National Consumer Protection Week 2018

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Protect Yourself at Work

1. Understand what "reasonable" security practices means for your business. 2. Recognize how data breaches happen. 3. Protect personal information - both in physical form and electronic. 4. Properly dispose of what you don't need. 5. If you have employees, provide them with information security training.

Protect Yourself at Home

1. Be wary of scams. Know the warning signs. 2. Get your free annual credit at least once every four months. 3. Consider a security freeze, especially if you've been affected by a data breach. 4. Use a microcut shredder. 5. Keep your home computer secure and the software up-to-date.

Protect Yourself on the Go

1. Be aware of what applications on your device are tracking your location. 2. Use only secure wi-fi networks. 3. Password protect your connected devices. 4. Recognize and report card skimmers. 5. Don’t carry your social security card with you.

Protect Yourself at School

1. Ask the Consumer Protection Division to speak to your school or visit our website. 2. Think before you post. 3. Behave online as you would in person. 4. Use privacy settings & check what info an app collects - before downloading. 5. Password protect devices.

Protect Yourself Online

1. Talk to your kids about being online. 2. Be wary of online scams and suspicious emails. 3. Use only secure websites. Look for the lock. 4. Create strong passwords and change them often. 5. Know your rights as a parent under COPPA.

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