The Open Bible Bulletin - December 2023

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The Open Bible


Vol. 64 No. 12

December 2023

a publication of:

Focus By David Doherty

“A Gift of Infinite Value” Most gifts are well received and valued, but like other material things, they wear out and have to be discarded. However, Isaiah 9:6-7 reveals a Gift of infinitive value and which never wears out. It is, of course, a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is: 1. A Personal Gift Our text shows this Gift is the child that was born. Scripture teaches this Gift is “unto us” personally. The context here and Isaiah 42:6-7 reveal the universality of this Gift…to Jews and Gentiles. No one is excluded. We can only marvel at the kindness and wisdom of God in providing an undeserved Gift for those who were born as His enemies. 2. A Profound Gift This Gift is not only “a Child {that} is born,” but also a “Son {that} is given.” The Son was “the Son” before He became incarnate and was born to Mary in Bethlehem. From Hebrews 1:8 and Psalm 45:6, the Son is addressed as “O God” or in the Hebrew text, “O Elohim.” The Son is no one less than God. As an all-powerful God, the government will be upon His shoulder. He is given the name “Wonderful,” which is the same Hebrew word translated as “secret” in Judges 13:8 when the preincarnate Christ appeared to Manoah and his wife announcing the coming birth of Samson. The second name given to this Child, who is also the Son, is “Counsellor.” With infinite wisdom He has counselled, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Further, He is identified as “the Mighty God” (El Gibhor), who is none other than Jehovah God as Jeremiah 32:18 clearly reveals. He is also the “Everlasting Father” or Founder of eternality. Our Gift is the “Prince of Peace,” the only Source of true peace. 3. A Permanent Gift “Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end” (Isaiah 9:7). Following the revelation of Christ, the One who is our Gift will establish His kingdom “with judge-

ment and justice from henceforth even forever.” Such a Gift must never be regarded lightly or carelessly. Rather, He is to be honoured, worshipped, and served because we have come to know Him by personal faith in His substitutionary death on our behalf. May this Gift of infinite value be your Treasure today and always. We must consider that although our treasured Gift is personal, it was never intended to be kept to oneself. The efficacy of our Gift is sufficient to cover the sin of each person across our very needy world (I John 2:2). It is becoming of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ to make this “so great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3) known to those who have not yet received it. Perhaps today a family member, a friend, or a neighbour is in a particular need to receive God’s great Gift.

Ladies Of Grace Recap By Mikaela Craig

Another Ladies of Grace Conference has come and gone. We had the joy of hosting around 255 ladies in addition to our own staff and student body. I love when the campus is so alive! It’s always a blessing to hear hundreds of guests come together to sing praises to the Lord. The hymn “It Is Well” was a particular favourite amongst those gathered this year. Over the weekend we had the pleasure of hearing from Bonnie Gallant. She shared with us her testimony of a life in ministry with her husband, Allan. In recent years, after Allan suffered a major stroke and they journeyed together through mental illness, they founded Agora Ministries Network. Their purpose is to bring awareness to mental illness in the church and to equip the church in meeting the needs of those they encounter. We also had the privilege of hearing the testimony of Marcy Larabie. She shared the difficult things that the Lord led her, her husband, Matt, and young family through. Marcy also ministered to us through song. Our wonderful committee is already hard at work on the details of next year’s event and we cannot wait to see what God has in store for us on October 25-26, 2024! Save this date and join us as we welcome Paula Dunn Egel and her daughter, Emma Egel. Watch for more information coming in the days and months ahead!

Student Life By Austin Davis

Softball season serves as an incredible opportunity for staff and students to get to know each other outside of the classroom and for us all to start the year off with some lighthearted fellowship. Staff and students become better acquainted and get to learn a little more about one another.

President’s Challenge

The finals were played under the lights and it was a great night of fellowship and fun with many spectators. With all the students, staff, retired staff and some local families there in attendance, it made for a great atmosphere. Ultimately, the Leubner’s Legacy pulled out the victory, claiming their third Championship in three years.





Another great season of NBBI softball is in the books. After a slow start to the season due to rain delays, we were finally able to enjoy some great weather, fun, fellowship and friendly competition. During my years as a student here at the school, softball is always something I looked forward to. Since becoming a staff member, I was able to enjoy the season from a different perspective.

This season, despite lower student enrollment, we were still able to have four full teams, with the help of some staff’s local family members. Many of the games were close in score which made for a very exciting season that brought out a lot of fun competition. In the end, it was the Leubner’s Legacy and the Davis’ Delinquents in the Finals.

All in all, it was a great softball season where many friendships developed and memories were made. Though it was fun, we long to add more teams in years to come, inviting more future students to join in this exciting part of our school year.

By Matthew Little

“The Greatest Gift of All”

Some older gentlemen were sitting around exchanging their most memorable Christmas stories. Frank just sat there quietly but was finally prompted to contribute to the storytelling marathon. He reluctantly admitted to the men that his most memorable Christmas was one in which he didn’t even receive a present. He had grown up in New York during the Great Depression and his mother died when he was only 8. His father tried to look after the family, but work was scarce and food and clothes were in short supply. Although his father had very little, he did have a pocket watch that his wife had given him before she died. It was his prized possession. Frank said that all he wanted for Christmas was a chemistry set. They were all the rage with the kids his age. He and his father walked by a street merchant who was selling sets for two dollars each. Frank whined and complained to his dad, begging him to purchase a set for him. His father gently

said, “No,” reminding him they simply didn’t have the money. He looked at Frank and said, “We need to go home, but maybe we could come back another time and look at them.” The next day Frank’s father took him back to the street vendor that was selling the chemistry sets and told Frank to choose the one he liked. Frank was shocked at his father’s sudden change of heart but quickly began working on his selection. As his dad reached into his pocket to get the two dollars to pay for the set, a chain fell to the ground. It was the chain that used to hold his dad’s prized pocket watch. Frank grabbed his father’s arm and with tears streaming down his face yelled, “No, Dad, you don’t need to buy me anything. I know that you love me.” Frank said, “At that moment, no present in the world could replace the feeling I had that my dad loved me enough to give up his prized possession for me.” He walked home that day without the prized chemistry set but with a deep understanding of the love of a father for his son.

This encapsulates the love of God for us. God did not simply say that He loved us; He showed it. The greatest gift of all is to know that God loved you and me enough to send His precious and perfect Son on a mission of redemption. Jesus left the glories of heaven as the most prized possession of the Father and came to this earth to redeem us who were dead in our trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1). Christmas is the crowning proof that we have a loving and caring God.


Family File





Encounter Youth Retreat

Men For God

A. October 14, 2023 - Emily Skaling (Assoc ‘22) and Joseph Grant (Assoc ‘22) B. October 7, 2023 - Emma Faulkner (Assoc ‘22) to Austin Holmes C. August 18, 2023 - Austin Stevens and Philip Dow III (Assoc ‘19) D. September 16, 2023 - Sheridan Farrell and Jared Long (‘20/ABM ‘21)

Partner With Us Give Online: Give by e-transfer: For additional options: Call us toll-free at 1-800771-NBBI (6224) Give by mail: New Brunswick Bible Institute 2335 Route 103 Victoria Corner NB E7P 1C7 U.S. Donors: East Hodgdon Bible Church Attn: NBBI Fund PO Box 828 Houlton ME 04730-0828


February 23-25, 2024

January 26-27, 2024

May 13, 2023 - Gene Carson (husband of Doreen [Marney ‘ 65]) - Gene & Doreen were involved in ministry for 50 years - 25 at Kensington Community Church (associated with One Hope formerly CSSM); and were also involved with Christian & Missionary Alliance in Maine and Massachucetts. September 6, 2023 - Melanie Silliker (attended ‘75) - Though major health issues caused her to withdraw from NBBI in 1975, Melanie lived her life in ministry to others through her positive, upbeat outlook, amazing sense of humour and joy through singing or playing the piano for family and friends in the Miramichi area. September 15, 2023 - Robert “Paul” Heath (‘54) - As a young person, Paul felt called to become a minister. He graduated from NBBI and along with his wife, Donna (Peters attended ‘51’54) he touched many lives throughout his ministry in churches from Maine to New York and shared his love for Jesus all the way to his passing. September 18, 2023 - Randy Rickards (‘85) After graduation from NBBI, he pastored In Lincolnville, Maine, then went to military service in the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army and U.S. Army National Guard in Germany, Bosnia and Iraq.


Guest Speaker:


Guest Speaker:


Staff On The Road Chapel Speakers Mike Grant

December 3 – Seal Cove Baptist ChurchGrand Manan, NB

Dec 7: Wayne Callaghan Lindsay Baptist Church Dec. 8: Gary Long One Hope Canada

Intrested in applying? scan here for more info:

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