NECA News June 2022

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THE PERFECT REPORTING STANDARD AS/NZS 3019:2007 – Electrical Installation Periodic Verification, is an often overlooked standard, which can be extremely useful when undertaking regular or periodic testing, and writing reports. Documentation within the standard includes a certificate of periodic verification form and a schedule of test results, which are great resources for record keeping and handing over information.


AS/NZS 3019:2007 has a number of practical applications. ½ ½

It is useful where a regulated inspection certificate is not required, but may be used in conjunction with the documents mentioned above, as it provides more detail and acts as proof of work undertaken.

The standard provides an excellent log for electrical installation wiring and components that require regular preventative maintenance or periodic inspection, and can be left with the customer as a record of actions performed and items requiring further attention. It is perfect for rental properties and pre-sales inspections. In some states it is mandatory to complete an electrical inspection prior to sale or occupancy. Please check your state regulations for further information.

Following recent flood events, the nationally recognised standard has proven particularly helpful. It is able to act as an audit record for customers, providing a register of what part of the installation has been visually inspected, part tested or fully tested. It also shows which parts are ok for use and those areas that need attention prior to the re-energisation of their premises.


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