Natural Awakenings Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona, June 2024 Edition

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7 June 2024 Contents 10 Health Briefs 12 Global Briefs 13 Eco Tip 14 Feature Story 18 Conscious Eating 24 Green Living 26 Fit Body 29 Inspiration 30 Healing Ways 32 Healthy Kids 34 Natural Pet 36 Business Directory 38 Mark Your Calendar 39 Farmers Markets Departments Advertising To learn more about advertising, visit The deadline for ads is the 10th of the month prior to the next edition. Own Your Own Franchise Make a difference in your community. Become a Natural Awakenings Franchise owner. Visit: 14 18 24 32 13 Saving Our Oceans 14 Solving Mental Health Issues in Men 16 Dentures Versus Dental Implants 18 Prostate Protection 22 Stimulate Nature’s Healing Power with Injection Therapy After an Injury 24 Green-Home Design Tips 26 Building Quality Muscle 28 The Silent Enemy 29 Season of the Sacred Masculine 30 A Dose of Life Force 32 Secrets to Summer Success 34 Cannabidiol for Dogs


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Childhood Summers

When I read this month’s Healthy Kids article, on page 32, it gave me a strange feeling of sadness to think that we now have to perform analyses on how to let kids be kids. Have we really digressed that far from when I was young? I guess we have.

Back in the day, kids didn’t have the screen issues young people face now, except perhaps rickety old black and white TVs with rabbit ears that I, for one, mainly watched on Sunday nights—it was considered a treat! And things we took for granted—such as endless self-created outlets, mostly set in nature (which could be considered pretty much anywhere outside)—now appear to require studies, like it’s some new and foreign concept and not just part of growing up.

I think back to my childhood and the many hours spent with friends in one of our yards, in a close-by field or playing in the river. There were lots of kids on our street, and quite likely today we would be labeled with some kind of acronym because of our endless energy and unwillingness to be inside and stay still, even for dinner.

And talk about creative juices! When I was quite young, my friends and I would build jump courses in my front yard for our dogs. We would haul out all kinds of sticks, blocks and other paraphernalia to make an actual course of what we thought were beautiful jumps. It was kind of like an agility course, except that we had never heard of such a thing in the “formal” sense, and so this idea was completely our own creation. And of course, we jumped with our dogs to add to the fun—there was no sitting around for us!

We also loved to roam in the field at the end of our street. To us, it was the wilderness, with long grass and trees, and the deer, rabbits, birds and other critters who lived there. We’d spend hours stretching our creative minds in this little piece of nature, studying some insect, playing hide and seek, or just running wild, enjoying the freedom.

When I was a little older (still a young teenager), we’d head down to the river, which was close enough to walk to from our street. We’d bring our air mattresses and inner tubes, and the dogs of course, and spend the day floating down the river. We had to walk back up each time after floating down, which was lots of work, but we were always up for the task!

I have many fun stories about my childhood and the creative play that ensued every single day in some form or another. I’m sure that some of you reading can relate. Without the encumbrance of adults, we were able to play, create and form a bond with nature. I feel so extremely grateful I grew up at a time when I was free to have these experiences. They definitely helped me grow into an independent adult with a deep connection and appreciation for nature and a keen awareness of my place in it.

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New Recommendations for Concussion Treatment

The conventional treatment for concussions has been to rest in a dark room until symptoms go away. Research has consistently shown that strict rest is not beneficial and may significantly delay recovery, but the medical community has been slow to change its ways. Organizations like the Concussion Alliance are working to change that by educating patients and providers.

The Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport, a report prepared by an international panel of experts, recommends active rehabilitation. Immediately following a concussion, the report suggests continuing daily living activities, sleeping as needed and reducing screen time for 48 hours. Patients can return to light-intensity activity such as walking during the initial 24 to 48 hours following a concussion, provided the activity does not more-than-mildly exacerbate symptoms. After the first 48-hour period, the intensity of physical activity can be increased, so long as symptom exacerbation remains mild.

In a concussion, the brain jiggles and twists, causing the neurons—long, cordlike cells that transmit signals—to stretch and fray. During recovery, the brain reroutes signals around the damaged neurons. The healing process may result in exhaustion, headaches, feeling emotionally drained and having trouble performing simple tasks. Physical activity aids the healing process.

Familiar Smells Unlock Memories

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental disorder that affects an estimated 21 million adults in the United States, according to the National Institutes of Health. For some, MDD may severely interfere with or limit a person’s ability to carry out life activities. People with depression also have trouble accessing memories.

JAMA Network Open recently published a study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine involving 32 patients with MDD, which sought to evaluate whether the participants could be prompted to recall a specific personal memory when exposed to an odor or word cues. The researchers rated levels of arousal, vividness, repetition and recall response time based on those memory clues. Participants recalled more specific personal memories when cued with odors than with words. Odor-cued memories were more vivid and arousing than word-cued memories. The results could have implications for managing MDD and possibly reducing depressive symptoms.

10 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Health Briefs
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New Limits on ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the first-ever national drinking water standard to protect communities from exposure to toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly referred to as “forever chemicals”, which are used to make coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease and water. According to the EPA, “exposure to PFAS has been linked to deadly cancers, impacts to the liver and heart, and immune and developmental damage to infants and children.”

The rule is expected to reduce PFAS exposure for approximately 100 million people. Public water systems have three years to complete their initial testing for six PFAS categories, which will be paid for by a $1 billion dedicated federal fund. Where PFAS levels are found to exceed the new standards, public water systems must implement solutions within five years.

Being a Successful Couple

University of Washington clinical psychologists and love researchers Drs. John and Julie Gottman have interviewed more than 3,000 couples and studied more than 40,000 couples undergoing couples therapy to understand how to make relationships and love last. Most successful couples were able to “make repairs” when they said or did the wrong thing. A repair is not an apology, grand gesture or love declaration, but rather a chance to pause and ask a partner a mundane question like, “Do you want a cup of coffee?” The question implies that their partner still exists for them.

The Gottmans also discovered that to successfully resolve a conflict, there should be five positive interactions for every negative interaction. A positive interaction includes a smile, touch or simply saying “I understand”, whereas a negative interaction would be an insult or expression of blame. They warn against using phrases like, “You never” and “You always”. They recommend being more specific by saying, “I’d love it if we went on more dates,” instead of “You never plan dates anymore.”

11 June 2024
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Warming Climate May Change Forests

Trees have internal clocks that keep track of when to go dormant. Argentina’s National Scientific and Technical Research Council studied the effect of rising temperatures on lenga beech saplings, a deciduous tree native to the cool temperatures of the Andes Mountains. The researchers found that higher temperatures altered the genes that regulate the tree’s internal clock. These genetic oscillations resulted in smaller trees. Elsewhere, misaligned temperatures have caused other tree species to go into out-of-season dormancy. Researchers warn that future temperature increases could dramatically change the composition of forests in the Andean-Patagonian region and other vital areas around the world.

World’s Oldest Forest Discovered in England

Cambridge University scientists have discovered a fossil forest in southwest England featuring plants with a woody root system and “twiglets” that are estimated to be 390 million years old. Their discovery was published in the Journal of the Geological Society. This forest is 4 million years older than an ancient forest discovered in 2019 in an abandoned quarry in Cairo, New York, and precedes dinosaurs by 150 million years. The oldest trees appeared approximately 500 million years ago, but it was the advent of forests that reduced global CO2 levels to near-modern levels, while supplying the Earth with oxygen, thus paving the way for more complex life forms.

Making Concrete Green

Concrete is the second most used substance in the world after water, and it accounts for seven percent of global carbon emissions. That is roughly the same amount of CO2 produced by India. Large amounts of carbon dioxide are released when limestone and clay are super-heated to make cement, the glue that binds the sand and gravel together to produce concrete. This process is often powered by fossil fuels like gas and coal.

Driven by federal grants and state emission standards, a number of startup companies are developing technologies and techniques to produce cement with low or no CO2 emissions. Brimstone, for example, asserts that it can make cement from rocks that contain no carbon, while Partanna claims it can produce cement with less CO2. Eco Material Technologies sells coal and volcanic ash substitutes that reduce the amount of cement in concrete. Canadian startup CarbonCure Technologies has developed a process to pump the CO2 from the cement process back into the concrete. Many companies in the green cement business face challenges to make their products and processes cost-effective, and some have not yet built scalable factories. Nevertheless, cement makers have no choice but to continue to search for cheap ways to cut pollution.

12 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition
Global Briefs
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Saving Our Oceans

June 8 is World Ocean Day, a time to inspire action and celebrate the incredible splendor of the ocean and all of its wondrous life-forms. There is a growing movement that calls for the protection and management of 30 percent of the world’s lands, fresh waters and oceans by 2030. Scientists believe that this is the critical mass needed to stem biodiversity loss and climate change facing our planet.

Covering 71 percent of Earth, the global ocean is the largest ecosystem on the planet, performing vital regulatory functions that influence weather and climate systems, impacting even those living far inland. This invaluable life source is in a dire state due to the damage humans have inflicted and continue to impose.

Every year, 17.6 billion pounds of plastic pollution enter marine environments. As we spew growing levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the ocean absorbs about 30 percent of it, causing seawater to become more acidic, to the detriment of sea life. Fertilizer runoff causes coastal algae to bloom, diminishing the oxygen in the water and causing massive fish kills that impact the natural food chain. Overfishing has ravaged certain species. And as global warming heats the ocean, glaciers melt, sea levels rise and ocean acidification intensifies.

There is much we can do to protect the ocean and encourage the sustainable use of marine resources.

• Purchase organic food and support regenerative organic agriculture.

• Choose plastic-free products.

• Reuse and recycle whenever possible.

• Organize beach, riverbank and land cleanups.

• Avoid products that harm the ocean, such as cosmetics derived from shark cartilage or jewelry made of seashells.

• Use microfiber absorbers to wash synthetic clothing.

• Write to legislators, pressing them to support policies that protect the ocean and marine wildlife.

• Bike to work, turn the lights out when leaving a room and keep the thermostat low.

• Buy sustainably caught, wild seafood.

• Leave nothing behind after a day at the beach or a picnic on the bay, making sure to dispose of all garbage.

• Spread the word about ocean pollution and let others know how they can help.

• Support reform of fishery management, focusing on practices that conserve ecosystems, while also sustaining livelihoods and ensuring food security.

• Join an ocean conservation group to strive for change with like-minded people.

13 June 2024
Eco Tip
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Solving Mental Health Issues in Men

Finding Meaning in Turbulent Times

Many men struggle with mental health issues, often experiencing debilitating emotional turmoil, alone and in silence. Evidence of this suffering can be quantified in a number of ways.

An epidemic of “despair deaths” related to alcoholism, substance abuse and suicide is documented to be worse in men than women. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American males were almost four times more likely to commit suicide than women in 2021. The National Institutes of Health reports overdose mortality rates for opioids and stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine and cocaine are two to three times greater in men. While men use drugs at higher rates than women, this alone does not explain the gap in overdose deaths.

Loneliness has become such a widespread problem that the U.S. Surgeon General recently called it an epidemic and the World Health Organization noted, “The effect of social isolation and loneliness on mortality is comparable to that of other wellestablished risk factors such as smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.” A 2021 report by the Survey Center on American Life stated that since 1990, the number of men saying they have no close friends has jumped from 3 percent to 15 percent.

Men’s Health and the Pandemic

COVID-19 incurred invisible costs such as

increases in loneliness and mental health strain. Because men generally tend to spend less time and energy cultivating meaningful social relationships but still require structure to thrive, the pandemic was particularly destructive to them.

Roughly one out of three men in America under the age of 30 reported having no sex in the last year (a 30-year low), which is an obstacle to building meaningful relationships and families. Men have become not only socially disconnected, but also more vulnerable to following dangerous groups, influencers and others with extreme messaging. Men that fail to attach to partners, communities or careers may grow increasingly resentful and act out with volatility and unrest. An African proverb says, “The young men who do not feel the warmth of the tribe will burn down the village to feel it.”

Origins and Causes

According to Gabor Maté, a Canadian physician, author and speaker on addiction, stress and childhood development, “The issue is men’s value has been defined in a very narrow sense, and when the power is taken away from people, people have a loss of agency and loss of control, belonging, meaning and value. Men have become deprived of a sense of meaning and belonging, and that’s a function of the culture we live in.”

Possible Solutions

Men’s Mental Health Advocacy: Shame is the biggest barrier, preventing men from

seeking help and expressing vulnerability. We need to talk and stop shaming them.

Male-Specific Mental Health Treatment: Men communicate differently, so counseling must address unexamined feelings. Research shows that physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression, so sports activities that draw men together such as softball, surfing or martial arts can offer a win-win situation.

Emotional Communication Training: Men need to develop their emotional communication skills, such as how to express themselves and share feelings through language, vulnerability and emotional expression, to deepen relationships. Men can be strong and competitive while also being authentic, vulnerable and emotionally connected.

Maté advises, “Men need to accept their vulnerability and work it through, and not reject it or be ashamed of it. And to let go of, ‘I can’t be self-reflective; I have to be tough,’ and that takes a lot of help and support. Men who come back from war will heal by accepting their vulnerability and spending time in support groups. Another thing we should do is show respect for the courage of those men who choose to explore their vulnerability.”

Embracing Universal Masculinity and Femininity: We must realize there is masculinity and femininity in all of us. Neither masculinity nor femininity is the problem—hatred, oppression and inequality of

14 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Feature Story

opportunity are the problems, no matter the gender or ratio of masculine and feminine qualities within the individual.

Defining Healthy Masculinity: Masculine qualities are traditionally thought of as bravery, strength, courage, confidence, ambition, competitiveness, self-reliance and decisiveness. These standards are hard to live up to, so the question is how do we adapt healthy masculinity to be equipped with skills for success in changing times.

Offer Coaching Before Therapy: Because men may be more defensive, less open, less vulnerable and more disconnected from their feelings than women, many will respond to coaching over therapy, which can be a gateway to start thinking about deeper purpose and well-being. A personal development program geared specifically for men to build skills, share support and figure out how to excel in a changing world of technology and role-confusion may be helpful.

Encourage Inspiration and Purpose: Men need to find purpose by doing something meaningful that inspires them and makes them feel energized and appreciated. The more they feel helpless and stuck in survival mode, the more loneliness grows.

Psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo explains how a survival mentality doesn’t allow for meaningful and purposeful pursuit. “Perceived or real threats put you in survival mode, and when you’re in this mode, your limbic system takes over and you’re not thinking about purpose, connection or collaboration (things that can pull you out of this mode); you’re just trying to survive.”

Men’s health needs to become a movement that encourages males to be proud of their masculinity, but also add new skills in emotional communication and vulnerability to find purpose, improve their health and have the best chance for success in turbulent times.

Dr. Reef Karim is a humanistic psychiatrist and founder of Mad Genius and The Madness Movement. For more information, visit and

15 June 2024 1xpert from Getty Images/Deyan Georgiev/Canva Pro

Dentures Versus Dental Implants

Weighing the Pros and Cons

As we grow older, we find ourselves in need of replacing one or more missing teeth. If this is something you have been dealing with, you can speak with your dentist about including dentures or dental implants.

Choosing between these two options depends on a few factors, such as preference, the health of your jawbone and remaining teeth, and price. Dentures and implants each have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to discuss the different options with your dentist. They both basically serve the same purpose in that they help you chew tough foods, support facial

muscles, help improve speech, and can help increase self-esteem by giving you your smile back.

There are also some key differences, however. As a dentist specializing in implants, here are some of the pros and cons to consider before deciding which option is best for you.

Cost of dentures and implants

Implants will cost you more than getting a set of dentures. Though prices vary based on your location, the American Dental Association (ADA) reports that an implant can cost between $1,600 and $2,200 per tooth.

The cost of dentures is much lower. The ADA suggests the cost of a set of upper dentures or lower dentures to be on average around $1,600.

Procedure for dentures and implants

Implants require bone to place screwlike implants that are then capped with crowns. An implant is made by extracting a damaged root and drilling a hole into the jawbone. A metal root, called a post, is implanted into the bone. The top of the post is then fitted with a crown, but not until the bone has begun to heal around the post securing it in position.

It can take up to a few months before the implant is ready to be attached with the abutment, the piece of the implant that the crown is fitted on. The final step is fitting a crown, an artificial tooth, to match the teeth already in place.

The procedure for dentures is much less invasive. Most dentures can be fitted to your mouth regardless of bone density in your jaw. Dentures can be complete sets—upper and lower—or be made to replace only a few missing teeth.

The procedure for creating dentures begins by making an impression of the upper or lower jaw. Before creating the dentures, your dentist will also observe your bite and the alignment of your upper and lower jaws. This allows the dentist to ensure the length of the dentures will allow for proper chewing and help with speech.

16 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition
All-on-4 dental implants.

A first set of dentures are then made, which the dentist will use to see if any adjustments are needed. Lastly, a final set of dentures are created.

Maintaining dentures and implants

Dentures should not be worn overnight, and they need to be soaked in water or a cleaning solution during that time. You should remove dentures after meals and brush them. You may also need to brush off any adhesive that sticks to your gums after removing the dentures.

Implants are treated just like natural teeth. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing and having dental checkups every four months. Implants are very sensitive to plaque, so great oral hygiene is recommended and required. It helps prolong the investment the patient has made.

For overall maintenance of dentures, you will need to be refitted from time to time because as you age your bite will change.

Implants may require the replacement of crowns if they become chipped.

Complications from dentures and implants

Implants are usually safe and efficient in solving your teeth issues. However, some complications may arise, such as infections, cracked crowns or failed implants. Implant failures only occur in 5 to 10 percent of patients.

Common complications with dentures include becoming loose, not staying in place, and sores or ulcers forming on the gums.

Even though implants are more expensive, they can last up to 20 years, and more with maintenance and care. Dentures will often require adjustments and replacements over the years because jawbone resorbs when not stimulated by teeth or implants.

Look carefully at your options to replace your teeth and consider what you want in the long run when it comes to your abilities to chew, speak and smile. When making a decision between dentures and implants, keep

in mind there is a huge difference. Implants function like teeth, while dentures are just an appliance that helps you chew food— mostly soft food. And, unfortunately, dentures reduce the pleasure of tasting food. Implants are a bigger investment, but it is a matter of quality of life. Over the years, implants have become more affordable, and there are multiple companies that offer financing on unsecured debt. You deserve it; choose wisely. Consult your dentist, and if you are not satisfied get a second opinion.

Dr. Edward Harsini is the owner of Smile Dental Clinics and Phoenix Implant Clinic, in Phoenix. He graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Dental School in 1998. He is certified by UCLA Aesthetic Continuum, the 3M Imtec Mini Dental Implants and GRU/AAID Maxi-Course Implant Dentistry. For more information, call 602-385-8732 or visit See ad, page 9.


17 June 2024

Prostate Protection

A Look at Holistic Cancer-Prevention Strategies

Most men don’t usually think about their prostate until they face an exam or experience symptoms such as pain or difficulties while urinating. These symptoms may be attributed to a benign enlargement of the gland, usually in older men, or to the presence of cancer cells. This understated reproductive player, which can be stimulated for sexual pleasure, is responsible for regulating urine flow, secreting semen and converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) at puberty.

Prostatic cancer usually affects men over 65. African American and Caribbean men are at a higher risk. Although the American Cancer Society predicts almost 300,000 new cases this year, overhauling the diet and getting

regular exercise can make a difference. “It’s never too early to begin taking care of your prostate,” says Dennis Golden, a two-time cancer survivor and prostate-cancer coach from New Kent, Virginia.

Proactive Lifestyle Measures

“In terms of lifestyle, everything is accumulative. If you put in junk, your body doesn’t know what to do with it and stores all those chemicals that don’t belong there, and it all eventually catches up with you someday. Read labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it,” says Golden, who went back to basics when he faced his frightening cancer diagnosis.

According to Jon Lanman, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Bend, Oregon, “In

health care, we talk a lot about lifestyle change, and the reality is that lifestyle change is hard, and it takes time.” He advises tossing aside perfection and expecting slip-ups while committing to small changes that add up.

For Golden, eliminating restaurant food, excessive sodium and alcohol has been key. A fan of quick and easy meals, he relies on pan cooking for healthy, delicious fare with plenty of steamed veggies. “There’s no reason to grab a burger or to eat out when you can have a meal finished in 25 minutes. I veered away from beef and incorporated more chicken and fish like salmon and fresh trout,” he explains, adding that biking also made a difference. Now 81, he pedals 25 miles several times a week.

18 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Conscious Eating
Danijela Maksimovic/Shutterstock

Dietary Recommendations

Lanman notes, “There is no single miracle food, but I’d recommend limiting sugars and processed carbohydrates, as well as processed meats and red meats.” To amp up nutrients, he spotlights the Mediterranean and DASH diets that accentuate fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Lanman also recommends lycopene, a compound found in tomatoes, beets, radishes, cherries and pink grapefruit, which has shown promise in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) advocates cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, bok choy, kale and Brussels sprouts. Packed with the phytochemical glucoraphanin that targets cancer cells, broccoli is a heavy hitter, as well.

Recent research points to a number of nutritional guidelines. A 2021 study published in European Journal of Public Health noted that nitrites as food additives were positively associated with prostate cancer risk. A 2022 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition

also found a higher risk of the disease in those consuming red and processed meats.

In a 2022 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers reported a lower risk of aggressive forms of prostate cancer in men under 65 that followed a diet rich in plant-based foods. After tracking men in a study for six years, a team of Harvard University scientists found that selenium supplementation was linked to a 65 percent lower occurrence of advanced prostate cancer, but it was contraindicated for individuals with high systemic levels of the mineral. Additional studies are underway to determine suggested dosages, but the researchers of this study suggested “a healthful diet that will provide good amounts of the mineral.”

Rethink Alcohol

Both Lanman and Golden recommend eliminating alcohol altogether. While research on the correlation between alcohol consumption and prostate cancer is inconclusive, a 2022 meta-analysis published in

the journal Biomolecules suggests that alcohol intake and the development of prostatic cancer can create the perfect storm when poor diet, folate and fiber deficiencies, advanced age, race, smoking, obesity, genetics, stress and other factors are also present.

Mood Regulation

According to the PCF, extreme stress can have a cumulative effect on the body, allowing prostate cancer to take root and grow. This is because the stress response can activate certain hormones that make it easier for tumors to grow and spread, while also negatively impacting the immune system.

To relieve stress and learn better coping skills, PCF suggests adopting relaxation and meditation practices, counseling, group therapy and exercise. For Golden, better health is a mindset. He endorses journaling and having good expectations daily. “Focus on the positives,” he says.

Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to holistic living and getting back to basics.

19 June 2024

Cast Iron Mediterranean Chicken With Capers


4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts or thighs

1 28-oz can of organic, diced, fire-roasted


¼ cup capers (4 Tbsp)

¼ tsp Himalayan salt

1 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp dried basil

2 medium-sized, fresh garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced

1 Tbsp organic, extra virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 400°F. Place cast iron pan on a medium-high stove and sauté garlic until brown. Add chicken and pour fire-roasted tomatoes evenly over it. Add capers. Sprinkle salt, oregano and basil over chicken and tomatoes. Place uncovered cast iron pan into the oven for approximately 35 to 40 minutes or until chicken is tender. If desired, serve over garbanzo wheat-free pasta.

Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.

White Quinoa Salad With Blueberries


1¾ cups water

1 cup organic white quinoa

½ cup fresh or frozen organic blueberries

¼ cup finely chopped red or white onion

¼ cup finely chopped fresh Italian parsley

1 Tbsp aged balsamic vinegar

⅓ tsp Himalayan pink salt

Organic, extra virgin olive oil

Combine quinoa, water and salt in a medium pot. Bring to a boil; cover and reduce heat; and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove covered pot from heat and let sit for 10 minutes before removing lid and fluffing the grains with a fork.

Add vinegar, blueberries, parsley and onion; mix gently. Serve quinoa salad warm or cold with a drizzle of olive oil.

Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.

20 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Conscious Eating
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Cucumber Apple Salad With Cilantro


2 medium-sized cucumbers or 1 large English cucumber, sliced thin, peel optional

2 medium or large apples of choice, chopped into bite-sized pieces

¼ cup finely chopped fresh cilantro

½ lemon, juiced

½ lime, juiced

¼ tsp Himalayan salt

1 Tbsp organic, extra virgin olive oil

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Gently toss and serve immediately.

Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.

21 June 2024
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is to consider it a sacred time of reflection, release, restoration,
celebrating the Solstice
and renewal.

Stimulate Nature’s Healing Power with Injection Therapy After an Injury

Have you suffered from an injury from sports, repetitive motion, an accident, aging or an inflammatory illness? Did you know that injection therapy can help improve your health and quality of life?

Some common conditions that may be helped with injection therapy are knee pain, shoulder pain, back and neck pain, elbow and wrist pain, ankle pain, degenerative disc disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, facet joint syndrome, gout, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis, spinal stenosis and paresthesia. It can also improve immune function, increase energy and help with weight loss.

Believe it or not, the body has an innate ability to heal itself, especially when aided by immunity boosters such as herbal, homeopathic, mineral, plasma and vitamin injections.

Here are some of the available injection therapies:

B-12 Injections

One of the more commonly known intramuscular injections is a B-12 injection, known for increasing energy and better brain function.

MIC Injections

MIC (L-methionine, inositol, choline) is also referred to as the “fat burner,” as its lipotropic agents help to break down fat during metabolism in the body. Metabolism is the process by which the body changes food and drink into energy. A popular combination is vitamin B-complex and MIC. Together they can help your liver process fats efficiently, making weight loss easier and faster.

Traumeel Injections

Traumeel injections have been used in Europe for more than 60 years and are only recently available in America. These injections are widely used in sports medicine and are gaining popularity as an alternative medical procedure for treating joint and musculoskeletal conditions that cause

22 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition

painful inflammation. Traumeel injections are a safe homeopathic treatment with no side effects, unlike commonly used steroids or other pain medications often prescribed to relieve pain.

Zeel Injections

Zeel injections are another popular homeopathic medicine to promote joint health. Zeel treatment is commonly used for arthritis, osteoarthritis and/or rheumatic joint diseases, and for the relief of pain and joint stiffness.

The combination of both traumeel and zeel can be used for maintaining healthy joints. Results from traumeel and zeel injections normally last several months, and in some cases are effective enough to avoid surgery.

Ozone Injections

Ozone injection therapy is also used to help reduce inflammation, but it also stimulates wound healing and cleans up infections. Ozone is a natural gas that has profound healing properties that promote natural healing and injury repair. Ozone is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms (O3). When ozone comes in contact with body fluids, the reaction forms more proteins and red blood cells, increasing oxygen supply to the body.

Ozone injections can be used alone or in combination with other therapies, like traumeel injections. Oxygen is key to life and flows through every cell in our body so we can function, stay healthy and keep moving.

Prolozone Injections

body, creating growth factors (platelet-derived growth factors) that stimulate the rejuvenation and healing of collagen. As the collagen matures, it begins to shrink, causing the tightening and strengthening of the damaged area.

Prolotherapy Injections

Prolotherapy can use 50 percent sugar water and other substances, such as the person’s own plasma. There are different opinions on this, as sugar water may not be the better option when so many other injection therapies exist.

All injection therapies mentioned here are regenerative and can cause mild inflammation that then triggers a healing response. The injections chosen will depend on your condition and how the symptoms affect your life. Some patients might get results right away from one injection and others may need several treatments before experiencing a reduction in pain.

David Garcia is a licensed acupuncturist who practices at Natural Medicine & Detox, located at 2701 N. 7th St., in Phoenix. He is currently pursuing a doctorate degree at Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture (PIHMA). For more information or a consultation, call 602-3070888 or visit See ad, page 10.


Prolozone is a technique that combines other substances and ozone. Various combinations can be used together with the ozone: procaine (anesthetics), anti-inflammatory medications, homeopathic, vitamins, minerals or plasma. Prolozone treatment may cause side effects with certain medications. Thus, it is important to know what substances the practitioner is combining with ozone.

PRP Injections

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections stimulate new growth at a cellular level. PRP contains the patient’s own blood, which the doctor then spins in a centrifuge. This plasma is injected back into the

23 June 2024

Green-Home Design Tips

Healthy Options for a Sustainable Sanctuary

Americans spend about 90 percent of their lives indoors, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Building and remodeling our homes to be ecofriendly, non-toxic and environmentally safe is more important than ever. Here are a few considerations.

Eco-Safe Planning

Previous industrial activity, legal and illegal dumping of waste material, and even past farming that relied on pesticides, herbicides and fungicides need to be identified before selecting a building site. Developers also need to look at surrounding properties to evaluate the sources of groundwater and locate hazards like electric substations, high-tension power lines and cellular towers. Naturally occurring toxins such as radon should also be considered before developing a site.

Ambient Quality

Homes must be as airtight as possible to ensure efficient temperature regulation, prevent pests, keep out pollutants and withstand varying weather conditions, while also having breathable systems and allowing for proper ventilation. This is achieved by incorporating passive airflow through vents and windows, as well as active systems like air-handling systems that draw in filtered, fresh air and circulate it throughout the home.

Natural building materials such as wood, bamboo, clay, concrete and earth are breathable and produce negative ions that are found in outdoor environments like oceans, forests and waterfalls. A research review in Environmental Science and Pollution Research found that exposure to negative air ions may have a positive effect on amino acid metabolism, which manifests as reduced inflammation and anti-oxidation. Further, an International Journal of Molecular Sciences article noted that negative air ions are widely used in air cleaning and may relieve dust and mold spore allergies. Good ventilation assists in clearing out positively charged ions.

Toxic mold is a common issue in homes. It is essential to inspect and test for mold during construction and before installing insulation and closing walls. To minimize the likelihood of mold growth, ensure adequate ventilation and properly install equipment, such as air conditioning units, which may contribute to condensation.

Acoustic protection from noise and vibration adds to the overall quality of living spaces. Thoughtful building practices incorporate materials that help block, absorb, mitigate or

24 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Green Living

reduce noise and vibration. These include soundproofing, insulated walls, low emissivity (Low-E) dual-glazed windows, and plaster- and clay-based paint systems.

Environmental Responsibility

Locally sourced materials like clay, limebased mortars and natural stone reduce a home’s carbon footprint by minimizing the need for extensive transportation. Avoid engineered wood, plastic, spray foams, metal, glues and adhesives that contain polymers and formaldehyde, which off-gas toxic chemicals. Some concrete fly ash contains naturally occurring uranium and thorium that have the potential to release radiation.

Incorporate energy-smart technology and appliances, and utilize renewable energy sources like solar power and geothermal climate systems. Select sustainably harvested timber, recycled steel, and products and appliances certified by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Choose materials and appliances with lower environmental life-cycle costs, prioritizing options that are environmentally friendly in their production and have minimal negative effects when reaching the end of their useful life.

Green homes include water-saving technologies such as rainwater harvesting systems and low-flow toilets and showerheads.

They also include water purification systems to reduce the occupant’s exposure to lead, heavy metals, chlorine, and other chemicals and pollutants.

Electrical Systems

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are invisible areas of energy associated with the use of electrical power, as well as natural and manmade types of light. EMF exposure can originate from electrical fields generated by wiring, radio frequencies from cellular and wireless devices, and micro-electrical surge pollution from transformers, motors, power supplies or solar equipment. The International Agency for Research on Cancer evaluated cancer risks from radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and classified it as a possible human carcinogen. A paper in Environmental Research concluded that “there is substantial scientific evidence that RFR causes cancer, endocrinological, neurological and other adverse health effects.” Accounting for these factors in a green build identifies areas to address for mitigation.

Prioritizing natural light and using colors in harmony with nature not only promote sustainability, but also create aesthetically pleasing spaces. Low-E windows allow natural light to enter the home while deflecting harmful ultraviolet rays and infrared light, reducing energy bills and blocking radio frequencies.

Home lighting considerations include light spectrums and intensities, color frequencies and placement decisions, all of which can affect our circadian rhythm and reduce EMF exposure. Newer indoor fixtures mimic the sun by automatically changing color, intensity and frequency throughout the day and night to support our natural body clock.

In a green home, the electrical panel and high-EMF-emitting appliances like the refrigerator are not placed against bedroom walls. Wires are run in single, continuous circuits, without junctions and extensions, to reduce the system’s EMF profile. Internet connections for computers, printers, televisions and game systems are hardwired, which also increase connectivity and speed. A green home’s phone is a landline that improves call clarity and reduces RFR exposure.

Brian Johnson is the CEO of SENERGY360, where he is a certified building biologist and general contractor working to bring optimized living solutions and approaches to modern living, creating efficient and sustainable home environments. Check out his monthly “Healthy Homes Show” at

To read a longer version of this story, visit

25 June 2024 Boy Wirat from Getty Images/Fabián Montaño from Fabian Montaño/ CanvaPro

Building Quality Muscle

How Diet and Resistance Training Can Help

Muscles act like metabolic Spanx, holding everything in the body tighter, supporting joints to prevent injuries, keeping bones strong and helping the immune system remain resilient to infection. Skeletal muscle acts as an endocrine-producing organ, supporting a healthy metabolism and balancing hormones. Strong, healthy muscles help us feel better, move more easily and live more powerfully.

Once someone crosses the threshold into their 40s, there is a natural decline in muscle mass and strength, known as sarcopenia. Adults can lose 3 to 8 percent of muscle mass per decade after turning 30, with losses accelerating after 60. Preventing this decline and supporting quality muscle is key.

“Muscle can be stimulated largely in two ways: first, through dietary protein, and second, through resistance,” explains Gabrielle Lyon, a board-certified family physician and author of Forever Strong.

Optimal Protein Consumption

The building blocks of protein fall into two categories: essential amino acids, which are necessary nutrients that the body cannot make on its own and must be acquired through dietary intake; and non-essential amino acids, which can be synthesized by the body from carbohydrates and other dietary sources. To promote muscle recovery and development, it is important to consume protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in optimal amounts throughout the day.

More than half of older adults are not getting enough protein, and sarcopenia may increase their need for it. To offset age-related decline, every meal should contain a minimum of 30 grams of protein. Active people, including those that do resistance training, should target one gram of protein per pound of their ideal body weight daily.

The best animal proteins that offer all nine essential amino acids in the right balance include pasture-raised poultry and eggs, wild-caught seafood and grass-fed beef. Plant proteins often lack one or more crucial amino acid, so vegans or vegetarians should eat a minimum of 40 grams of protein per meal to reach an adequate intake.

26 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Fit Body
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Breaking an overnight fast with a protein-packed breakfast jumpstarts metabolism and provides more sustained energy during the day, fueling morning activities and preventing mid-morning crashes. A protein-rich dinner supports muscle recovery and helps the body rebuild during sleep.

Benefits of Resistance Training

“The most important type of exercise is resistance training as you get older, because you need to build muscle," says Mark Hyman, a functional-medicine doctor whose latest book, Young Forever, explores the secrets to longevity. “Without muscle, you become frail and dysfunctional.” Building muscle can improve the capacity for everyday activities, diminish the likelihood of chronic illnesses and decrease the risk of falls and frailty. Resistance training also improves bone density, metabolic health and overall quality of life.

Resistance-Training Tips

• Target multiple muscle groups simultaneously with compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows and overhead presses.

• Focus on lifting the maximum weight manageable while maintaining proper form to avoid injury.

• Gradually increase the resistance or intensity of exercises over time to continually challenge the muscles.

• Aim for two to four weekly resistance-training sessions. Consistency and patience are the foundations for lasting strength and muscle-tone improvements.

• Engage all key muscle groups. For the upper body, try bench presses, overhead presses, dumbbell chest presses, pushups, pullups, bent-over rows, seated rows and lat pulldowns. To work the hips and thighs, try squats, lunges, deadlifts and step-ups. For core strength, consider planks, Russian twists and bicycle crunches.

• Perform two to four exercises for each muscle group, doing two to four sets for each exercise. Between sets, take 90- to 120-second rest breaks. Aim for eight to 15 repetitions per set.

Rest and Recovery

To prevent injuries or burnout, rest is crucial, allowing muscles to repair and rebuild. Give each muscle group 48 to 72 hours before targeting it again. It is normal to feel sore after a workout, but be mindful of the difference between soreness and pain. Soreness feels like mild, diffuse discomfort or stiffness and is a normal response to unfamiliar or intense exercise. Sharp, intense or persistent pain, particularly around a joint, indicates potential injury or overstrain.

On rest days, incorporate low-intensity, active-recovery activities like walking, yoga or swimming; try foam rolling, stretching and mobility exercises to improve flexibility and circulation; and consider meditation for mental-health benefits. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep, which promotes tissue repair and growth-hormone release.

Monitoring Progress

• To optimize strategies and identify areas for improvement, regularly measure the circumference of the biceps, chest, thighs, waist and hips.

• Keep track of the amount of weight, repetitions, sets and intensity of every exercise session.

• Track muscle mass and body-fat shifts with a body-composition scale and take consistent photos from various angles to document muscle definition and physique evolution.

Staying the Course

• Adjustments to diet and training programs may be necessary based on changing goals or feedback from tracking methods.

• If progress stalls, adjust training variables such as workout intensity or frequency.

• Use fluctuations in muscle mass or body fat to refine protein intake or overall macro-nutrient ratios.

JJ Virgin is a certified nutrition specialist, certified fitness instructor and bestselling author of The Virgin Diet, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet and their companion cookbooks. Learn more at

27 June 2024
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The Silent Enemy

Poor Sleep’s Impact on Men’s Health

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, sleep often takes a backseat. Yet, its importance cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to men’s health. Beyond feeling groggy and irritable, poor sleep can have profound effects on various bodily functions, including those intimately linked to men’s well-being, such as unwanted weight gain, high blood pressure and erectile function.

Nitric oxide (NO) plays a crucial role in men’s health, particularly concerning cardiovascular and sexual health. It acts as a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes blood vessels, promoting healthy blood flow. The dilation of the capillaries (our smallest blood vessels) means blood can get to the proper

tissues. Just as importantly, NO also facilitates the release of oxygen from the red blood cells into our cells.

In the context of sexual health, NO is essential for achieving and maintaining erections. Research has shown that inadequate NO production is a contributing factor to erectile dysfunction, a common condition affecting men worldwide. It is in fact, nature’s Viagra.

One significant factor influencing NO levels is sleep quality. Several studies have demonstrated a clear link between poor sleep and reduced NO production. During sleep, especially during the rapid eye movement

stage, the body undergoes various processes crucial for overall health, including NO synthesis. Disrupting this process with inadequate or fragmented sleep can lead to diminished NO levels.

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men with obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by breathing interruptions during sleep, exhibited significantly lower levels of NO compared to healthy individuals.

But how exactly does poor sleep sabotage NO levels? One mechanism involves the dysregulation of sympathetic (fightor-flight) nervous system activity. Sleep

28 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition liudmilachernetska/

deprivation or fragmentation can lead to increased sympathetic nervous system activity, which, in turn, inhibits NO synthesis. If you snore, things are even worse, since proper nasal breathing also contributes to healthy NO levels.

Addressing poor sleep habits is essential for safeguarding men’s health. Implementing lifestyle changes to promote better sleep hygiene can yield tangible benefits. These may include establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and minimizing exposure to sleep-disrupting stimuli such as electronic devices before bedtime.

While continuous positive airway pressure therapy is considered the gold standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, it is generally only recommended once the problem gets severe. Fortunately, easily tolerated oral appliance therapies are now available that can treat the actual root cause of breathing and sleeping problems.

The relationship between poor sleep and NO levels underscores the interconnectedness of sleep and men’s health. Prioritizing adequate, restorative sleep is not merely a matter of feeling refreshed; it is critical in maintaining optimal health. By recognizing the importance of sleep and taking proactive steps to improve sleep quality, men can empower themselves to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Dr. Ingo Mahn is a 1985 graduate of Marquette University School of Dentistry. He is an accredited member of the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) and earned a doctorate in integrative medicine from Capital University, in Georgetown. He is the founder of Natural Dental Partners (602-775-5120), a health-centered dental practice in North Scottsdale. Visit or for more information. See ad, pages 3 and 19.


Season of the Sacred Masculine

As we approach midsummer and listen closely, an ancient song can be heard within the verdant heart of the season. The sun is at its peak, working in cosmic collaboration with our fertile Earth, and we find ourselves deep in sustenance with abundant crops and gardens, longshadowed afternoons and carefree barefoot hours. Our ancient ancestors held lavish celebrations on the summer solstice that included greeting the sunrise and lighting bonfires after dark.

During this sun-dappled hour, it is easy to evoke the leafy-crowned magic of the Green Man mythos and honor the concept of the sacred masculine. The activating principle of yang within the feminine receptive yin, the divine masculine runs through many cultures—from the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva embodying cosmic creation, preservation and destruction to the

Aboriginal Rainbow Serpent, the powerful, symbolic essence of creation, transformation and renewal.

The sacred masculine can also be glimpsed in our everyday heroes—the men in our lives. Whenever a father passes on the legacy of compassion to his children, protects his own or creates something from nothing, he is mirroring this multicultural, timeless energy. In its purity, the animating masculine force is free of aggression, capable of deep creativity and resplendent with the spark of new ideas. He is a passionate and gentle lover, a strong guardian and an inspired innovator. Saint Francis of Assisi, the Italian Catholic friar, mystic and poet, embodied the sacred masculine, seeing God in the human flesh of our neighbors. His timeless Canticle of the Sun acknowledged the life force and consciousness of the heavenly bodies, the animals and the elements— earth, air, fire and water.

Like the divine feminine, the sacred masculine is, in essence, an archetype that exists in all people, regardless of gender. Taking positive, humble action when needed, healing our father wounds, tapping into the fire of our innate creativity and uniting logic with intuition are all ways to awaken this vital energy that is sorely needed in the world today.

Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and composer. Connect at

29 June 2024

A Dose of Life Force

The Ins and Outs of Intravenous Therapies

The human body can thrive when it receives and absorbs a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, but due to an inadequate diet and compromised digestive system, the nutrients in food and oral supplements do not always hit their mark. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health recommends 13 organic vitamins and 16 inorganic minerals for optimum health, but many of the water-soluble, vital substances such as vitamin C and the Bcomplex vitamins may not get absorbed by the body and wash out in urine.

This is where intravenous nutrient therapies (IVNT) can fill in the metabolic gaps. Pioneered by the late Dr. John Myers in the 1970s, IVNT puts nutrition directly into the body, bypassing the digestive process to replenish vital elements. “As individuals age or take medications, absorption rates can decrease to as low as 3 to 5 percent,” says Dr. Mitchell Ghen, a clinician, researcher

and author specializing in intravenous (IV) nutrition and psychoneuroimmunology in Boca Raton, Florida. “Intravenous nutrition offers a solution by ensuring 100 percent absorption of essential nutrients.”

IV Treatments

Beyond celebrity hype, claims of hangover cures and availability at trendy gyms, IV therapy is on the rise at health facilities. A study published in Frontiers in Oncology in 2014 showed that intravenous vitamin C treatments minimize chemotherapy-related fatigue and other symptoms in cancer patients and improve quality of life.

IV vitamin therapy might offer improvement for individuals with nutrient deficiencies. “Anyone who has malabsorption issues will greatly benefit from IV nutrient therapy. Those issues may be caused by bariatric surgery, gut resections with reattachment or diverting colostomy, chronic pancreatitis,

infections such as tropical sprue, parasites, tapeworm, or genetic diseases like celiac,” states Jeffrey Weiss, an internal medicine doctor, naturopath and medical director of the Infusion Center of New Jersey.

According to Weiss, cardiac chelation shows promise for cardiovascular disease. “Intravenous di-sodium EDTA [ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid] acts as a magnet for plaque, grabbing onto it and flushing it out via the urine. I see incredible results from cardiac chelation for heavy metal detox, atherosclerosis and even critical valvular (mitral and aortic) stenosism,” he explains.

For allergy sufferers, IVNT can be an alternative to over-the-counter fixes. “Seasonal allergies manifest with elevated histamine levels. Intravenous nutritional intervention, including combining highdose vitamin C, zinc and B vitamins with oral nutrients such as quercetin, vitamin

30 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Healing Ways
217-504-6468 bwell@ A fun, easy to read and fully understandable reference guide, in how your body works and the many influences upon your body that ultimately determines your mental and physical health. Learn how you can be healthy and pain free by using BioResonance technology that recharges your cells, by supplying them with the frequencies they already run on. Order your copy today s t o r e b o o k b a b y c o m CALENDAR Check out the latest events at

D3 and curcumin, can effectively alleviate these symptoms,” explains Ghen. For asthmatic patients experiencing broncho-spasms triggered by allergies, he adds, “Intravenous doses of magnesium sulfate can provide relief by relaxing the smooth muscle, therefore improving respiratory symptoms.”

Key Nutrients and Safety

For Ghen, optimal management of serious chronic diseases necessitates a broad approach. “Many of the disorders we encounter stem from underlying processes such as metabolic disturbances, infections, inflammation and oxidative stress,” he emphasizes. “While a multitude of nutrients can contribute to mitigating these disease processes, several components often stand out: vitamin C, valued for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; B vitamins; magnesium; and the number one intracellular antioxidant, glutathione.”

Weiss also spotlights glutathione as a powerful antioxidant and chelator that binds to heavy metals, mold, organic pollutants and environmental toxins, noting, “Fibromyalgia has a strong environmental etiology, with all my patients testing for some form of heavy metal or other toxicity.”

Ghen suggests pacing IV doses, tailoring treatments and conducting follow-up analysis. “As an educator who has trained over 3,800 physicians in the use of intravenous nutrition, I always emphasize safety. A well-trained intravenous healthcare practitioner adheres to a maximum infusion rate of 4 milliliters per minute,” elaborates Ghen. Before initiating IV therapy, he demands a comprehensive blood workup, and before each IV vitamin session, he requires an assessment of vital signs and urinalysis.

Caution should be exercised, especially with conditions like kidney disease, when high-dose vitamin C administration may exacerbate kidney failure. As for individuals with certain needs or that are on certain medications, Ghen clarifies, “Contraindications related to intravenous nutrition are primarily dosage-dependent rather than inherent to the natural components.” Vitamin C, commonly used as a base in intravenous mixtures, can pose challenges due to its high salt content. For patients with salt sensitivity or heart failure, Ghen points out that the typical doses may be contraindicated, but smaller doses remain an option.

To find a reputable IV treatment facility, visit

Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to holistic living.

31 June 2024
peakSTOCK from Getty Images/ditsangthonsuk/CanvaPro

Secrets to Summer Success

Giving Youngsters the Vacation They Need

For elementary school-aged kids, summer represents the promise of no homework and a whole lot of fun, but parents may be less enthusiastic. Figuring out how to keep children entertained, active and engaged while juggling work and household responsibilities, vacation schedules or camp sign-ups can be a little daunting.

Here are some suggestions for the best summer ever—one that combines playtime, nature encounters and fun with chores, rest and time to daydream. This

holistic approach encourages a balance of physical, emotional and creative development so that children can enjoy a sense of spaciousness and possibility during the summer, feeling refreshed and ready for school when it resumes.

Jumping Joy

Summer can be a perfect time to boost connection without having to plan something extra-special like a trip or a fancy outing, says Caroline Griswold, a parenting coach and founder of Fertile Ground

Parenting. She notes that kids are better able to appreciate parental attention and care when they see that their mom or dad is present and relaxed.

One way to promote free-flowing connection is by being playful or acting goofy with children, Griswold suggests. Such carefree playfulness sends a strong message that all is well, and that we find our kids irresistibly delightful. If our goofiness makes the kids laugh, even better, because laughter can help residual tensions of the school year float

32 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Healthy Kids
Robert Kneschke/CanvaPro

away, making kids emotionally and mentally available for summer relaxation and fun.

“Play more music, especially if it makes everyone want to dance,” Griswold remarks. “When you dance, get goofy! If your kids laugh at you or roll their eyes, you’re on the right track. Our kids love to see us feeling relaxed and silly and might just join in.” Playing silly games is another winning option. Griswold recommends what she calls the “sock fight”, where family members put on socks and sit in a circle with their legs facing inward. The object of the game is to try to remove the socks off everyone else. “Hilarity ensues,” she promises.

Relishing Rest

It is important to encourage kids to take a break from the constant stimulation of screens and social media. This will help them recharge and reduce stress. “Unstructured playtime is crucial for children to develop creativity and problem-solving skills,” says Dr. Michael Rich, associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and director of the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital. Such free time enables kids to explore their interests at their own pace.

“Mom, I’m bored,” are not words we often welcome, but there is an increased

opportunity for creativity that arises out of boredom, according to a 2014 UK study at the University of Central Lancashire. Allowing a little of it for our kids can make them more open to discovery and inspiration.

Craving Creativity

Activities that provide an outlet for selfexpression, physical experience and emotional release while also advancing a child’s intellect can support harmony and balance in our children, says Joseph Cooney, a family doctor at Berkshire Center for Whole Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Motor skill mastery and practicing dexterity through artistry and creativity is highly beneficial for the intellectual unfolding of children, nurturing their whole body and mind, he explains. Examples include playing with blocks, building structures, drawing, painting or fiddling with magnets.

Nurturing Nature

Getting outside is a must for summering kids. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “There is increasing evidence that outdoor play environments containing natural elements may offer health benefits that come specifically from engaging in the natural world. Recent studies have demonstrated that a broad range of outcomes are related to access to, and contact with, nature, including increased physical activity,

reduced obesity, decreased stress and improved mental health.”

A study published in Journal of Attention Disorders reported that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were able to concentrate better after taking a 20-minute walk in the park. Integrating outdoor activities like hiking or swimming can provide a refreshing break from indoor routines. For an even more immersive experience, outdoor treasure hunts or building a fairy-house with items found in nature can transform natural settings into playgrounds of make-believe and connect kids to the wondrous life forms they encounter.

Making Magic

By embracing a holistic approach, we can provide children with a summer experience that not only entertains, but also nurtures their physical, emotional and mental well-being. The secret to summer magic is to boost nonsensical energy at home, encourage unstructured playtime, integrate outdoor activities, foster creative endeavors and remember to allow for plenty of leisure.

Thais Harris is a holistic nutritionist, bestselling author and international speaker, helping women and families nourish themselves into a more fulfilling life through holistic nutrition, mindful lifestyle practices and functional-medicine strategies.

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33 June 2024
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Cannabidiol for Dogs

Tips for Successful CBD Treatments

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a standout compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it will not get a pet “high”, but it has caught the attention of dog owners worldwide for its health benefits. With more than 100 cannabinoids interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to regulate everything from mood to inflammation, it is no wonder that CBD supplements for pets are on the rise. But as popularity grows, so do questions and concerns.

CBD Safety

Research suggests that CBD is generally safe for dogs when used responsibly. A 2022 study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science determined that a daily dose of 4 milligrams (mg) of CBD per kilogram of body weight was well-tolerated in clinically healthy dogs for six months. Another study published in the same journal two years earlier tested the tolerability of three cannabis oil formulations containing CBD, THC or a combination of CBD and THC versus a placebo. The researchers found that dogs

tolerated escalating doses of 18.3 to 640.5 mg of CBD oil well, concluding that a CBD-predominant oil formulation was safer for dogs than formulas containing higher concentrations of THC.

Choosing the Right Product

Angela Ardolino, founder of CBD Dog Health, highlights the benefits of fullspectrum hemp extract, which, unlike CBD isolates, incorporates a broad array of cannabinoids, including CBD and even THC in trace amounts up to the legal threshold of 0.03 percent. She recommends choosing organic, U.S. hemp-derived products to guarantee purity and legal compliance; CO2 extraction for a high-quality, solvent-free extract; and formulations made specifically for dogs rather than humans to prevent overdosing and unnecessary ingredients.

According to Ardolino, products should have enough CBD to treat a condition effectively, from 6 to 12 mg for stress or anxiety to 12 mg for pain and 50 to 100 mg for severe conditions like cancer or seizures. Consider bioavailability, also—sublingual oils are most effective for absorption.

“Only choose products that have a COA [certificate of analysis] by a third-party lab that tests for potency and purity and to ensure it has no contaminants like pesticides, heavy metals, mycotoxins or solvents in the product,” recommends Ardolino. “This is also the only way to prove that you are buying a full-spectrum hemp extract. It should be easily found on the label or on the website. If you can’t easily find one, don’t buy the product.” Customer reviews can also provide insights into a product’s efficacy, safety and quality, as well as a company’s transparency and level of customer support.

34 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition Natural Pet

Getting a Dog Started on CBD

While the general guidance is to start with a low dose and adjust based on the dog’s response, Ardolino notes that conditions like seizures, pain or cancer may require a higher dosage from the start. She acknowledges that dogs may initially experience a mild psychoactive effect, but this typically subsides as they become accustomed to CBD. The key is to monitor a pet’s reaction closely and adjust the dosage as needed to find a balance that alleviates symptoms without causing discomfort.

Duration of Effects

How long the effects of CBD will last depends on a variety of factors, including a dog’s size, as well as the dosage and administration method. A 2021 study published in

Animals found that an intravenous administration of CBD will generally be eliminated from the body within nine hours. However, an oral dose, which is influenced by food intake and liver processing, has a lower bioavailability (13 to 19 percent), so less CBD enters the bloodstream, and yet its effects may last longer due to a slower absorption rate. The exact duration varies with dosage, metabolism and whether it is taken with food.

Potential Risks

While CBD is generally well-received by many dogs, some may experience mild side effects, including dry mouth, a decrease in blood pressure or drowsiness. Selecting the appropriate dosage and a high-quality product is crucial to

minimize t hese risks. Research indicates that CBD can also influence liver enzymes, notably cytochrome P450s and a lkaline phosphatase, both essential in metabolizing various medications. Consequently, there is a potential risk of interactions when CBD is used alongside other drugs, possibly altering the ef fectiveness and required dosages of those medications. Therefore, despite the availability of CBD treats and products, consulting a veterinarian before introducing a CBD regimen is vital to ensure s afety and efficacy.

Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at

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Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Business Directory, email to request our media kit.

Alternative Medicine


MacKenzie Kalt, Owner/Director

4050 E Greenway Rd, Ste 5, Phoenix


Providing some of the most advanced natural technologies for those struggling with chronic pain, injuries, stress, migraine headaches, PTSD, insomnia, Lyme disease, autoimmune disorders, skin conditions, and much more. Visit our website to learn more. See ad, inside front cover.


2701 N 7th St, Phoenix


We offer a wide range of services that can help just about everyone at affordable prices. We also accept insurance for acupuncture, including Medicare. Please take a look at our website to learn about our services, gifted practitioners, and insurance information and form to see if your plan covers acupuncture. See ad, page 10.

Art Classes


Allura Westly 3611 E Sunnyside Dr, Phoenix

602-469-0524 •

Allura Westly, master teacher, opens her sanctuary studio to all levels, beginner to advanced. Learn fluid color technique, drawing and composition. Small class of eight students. No talent required, just a desire to create.



Dr. Roxane Zamora, DC

822 E Union Hills Dr, Ste 22, Phoenix 623-582-8951

At Imagine Wellness Chiropractic Center, our mission is to provide chiropractic care to increase health, wellness and healing for you and your family. We are focused on corrective chiropractic care and offer nutritional consultations to bring your health to a whole new level! See testimonials on our website. See ad, page 17.



6930 E Chauncey Ln, Ste 100, Phoenix 602-775-5120 •

The doctors at Natural Dental Partners take the time to listen to your concerns and use their extensive experience to help you achieve better health. Using the latest technology (such as low-dose 3D imaging, CEREC, lasers, PRF, ozone and treatment of sleep disorders), they believe in a team approach to help you achieve your healthcare goals. Check out or ABreathOfHealth. com to see how they can help you. See ad, pages 3 and 19.


Eddie, Harsini, DDS 7102 W Thomas Rd, Phoenix 602-385-8732 •

Emphasizing a holistic approach to dental health, Dr. Harsini and his team have a reputation for pain-free procedures and comprehensive post-operative care, with meticulous attention to detail and a patient-focused philosophy. The clinic uses technologically advanced practices, ensuring the best possible results time after time. See ad, page 9.


Dr. Josh Raiffe, DMD, AIAOMT 11111 N Scottsdale Rd, Ste 120, Scottsdale 480-998-3923

Shea Dental offers holistic dentistry led by Dr. Josh Raiffe, DMD, AIAOMT Accredited. Using advanced technology like CEREC milling, digital impressions, Wand anesthesia, cone beam CT scanning, and SMART mercury filling removal, Dr. Raiffe ensures safe dental practices. Services include implants, veneers and sleep apnea treatments. Accepts most dental insurance. See ad, page 5.



Melanie Icard, NMD 1430 E Missouri Ave, Ste B127, Phoenix 602-353-7712 •

Dr. Icard specializes in biological medicine, peptides, PRP, aesthetics and ozone therapy. Her offerings include holistic anti-aging medicine, pain reversal, natural and traditional aesthetics, ozone therapy, holistic ketamine therapy, and sexual health regeneration. See ad, page 23.

Energy Healing

KIM CARTER, MA, HTCP 15215 S 48th St, Ste 154, Phoenix

Kim is an Intuitive and Healing Touch Certified Practitioner offering guidance when you feel out of alignment with your authentic self. Stress, fear, anxiety and grief/loss throw us off balance, making it challenging to access inner wisdom. Sessions include reading and clearing your energy field; and simple, practical selfhealing tools to keep you balanced and grounded. See ad, page 10.

36 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition CLICK ON


931 E Southern Ave, Ste 106, Mesa


Realign Your Life Wellness Center features the Harmonic Egg—sound and light therapy for physical, emotional and spiritual energy healing. Other services include The Body Code, Life Force Energy with Sound, sound baths and Higher Guidance Life Coaching. See ad, page 11.

Functional Fitness


8120 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale Text/call 602-932-2792

OsteoStrong is a leader in natural bone health and wellness with centers in Phoenix (Arcadia) and Scottsdale (McCormick Ranch). Our m embers report significant improvements in osteoporosis, physical strength, balance and posture in 15 minutes a week. Specializing in osteogenesis without drugs, we’re dedicated to holistically enhancing quality of life. See ad, page 9.

Pest Control


Organic Program Experts


We have organic alternatives available with mul tiple programs to meet your needs. Ask us about our year-round pest protection, SMART ecofriendly rodent control 24/7 home protection, and desert guard home sealing service. See ad, page 24.

Pet Care


ASAM, Sh Reiki, HTAP Communicator, Healer, Counselor 602-317-1543

With a gentle healing touch, Andrea provides wellness counseling, energy healing, animal communication, and intuitive counsel for pets and their people.



6102 N 16th St, Phoenix


Kaya Holistic is a lifestyle boutique that carries a curated selection of handcrafted, sustainable goods and botanical wellness products. From cultivators and formulators to makers and artisans, we are committed to supporting companies and industries that make a significant impact in our world through sustainable practices and conscious choices. See ad, page 27.

Real Estate


Jennie Richau

Associate Broker and Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Brokers Hub Realty 602-292-0622


A unique and holistic way to buy or sell! Utilizing Feng Shui and various "woo woo" methods to find you a home where you will thrive or sell your home quickly, for the highest value. See ad, page 9.



13291 W McDowell Rd, Ste E-1, Goodyear 623-935-0501

Make a Difference Doing What You Love! Become a Professional Holistic Health Energy Practitioner. Learn the most effective and comprehensive energy modality and techniques with proven results. Become trained in the body’s many energy systems; learn how to energy test, clear, restore, detect and correct energy imbalances. Levels I, II and III.


1538 E Southern Ave, Tempe 480-994-9244 •

Nationally accredited college offers holistic health and wellness degrees, diplomas, certificates of excellence, continuing education and personal development, oncampus and online. Financial aid available. See ad, outside back cover.

37 June 2024
Keep It Cool July Finding Your Tribe August Emotional Healing September Editorial Calendar

Spiritual Centers


11108 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Ste E16 Scottsdale 732-832-1036

Dimensions of Heaven and Earth is Scottsdale’s exciting, new one-stop Spiritual Experience: a center of healing and insight combined with a store full of unique gifts from local artisans. With training and tools for your personal development, we are excited to help you take your spiritual journey to new levels! See ad, page 33.

Mark Your Calendar

Soul Heart Collaboration’s Annual Retreat Theme is “Infinite Possibilities”

We help bridge the gap between personal and professional development. You’ll find wisdom, comradery and opportunity. Your all-access in-person/virtual pass includes 18 international speakers representing 7 countries. Join us.

October 4-6

$100 USD/person


The Path of Spiritual Freedom

1-877-300-4949 • •

Eckankar is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. A companion and roadmap for your journey home—to the heights of Self-Discovery and GodDiscovery, and beyond. Come along and discover the most secret part of yourself. The key to spiritual freedom lies within you. Explore life as a Soul Adventure. See ad, page 11.


4105 N 20th St, Ste 115, Phoenix 480-442-5020

Dedicated to sharing Saint Germain’s Violet Flame. All faiths welcome. Learn how you can become a modern day mystic. We are dedicated to sharing the Teachings of the Ascended Masters® to help you bring in joy and peace to the world. Learn what the requirements are to make your ascension. See ad, page 17.


Please note that all deadlines (advertising and editorial) are the 10th of the month prior to the edition being published. For example, June 10 is the deadline for all July edition submissions.

Color your way to relaxation!

38 Metro Phoenix & Northern Arizona Edition

Local Farmers Markets

NOTE: Please check market websites and for more information on days and hours, and any restrictions.

Ahwatukee Farmers Market

4700 E Warner Rd, Phoenix

Sundays Oct-May 9am-1pm Jun-Sep 8am-11am

Care 1st Farmers Market

328 W Western Ave, Avondale

Tuesdays Jul-Oct 8am-noon

Carefree Farmers Market

1 Sundial Circle

Fridays Oct-May 9am-1pm Jun-Sep 8am-11am

Downtown Chandler Farmers Market

3 S Arizona Ave

Saturdays Oct-May 9am-1pm Jun-Sep 7am-10:30am

Downtown Mesa Farmers Market

1 E Main St

Saturdays 8am-noon

Downtown Phoenix Farmers Market

721 N Central Ave

Saturdays Oct-Apr 8am-1pm May-Sep 7am-11am

Gilbert Farmers Market

222 N Ash St

Saturdays Oct-Mar/Apr 8am-noon

Apr/May-Sep 7-11am

High Street Farmers Market

5415 E High St, Phoenix

Sundays Oct-May 10am-1pm

Mommas Organic Market

Arrowhead Farmers Market

7780 W Arrowhead Towne Center, Glendale

Saturdays Oct-May 9am-1pm | Jun-Sep 8-11am

Mommas Organic Market

Glendale Farmers Market at Cabela’s  9380 W Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ 85305

Sundays Sep-May 10am-2pm | closed for summer

Old Town Scottsdale Farmers Market

3806 N Brown Ave

Saturdays 8am-1pm

Power Road Farmers Market

4011 S Power Rd, Mesa

Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm | Sunday 9am-4pm

Roadrunner Park Farmers Market

3502 E Cactus Rd, Phoenix

Saturdays Oct-May 8am-1pm | Jun-Sep 7-11am

Singh Meadows Farmers Market

1490 E Weber Dr

Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 8am-2pm

Sun City Farmers Market 16820 N 99th Ave

Thursdays Oct-May 9am-1pm

The Capitol Farmers Market

1700 Adams St, Phoenix Thursdays 10:30am-1:30pm

Uptown Farmers Market 5757 N Central Ave, Phoenix

Wednesdays Oct-Apr 9am-1pm & May-Jun 8am-noon

Saturdays Nov-Apr 9am-1pm & May-Oct 8am-noon

Verrado Community Farmers Market N Market Pl & W Main St, Buckeye Sundays Oct-Jun 9am-1pm


Farmers Market in Old Town Square 1042 N Main St, Cottonwood Wednesdays 4-8pm (check months/times throughout year)

Flagstaff Community Farmers Market 211 W Aspen Ave, City Hall Parking Lot Sundays May-Oct 8am-noon

Prescott Farmers Market

Dignity Health, YRMC 900 Iron Springs Rd, Miller Valley Lot Saturdays 7:30am-noon

Sedona Community Farmers Market

Wells Fargo Bank Parking Lot 2201 W State Rte 89A, West Sedona Sundays May 14-Oct 15 8am-noon | Sundays Nov 5-Apr 28 11am-3pm

Verde Valley Farmers Market Hollamon St and Main St, Camp Verde Saturdays May-Oct 8-11am

Windmill Park Farmers Market 9950 E Cornville Rd, Cornville Thursdays 2-6pm (check months/times throughout year)

39 June 2024

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