cinema and tourism

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Cinema and Tourism

Movie: A man without shadow (Mardi bedoone sayeh) Director: Alireza Raisian Location: Malaga, Marbella, Algeciras Representing company in Spain: Sahel e Aftab Author: Nahal Fathi


In the film industry, the images created in the scenes of the film represent an added value for certain destinations. It is a means of promotion at an international level. The mass media such as film, television and social networks are very effective in promoting, confirming and creating a new tourist destination. The transmission of identity elements of a destination creates an image in the spectator’s mind that makes them curious about the discovery. This time Sahel e Aftab, SCBC (the Iranian Spanish companies) and Costa del Sol tourism, the sponsors of the movie in Spain, collaborated in creation of the first Iranian movie made in Spain. On June Casting crew in Marbella 27th, 2018 the crew of 20 people traveled from Iran to Spain for a week of intensive production schedule which is called a man without shadow ( mardi bedoone sayeh). Spain is a popular destination in the movie industry among them we can mention starwars movie scene which is made in Plaza espana in seville and some episodes of game of thrones in seville, Almeria, Cordoba and Girona.

Movie description

Casting crew in Marbella

This movie is made partly in Iran and partly in AndalucĂ­a, Spain. The director and producer of the movie Alireza Raissian a prominent director in Iran and the current jury member of Iranian cinema once again with the staring actress and main character, Leila Hatami whom in the movie travels to Spain for the first time for business causes join each other. Other important actors in the movie are Ali Mosaffa, Amir Aghaie and Nader Fallah along with three other spanish actors who joined the scenes filmed in Spain. According to the director this movie is about the emotional crises of the human, romantic relationships, marriage and the dominance of social media Alireza Raisian the director of a man without shadow and technology in the life of people nowadays.

Planning Mohammad Raad Mohammadi the founder of Sahel e Aftab tourism company notes that this movie as the first iranian movie in farsi filmed partly in Spain is a cultural bridge between Iran and Spain and also to promote Andalusia destination in Iran. Promoting Andalusia was not an easy task with the wide variety of touristic destinations that it offers. The production of the movie has taken place in Malaga, Marbella and Algeciras.

El pimpi restaurant terrace and a collection of spanish food

Alex Sholeh the production manager of the movie in spain and the founder of SCBC company organized the whole trip schedule including the crew accommodation and catering. Nahal Fathi as the interpreter and tourism specialist in charge of the planning and translation of the dialogues from spanish to Farsi. Sahel e Aftab Group has been planning a month of intesive schedule before the arrival of the the casting crew such as, location scouting, filming permitions, visa procedure, flight, accomodation, catering , contracting all the necessary companies such as casting for foreign actors, hiring movie equipments and transportation of the crew.

El pimpi restaurant interior

Location scouting In the process of the location scouting we tried to choose the most representing locations of each area according to the needs of the director. In Malaga we have chosen el pimpi restaurant to shoot a part of the business meeting taking place in the movie. El pimpi restaurant is one of the most emblematic locations of Malaga with its flamenco touch and history which makes you travel in time, apart from its iconic Andalusian interior design and decoration it also holds one of the best traditional Spanish culinary collections . As the director requested a Hotel location for a scene of the movie we have chosen Hotel Fuerte in Marbella a symbol of the city with its classic touch it sets as one of the first chain Hotels of Marbella.

Hotel Fuerte Marbella Hallway and the balconey in the photo below

In Marbella we also had suggested the streets of the old town (casco antiguo) as the passing area of the main actress which represents the Andalusia architecture. On the other hand we also entered more modern and contemporary business side of Marbella which a lot of business meetings take place, for this purpose we chose our space buisness center a new concept of shared offices which is growing in the recent years to film a scene of signing of the contract in the movie. Feria de Algeciras is a cultural scene of the traditional way of celebration in Andalusia with its Colorful lighting to announce the location of the celebration and the traditional clothing, music and food which give you a chance to get to know the authentic Andalusian culture.


Marbella old town

Our space buisness center

In other terms we have tried to gather some important aspects of the tourism such as culture, architecture and gastronomy which are the three main elements of the tourism to make a destination memorable because we believe that at the end of day, the only thing that really remains of the tourist product bought is the experience and the memories.

Feria de Algeciras firework

Feria de Algeciras illumination

sponsor companies

collaboration companies

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