Join us at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, NJ. We expect over 1,000 attendees!
NASW-NJ chapter values intentionality and is driven by our commitment to foster community The 2025 NASW-NJ Annual Conference is a place where social workers of diverse professional backgrounds gather to be celebrated and empoweredIt aims to create a space for every voice from clinicians, to students, to social workers in schools, medical fields, government, and many other areas to collaborate and lead effectively. Last year we gathered over 1,400 social workers and this year we are dedicated to continuing our mission to advance in ethical and evidence-based practices that will serve social workers who are shaping the future of the profession and communities they serve.
By becoming a sponsor or exhibitor, you become a part of this seasoned community of professionals who are gathering from all over the state, looking for resources and tools to be excellent in their field. Aligning yourself with us gives you the opportunity to be a resource and the opportunity to collaborate with leaders in the profession. As an exhibitor you’ll have access to engagement opportunities with our attendees, exclusive events for exhibitors and sponsors, and visibility through our app and other forms of communication
Position yourself to be part of the shaping of our future This year’s conference aims to inspire social workers in forward thinking approaches through motivational keynotes and practical workshops that can transform ethical and evidence-based practice modalities NASW-NJ diligently gathers talented speakers and presenters to equip New Jersey social workers with the skills needed to deliver exceptional services in their communities and organizations Doing Good, Doing Right, Doing Well is an inspiring theme that describes what social workers stand for as leaders and advocates Connect with eager social workers to introduce innovative tools and sharpen their ethical practices to cultivate change and wellness
NASW-NJ is committed to creating a welcoming atmosphere for attendees, sponsors and exhibitors that celebrates and invites diversity in areas of practice, professional background, cultural background and experience. Sponsoring or exhibiting at this event aligns your brand with the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion The NASW-NJ Annual Conference invites you to take a seat at the table and showcase your organization’s commitment to serving diverse communities and to connect with the passion social workers share for equitable solutions
Why sponsor/exhibit? Prior to our Covid-enforced break from in-person conferences, 75% of our sponsors & exhibitors returned yearly and often increased their presence, demonstrating a significant return on investment Additionally, many of our exhibitors and sponsors join us in year-round partnerships as well, continuing their outreach to and conversations with the audiences they most desire to connect with throughout the year
NASW-NJ communications reach more than 30,000 professional social workers, students and faculty, and the broader helping/nonprofit community. The Conference attracts participants from around the nation and international participants, as well. As the largest professional conference in the region, the opportunities to connect with your target audience are unparalleled.
Don't take our word for it. Here's what some of our returning exhibitors have to say.
WhenI callthe office and speaktothe professionals atNASW-NJ,I always get great answers.Wehave social workersin everysingle one of ourbuildings,andtheir workisintegralto everythingthat wedo,so partneringwithNASW-NJ was perfectfor us.
We value our relationship with all the NASW chapters, and New Jersey specifically. We’ve had nothing but a positive experience working with everyone in NASW and have been able to customize our partnership to really fit the needs of both NASW-NJ and our organization. We love the opportunities our sponsorship provides us; the approach NASW-NJ takes to working with its partner organizations is really unique to the industry.
Our partnershipwith NASW-NJhas not onlybeenbeneficialfor our students,butit's alsobeen beneficialfor thefacultyat Fairleigh Dickinson University. Ithas reallychanged the trajectory of our program. Wehavebeen able to partner with them to get our name out therein the community,to spread the word as a new MSW programin the state. And NASW reallyshows up for us. It's notjust a partnershipon paper,when you call them,when you email them,they're there,whetherit's cominginto the classrooms to shareinformation with students orhelping them navigate policyor advocacyissues,they've alwaysbeen therefor us.
Dimensions: 8” x 10 5” (no bleed)
Price: $750
Dimensions: 8” x 5" (no bleed)
Price: $500
Dimensions: 3 75" x 5” (no bleed)
Price: $350
Ads must be received by March 1 to guarantee inclusion in the program. Please provide your ad in jpg, png, or pdf format.
Sponsored post w/ Exhibit Booth purchase - $150
Sponsored post only - $200
Let our attendees know you’re hiring! Includes hyperlink to full job description and/or your Careers page
Career Center listing w/ Exhibit Booth purchase - $100
Career Center listing only - $150
Will appear in the activity stream or push notifications Logo,
Gold exhibitor package included for purchases of $3,500 or higher SPECIAL EVENT SPONSORSHIPS
Sponsorship of one-day CE Program (up to 6 CEUs)
Co-sponsorship of CEU certificate program
Sponsorship of 4 Community Conversations (Virtual brown bags)
Partner spotlight in Focus quarterly magazine (circulation 7,000)
3 months of website retargeting (guaranteed 25,000 views per month)
2 sponsored e-blasts (30,000 recipients)
6 job postings on online NASW-NJ Job Center
Annual Conference
2 complimentary 2025 conference registrations
Complimentary 2025 conference exhibit booth
Sponsorship logo/link on all conference websites and publications
Sponsorship logo/link in newSWire pre/post conference
Recognition as sponsor in FOCUS pre/post conference
$10,000 $15,000
Sponsorship of one-day Continuing Education Program (up to 6 CEUs) OR
Co-sponsorship of CEU certificate program
Sponsorship of 4 Community Conversations (Virtual brown bags)
Banner Advertisement in weekly e-newsletter, newSWire for one year (circulation 30,000)
Partner spotlight in Focus quarterly magazine (circulation 7,000)
3 months of website retargeting (guaranteed 25,000 views per month)
3 sponsored e-blasts (30,000 recipients each)
1 year of unlimited job postings on online NASW-NJ Job Center
Annual Conference
4 complimentary 2025 conference registrations
Premier conference exhibit booth placement
Sponsorship of a main session
Sponsor focused spotlight e-blast prior to the event
Sponsorship logo/link on all conference websites and publications
Sponsorship logo/link in newSWire pre/post conference
Recognition in FOCUS as sponsor pre/post conference
Sponsorship of 2 one-day Continuing Education Program (up to 12 CEUs) OR
Sponsorship of CEU certificate program
Sponsorship of 6 Community Conversations (Virtual brown bags)
Banner Advertisement in weekly e-newsletter, newSWire for one year (circulation 30,000)
Partner spotlight in Focus quarterly magazine (circulation 7,000)
3 months website retargeting (guaranteed 25,000 views per month)
4 sponsored e-blasts (30,000 recipients each)
1 year of unlimited job postings on online NASW-NJ Job Center
Annual Conference
5 complimentary 2025 conference registrations
Premier conference exhibit booth placement
Co-Branding of one piece of conference merchandise
Sponsorship of a main session
Sponsor focused spotlight e-blast prior to the event
Prime placement of sponsorship logo and weblink on all conference websites and publications
Sponsorship listing logo/link in newSWire pre/post conference
Recognition in FOCUS as sponsor pre/post conference
Sponsorship of 2 one-day Continuing Education Program (up to 12 CEUs) OR
Sponsorship of CEU certificate program
Sponsorship of 6 Community Conversations (Virtual brown bags)
Co-Branding of NASW-NJ website
Banner advertisement in one year of weekly e-newsletter, newSWire (circulation 30,000)
1 partner spotlight and 1 full page advertorial in FOCUS (in different issues)
4 months website retargeting (guaranteed 25,000 views per month)
5 sponsored e-blasts (30,000 recipients each)
1 year of unlimited job postings on online NASW-NJ Job Center
Annual Conference
6 complimentary 2025 conference registrations
Premier conference exhibit booth placement
Co-Branding of one piece of conference merchandise
Sponsorship of keynote address
Sponsor focused spotlight e-blast prior to the event
Premier placement of sponsorship logo and weblink on all conference websites and publications
Sponsorship listing logo/link in newSWire pre/post conference
Recognition in FOCUS as sponsor pre/post conference
Please list a Main Contact for this registration who will receive conference related communications.
Address: City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Phone: - -
All sponsor and exhibitor booth packages include a listing in our Conference program. Please include the information for your organization as you wish it to appear in print
Company Name:
Brief Description of Product(s) or Service(s) (due to space considerations, must be 30 words or less – no exceptions. NASW-NJ reserves the right to edit submissions over 30 words in length).
Exhibitor Badges Required (Attach extra pages if needed)
Name: Email:
To read the Exhibitor Terms and Conditions, go to I have read and agree to comply with the 2025 Annual Conference Exhibitor Terms and Conditions.
Authorized Signature Date
Type/Print Above Name Job Title
If paying by credit card (STRONGLY PREFERRED): please use our online registration system at https://cvent me/m8dQYy
If paying by check: Return both pages of application with payment to: NASW-NJ Att: Exhibits, P O Box 155, Milford, DE 19963 Email: jmunoz naswnj@socialworkers org or Fax: (732) 378-9231 EARLY BIRD RATES AVAILABLE THROUGH JANUARY 16, 2025
NASW-NJ Annual Conference & Exhibition: March 30 - April 1, 2025 | Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ Phone/Fax: (732) 378-9231 | Email: jmunoz.naswnj@socialworkers.org https://bit.ly/NASWNJTerms2025
□ Exhibit + Special Event Sponsorship (Select from below)
□ Gold Exhibitor Package
□ Silver Exhibitor Package
BIRD (THRU 1/16)
(AFTER 1/16) See below
The above 3 options include a conference program ad at no additional charge See pg 07 for full list of benefits
□ Exhibit Booth Only – For Profit
□ Exhibit Booth Only – Non-Profit
□ Optional Pre-Conference Plenary Sponsor (Sunday)$2,500
□ Student Leadership Summit Sponsor- $6,000
□ Exhibitor Hall Grand Opening Sponsor- $4,000
□ Monday Lunch
A: $
□ Full page
□ Half page
□ Quarter page
□ Sponsored Post –w/ exhibit
□ Sponsored Post –w/o exhibit
□ Career Center Listing w/exhibit
□ Career Center Listing w/o exhibit
□ Conference App Sponsor$4,000
□ Opening Keynote Sponsor$3,000
□ Networking Mixer Reception Sponsor (2 available) - $2,5000
□ Dance Party Sponsor- $8,000
□ Conference Meals Sponsor ( 2 available)- $3,500
□ Registrations Station Sponsor$5,000
Note: Lunches not included with Exhibit Booth Only Purchases
Number Required:
SUBTOTAL D (total # meals x $50): $
Make checks payable to “NASW-NJ” Mail to: NASW-NJ, Att: Exhibits, P.O Box 155, Milford, DE 19963
NASW-NJ Annual Conference & Exhibition: March 30-April 1, 2025 | Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ Phone/Fax: (732) 378-9231 | Email: jmunoz naswnj@socialworkers org