E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive April 2015 Issue.

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The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


Becky Hammon

The First Female Assistant Coach in the NBA . Find out who she gives the REAL credit to to..

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Spring Summer Looks Ralph Lauren J Crew Marc Cain

What Do I Tell’ Em?

Crisis Management Experts Explain April 2015

The best brands are Quiet, Focused and Calm Women and The

Board Room Selection

NAFE Meeting Schedule Top Conferences for Spring 2015

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Becky Hammon The First Female NBA Assistant Coach

Page 84

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12 Keys to Build An Awesome Social Media Strategy




Shawn Sandy

Women and The Boardroom Selection Dr. Jacqueline Lang

Message From the Editor’s Desk

12 Spring Summer 2015


Mercedes Benz Fashion Week

By David Goodman Franchise Expert

Judy Smith

The Vision of Dr. Helene Gayle

“I could care for an entire community through policy”

Thinking Bigger

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3 Franchise Picks

By By David Goodman ByDavid DavidGoodman Goodman

A closer look at Crisis Management Specialist

Ralph Lauren Marc Cain J Crew




STOP Dancing on Peanut Butter.


Is Your Codependency Frustrating You?


Caribbean Lobster Paella By Chef Ron Dupre

Kathy Williamson

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The Social Consciousness of Technology

by Tracy Repchuk


A Closer Look at The Wedding Crasher.

By Bruce Wiseman



Simply Ways to Pair Your Wine and Food


It’s Becky Hammon! The First Female NBA Assistant Coach

108 By

Suzanne Somers

By The Wine Coach Laurie Forster


What’s What with Omega Oils?


Spring Conferences Schedules 2015


Kirsten Berman


Make A Name for Your Business.

The Glutton Gal


What Do I Tell’ Em?

By Anna Corsaro & Daniel Djouder

Jill Lublin Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

112 March Speakers

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 7

What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Welcome to the April issue of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month’s theme is POWER , the best Brands are quiet, focused and calm. And there is no one better fitted for this topic then crisis management expert Judy Smith. Before you launch into this issue, I’d like to take a minute to discuss the power of kindness. As grown ups, we all know the influence words have on the lives of children. How we can build or crush their self-image through our words and treatment of them. It’s that very same way for us as well. We are able to build and encourage each other through the simple beautiful quality of kindness. Practice kindness in our words, in our actions and in our thoughts. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. Once while driving early in the morning to a meeting, I had to park in a lot and walk across the street to a building. Once I got out of my car and began walking the parking attendant said “good morning”. As I walked a bit on the sidewalk before crossing the street, a passer-by tipped his hat and said “good morning”. And when I entered the building the maintenance man stopped what he was doing and said “good morning”. This caused me to stop and think what city am I in? It just so happened I was in Long Beach, California. But for a minute I thought I had slipped back in time into a different era. Most days we can go the entire day without a stranger acknowledging your presence. That was about 15 years ago and I never forgot it. That day I realized how important it is to speak, make eye contact and acknowledge your fellow man. It makes us all feel better to be smiled at, treated kindly and greeted. So as you read this issue and the many references it makes to power remember one of the greatest powers live in our ability to be kind. Kindness doesn’t diminish one’s power it actually adds to it. I hope you enjoy this issue. -Althea Ledford Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Ideas worth spreading*

1700+ talks to stir your curiosity


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Laurie Forster Althea Ledford

Dr. Jacqueline Lang

Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Shawn Sandy

Jill Lublin

The Wine Coach

Public Relations Specialist

Organization and Management Specialist.

Suzanne Somers

Author& Entertainer

Chef Ron Dupre

The Selling Agency

Aldeme Mitchell Creative Director

Kirsten Berman The Glutton Gal

By Tracy Repchuk

Bruce Wiseman

Author and Social Media Expert


Kathy Williamson Daniel Djouder

“Economic and Geopolitical Analyst”

Anna Corsaro Crisis Expert

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Author and Addiction Expert

David Goodman Franchise Expert

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Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Spring Summer 2015 Ralph Lauren Marc Cain J Crew

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Ralph Lauren Spr

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ring Summer 2015 www.ralphlauren.com

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Ralph Lauren Spr

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ring Summer 2015 www.ralphlauren.com

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Marc Cain Sprin

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ng Summer 2015 www.Mark-Cain.com


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J. Crew Spring

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g Summer 2015 www.Jcrew.com

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Thinking Bigger

CARE President & CEO Dr. Helene Gayle “I could care for an entire community through policy”

Meet Dr. Helene Gayle Helene D. Gayle joined CARE USA as president and CEO in 2006. Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, she received her B.A. from Barnard College of Columbia University, her M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and her M.P.H. from Johns Hopkins University. After completing her residency in pediatric medicine at the Children's Hospital National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., she entered the Epidemic Intelligence Service at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, followed by a residency in preventive medicine, and then remained at CDC as a staff epidemiologist. Page 24 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

At CDC, she

studied problems of malnutrition in children in the United States and abroad, evaluating and implementing child survival programs in Africa and working on HIV/AIDS research, programs and policy. Dr. Gayle also served as the AIDS coordinator and chief of the HIV/AIDS division for the U.S. Agency for International Development; director for the National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, CDC; director of CDC's Washington office; and health consultant to international agencies including the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank and UNAIDS. Prior to her current position, she was the director of the HIV, TB and reproductive health program for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

What Does CARE.Org do? EMPOWERING WOMEN & GIRLS One of the root causes of poverty is women and girls' lack of control over their lives. But once empowered by education, economic opportunity or choice, a woman can be a catalyst for positive change in her community.

RESPONDING TO EMERGENCIES In times of conflict or disaster, we address immediate survival needs directly following an emergency — and help individuals, families and communities rebuild their lives in the weeks, months and years to come.

FIGHTING WORLD HUNGER Hunger is one of the most devastating, widespread epidemics in the world, affecting nearly 900 million people, many of them children. CARE helps people get the food they need to survive, and promotes sustainable solutions to hunger.

EDUCATING COMMUNITIES For the 57 million children — most of them girls — out of school worldwide, an education can mean the difference between life and death. Early marriage, child labor and poor educational quality are just some of the barriers CARE fights to help children go to school.

DEVELOPING BUSINESS LEADERS Our economic development programs foster entrepreneurial spirits and teach sound financial habits for women and families, while connecting business owners with the resources and information they need to succeed in a competitive market.

IMPROVING HEALTH Good health is a basic human right. Whether we’re providing access to clean water, HIV & AIDS education, family planning or maternity services, CARE helps build a healthy foundation for safety, survival and success.

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ADVOCATING FOR CHANGE In order to bring about lasting change, we work with local, national and international governments to support and enact policies that address the underlying causes of poverty. FIGHTING POVERTY DEFENDING DIGNITY All people, everywhere in the world, have the right to a life of dignity. This means a life free from poverty, violence, discrimination or human rights violations.

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The Most Powerful Voice.

Is the one in your own head. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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Keys to Building a

SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY That Grows Business. Shawn Karol Sandy

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Are you struggling with how Social Media can work for your business? It’s hard to exactly measure the Return on Investment of Social Media but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be leveraging it to grow your business or increase your sales.

If you’re not using Social Media to bring your customers closer to you, guess what, your competitor is. The beauty of using Social Media in your business is that you give customers an opportunity to get to know you, to “try before they buy” and understand what it’s like to work with you. Putting yourself out on social media makes you visible to your customers when they are searching and researching problems that you happen to solve. The ideal outcome is that YOU have input, insight and contribute influence to their decision making criteria and thus, customers come to you when they need your solutions. So how do you build and execute a Social Media strategy for your business? If I lay it out for you, you have no more excuses to not do it, right? It’s not rocket science but it does take a lot of moving parts to “do” Social Media right so that it benefits your business. Even if you’ve tried before, even if you’re doing it now, read on to Build a Better So-

cial Media Strategy in just 12 Ninja Moves:

Have a Point of View: No one wants a “Company Mouthpiece” – someone who spouts off the company tagline and repeats the company ad slogans or brochure highlights. What and more importantly, WHY do you believe you have valuable insights? Where did you develop your opinions? How have you built your body of knowledge? Define your expertise and experience and form your Point of View to share. Page 29 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Have a Personality: Vanilla is a decent ice cream flavor, but no one really goes WILD for Vanilla. What’s your flavor? Kooky, Nerdy, Laid Back, Innovator, Humorist . . . show and share your Authentic Personality. Don’t have an online and offline personality. Just be the best You that You can be and make sure that your personality {professional} is clear through your Social Media Profiles – photos, well thought out and constructed bios, posts, engagements, et cetera. This is your personal professional brand. You are not a product. You are not a company. You are a human person with talent, personality, smarts, flaws and a story {oh, yeah, and this is your Personal Brand}. People buy from Humans, not companies.

Have a Reason:

Why are you posting, sharing or commenting? “To sell your stuff” is not a reason. To improve your profession, to enlighten customers, to give insight to buyers, to challenge status quo, to bring light to problems . . . those are reasons to engage and interact with people. Combined with your Pont of View and Authentic Personality, you develop your Voice.

Find Your Audience {Channels}:

Don’t try to be on every Social Medium. You’ll end up diluting your efforts and probably do none of it very well. Where are the people that you want to talk to? Business to Business channels need to be on LinkedIn and possibly Twitter. Business to Consumers will find their audience on Facebook and Instagram. Page 30 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Google+, Pinterest, Snapchat . . . pick 1 – 2 channels where your target audience is active and stick with those.

Deliver Value: Though the term is “Social Selling” the irony is that there is NO SELLING on Social Media. Don’t push or promote. You can “elevate and offer” but you first have to build trust with your audience by proving you are Valuable to them. Share insights and opinions

that bring value to your customers’ lives and businesses. Do you know how to do something, know how to identify problems, solve problems or execute strategy? What can you share that brings value? Bringing value builds trust – which is key to building influence among your customers.

Listen: Half or more of the benefit of being Social and having a Social Media Strategy is “Listening” to what your customers are saying. Listen to the questions they ask. Listen to what problems they’re discussing. Listen to where and from whom they’re getting their information. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Listen to how people use, like or dislike your product. Listen to which competitors are talking to your customers. Social Media listening is at its basic level the “free” version of focus groups, surveys and market research. How fantastic that you can have Real Time access to people who are or could become your customers. Listen to what they have to say and take that information back in to your

company and develop your products and messages to reflect what your customers value.

Create Relationships: People smell when you’re using them. Desperation and inauthenticity are stinky colognes. Just like being accosted by uber “networkers” live and in person, people know when you’re trying to sell them or use them for their connections on line. Real relationships are give and take. Listening and conversing. Sharing and nurturing. Just like business, personal and professional relationships offline, you must work at online relationships too. “Connections” and “contacts” don’t refer business, advocate for you or buy you but Relationships with real people can produce those results.

Engage in Conversations:

Find Your Communities:

You wouldn’t go to a Networking event or an Expo and not talk to anyone, would you? What a waste of money that would be. Have you ever been to a cocktail party where someone talked to you about their kids or their job nonstop? How badly did you want to hide in the bathroom for the evening?

What EVER your interest or professional niche {and, of course personal} I promise you, there is a group for you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other Social Media channel. Lately, I’ve been enjoying Twitter Chats that are held live streaming via Google+

Much of the etiquette you’d use live and in person applies to Social Media. Instead of shouting self promotion, using Social Media is about participation and engaging in conversations with people. Find chats or forums where people are discussing something you’re interested in or have value to contribute. Hold up your end of the relationship by listening and participating in conversations.

{#SocialHangout, #SalesChat and #SalesEU}. Whether you start your own chat or watch behind the scenes, it’s amazing what you can learn and people appreciate what you share. Participating in forums and online communities builds your bank of knowledge and can help you find customers who need your answers or solutions.

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Be strategic and find the communities that work for you. It’s not much different than being a member and attending your local professional organizations. You have to show up, contribute and listen. {Hmmm, are you seeing a theme trending here?}

Be Visual: Liven up your posts and quotes with visual elements. Infographics are hot, hot, hot because they’re brief, to the point and we have very little attention span these days. Squirrel! Using photos, humor or inspiration quotes and graphics give people a break from heavy text or even entice people to read what you have to say. Use photos from events with real people or interesting things to demonstrate your voice and personality in your Social life.

Share the Love: If you’re only sharing your own content or promoting your own business, you might be operating in a vacuum. Share and champion others – especially your customers’ – content, good news, problems and expertise. Be a well rounded individual on Social just as you would in real life.

Be Consistent: I’d love to know the statistic about the number of businesses and professionals who set up an account on Social Media and abandon it shortly there after. Either because they’re not seeing the point, getting results or don’t have time – there are probably millions of abandoned account profiles out there. Once you decide which channels of Social Media will reach your audience, test how often people want to hear from you. Figure out what time of day your audience is most active. Commit to being there – schedule it if you have to – and be consistent about showing up, using your Point of View, demonstrating your Value through your Authentic Personality. Now you have the basic strategy to building a Social Media strategy. This means, you have no more excuses to NOT using these free tools to grow your business. Be Purposeful, Have Fun, Make New Friends, Engage People, and Participate by Listening and Adding Value. It’s not so hard once you start – but you have to keep at it, try new things and work at it to be successful in Social Media. It does take a strategy and trial

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and error but Social Media has been the biggest GAME CHANGER in Sales and Business since the internet was born. Don’t miss out on leveraging these tools to your advantage. If you’re not building and executing Social Media as a strategy to talk to and influence your customers, someone else is. You ARE who the internet says you are. Own and influence that or you're at the mercy of being invisible and irrelevant. Leverage Social Media in your competitive advantage to grow your business!

Shawn Karol Sandy Chief Revenue Officer & Founder of The Selling Agency “Coaching Humans How To Sell To Other Humans” With nearly two decades of Sales and Business Development experience, Shawn built The Selling Agency and uses her cheeky and bold observations to articulate and coach businesses to become Selling Organizations that WOW the Modern Consumer.

win customers, Shawn understands that the company that plays together wins together. “Selling” takes more than just the Sales Team and in order to neutralize competition and ignite revenue growth; organizational change is critical.

Through a mix of Keynotes, Coaching and her weekly newsletter, The Pipeline, she’s out to “overthrow Stats Quo” and transform Selling by giving businesses and sales pros real, actionable strategies to generate revenue.

Learn more about engaging Shawn to coach, speak, challenge your organizational leaders or give your strategy a kick in the pants. http://www.TheSellingAgency.com/ Speaker/ Sign up for The Pipeline Newsletter for weekly Sales, Leadership and Business Development insights: The Pipeline Signup Connect with Shawn on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/shawnsandy Or tweet it up on Twitter @SellingAgency #Selling #Sales #SocialSelling #BetterBusiness #OverThrowStatusQuo

Shawn steers companies to unify and strengthen their sales efforts by engaging and directing ALL their resources to be customer and opportunity focused. Using her own experiences leading Sales, Operations and Production collaboration to

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Open meetings anyone can attend! Of course we want you to join NAFE! .

Pre Register for the Spring/Summer Speakers: Dr Barbara Young April 14, 2015 Kim Page May 12, 2015 Suzanne Casamento June 9, 2015 Sandra Miller July 14, 2015 Sherry Heijkoop August 11, 2015 Carrie Flintom September 8, 2015 Page 34 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The best brands are Quiet, Focused and Calm

About Judy A. Smith She is the founder and President of Smith & Company, a leading strategic and crisis communications firm with offices in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. Over the last 25 years, Ms. Smith has brought her unique combination of communication skills, media savvy, legal and political acumen to clients facing a wide array of issues and challenges throughout the United States and abroad. Ms. Smith honed her skills through her experiences with some of the most historic and sensational events of our time, including the Iran Contra investigation, the prosecution of former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, the 1991 Gulf War, the Los Angeles riots, the Supreme Court Page 36 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

confirmation hearings of Justice Clarence Thomas, the President Clinton scandal involving Monica Lewinsky, the congressional inquiry of Enron, and the United Nations Foundation and World Health Organization response to the SARS epidemic. Perhaps best known in media circles for her expertise as a crisis management advisor, Ms. Smith has served as a consultant for a host of high profile, celebrity and entertainment clients over the course of her career including, but not limited to, Monica Lewinsky, Senator Craig from Idaho, actor Wesley Snipes, NFL quarterback Michael Vick, and the family of Chandra Levy. In addition to her work as a communications advisor during high profile engagements, Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Ms. Smith also serves as a counselor to Fortune 500 corporations and has provided strategic advice on a variety of corporate communications issues such as mergers and acquisitions, product recalls, intellectual property litigation, corporate positioning, diversity and other challenges. She has assisted leading companies such as BellSouth, Union Pacific, Nextel, United Healthcare, Americhoice, Wal-Mart, Radio-One Inc., Waste Management Corporation, and American In-

ternational Group, Inc. (AIG) on a range of corporate, investor, and public relations matters.

Zimbabwe (Save Zimbabwe Campaign). In addition, she assisted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s leadership with its communication efforts as part of the War on Terrorism.

Ms. Smith’s portfolio of work also contains an impressive number of high profile engagements involving prominent figures from the world of professional sports. Over the last decade, Ms. Smith has been involved in legal matters concerning NBA players; Kobe Bryant, Chris Webber and Juwan Howard; NFL player Donte Stallworth; MLB’s Gary Sheffield. Smith was a key strategist in the successful defense of former New Jersey Nets Jayson Williams. Prior to founding Smith & Company, Ms. Smith was a partner at several Washington D.C.based public relations firms. Before that, Ms. Smith served as Senior VicePresident of Corporate Communications at NBC where she reported directly to the President and CEO and was responsible for the network’s strategic global communications strategy. Additionally, she served as NBC’s chief spokesperson for domestic and international programming and business ventures, and also helped with the groundbreaking launch of one of the nation’s first cable news stations, MSNBC.

On the domestic front, Ms. Smith continues to be involved in many of the public policy issues facing the nation. She has worked with several federal agencies and organizations on issues including the housing crisis, childhood obesity, education, and economic development. She has also provided communications advice to government entities and municipalities including the United States Election Assistance Commission, the City of Cincinnati, the City of Detroit and Prince George’s County, Maryland. In the international arena, Ms. Smith has provided counsel to several heads of state and executives of major corporations on matters in the Philippines, Haiti, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Page 37 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The ABC Hit Scandal In 1991, Ms. Smith joined the White House with her appointment as Special Assistant and Deputy Press Secretary to President George H. W. Bush. During her tenure she provided the President and his Cabinet with communications advice on a wide range of foreign and domestic issues. Prior to joining the White House, Ms. Smith served as an Assistant United States Attorney and was Special Counsel to the U.S. Attorney of the District of Columbia, where she oversaw legal and communications work on a number of high profile criminal and civil cases. Ms. Smith served as Associate Counsel and Deputy Director of Public Information in the Office of the Independent Counsel, Lawrence E. Walsh from 1987 to 1989. There she managed legal, as well as national and international public information for the Iran Contra prosecution of Oliver North, John Poindexter and several other defendants. Page 38 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Ms. Smith has been featured in numerous national publications including: the Washington Post, National Journal, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company and writes regularly on current events for the Huffington Post and the Daily Beast. Smith is an experienced and sought after commentator as a crisis management expert. She frequently appears on major television networks such as CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, NBC, ABC, and CBS to offer commentary on topical issues of the day. Ms. Smith also lectures on crisis management before Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Judy in Action

corporate boards, academic institutions, and other professional groups. Prior to her legal career, Ms. Smith worked as a writer and public affairs specialist for several publications and private organizations headquartered in Washington, D.C. She received a Bachelor of

Science degree in Public Relations from Boston University and graduated from the American University Washington College of Law where she was the first African-American woman to serve as Executive Editor of the Law Review. As a result of her wide ranging and ground breaking career, Shonda Rhimes, creator of ABC’s hit television dramas Grey’s Anatomy andPrivate Practice, developed a television drama about the world of crisis management inspired by Ms. Smith. The series entitled, Scandal, revolves around the life and work of a professional fixer. Ms. Smith serves as Co- Executive Producer of the project and provides insight and technical expertise on crisis management issues. Ms. Smith is the author of the book, Good Self, Bad Self, published by Free Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. She has received numerous communications and leadership awards and is active in community service.

Source: Smithandcompany.com Page 39 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Biggest Pitfalls of Power and the Need for a Crisis Specialist Some of the qualities that drive one to become powerful are also the traits and flaws that pave our path to demise. For example: extreme ego, pride, narcissism, selfishness, entitlement, self-delusion, intractability, demanding and a compelling belief in one’s own destiny above the rights of others. A second set of qualities might be: lack of compassion, lack of temperance, lack of empathy, and the belief that one can operate above the law (untouchable). These are all destructive traits, if unchecked, are likely to lead into a slow motion car crash. These characteristics usually work their way through social dynamics and create a type of negative personal brand, predictability, or a footprint. Page 40 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Competitors love extreme personalities because they are easy to read, making them easier to predict. It doesn’t mean an automatic win for the competition, but having predictable weaknesses give your competition a significant advantage. In situations involving high stakes, designing a strategy around predictable weakness isn’t uncommon. There is a term called “getting them to bite” or “knowing how to push their buttons.” These are tag phrases describing an intentional plan to trigger certain aspects of someone’s compulsive or predictable behavior. When anyone sits in a seat of power or high-visibility that can translate into influence or power, it’s important to create checks, balances, and accountability. This self-regulation reduces the probability of

SCANDAL. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

However, despite all the checks and balances, high profilers are likely to run into some type of crisis during the span of their careers. There are three types: self generated, unavoidable, and those that were honest mistakes. For either of these the greater the visibility or the greater the power, the greater the need for a specialist. Specialists such as Judy Smith are well connected, experienced PR strategists that repair, clean and reboot clients’ profiles and reputations. Power has at least 3 levels of existence. There is the public side of power, the backstage (underbelly) of power, and the mental motivations of the person in power. How different the public persona is from the backstage reality is a direct correlation of how “trapped” the person in power feels. It’s exhausting having to keep up a public presence and hide a private reality. On the other hand, there are those in power who are genuine in their demeanor. “What you see is what you get.” This type is unabashed by their shortcomings and doesn’t care if anyone knows them. Even with their weaknesses, they admit them and maintain their own version of authenticity. This brand of power, while highly faulted, is appreciated by the public for its honesty.

Secondly, being difficult to read means they will pay greater attention to you presently. Shifting that absorption of time places you in a strategic advantage. It also disarms them from having the solid advantage of predicting your bad behavior. With the advantage of brilliance and a disarming personality, the flow of activity during a negotiation or crisis is likely to go in your favor. You can create your own social currency, trust, credibility, or good will. Anyone entering the arena of high-visibility and power, if wise, will always consider the end game. Understand that at some point what they are doing, saying, and behaving will be seen or reconstructed. So when the inevitable crisis occurs, those that have built and maintained credibility, transparency, and authenticity are at an advantage. It’s then they can hand the Judy Smith-type their reputation and credibility. She can take that fabric and monetize it during the clean-up. Finally, people in power, political office, or in the spotlight, operate within a team. Their actions impact groups, companies, and countries. For this reason, power should be treated as a strong drink: held with a responsible hand, sipped and not guzzled.

Most people in power for any length of time know where they fall short. They are painfully aware of the need to restrain and monitor themselves in certain situations, on certain topics and under certain conditions. There is a saying “know thyself.” That statement is the beginning of wisdom and a great tool on the path of longevity in powerful positions. This brings us to the topic of this month’s theme “Power, the best brands are quiet, focused, and calm.” The greatest advantage in the arena of power is character, brilliance, a disarming personality, and being difficult to read. This way your opponent respects you because of your character. For the sake of this article the word character doesn’t mean Girl Scout or Boy scout, it means they believe you when you say something. That belief that you will follow through from a statement to an action will save you a lot of time fighting during your career. Page 41 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Is Your Codependency Frustrating You? Recognizing Codependency And Free Yourself From It’s Chains. Kathy Williamson, Author and Addiction Expert

Sharon slowly sat down in the chair in her supervisor’s office. She knew this was going to be bad. Today was the time for her six-month review on her new job. Sharon worked as a copywriter for a large advertising agency. Her writing skills were tops in her field, but her communications with her coworkers made the team uneasy. She had strong ideas to improve projects, yet she struggled to voice them. It was ripping her apart on the inside because she knew she could do better. She just couldn’t assert herself. Her supervisor complemented her on the writing skills she brought to each project. But did note that it seemed she was hesitant to speak up and Is Sharon codependent? Codependency can take many forms:

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passive/aggressive, controlling, doormat, people pleaser, drama queen and many others. The underlying issue is of needing the approval of others due to one’s low self-esteem or living in shame. In a sense we are all codependent on each other, yet in a healthy way. provide insights on the projects. Several of her coworkers had commented that in this fast-paced environment Sharon wouldn’t get her work done until the deadline as she was always second-guessing herself and others. Also, it was uneasy being around her in team meetings because she wouldn’t contribute. All she would do is go with the flow. It was like she didn’t want to rock the boat with interjecting her ideas. The unhealthy actions show up when a person sets aside who they are in order to please someone so that in turn they receive attention and/or love. Again, there is a fine line between being a loving, nurturing person, and being a Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

person who gives up her identity to gain love and attention from others. Sharon may be in a relationship outside of work where she is extremely codependent, and unfortunately those habits carry over into her work environment. I am sure every office can figure out who the “drama queen” is. But can you determine who the silent codependent person is? Are you a codependent? Here is some criteria to look at:

 

Do you seek attention from others either passively (silently, being a door mat) or by being a drama queen? By the way, most drama queens have no idea they are one. Just look at how often you complain and dramatize a wrong, compared to how often others do the same. Are you afraid to speak up for fear of rejection? Or do you push your advice or “your way” onto others? Do you say ‘yes’ to whatever is asked of you, even if it goes against your morals or values? Do you have trouble defending what you said or did? Are you the last person to throw out a suggestion, or the first to make a suggestion and then manipulate others to see your point of view?

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When another person blames you for something (even though you didn’t do it), do you accept it without standing up for yourself? If you see another person make a mistake, do you end up making excuses for that person? Similar to a wife calling her husband’s work to tell them he is sick and won’t be in today, when in reality he is so hung over and sick that he can’t get out of bed. Do you make excuses for your coworker friend who always shows up late to work and to meetings? Ever catch yourself telling little white lies to avoid anger and conflict with others? Is this a regular pattern?  Do you blame yourself for the dissatisfaction of others?  You walk on egg shells, living defensively either at work or home (avoid walking by someone’s desk at work or tiptoeing in your own house).  You have no boundaries around people who take advantage of you.

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3 Steps To Change If you came up with positive responses to some of the above, now what? Recognizing your behavior is the first step. The second step is to look at your thinking behind your actions. It might help to grab a pen and notebook and keep track of possible codependent situations for the next two weeks. At the end of each day, look at the above criteria and see if you participated in any of them. If so, write down what you did (or didn’t do) and recall your thinking that was going on at that moment. Identifying your thoughts and beliefs behind your behavior may be difficult. To help, think about what action you should have done and then think about why you didn’t do that. You will hear the internal self-talk pop up. Write down that self-talk. The third step is to imagine you doing the right thing, with the positive self-talk, and then see and feel the emotional benefits of feeling good that you did what was right. Start out with one style of action that you always do. fervently. What words could you use that would be easy for you and not make you feel overwhelmed? Here are some examples:  What about if we tried ...?  What do you think about trying ...?  I thought we might try ... what do you think about that?  What would happen if we tried ...?  Have you ever thought about ...?

promoting her ideas. Instead of being forceful in presenting your ideas, these lead-ins soften your approach and draws in everyone to discuss the idea and come to a conclusion, rather than you pushing your idea. What about learning how to interact without telling little white lies? Once again, look at what was said and why you told a lie. What was the benefit of you lying? Write that down. Perhaps it was to avoid letting others see that you don’t know the answer, or you want to be seen in a positive light. Then decide how you can respond in a truthful way the next time a similar situation arises. Write out several sentences you could use when you’re on the spot. A rough behavior to change is making excuses for others. Identify when you tend to do this. What is the thinking behind it? What would happen if you didn’t make an excuse for that person? How would he or she react to you? And how can you handle their negative reaction? Plan ahead of time what you will think and/or say when that person attacks you. You must be able to stop your negative self-talk that tends to convince you that you must resort to your former behavior.

Improving Self-Esteem If you change your behavior as indicated above, then how will you get the love and attention you desire? Our inner worth influences our outer world. Yet we can get our seeds for inner growth from others. Most of us know that our childhood played a large part in shaping us into who we are today. That was all

This style of speaking can also be used by a person who tends to be aggressive in Page 46 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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from the outer world. Let’s now take control of our lives and find the things in our inner and outer world that will change us, build our self-esteem and provide us with the love and attention we all desire. The most influencing activity is the following: Find a group of people who have the same passion in life that you do (it doesn’t have to be your career). Be around this group of like-minded, highly energized people at least on a weekly basis. Don’t know what your passion is? Everybody has one. What is it that would get you to spring out of bed in the morning, or stay up late a night, because you love to do it? When you do this activity, time passes quickly. Others can see your countenance light up when you talk about it. If you don’t know, ask your family or friends to help you identify it. Now go to www.meetup.com and find a local group on that topic.

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When you are doing what you love to do, your selfesteem and confidence goes up. This group of people will love you for who you are because you all share the same passion. Once you have a steady inflow of love and attention from these like-minded people, your codependency traits will slowly disappear as a byproduct. No matter how busy you are, I encourage you to start today to identify any codependent behavior, your negative thoughts, go through the three steps to change, discover your passion in life, and be around like-minded people weekly. The results will astound you! Kathy Williamson is an Author, Speaker and Addictions Transformational Expert. Her “Know Your D.E.S.T.I.N.Y. – Rise Above Any Problem” program transforms addicts and their families into productive, thriving people who impact their world.

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Women and The Boardroom Selection Process Dr. Jacqueline Lang

Organization and Management Specialist.

A report completed by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), Gender Diversity on Boards:

Review of Global Trends, indicates that


women have gained boardroom seats in large corporations at a steady pace since 2008. Industries with the most women on the board include industries focusing on household goods and personal products.The industry with the fewest women Page 50 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

This pace is still slow and does not represent the number of qualified women that can fill a seat as a board member.

What does it take to obtain a seat? Research shows that corporations are looking for board members that have the following skills and experience:  International experience  Operational experience  Leadership experience Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

 

Financial and human resource experience Networking skills

Many women do not have a wide variety of experience in the work environment for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons could include family obligations, lack of formal education, and a lack of skills or knowledge to move forward. Other issues involve lack of mentorship and the ability to relocate for work assignments. Page 51 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If women are serious about increasing the number of women on corporate boards, then women need to start the conversation and start obtaining the skills and experience that corporate America is seeking in order to compete with their male counterparts. Forcing an increase through laws and affirmative action is not a solution that creates success for women of businesses. Instead, it places unqualified women Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

in positions to meet a required quota. Women are not owed a ‘seat’, but the process should not be the ‘good ole boy system’ that seems to eliminate or narrow opportunities for women. Solutions should include reviewing the processes for application, interviewing, nomination, and final selection to ensure fair opportunity for women in leadership positions.

12 steps toward obtaining a boardroom seat It is important for women to take a leading role in obtaining the skills and experience necessary to earn a board member position. These strategies will help women gain valuable experience in addition to opening the doors to opportunity through networking.  Volunteer for a local nonprofit board  Volunteer for an International work assignment Page 52 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

   

Network at conferences Obtain work experience in both human resource and financial positions Accept individual projects that create exposure and knowledge Strive for leadership positions from lower levels and working yourself to the top levels

  

  

Stay up-to-date on technology issues Attend a ‘boot camp’ to learn from former and current board members about inside tips Consider small or medium size organizations for board membership Work with a recruiting firm that specializes in board member recruiting Reach out to your connections and friend's connections to form communities of practice. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Affiliate yourself with organizations for women-owned businesses

Women Supporting Women Women must work together to support each other's career development. Women need to combine their voices together to create opportunities for each other and raise awareness of gender-related bias in leadership development. Women's groups should lobby accrediting bodies and national organizations to promote fair and balanced human re-

Marissa Mayer CEO and Board Member of Yahoo

Board Member of Devon Energy, Karen L. Katen, Board Member of Home Depot and Janice E. Page, Board Member of American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. Discuss that skill set with other women and work toward developing that skill set on your own.

How do you compare? Competition is tough for a boardroom seat. Top board members know that it requires senior leadership experience, strategic thinking skills, problem-solving skills, leadership skills, and an underRosalind Brewer CEO and Board Member standing of management. of SAM’s Club It also requires strong negotiation skills and source practices. Take on the responsiother interperbility for acquiring the skills and experisonal skills. If you ence needed for top leadership. Rewant a position at search resumes of past and current the top, you need board members to see what skills and to start preparing experience they bring to the table. Excelyourself while you lent examples to review are current are still at the botwomen Board Members; Kimberly A. CaAnna Wintour tom. Make yoursiano, Member, Board of Directors, Ford Editor in Chief and self a woman that Motor Company, Barbara M. Baumann, Board Member of is ‘board-ready’. Vogue Magazine Page 53 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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3 Of The Best Franchise Opportunities To Help You


Dancing On Peanut Butter! Written by: David Goodman Founder of Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC

Welcome to Franchise Forum. We are entering the month of April. Let’s say goodbye to the Winter and welcome in Spring. I am coming back from a short breather of my work week. I had a minor family emergency which necessitated a post haste trip to Dallas, Texas. Dallas is, according to Google, the 9th largest city in the US. Of course, it triggers memories of the astoundingly successful TV show by that name...Dallas. However, to me and many Americans of my generation is has another memory attached to it one that is not quite so pleasant. I was 16 years old when I heard the news that JFK had been shot and later that day passed on. I am dredging up this memory for a very important reason. One which may generate to my readers that it may be time to look at other opportunities to open Page 56 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

up the door of self confidence and launch a new career. This is what I mean. I took two of my kids to the Texas School Book Depository building where Lee Harvey Oswald pulled the rifle’s hammer back and let fly the bullets (I actually am not sure if they all came from his weapon. But that version may be for yet another discussion) that may have crimped the forward progress of a new age for this country. Now, without creating any thoughts of political innuendos which is certainly not my intention, let’s simply say that it was a very dramatic time in history. Well last week I found myself reading and actually experiencing, via the museum's hour or so, presentation; the events leading up to that fateful moment. Who would ever have thought that 50 years later I Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

would be here witnessing the replay of those events? It had occurred to me that my readers are, in a similar position. Let me explain. April is the beginning of life. The birds lay their eggs that will soon bring forth new life. The flowers are being pollinated by the bees and other insects which really kick-starts the circle of life. A government study has shown that 72% of the working public have considered becoming one's own boss; ergo, owning a business. Everyone who takes action now will, in years to come, look back on that day and say the same thing as I am saying now, "Who would have thunk it?� Get started now so in 50 years you can sell it and retire or hand it down to your progeny.

Stop Procrastinating! Stop the procrastination. Invest in yourself. Invest in a franchise business. I see that the biggest reason for not embarking on a new self employed career is not the deficiency of funds, lack of guts, low initiative or self esteem, low desire, incorrect timing, insufficient family support, or any other stumbling block which may seem to be obvious. My experience has revealed to me that many of potential business owners don't have the vision to know the: What, Why, Where, When, How of owning and running a business. They typically realize that wading through the quagmire of no real experience is just too daunting. To those people the unknown is too much of a hurdle to overcome, so they simply fall back to the one thing they know; simply working for someone

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make a pay check. Even if it is not what they really yearn to accomplish in life, familiarity is like comfort food. It feels good but it may not be good for you in large chunks. One of my sages, Dr. Dennis Waitely adeptly used a phrase that I remember and I believe fits this behavior, "Dancing : on Peanut Butter". Imagine dancing and the floor is covered with peanut butter about six inches thick! I bet you will expend a great deal of energy and end up at the same place you started; that’s if one could even keep vertical for any length of time. Stop Dancing on Peanut Butter! Franchising and specifically, using a franchise consultant, eliminates that phenomenon. It alleviates that wasteful, personally non-productive expenditure of energy. Here's how:

Stop Dancing On Peanut Butter Most consultants work to place a candidate without the candidate expending an additional expenditure of money. As an example, I help my candidates find the perfect business opportunity and only when that match is made and my candidate officially becomes a franchisee, do I get compensated by the Franchisor. There are no additional fees associated with my compensation. The franchisee candidate has the benefit of all my expertise at no additional cost. Please go to my website, www.FranchiseBizConsulting.com for more details And Stop Dancing On Peanut Butter! The first of three franchises I would be recommending for April is extremely appropriate. We all periodically need to get a physical check-up. But working those appointments into our daily activities, especially this time of year may prove to be very difficult. This company has solved the problem.

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The growing shortage of doctors has made physician access more and more difficult for patients. In addition, healthcare providers face increasing costs and declining revenues. GoTelecare has solved these dilemmas by creating a way to virtualize doctor visits while reducing billing costs. GoTelecare has created the most comprehensive telehealth video consultation and medical billing services for medical practices, healthcare facilities and healthcare services organizations. Now you can become a franchisee in this exciting healthcare solution for medical service providers and their patients.

Call or email David Goodman 818-578 8706 david@franchisebizconsulting.com

ABOUT MEDICAL STAFFING CONSULTANTS: Medical Staffing Consultants (MSC) is a full-service consulting organization whose sole mission is to provide entrepreneurs with the tools they need to establish, launch, operate, and grow a successful healthcare staffing services firm and permanent placement agency. MSC teaches clients how to staff over 100 types of healthcare professionals to every possible healthcare facility and organization, which helps them target parts of the marketplace with the least competition and the highest profit margins. We also teach them how to become a provider to home care agencies and perform permanent placement positions as additional revenue streams.

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Champions Never Win By Themselves.

Get Great Franchising Opportunities Learn how to earn your $1,000 bonus NOW email or call www.franchisebizconsulting.com David@franchisebizconsulting.com

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Merry Maids is the largest residential cleaning franchise in the U.S. with over 1,400 franchises worldwide. We have been franchising for 34 years and are part of the ServiceMaster Family of Brands, the world's largest franchisor of service businesses which also includes ServiceMaster Clean, AmeriSpec, Furniture Medic, American Home Shield, and Terminix. We award an exclusive territory which will be one of three sizes and investment levels based on the number of qualified households in the territory which we define as having HH income of $75K+. We have ongoing marketing programs, including direct marketing and digital marketing, to assist the owners in customer acquisition. We also provide and host a website for their business. We have in house financing available for up to 80% of the franchise fee. Our franchise owners do not have to purchase cars for their teams.

Call or email David Goodman/818-578-8706 david@franchisebizconsulting.com Ultimate Business Opportunity… Absolutely No Investment Required!! Of course there are some individuals who simply cannot even put together 10 K to get their business aspirations off the ground. And to those individuals or anyone looking to supplement their income, I have a special bonus program specifically designed for all my “E” magazine readers. I will personally send you a check for up to $2,000 for anyone who sends me contact information (name, address, phone number and email address) of anyone who is interested in a franchise and through my efforts becomes a franchisee. Of course there are certain restrictions. Please call for further details. GOOD FRANCHISE HUNTING! Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC Professionally Find A Fabulous Franchise...Free!

David Goodman Office 818 578 8706 Cell 856 287 0303 Email Address: david@franchisebizconsulting.com Website: http://www.franchisebizconsulting.com

If you are truly serious about taking the control of your life out of the hands of others and finally seizing your own destiny, please call me. Page 60 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Watch David Tell Us About The Top 3 Franchise with Low Cost Entry

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Caribbean Lobster Paella

Special Thanks To Gillian Larson, and the Reality Rally Chefs For Event Tickets and More information Visit www.realityrally.com

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Caribbean Lobster Paella By Chef Ron Dupre Method 1. Preheat your oven (or smoker) to 500°F/260°C, or its highest level. 2. In a wide, metal pan, place ¼ -cup of olive oil, the garlic, onion, and celery. Put it in the oven and let cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion softens, 8 minutes. Add the green pepper. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the color brightens and they turn a bit brown.

Yield: 4 portions Ingredients Amounts                     

Garlic cloves, coarsely chopped 3 ea. Sweet onion, cut into large dice 1 ea. Celery rib, including leaves, chopped 1 ea. Poblano pepper, large, split, 1 ea. seeded and ripped coarsely Chouriço 4 oz. Bay leaves 2 ea. Tomatoes, ripe, diced, or 3 ea. 2 cups/473 ml diced canned tomatoes Saffron threads ½ tsp. Risotto, parcooked 2/3 cup or other short-grain rice Caribbean lobsters, (1 ½ lb.) 2 ea. still squirming Oranges, juice of 2 ea. Fish or lobster stock, ½ cup or low-sodium natural clam juice Mussels, rinsed and debearded ½ lb. Sea salt Ground black pepper Olive oil, as needed Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

3. Add chouriço, bay leaves, tomatoes, and saffron. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes, simmering the “sauce” in the oven. Add the risotto and stir. 4. Split the lobster from head to tail. Scrape the entrails out of the body and head cavities. Clean the vein in the tail. Crack the claws with the back of a French knife or whack with a meat mallet. (This permits the claw meat to cook in approximately the same time as the tail.) Add the orange juice and stock to the sauce. Place the lobster halves on the sauce, spooning some onto all parts of the lobster. 5. Back to the forno. Cook for 10 to 20 minutes, then add the mussels. Cook for about as long again. When it is done, the lobster tail meat will be firm (not dry—that’s why you spooned the sauce over it). The mussels will be open and the rice cooked through. Add salt and pepper to finish. The chouriço and the natural brininess of the mussel and lobster juice add salt; do taste before you salt. 6. Serve in the casserole dish with big spoons, claw crackers and picks. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 63

2011 Bacig Vineyard, River Valle Noir

The 2011 L’Objet N from the well-know Vineyard located Russian River Valle one of the most fa growing Pinot Noir This is a blend of tw clones, Wente and The aromas in the deep raspberry, b ripe rhubarb to no Christmas spices, and earthiness. Th a balance of rasp mushroom, with h chocolate and a t The mouth feel is e and velvety with a backbone to carr finish.

With this vintage w new Francois Fere 15 months. Becau blended from two are two picking d ber. The pH is 3.85 and the Alcohol is

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2013 Comstock Family Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc Dry Creek Valley

galupi Russian ey Pinot

In 2013, the weather was perfect for growing Sauvignon Blanc. We had very warm days with cool, sometimes foggy nights. This leant itself to a slow flavor building growing season in Dry Creek Valley.

Noir, Pinot Noir is wn Bacicalupi in the storied ey. This region is amous areas for r in the world. wo different d Pommard. e wine range from bright cherries, otes of cola, vanilla, lavender he palate is full of pberry, cherry, hints of spices, touch of cedar. extremely soft a smooth acid ry it through the

was aged in 25% ers oak barrels for use this wine is o clones, there dates in Septem5, the TA is .71 s %13.8

Sandy and Bob Comstock have taken great care to produce amazing Sauvignon Blanc in Dry Creek Valley. Their special attention to detail is un-surpassed. This is why this wine is exceptional. This wine evokes tropical aromas of Papaya, Mango and Pineapple. The palate has wonderful flavors of Pineapple, Star Fruit and Lychee fruit with a crisp but round, soft mouthfeel that is perfect with a variety of foods or to just sit in the back yard and enjoy with very good friends.


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Laurie Forster The Wine Coach

Stress Free Pairings Does the thought of selecting wines for your next party or business dinner make you feel queasy? You are not alone. Many people find choosing wine a stressful task, but it does not have to be. Think of wine as an ingredient in the recipe for a particular dish, not an independent beverage. When selecting a wine it should taste as good or Page 66 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

better when enjoyed with that dish as it does alone. The following guidelines help narrow your choices and create stress free pairings.

Match “like weights” match the weight of the wine with the weight of the food—light fare with lighter bodied, Specifically,

more delicate wines, and fuller Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

bodied wines with bigger foods. This is one of the food and wine concepts that is most intuitive. Most of us wouldn't think to order a light, fruity Sauvignon Blanc with a fillet mignon. Conversely, a glass of hearty Cabernet Sauvignon doesn’t go well with a delicate seafood salad. Think of a boxing match—would you put a heavyweight in the ring with a featherweight?

The wine and food should work together NOT overpower each other.

Think of your pairing strategy—Contrast or complement? We have all heard the sayings "opposites attract," or the converse, complementary partners make the best matches." Sound like relationship Page 67 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

advice? Well it is, but these rules also create successful food and wine pairings. Contrasting uses diverse flavors to enhance the differences; whereas complementary matches flavors to enhance the similarities. Think of a seafood dish in a creamy sauce. You could complement it with a rich, mellow white like Chardonnay or contrast it with a crisper white like Pinot Gris.

Stress Free Pairings Salt needs Acid Acid in wine is that tangy or sour sensation you get on your tongue. That pucker factor is found in crisp wines like Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Albariño to name a few.

Salty foods neutralize or soften acidity in a wine and need to be paired with higher acid wines. Most meals should have at least

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Continued... moderate acidity. If the dish is particularly salty or briny, e.g., oysters, crabs, pickled items, etc.—look for crisp or high acid wines.

Fats Soften Tannins

Tannins are naturally astringent substances found in grape skins, as well as other foods like walnuts. Tannins are perceived in our mouths as a sense of dryness. Reds with firmer tannins are a natural pairing with a fattier dish like red meat, cheese or stew. Try a Cabernet Sauvignon with a bite of steak and notice how the tannins soften in your wine. Bold reds pair nicely with heartier dishes— Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec or Syrah.

Sweet with Spicy Fruity or sweeter wines tone


spicy foods, whereas high alcohol, dry wines intensify the heat of spices. If you are serving spicy cuisine you need to find Page 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

wines that are fruity and even a bit sweet to counteract. Whites that work with spicy food include lush whites like Riesling, Viognier, Gewürztraminer or Sauvignon Blanc. Reds that pair nicely with spicy dishes include fruity, lower tannin wines such as Beaujolais, Pinot Noir or Shiraz. In the end wine pairing is subject to personal taste.

Chances are you and your dinner mates won’t always best agree on what the pairing is for each course but these rules can simplify selecting wine pairings. Next time you entertain you can concentrate on the most important pairing—

enjoying time with your guests!

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Laurie Forster

The Wine Coach is one of the country’s leading wine experts whose mission is to demystify wine one glass at a time. The queen of wine edutainment, she is also the author of the award-winning book, The Sipping Point and a regular guest on TV and radio shows across the country. Laurie’s specialty is delivering unique corporate keynotes, teambuilding events and group tasting seminars for corporate leaders such as MetLife, LG, Microsoft and the US Chamber of Commerce. Laurie’s radio show The Sipping Point can be heard every week on WBAL or in her free App The Wine Coach which was rated one of the Top 8 Wine Apps by Wine Enthusiast magazine. She partners with her better half Chef Michael Forster to create The Wine Coach Club.

The Sipping Point

With over 125 pages of wine essentials along with stunning photos, The Sipping Point is the perfect book for you or any wine lover on your list!


For FREE secrets to make wine easy and FUN!:

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Laurie for your next corporate, client or fundraising event! More Info:

WATCH Laurie! Teach us how to 'Drink like Olivia Pope' from ABC's Scandal! Click Video below or click link www.TheWineCoach.com/Scandal


Laurie was Just on Fox News WATCH http://tinyurl.com/k6suu6z

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MAKE a NAME For Your Business By Public Relations Expert Jill Lublin

We live in a world of competition, where

many businesses are looking to out-do each other. This competition can be frequently seen in the business world, where there are numerous companies that offer the same product or services to the same target market. In such cases, a business needs to differentiate itself from its competitors to capture the attention of the audience and gain a better market share by standing out as unique and caring. You must become an expert in what does your business offers that sets it apart from similar businesses or all businesses?

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This is where the publicity comes in. The more effective the publicity of your business, the more your brand will capture attention of the audience, hence creating a more prosperous bottom line for you while enhancing your customer’s lives and increasing your referrals. At the end of every year, the gurus of every field make some predictions about the coming year - ways which are going to gain popularity, pertaining to the publicity of the business, are given below.

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1. Press Release: If you are a startup business, then the first and the best thing you need to do to spread the word of your business is to write a press release. In the press release, explain the benefits of whatever product or service you offer, and how the product of yours is going to help the customers or clients. The inclusion of any free event or free training can also help spread the word. Be sure the press release is newsworthy, explain what solution your product or service has that no other business has.

2. Building Relationships: PR is all about building relationships, whether it is with your customer, client, or even your industry leaders. To publicize your business, you would benefit from the backing of an industry leader. Page 73 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Therefore, when you are thinking of promoting your business, have your PR manager sit with you, and devise a plan on how you are going to use the names of your industry leaders to gain more publicity. If you do not have or cannot afford a PR Manager at this point connect with your circle to see who may be qualified to assist. Moreover, when you connect with Industry Leaders, try to convince the leaders what the benefits this is going to have for both parties.

3. Be Responsive To Media Inquiries: To fill out the pages of newspaper, to complete the minutes of a TV program, the media people will always have queries which you need to target. If media has any query related to the industry you are in, then be responsive and respond to the queries of media in a timely manner. This way your business will get easy placement into the media publicity. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

4. Be Social: The business which is more social and involved in the matters of community, receives more recognition from the community. Therefore try to be more social, attend the gatherings of your industry, do your best to participate more actively, and even more importantly attend some charity events, because this is what gets businesses the most publicity and is socially positive and caring of communities. In addition to the reckoning you receive from the community, the social events are another way of meeting like minded people where you can spread the word of your business by telling them what you offer, and how you or others can help each other out.

5. Sharing: The best way to get your business known is to take the charge yourself and hit the road for promoting your business. Go to seminars, functions, conferences, and other events

and speak on the behalf of your business. Let your target audience know what the business is well-known and differentiated for, how you are unique and set apart from other businesses similar to yours, and how your services and products can be beneficial for them, make their lives easier, more convenient, more productive, whatever your specialty is. Share your experiences and tell them how you are there to care for them. In today’s business climate, another virtually essential activity is all of he above-mentioned factors going online. Businesses should focus on the online market, like writing Press Releases for online PR websites, becoming social by making accounts on Linked-In, Facebook and Twitter, responding to the queries of top blog writers, and sharing all the things associated with your business on social media. This all is happening right now, and has become absolutely crucial.

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In today’s business climate, another virtually essential activity is all of he above-mentioned factors going online. Businesses should focus on the online market, like writing Press Releases for online PR websites, becoming social by making accounts on Linked-In, Facebook and Twitter, responding to the queries of top blog writers, and sharing all the things associated with your business on social media. This all is happening right now, and has become absolutely crucial.


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Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Radical Influence, Publicity, Networking and referrals. She is the author of 3 Best Selling books including Get Noticed...Get Referrals” (McGraw Hill) and coauthor of Guerrilla Publicity (Adams Media) and Networking Magic (Morgan James). Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 20 years’ experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media. Jill teaches Crash Course in Publicity as both live events and live webinars and consults and speaks all over the world. To book Jill Lublin to speak for your organization on her various topics including: “Be The News” and “Getting Paid for Who You Know – Turning Your Contacts Into Cash, Radical Influence for Maximum Impact, Contact Lynn Wakefield, Speakers Now at 714-5402333 or lynn@speakersnow.info. To attend her Publicity Crash Course Visit publicitycrashcourse.com/freegift or e-mail info@jilllublin.com to register. Page 75 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Social Consciousness of Technology by Tracy Recheck

There are 7 billion people in the world, 3 billion of them are online and 5 billion are using mobile phones so if you ever wanted to reach millions with your message - the technology exists right now - so I ask you this question - Are You Really Using It? I started my entrepreneurial journey at the age of 19, when I graduated with a degree in IT and I started a software company. I don’t know about you but I did not have the vision, purpose, and mission that I do now. I had one goal - make a million dollars.

In fact when the internet was born already in 1994 I was developing software and websites for clients, and was one of the first 100,000 sites on the internet. But that didn’t mean my journey was not without tragedy. By time I was 24 I had been left at the alter with a broken heart by my fiancée/business partner, I had married on the rebound and divorced in under a year, I had to move back home with my parents because my business partner/ex fiancé locked me out of my business and stopped my credit cards, and my soon to be ex-husband - did the same at home... and I am often asked how did I survive this.

By 24 I had made my first million and was developing systems for the government, national banks, the lottery corporation, and fortune 100 companies. Page 78 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

You see I knew I had a mission and a purpose to use my skills and knowledge of technology to break barriers for change agents. I took out loans Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

to buy my ex-fiancé out of my business. I took out loans to get my ex-husband out of my life.

I would not be silenced because if I was - then other woman would be too. When you know that your mission is bigger than yourself, getting up is the easy part.

to own their own business, a privilege we take for granted I tell you this because you need to

play a bigger game. You need to speak up, and you need to get your message heard by millions. To reach millions with your message there are 4 primary categories I used to reach 20 million people last year alone. It was the combination of;  

I got myself on TV, I got myself to #1 on Amazon.com, I won new internet marketing success of the year (the first woman to win that), I was flown all expenses paid from California to Singapore to appear on my very first stage in front of 3400 as the prize and I paved the way as the only woman on the World Internet Summit stages with 15 men. I got picked up by Wiley Publishing and now I’m a 5 Time International bestselling author, and then I got myself on TV over and over and over and traveled around the world to over 35 countries speaking on this topic, I even opened up the first business women’s center in Kuwait because that was the first time they had the right

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 

Internet and Online Branding and Marketing Book launch for credibility and market differentiation Speaking TV

I’m going to address social media as part of the internet category. Social media is different than other online marketing activities because the purpose of it is to engage an audience - not necessarily sell to them. That comes later when you create a community of people that know you, like you, trust from you and ultimately buy from you. Before social media however there was not the power to impact millions in minutes. That reality now exists and it’s up to you to leverage it. Social media naturally promotes those who are socially responsible.

There are a lot of social media platforms but there are 4 I focus on: 1. LinkedIn, 2. Facebook, 3. Twitter & 4. Google+ Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

The key is to understand what tool will help you with your message, and my favorite part is it is not run by anyone. This is where we the people have power. TV as great as it is needs advertisers - so shows support controversy, drama, crime, anything that can make a buck, so there are tons of approval levels and ratings hoops that need to be satisfied. But you as a content provider on social media have the same level playing field as everyone else.

there are specific groups you can join. There are other like-minded people out there waiting for leaders, partners, and influencers to combine power and make an impact. The second benefit is there is often research in there by an organization or group that you can use for your own leverage. Connect with me here - https://www.linkedin.com/ in/tracyrepchuk

LinkedIn: If you are in a profession at all, you need to be on LinkedIn. Currently I have over 12,000 followers here, and they are incredibly responsive. Here are the movers and shakers of the planet. Corporations and causes reside here, complete with a need to make their own impact. This is where collaborations and strategic partnerships are made that can help to change the fabric of how we do business. There are tons of benefits to LinkedIn - but the two that people may not be aware of is Page 80 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Facebook: This is the platform for relationship building. It’s structure makes it easy to connect, engage, participate, and follow a conversation. You can create personal pages, groups, a company site, and where I spend most of my time is in my private Facebook group for upper level clients. It’s a great way to remain accessible, and connected to your followers. When a call to action is required and you have a message that needs to go out now, these are your troops. Connect with me here - https:// www.facebook.com/TracyRepchukFan Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Twitter: Twitter has become the universal newsfeed, reaching millions, educating instantly and creating trending topics that can change how the world thinks. With this kind of power, think about how you can create, connect and impact others by collaborating, promoting positive feeds, and becoming an influencer. Connect with me here - https://twitter.com/ tracyrepchuk

Google+ Google+ is a relative newcomer to the game of social media but with a name like Google it doesn’t take much to change the game. They have combined the power of other platforms, and created an environment that is ideal for businesses. Make sure you add this to your portfolio and get familiar with these features: But the big difference and the real reason you need Google+ is - drum roll - it’s the only social media platform that indexes your post to Google, giving you the SEO power you want for free. With its plan for internet domination, and with $200 billion in it’s pockets, it will probably succeed and you want to be at the forefront of this wave. If your plan is to change the world, then get comfortable with the platform that drives the internet content.

Connect with me here https://plus.google.com/u/0/ +TracyRepchukTV The time has never been better to reach millions and make a difference in your part of the world, or globally. The impact we can make now is unprecedented as an individual. With celebrities hitting millions of followers willing to do whatever they say, the power lies in everyone’s hands and it is now up to each of us to connect and leverage technology for the advancement of mankind and mission driven purposes.

look forward to seeing you online as you become your own power house Page 81 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


About: Tracy Repchuk, is a 5-Time International Bestselling Author and Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. As an award-winning entrepreneur since the age of 19 with over 30 years of business, internet, SEO, and marketing background she has helped thousands of clients get their message online fast and effectively. In addition she has appeared as a technology specialist in National TV segments with ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, NBC, HGTV San Diego Living, Good Morning New Mexico, CNBC, Report on Business TV, Vegas Inc, USA Today, Forbes, MSN, and over 50 publications, newspapers and magazines, 3 motivational movies, plus hundreds of speaking appearances in over 35 countries. Get Tracy's ebook Instant Online Impact for free at: www.FastActionResults.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Becky Hammon The First Female NBA Assistant Coach Who is Becky Hammon?

Fame. On January 22, 2005, her #25 Colorado State jersey was retired at the Moby Arena.

Rebecca "Becky" Lynn Hammon, born March 11, 1977, is a professional basketball player currently under contract with the San Antonio Silver Stars of the WNBA.

Un-drafted during her rookie season, Hammon was signed to the WNBA on May 12, 1999 and joined the New York Liberty. She had a surprisingly solid rookie season statistically, backing up starting point guard Teresa Weatherspoon. Her aggressive play at both ends of the court made her a favorite among Liberty fans. After the 2003 season, Hammon took over for Teresa Weatherspoon as the Liberty's starting point guard and along with Vickie Johnson and Crystal Robinson, became one of the team's co-captains in 2004.

Hammon grew up as the youngest of three children and played high school basketball at Stevens High School in her hometown of Rapid City, South Dakota. As a junior, she was South Dakota Miss Basketball. As a senior, she was voted the South Dakota Player of the Year after averaging 26 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists per game. Hammon had a distinguished career at Colorado State. Her prolific scoring made her an All -American as well as Colorado Sportswoman of the Year. She led her team to a 33-3 record in the 1998-1999 season and helped them advance to the NCAA Tournament's Sweet Sixteen. She was the WAC Mountain Division player of the year for the 1998-1999 season and surpassed University of Utah player Keith Van Horn as the WAC's all-time leading scorer. Hammon set many Colorado State all-time records, including points (2,740), points per game (21.92), field goals made (918), free throws made (539), threepoint field goals made (365), assists (538) and steals (315). On November 12, 2004, Hammon was inducted into the Colorado State University Sports Hall of Page 85 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

In her first season in 2003 with the Tennessee Fury of the NWBL (National Women's Basketball League), Hammon led the league in scoring, averaging 20.6 points per game. In 2004, Hammon signed with the Colorado Chill, a new team to the NWBL, but played in only 2 games because of a knee injury she sustained in the 2003 season when playing for the New York Liberty. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Source: beckyhammon25.com

On August 16, 2005, Hammon scored her 2000th WNBA career point. At the end of the 2005 season, she was named to the All-WNBA Second Team. On April 4, 2007, during the WNBA Draft, Hammon was traded to the Silver Stars along with a second round draft pick in the 2008 draft for Jessica Davenport, the draft’s second overall pick. Hammon's impact in San Antonio was immediate as she had the best season of her career, posting career high averages of 18.8 ppg and 5.0 apg (first in WNBA). Hammon's incredible season didn't go unnoticed and she finished second in MVP voting, earned WNBA First Team honors as well as WNBA Peak Performer honors for leading the league in assists. She became only the second player in WNBA history to be voted to the All-Star Game for both the East and West. While in San Antonio, Hammon earned the nickname, "Big Shot Becky" because of her ability to hit shots in clutch moments. It comes from the nickname "Big Shot Rob" given to then-San Antonio Spurs forward, Robert Horry. In her second year with the Silver Stars, Hammon averaged 17.6 ppg, and 4.9 apg as she helped Page 86 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

lead the Silver Stars to a WNBA best record 24-10 and their first WNBA Finals. In the conference semifinals, Hammon scored 30 pts in a Game 1 win against the Sacramento Monarchs. San Antonio went on to win the series and advance to the conference finals. After losing game one of the Western Conference Finals to Los Angeles, San Antonio managed to stave off elimination on a prayer with Sophia Young hitting a buzzer beat for the 67-66 Stars win. In game 3 of the series Hammon scored 35 points, tying Lisa Leslie of the Los Angles Sparks for the second most points scored in a WNBA playoff game. Hammon also became a member of the elite 3000/800 club in 2008, as one of a handful of WNBA players to score 3,000 career points and dish 800 career assists. Hammon also became a Naturalized Russian citizen in March of 2008. The Russian passport opened up many new basketball opportunities for the veteran guard. With Hammon’s CSKA sports director also serving as coach of the Russian National Team, she received an invite to play for Russia in the upcoming 2008 Olympics. After much agonizing over the decision, plenty of prayers and conversations with close friends and family, Hammon announced join the Russian national team, fulfilling her own lifelong dream to compete in an Olympics. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Becky Hammon returns to Garden as Spurs assistant coach By MELISSA MURPHY

NEW YORK (AP) - Becky Hammon kept her eye on the stats, looked for player tendencies and gave instructions to the San Antonio Spurs from the bench during the game against the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden. Pretty much like any of the 180 or so assistant coaches in the NBA. Hammon returned to her old home court at the Garden on Tuesday night when the Knicks upset the defending champion Spurs 104-100 in overtime. The former New York Liberty guard used to light up the arena with 3-pointers and no-look passes during her eight seasons from 1999-2007. "I love New York. I was giddy, coming back and seeing old friends," Hammon said. "New York gave me my first chance. New York City makes you tough. It made me tough." Now she's working with the Spurs, one of six assistants on coach Gregg Popovich's staff and the first woman in that full-time role in the NBA. "She's another brain," Popovich said before the game. "She's another person that has an opinion, has a lot of good experience about the game, and I value that highly." Hammon sat next to Popovich on a plane ride back from the 2012 London Olympics and they didn't even talk about basketball. On Tuesday night, she sat behind Popovich in the second row with several Spurs assistants. She received a warm reception when shown on the overhead video board. Hammon wasn't the only recent female hired by the NBA at the Garden. Page 87 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The game was officiated by first-year referee Lauren Holtkamp. The six-time WNBA All-Star, who retired last summer after a 16-year career, has worked mostly with the guards, but not exclusively. "She brings a good dynamic to the team," said Spurs forward/center Jeff Ayres. "What's cool about our team is we diversify everything. Sometimes we see her working with the guards and sometimes she'll come work out with the big guys and work on passing and cuts." Hammon developed a friendship with Tony Parker since competing in the 2008 All-Star Game and skills competitions. During her WNBA playing days, she's been the rookie, rising star, international player and injured veteran, all the experiences that most professionals go through in their careers. Does she give any tips to Parker, the 13-year veteran? "Well, he's pretty good," said Hammon, smiling. "Sometimes if I see a pick and roll coverage in a game, I'll say 'Hey, look for this." During games, Hammon said she's checking to see if the team is running the "correct schemes" and executing the game plan.

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"She has a level of expertise that those guys respect," Wicks said. "They might beat her one-onone, but there's few people who have ever played any sport that exists in that tight little margin of knowing what excellence is and demanding it day after day after day. That's Becky, and she expects it from herself. "She'll coach with the Spurs the same thing. They work on perfection." Hammon said the 82-game season can be a grind for players, missing birthdays and weddings, compared to the 30-some games in the WNBA. There are other differences and similarities in the men's and women's game. "A screen and being able to read defenses is all the same. Granted, we're not really drawing up lob dunk plays," said Hammon about the women's game. "But how many dunks has Tony Parker had this year - none - and he's still very entertaining to watch." Hammon left New York to play eight seasons in San Antonio, then injured her knee while playing for the Stars in 2013. She rehabbed and attended Spurs practices at the invitation of Popovich during the 2013-14 season.

"I try to be very choosy with what I have to say and when I say it. Sometimes you can overload players with information, and that's not good either. Maybe its a trend or a trend over the past five or six games," she said. Spurs guard/forward Danny Green said Hammon does "the same things most assistants do" during practice and games. "She gives us pointers 'Oh, you can do this more, you have this open shot, you can back cut. Make sure they tell the bigs to do this,'" Green said. "She's doing a great job, especially for her first year. Everybody likes her and she's a joy to have around." Former Liberty teammate Sue Wicks has watched Hammon evolve from a WNBA rookie to an NBA assistant. Page 88 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

"She's very confident in the knowledge that she has and the way she approaches the game from a leader and point guard position," Popovich said. "It's been good to have her because it's another perspective that maybe we didn't have before." Her hiring is a move "in the right direction" and a "great conversation starter" for parents and kids, Hammon said.

"I know there are plenty of great basketball minds out there that are women," she said. "So it will be fun to see how this kind of moves things along for women." Š 2015 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

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What’s What with Fatty Acids? By Kirsten Berman “The Glutton Gal” The Benefits of Omega Fatty Acids If I were to tell you that consuming healthy fats like omega fatty acids will not only keep your body and brain functioning properly, they will also help fight disease, lower cholesterol and help you lose weight; would you believe me? That is exactly what healthy fats do, promote wellness.

Healthy Fat Why does the body need healthy fats in a daily diet? Imagine what would happen if you took all the oil out of your car and tried to drive it? You wouldn’t get very far before the engine seized up; leaving you stranded on the side of the road with smoke billowing from your hood. This is the same line of thinking for why the body needs healthy fats, they lubricate everything necessary for proper function. People hear the word ‘fat’ and shy away; unaware of all the powerful and essential benefits they offer the body. 60% of your brain is fat, so not getting enough healthy fat up there in the ole noggin can lead to hardening of the soft tissues causing plaques to form. This can lead to such diseases as Alzheimer and Dementia. Healthy fats are an important source of energy, providing twice as much energy as proteins or carbohydrates.

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They produce vital hormones, hold cells together, protect organs, promote eye health and generally have an anti-inflammatory effect. Fats are also vital in helping the body absorb vitamins A, D, E and K.

Types of Fats There are 4 types of fat in food:  Polyunsaturated  Monounsaturated  Saturated  Trans fat Trans fats are the absolute bad fats found in processed and fried foods that affect your health by raising cholesterol and blood pressure leading to heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Saturated fat is deep in controversy right now between good (in moderation) or bad and leads to disease. The U.S. National Library of Medicine performed a study on sat fat and cardiovascular disease and the conclusion was “insufficient evidence’ proving saturated fat lead to disease. Coconut oil is a great example of a healthy saturated fat. Poly and monounsaturated fats are the good fats that prevent disease and promote a healthier body.

Omega 3 Fatty Acid Omega 3 fatty acids are probably the most well known of all the healthy polyunsaturated fats and for good reason, they are essential for brain function and central nervous system health. According to the U.S. Library of Medicine, omega 3 fatty acids are “essential nutrients that enhance quality of life and lower the risk of premature death.” Omega 3’s are made of two components, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

(docosahexaenoic acid). The body cannot produce omega, so it needs the food we eat or supplements to provide a daily supply. Omega3 fatty acids help curb hunger by making you feel satiated for longer and they are crucial for cognitive thinking and behavior in the brain. Omega 3’s are particularly concentrated in the brain and are key to the production of message sending neurons that talk to the rest of the body. They are also anti-inflammatory, lubricate joints, support immune system and work congruent with the brain to release melatonin for a better night’s sleep. Omega 3’s help to promote healthy bones by balancing calcium, creating stronger overall bone density. Washington University conducted a study on the effects of EPA & DHA on muscle mass and found that it helped to stimulate muscle growth by synthesizing protein quicker and more efficiently.

Omega 6 Fatty Acids Omega 6 fatty acids are made up of mainly linoleic acid and benefit the body by encouraging skin & hair growth and stabilizing the metabolism. The problem with Omega 6’s is that they come from commonly used plant oils like corn and soybean, which leads to overconsumption of omega 6. Absorbing too much of this fatty acid can have adverse effects on the body; instead of contributing to wellness, it causes the inflammation that increases the risk of heart disease. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “It is important to have the proper ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet. The typical American diet tends to contain 14 – 25 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids, which many nutritionally oriented physicians consider to be way too high on the omega-6 side.” Foods Rich In Omega’s Omega 3  Walnuts  Avocados  Wild salmon  Quinoa Page 91 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Flax Omega 6  Corn oil  Soybean oil  Safflower  Grape seed  Vegetable Symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency can cause severe mood swings, foggy brain activity, lethargy, insufficient blood circulation and memory loss. Daily Supple Necessary In order to receive the amazing benefits of omega 3, there needs to be a daily consistency of intake. So whether in food, which is always the better choice, or if choosing supplements, the EPA/DHA ratio in omega 3’s should be 700 -1000 EPA to 200-500 DHA daily. Since omega 6 is in most foods, the goal is to not retain too much. You want to aim at a 1 to 4 ratio; one omega 6 to every four omega 3’s and shoot for a daily supply of 500-600mg of DHA a day. Eating fish oil supplements with meals that contain fat is MUCH better for absorption. More of the Omega-3 gets into your ‘system’ and more stays there over time when you eat your fish oil pills with food. Some foods helps absorption better than others. The fat present in your food is what helps Omega-3 get absorbed into your body. Many of you probably are on low-fat diets, so keep this in mind. Taking your fish oil pills with just fruits or skim milk is wasting a lot of Omega-3. Choosing a fish-oil supplement made from small, oily fish like anchovies or sardines will lessen the possibility of contaminants, but, salmon, krill and algae oils are also available. Check the label to see EPA/ DHA ratio and you may need to keep refrigerated to keep supplements fresh. Healthy fats are essential to human growth and function; the myth that all fat is bad needs to be dispelled from your brain forever. The omega’s help prevent heart disease, lower bad LDL cholesterol, keep your brain firing on all cylinders, build muscle and help you lose weight; I don’t see a reason why you wouldn’t want to make sure you are getting at least your daily supply necessary. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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What Do I Tell’Em?

Crisis Communication & Social Media

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” Warren Buffett


an old popular saying goes «Good News Travels Fast - Bad News Travels Faster». Today as never before the wisdom of those words is appropriate. The Internet has opened new windows on the world, and nullified the distance between us and what happens on the other side of the world, even miles above the earth. Page 94 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

At the same time, technology has changed previous conceptions about the timing of communication, and the requirements of new information and updates. During a crisis there is no margin for error. Although you can't anticipate the future to prepare in advance all your communications or have a detailed program, you can still plan ahead elements and strategies together with your Crisis Communication Expert and your Crisis Team, and you can build and monitor Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

your reputation. Social media are an important part of it, although they are not the whole story, but they are the part I want to talk to you about. Nowadays social media are a huge influence in our daily lives and that reflects on the way of doing business.

Thanks to them everyone can have a “Voice & Presence”. In a crisis all these voices have a say and that can be very dangerous if you can’t keep the situation under control. The investment needed to make your company ready for the challenge is really low compared to the millions of dollars you could lose or spend in absence of a good plan. This new Digital Era carries many opportunities, but many pitfalls as well.

Tick Tock – The Clock Is Running During the early stage of a crisis all the internal equilibrium in a company are compromised and it is a must to accept the situation and adapt to it as quickly as possible. The issue of responsiveness is crucial, your reaction to the critical event must be the quickest possible, but also the most effective. From the onset of the crisis you Page 95 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

have to be the first one to give the news and to open dedicated channels. You can choose to do so through Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, your Blog, or other platforms. That will depend on the channels you routinely employ to reach your audience and the nature of the crisis you face. If you fail to establish a contact and acknowledge a critical event, then someone else will do it anyway and your control over the situation will be impaired. After your first message the frequency of your updates will be dictated by the type of crisis at hand. If a situation of danger is still ongoing and there are people at risk you aim to follow up with more news as often as feasible. The more the situation shifts from being “current” toward “ceased”, or the more it may lead to damage to things rather than to people, the longer it is the tolerable delay between every update. Internauts are voracious consumers of information and they need to be constantly fed with new updates. If they don’t receive enough from you then they’ll look for it elsewhere or they might even start to make it up.

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth There are many researches and theories about the content of your messages during Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

a crisis. I prefer making a case-by-case evaluation according to the type of business and incident. However, there are basic guidelines to follow also on the Social Media. Effective messages are clear and concise - straight to the point and effective - they mustn’t leave room for doubt. With any message you deliver, be it on the social media or in the real world, you have to convince your audience that you releasing all the information you have available. There is no choice but to tell the truth, and if you find out you have fault in the situation you need to step up and face your responsibilities. These are some of the questions the public will expect you to answer to:  What happened?  Who was involved?  Where did it happen?  When did it happen? Page 96 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

 

    

What are the causes? What are the damages and consequences (economically, on the public interests, etc.)? Who is responsible? What are you doing to solve the problem? Has anything similar happened before? Who is going to pay compensation? What is necessary to do to avoid it happening again? What’s your name and role? (to the spokesperson) When will we have an update?

Be Empathic Not Sympathetic In every crisis there’s always someone who suffers losses, directly or indirectly. These people must at the top of your list to be assisted and informed on the development Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

of the situation. The channel you use to communicate with them needs to be appropriate for the circumstances. In your message you must make it clear that you will do anything in your power to solve the problem. It is vital for you to come across positively from a human perspective and show involvement, comprehension, and give reassurance. An example of crisis communication not to imitate is that of Air Malaysia. On the first anniversary of the disappearance of flight MH370 on 8 March 2014, the company will be remembered not just for the inexplicable incident in itself, but also for the contradictions and mismanagement of the communication in the wake of the Page 97 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

event. For instance, there’s the embarrassing text sent to the victims’ families to inform them of the tragedy: “Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived. As you will hear in the next hour from Malaysia’s prime Minister, we must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean” Then, after the company lost another Boeing over Ukraine on 17 July 2014, they decided to launch the infamous and illadvised “my ultimate bucket list” contest on Twitter. In other words “my to-do list before dying.” Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

The idea was actually to start a communication campaign to rebuild the company’s image, after it had been seriously compromised by the incidents. The format was simple, customers in Australia and New Zealand who had already booked flights needed to explain in maximum 500 characters which destinations were on their bucket list, and the 16 winners would receive an iPad or 12 round-trip economy class tickets to Malaysia. Saying that the plan backfired is an understatement. After the company had been flooded with complaints the contest was withdrawn from Malaysia Airlines’ website.

Good Reputation Doesn’t Grow on Trees To make your communication effective during a crisis it is essential to display a good image of yourself and have a good reputation BEFORE a negative event occurs. Page 98 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

You need to do this online and keep an eye on your progress. Take control of your reputation now. Use your company’s website and also some of the most popular social media to make your company’s ethics and policies known, and to advertise your brand. A key objective is to assist the audience on the social media to understand that there are real people behind your brand. A relationship between human beings lessens the effects of a crisis. We are constantly riddled with information, to stand out in the media jungle you need to find the key to being remembered positively.

Watchdogs If you aren’t already using specialized software for reputation management, I suggest you take action at the first opportunity. These tools are invaluable and allow you to effectively monitor the information circulating about your company, your top managers and also your industry in general. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

I selected 4 proprietary and 4 freeware applications so you can get your feet wet.


http:// www.salesforcemarketingcloud.com Radian6 is a versatile tool both for monitoring your online reputation and promoting your brand. This is powerful software with many features, including a real-time dashboard, statistics, and conversation manager. As such it’s more suited to brands receiving broad coverage and in need of probing the “buzz” across multiple social media. If that sounds like your company then you can take advantage of the trial version. 2. uberVU https://www.ubervu.com/ This is social media marketing software designed for real-time monitoring and analyses. It allows integration with your Twitter and Facebook accounts, it includes support and free training. This application is targeted at those businesses that look at social media not only to manage their reputation but also for marketing. Page 99 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

3. Mention https://en.mention.com/ As its name suggests, this tool scans the Internet - social media and general Internet to monitor when the keywords you specify are mentioned. You can choose between receiving a daily report or a real-time alert, even on your mobile devices. Other strengths are its intuitive interface and the possibility to use a free version of the software with limited features. 4. Trackur http://www.trackur.com/ Trackur is a neat application that packs a well -rounded selection of features. The analytics allow you to process every mention of your brand over the Internet, and to identify the most influential for your business thanks to the InfluenceRank metrics. This analysis algorithm is based on proprietary technology and automatically scores the sentiment in every conversation involving your brand. Data and results are exportable to Excel. RSS feeds or mail alerts can be set to receive your reports in real-time. You can have a look at Trackur’s potentiality through a totally free 10-day trial version. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

FREEWARE 1. Google Alerts https://www.google.it/ alerts If the advanced proprietary software are overkill for the needs of your business, there is plenty of free software that might be just about right for you. Google Alerts is a very easy-to-use online service, that allows you to select specific content to monitor over the Internet and be notified at your chosen update rate. 2. Topsy http://topsy.com/ This analytics service is provided by Topsy Labs Inc. The company is based in San Francisco and is one of Twitter’s biggest partners. Topsy can not only search all the Internet for your target keywords, but it also puts at your fingertips a massive index of all tweets from 2006 onward. 3. Tweet Alarm http:// www.tweetalarm.com/ Another tool for Twitter users, but winking an eye to those who are looking for a simple and effective monitoring solution. Twitter Alarm is an effective keyword notification service that scans all tweets Page 100 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

exchanged in real-time and alerts you to any mentions matching your query. It is very quick and easy to use, just sign up for free and enter all the keywords and monitoring settings. You can then choose your preferred options to be notified by email - every two hours, daily or weekly - when a new mention of your brand is made. There’s also an ignore list function that allows you to disregard any mentions coming from users you specify. 4. Social Mention http:// www.socialmention.com/ Social Mention is a tool that gives you some much at zero costs. It combines scanning, monitoring and analytical capabilities all in one. This application scans more than 80 social media properties and the related additional content, including videos, files, search engines, and much more. After a mention of your business is flagged, Social Mention allows you to follow the associated conversations on social media and assess the sentiment of the public. The analytics utility highlights the most used keywords associated to a topic and the top influencers, including the source and 4 basic statistics: Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

strength, sentiment, passion, and reach. Notification works through emails and RSS. “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”


The Magazine for today’s Female Executive

Charles Darwin Many companies often struggle to accept the ever-changing reality of the way of doing business, but in order to survive the steps of both accepting and quickly adapting to transformations are unavoidable. A good reputation is a vital asset for business - it has been well understood for a long time - nowadays the additional challenge is to protect and cultivate your reputation abiding to the specific rules and the hectic pace of the online environment. An excellent reputation and a crisis communication plan both in the real and virtual world - are solid foundations to deal with a crisis.

Anna Corsaro She is a Multilingual Senior Crisis and Homeland Security Advisor, with several years at the service of Governments and Corporations. Her Consultant Group and she provide Advice and Training in: Crisis Prevention | Intelligence Analysis | Counter-Espionage | Counter-Terrorism | Criminal Organizations | Man-Made Disasters | Corporate Crime | Union Strike and Negotiation | Crisis Communication | Crisis of Malevolence | Post-Conflict Recovery | Seminars | Workshops | Conference | Keynote Speeches Keep in touch with Anna: E-mail: anna.corsaro@aol.com LinkedIn: AnnaCorsaro Twitter: @AnnaCorsaroAdv Page 101 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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A Closer Look At By Bruce Wiseman President &CEO on Target Research www.ontargetresearch.com 1-818-397-1401

Wasn’t it yesterday that Y2K was going to turn all of the computers on the planet into a technoversion of Planet of the Apes and civilization was going to implode into anarchy of zeros and ones? Hard to believe we are 15 years into the 21st century. And in case you have been traveling off-planet for the last decade or so, marketing has changed. So, here’s your April 2015 marketing exam. What is the preferred mode of marketing communication to consumers these days? That’s right – email. That wasn’t so tough. A survey conducted by Marketingcharts.com reveals that email is the preferred communication channel by a wide margin.

Here’s the next question.: How often should you send emails to your list? The answer is not more than once per week, and ideally a bit less frequently than that. Almost three quarters of respondents wanted to receive emails from brands once a week or less often. And, most importantly, what should you say? You promote a discount or make an offer that would be interesting to

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your prospects. That’s right: while the world has morphed into a cyber cacophony of zeros and ones, your customers and prospects still want and old fashioned deal, a “discount”. But exactly what discount or offer do you put into the subject line? Ah, that’s where we come in. We conduct surveys of your public to find out exactly what would motivate them to open that email, read your offering and click on through to your site. You don’t need me to tell you it is a digital world today. But it is your customers and prospects that will tell you what offering they need and want and consider valuable. Surveying customers and prospects can often turn up information that will surprise you. For instance, what days of the week get the highest open and click -through rates? Conventional Internet marketing “wisdom” has long held that Tuesday is the best day for response to email marketing promotion. But this same Internet marketing study bymarketingcharts.com, which cites a survey by Experian Marketing Services, revealed that highest open and click through activity occurs… Page 105 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

on the weekend. That’s right. Saturday and Sunday out perform the more traditional “work days” when it comes to opening and responding to email marketing promotion.

Not a surprise when you think of it, as office pressure subsides on the weekends and people have a bit of quiet/personal time to read and respond to emails. Yet, the reality is that email, and other forms of electronic communication, have so blurred the line between office hours and off duty hours many find themselves “on post” 16 hours a day. In fact a survey conducted in May of 2013 by GFI software of 503 U.S. employees found that 81% of them check their work email on weekends. And, 55% of those surveyed check their work email after 11PM. Hey, get some shut-eye! http://www.gfi.com/blog/survey-81-of-u-semployees-check-their-work-mail-outside-workhours/ Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

into their work email while… their spouse was in labor! Dude, get a life. I digress. My point is that you don’t fully know how your prospects might behave or what they consider to be important until you ask. But it doesn’t stop there. Oh no. If you saw the romantic comedy Wedding Crashers with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn who play a couple of divorce mediators who crash weddings to pick up women, you know where I’m going. If you haven’t seen Wedding Crashers, get it on Netflix or Hulu. It’s very funny. Not to give away the plot if you haven’t seen it, but there is a point where Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn’s characters have a falling out. And Owen goes to see the “Godfather” of wedding crashers, Chazz, played by none other than Will Farrell. And Chazz has evolved. Chazz is no longer crashing weddings to pick up chicks. He’s crashing funerals. Which brings us back to our story. Because the survey of 500+ U.S. employees found that 10% of the respondents admitted to checking work email at a child’s school event, 9% at a wedding, and, in a tip of the hat to Chazz, 6% checked their emails at a funeral. But emails have trumped even the mighty Chazz because 6% of the respondents said they logged Page 106 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

And how you ask is important. There is a technology to this and we will design the survey questions so you get real, gut level, answers. But the point is, why guess? Why spend precious marketing dollars without knowing for sure? Ask your prospects what they want. They’ll tell you. In summary: By all means, use email marketing.  

Don’t send more than once a week. Conduct some surveys to find out what your public really wants from you and craft a special deal or discount around that.  Try sending your emails Friday evening so your prospects can read them over the weekend. Monitor your results and compare them to previous offerings and fine tune as needed. “I am quite pleased with the results gotten from using the program which On Target Research developed for me….The future looks quite bright – predictably bright.” CR Owner. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


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TOX SICK “It’s as if we are all on a big, chemical drunk, and the hangover is a killer.” —Suzanne Somers, in TOX-SICK Pioneering health and wellness advocate, Suzanne Somers, delivers a powerful answer in this expose on the immediate and long-term dangers of living in a world that has become increasingly toxic to our health. The build-up of toxins in our bodies can lead to myriad health concerns — including weight gain, food allergies, brain disorders, cancer, among many others. Moved to investigate by her own family’s plight, Suzanne sits down with environmental doctors and specialists who share eye-opening information and practical advice for how to survive, thrive, and stay healthy today. In Tox-Sick you’ll learn how to effectively detox all your body’s systems and the different survival skills that can save your life, from top experts in the field, including: DR. SHERRY ROGERS, an environmental doctor for over 40 years, shares the truth about detoxification—and where you will likely be if you don’t take it seriously. DR. NICHOLAS GONZALEZ shares where cancer comes from and how to manage it by detoxifying the liver and supplementing with enzymes. DR. RITCHIE SHOEMAKER alerts you to mold toxicity, the newest threat to your brain and wellbeing…and just what to do to fight for your health. DR. WALTER CRINNION teaches what everyday objects to avoid and the simple diet and lifestyle shifts to clean up your health and home in mere weeks! DR. STEPHEN SINATRA, America’s leading integrative cardiologist, explains that we have been approaching heart disease all wrong: a healthy gut, detoxed body, and quality fats are each crucial and cardioprotective. DR. GARRY GORDON shares new protocols for removing toxic lead from the body, as well as ways to keep the most important gland in your body, the thyroid, clean and healthy. From diet and supplement advice to coconut oil cleanses, everything you need to live clean and enjoy great health is in your hands. Page 108 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Other Books By Author, Entertainer and Health Advocate

Suzanne Somers

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2015 Spring Conferences Women Business Technology Social Media

Dent the Future

March 21-25, 2015 http://dentthefuture.com/

World Camp

March 28-29, 2015 http://central.wordcamp.org/

LA BinderCon For Women writers

March 28-29, 2015 http://la.bindercon.com/tickets/


March 31, April 2, 2015


Positive Connections

April 4, 2015

http:// www.positiveconnectionstothe


April 7 - 9, 2015

http://www.evawintl.org/ conferences.aspx

Lady Bloggers 2015

April 11, 2015

http://www.ladyblogger.net/ ladyblogger-2015.html

The Media Revolution

April 13,-16, 2015


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This list is updated monthly

New MEDIA Expo April 13-16, 2015 http://nmxlive.com/2015-lv/

Experts Academy April 16-19, 2015 http://www.expertsacademy.com/2015

ABWA April 16-18, 2015 April 30, May 2, 2015 http://www.abwa.org/pages/2015abwa-regional-conferences

Good Camp an Unconference for Non Profits. April 18, 2015 http://www.goodcamp.org/


April 19-22, 2015


1 day business Breakthrough

April 24, 2015


Women of Joy

Apr 24-26, 2015 May 1-3, 2015


Mom 2.0 Summit

April 29 the May 3, 2015


Score Conference

May 4-7, 2015


S.H.E. Summit

May 6-7, 2015


TED Women

May 27-29, 2015

https://www.ted.com/attend/ conferences/special-events/tedwomen

Summer Schedule Starts in Upcoming May Issue Page 111 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Join NAFE at any of these Southern California Networks Nafe is the largest global network for women with over 66,000 members and recently celebrated its 42nd anniversary, they are headquartered in New York with affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams, supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $30.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits. As the Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator I invite YOU to join us at one of our monthly NAFE meetings. Our networks are made up of entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate executives and women working for companies or even women starting a business. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:30 am at Call Director Bobbi Tomsovic 714-492-9262 email btomsovic@yahoo.com for new location

Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 pm at Rush Street Restaurant 9546 West Washington Blvd., Culver City,, CA 310-837-9546 Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.com

Menifee Nafe Network, Lunch meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Robbie Motter, NAFE Western Regional Coordinator & Director of this network 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Page 112 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Robbie Motter, Director 951-2559200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl

Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Network meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at Carrows Restaurant 11669 Foothill Blvd Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. Cross St: Carrows is Between Mayten and Masi Dr. Banquet Room on left of greeter/cash register area. contact Luz Garcia Pennock, Director 909-463-8480 luz@happilyworking.com

Riverside Nafe Network Joan Wakeland Director Riverside Nafe Group, Director Joan E Wakeland, email joanewakeland@gmail.com, phone 909-721-7648 Group meets the 2nd Tuesday at The Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Dr #7A Riverside, CA 92507 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com

South Orange County Nafe network meets the 1st Thursday 6:30 pm at Sarducci’s 26701 Verdugo, San Juan Capistrano, CA Contact Mikki StGermain, Director 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com

Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 12:00 noon at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91320, Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-794-4005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com

Please contact the Director of the Network you are interested in, and also please RSVP for meetings. We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200 We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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