E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive-August 2014 Issue

Page 36

What CAUSED my body, after 30 Years to TRIGGER my Celiac Disease? By Kirsten Berman

I ate pizza, drank beer, indulged in many a wheat item for most of my life and felt just fine… Until one day I didn’t. That day turned

into weeks and eventually into years, 7 years to be exact. I felt powerless to what was happening inside and outside of my body and I felt like I was losing control. The symptoms would come and go, confusing doctors across the board on what the cause was, so time and time again I misdiagnosed. Vertigo was the first and by far the worst symptom to hit me; never a day went by that I was not dizzy, I learned to get use to it. There

were also: incessant bad moods – waking up angry and going to bed angry, migraines, brain fog, stomach aches, bloody stool, bloating, cold sores, general nausea, hand tremors, lack of balance, numbness in hands and feet, poor blood circulation Page 36 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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