Natura Magazine Jan 2014

Page 116

Is stress really to blame for



by Malayka Viney

here’s a common misconception that breakouts are associated with clogged pores and an unhealthy lifestyle. While they play a major part in having clear beautiful skin, one of the biggest contributors for breakouts is STRESS! Stress won’t essentially cause a breakout, but it can contribute to making your previous skin disorders such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis flare up. It can also play a major part in how you care for your skin. When stressed,you may tend to touch your face excessively, pick at your skin, or completely lose track of your skin care regimen. We all have our days, but let’s learn the best tips and tricks to easily combat those hard to handle breakouts for a stress-free day of clear skin. Steps: Identify the trigger of stress What stresses you out the most? Is it work, school, relationship issues? Know what triggers your stress and try (although it may sometimes be impossible) to avoid it. Relax, meditate, and get some rest. The first step to avoiding stress is to find out what causes it. Eat well & Take vitamins You know what’s great for clear skin? Increase your fiber intake and eat dark green leafy vegetables. Vitamins A and C are great to combat wrinkles and discoloration. Learn the right products for YOUR skin Try a few products out. There are tons of products out there for those pesky pimples that pop up.

Natura’s top 3 favorite spot acne treatments are Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment $5.99, Neutrogena On-The-Spot Acne Treatment Cream $7.29, Burt’s Bees Natural Acne Solutions Spot Treatment Cream $12.99, Yes to Tomatoes Clear Skin Acne Roller Ball Spot Stick $9.99, derma e Very Clear Spot Treatment $8.74. They can be picked up at your local drug store. Stick to your regimen! No matter how stressful your days may get, stick to your regimen! Stay on track. The best way to avoid a breakout is to make sure your skin is prepared to attack the oil and dirt that your skin faces on a daily basis.


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