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Branch update
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Ben Shaw
NECA TAS Member Manager
Welcome to the June issue of neCA news. With 2022 now well and truly underway and the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, neCA members in Tasmania are busier than ever. I am truly amazed and inspired by our members’ commitment, resilience and willingness to support each other.
NECA 2022 Industry Nights
Once again, we’ve had great success with our Industry nights!
We kicked off our Industry night Series in March, visiting Launceston, Devonport and Hobart. With over 500 electrical contractors attending, what an incredible week it was!
Due to the valuable content delivered, Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (CBOS) qualified neCA’s 2022 Industry nights for four continuing professional development (CPD) points.
Over the three nights we heard about:
½ arc flash approach with Tasnetworks; ½ asbestos and saving lives through proper safety compliance with WorkSafe Tasmania; ½ fatalities within the industry with neCA WHS; ½ how your business can get better business support with neCA; and ½ the latest in product updates from neCA’s business partners. neCA member, Dion Frame from Contact Group said: “neCA’s Industry nights are not to be missed. The subject matter is relevant and informative. Whether you’re a large or small contractor, there is something for everyone at these events. At a time when CPD is becoming increasingly important, neCA membership has so much to offer. neCA makes it so easy to stay on top of your obligations.” Keep an eye out for more information on neCA Industry night dates and upcoming educational webinars for the latter half of 2022. We are in planning mode for an exciting new schedule that you won’t want to miss.
NECA member meeting
neCA recently held its first virtual members-only meeting. It was great to meet neCA members and discuss industry-related issues that affect their businesses. In the meeting, attendees were introduced to their State Member Manager, with discussion revolving around the support and resources available for members.
If you missed the meeting, you can watch the recording on our Technical Knowledge Base. We received such great feedback after the session, that this has inspired our team to continue hosting these quarterly meetings. Keep an eye on your inbox for your members-only invitation.
Enjoy great savings at this end of financial year with NECAs Toyota Fleet Discount
As we inch closer to another end of financial year (eOFY), now is the time to be thinking about your expenses, and what can be claimed as deductions in your tax return. Purchasing a motor vehicle solely for business purposes generally entitles you to claim a GST credit (refer to the Australian Taxation Office website for more information).
The weeks leading up to the eOFY are a great time to purchase new work vehicles. not only are dealers keen to move their stock to meet annual sales targets, but through neCA’s partnership with Toyota, members can save thousands on their Toyota vehicle purchases. If you are thinking of purchasing vehicles for your business, you are encouraged to contact neCA Member Services to find out how you can access this great discount.
New partnership with NECA and Level Group Australia
Level Group Australia is a rapidly expanding business network that provides tailored support to electrical contracting businesses. Their focus is on business growth via a model designed to help trade businesses achieve their goals. This partnership will enable Level Group members in QLD, nSW, ACT and TAS to join neCA members in accessing industry-specific specialist advice and resources across industrial relations, human resources, workplace health and safety, apprentice training, legal advice and a number of other benefits.
Todd Shipp, Operations Manager for neCA QLD, nSW, ACT and TAS said, “We see this as a collaborative relationship where both organisations can work together to maximise the benefits for electrical contractors.”
Level Group genuinely cares for their members in a way that fits nicely with neCA’s membership model. Their drive and enthusiasm will ensure this is a long-lasting partnership. Luke McCallum, Managing Director of Level Group Australia, said, “We have a very deliberate strategy to closely align with peak industry bodies such as neCA in the markets in which we operate. We see this partnership as a great opportunity for both organisations to support electrical contractors to tap into the strength and expertise of the industry, whilst enabling Level Group Australia to extend our service offering to members.”
Are you doing enough to protect your safety? Learn how you can get a free safety check!
Did you know that one in 1,500 electrotechnology contractors die every year? It’s the 10th deadliest profession in Australia. Our industry is the most heavily regulated in construction; however, at our recent Industry nights, I learned from discussions that many businesses are not fully compliant and are unprepared when an incident occurs. neCA’s WHS Team offers members a free annual safety check-up to help them improve their standards of workplace health and safety compliance. enquire with our Member Services Team for more information.
This revised Code of Practice took effect and replaced the 2019 version on 3 March 2022. The new Occupational Licensing (Supervision of Prescribed Work) Code of Practice (the Code) was drafted with input from industry associations to ensure it was contemporary, practical and suited to industry needs. This revision provides a better understanding of the processes and obligations of companies and supervisors. The Code’s key changes include: ½ the addition of an application section to help clarify the Code’s intent; ½ clarity of the supervisor’s obligations; ½ updated supervision responsibilities to reflect the appropriate management of supervision; ½ the addition of ‘broad’ supervision and improved descriptions of the supervision categories (direct, general and broad); ½ rework of the ratio of supervisors to supervised persons to improve clarity; ½ modified supervision tables to concentrate on the performance of prescribed work, improved layout and introduced ‘typical experience phases’ to replace ‘year of apprenticeship’; and ½ the addition of a general supervision process flowchart.
For more detailed information on the Code, visit the CBOS website.
For further clarification on applying the Code’s requirements in your business, connect with neCA’s technical experts. All members receive unlimited phone and email support from our technical team.
Do you need assistance with debt recovery?
I constantly receive phone enquiries from members asking for advice on recovering unpaid debts. I suggest that they spend their resources on chasing the debtors that are most likely to pay, before wasting resources on those that they’re unlikely to get any money from. neCA’s Legal Team advise that you should follow these three initial steps if you have not been paid: 1. Get your accounts department to contact the debtor by telephone. 2. Send emails to the debtor requiring payment. 3. Connect with a legal professional to send out a Letter of
Demand on your behalf.
Members who are having difficulty recovering monies owed should consider getting legal advice. neCA’s Legal Team are industry experts in making claims on clients’ behalf under the Security of Payments Act.
I encourage all neCA members who are in this situation, or who require legal assistance, to connect with our legal team. As a neCA member you receive unlimited phone and email support.
NECA Awards
nominations for the neCA Awards are now closed and judging is truly on its way. Thank you to all members who nominated their projects for this year’s awards – we wish you the best of luck.
The 2022 neCA Award winners will be announced on Saturday 2 July with a dinner held at the Crown Plaza Hobart. Tickets sales will open shortly, so keep an eye on your inbox for more details. I encourage all members to attend and support their industry colleagues.
Lastly, the neCA team is here to provide you and your business with resources and expert advice to help support your business growth. If you have questions regarding your neCA membership or require industry advice, please connect with neCA Member Services or myself.
We look forward to seeing you virtually at our next Member Meeting in June.