizing support for the cause.

He also argued that the charges are politically motivated. The trial is ongoing and expected to continue until January 2024. The outcome could have implications for other artists in similar situations, highlighting the intersection of the legal system and hip-hop culture.

Current Affairs The Life of Henry Kissinger ~ Neeti Nayak, Grade 11 Henry Kissinger, born on May 27, 1923, in Fürth, Germany, was a renowned diplomat and political scientist. A Jewish immigrant who fled Nazi persecution, Kissinger's family immigrated to the United States in 1938, where he would later become a key figure in shaping American foreign policy. After graduating from George Washington High School, Kissinger's academic prowess led him to Harvard, where he earned a doctorate. His rise to prominence accelerated when he joined the Nixon administration as National Security Advisor in 1969, later becoming Secretary of State. Nixon and Kissinger were unusually close, and were thought to have complemented each others' personalities perfectly; they remained great friends until Nixon’s death in 1994. He played a pivotal role in crafting the policy of

Moonshot: ISRO Superstars ~ Samaya Narayan, Grade 5 The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is among the top tier space research organizations in the world. Chandraayan-2, a lunar expedition, was launched by ISRO with a lot of fanfare. It had a perfect launch, but the lander crashed while attempting to land on the lunar surface on 6 September 2019. Despite the failure, the ISRO engineers started working tirelessly and used the Chandrayaan 2’s crash as an opportunity to rest and reflect to prepare for Chandrayaan-3. The goal was not only to rectify the issues that led to the 2019 failure, but also to improve its performance dramatically for a successful soft landing. They identified 4 major areas of focus: the lander’s legs, landing sensors, rover power and a good landing site. The ISRO engineers meticulously studied the lander’s legs, fortifying them to withstand the harsh lunar terrain.

05 détente with the Soviet Union and orchestrating the opening of relations with China. Not without controversy, Kissinger's involvement in the Vietnam War and allegations of human rights abuses in places like Chile sparked debates about the ethics of Realpolitik, Kissinger’s method of ‘realist’ American foreign policy. Despite criticism, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his role in negotiating a ceasefire during the Vietnam War. Kissinger’s doctoral dissertation also received criticism for its voiced admiration for the continuous use of nuclear power in war. However, news of his death was received extremely negatively. In India, Kissinger’s past comments about Indira Gandhi - calling her a ‘witch’ and his extreme disregard for genocided Bengalis in the Bengal famine severely tarnished his reputation. Scholars regard Kissinger to have been an effective secretary of state, and he was fondly remembered by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for his role in the establishment of Sino-American relations. His life remains a testament to the American government’s dark and often, secretive history and the power with which it shaped the world.

Extensive upgrades were made to the lander’s sensors, to ensure safe and accurate descent. The rover relied on a larger and more advanced solar power module to navigate the moon for 2 weeks. A precise and safe landing site was also picked for a soft and successful landing. Chandrayaan 3 was smoothly propelled into space from Sriharikota. The lander started its descent gently as planned by the ISRO team. All sensors swung into action for a precision landing on the strong legs of the Lander. The rover successfully explored the moon’s surface with an advanced solar module. Four years after the failure of Chandraayan-2, the scientists at ISRO showed incredible resilience to learn from their mistakes and redirected their energy to learn from their mistakes and made India only the 4th country to land on the moon.


Shift in Power and Control at the World Cup ~ Vishal Arun, Grade 12 When Harsha Bhogle said that the “English robbed an Indian generation of its confidence”, with reference to both India’s cricket and geopolitical strength in the 80s, perhaps he hadn’t imagined a time when India would steer the game of cricket in whatever direction it pleased.

Sports Everytime India looked to be in tricky waters, someone rose to the occasion. Incredibly, it wasn’t just one aspect of the game – on fast pitches, there were the pacers that had Sri Lanka down for 14-6, and on slightly slow and sluggish pitchers, there were Jadeja and Kuldeep doing it. When we were 2-3 against Australia, there were Kohli and Rahul, and when we wondered whether we’d get the big scores, there was Rohit powering his way through the powerplay. And so despite the anguish and the sadness and the expectations, we cannot ever let the result of the final color change the fact this was a fantastic performance by team India.

This World Cup wasn’t just the coming together of the finest, most dominant ODI cricketers India has had in a long time, it has also marked a shift in power, and control. From winning 10 matches in a row to breaking records on and off the pitch, this was India’s time. This was India’s stage. Even though Australia ultimately won a supposed unwinnable game, and even though Travis Head pulverized the Indian bowling attack in the end, we, as fans of not just cricket, but our country, can always in hindsight, be proud.

A Changing Sports Landscape ~ Hana Yenepoya, Grade 10 The 2022 NCAA Swim Championships left a significant impact on swimmers like Riley Gaines, with transgender athlete Lia Thomas's performances sparking both admiration and controversy. Gaines, a University of Kentucky swimmer, became concerned upon learning about Thomas's exceptional timings. The NCAA's lastminute decision to let Thomas compete heightened the tension. Gaines, while expressing worries, clarified her stance, emphasizing a commitment to fairness in women's sports rather than transphobia. Gaines exemplifies resilience, navigating a shifting sports landscape with unwavering support from her university. She expresses her opinion: "You need to protect the integrity of sports, whether it be male or female." This quote underlines her dedication to fairness without targeting any individual, or any community.

Gaines's journey reflects a broader theme of perseverance, redirecting and shaping conversations around inclusivity, and emphasizing the importance of reflection in competitive sports. In her story, simplicity and a potent quote capture the essence of a narrative resonating with wider discussions on fairness and change in athletics.


Defying Destiny ~ Tanish Ray, Grade 10 "The Pursuit of Happyness", an American biographical drama from 2006, is a cinematic masterpiece that not only tugs at one's heartstrings but also serves as an inspirational testament to the unwavering human spirit. Starring Will Smith in a career-defining role, the film unfolds a compelling narrative of Chris Gardner's journey from homelessness to financial success, embodying the very essence of resilience. The movie kicks off with Gardner, a struggling salesman and devoted father, facing a cascade of challenges that threaten to dismantle his dreams. Through a series of unfortunate events, he finds himself and his young son, portrayed by Jaden Smith, navigating the unforgiving streets of San Francisco.

COP-28: Climate and Health ~ Diya Shetty, Grade 10 From November 30 to December 12, the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP-28) summit is taking place at Expo City Dubai. COP28 UAE is evaluating the progress against climate goals with the first ever comprehensive Global Stocktake. Additionally, COP28 brought back a focus on the climate-health nexus - on December 2, 123 governments endorsed the ‘COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health’, working towards the development of climate-resistant and low carbon health systems. The impacts of climate change have become “one of the greatest threats to human health in the 21st century”, according to COP28 President Dr Sultan Al Jaber. Greenhouse gas emissions trigger air pollution, unpredictable weather events and rising temperatures which are affecting the life cycle of vector-borne diseases including malaria and dengue.

Will Smith's powerful portrayal captures the raw emotions of desperation, disappointment, and ultimately, triumph. The film not only showcases Gardner's relentless pursuit of a better life but also emphasizes the resilience required to navigate through life's harshest setbacks. A pivotal scene in the film captures the essence of Gardner's resilience and the bond he shares with his son. In a heartfelt moment, Gardner imparts a timeless lesson to his son, saying, "Don't ever let someone tell you you can't do something. Not even me." This powerful statement captures the core of perseverance, as he urges his son to defy the limitations imposed by circumstance and believe in the limitless possibilities that ambition can unfold. "The Pursuit of Happyness" is a captivating exploration of the human spirit's resilience, leaving audiences inspired and reflective. It stands as a testament to the power of determination, reminding the audience that, even in the darkest moments, the unwavering pursuit of dreams, with courage to overcome adversities, can pave the way to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Those who have contributed to the least to climate change, including Africa, Asia, South and Central America, are bearing the brunt, with poorer, marginalized groups disproportionately impacted. In the near future, the Declaration emphasizes the need for strengthened research regarding the link between environmental and climatic factors as well as efforts to detect and avoid zoonotic spill-over. G-20 countries will look to center health in their climate action, with a fossil-fuel phase-out and a just transition to renewable energy also being a crucial health outcome to work towards.


Seasoned Suggestions

‘Tis the season… for burning questions and student suggestions! We rounded up great minds from various grades for advice, and here's everything we gathered!

Grade 9's Advice Q: Are you looking forward to grade 10 and e-assessments? If we prepare well, and use our time wisely, it's not something we should be worried about. With a good amount of focus and resilience, it's not something too difficult. Personally I’m not really scared, I know that if I do want to do well I have to work, and I’m ready to put in that work, and most of us are also on the same page.

Q: What are the best websites or other resources that you currently use? Definitely Organic Chem Tutor on YT for math and science. I also think that for most subjects, if you just pay attention in class, and take the notes that you need to take, you won't need that many external resources, especially when it comes to INS, LNL and your 2nd language, because those are all skill-based.

Q: What has been your experience with SAA? I think, considering that we are one of the first batches to have a proper, offline SAA experience, we are really prepared. We also have Toddle, where we can reflect, add our evidence, create a timeline and work with our mentors, and everything is really neat and organized, which helps a lot. -Shenaya

Grade 10's Advice Q: What are some questions you would like to ask your seniors about DP next year? How do you study effectively? What we should expect in choosing various subjects; it'd be super helpful to talk to some students directly and learn about their experiences with a particular subject firsthand, especially those that seem daunting, like Literature HL.

Q: What tips would you give to your juniors, the 8th and 9th graders? USE your summer productively Don't take PP lightly Take really good notes of all grade 9 portions, these will help in grade 10 too.

Q: Do you have any tips for SAA? Plan things out well : we used our summer to plan, and then launched our foundation together, which has been going very well!

Q: Do you use any particular tools for time management? For me, I'm a heavy Apple user, so I have everything split across Apple Calendar, Apple Notes and Apple Reminders. -Majid


Q: Do you have any math tips? The portions are massive, so it’s important you have practice in everything and are familiar with everything. It's not about concepts, it's just about the skills. The concepts are easy to grasp, just find resources, like IGCSE past papers are the best for MYP.

Q: What’ll you miss most about your MYP days? E-portfolio, Music and the arts, the love, the free time and moments we shared, the MYP teachers, Karan Sir!

Q: How do you manage your time and stay organized? Make a buddy, and send them your todo list, with tasks. Get on a call, share your screen, and do work independently, it increases accountability and makes you get things done!

Q: Any tips for PP / SAA? (from a 7 PP scorer) For PP I would say, do a project which you’re 100% going to continue for the year. Also, some people think that the product doesn’t matter, but in the end, if you don't put effort into your product, your report will be reflective of that. -Dhruv

Grade 11 Advice

Do not study a day before the exam, unless your name is ‘Saahas Ajmera’.

Q: Do you have any subject specific tips for MYP?

Q: Any tips on succeeding at a sport?

L&L : Find your global context, head over to chat GPT and type in this prompt: Give me 20 highly advanced vocabulary words related to XYZ global context. Learn these words before the exam, and use these words extensively in task 3 in your exam. For task 2, be creative, descriptive, and follow the prompt, especially the image.

Stay consistent, work hard, go to a lot of competitions, and it’s very important to keep it sustained, sustained hard work always works out well and even looks good on college apps.

Q: Any tips for PP / SAA? For SAA, I would say, just do a passion project. Anything you love, just go all in. For me, it was teaching Math and Science to govt. school children. It's all about consistency and perseverance, don't do it just for the sake of it because it’ll definitely show in your final presentations.

Q: How do you balance school with extracurricular activities? Don’t sacrifice your happiness and extracurriculars for academics, academics are always going to be there, make sure you make time for doing things you love too.


Seasoned Suggestions

‘Tis the season… for burning questions and student suggestions! We rounded up great minds from various grades for advice, and here's everything we gathered!

Grade 12's Advice What are the best tips you have for surviving DP? Don’t take it in a stressful manner, just put in the work you need to, the rest will follow. Memorize mark schemes, it’s been very helpful to do that. Take notes in class, if you pay attention, and take the notes you need to, half the battle is won. Just do practice questions. Past papers and question banks are your best resources. Put in as much time as you can afford to- especially in your weakest areas.

For extracurriculars, just do the ones you are truly passionate about. There's a big misconception that one should only do the ECs ‘colleges like’, but what they like most is sustained passion and growth in whichever EC you do. -Raghav

What’s the best resource that you found in your time in DP? Physics Wallah MSJ Chem IB Past Papers

Don’t be ashamed to stay back after school for extra help in your weak areas. -Vishal

How do you delegate time towards various subjects and ensure there’s a balance and that no subject is left neglected? Focus on your weakest points - make sure you’re putting in the most effort for subjects you’re weakest at, and set realistic goals for yourself in that subject. It’s also important to realise which sujects maybe do not require that much work from your side. Math consistency is the most important if you can do math for an hour everyday. Being in touch with the subjects is the most important even if your solving simple math questions. Everyday, just make sure your solving SOMETHING, and that you don’t loose touch with it.

Student Voice As I lay down to rest ~ Avika Sharma, Grade 6 As I lay down to rest, on my cosy and comfy bed, blinds closed but imagination open, hoping my dreams will come true someday. As I lay down to rest, I reflect on the day, like the mirror reflects me. I hear the songbird trilling with delight, as the moonlight shimmers upon it. I weep and say, Will I ever rise from the fall again? Will the lifting breeze lift me? Will I ever be able to say that I did enough?

11 As I wake up in the morning, past scars still dented, a strength so innocent and true, that lies deep inside of you, awakes you. Tells you that the day isn't over. Tells you that it isn't too late to make change, Tells you the answers to your questions. Tells you that you can always lift yourself up, the breeze doesn't have to. As I wake up in the morning, I realize my worth and pain, I realize that I am resilient. As I lay down to rest, a thought still shows light in my soul, as I look at the world with a new set of eyes. I redirect myself, tweak my goals, change for the better, to be a better version of myself, and to catch a vast sight of the world.

Waves in the Sea ~ Mysha Saraf, Grade 5 There are waves in the sea Where the problems rise, But they’re ever so small That’s why the solution's get a price. There are weeds in the fields Where the issues are hidden, But they’re ever so small That they are forbidden. There are holes in the sky Where the negative thoughts get in, But they’re ever so small That’s why the positives win!!


Sometimes, Running Slowly Can Help You Reach Your Destination Faster ~ Ira Singh Kapany, Grade 4 It surprises me, when at times, I notice people of all ages, living their lives as if they’re running on a treadmill. That too, set on a superfast speed, balancing many acts at once. Yet they do not seem to have any destination or goal at all. I often find myself wondering- Why? Why run aimlessly, instead of taking a small break? A pause? So that you can reflect, review & find your true purpose/objective. Take a step back, or even two, so you can make some time to realize. Realize that merely ‘doing more’ does not necessarily mean that you ‘achieve more’.

Student Stories There was a point in time in my own life where I used to pack multiple classes & activities into every single day. I used to think that ‘doing more’ was ‘learning more’. But it was really not. I felt like all I was doing was running fast, but to what end? Then one day, I took some time out & took a break. I reflected on the past few days and realized I would learn more if I did fewer things, but if I did those few things really well! All I needed to do was to add more commitment & thought into those few things that I had chosen. With time, this helped a lot & I was able to find more depth and excel. Here is a summary I would like to propose, to lead an efficient, uncluttered lifeEvery few months, take a small break, a breather Reflect Assess what your ‘true goals’ or your ‘objectives’ are Work towards only 2-3 objectives at once Try and master them before moving forward Sometimes, running slowly but ‘surely’ can actually help you reach your destination faster.

Exploring the World of Robotics ~ Ayaan Gupta, Grade 4 As an enthusiastic 9-year-old, I have embarked on an exciting journey into the world of robotics. My passion for engineering has driven me to engage in workshops and build my own drone. Through these hobbies and extracurriculars, I have not only gained new skills but also discovered a world of endless possibilities. Participating in robotics classes has provided me with a solid foundation in understanding the essentials of circuitry, sensors and mechanical design. The tiniest error in coding or mechanicals can have significant consequences. Patience and diligence have become my constant companions as I troubleshoot and refine my projects. Building my drone has been incredibly gratifying.

From learning to execution, it’s been very intellectually rewarding. I delved deeper into the intricacies of aerodynamics, electrical systems, and flight controls. My foray into robotics has sparked an interest in technology and engineering. It’s been an eye-opening experience. I am inspired to further broaden my horizons, eager to discover how robotics can shape our future. In conclusion, my involvement in robotics and the construction of my drone has been enriching. These hobbies nurtured my passion for robotics and ignited a desire to contribute to the dynamic world of technology.


Single Story - The Next Chapter ~ Navya Khandelwal, Grade 10 The Single Story, initially created by Noor Sabharwal (class of 2023), is a service project with the mission of imparting essential reading and English comprehension skills to underprivileged children. The project relies on hands-on assistance from dedicated volunteers who work to instill a love for reading for children in disadvantaged settings. Upon graduating from Neev, Noor passed the torch to Lujayn Fazal, who took on the leadership role. Accepting the position with excitement after Noor offered it to her, Lujayn was eager to make a positive impact on the students' lives. Starting the project with a mix of uncertainty and honour, Lujayn embarked on a new learning journey. Besides working closely with the students, she collaborates with the dedicated teachers at Parikrma. These educators became valuable sources of information and support, enabling her to establish strong and impactful networks. The relationship even extended to a personal invitation to celebrate Diwali with the teachers, where Lujayn and her team were acknowledged on stage by the founder. This experience left her humbled and filled with gratitude for the impact they were making. The journey taught Lujayn the power of empathy and patience. Recognizing that each student has a unique learning path, she emphasized the importance of understanding their individual needs. She shared a personal anecdote about Priya, a student who initially struggled with reading and lacked confidence. Through patience and encouragement, Lujayn witnessed Priya's gradual improvement and newfound enthusiasm for reading. This lesson became particularly crucial when faced with one of the biggest challenges: managing volunteers. Despite initial hesitation, sending out the volunteer form to the entire school community resulted in numerous responses. The passion and dedication of the volunteers boosted her confidence in steering the project in the right direction.

Be a part of the Abhyudaya Learning Channel


- Samitha Bhaskara, Grade 12 Abhyudaya is a chain of free learning centers that offer classes for underprivileged students after school. I have partnered with Abhyudaya to start a new initiative called the Abhyudaya learning channel. This channel allows Abhyudaya students to upload educational videos with support from me and a few teacher volunteers. The goal of this initiative is to improve the students' communication skills, conceptual understanding, and confidence. Due to increasing interest from students, more videos are being produced. The channel now requires additional editors and volunteers who can teach basic editing software to interested Abhyudaya students. The minimum requirement for an editor is proficiency in basic editing software like iMovie and Clipchamp. Some knowledge of spoken Kannada would be helpful but not necessary. For volunteers working with students, proficiency in Microsoft Clipchamp and spoken Kannada is required. Our channel would greatly benefit from volunteers, especially for uploading content regularly and on time. If you would like to support our channel, please email me ( to apply for either position.


Book Recommendations Fortunately, the Milk, Neil Gaiman ~ Tara Pramod, Grade 8 This goofy and humorous story will make you fall off your couch with laughter as you join a dad as he goes to the corner shop to get milk for his childrens’ breakfast and ends up having a very hilarious adventure with pirates, aliens, galactic police and a genius stegosaurus inventor. Neil Gaiman has talent in his jocose voice as he redirects your mood from grumpy and tired to happy, refreshed and relaxed. The dad in the story is very resilient and focused on the milk he’s carrying, and wants to get back to his children and their breakfast despite all the almost impossible to cross obstacles. Does he actually make it back? Read the book to find out! I liked this book because it was out of the box, funny and made me laugh. It made me feel like I am on a holiday. Neil’s writing is extraordinary as it brings alive weird and wonderful ideas, such as re-decorating aliens, time traveling balloons and umpires. Read this book to have your imagination extended, as “imagination can change the world”, says Gaiman.

The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown ~ Reyahn, Grade 8 The Da Vinci Code is a fictional crime thriller written by Dan Brown in 2003. All the events in the book take place within the span of 24 hours, making it a thrilling read. The story follows Harvard professor Robert Langdon, who is summoned to France to solve the murder of the old curator of the museum. To his surprise, the curator of the museum has left clues- clues which lead to the oldest secret of mankind. Langdon is in a rush to decipher these clues before another party can- a party that could destroy the world. While reading this book, I loved the pacing. There were plenty of plot twists, and it was a page-turner. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes thrillers, detective stories or adventure books.

Small Things Like These, Claire Keegan ~ Sitara Rishikesh, Grade 10 “During the weeks leading up to Christmas, Bill Furlong, faces his busiest season”. Set in 1985 Ireland, this short book follows Bill Furlong, a coal and timber merchant, as he makes his deliveries around a small town. Not only is this book an intimate reflection on childhood and how the past may find one again, but it also provides a glimpse into one of the longest kept secrets of Ireland’s Catholic Church. Shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 2022, this book is described as a “finely etched portrait of a society”, as Keegan deals with “the heart of darkness that was the Magdalen Laundry system”. Concisely yet elegantly written, ‘Small Things Like These’ is sure to be an interesting Christmas read.

Movie Recommendations


Skater Girl Rated 7+ ~ Ayaan Gupta, Grade 4 A powerful and inspiring coming-of-age film that beautifully explores the themes of resilience and redirection. Set in a village in Rajasthan, the movie follows the journey of Prerna, a young girl whose life takes a transformative turn when she discovers her passion for skateboarding. The story unfolds as Prerna encounters a skateboarding camp led by Jessica, a British-Indian skater, who introduces her to the world of skateboarding. Despite facing societal barriers and gender stereotypes, Prerna embraces the sport wholeheartedly, igniting a spark within her. The stunning cinematography and a heartfelt soundtrack create a captivating viewing experience. Celebrating resilience, redirection, and the power of following one's passion, “Skater Girl” teaches us that anyone, regardless of their background, can defy expectations and create their own path.

Born Free Rated 7+ ~ Parthavi Shekhawat, Grade 7 Recently I came across a heart warming British drama film from the 1960s, based on a true story - called “Born Free”. Born Free is the first of a 3 part film series all about a couple, Joy and George Adamson, and their marvelous adventures of raising “Elsa, the lioness” in Kenya, East Africa. The movie starts off by showing us Joy Adamson and her life in the jungle. We see that her husband, George Adamson, a senior game warden, has been sent to kill a man eating lion, along with his lioness. Soon enough they realize that due to the death of the two lions, 3 cubs have been orphaned. This progresses to George Adamson taking the cubs home to his wife and from there the both of them raise and care for the cubs until they can no longer be maintained in a household. Throughout the movie we see how the couple grew fond of the lionesses, gaining an emotional attachment to them, particularly with one named ‘Elsa’. Together they go through every stage of Elsa’s life, as a family. This movie was an emotional rollercoaster for me. From feeling sadness when the couple had to part with the cubs for their well-being, the emotional attachment that I developed for these cubs made it hard for me to watch them be separated from those who raised them. And finally feeling joy when the Adamson couple helped Elsa to be able to fend for herself and be free! This film was a remarkable watch in the 60s, and it still holds its magic today, making it a must watch even after so many years.



Across 1 - What Santa Says 4 - Symbol of Love 5 - White beared man in a red suit 8 - Where we write our greetings 10 - What we skate on? 12 - We put gifts under it 13 - Santa’s Little Helpers 14 - Vision you see when asleep 15 - They pull Santa’s Sleigh 17 - Entrance that Santa does not want to use 21 - Colour of Snow 23 - Tree Decorations Down 2 - “Happy _____________” 3 - Church Event 6 - Holiday we celebrate on December 25 7- Weather Condition 9 - Christmas Month 11 - People singing Christmas Songs 13 - Creamy Holiday Drink 16 - Red nosed reindeer 18 - Another word for Gifts 19 - ________ The Snowman! 20 - What we put on top of the Christmas Tree 22 - Mother of Jesus

~ Sruthi Brahmadesam, G4

~ Pranav Brahmadesam, G2

Chief Editor: Aida Sandy Sree, Grade 11 Supporting Editor: Ananya Malde, Grade 11 Books and Opinion Editor: Sitara Rishikesh, Grade 10 Design and Production Editor: Nihaal Singh Sehgal, Grade 9 Chief Reporter Senior School: Aditi Garg, Grade 10 Chief Reporter PYP: Myra Nigam, Grade 5

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