E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive-July 2014 Issue

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The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Kick in the

Fun and Joy!

Susan Clarke


of Work & on the Playground of Life!

Women! Test Your Lifestyle Safety

Executive Safety Expert Rogan Dwyer

Increasing Your Brand Value and Equity as a Leader

Russian Slaw with Smoked Trout Featured Chef Jeff Henderson July 2014

$4.99 USA (CAN $5.99) Female-Exec.com iPad edition included with current subscription Page 1 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Howard Lim

July NAFE Speakers If Your Online Presence Isn't Working FOR You, It’s Working AGAINST You

Tracy Repchuk

Social Media Expert

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11 Message From the Editor’s Desk

If Your Online Presence Isn’t Working For You,


It’s Working Against You

by Top Selling Author Tracy Repchuk




Rogan Dwyer

66 How Visions Come To Life

Brand Stategist Eva Chen interviews creator of the Lovina label


Are You Having Fun at Work?

Women Test Your Lifestyle Safety

Executive Safety Expert

Work Life Health BalanceIgnite Your Joy! by Dennis Watts

Includes Oil Pooling Instructions


The Four Energy Blocks That Could Be Holding You Back! By Brenda Williams

Russian Slaw with Smoked Trout Featured Chef Jeff Henderson

How About the Playground of Life?

By Susan Clark E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 5

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Increasing Your Brand Value and Equity as a Leader by Howard Lim


Black Coyote Wines

by Bruce Wiseman

A Fighting Chance

Featured Author Senator Elizabeth Warren

What’s Your Wine Style

The Wine Coach Laurie Forster

Lenin and Me


Featured California Winery



Celebrate! Gift Baskets A Fun and Profitable Way to Deliver a Smile


Vivian Shiffman

110 Hard times Require Furious Dancing

by Alice Walker

The Power Is in the Asking

98 80

A Lesson in Acceptance The Path to True Love by Carol Pilkington

Robbie Motter

114 Speakers & Meeting Calendar

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Support Every Women’s

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Right to an Education

www.globalfundforwomen.org www.liveyourdream.org

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What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive. (Applaud yourself and take a bow)

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Welcome! to the July issue of E The Magazine For Today’s Female Executive. This month our focus is to kick in the FUN and JOY. The articles in this issue explain techniques and methods you can use to obtain personal balance, joy and happiness. As you read these wonderful articles I want you to remember four things. No. 1 Roar with your happy. Just decide to be happy. Grab happiness, joy and gratitude with both hands and never, ever let go! No. 2 Never pass up an opportunity to belt out a good chuckle. Laughter is food for the soul. No. 3 Be fabulous in you own mind, always! And finally, No. 4 Remember to swing on the swings, play in the sand and lie down in the cool grass. That’s what these things are there for. Now get out there-live hard, love deeply and have fun! I hope you enjoy this issue! -Althea Ledford E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 11

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About UN Women In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment:  

Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)  Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI)  United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) The main roles of UN Women are: 

To support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms.  To help Member States to implement these standards, standing ready to provide suitable technical and financial support to those countries that request it, and to forge effective partnerships with civil society.

To hold the UN system accountable for its own commitments on gender equality, including regular monitoring of system-wide progress. To find out more visit: www.unwomen.org

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Ideas worth spreading*

1700+ talks to stir your curiosity


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Althea Ledford Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Robbie Motter

Laurie Forster The Wine Coach

Susan Clarke Business Writer

Writer Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator for NAFE

Howard Lim Business Writer

Bruce Wiseman Business Writer

Tracy Repchuk

Social Media Expert

Aldeme Mitchell Creative Director

Eva Chen Business Writer

Jeff Henderson Chef and Author

Carol Pilkington Lifestyle Writer

Rogan Dwyer Safety Expert Vivian Shiffman Dennis Watts

Quantum Physicist

Brenda Williams Lifestyle Writer

Business Owner E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 15



WOMEN 15TH ANNUAL www.txconferenceforwomen.org/

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November 13, 2014

Austin Convention Center Hosted by First Lady Anita Perry

If Your Online Presence Isn’t Working For You, It’s Working Against You

Here’s How

TRACY REPCHUK To be successful online you need to know the Internet is the greatest marketing tool of all time but the industry is filled with wrong data, confusing steps, and hype that mislead what you should be doing for your business to attract more leads , get more clients and make more sales. Social Media has transformed the landscape, SEO is even more vital, and brand management is at a premium.

If your online presence isn't working for you, it’s working against you, One of the biggest changes

for a business was the loss of the Yellow Pages and the introduction of social media. Social media is a critical element to incorporate - but only if you have a plan. Random posting about your cat or favorite coffee joint is not productive use of your time. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 17

1. Build a relationship 2. Push your followers into your funnel by driving them to your landing page Sell them something (only rarely though) Then you need to understand which social media platforms you need to be on, as hundreds are cropping up every month, what you should be doing on them and then branding yourself consistently across each of them. There are 4 I focus on: 1. Linkedin 2. Facebook 3. Twitter 4. Google+

Linkedin: If you are in a profession at all, you need to be on Linkedin. Currently I have over 11,000 followers here, and they are incredibly responsive. There are tons of benefits to Linkedin - but the two that people may not be aware of is there are specific groups you can join that can make you money. For example, I have gotten many speaking engagements from there by being part of groups such as Need a Speaker. Groups exists for almost every niche, field, product or service. The second benefit is there is often research in there by an organization or group that you can use for your own target marketing. For example carpet cleaners have a group up there that assists people in that industry to understand what is happening, and what they need to focus on. Social media is different than other online marketing activities because the purpose of it is to engage an audience - not necessarily sell to them. That comes later when you create a community of people that know you, like you, trust from you and ultimately buy from you. Page 18 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Facebook: This is the platform for relationship building. It’s structure makes it easy to connect, engage, participate, and follow a conversation. You can create personal pages, groups, a company site, and where I spend most of my time is in my private Facebook group for upper level clients. It’s a great way to remain accessible, and connected to your followers.

Twitter: The other way I use social media is to drive traffic to my landing pages, so that I fill my own funnel. You have to remember that a social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter, any followers you have, aren’t yours so you need to get them in your own database. If Twitter wanted to close your account today, they could. So if you became dependent just on those for leads or your marketing, it is a fragile structure. It’s like building your house out of straw. Twitter is a tool that asks one question - What Are You Doing? and you answer that and anything else in 140 characters or less. I am not sure is serving much purpose unless you are a celebrity, however I use it to drive traffic/subscribers to a landing page. It is how I list build. I have never seen a greater or faster way to specifically locate and target your audience for free, engage them, and pull them into your own funnel - which is why it can’t be ignored as a business practice.

Google+ Google+ is a relative newcomer to the game of social media but with a name like Google it doesn’t take much to change the game. They have combined the power of other platforms, and created an environment that is ideal for businesses. Make sure you add this to your portfolio and get familiar with these features:

Circles: one of Google Plus's key innova-

tions, allowing you to separate your customers and suppliers into different groups, which is perfect if you market to multiple niches.

Ripples: a cutting edge analytical tool that helps you understand how your business is being viewed by your customers and potential customers.

Hangouts: the teleconferencing facil-

Global Asset Protection

is dedicated to products and services that are designed specifically for the needs of women, their families, and their businesses.

GAP does the research, asks the real

questions, and maintains the most up-todate information on the concerns of single women who live alone, new moms, families, business owners, and senior executives.

Global Asset Protection

even has an exclusive suite of services for international, executive travel, which includes kidnap protection.

ity allowing you to hold meetings, meet with customers and even host online seminars.

Translate: this is the world wide web. So, if

Sign up for the

you've limited yourself to English so far, here's an instant way to widen your reach - massively.

monthly newsletter

Research each of these - and I'm sure there is a YouTube video demonstrating the power of what these are - the key is you need to start familiarizing and using these now. But the big difference and the real why you need Google+ is it’s the only social media platform that indexes your post to Google, giving you the SEO power you want for free. With its plan for internet domination, and with $200 billion in it’s pockets, it will probably succeed and you want to be at the forefront of this wave.



link above or copy and paste URL

gaprotection.com/gapsecure.html We will not share your information or contact you beyond sending the newsletter.

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As you have probably guessed there are a lot of places you should be and it can feel like a time waster, but when you choose the right social media platform for the goal and purpose it serves, it makes your time both profitable and well spent. So I’ll see you on each of these, until next time happy posting.

About: Tracy Repchuk, is a 5-Time International Bestselling Author and Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. As an award-winning entrepreneur since the age of 19 with over 30 years of business, internet, SEO, and marketing background she has helped thousands of clients get their message online fast and effectively. In addition she has appeared as a technology specialist in National TV segments with ABC7, San Diego Living, Good Morning New Mexico, CNBC, Report on Business TV, HGTV, FOX, ABC, NBC, Vegas Inc, The CW, USA Today, Forbes, MSN, and over 50 publications, newspapers and magazines, plus hundreds of speaking appearances in over 35 countries. Get Tracy's ebook Instant Online Impact for free at: www.FastActionResults.com

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To your ongoing success, Tracy Repchuk "Get Ready to Make an Instant Online Impact with a Fully Branded Complete

End to End Website Presence and Message to Market System in Under 60 Days" Find out more at: www.TracyRepchuk.com To book Tracy as a speaker or schedule a consult: Call 818.859.7210 PS - Get my Free Gift - Business SEO SOS Guide at : www.MarketingSolutionsforBusiness. com

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By Dennis Watts Quantum Physicist, Natural Health and Longevity Research Scientist

,We all talk about the importance of downtime in your work and personal lifestyle. Most would agree that striking a perfect balance between work and personal life is rarely possible for a first-year associate on a new job assignment. However I think most would agree that balance is possible with time and experience. A first-year associate on any particular job assignment can’t tell an employer, Here I am. I’m great. Page 24 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

“I’m smart, and I demand work life health balance, that kind of approach might create unwanted side effects that could be hard to overcome. So we must put strategies together to create balance in our work life health balance over time. If you really want to be part of a dynamic organization for the long haul, have good opportunities presented to you, be able to

achieve work life health balance over time and move around to get a broad experience, you’ve got to be a consistently good performer. That’s what gives you leverage. Become indispensable and everybody will want you to be a part of their team or network. It’s what opens all the doors.

What Are Your Priorities? To establish a work life health balance you have to know what is important to you in the beginning of your job assignment. For example if you decide that getting recognition at work is an important goal, you need to be realistic about what that will require. It may require you doing long hours to meet project goals and schedule requirements. Balance may be difficult to actualize while trying to meet project goals. If you have a spouse and children how will they be impacted? So you must decide on a strategy that takes into account all the major aspects of your lifestyle. Balance can be achieved by protecting what is important and setting your priorities on work projects. However, you must know, if you start something, and you don’t really know what’s important to you, that is what makes work life health balance challenging. You are aimless. It should be a priority to seek out a support network early, in the office and outside the office. It is important to have somebody you can go to that you feel comfortable with to talk about issues or problems. Working in a team environment is extremely important when you desire work life health balance. Doing it alone makes any project a lot tougher and harder to manage.

Drop activities that sap your time or energy.

Many people waste their time on activities or people that add no value. An example would be spending too much time at work with a colleague who is constantly venting and gossiping. Take stock of activities that aren't really enhancing your career or personal life, eliminate them or minimize the time you spend on them. Make a conscious effort to limit the time you spend on the web and social media sites, making personal calls, or checking your bank balance.

Single Task Whenever Possible Multiple studies have proven that multi-taking does not work, and in fact makes things four times longer, wiping out a lot of your time. Our brains are not wired for this. It is very important to consider single task instead of multi-tasking as much as possible, focusing on one uninterrupted task at a time. Whenever possible group tasks, for example do e-mails as a group, calls as a group, texts as a group. Your brain functions much better when similar tasks are grouped – you will think clearer, be more effective and things will go quicker. Tasks that are all right to combine are listening to music while on the computer, doing housework while talking to a friend, or a soothing hobby while watching television.

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Support the American Heart Association www.heart.org

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Rethink your errands. Consider whether you can outsource any of your time-consuming household chores or errands. Could you order your groceries online and have them delivered? Hire a kid down the street to mow your lawn? Have your dry cleaning picked up and dropped off at your home or office? Order your stamps online so you don't have to go to the post office? Even if you're on a tight budget, you may discover that the time you'll save will make it worth it.

Get moving. It's hard to make time for exercise when you have a jam-packed schedule, but experts say that it may ultimately help you get more done by boosting your energy level and ability to concentrate. Research shows exercise can help you to be more alert. When I put in a 15 or 20 minutes of exercise on my mini trampoline I feel physically stronger and more alert all day.

Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way.

"Take a bath, read a good book or article, go for a walk, or listen to music. You have to make a little time for the things that ignite your joy. It is vitally important to discover what makes you feel good because, your feelings are a direct

interface into the quantum field of infinite potential. Strong positive feelings help you actualize the reality of your dreams. Relaxation helps you to develop these strong positive feelings. Our brains are not wired to have input coming in constantly, they need a break from information overload to rejuvenate and become creative again. This is why breaks and a good night’s sleep are so vitally important.

Disclaimer: Consult with your Doctor before trying any new health procedure.

Health Tip to Support Work Life Balance

Oil Pulling Therapy (OPT) has been found to be a simple method of reversing the aging process, restoring and maintaining health and vitality. It is called oil pulling or oil swishing. This is a natural alternative medicine procedure that involves swishing oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benefits. I personally have been doing the procedure for over 2 years. The benefits of the procedure are significant. The cost of this procedure is small compared to more involved procedures at the typical doctor’s office. This is a super simple healing process for the human body which uses either extra virgin coconut oil or sesame oil. The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy helps heal the whole body. In terminal diseases such as cancer, AIDS and chronic infections this treatment method has often been helpful. Dr. Karach stated soil pulling successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of treatment methods behind him. One patient who was bedridden with acute arthritis was able to be out of bed in 3 days with no inflammation apparent. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 27

The following successes have been reported for Oil Pulling Therapy. The first signs of improvement are in the teeth- they become firm and white. Other healing indicators are a fresh relaxed feeling on waking up, disappearing dark pouches below the eyes, a new appetite and energy, better memory and deep sleep.

Why is Oil Pulling Therapy Effective? Oil pulling therapy is part of the Ayurvedic Oil Tonic treaties that is thousands of years old. This is not some new-fangled idea thought up by some health nut. This is a very ancient practice that comes from Egypt, China and India. Just as the skin is known as a very good organ for excreting waste and toxins, it is claimed that the tongue also is a key organ in eliminating toxins and harmful microbes from the body. Keep in mind that all toxins are attracted to fat soluble substances. Seed oil is fatty in nature. According to this Ayurvedic science, the tongue is mapped by organ-location. Each section of the tongue is connected to the kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver, heart, pancreas, small intestines, stomach, colon and spine. Oil swishing eliminated toxins from the whole body through the tongue. See in the illustration how the tongue is mapped.

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Oil Pulling Therapy Survey Revealed. In the mid 1990s’ in a daily newspaper based in India, a survey was conducted, after continuous publication of a regular column for three years to find out the types of diseases cured and the effectiveness of the Oil Pulling therapy over a 3 year period of time. There were a total of 1041 respondents that decided to participate in the survey. 927 (89%) reported cure of one or more diseases. People who did not report any cure were 114 (11%).

If you would like more information about oil pulling go to the following website: http://www.dwattsrejuv-anation.com/oil-pullingtherapy


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What is the procedure for Oil Pulling Therapy? First thing in the morning, before brushing your teeth, eating or drinking, take 1 tablespoon of either coconut oil or sesame seed oil. Put the oil in your mouth, tilt your chin up and slowly swish, and pull back and forth through the teeth with closed mouth without great effort or speed. Do this for at least 10 minutes, 15 to 20 minutes is better. It is fine to do this along with other tasks, such as housework or answering email. It is believed that more nutrients are absorbed through the tongue the longer the seed oil of your choice is in contact. Do it slowly. Do not gargle in the throat. The oil is meant to be swished in the mouth only. The oil will be viscous at first, but more and

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more as it is pulled through the teeth it becomes thin as it mixes with salvia. The oil should be a light foamy color after pulling is complete. I repeat Do Not Swallow the Oil. The oil should be spit out. If you spit into a small clear plastic cup you can see the debris that has been removed from around the teeth, gums and tongue. If the liquid is still translucent you did not work with the oil long enough. The best time for the oil pulling is in the morning before breakfast. To enhance the healing process, you can repeat the treatment three times a day but always before meal and with empty stomach, rinse mouth out with water, then drink 1-2 glasses of water. It is highly recommended that you do not spit the oil down the toilet or sink. This may create a clog in the future. Spit the used oil into cup or sandwich bag and throw into the trash. Keep in mind the toxins

are attracted to fat that is one of the main reasons that oil pulling is so effective. This is one of the main tips for work life health balance. Pass this great health tip onto your family and friends, having them also check with their Doctor before doing.

Special Note Oil Pulling Therapy: Be sure to be thoroughly informed about oil pulling therapy before you begin. After doing this therapy on a daily basis one of the obvious results that often shows up for many people is loose teeth tightening up and becoming whiter, gum bleeding ceasing, relief from teeth sensitivity, gums, and whitening of the teeth. Mouth sores, ulcers, bad breath, and coated tongue may also be relieved. For more information go to the following website:


Dennis S. Watts Health and Well Being Research Scientist

As founder and president of Rejuv-A-Nation

Dennis Watts’s purpose was to understand the roots of consciousness, energy and nutrition as it relates to the body, mind and spirit. Research & Development,

His strong belief is that success and enjoyment stems from the maintenance of health and homeostasis in life. Dennis Watts is now retired from the aerospace industry. He was working as a Master Systems Engineer and Rocket Scientist doing orbital mechanics for various Aerospace and Engineering Corporations for many years. His passion however is in the area of unlimited life extension, health and healing of the mind body and spirit. Mr. Watts is an accomplished inventor and innovator. He successfully designed and developed a series of practical quantum technology devices used for restoring balance and connection back to the source of creation. He also built a healing table utilizing the principle of Quantum Physics, radionics- psychotronic technology. This was a very successful development back in 1983 time frame. In 1990 he developed a way to harness the healing effects of Tachyon Energy Technology for a company called Tachyon Research Inc. This healing invention was very successful and brought relief to countless people around the world. In his research Dennis Watts has found natural non-toxic methods to relieve serious degenerative disease processes in the mind, body, and spirit complex. He has a vast knowledge and understanding about conscious awareness, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, quantum physics and can explain in simple understandable terminology how the body/ mind connection works in conjunction with the health and well-being of your life expression. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 31

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How a Vision Comes To Life

Eva Chen Brand

Strategist and Founder of Brand From Within Interviews her client on journey in creating

Greta Founder of Lovina Designs

What inspires you to design?

Greta: Women inspire me. Nature inspires me - from trees here in the Ojai to the spirit of the people that I design for. My love for women, Ojai, and art inspire me.

Why did you create Lovina?

Greta: I listened to my truth. Life is much better when I am creating art. And that art is draped on a woman's body. I’d been around the clothing business all my life but never thought I’d be a clothing designer. I finally let go of all my resistance and honored my true love.

What is your creative process like?

Greta: There are so many elements that come together when I create. The fabric needs to feel good and it needs to have the right energy to put on a woman’s body. The colors need to look inspiring and inviting. The lines need to look good with a particular fabric, so it’s about how you structure the lines so it looks good with the fabric and colors. Then I add details to add more depth and dimension to the color. All those things make a difference in the feeling and experience the clothing gives. To bring it all together in a piece is an incredible process that comes from the love of art. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 35

Can you tell me more about this irresistible urge? Greta: It’s like when I have an urge to create. I could be cooking and look at tomato, onion, and parsley together and I get an idea. I have to stop what I’m doing and create. It’s beyond me. I never know when something is going to come out. After I get the urge and begin to create, I dedicate myself to working my way to the secret. The “secret” means dedicating myself on learning how to structure the piece better, more function, testing it, working with the fabrics. In the same way, I’m giving women an irresistible urge to become more fully expressed. I give them the feeling they are looking for whether it is to feel more sexy, empowered, or creative. They stop hiding, playing small and feel more authentic, confident about pursuing their dreams. I love when this happens!

Eva interviews Photographer

Angel McNall When I see a woman who looks stagnated, I literally want to strip her down and put on something that moves her, makes her feel emotion, that transform here to see her beauty. Then when she puts on a piece of my clothing, there is an irresistible urge from the woman to move, dance, express herself - an urge that is drawn from within. Page 36 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

How do you capture the moment in your photography? Angel: None of the women were profes-

sional models so it’s important that they feel relaxed and comfortable with me. I get to know them and work with their personality whether it’s playful, sexy, or grounded - I see their unique beauty and what they want to express and when I see it reveal itself, I’m there to take the shot.

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What inspires you in photography? Angel: When I capture the moment on cam-

A Global Vision to Transform the Lives of Women One Stitch at a Time

era. I can’t wait to share it with them because I want them to see how beautiful they really are – from within. Their confidence in front of the camera grows. I help women see the beauty they can’t see. This is what inspires me to photograph.

The goal for the branding project was to communicate the experience that the clothing gives the women that wear the Lovina clothing line through story and images. Greta’s goal is to raise money to purchase equipment and marketing to launch her vision on a global level.

It’s great to work with the Lovina clothing because it makes the women feel so beautiful. They radiate. I see them transform before my eyes, and I get the honor of capturing it on camera.

To find out more information on her clothing line, contact Greta at 818.427.3840. www.kickstarter.com E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 39

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THE FOUR ENERGY BLOCKS THAT COULD BE HOLDING YOU BACK! Have you ever packed for a trip to the point of having so much extra “stuff” that it actually made your trip more cumbersome and just got in the way? Not only did all that extra baggage weigh you down, but didn’t you eventually just wish you left most of it behind? The

You can think of that baggage as being

us everyday that can negatively impact our choices without even realizing it.

“suitcases” we may be carrying and explore how to lighten that load.

packed in four kinds of suitcases — the

“Big 4” energy blocks that dictate how we see the world same can be said about much of and that hold us back from th e e m o ti o nal o r l ea rn e d reaching our unlimited poten“baggage” we carry around with tial. Today we take a look at the four heavy

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Limiting Beliefs The first suitcase contains your limiting beliefs. Beliefs can either help you or hinder you; limiting beliefs are those that hold you back from success. If you do not believe something is possible, you’re not likely to attempt it. Even if you do attempt it, you won’t devote much energy to achieving that goal. Limiting beliefs are general beliefs about the world, your environment and situation, and the people around you that stand in your way. More often than not, you accept a limiting belief as true because you’ve learned it from someone else, or from an “authority,” such as the media, a book, or a movie. You assume that it’s “just the way it is.” Here is a classic example of a limiting belief: Up until 1954, it was commonly held that running a mile in under four minutes was impossible. Moreover, physiologists believed it was extremely dangerous even to attempt it. Yet on May 6 of that year, Roger Bannister crossed the finish line in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds, thereby disproving the myth forever. It’s remarkable that Bannister accomplished his feat.

It required that he completely ignore the prevailing, limiting belief and construct

an entirely different belief system for himself. What others saw as a limitation, he perceived as opportunity. And once he disproved the presumed limits of the human body, less than two months later, another runner, John Landy, broke Bannister’s record with a mile dash of 3 minutes and 57.9 seconds. What’s more, within just a few years, dozens of runners were leaving the four-minute mark in the dust. Here are a couple of common limiting beliefs that hold many of us back. How about you have to work really hard to achieve success? Or that successful people are lucky? Or that you have to have money to make money?

There are several ways to challenge limiting beliefs. You

can explore the effect the belief has had on your life, look for proof of its truth (or lack of proof), or modify the belief or aspects of the belief to better serve you. Simply examining the belief with questions like “How true do I believe that is?” and the rhetorical “Where did I get that idea?” can also work remarkably well. Once you overcome limiting beliefs, they can no longer hold you back.


An assumption is a belief that is based on the premise that because something happened in the past, it is automatically going to happen again.

When you make choices based on your assumptions, you are letting the past control the future. Assumptions hold you back, because when you already “know” that something won’t work, you probably won’t even consider doing it. Even if you do attempt it, E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 45

you won’t have a lot of energy for, or be engaged in what you’re doing, since you don’t really believe it can work. When you hold on to your assumptions, you miss out on many possibilities. Imagine this scenario: A new salesperson has done five sales presentations, and none of the prospective clients have decided to buy her product. If she makes the assumption that she is not good at doing presentations, then it’s unlikely that she’ll put her all into soliciting them. And, even if she does end up doing one, the catabolic energy she brings with her to the presentation may actually repel her potential sales (and without her even realizing it, she has created more proof that her assumption was correct).

Here are what some typical assumptions might sound like: “If I don’t do it myself, it won’t be done right.” “My kids are lazy and unproductive.” “I’m no good at interviewing.” “No one listens to what I’m saying.” Because assumptions are primarily based on personal experience, they are internalized and emotional, and somewhat difficult to let go of. Delving deep to remove the emotion of the past experience may be necessary before moving forward. Page 46 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The main question to ask when challenging an assumption is simply, “Just because that happened in the past, why must it happen again?” This month, when you just “know” that something won’t work based on your past experience, recognize your assumption for what it is, question it, and consciously choose to let it go and take positive action.

Interpretations When you interpret something, you create an opinion about an event, situation, or experience. In essence, you create an explanation and then look for evidence to support its validity. When you make an interpretation, you don’t even see that other explanations exist. In actuality, though, an interpretation often represents only one viewpoint among the many that are possible.

Your interpretations hold a strong energetic charge, which affects your emotions and actions. If you believe your viewpoint of a particular situation is the only explanation, you might not be aware of another point of view. You may end up wasting a lot of time and resources marching off in the wrong direction. Because you don’t see that other possibilities exist, you remain stuck in your story, and feel like you have no control over the outcome. So let’s say you come into work one day, and your boss barely nods hello, and then goes into his office and closes the door. If you think that your boss acted that way because he is angry with you, you might spend the morning wondering what you did to get him mad, and you might be hesitant to approach him with the great idea you’d come up with on the way in to work.

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As with assumptions, interpretations are personal and are somewhat difficult to let go of and challenge. Holding on to them may seem like the easy way out, as facing them may move you into uncharted territory. However, challenging your interpretations opens you up to a world of possibilities.

Typical interpretations may sound like this: “He doesn’t like me.”

In the example of the boss above, perhaps the reason why he barely acknowledged you was that he just received a disturbing phone call about a family member, or he had a deadline that had to be met — or…….Well, there are many possible explanations. What an opportunity you’d miss if you decided not to present your great idea based on your false interpretation. This month, before you “jump to conclusions” and believe the first story that comes to mind, consider other possibilities that could lead you to new, empowering choices and actions.

“She thinks I’m incompetent.”

The Gremlin

“They don’t want to follow orders.”

The final block we’ll talk about - the gremlin - is the most difficult to overcome, because it’s the most personal and holds the most energy.

“My son is just not interested in doing his homework.”

This barrier is the gremlin within every one of us — the inner critic. You know that little

Interpretations can be directly challenged by asking, “What’s another way to look at that?” Just realizing that there are other ways to look at something lessens the power of your interpretation. One way to do this is to imagine what another individual’s perspective of the situation might be. Asking for someone else’s point of view on a difficult situation (even if they are not directly involved) can break existing paradigms and open pathways for more successful solutions. Challenging yourself or others to argue the point of view directly opposite your interpretation also works remarkably well to arrive at new information, new angles, and new paths to success. Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

voice in your head? That voice that tells you not to try, never to take a risk, always to take the safe road, and to compromise your life by playing small? That’s your gremlin, and the message from your gremlin’s warning is that you’re just not good enough to reach the summit of success.

Regardless of any evidence to the contrary, the gremlin’s annoying voice continues to whisper, “It ain’t gonna happen.” This debilitating message bubbles up in many forms:

“I’m not smart enough, experienced enough, and attractive enough.” It all comes back to a simple and quite vicious block, “I’m just not good enough to cut it.”

gremlin is only a part of who you are, not your whole identity. By seeing it in objective terms, you sap some of its strength. Gremlin work can be quite involved and is most effective when you are guided by a certified

If you’re not achieving what you want to, it’s most likely one of these explored. Your gremlin thrives four that’s keeping you on fear. When you hear its stuck. We need to learn to make conYour gremlin is highly personal. It is rooted deeply inside you and carries the most intense emotional charge of any of the blocks we’ve

whispers, your motivation to try withers. You dread failing, feeling pain, and being embarrassed. You can even be scared of succeeding if the gremlin convinces you that you’ll fail eventually.

So what are some typical gremlin statements? Do you hear any of these statements from your own inner critic? “I’m not effective.” “Who am I kidding, here?” “I’m not smart enough to really do this job right.” “I don’t have enough experience.” “I don’t deserve great success.” “They are going to find out I am a phony.”


scious choices, choices that are made in the present moment, without all the emotional “baggage” we carry around. This month, think about examining the various content of your extra suitcases. Unpack some of them, and see how much lighter you feel!

Brenda Williams is a wellrespected, Board Certified Coach who has provided consulting and coaching to individuals and businesses for over 25 years. Her focus is on leadership development and emotional intelligence, creating a Self Mastery System that leads to progressive communication skills and extraordinary relationships. She helps individuals and organizations make critical changes in their behavior, mindset and skills — leading to Laser Focused Results and Transformational Change.

Being aware of your gremlin is the first step towards lessening its power. Once you realize that your gremlin exists, give it an identity. Name it – www.yourcoachingsolution.com and then, if you’d like, make it even more real by drawing it, sculpting it, or seeing it in your mind – whatever works for you. In doing this, you discover that the E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 49

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www.globalfundforwomen.org www.liveyourdream.org E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 51

Susan Clarke’s Of Work & on the Playground of life!

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a persistent disposition to act either positively or negatively. We all have atti-

Are You Having FUN At Work? How About On the Playground of Life?

Work & life are supposed to be FUN! If you are in management it’s up to you to create an environment that allows your staff to have FUN and be excited about their jobs. And I say, “If you’re not having FUN at work, then you’ve probably made the wrong choice!” Transforming your attitude is all about the

Unfortunately, we as a society are programmed more negatives than positives. The news is negative. Even the weather report is negative! They say, “Tomorrow will be partly cloudy.” Well guess what, it will also be partly sunny. Or how about when they say,

If you want to have FUN at work and on the playground of life then you have to initiate “the Power of Positive Programming.” The key is to conhabits and choices you make.

stantly focus on and reinforce the positives. The reality is though; most people tend to focus on the negative. Have you ever heard the quote, “What you think about, you bring about?” So if you constantly focus on the negative that is what you will get. And vice versa! When I am out spending my hard earned money, too many times my experience is that the person serving me acts like they’re “doing time.” It’s as if the sheriff pulled up, handcuffed them and brought them in to “do their time”– they’re prisoners. The question is, “Are you the jailer?” Or “Are you in the self imposed prison?” Your positive or negative behavior directly affects all those people around you. And their positive or negative affects you as well. One of the definitions for Attitude is

tudes based on our belief systems but what I’m talking about is whether you’re persistently positive or persistently negative during the course of your day.

“There’s a 20% chance of rain.” There’s an 80% chance it won’t! There’s always two ways to look at it. Some people say the glass is half empty; some say it’s half full. And if you ask an engineer they’ll say, “It’s twice as big as it needs to be.” And you know what I say? “Who cares, get me another drink!” Having a positive attitude is often given as a secret to success. So if you want to be successful then you need to know how you get it, hang onto it and spread the fever to others!

I am going to share with you 5 FUN-damentals to get you started on the “Positive Attitude Programming Process”

that I have come with over the years that work for me and the people that have attended my speaking presentations:

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FUN-damental #1 – FUN-damental #2 – Hour Have Power PMS Everyday! I’m convinced the first step is you have to have tons of PMS -“Positive Mental Spirit!” PMS is like a giant bubble around your body and it’s invisible. The more positive you are, the fuller it gets. You’ve got to protect and keep nurturing that bubble with positive thoughts. I know from firsthand experience there are people out there whose only mission in life is to try to mess with your bubble. You’ve heard the

“Don’t let that person burst your bubble.” expression,

Which is why you’ve got to keep your bubble full at all times. And full of positives, not negatives. Some people have toxic waste and excess baggage in their bubbles. Those are the people you want to stay away from at all cost!

If you can’t avoid negative people in the course of your day do not allow them to penetrate your “positive bubble.” And the point is –

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I believe the first hour of your day is reflective of how your whole day will be. You set yourself up to be positive or negative. If you’re running late because you didn’t plan enough time to get ready, that is a negative. I like to get up slowly, have a cup of really hot coffee and plan my day. In total silence! That is a positive for me. What does your perfect first hour of the day look like to you?

like to take a nice 45 - minute walk after my coffee. Not because it is good for me; but because it makes me feel good. And if you need proof that walkThen I

ing will help make you more successful the latest research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition states, “People generate more creative ideas when they walk than when they sit.” I have found that when I take a break when I’m stumped and let go of the problem the solution will come to me. The point is – You will make time for those things that are important to you! Being prepared for the possibilities, challenges, expectations, etc. of what your day will bring is a big positive. So now, how do you psyche yourself up when you have to do, or deal with something that isn’t pleasant, FUN, or that you just plain don’t like doing? First you make the choice to either love it or hate it. What I do is think of how much worse my situation could be. (Somebody always has it better than you and many, many, many more have it worse than you.)

FUN-damental #3 – Mary Poppins Principle “A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.” My forever man and husband Chris had a job that entailed meetings every day. Now that would drive me nuts, but hey it was his job and he loved it. When we first started dating I remember him telling me one evening about the next day’s meetings he had and he said, “Oh man, (heavy sighing) I have that @#*@ meeting tomorrow.” As it turned out, he only had that meeting once a month. And guess what he said the following month the night before that meeting? Oh man, (heavy sighing) I have that @#*@ meeting tomorrow.” Well, clearly we had a pattern here. And that would be a “negative pattern.” So the next month when he said, “Oh man, (heavy sighing) I have that @#*@ meeting tomorrow.” My reply to him was, “What are you talking about? You LOVE that meeting. It’s your favorite one!” And he looked and smiled and laughed. That was the beginning of his “positive attitude programming process” with regard to that meeting. And every month when the dreaded @#*@ meeting happened, he then said with delight in his voice, and maybe a bit of sarcasm too, “Oh boy, I have my favorite meeting tomorrow!

And the point is – You make a “Conscious Choice” by choosing to not let those meetings or things you have to do be a drag and set yourself up with a “bad attitude.”

FUN-damental # 4 – Mental Manipulation Coupled with Selective Amnesia When all else fails you need to make up a story! I think Martin Seligman, Ph.D., the author of “Authentic Happiness” says it best.

Happy people remember more good events than actually happened, and they forget more of the bad events. Depressed people, in contrast, are accurate about both. Happy people are lopsided in their “

beliefs about success and failure: If it was a success, they did it, it’s going to last, and they’re good at everything; if it was a failure, you did it to them, it’s going away quickly, and it was just this one little thing.”

“When we are in a positive mood, people like us better, and friendship, love, and coalitions are more likely to cement. In conHe also says,

trast to the constrictions of negative emotion, our mental set is expansive, tolerant, and creative. We are open to new ideas and new experience.” The point is – Just one more reason why the “Positive Attitude Programming Process” will help you to be a success! E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 55

FUN-damental #5 – Shift Happens The power of a positive attitude affords you

you can adapt, change, and even evolve so that you can respond appropriately. And, with your new positive attimaximum flexibility -

tude, you can expect to enjoy your work environment more thoroughly as you laugh and find the humor in everyday rituals. And when you do that you can expect to achieve a higher degree of team work and cooperation from your fellow colleagues. You can also expect to appreciate the differences and idiosyncrasies of family members, close friends, and life partners. As they say, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

When you take control of your life (and not let it run you on “auto-pilot”) you will fully realize the power you have in the “Positive Attitude Programming Process.” It is then that you can expect to realize your work, personal, and relationship goals. And that is when you start having FUN at work and on the playground of life!

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Attitude Quiz Rate each statement from 1 to 5 with 5 being a resounding YES and 1 being a NO 1. I am very good at staying upbeat and positive even when things are not going exactly the way I would like them to. 2. I am rarely affected by other people when they are in a bad mood. 3. I always make time to do the things that are most important to me. 4. I know exactly how to put myself in a good mood. 5. I love my job and look forward to going to work every day. 6. The people I work with are supportive and feel like my family. 7. I like spending my free time with my family. 8. I have a wonderful network of friends and social acquaintances. 9. People like to be around me because I am upbeat. 10. My cup runneth over and I am grateful for all I have!  If you scored between 40 & 50 – Congratulations! Your glass is full most of the time.  If you scored between 30 & 40 – Your glass is full some of the time. Work on those areas where it’s not.  If you scored between 20 & 30 – You need to look into making some personal and/or professional changes.  If you scored below 20 – You are in serious need of an Attitude Adjustment!


E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 57

Women! Test Your Lifestyle Safety Executive Safety Expert Rogan Dwyer

At Global Asset Protection, Inc. we believe the fulcrum of family security is the wife and mother. A practical and workable security protocol is primarily driven by common sense, good habits, clear vision and instinct. Such clarity of purpose can be the foundation for peace of mind which should be yours by right. It may take some

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analysis and adjustment but with some planning and discipline you can take charge of your own surroundings and environment. Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions which will help you to think about where you may be more vulnerable than you realize. We can then set about rectifying any such weak link.

It’s not complicated and should not be daunting – it’s common sense.

Take The Quiz! Home: 1. Do you have a house alarm connected to Central Station? 2. Do you always set the alarm when retiring for the night and when away? 3. Do you lock your cars at night? 4. Do you know your alarm response company? 5. Do you open your door to strangers? * 6. Have you ever had a home invasion? * *See packages listed below

Office: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Do you drive to work? Do you have secure parking? Does your office have security? Does your office have an alarm? Do you hire temporary staff? * *See packages listed below

Family: 1. Do your family members ‘check in’ regularly? 2. Do you know where they are and who they are with? 3. Do they ‘buy into’ your plan for security? 4. Do you have high visibility? * *See packages listed below

Senior Execs, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs 1. Do you have travel security plans? * 2. Do you have travel insurance? * 3. Do you have kidnap, ransom, detention and hijack insurance? * *See packages listed below E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 59

Questionnaire Evaluation:Each question answered Yes is 5 points. Questions Home (5&6), Office (5) and Family (4&5) if answered in the affirmative will be addressed in specific articles in the coming weeks or should be addressed directly with us under our Monthly maintenance program.

50-70 Points scored:- Congratulations! You are practicing safety within your family, office and home. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and stay up to date on the latest news in family, business and executive security.

30-50 Points scored:- OK, you are practicing some good safety measures, however you need to subscribe to our monthly news letter and contact our office for an brief evaluation.

10-30 Points scored:- You need to pay attention and brush up on some basic safety elements in either home, office, family or your professional environment. Contact our office immediately to receive a more in-depth evaluation and let our representative recommend a basic package to start getting things on track.

Below 10 Points scored:- Call our office immediately and let’s get started on improving your situation!

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Global Asset Protection, Inc. focuses on protection and the following products are designed to complement this: One hour security analysis via phone. This comprises a series of questions and prompting advice on simple fixes and improvements.

Monthly retainer to have access to a call center to report concerns, questions and or observations at any time throughout the contract period.

‘Peace of Mind’ insurance. An insurance policy with a carrier with ‘A’ rated financial strength that covers response costs, extortion/kidnap costs, liability, unlawful detention costs, hijacking and other benefits.

Travel insurance. Medical costs,

evacuation, theft, delay, family emergencies can all be covered. Cost on demand but from as little as $4 a day per person. (N.B. Your US health insurance is highly unlikely to cover your costs incurred overseas)

Full alarm system. Cost as determined upon preliminary survey. Most situations here in the United States can be avoided. We have an efficient, trustworthy police force and the FBI is an invaluable resource. Any response measures can and should be coordinated with law enforcement.

In summary, awareness is the single most important element of any security plan or process. Paying attention to your surroundings, calling upon your instincts and being confident in your procedures goes a long way to giving you the peace of mind to which

If you set yourself up in the correct manner, most threats and incidents can be avoided. Many incidents are the you are entitled in this country.

result of opportunity which would not present itself with smart procedures. For those situations where you are specifically and methodically targeted, robust and overt measures will often deter perpetrators from making a move against you. You are too much trouble! Most situations here in the United States can be avoided. We have an efficient, trustworthy police force and the FBI is an invaluable resource. Any response measures can and should be coordinated with law enforcement.

Next month we will focus on travel risks We will be providing separate guidelines on each of these sections over the coming weeks. Watch for our tips via Twitter and

Next month we will focus on travel risks where the rules of engagement can be very different and we don’t have the luxury of law enforcement as we know it. The good news is that risks overseas can also be minimized with awareness, planning and common sense. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 61

Safety Essential for Mothers  Screening babysitters, schools, service providers.  Basic safety measures at home and on the move.  Awareness and recognition of potential threat.  Response to threats.

Family security package  Coordinating security responsibilities within a family.  Creative use of technology (and hazards)  Creating and maintaining secure perimeters.  Identifying and countering areas of vulnerability.  Family travel, children’s travel, gap years. Insurance options.

Safety Essential for Singles    

Knowing your ‘friends’ Protecting your space. The value of having a plan. Response to threats – real or imagined. (Never ignore your instincts!)

Business owners package  Know your employees.  Keeping barriers between work

and home.  Responsibility to employees.  Threats to the business: disruption, extortion, fraud

Page 62 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

 Travel risks.  Insurance options.  Monthly newsletter.

Global Asset Protection

is dedicated to products and services that are designed specifically for the needs of women, their families, and their businesses.

Executive Package  Kidnap, extortion, detention, hijack analysis.

 Monthly threat newsletter.  Understanding Terrorism (Doctrine, Intelligence, Tactics and Methodology)

 Surveillance, Counter-surveillance, Sur      

veillance Detection Regional and Country Studies; Risk Management Travel Safety and Awareness; Personal Security Kidnap Prevention/Hostage Survival Weapons and Tactics Active Shooter Response Vulnerability Assessments and Risk Management Corporate Team Building and Empowerment Programs

GAP does the research, asks the real questions, and maintains the most up-to-date information on the concerns of single women who live alone, new moms, families, business owners, and senior executives.

Global Asset Protection

even has an exclusive suite of services for international, executive travel, which includes kidnap protection.

Sign up for the


monthly newsletter

Rogan Dwyer President of

Global Asset Protection http://www.gaprotection.com/gapsecure.html https://twitter.com/GAPsecure

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E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 63

Top Wins f UN Recognizes Human Rights of LGBTI People

Last June, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community won a major milestone in a long struggle for equality and justice. In a 23 to 19 vote, the UN Human Rights Council adopted the first ever resolution to explicitly recognize and protect the human rights of LGBTI people, affirming LGBTI rights are indeed human rights

In Pakistan, where rape cases are largely unreported and sensationalized by the media, a courageous survivor of rape, Mukhtaran Mai, and a women’s rights organization are sparking a national debate on how media and society talk about rape. While the media’s reporting is important, photos of the survivor are sometimes published, and stories often leave out critical information about the rapist and the crime. Page 64 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


European Women Win Domestic Violence Treaty

Reporting Rape in Pakist

for Women's Movements www.globalfundforwomen.org/impact


Sri Lankan Women Workers Fight Back

In May 2011, over 40,000 garment workers, mostly women, walked out of their factories in the Katunayake Free Trade Zone (FTZ) to protest a wage-cutting pension bill introduced by the Sri Lankan Parliament in order to obtain a $2.6 billion IMF loan

Women’s Human Rights Central to Peace In 2011, the Nobel Committee awarded their Peace Prize to two Liberian women— peace activist Leymah Gbowee and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf—and Yemeni prodemocracy activist, Tawakkul Karman, all of whom are connected with Global Fund grantee partners

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 65



Russian Slaw with Smoked Trout Chef Jeff Henderson

Ingredients      

4 oz. sliced red cabbage 4 oz. sliced green cabbage 2 tbsp. of golden currants 2 tbsp. of pomegranate seeds 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 pinch nutmeg

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     

½ Granny Smith apple 1 pinch ground cloves 1 pinch salt & 1 pinch pepper 1 tsp. fresh parsley 2 tbsp. sour cream ½ filet of skinless smoked trout

Method Mix the ingredients together in a bowl to create a Russian Slaw. Next, place the slaw on top of the smoked trout. Finally, top with Granny Smith apples.

Healthy Tips Granny Smith Apples: Help decrease the levels of bacteria in your mouth that attack teeth and cause cavities. Trout: Provides 37% of the dailyrecommended serving of protein while containing only 6-grams of fat.

ABOUT CHEF JEFF HENDERSON Chef Jeff Henderson rose from humble beginnings in Southern California to become the first AfricanAmerican executive chef at the Bellagio Hotel. He has gone on to become a successful TV host with a cable show on the Food Network, a nationally syndicated series of cooking vignettes called, “In the Kitchen”, and an upcoming half-hour daytime TV show called “Flip My Food”. When he isn’t cooking on TV he’s a highly sought-after motivational speaker, sharing the secrets of realizing your potential at schools, organizations, and Fortune 500 companies across the country.

The American Tasting Institute has named him Las Vegas Chef of the Year. HarperCollins published his life story in the New York Times best selling book “Cooked”. His success as an author landed him on Oprah. Shortly after that TV appearance, Sony Pictures bought the rights to his book and his life story, which is currently being developed into a major motion picture. Jeff has taken advantage of his exposure to inspire disadvantaged young adults and at-risk youth. In addition to his high profile speaking engagements, he works with inner-city youth programs all around the United States. Jeff shares his knowledge and excitement for food through his cooking shows and cookbooks. In 2009, Jeff published his first cookbook, Chef Jeff Cooks (Simon & Schuster). In 2011, he released his second cookbook America I AM Pass It Down Cookbook (Hay House/Smiley Books), a collection of recipes that have been passed down to preserve African Americans' food legacy. His first cooking show, Beat The Chefs (premiered 2012), followed by Family Style with Chef Jeff (premiered 2013). He is also the author of the self-help book If You Can See It, You Can Be It (Hay House/Smiley Books). Jeff’s story has been featured on Oprah's Life Class, Good Morning America, Today Show, CNN, ABC World News Tonight, USA Today, People Magazine, New York Times, Newsweek and the Washington Post.Jeff lives in Las Vegas with his wife Stacy and their five children. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 67


Our Family History my parents were born in Michoacan, Mexico. My father was 16 years old when he first came to America. He settled in a labor camp in Calistoga, Napa Valley. There he began

He fell in love with the vines. Soon after working in the vineyards in 1968.

his arrival, he was put in charge of a crew of men that consisted of my grandfather, cousins and uncles. My father was the oldest of 13 children and it was his responsibility to help support the family. He married my mother when she was 16 years old in 1970 and brought her to America Page 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

a year later. She helped my father work in the vineyards and cooked for the entire crew of 12 -14 men every day. My mother admits she did not know how to cook well and had to learn very quickly. She had none of the same ingredients that were available in Mexico, so she learned to cook using new food sources.

I started working when I was eight years old and never stopped. My family launched three companies that I helped to run and manage in my teenage years. Through the first company, we farmed and sold grapes to local wineries.


BLACK COYOTE CHATEAU WINERY 2400 North Third Ave. Napa, CA 94558 T: 707.252.2292 F: 707.259.5395 blackcoyotewines.com

The second was a vineyard management company. Landowners hired us to farm and develop vineyards on their property. Finally, the third — my very favorite — was the winery. In 1997 my sister, Lorena, married a winemaker and my father gave them grapes to make their own wine as long as they also made wine

I was 19 when my father put me in charge of the winery. I took classes at night and worked during the day. I signed up with for our family wine brand.

industry membership organizations to meet people so I could ask them how to build a successful winery.

I had an overwhelming response from people who wanted our family to succeed. There were a few negative remarks here and there, but I never minded them and focused on the future growth of our family business. What I envisioned for our family’s winery was something that had never been done before.

To honor the history and heritage of our family and many

others who work the vineyard land today. Because of the hands and labor of the Mexican men and women, fine wine is produced to enhance the culinary experience. They work in the intolerable heat and freezing temperatures every season. It was important to honor the workers in our family winery E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 69

A year later I was asked to join Black Coyote as a partner. I own 51% of the company now. Black Coyote Wine Brand interested me because it was founded by one of the first

African Americans to produce ultra-premium wine in the country.

I became a

single mother when I was 24 years old and my daughter Jocelyn was three. She is learning the wine business, although she has been very clear that she does not want to work in the wine business. I respect her choices. She is now 15 and is planning to attend UCLA in two years.

Vanessa Robledo, CEO Biography

Vanessa Robledo is CEO and Majority Owner of Black Coyote Wines in Napa Valley. In the six years since she took over the reins, Vanessa has established Black Coyote Wines as a multicultural wine brand with national distribution in 18 states. She has increased direct consumer and wine club sales 100 fold.

Her Black Coyote Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon has a stunning record of consistent excellence among critics. The 2007 Black Coyote Reserve Cabernet received 97 points from Wine Enthusiast Magazine and was selected as one of the “Top 100 Wines of the World” out of 16,000 entrants. All Black Coyote Reserves have won Best of Class, Gold or Double Gold medals from National and International competitions, including the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition, Sunset Magazine International Wine Competition, and XVII Concurso Internacional. As a subject of dozens of feature stories and numerous radio and television appearances on everything from Univision to the Food Network, Vanessa has been an important voice in the wine industry. She has become the face of a new generation of Hispanics who are well - educated, hard-working, and eager to spread the gospel about food and wine to anyone who will listen. In a feature story in Sonoma Woman Magazine, author Rhoann Ponseti wrote, “She is not only the

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American dream personified, she is reinventing that dream as she goes along, serving as a bridge over cultures, gender, wine industry, age and family stereotypes. ”Committed to helping others, Vanessa Robledo served as President of the Ernest Bates Foundation, which established a pre-school at El Verano Elementary School in Sonoma for children from the under-served community. Most of the students enrolled in the program were native Spanish speakers.

People of Napa Valley”. In 2008 she was selected as Entrepreneur of the Year by Latina Magazine. The North Bay Business Journal recognized Vanessa as one of 2007’s leading young professionals. She was awarded the 2006 Latino Business Leadership Award given to the most influential Hispanic leaders in the Bay Area. She has been honored in 2005 by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors as the first district recipient of the Women of Color Humanitarian Award.

In 2012 Vanessa was recognized as one of 100 women honored as a Forever Green Girl Scouts Honoree. The award was given to women who made a significant impact to sustaining the environment, economy, or community while reflecting the ethnic and geographic diversity of Northern California. Napa Valley Life Magazine selected Vanessa as “2010 Intriguing

All of these accomplishments have been achieved while Vanessa has worked as an expert, skilled business person running Black Coyote Wines, or serving as President of Robledo Family Winery. While there, she grew the

brand from a tiny 100 case producer in 1997 to a very healthy and thriving business doing 20,000 cases a year in 2007. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 71



Winemaker Facts: Production: 600 cases Oak: 60% New French Aged: 22 Months in Barrel Appellation: Napa; Atlas Peak, Rutherford and Yountville Alcohol: 14.7% Winemaker, Tim Milos is a UC Davis graduate. He shares our philosophy of expressing the wines natural state at all time. Because of this we do not filter any of our wine.

2010 Black Coyote, Sauvignon Blanc, Napa Valley

Winemaker Tasting Notes Our 2010 Black my great grandfather, Coyote Reserve has been Luis Robledo harvested from three of 2013 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONINapa Valley 's most CLE WINE COMPETITION, GOLD prestigious appellations. Atlas Peak Vineyard is known for its volcanic red soils, 1800 feet of elevation, and its robust MEDAL WINNER! fruit flavors. Rutherford and Yountville located on the Napa Winemaker Tasting Notes Valley floor introduce concentrated fruit with its 10 degrees Our 2010 Sauvignon Blanc is grown in Oakville, the warmer temperatures than mountain fruit. 80% of quality of wine comes from the vineyard. heart of Napa Valley . We add 10% Semillon, a French Bordeaux varietal, to our Sauvignon Blanc. This blend tones down the high acids of the Sauvignon The combined characteristics of these wine regions make up Blanc and created a more balanced wine. This wine is flavors of bold black berries, dark chocolate, deep concenmade for enjoyment with light, hearty, or spicy trated powerful structured wine with a soft elegance that Page 72 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive foods. pairs wonderfully with most cuisine.

my great g Luis R

grandfather, Robledo

SOLD OUT! 2009 Black Coyote, Chardonnay Winemaker Facts Winemaker: Tim Milos Appellation: Sonoma Coast Production: 100 cases Months in Oak: 10 months Oak: 100% French

SOLD OUT! 2008 Black Coyote, Reserve Cabernet Winemaker Facts Winemaker: Tim Milos Appellation: 85% Atlas Peak & 15% Spring Mountain Production: 276 cases Months in Oak: 22 months Oak: 100% French

BLACK COYOTE CHATEAU WINERY 2400 North Third Ave. Napa, CA 94558 T: 707.252.2292 F: 707.259.5395

Winemaker Facts Production: 300 cases Oak: New French Oak Aged: 10 Months in Barrel Appellation: Napa; Oakville Alcohol: 14.6% Blend: 10% Semillon

SOLD OUT! 2009 Black Coyote Reserve, Cabernet Sauvignon

SOLD OUT! 2008 Black Coyote, Sauvignon Blanc Winemaker Facts Appellation: Napa Valley , Oakville Production: 94 cases Months in Oak: 12 months Oak: 100% French Neutral

2012 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE WINE COMPETITION, GOLD MEDAL WINNER! Winemaker Tasting Notes Our 2009 Cabernet is made with 100% Cabernet grapes from 3 of the most prestigious Napa Valley Appellation: Atlas Peak, Stag's Leap, and Rutherford. We showcase their uniqueness of climate and soils by hand selecting the best clones and rootstocks in the area for our Reserve. The now present tannis indicate this wine will only get better with age. Decanting is recommended. Winemaker Facts: Production: 600 cases Oak: 65% New French Aged: 22 Months in Barrel Appellation: Napa; Atlas Peak, Stag's Leap and Rutherford Alcohol: 15% E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 73 Blend: 10%

BLACK COYOTE WINES SOLD OUT! 2007 Black Coyote Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon

SOLD OUT! 2005 Black Coyote Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon

Winemaker Tasting Notes The wines appearance is an opaque deep ruby red. The bouquet is a combination of savory aromas of turned earth, black currants, dried violet, allspice, and nutmeg with a touch of kirsch. The flavors follow with vibrant cherries and blackberries along with subtle spices of nutmeg and cloves. There are wonderful nuances of toasted oak. The finish is soft with rounded tannins. Winemaker Facts Winemaker: Tim Milos Appellation: Napa Valley , Atlas Peak Production: 800 cases Months in Oak: 22 months Oak: 100% French 85% New Wine Ageing: 15+ years Accolades ~Double Gold SF Chronicle Wine Competition-Double Gold Medal Winner! ~XVII Concurso International Ensenada-Gold Medal Winner! ~Key Biscayne Wine & Food Competition-Gold Medal Winner!

The Wine Enthusiast Top 100 Wines of 2011 edition 97 POINTS RANKED #47

SOLD OUT! 2006 Black Coyote Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon - 1.5L Magnum Winemaker Tasting Notes Opens with aromas of blackberry, kirsch, crushed roses and chocolate truffle. The palate is tightly wound around an intensely structured core of dark fruit, nutmeg, green cardamom, balanced with sandalwood and a thread of cassis, all delivered on a firm but open grained tannins. As the wine finishes flavors turn to black cherry, cedar, and dusty cocoa. Beautiful now with decanting, the wine will continue to develop with time. Winemaker Facts Winemaker: Tim Milos Appellation: Napa Valley , Atlas Peak Months in Oak: 22 months Oak: 100% French 85% New Wine Ageing: 20+ years

Accolades 2009 Wine Advocate 90 points -Robert Parker Page 74 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Winemaker Tasting Notes Wine Maker Notes Initial fragrances are of ginger bread and star anise. Aromas of cardamom, dark berries and an unmistakable sent of cedar fills the wine glass. Focused core of concentrated blackberry and black cherry flavors from entry to fall leaf finish. Full bodied with mulling spice and kirsch flavors. Supple texture, elegant balanced, long lasting finish and well integrated, supple tannins. A fully developed rich mountain Cabernet with complex aromatics. Best now and over the next couple decades with decanting. Winemaker Facts Winemaker: Tim Milos Appellation: Napa Valley, Atlas Peak Production: 450 cases Months in Oak: 22 months Oak: 100% French 85% New Wine Ageing: 20+ years

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Laurie Forster The Wine Coach

Laurie Forster The Wine Coach, is one of the country’s leading wine experts whose mission is to demystify wine one glass at a time. The queen of wine edutainment, she is also the author of the award-winning book, The Sipping Point and a regular guest on TV and radio shows across the country. Laurie’s

specialty is creating unique corporate keynotes, teambuilding events and group tasting seminars for corporate leaders such as MetLife, LG, Microsoft and the US Chamber of Commerce.

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Laurie’s radio show The Sipping Point can be heard every week on WBAL or in her free App The Wine Coach which was rated one of the Top 8 Wine Apps by Wine Enthusiast magazine. She partners with her better half Chef Michael Forster to create HeCooksSheWines.com and The Wine Coach Club, a wine and recipe of the month club.

For more info on The Wine Coach: www.TheWineCoach.com

What’s Your Wine Style?

Here are some essential styles:


While you may have a sense of style for fashion, it is time to connect with your wine style. Are you bubbly, crisp, mellow, juicy or bold? Understanding basic wine styles helps when exploring new wines — embrace the diversity that the wine world has to offer. To categorize wine by “style” we group them based on similar characteristics, such as color, body, flavors, acidity, tannins and sweetness. These characteristics are combined to create a wine style. Wine stores and restaurants have begun using this approach to organize their wines. If you understand the wine style, you can narrow your search without a deep knowledge of geography or grape varieties. Mark Bachman, V-No Wine Bar in Baltimore,

“By grouping our wines by style instead of country of origin, we remove the stress many people associate with picking the right bottle of wine. Once MD explains,

we hone in on what style a customer prefers, say ‘crisp white’ they can feel confident that whether they choose the Pinot Grigio from Italy or the Sauvignon Blanc from California all of the wines in the section are bound to please.” Many restaurants like P.F. Chang’s Asian Bistro and Flemings Steakhouse offer wine lists organized by style making ordering wine a less stressful ordeal.

– Light- to medium

-bodied whites with high acidity. Think Sauvignon Blanc, Spanish Albariño and Argentinean Torrontes. Great pairings for lighter foods like salads, seafood, salty foods and as an aperitif.

Mellow –

Softer, me-

dium-bodied whites with lower acidity and possibly oak aging. Think white Burgundy, Californian Chardonnay or Australian Semillon. Great with heartier dishes like white meats, creamy pastas or meaty fish.

Lush –

Full, rich and big fruit fla-

vors. Think Viognier, Alsatian Gewurztraminer, Oregon Pinot Gris or Chardonnays. These intense and sometimes exotic flavors lend themselves to fuller flavored or spicy dishes.

Juicy –

Lighter reds and Rosé

are full of juicy fruit flavors and have low or soft tannins. Think dry Rosé from Provence, cool climate Pinot Noir or Beaujolais. These reds can be served chilled—best with lighter meats or heartier seafood.

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 77

essential styles




– Medium- to full-

bodied reds with soft or velvety tannins. Think Australian Shiraz, softer styles of Merlot and California Pinot Noir. Pair with heartier fare like burgers, red meats and barbeque ribs.

Big & Bold


– Fullest

reds with firm tannins and intense flavors. Think California Cabernet Sauvignon, Italian Barolo and Argentinean Malbec. These bold wines match with the heartiest of red meats, game and stews.

Are they fresh fruit, dried fruit, jammy or earthy? The basic categories of flavors to consider are herbs, fruit, vegetable, floral and earth elements like rock, soil and minerals.

Wine Characteristics Used to Determine Style


Wines have texture and mouth feel just like other drinks. Think of the weight and texture of skim, whole and heavy cream. These correspond to what we experience with light-bodied, medium-bodied and full-bodied wines. As a general rule as the alcohol content increases so does the body of the wine.

Acidity: Is

it white, red or pink? The intensity of the color can also tell you about the intensity of the wine. The deeper and darker wines tend to be more intense.

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This is the wine’s “pucker factor.” If it is high acid or crisp you’ll get the same sensation as if you tasted a lemon. Lower acid wines are described as soft or mellow and it will not have this pucker effect. Acidity can be affected by the grape variety and winemaking decisions.

Tannin: Red wines are fermented on their skins which give red wines their color and an astringent substance called tannins. A tannic wine will give you an instant dry mouth. Tannins help a wine age and are great partners for fatty foods. Wines that have softer tannins do not have this dry finish and are easier to drink without food.


Is it sweet like sugar,

bone dry or somewhere in between? A fruity wine that finishes dry is not sweet. There has to be a real taste of sweetness (or sugar) on the finish.

Upcoming Events The Sipping Point

 7/12 Something to Wine About: Wine & Comedy with Laurie Forster at Bordeleau Vineyards in Eden, Md

 8/8 Something to Wine About: Wine & Comedy with Laurie Forster atVanDiver Inn in Havre de Grace, MD

 8/13 Something to Wine About Wine & Comedy at City Winery in New York, NY

is written in Laurie's down to earth, practical style. Whether you are a wine novice or a seasoned enthusiast, you'll love this book. With over 125 pages of wine essentials along with stunning photos, The Sipping Point is the perfect book for you or any wine lover on your list!

Hire Laurie for your next corporate, client or fundraising event! More info: www.TheWineCoachSpeaks.com

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 79

A Lesson in Acceptance The Path to True Love

. Acceptance is a big word and an even bigger undertaking as a way of being in this world. “If only” others could see things the way I do. Oops, did I just say that?!

If only they could see themselves the way I see them, they would be much happier. If only I could wave a magic wand, then the world would be a better place and everyone would get along and be more loving to one another. I felt like an alien that was just dropped into this big scary world where people hurt one another physically, emotionally, and verbally. Here I was this bursting bundle of Love. What was wrong with this picture and everyone in it, I thought. Why can’t they see who they really are like I can? I also naively thought that if I just showed them that being kind, caring, loving, sweet, etc. that they would want to change and be the same way. What I didn’t realize was all Page 80 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

that wishing and showing how they should be was nothing but self-importance and judgment oozing from every pore of my body. Oh, and did I mention, I felt sorry for all those poor

Wanting everyone to be and see everything through my eyes was pure arrogance. Furthermore, it people.

created such a deep pain within me of feeling isolated and alone and powerless. I call it the “I’m the only one” syndrome. Because of this, I felt disconnected from everything and everyone around me and that no one could possibly understand how I felt, deepening the sense of isolation. It was a no win paradigm. It took decades to crack the illusion of seeing things only from a rosy perspective. It shattered my world and it horrified me to see that I was not this perfect example of LOVE that I had portrayed and thought myself to be. It brought me to my knees to see the depths to which I

By Carol Pilkington realized I had set myself up as this superior being in the name of Love. At first, I felt shame and it was difficult to see the illusion fully and the falsity of it. Deep down as I began to recover from the horror of witnessing all this and uncover many layers of falsehoods, I knew that

this shattering had to occur in order to discover and experience the Truth of Being LOVE. After the horror, shame, cringing,

(the details are unimportant) until one of her sons berated and scolded her for her stupidity (his word not mine). We made up as we were

driving to the funeral of one of her other sons. Can you see the irony? It wasn’t lost on me. Gee whiz, after all, I only felt sorry for people for not seeing things my way. Nonetheless, I was getting some of my own medicine albeit in a harsh way.

and mourning of letting go of the false ideals, then enough of the emptying process occurred to begin to see and experience the truth of real Love and the path to it that was there all along but was obscured and twisted. The lessons we learn are often through the relations with family where we are under the illusion of automatic unconditional love and acceptance. I was disowned and cast off for 4 years by my grandmother for not seeing and believing the way she did

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However, my biggest lesson in deepening my understanding and experience of Acceptance came from another family member, my sister, someone to whom I so desperately wanted to be close. I share this with the utmost gratitude and humbleness. One of the biggest things I’ve learned on the road to acceptance is everyone’s own process and life is their business and not mine.

We tend to inject ourselves into other people’s lives as if we have a right and even a duty to do so. Each

one of us has our own lessons to learn, how we learn them and if we learn them is no one else’s business. That means no preaching, converting, or convincing another that what and how they learn is right or wrong, good or bad. Ok, so my sister and I are four and a half years apart. She was my big sister. She saw the world through her own eyes as I saw the world through my own eyes of perception. Our ways of seeing and being were galaxies apart. Page 82 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

It created in me a deep sadness that we were never close no matter how much I secretly idolized her for how smart she is. I thought if I showed her how much I loved her, she would love me back in the same way. That is another thing we do in our relationships, we show people how we want to receive love and expect to receive it exactly that way, which only brings disappointment, because what are they also doing? That’s right, demonstrating how they want to receive love in hopes of receiving it their way. As I did, and continue my own inner work, I came to accept that we were never going to be the storybook close sisters that I had hoped we would be. I’ve learned to accept all of who I am, which is key to accepting the all of everything and everyone else around us as they are.

With acceptance comes LOVE in its purest state. Acceptance is the truest path to Love. It is not a personalized love. It is a state of Love that can manifest and be expressed in a personal way with no attachments, expectations or demands on another.

I have come to deeply love, accept and appreciate my sister as she is and, I ap-

preciate the gift of presenting me with this lesson of acceptance. The road to acceptance is not easy and can be quite painful, yet the rewards are plentiful and boundless. I feel more connected than I could ever have imagined in the beginning. When you find yourself beginning your sentences with “If only” or “I wish”, it is a sign of nonacceptance of what is NOW. See if you can catch yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself, be playful. For more information on Carol Pilkington http://www.carolpilkington.com http://www.twitter.com/becauseumatter http://www.facebook.com/ heartcenteredastrology http://www.linkedin.com/in/solutionsforyou

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Amiyrah is the sole writer at 4 Hats and Frugal, where she chats about family, food,fashion and finance. She's a mother, wife, Sergeant in the Air Force and has embraced the frugal lifestyle.A blogger since 2007, she's created a community of like-minded and fun readers in her small corner of the internet. That community continues to build on her blog, on twitter, and now on her Pinterest account. She's a bomb builder by day, and an avid "pinner" of awesome recipes by night.

Dan R. Morris teaches business owners (and that includes bloggers) how to build systems that generate revenue. Through mastermind groups, LettersFromDan.com and private coaching, Dan uses his experience as aninfomercial producer, niche website owner, blog coach, author and product developer to help owners understand the difference between revenue generation and empire building. Dan actively encourages marketers to take thatextra step so that "Hope" doesn't become themarketing plan.

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Alicia Navarro is CEO and cofounder of Skimlinks, a content monetization platform that helps websites get rewarded for the purchase intent created in their content. Skimlinks’ technology turns product links and product references into trackable affiliate links,

September 12 - 14, 2014 Cedar Point Hotel One Cedar Point Drive Sandusky, Ohio 44870


and provides valuable analytics into the shopping preferences of a publisher's users for more than 18,000 merchants and more than 200,000 blogs, forums, mobile apps, socialshopping sites, content networks and publishing platforms globally. Alicia manages a growing team of seventy people in London and San Francisco and aims to create a platform that shortens the distance between content and commerce. Prior to this, Alicia has worked for over 10 years with a series of telcos, media companies and startups, designing and launching mobile and internet-based applications in Australia and the UK. She has a Bachelor of Information Technology and the University Medal for Computing Sciences from the University of Technology, Sydney. She can be reached on Twitter at @alicianavarro.

Sara Broers resides in North Central Iowa with her husband and two sons (18 & 23). Sara started blogging 5 1/2 years ago at All In An Iowa Mom's Day and started Travel With Saraapproximately one year ago. From the get-go, Sara embraced Twitter. She realized how important each Social Media platform was and learned how to connect herself and others through these platforms. Through the last 5 1/2 years, her blogs have evolved and out of her writing and experience, she started her own social media business at the end of December 2013, Social Connections, LLC. She is a social media instructor at the World Wide College of Auctioneering, educates others on how to use social media, and prides herself on her ability to connect others.

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 85

d n ra b r ity u o qu y g de r n i e s n a d a e ue a e r l Inc val as a


Business and Branding Expert


do brands survive and thrive in today’s new A brand is absolutely not a How economy… where it is consumer driven, not company, not a logo, not ad- production driven? Customers don't only buy vertising, not marketing, not products and services. They buy promises that can be deeven a product or livered and demonservice.

strated, time and time again.

Although these Touch points can impact and drive a brand image, they alone, are not a Trust and clear communication is brand. Products are manufactured in factories and brands are manufactured in the customer’s the ultimate shortcut to a buying decision.

A brand is a symbolic Here are the 5 top ingredients to build the value of your brand and equity: embodiment of all the 1. What is skillfulness and emotional your Brand visual, auditoria, and textural communica- Vision? mind.

tions and experience connected to a company, product or service. Without branding, businesses will find it more and more difficult to survive and thrive in today’s overcrowded market place. Page 86 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

One of the most critical ingredients needed for sustainability for any company is a brand vision. As a CEO, ask yourself: do you have a Brand Vision that inspires all of your stakeholders?

A brand vision should provide guidance and inspiration in the process of critical decisionmaking. All decisions should lead and channel to the brand vision, the big picture of why you are a business in the first place. It must be grander than a dollar amount. That is a common mistake, made often, because it isn’t big enough to inspire the

The brand vision should be based on what change and legacy you want to leave behind on this planet. The vision needs to be inspiring customer and other stakeholders.

and radical; aspire to cause breakthroughs with your brand to globally shift paradigms. This drive will cause your brand to be remembered as a leader and innovator with true value.

2. What is your Brand Philosophy?

Another important ingredient is the brand philosophy. The philosophy reflects the CEO’s values that will guide the business and shareholders and define the culture. The philosophy will build trust between employees and long lasting customers. Some questions to ask - what is your passion in life and why, what do you feel is your gift, what guides you to decide between what is right and wrong.

You will find that the brand philosophy will keep like-minded and hearted team members and strategic alliances on the same page. This will create a

culture that can be felt from the employees to the customers. People want to feel they can do business with brands that are authentic.

3. Are you clear on your brand position?

A brand position is the promise you can deliver from a Unique Selling Proposition and a Unique Buying Proposition. The Unique Buying Proposition is more important in today’s economy. Here again, people don’t want to be sold to, as much as they want to buy. How can you deliver in the market with your product or service in a way it has never been

How do you stack up amongst your top 3 competitors? Go beyond the probserved before?

lem and solution. Look at the aspiration of your customers. Who is your ideal client; baby boomer, generation X and/or Y? What psycho-graphics (emotions and lifestyle) do they share and why?

4. Are your Touchpoints integrated?

Touchpoints are needed to communicate and express the company’s brand identity to the customers mind to form the brand image. Touchpoints are a set of links to the most important brand’s core identity; the brand’s name, mark, tagline, colors and font. The Touchpoints are lead generators for sales. They are opportunities to strengthen the brand from its competition, build trust and loyalty with customers.

HOWARD LIM Office: 310.455.0389 Cell: 310.804.4251 Fax: 310.455.0489 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 87

Touchpoints include: brand icons, website, tradeshow booth, advertising, receptionist, signage, brochures, voicemails, emails, etc. Are all the

Touchpoints integrated in telling one consistent story or are they fragmented telling different stories and giving off different identities? Make sure all medias are integrated for power and strength.

5. What is your brand personality?

A brand personality is a set of human characteristics such as gender, sex, age, values, attitude, emotions, lifestyle, habits, and economic class. It is used to build a relationship and bond between the brand’s personality and the customer. Aim to personify; it is the link to the customer’s experience. It builds brand loyalty by creating a relationship. A cigarette is a cigarette until it is associated to brand like the ruggedness of Marlboro, or the sexy and provocative look of Virginia Slims.

A Crayon is a stick of colored wax until paired with the happiness and entertainment of a child for hours on end. Complete the following; if the brand spoke what would it say and what would it wear and why? What music would it listen to and why?

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Gift Baskets! A Fun and Profitabl Deliver a Smile!


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le Way to

By Vivian Shiffman

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 91

The gift basket industry is definitely a recession proof business. Why? Because there is always a reason to CELEBRATE! A gift basket is the perfect year round opportunity to offer a variety of thematic packaged and pleasing gifts for all occasions. Whether you are seeking corporate accounts or everyday consumers, the fundamentals are

Vivian Shiffman, 2001 International Gift Basket Designer of the Year states, “I design gift baskets for all occasions, everything from birth to bereavement.” the same.

In the business of gift baskets, presentation is everything! Coordinating colors of packaged products is necessary to have eye appeal, but there also must be some rhyme and reason to the design. The basket should have a theme, menu or recipe. There needs to be a beginning and an end. What I mean is, you wouldn’t make up an office snack basket and put a bag of pasta in the basket. An office party theme should have something for everyone in that office. That includes the dieters! Gourmet snacks are easy to put together. Find out how large an office this basket needs to accommodate. There should be snacks of “sweet and salty” to include nuts both salted and not, caramel corn, chips and salsa, pretzels, chocolates, coffee, tea and cocoas and a variety of cookies. If you are making a pasta theme for a housewarming gift, be sure to design and include a party dip or appetizer, pasta, pasta sauce, olives, bread mix, breadsticks or bruschetta, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, pasta spoon fork, and linen or checkered cloth napkins. Add “welcome to your new home” items such as coffee or themed cookies. The basket or container itself should also serve as dual purpose (can be used to serve bread, store magazines or hold guest towels, or fruit). Containers will continue to leave a lasting impression and the giver will be long remembered. The gift basket market continues to grow. You have seen on television that on every award ceremony (Emmy’s, Oscar’s, etc.) they give lavish gift baskets to the presenters and the winners. Talk hosts give baskets to their guests.

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But not everyone has the luxury of having celebrities to prepare and deliver their precious packages to. There is a market for everyone. I personally prefer the corporate market. Having gone from home based to warehouse to retail and now to showroom/warehouse is where I truly find my comfort zone. I make appointments with clients and if they need to come and see my office, I can invite them to my 2,700 square foot facility where they can explore my showroom displaying all price ranged gift baskets. There is a table and chairs for their comfort to look through my presentation portfolio, enjoy a cup of coffee and sample some of the products that I place in my designs.

Themes, Prices and Customers Gift basket themes and ideas are endless. Your imagination and the imaginations of your clients will help theme your complete package. Obviously, you wouldn’t feature western or cow themes in New York! The same goes true for seafood themed baskets offered in Wyoming. One thing is true for everyone across the board. All want a gift that is full of product, tastes good and must have eye appeal and perceived value. Because I deal with Corporate America, I keep my selection to include the corporate look. Gold, Silver, Copper, Burgundy, Black and Brown tones are a must in my designs. All of those colors speak volumes. That is truly what your client wants and expects. Know your market. Target your industry. Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, specialize in one or two categories. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 93

Pricing your gift baskets – This all goes back to what the market will bear in your area. There are several formulas to pricing. Those that are home based usually will “keystone” (double) the cost of the goods simply because they don’t have any extra overhead. Those with warehouses or retail locations MUST add a minimum of doubling, and be sure to recoup the shipping/handling charges from the manufacturer. But if employees are involved, a labor fee and other incidental fees are needed to cushion into the design. Many designers will often mark up three times or more, so that they have all bases covered.

Customers – Well, there are plenty out there! No one person can handle every person or company. The potential for your customer base is dictated only by your capability to fulfill their needs. Be sure not to bite off more than you can chew! Everyone is a potential client. Remember… there is always a need for your service. Everyone at one time or another will need a gift to give. Why not let the company that fulfills their needs be you! Ideas and Tips for new retailers to get into/are new to the gift basket market – You too can have a piece of the “pie”! And here’s the recipe to success

Perseverance - Stick with it!

Show your talents and passion for this industry. If you build baskets…they will come!

Integrity- To thy own self be true – treat others as you would want them to treat you. Be professional, dress appropriately, be honest, and always deliver more than you offered! Page 94 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

EducationAttend as many gift basket tradeshows and seminars as possible. You can always learn new tips and be there to offer advice to someone new! As for “Trends”…anything goes! Bright apple green and orange colors are the rave! Hot pink and black with zebra patterns, or anything with animal prints grab the teen to 30’s crowd! Coffee designs have taken off over the past ten years. There’s always a need for chocolate, and pamper baskets are extremely appreciated. With just about every household having two incomes nowadays, even the men want the Pamper “Zen” baskets! I have also seen that offering a gift inside the gift basket has been a huge factor in my latest designs. Remember more “stuff than fluff”! Enhancements should be minimal, but decorative. Gift baskets should be brimming with items. Offer wonderful and delicious solutions for all their gifting needs! Your creativity will definitely shine through!

Vivian Shiffman – has been delivering smiles since 1974! Shiffman won the prestigious and coveted “Designer of the Year” award among International competitors. An Instructor for the gift basket industry for over twenty years at Gift Marts across the United States, Gift Basket University, The International Fancy Food Show, Jubilee and Basket Connection gift basket conventions, and also featured in Entrepreneur and in many gifting industry magazines. Vivian also produces an incredible resource of educational classes taught by the nations’ most creative and talented gifting designers all under one roof at Celebrate! Convention and Tradeshow (www.keepcelebrating.com) to be held this year, September 11-14 in Las Vegas, Nevada. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 95


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to Doctors Without Borders

If you would like assistance with your donation, please contact Donor Services at (212) 763-5779, MondayFriday from 9am - 5pm EST or email us at donations@newyork.msf.org. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 97


Are you looking to increase your Membership in YOUR Club, Association or Organization? Do you and your members carry your Club membership applications all the time? If you are truly trying to increase your membership then you need to do this simple step as you never know where you might be and who you might meet that would be the perfect new member for your Club, Association or Or-

The GFWC Menifee/Sun City Woman’s Club and many other groups over the years that I have been a part of and I have personally recruited many new members using this one simple step and others that have put the step into place have also seen an increase in their memberships as well. Do you need more volunteers/.helpers for your projects? Instead of just saying I need volunteers how about looking for the talent that is needed for the project and then see who in your Club, Organization and Association has that talent and ASK them to be a part of the project.

Over the years I have used these simple steps to recruit members for People like to be ASKED and my Nafe groups, also for members for most of the time they will say the Menifee Valley Chamber, YES. ganization..

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Being a team means that everyone contributes and remember “Together we can do more.” ASK individuals to join as a member, ASK members to step forward and help on projects and ASK members to share new ideas. ASKING is a very powerful way to achieve your mission, believe me it really is that easy. These simple steps will help YOU soar to greatness with YOUR Club, Organization and/or Association?

Having the right talent will make your job so much easier. So even if you are a non-profit say to yourself “ If money was no object what kind of talent would I need to better serve the organization”, then look for that talent they are out there and if someone is volunteering their talent they find the job so much easier to

I use this technique all the time and it really works. do.

Are you looking for ideas that can make your Club, Organization, Association standout in your community? ASKING members for new ideas is also a great way to keep your Club, Organization, and Association advancing to new innovative things.

Robbie Motter is a Marketing/PR Consultant, National Speaker, Author, Weekly Radio Show Host on Diva Strategies for Success on Blog Talk Radio, the Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, also runs 2 Nafe networks one in Menifee and one in SOC and oversees 21 states for Nafe interacting with over 10,000 women annually. Her website www.robbiemotter.com, www.robbiemotterblog.com www.robbiemotterservices.com , email rmotter@aol.com, Board Member of the Menifee Valley Chamber 2011-2012 Past President of the GFWC Menifee/Sun City Woman’s Club, 5 Times past president of the Hillside Mobilehome Estates Social Club and a member of IVBC E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 99

Helping women survivors of war rebuild their lives. give.womenforwomen.org

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Lenin and Me

BY BRUCE WISEMAN President & CEO On Target Research I can’t tell you how surreal it felt standing under a large and oh-so-imposing image of Lenin while giving a talk to senior officers of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs just after the fall of Communism. The Ministry, Russia’s Federal law enforcement body, is based on a military structure, so the room was full of uniforms hosting dazzling displays of medals and combat ribbons and hats adorned with more gold braid than a university marching band. They were all Russian officers, most of who, until a few months previously, had been Communists, or at least had paid it lip service. I later found out that I was the first American to ever address this group, which is probably why my initial reception was…oh, let’s call it “chilly.”

But they warmed up, actually. And by the time I was done with the talk, the room was abuzz with interest. See, for 70 years, the primary communication line between the Russian police and the country’s citizens was a nightstick. When Communism fell, the citizenry started to turn on the police.

It happened that I had gone to Moscow at this time to help open up a business college. The grand opening of the col-

lege included a conference and I’d given a talk on the use of surveys in marketing and public relations to a couple a hundred E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 101

Russian entrepreneurs (a very new breed of Russian at the time). A lieutenant colonel from Ministry happened to in the audience. After my talk, he approached me and asked if I might discuss the survey technology I had spoken about with his superiors at the Ministry.

I have always made it a habit not to turn down a request from a colonel of the Russian Internal Ministry when hanging out in Moscow. So the next morning my wife (who had accompanied me on the trip) and I found ourselves in a meeting with Colonel Stanislov Pylov, the Director of Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. All police in Russia are federal, so this man oversaw the lives and fortunes of a million Russian Police. We discussed many things that morning, one of which was the invitation to speak to the senior officers of the Ministry. Thus the talk beneath the visage of the Founder of the Russian Communist Party. The other subject we discussed was the fact that the Ministry was having recruiting problems. Could the survey technology I had spoken of at the conference help the department improve its recruiting results, he wanted to know.

“Yes,” I said. It could. Pylov stood up with such fanfare I thought Yeltsin had entered the office behind me. He walked over to a closet in his office and carefully removed a beautifully crafted wooden clock. He handed it to my wife as if it were a newborn child and said, “This is a new day in the relations between the United States and Russia.”

The hair on the back of my neck stood up. Page 102 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

I briefly considered a career as a diplomat. But Reagan and Gorbachev had left things well under control, so I let the moment pass.

But a great deal came out of the relationship with Colonel Pylov, who became a good friend and ally, as well as an important partner in bringing important management skills to the Russian government.

But I digress. I agreed to help Pylov with his recruiting problem. I won’t bore you with all the logistics of getting these surveys done, but trust me when I tell you it was a world-class challenge without a Russian speaking crew there; without any crew there. But here is the punch line: you

never know what your prospects need or want until you survey, until you ask them.

We needed to survey high school seniors, college students and returning military (the Ministry’s primary recruit pools). But we needed to train surveyors to do that, which was going to take some time. Pylov needed answers now and so

I figured out a way to survey existing ministry staff to find out what had motivated them to choose a career in law enforcement in the first place. This could give us enough initial information with which to start promoting, while we worked out the logistics of surveying others. Why did people join the Ministry? The answer will floor you. At least it did me. Even though I knew the only real answer

would come from the surveys, in the back of my mind I thought it would be something like, “Catch bad guys,” or “Serve Mother Russia,” or even, “Protect our citizens.” But remember this is just months after the fall of Communism. Almost no one owned anything. The state owned all. The general population certainly didn’t own cars, for instance.

The number one reason people joined the Ministry of Internal Affairs was because… they could ride the Metro for free – cops didn’t pay. That was it. The moral of the story is a simple but important one: don’t guess at what your prospects think is valuable about what you sell; survey first.

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Here’s another example of how an icon was created with some intelligent market research and surveys. Some years ago, when our offices were on the Sunset Strip, right across the Boulevard from a soaring billboard of the Marlboro Man – that advertising icon who has since been charged with crimes against humanity – our next door neighbor was Jay Ward Productions. The Sunset Strip eschews the frenetic flash of the Ginza and the hordes of Times Square. It is the Haute Couture of hip; it is the front window on the world of entertainment. Awash with high-end hotels, ultra-chic restaurants, billboards of the lush and sensuous and rock’s most legendary clubs, it pulses with the very heartbeat of creative culture. And in the middle of this sandbox of sensation sat Jay Ward Productions – creator of Rocky, Bullwinkle, Dudley Do Right and Crusader Rabbit. Ward’s studio was a small cement building at the East end of the Strip. Perched on a pedestal a few feet in front of the entrance as if he were addressing the United Nations on the subject of animal rights, was a six-foot high statue of Bullwinkle. Our offices were next door above an English pub that served a Stilton cheese salad that made me want to play soccer. So, yeah, Bullwinkle was my neighbor. But Rocky, Bullwinkle and friends were not Ward’s most famous creations. Few peo-

ple outside of the advertising world know that it was Jay Ward who took Quaker Oats from a stodgy secondtier cereal company to the front ranks of the lucrative children’s breakfast market by helping them develop a world class brand: Captain Crunch. Page 104 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

In 1962, Quaker was looking to expand their cereal line. Not a walk in the park competing against a triumvirate of 900 pound breakfast gorillas – Wheaties, Cherrios, and Kellogg’s Corn Flakes. The ad guys at Quaker flashed a little marketing brilliance and decided to conduct some market research – of their customers, no less (can I get an Amen?). A key finding was that kids wanted cereal that would stay crunchy in milk. Who’d have guessed? Armed with this key bit of market intelligence they turned to the creative brilliance of Jay Ward and the rest, as they say…. Whether you are launching a new brand or seeking to expand an existing one, you must survey your public if you don’t want to waste precious advertising and marketing dollars.

If you are already in business, you have two key publics to survey: your current customers and your prospects – those that haven’t bought from you…yet. In conducting customer surveys you want to know things like: How did they first hear of you? Did they shop other vendors? What was it specifically that made them decide to buy from you? What do they like most about your product or service? Is there anything they feel could be improved? Do they talk about your brand to others? What do they say? Prospects are a different public. Let’s say you sell vitamins. You want to know from them, What is the single most important factor in selecting a brand of vitamins? What might motivate you to change from one brand to another? Is there anything about vitamins or supplements that you dislike? If you could improve anything about your current brand of vitamins, what would it be?

The questions here are not exhaustive, but they give you a sense of the kinds of survey questions to be asked. You will notice, by the way, that most of these questions are “open-ended”. Open-ended: What is the most important factor in buying an automobile tire? Closed-ended: Please select from the following that item you most agree with. Open-ended questions enable you to get the answer from the mind of your public, not from the corporate boardroom. You need to know what the prospect thinks is valuable about what you sell.

By Bruce Wiseman President & CEO On Target Research www.ontargetresearch.com Bruce@brucewiseman.net 1-818-397-1401

This may or may not be the same thing that management fawns over. Ask your prospects. This enables you to tailor advertising, marketing and public relations messages so that they parallel the mind of your public.

If the answer to the question about the most important factor in buying tires is, DURABILITY, assuming your tires are durable, push that button in your advertising. You’ll get a better response than if you guessed at it. Why? Because you asked them and that is what they consider is important. Survey your customers and prospects. Find out what would motivate them to buy whatever it is you sell. And then use the information in your advertising.

Then watch the cash register ring. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 105

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A Fighting Chance U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Author

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER An unlikely political star tells the inspiring story of the two-decade journey that taught her how Washington really works—and really doesn’t. As a child in small-town Oklahoma, Elizabeth Warren yearned to go to college and then become an elementary school teacher—an ambitious goal, given her family’s modest means. Early marriage and motherhood seemed to put even that dream out of reach, but fifteen years later she was a distinguished law professor with a deep understanding of why people go bankrupt. Then came the phone call that changed her life: could she come to Washington DC to help advise Congress on rewriting the bankruptcy laws ?

Thus began an impolite education into the bare -knuckled, often dysfunctional ways of Washington. She fought for better bankruptcy laws for ten years and lost. She tried to hold the federal government accountable during the financial crisis but became a target of the big banks. She came up with the idea for a new agency designed to protect consumers from predatory bankers and was denied the opportunity to run it. Finally, at age 62, she decided to run for elective office and won the most competitive—and watched—Senate race in the country. In this passionate, funny, rabble-rousing book , Warren shows why she has chosen to fight tooth and nail for the middle class—and why she has become a hero to all those who believe that America’s government can and must do better for working families. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 107

About Elizabeth Warren Senator Warren was a law professor for more than 30 years, including nearly 20 years as the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. The graduating class at Harvard twice recognized her with the Sacks-Freund Award for excellence in teaching. She taught courses on commercial law, contracts, and bankruptcy and wrote more than a hundred articles and ten books, including three national best-sellers, A Fighting Chance, The Two-Income Trap, and All Your Worth. National Law Journal named her one of the Most Influential Lawyers of the Decade, TIME Magazine twice named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and she has been honored by the Massachusetts Women's Bar Association with the Lelia J. Robinson Award. Elizabeth learned firsthand about the economic pressures facing working families, growing up in a family she says was "on the ragged edge of the middle class." She got married at 19, and after graduating from college, started teaching in elementary school. Her first baby, a daughter Amelia, was born when Elizabeth was 22. When Amelia was two, Elizabeth started law school. Shortly after she graduated, her son Alex was born. Elizabeth hung out a shingle and practiced law out of her living room, but she soon returned to teaching. Page 108 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Warren, a fearless consumer advocate who has made her life's work the fight for middle class families, was elected to the United States Senate on November 6, 2012, by the people of Massachusetts. Elizabeth is recognized as one of the nation's top experts on bankruptcy and the financial pressures facing middle class families, and the Boston Globe has called her "the plainspoken voice of people getting crushed by so many predatory lenders and under regulated banks." She is widely credited for the original thinking, political courage, and relentless persistence that led to the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. President Obama asked her to set up the new agency to hold Wall Street banks and other financial institutions accountable, and to protect consumers from financial tricks and traps often hidden in mortgages, credit cards and other financial products. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Warren served as Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Her independent and tireless efforts to protect taxpayers, to hold Wall Street accountable, and to ensure tough oversight of both the Bush and Obama Administrations won praise from both sides of the aisle. The Boston Globe named Elizabeth Warren Bostonian of the Year and TIME Magazine called her a "New Sheriff of Wall Street" for her oversight efforts.

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Hard times Require Furious Dancing Alice Walker

New York Times Best Seller

Walker was born in Putnam County, Georgia, [4] the youngest of eight children, to Willie Lee Walker and Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant. Her father, who was, in her words, "wonderful at math but a terrible farmer," earned only $300 ($4,000 in 2013 dollars) a year fromsharecropping and dairy farming. Her mother supplemented the family income by working as a maid.[5] She worked 11 hours a day for $17 per week to help pay for Alice to attend college.[6] Living under Jim Crow laws, Walker's parents resisted landlords who expected the children Page 110 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

of black sharecroppers to work the fields at a young age. A white plantation owner said to her that black people had "no need for education". Minnie Lou Walker, according to her daughter, replied "You might have some black children somewhere, but they don't live in this house. Don't you ever come around here again talking about how my children don't need to learn how to read and write.

"Her mother enrolled Alice in first grade when the girl was four years old�.

Growing up with an oral tradition, listening to stories from her grandfather (who was the model for the character of Mr ____ . in The Color Purple), Walker began writing, very privately, when she was eight years old. "With my family, I had to hide things In 1952, Walker was accidentally wounded in the right eye by a shot from a BB gun fired by one of her brothers. [9] In 2013, on BBC Radio's Desert Island Discs, she said the act was actually deliberate but she agreed to protect her brother against their parents' anger if they knew the truth. Because the family had no car, the Walkers could not take their daughter to a hospital for immediate treatment. By the time they reached a doctor a week later, she had become permanently blind in that eye, when a layer of scar tissue formed over her wounded eye. Alice became self-conscious and painfully shy. Stared at and sometimes taunted, she felt like an outcast and turned for solace to reading and to writing poetry. When she was 14, the scar tissue was removed. She later became valedictorian and was voted mostpopular girl, as well as queen of her senior class, but she realized that her traumatic injury had some value: it had allowed her to begin "really to see people and things, really to notice relationships and to learn to be patient enough to care about how they turned out" After high school, Walker went to Spelman College in Atlanta on a full scholarship in 1961 and later transferred to Sarah Lawrence College, graduating in 1965. Walker became interested in the U.S. civil rights movement in part due to the influence of activistHoward Zinn, who was

one of her professors at Spelman College. Continuing the activism that she participated in during her college years, Walker returned to the South where she became involved with voter registration drives, campaigns for welfare rights, and children's programs in Mississippi.[10] On March 17, 1967, she married Melvyn Roseman Leventhal. She worked as writer in residence at Jackson State College (1968–1969) and Tougaloo College (1970–1971) and was a consultant in black history to the Friends of the Children of Mississippi Head Start program.

Hard Times Require Furious Dancing

“These poems grow as naturally on the page as grass and flowers, yet never try to conceal a terrain of early graves, emotional land mines, and levies of sorrow.” – Gloria Steinem, author of Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions “Alice Walker’s new poems are a lifeboat in a storm, warm soup in the mouth, a rumba in the streets of the heart.” – Jack Kornfield, author of The Wise Heart “These poems are so beautiful, so full of truth and light, that it is possible to forget how absolutely useful they are. And how necessary. Alice Walker has given us a year of poems that speak to us like wise old friends, reminding us to embrace our freedom; encouraging us to celebrate our love; and demanding that in the face of things known, and things unknowable, we grab another human being by the hand and dance as often, and as furiously, as we possibly can!” – Pearl Cleage, author of We Spoke Your Names “The intimacy and grace of her words are a call to love more deeply, no matter what we have endured. Her poems are medicine for the soul.” – from the foreword by Shiloh McCloud “What a gift. Alice Walker charts out a cherished path for living, loving, mourning, and just being. Her spirit soars in every line, and she carries us with her.” – Andy Shallal, owner of Busboys and Poets

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Our New Meetings Location

PLAYA PROVISIONS 119 Culver Boulevard (310) 683-5019 Playa Del Rey, Calif 90293

(features homemade ice cream and a whiskey bar) Tuesday July 8, 2014 6:00 PM Howard Lim-The Fortune 500 Branding Expert Speaker Howard Lim doesn’t talk about branding as an abstract concept. He shows people how to professionally brand. He will present actual before and after case studies that have influenced billions of dollars in revenue, value and brand equity for his clients. Howard Lim's branding model works for all businesses. He has branded for many major icons including Disney, Xerox, ABC Networks, Honda, Fujitsu, the 2012 London Olympics and was called to Washington at the inception of the Internet to brand the Internet. He also branded the Women Business Success Show, INPEX, Fashion Business Inc, and has done collaborative projects for Starbucks, Steve Jobs and Apple and Stephen Spielberg's Dreamworks.

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Join NAFE at any of these Southern California Networks Nafe is the largest global network for women with thousands of members. They recently celebrated their 40th anniversary, headquartered in New York they have many affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams…supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $39.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits and information on Southern CA networks at www.wrnafe.com Meeting fees are $10.00 for Nafe Members and $15.00 for guests./ As the Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator I invite YOU to join us at one of our monthly NAFE meetings, we also have several new networks soon to start, so get on the list so you can be invited to the kickoff meetings. It’s made up of entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate executives and women working for companies or even women starting a business. Come and join us at one of these monthly Nafe affiliate meetings: Please contact the Director of the network below. Any Nafe questions you may contact me Robbie Motter Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com. Also another opportunity is to sign up on the network you are interested in joining meetup page, this gives you added exposure Nafe also has a Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter page and the Western Region Nafe also has a facebook page so those locations are also added benefits for our Global Nafe members. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. Carlsbad Nafe Affiliate Network will meet the 3rd Wednesday at 12:00 for a lunch meeting at Claim Jumper 5958 Avenida Encinitas, Carlsbad, San Diego, CA92008-4405 Contact Sweta Patel, Director, Phone 858-519-7649 email sp4387@gmail.com, or Maggie Gamillo 951-551-6512 email Maggie.gamill@homeinstead.com Carlsbad meetup page is http:// tinyurl.com/d6kyso3 Coastal Nafe Network Meets 4th Thursday at 11:30 am at Marie Callender's 12489 Seal Beach Blvd Seal Beach, Ca , Director Bobbi Tomsovic 714-492-9262 email btomsovic@yahoo.com Corona/Eastvale/.Norco/Chino Hills/Riverside Nafe Network Meets 1st Monday at 6:30 pm at Marie Callender’s 160 E Rincon Street, Corona, Ca, Director Grace Jeon 626-487-7181 email gracewithclass@gmail.com Also assisting her will be Sonja Prince Network will start June 2nd Corona Meetup page is http://tinyurl.com/l55gkbk E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 113

Irvine/Costa Mesa Nafe Affiliate Network Meets 4th Tuesday, 6:00 pm at Mimi’s Restaurant 4020 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604 (culver Exit from 405 Freeway) , contact Rael Hall, Director at 949=284-6996, email rael@innerwisdomsolutions.com, Irvine/.Costa Mesa meetup page is http://tinyurl.com/nw7b658 Los Angeles Nafe Affiliate Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 pm at BJ’s Restaurant at Westfield Culver City Ca Shopping Mall, 6000 Sepulvedo Blvd Ste 1111, Culver City, Ca 90230 Director, Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.com Menifee Nafe Network, meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am at Boston Billie’s Restaurant 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Robbie Motter, NAFE Western Regional Coordinator & Director of this network 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Michelle Jones, Director at 951-440-9144 or email mjonzey@gmail.com North Orange County Nafe Network meets the 2nd Monday 11:30am at Marie Callender's 5711 East La Palma Ave Anaheim Hills. Ca 92807. Off the 91 Freeway at Imperial and LaPalma Contact Sheila A Caruso, Director 949-330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@ymail.com NOC meetup page is http:// tinyurl.com/d6rcdzu Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Affiliate Network meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at Don Marcos Restaurant 10276 Foothill Blvd, Rancho Cucamonga, CA , contact Joan Wakeland Director 909-7217648 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com South Orange County Nafe Affiliate network meets the 1st Thursday 6:30 pm at Sarducci’s 26701 Verdugo, San Juan Capistrano, CA Contact Sheila A Caruso, Director 949-330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@ymail.com South Orange County Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cqksb4z Temecula Nafe Affiliate network coming soon, this will be a dinner meeting group. Contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator for more information 951-255-9200 rmotter@aol.com We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol./com or 951-255-9200

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Coming Soon! On Line At Home Networks

At OLAH, It doesn’t have to be expensive, It just has to be FANTASTIC! www.olah-network.com

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