Natural Awakenings South Jersey JUNE 2021

Page 24


The T Factor by Brian Scott Lipton

Many men suffer from low libido, difficulty

want to hit the point of irreversibility. For

while men need some estrogen, partic-

concentrating, depression, unusual weight

example, seriously low testosterone is

ularly for bone health, if a man has too

gain and constant fatigue. While these

directly related to the occurrence or reoc-

much fat, the body will convert too much

symptoms may be caused by any number

currence of prostate cancer.”

T to estrogen, as well as lower its overall T

of physical or psychological illnesses, one


distinct possibility is low testosterone—a

required, changes in both lifestyle—in-

lack of one of the body’s most important

cluding more exercise—and diet can also

avoiding foods that cause weight gain,

hormones. More importantly, low testos-

help reverse the condition or at least raise

aren’t usually the answer. “Some foods

terone can affect our lives anywhere from

“T” levels, say experts. First and foremost,

may help, but you would normally have to

their 20s to their 60s.

getting enough sleep—preferably eight

eat so much of them it’s really not prac-

Yet, unless a doctor is told about the

hours a night—is vital. “When we don’t

tical,” says Goddard. “We do know that

symptoms, they won’t automatically know

get enough sleep, our levels of cortisol,

soy products such as tofu, edamame and

that low testosterone is the problem. “It’s

which is our stress hormone, rise. And it’s

soy sauce can theoretically raise estrogen

an under-evaluated issue, because many

cortisol that suppresses the production of

and suppress T production, so we may

men—especially older ones—don’t want

T,” says Dr. Gillian Goddard of Park Avenue

recommend avoiding them. And above all,

to complain about these things,” explains

Endocrinology, in New York City. “Once

we stress avoiding alcohol, as it definitely

Dr. Mahmud Kara, a former specialist with

we get a good night’s sleep regularly, our

suppresses T production.”

the Cleveland Clinic who now focuses on

cortisol levels fall and the body can begin

his line of natural remedies. “Checking for

producing T again.”

natural supplements play a big part in

testosterone levels isn’t part of a standard

Not being overweight also makes a

the solution. John J. Accursio, a 30-year-

blood test. So, if we don’t know to look for

big difference, adds Goddard. “Fat makes

old, Manhattan-based lawyer who was

it, we won’t. And the danger is you don’t

an enzyme that coverts T to estrogen. And

diagnosed with low T a few years back,

Indeed, even when drug therapy is

Actual changes in diet, other than

As is often the case, vitamins and

swears by Roman Testosterone Daily Supplements, which include zinc, magnesium, vitamin D3, ashwagandha, maca and copper. But if supplements are taken, make sure that they don’t have ingredients that can exacerbate, rather than help, the condition.

With so many men now expected to

live into or even past their 90s, getting this condition diagnosed once symptoms first appear is paramount, stresses Kara. “Our bodies were not built for the 21st century, so the need to take care of ourselves as well as we can—and for as long as possible—is more important than ever before.” Brian Scott Lipton is a New York-based journalist who specializes in entertainment, fashion, food and health care. 24

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