MDDM | March 2021 | Vol. 8

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MARCH 2021

VOL. 8


Mylo’s Fav Netflix Shows The Must-Experience Texas Staycation Mylo’s Bir thday Adventures Tax Season Tips & Resources



Mylo Draven Siobhan Miller Kristine Bello Siobhan Miller Mylo Draven Kristine Bello Caitlin Knudsen Kira Gavalakis Caitlan Osborn SGI Creative SGI Creative Benjamin Bledsoe Caitlin Knudsen Web Hosted By Cascadia Web Services

EDITORIAL OFFICE & ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Advertising Executive - Siobhan Miller 92 Piazza Lane Ste. 100, Colleyville, Texas 76034 MDDM is published by Mylo Draven Digital Magazine, L.L.C. |

The opinions expressed in MDDM do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Although all material is checked for accuracy, no liability is assumed by the publisher for any losses due to the use of this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of Mylo Draven Digital Magazine L.L.C.

Table of Contents 6

Mylo’s Birthday Adventures Follow Mylo through his many birthday celebrations!

14 Vanilla Bourbon Cake Recipe Mylo in the form of cake?


How to Feel Empowered During a Pandemic Reminder: you’re fabulous and deserve to feel that way every day.


29 30

Mylo’s Favorite Shows Drama and competition shows here we come!

Pistachio & Honey Cold Brew Recipe A cold brew coffee recipe so elevated you’ll be wondering how it’s so easy.

A Fabulous Staycation: Mount Vernon Edition The perfect place to get away and in touch with nature (we can get down and dirty sometimes!).


Top Things to Know About Taxes, Stimulus, and Unemployment


You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers, honey!

Overcoming Addiction An in-depth article about what addiction really is and how to cope with it.

Letter from the editor Dear readers, Woohoo it is March, which is my favorite month. Kiss me I’m Irish!! No really, I am part Irish. To be exact I am Cuban/Puerto Rican/ Irish/Nicaraguan, or as I like to say, “Just me.” However, since we are s�ll in a Pandemic, I am re-thinking the whole kiss from a stranger thing. LOL March is a month of so many things. On the 17th of the month, we Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Fun fact, I have never had green beer on St Patrick’s Day. During the en�re month of March in the United States we celebrate/commemorate Women’s History. This year, on March 20th is the Spring Equinox, which heralds the beginning of Spring. With March comes renewal. The end of hiberna�on and winter brings the renewal and reawakening of life. If you lived in Texas, then last month you experienced #SNOWPOCALYPSE2021. We Texans hunkered down in our homes, some without water and/or electricity for nearly two weeks. My own place flooded, and I now have two large holes in my ceiling, and a couple of areas are without electricity due to the water damage. Texas has been declared a disaster in 77 coun�es. Thankfully with the thawing of the storm, the heat from the (now) shining sun, and Texans coming together to help one another in a severe �me of need, the state and individual’s lives are on the mend.

There is one more date in March that is important to me. March 27th is my favorite day of the year!!! You guessed it, the 27th is my birthday. This year I will celebrate turning 53. This may be the last year I will be able to say I don’t have Botox and/or fillers. I am all natural baby, but trust me when I tell you I have no aversion to any type of cosme�c procedure that I deem necessary to feel be�er about who I am. Look, self-esteem is hard to come by, and even harder to hold on to as you age. If a li�le shot of this and that, here and there, will help sustain my self-esteem, I am not going to stop myself. No one knows what is best for me, be�er than me. I am acutely in tune with where I have been, and how I have become the man I am today. We are all created in HIS image, we are all HIS children, and I trust my inner divinity to guide me, always. I can s�ll hear my mom telling me one �me when she was upset about something I did, “Your a$$ will be lucky if you live to be 18!!” Look, Mom, I am an overachiever … s�ll standing way past that short life expectancy you (jokingly) declared long ago. Seriously, I was a good kid but if you don’t know anything about Hispanic/ La�no passion, and/or our penchant for all things drama�c, then you just haven’t lived. The way we live, the way we love, neither is for the faint hearted. The French call it “Je ne sais quoi,” or that mysterious something that someone possesses. Here in the United States we say someone his “it,” that indefinable li�le “extra.” As Spring thaw and rebirth begin worldwide, look within. Allow yourself the opportunity to be renewed. Find whatever it is you need to strengthen your founda�on of self-esteem. Believe that you are here to shine brightly and be great. You being alive makes a difference for the be�er every damn day you breathe. I truly believe in the value of every individual. Now with the reawakening that Spring provides, you awaken to your own self-belief.

Remember if no one else tells you, I am on your side.




Mylo’s Birthday Adventure


By Caitlin Knudsen

We love a good excuse to celebrate. Is it the weekend? Celebrate. Your new Gucci bag came in the mail? Celebrate! You just bought a house? Celebrate (and if you’re looking to buy, call DFW’s most fashionable Mortgage Broker, Mylo Draven). Here’s our latest reason to celebrate: It’s Mylo’s birthday! Yes, honey, that means we’re making a day of it and sharing our adventure with you. We’re even inviting you to the party! Plus, we’re doing a giveaway, and you can win! What’s the prize? Keep reading to find out; we promise it’s worth it.


You’re Never T� Old Wh en i t co mes to b i rth d ays , age. d o es . n o t. matter. D o n ’t sto p cel eb rati n g j u st b eca u s e yo u ’re an ad u l t . Wh en i t ’s yo u r b i rth d ay, yo u get to ch o o s e exactl y h ow yo u cel eb rate. L i fe i s s u p p o s ed to b e l i ved i n co l o r! Myl o ch o s e to s p en d th e d ay p ai nt i n g th e town fab u l o u s an d en j oyi n g d o u b l e t h e b i rth d ay treats wi t h creati ve d i recto r S i o b h an M i l l er. O u r ed i to r- i n - ch i ef a n d b i rth d ay b oy started th e d ay at S ma s h N Bas h fo r a p ai nt s p l atter s es s i o n . S u re, t h e go g gl es wi l l n o t b e th e n ewest fas h i o n t ren d o f 2021, b u t wh o cares wh en yo u ’re emb raci n g yo u r i n n er arti ste! S mas h N Ba s h i s yo u r o n e- sto p - s h o p fo r st res s rel i ef an d f reed o m o f ex p res s i o n . Yo u can b e l i ke Myl o an d S i o b h an an d go fo r th e s p l atter b as h o pti o n . H ere a re th e d eet s :

• • • • • • • • •

One room When it comes to $30 per person birthdays, 30 minutes age. does. not. 4 paint colors m a t t e r. One canvas One poncho One set of goggles that are trying One hair cover (if you’re not afraid of messing up your ‘do) Two shoe covers (optional, but don’ t wear flip flops)


Wh en M yl o a n d S i o b h an d i d th ei r p ai nt s es h , t h ey h a d s o mu ch f u n th ey o rd ered a s eco n d canva s . We ca n ’t reco mmen d t h i s p l a ce en o u gh , b u t i f yo u ’re an art af i ci o n ad o a n d l i ke gi veaways , take n o te: we h ave a co l l ecti o n o f MD D M canvas es to s h a re. Al l yo u h ave to d o i s l i ke u s o n Fa ceb o o k, fo l l ow o n In stagram, o r tag u s i n a p h o to . D o i n g a l l o f th e ab ove gets yo u th ree ent ri es ! I f yo u want to ta ke yo u r stres s rel i ef to a n o t h er l evel , ch eck o u t th ei r o pti o n s fo r b reaki n g st u ff. T h ey co me i n p ackages a rra n ged by t h e n u mb er o f p eo p l e, ti me, a n d a mo u nt o f i tems yo u can b u st i nto a mi l l i o n d i fferent p i eces . I f yo u want to f l y s o l o, tr y th e Agi tated . I t gets yo u 10 mi n u tes i n th e ro o m, 15 s mal l i tems , o n e med i u m i tem, an d al l o f yo u r s afet y gear. Wa nt to b reak stu ff to geth er? S i gn u p fo r t h e M ad Mu th a wi th yo u r l over a n d s p en d 15 mi n u tes b reaki n g 30 s mal l i tems an d t wo med i u m i tems . It j u st go es u p f ro m t h ere to Bea st Mo d e, XL Beast M o d e, an d Bi g Ba s h . Go t s o meth i n g f ro m h o me yo u wa nt to wreck? Yo u can s i gn u p fo r Bri n g Yo u r O wn Breakab l es an d b reak th at p i ct u re f ra me yo u r ex gave yo u . We s u p p o rt movi n g o n a n d movi n g u p ! Wh i l e Myl o was b u mmed h e d i d n ’t b reak stu ff th i s ti me aro u n d , S i o b h an an d h er h u s b a n d d i d a s ma s h s es h recentl y an d l oved i t. We al l go th ro u gh to u gh ti mes , b u t S mas h N Ba s h i s t h ere to l et yo u r i n n er rage o u t res p o n s i b l y wi th l o ts o f gl as s to b reak. S i o b h a n reco mmen d s th e wi n e gl as s es as a p arti cu l arl y s ati sf yi n g b reaka b l e. C h eck o u t S ma s h N Ba s h ’s webs i te, o r gi ve th em a ca l l at 682- 239- 4499. T h ey ’re o p en ever y d ay b u t Mo n d ay. Ju st make s u re to p l an ah ead : yo u ’l l n eed to make res er vat i o n s to p a i nt an d s mas h . Wh en yo u go fo r yo u r own vi s i t, yo u can f i n d S mas h N Ba s h f ro m t h e mai n ro ad tu cked b ack i n - b etween J’s C as a Bu rger an d A C u sto m T i nt i n g.


Treat Yourself I

f yo u d o n ’t kn ow t h at M yl o l oves d es s ert… o o h gi rl , we mi ght j u st h ave to b l o ck yo u . O f co u rs e, h e h ad to get a t reat ( o r t h ree) fo r h i s b i rth d ay, an d Ko o ki e H aven was a mu st-vi s i t fo r h i s s p eci a l d ay— wh i ch , by th e way, s h o u l d b e a n at i o n a l h o l i d ay, ri ght ? Ko o ki e H aven i s a fami l y b u s i n es s ru n by t h ree s i sters u s i n g t h ei r mo m’s ( Ms . Ko o ki e) reci p es . L et ’s b e h o n est , mo ms are th e b est co o ks . It ’s th e t ru t h , t h e way, a n d th e l i fe!

C h eck th e men u o r ca l l a h ea d as certa i n ca kes a re o n l y ava i l a b l e o n certa i n d ays a n d i tems l i ke th e ma rb l e ca ke ( yu m!) a re o n l y ava i l a b l e vi a p reo rd er.

T h e co o ki e men u featu res al l o f t h e cl as s i cs — f ro m s n i ckerd o o d l e to ch o co l ate- ch i p . E i ght o f t h e 15 o pti o n s o n t h ei r men u featu re ch o co l ate, a n d we certa i n l y l i ke t h o s e o d d s . T h e Mu d Bu d d y va ri eti es even featu re d o u b l e t h e ch o co l ate, a n d fo r th e n u t l overs , t h ere a re co o ki es wi th wa l n u t s , p eca n s , a n d strai ght- u p p ea n u t b u tter co o ki es , wh i ch mi ght b e t h e b est ( o u r p h o to grap h er Ben s u re a grees ) , b u t go a h ead an d p i ck yo u r favo ri te. Ever yb o d y wi n s wh en i t co mes to co o ki es .

M yl o h i ms el f ch o s e th e Vega n C a rro t C a ke S q u a re. Wh i l e th e s q u a res a re s h a rea b l e i tems , yo u can s avo r i t a l l yo u rs el f l i ke th e Bi rth d ay Boy a n d C a ke L over E x tra o rd i n a i re d i d . S i o b h a n a l s o h a d a Vega n C a ke S q u a re b u t ch o s e f ru i t s over vegeta b l es wi t h t h e b a n a n a f l avo r. L et ’s j u st s ay th i s , af ter o u r p h o to s h o o t, ever yb o d y l ef t h a p py.

Fo r t h o s e o f yo u wh o wa nt o pt i o n s , th ey h ave S q u a re Bi tes fo r $5. 25 ea ch . L o a d u p o n a co u p l e o f va ri eti es , a n d yo u ’l l h ave a s a mp l e p l atter o f sweet go o d n es s . Vega n read ers o f M D D M, we d i d n ’t fo rget a b o u t yo u , a n d n ei th er d i d Ko o ki e Haven ; Vega n S q u a re Bi tes a re ava i l a b l e to o .

Ko o ki e H aven i s o p en Tu es d ay, Wed n es d ay, a n d T h u rs d ay fo r p reo rd er a n d p i cku p o n l y. T h ey h ave wa l k- i n h o u rs f ro m 11 a m to 6 p m o n F ri d ay a n d S at u rd ay. Even th o u gh th e p a n d emi c ch a n ged h ow a l o t o f If yo u d o n ’t l ove co o ki es ( a re yo u b u s i n es s es o p erate, i n cl u d i n g Ko o ki e o kay? ) , l et ’s f i n d yo u s o met h i n g yo u H aven , i t ’s wo rth a vi s i t fo r th e d o l i ke! Fo rt u n atel y, Ko o ki e H aven h a s excel l ent b a ked go o d s . C h eck o u t a cake men u to o . T h e ca ke men u th ei r I n sta gra m @ ko o ki eh aven fo r featu res cl as s i cs l i ke red vel vet , ca rro t u p d ates a n d d ro o l - i n d u ci n g p i cs ! cake, a n d tu xed o ca ke.



Keep Treating Yourself

Why sto p at o n e b i rth d ay d es s ert wh en yo u can h ave two ? Kn own fo r i ts d eco rati ve cakes fo r al l o ccas i o n s , C reti a ’s Eater y an d Bake S h o p f ro m th e Bi s h o p Arts D i stri ct s er ves b o th f res h , h o me- co o ked meal s an d d ecad ent d es s erts . We were th ere fo r b o th . O bvi o u s l y. Yo u wo rk u p an ap p eti te creati n g art . T h e mi n u te yo u step fo o t i n th e d o o r o f C reti a’s , yo u ’re at h o me. Myl o an d S i o b h an raved ab o u t th e go rgeo u s d eco r. Ever y memb er o f o u r wo n d erf u l p arty o rd ered s o meth i n g d i fferent, s o we can s afel y tel l yo u C reti a’s d o es ever y th i n g wel l . Myl o h ad th e Qu attro Fo rma g gi p i zza wi th an u n b eatab l e cru st an d S i o b h an h ad th e S p i n ach S al ad featu ri n g a man go d res s i n g. S al ad l overs , l i sten u p ! S i o b h an s ai d th e ma n go d res s i n g was th e b est s h e’s ever h ad . O u r p h o to grap h er Ben went cl as s i c: ch i cken f ri ed steak wi th ch o ri zo grav y, wh i p p ed p o tato es , an d green b ea n s . Ah - mazi n g!

Myl o to p p ed o ff an i n cred i b l e b i rth d ay cel eb rati o n wi th a s l i ce o f mo i st co co n u t cake, featu ri n g d ecad ent b u ttercream, wh i ch wa s th e p erfect way to en d a p erfect d ay. Here’s th e tea. S i o b h an acci d ental l y h i d th e fo rks f ro m Myl o, b u t h e ate th e cake any way u s i n g h i s h an d s . We d o n ’t h ave ti me fo r ru l es — o r u ten s i l s — o n b i rth d ays . Myl o al s o wanted to l et y ’al l kn ow th at th e 6- i n ch cakes are a s n ack, a n d th e p ers o n al - s i zed cake i s th e 10- i n ch . S i ze matters . Yo u h eard i t h ere f i rst. T h e cake o pti o n s at C reti a ’s are ex ten s i ve, wi th 30 cake f l avo rs a n d 34 i n d u l gent p i e f l avo rs . An d i f yo u l ove a go o d b u ttercream an d co o ki es wi th s as sy s ayi n gs p i p ed o n to p , C reti a’s i s th e p l ace to go . Yo u ca n en j oy a treat th ere any d ay o f th e week, starti n g at 8 am, Mo n d ay th ro u gh S atu rd ay. I f yo u want a cu sto m cake, yo u ’l l h ave to ca l l ah ead o r u s e th e q u o te fo rm o n th ei r webs i te to start th e p ro ces s , b u t th ei r b aker y cas e i s avai l ab l e to s ati sf y yo u r cravi n g fo r s o meth i n g sweet th ro u gh o u t th e d ay.


Happy birthday Mylo! Mylo’s Birthday 2021 was a day to remember for the crew at Mylo Draven Digital Magazine. We are so grateful to have you all along for the ride, and hope you check out Smash N Bash, K�kie Haven, and Cretia’s. We’ll be back t�, and if we don’t have a reason to celebrate, we’ll make one!


Vanilla Bourbon Cake With Chocolate Buttercream



n honor of our editor-in-chief ’s birthday, we created a signature cake that captures his sass, spunk, and lively spirit! It doesn’t matter how old you are, you deserve to celebrate your birthday in style. And cake is like a classic Gucci, it never goes out of style, honey!

This is the adult version of your favorite birthday cake you had when you were a kid. It’s fluffy, buttery, and tender, and infused with a bourbon simple syrup. Top it off with a rich, deep chocolate buttercream with a splash of vanilla and a touch of salt. Those adult responsibilities? Forget about them! At least for the 10 minutes it takes you to finish a slice.

INGREDIENTS Vanilla Birthday Cake 2 cups of cake flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 5 tbsp vegetable oil 1 stick of butter unsalted 1 cup of cane sugar 1 tbsp vanilla extract 3 eggs + 1 egg white 1 cup of buttermilk

Bourbon Simple Syrup ½ cup of water ½ cup + 4 tbsp sugar 4 tbsp bourbon

Chocolate Buttercream 4 oz baking chocolate 2 sticks of unsalted butter 2 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 4 cups of powdered sugar ¼ cup of milk

directions 1. Let your eggs, butter, and buttermilk sit out at room

Continue mixing for about 1-2 minutes or until the butter,

temperature for a couple of hours before making this cake.

sugar, and oil mixture is light and fluffy.

Yes, honey, both the butter for the cake and the frosting!

7. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing in between and ending

2. Bake your cake first. Preheat the oven to 350°F and grease

with the egg white. Add the vanilla extract and mix until just

two 7-inch x 3-inch cake pans.


3. In a bowl, measure out the sugar and add the softened stick

8. Listen up y’all, this is important! Alternate adding the dry

of butter.

ingredients and the buttermilk in three portions each. Mix

4. In a separate bowl, measure out the dry ingredients: cake

just until just combined to prevent overmixing. You deserve a

flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda. When measuring the

perfect cake! If there are small chunks of flour and butter on

cake flour, make sure you level the flour using the backside of

the side of your bowl, don’t worry your beautiful face. We’ll

a butter knife so that you have the exact amount. It makes a

get to those in a minute.


9. Gently scrape the sides and bottoms of the bowl with a

5. Using an electric hand mixer, mix the butter and sugar until

spatula, and fold any of the extra flour and butter into the

it’s thick and luscious, and thoroughly combined. It should

batter. Divide the batter between the two cake pans, and bake

take around 1-2 minutes, but who’s counting?

for 23-25 minutes or until a cake tester or toothpick comes out

6. Add the vegetable oil one tablespoon at a time.

clean from the middle of the cake.


Regular Fit Viscose Elastane Leather

10. Let the cake cool for about an hour. Make a drink while you wait.

like small balls of powdered sugar and chocolate for about 30 seconds

You’ll have extra bourbon simple syrup. Yes, we did that on purpose.

until it starts to combine.

That syrup is about to be your new favorite ingredient for your home

18. Add the milk and blend for another 1-2 minutes or until smooth,

cocktail setup!

sweet, and slightly shiny. Grab a spoon, taste that luscious chocolate

11. While the cake is baking and cooling, prepare the simple syrup and

frosting, do a little dance because it came out that good, and get ready

the frosting.

to decorate.

12. For the simple syrup, add all of the ingredients into a small

19. Once the cake is cool, remove one of the cake layers from the pan

saucepan and heat until it starts to bubble at the edges and the sugar

and set it on your serving plate. Brush the simple syrup over the top of

dissolves into the water and whiskey. Don’t overheat this good stuff;

the cake, covering every inch of the surface. This is a celebration cake,

you want to taste the whiskey, right? Yes you do! If you want to toss an


extra shot or two into the syrup, we won’t judge. Let the syrup cool for

20. Divide the frosting into two portions. Slather a 1-cm-thick layer of

at least 15 minutes.

frosting on top of the bottom layer of cake, and then remove the

13. For the frosting, start by gently melting the baking chocolate in a

remaining cake layer and gently lay it on top of the frosting layer.

double boiler or the microwave. Hey, whatever works for you, but the

21. Make a crumb coat by covering the entire cake, from tops to sides,

microwave is much quicker.

with a thin layer of frosting. We aren’t looking for perfection here, just

14. Let the chocolate cool for about 10 minutes.

to roughly cover the cake. Put it in the fridge for at least an hour. Make

15. Add the chocolate and butter into a medium bowl, and beat on high that second cocktail. for about 2-3 minutes or until fluffy and light brown in color.

22. Take the cake out of the fridge, and using an icing spatula, frost the

16. Add the salt and vanilla extract, and pulse to combine.

cake. Use a smooth or a rippled pattern.

17. Add the powdered sugar, one cup at a time, and mix. It will look

23. Slice the cake and take a bite. You can count a slice as cocktail three.

NOTES If you don’t have 7-inch cake pans, feel free to use 8-inch x 2-inch cake pans, but bake for 18-20 minutes instead. If you don’t have an icing spatula, no worries. Just use a regular spatula. Your cake doesn’t have to look professional, it just has to taste good, and this recipe has you covered with that! If you don’t have buttermilk, add one tablespoon of white vinegar to one cup of milk and let it sit for about five minutes before adding it to the batter.


Honestly, we’re kind of obsessed with you… Which is kind of why we love doing giveaways! But this is our last monthly #SwagBag giveaway. Our next Swag Bag won’t go out until JUNE! So don’t miss out on this one. We’re giving away so many goodies, including a painting that Mylo did himself!

Last month’s winner


How to Feel Empowered During a Pandemic You. Are. Fabulous. And we’re about to show you how to remember that. By Caitlan Osborn

It’s been more than a year since the Rona turned the world upside down. And let’s be honest, things have been a hot mess since then! Most of us didn't expect the pandemic to last this long, yet here we are. Covid-19 has caused us to feel isolated, cautious, fearful, and a host of other emotions—like a bad horror movie stuck on a loop. Things probably feel like you’re in the circus. You’re juggling multiple roles—spouse, parent, teacher, maid, plumber, dog-groomer. You struggle with working remote, balancing family, being healthy, and trying to keep things as “normal” as possible. Everything is up in the air as you walk on a tightrope. On top of that, clowns are running rampant and there’s an elephant in the room. You have no idea where things will land, and sometimes they come crashing down in a fiery blaze, sans standing ovation and encore. Let’s face it, it’s a tough time to be your best self. Life can sometimes bring you to your knees. But despite these setbacks, there are things you can do to feel empowered, even during a time when you believe as though power is the last thing you have. Get ready to fight back because you’re about to show the world who’s #Boss.



b r E at h E First, take a step back and consider yourself. Your hair may be a mess, you can’t remember the last time you put on real pants, and you’re tired of Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting. You can’t always control what happens in your life, and now is no exception. These are stressful times, and sometimes it can feel like your life is controlling you and not the other way around. If this is the case, put down the bottle, take a deep breath (or ten), close your eyes, and clear your mind. Easier said than done, right? It’s common to get caught up in your worries, and chaotic thoughts often run amok. But it’s up to you to determine where your thoughts take you. Take a few minutes to push all the crazy thoughts bouncing around your head aside and slow down. Breathe in, breathe out, and repeat.

Breathe In, breaThe oUt, And rePeat.


Change YoUr PoinT of VIew The textbook definition of empowerment is the process of being stronger and more confident to control your life. Empowerment allows you to live up to your full potential. However, this feeling is often hard to achieve, especially if you have emotions of self-doubt and helplessness. You may be asking yourself, “What day is it?”, “How much of my hair have I pulled out?”, “Am I prepared for the impending zombie apocalypse?” To challenge these negative—and sometimes irrational—thoughts, practice positive self-talk. But you don’t need pom-poms to be your own cheerleader. Try giving yourself encouraging feedback every morning while looking in the mirror. Focus on the feelings that give you anxiety, and silence them. For example, if you feel particularly stressed about work, say phrases like “I am a valued employee” or “my opinions matter” aloud. Throughout the day, repeat these mantras in your head. And every time you feel a negative thought coming on, flip the script with something more constructive.


Set gOals 2020 was undoubtedly a dumpster fire of a year, so it can only go up from here! 2021 is a chance to take the decade by the horns and live up to your full potential. But the journey to success won’t happen overnight. Focus on what you can control now, and work your way up. Think about what you would like to accomplish for the hour, the day, the month, and so on, and make a reasonable plan for how you would like to get there. Begin by doing something small. Do you have hundreds of emails clogging up your inbox? Have you finished that racy romance novel you started last summer? Are there piles of pizza boxes and dirty clothes stretching toward the ceiling? Make a to-do list for each day and tackle what you can. Use that as a springboard for your larger, lifelong goals. There’s no greater gift than the present, and now is the perfect opportunity to get on track to become a Boss Babe—whatever that may look like to you.


SwItch Up yOur RoutiNe Snooze alarm five times. Get up. Eat an old Pop Tart for breakfast. Drink a glass of wine. Attempt to do your makeup and give up. Drink a glass of wine. Watch half of a season of Top Chef. Drink X amount of wine. Browse Zillow listings. Finish the bottle and find you’re out of wine. Repeat. Sound familiar? Living during a pandemic may have resulted in you being in a rut. It’s okay to have an off day every now and then, but it doesn’t need to become a habit. Time to wake up and switch things around! Baby steps are important. Start by evaluating your day. Have you stopped making your bed? Do you live in a unicorn onesie? Have the words “breakfast, lunch, and dinner” lost their meaning? Make small adjustments to your schedule and give enough room to freestyle when you need to. Maybe you begin taking yoga classes after work or spend a couple of hours every other day cooking a nice meal for your family. Just stay on your toes and expect the unexpected.


Focus oN R e L at i O n s h I p s Social distancing doesn’t mean cutting off ties to the outside (or inside) world. Take stock of the people in your corner. Your social bubble may be smaller than before, but that’s okay. Nurture the relationships you do have and focus on positive social interactions. Communicating looks different during a pandemic, but that doesn't mean it has to be eliminated altogether. Bridge the emotional and physical distance with frequent text messages, video calls, and safe outings, if permitted. Connecting to others will naturally ground you and make you feel more in control. Your being is like a fragile ecosystem and now is also the chance to cut off people who are toxic to your world. Surround yourself with people who respect you and treat you as an equal. It may be difficult to let go of someone, but recognize the type of friends you want and need in your life.


f i N d yo u R pA s s I o n While stuck at home, you may have decided to curb the isolation blues by throwing yourself into a new project, like retiling your bathroom,

tA k e C a r e of yOurseLf

exploring your green thumb, or trying to recreate Julia Child's recipes a la Julie & Julia. A year later

You’ve spent so much time taking care of others that

your bathroom looks like a tornado hit, you've

you may be neglecting taking care of yourself. It’s

killed more plants than you can count, and you

time to quit unhealthy habits and start living a more

accidentally set your kitchen on fire. Definitely not

satisfying life. For starters, begin by saying no. No, I

the Pinterest-worthy life you were hoping for!

will not sit around and mope with a tub of ice cream in my lap. No, I will not stay inside all day. No, I will

But now is a period to reevaluate. Are you only

not listen to Baby Shark over and over.

doing these DIY projects because they look good on social media snaps, or do you actually enjoy

There are endless options when it comes to self-care,

them? Center yourself and find something that

so be sure to choose the right one for you. No matter

truly calls to you. Did you study music in college

what you decide, pick something that prioritizes YOU.

but now can barely carry a tune? Do you miss the

Take stock of your mind, your body, and your soul.

long lost art of letter writing? Do you like

What do they need?

volunteering and helping those less fortunate? Feed your soul by embracing and practicing your

The more you take care of yourself, the more


empowered you’ll feel. Choose an activity that is nurturing, like meditation, exercise, a bath, journaling, or drinking tea. Even if it’s wrapping yourself in your favorite blanket and watching Titanic for the hundredth time, make sure it’s something you do for you and you alone.

As cliché as it is to say, we will get through this and come out on top. You’ve got this. Take these tools and conquer the world. After all, you deserve it.


By Kira Gavalakis

Quarantine Netflix Party with Mylo: Competitions, Dramas, and Sass It’s been a year since our lives changed. We’d like to think that although times were tough, a lot of good came out of it. New jobs, new skills, and best of all, new shows. No matter what your situation may be, it’s never a bad time to hop on the newest trend train and indulge yourself in some of the best new shows that Netflix’s got. If you know Mylo, you’ll know that his favorite thing to do after a long day of getting his clients their best deals is taking those Gucci loafers off (and slipping on his almost identical Gucci slippers) to #netflixandchill the night away. Check out some of his favorite shows below, and let us know on Instagram if we missed one that has to be on the list!


Competitions The Great British Baking Show What’s all the hubbub?: Join us in “the tent” with the next batch of promising yet amateur bakers as they fight for the cake and the prize! Each week within the 10-week competition features a different baking theme, with the most recent “collection” (season) featuring themes such as Bread Week, Japanese Week, and 1980s Week. Get a taste of all of these baking styles with this quirky, light-hearted, and classic competition. Judges: Mary Berry, Prue Leith, Paul Hollywood The feeling: #Excitement Sourced from

What to eat while watching: Cakes, custards, and chocolatey cravings Binging must-haves: An on-hand grocery list to mimic your fav dish the next time you run to the store.

Nailed It What’s all the hubbub?: Adorably horrific bakers are put to the test to start fresh for a winning trackrecord and the chance to pocket $10K. The challenge? Themselves, really. Enjoy themed episodes, like “The One with the ‘90s Theme,” “Indiana Fails and the Temple of Slop,” and “The Big Bake Theory,” to make yourself feel better about your latest failed dinner recipe. Judges: Nicole Byer, Jacques Torres, Weston Bahr The feeling: Excitement + relief that you’re not all that bad of a baker What to eat while watching: Anything that was actually made correctly Sourced from

Binging must-haves: Your hubby or significant other to remind you how good your baking is compared to the contestants.

Sugar Rush What’s all the hubbub?: Teamwork makes the dream work with this show, as baking professionals compete against the clock—and their other teammates—to the metaphorical finish line. The tastiest part? Every episode features a guest judge from basically every walk of life. Tyler Posey from Teen Wolf? Check. Nick and Vanessa Lachey? Oh yeah. Tom Hanks’ son, Colin Hanks? Yup. Count us in! Judges: Everyone up the wazoo! The feeling: Sweets + celebrities = happiness What to eat while watching: Anything sugary. Bonus points if you eat foods in honor of whoever the Sourced from

guest judge is! Binging must-haves: Your phone or laptop to follow every celebrity judge on your socials.


Dramas Sourced from

B l i n g Sourced from What’s all the hubbub?: If you follow Mylo on his socials,

E m p i r e

it shouldn’t be any surprise that Bling Empire is on his

What’s all the hubbub?: This is the adaptation of Diana

binge list. Has Mylo eaten his Gucci-themed birthday cake

Gabaldon’s fantasy-romance book series of the same

in his Gucci loafers while watching? Who’s to say? This

name. Starring Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, and Tobias

groundbreaking show boasts being the first series to

Menzies, the series follows Claire Randall, a former WWII

have all East Asian main characters. A model, a real-estate

nurse who time-travels from 1945 to 1743 Scotland and

developer, a film producer, a plastic surgeon, and more

finds a whole new world of adventure with Jamie Fraser,

take LA by storm with poise, glamour, and fashion style.

a dashing Highlander whom she eventually falls for. If you

The feeling: Luxury + major FOMO

want to find an escape that doesn’t mimic your day-to-

What to eat while watching: Asian!

day life in the least, or if you’ve always wanted to see the

Binging must-haves: Anything designer, and don’t forget

film adaptation of your favorite book series, check this

your crown. Don’t you want to be #luxurious, too?

out. It was just renewed for a new season, so you know

O u t l a n d e r

people be lovin’ it! The feeling: Adventurous and that steamy-type-ofromantic! What to eat while watching: Old-school favs Binging must-haves: Your best vintage garb. #Letmetakeaselfie


What’s all the hubbub?: Penn Badgley (yes, from Gossip Girl) plays Joe, a narcissistic, sociopathic serial killer who lives an undercover life as a bookstore owner. Beck, an aspiring author who stumbles in and expresses her artistic ambitions, cracks open the twisted love story to doom. It’s got the thrills, it’s got the chills, and it’s ready for another raving fan to fall head-over-heels in love with it (but not in a creepy way). The feeling: ~ Uncomfy but you’ll be obsessed (pun intended) ~ What to eat while watching: Can you even eat while you watch this? Binging must-haves: Your bae or pet to cuddle with. Oh, and keep the Sourced from

lights on.


July 2020

Pistachio and Honey Cold Brew Coffee Cold brew coffee is SUPER easy. You just have to start it the night ahead of time. With only a few minutes of planning, your morning can start off with that jolt of caffeine you dream about. You deserve that. So grab your mason jar, a bag of your favorite coffee, and the honey sitting in the back of your cupboard. It’s time to save yourself a dollar and make your own cold brew!

Ingredients Cold Brew Coffee 1 cup of coffee beans 4 cups of water Large mason jar (32 oz. works best) Nut milk bag or tightly woven cotton dish towel Honey Pistachio Syrup ½ cup honey ¼ cup + 2 tbsp water ½ cup pistachios ½ tsp pistachio extract

DIRECTIONS 1. The night before, measure your beans. Using a coffee grinder (burr grinders work best, but you do you) on the coarsest setting, grind your beans. All pieces should be even and the texture of raw sugar granules. 2. Place them in a mason jar and add the four cups of water. Stir the coffee and water to bloom the beans, which is just a fancy way of saying you’re helping them release gases. 3. Place a lid over the jar and set it in a cool, dry place for 14-16 hours. 4. In the meantime, prepare your syrup. Measure your honey and water, and place them in a small saucepan. Using a spice grinder or a good old Ziploc bag and a rolling pin, crush the pistachios until they’re the size of coarse sand. 5. Heat the honey and water until the edges start to bubble, and then stir in the ground pistachios and the pistachio extract. Heat for an additional 2-3 minutes, and then remove from the heat. Let the honey pistachio syrup steep for three hours. 6. After three hours, strain the syrup through a �ine-mesh sieve. That’s it! 7. When your cold brew is done steeping the next day, strain it through a nut milk bag to make sure you’re not getting any coffee grounds in your cold brew. 8. To mix up a cold brew, place 1-2 teaspoons of the honey and pistachio syrup in the bottom of a 10-12 oz. glass. Add 4 oz. of cold brew. Stir it real good. Add ice cubes up to the top of the glass. Fill the rest of the way with milk or water, your call. We trust you. - 17 -



A Fabulous Staycation:



Mount Vernon Edition By Caitlin Knudsen


PSA: You deserve a vacation Let’s be clear about something. It’s okay to

immediately notice the beautiful scenery. We’re

need rest, and it’s understandable with the last

talking forests, fields, horse pastures, and multiple

year we’ve all had. You deserve to rest!

lakes. You could spend a weekend here and only

Especially when life is stressful, we need time

see yourself in the mirror and your loved one across

to relax and decompress. The good times are

the couch. This hidden gem is the perfect escape

essential to balance the challenging moments.

for anybody looking for peace, quiet, and a dose of

But the pandemic makes it a touch harder to

nature. When we say quiet, we mean it; cell phone

find that balance. We all miss those exciting

reception is shoddy at best, so don’t plan on

parts of our lives, like traveling, going to

working while you’re away. Our Creative Director,

concerts, and hugging whoever we want. While

Siobhan Miller, booked a stay with her husband a

we can’t wait until COVID-19 is just a memory,

few months ago and shared all the must-knows

we’re all about finding ways to take care of

about this incredible vacation spot where you’ll

ourselves in the meantime, and what better

never get bored. They have it all, with many of the

way to do that than with a staycation?

amenities and activities being complementary!

Here’s why a staycation absolutely needs to be part of your plans for this spring: •

You get to see your local area in a different light.

You can spend quality time with people in your quarantine bubble.

It’s a much-needed change of scenery.

It’s easier to relax when you aren’t in your home office.

We highly suggest Deer Lake Cabins, located in Mount Vernon, just about 1.5 to 2 hours from






Once you reach Deer Lake Cabins, you’ll


The Deets Located on over 800 acres of East Texas pine forest, Deer Lake Cabins offers various accommodations to suit your needs. The Sunshine Cottage, for example, sits right on the shores of Deer Lake and sleeps two. It’s perfect for the couple looking for a romantic weekend with a soundtrack of waves lapping the shore. For larger families, the Rambling Rose also sits on the shore of Deer Lake but sleeps 16.

Siobhan stayed in Cedar Loft, which is on the smaller, more private Dream Lake and across from the horse pasture. You can even make new friends, like Detton, who was training to be a trail horse last summer. There are 18 vacation homes available for rent in total, all featuring cozy cabin decor. Check out their website to see prices and find a cabin that fits your party size and suits your vacation desires.

These homes feel like your home away from home. Many of them feature WIFI, a dishwasher, and a washer and dryer, so if you spill some wine on your best loungewear (been there), no need to worry! Speaking of wine, they offer a romance package for the couples, which includes a beautiful bouquet, a dozen chocolate-covered strawberries, and a bottle of wine. It’s $75 and worth it, according to Siobhan. While they provide everything from towels to soap, you’ll need to bring a little more than just your fabulous self, like your shampoo and blow dryers too.

Deer Lake Cabins is pet-friendly, charging $35 per dog per night, so you can bring your fur baby with you. Just make sure they stay onleash. Don’t be surprised if you see the nature preserve’s resident dogs running free; they get extra privileges for keeping an eye on the place! Each cabin has a firepit and complimentary coffee maker, and they provide one bundle of firewood to get you started. Nothing says vacation like wrapping up in a soft blanket and warming your hands by a roaring fire.


Choose Your Own Adventure You can choose your preferred vacation at Deer Lake Cabins. If you’re looking for a cozy weekend curled up with your partner and a movie, you can do that (check out DVDs and games for free at the front office!). If you’re the more adventurous type and want to get face to face with nature, you have as many options as a Starbucks menu.

You can fish their lakes for bass, catfish, and crappie without a fishing license. You can also explore the ranch on a UTV, go horseback riding

This is Detton!

for $45/hour with up to four others, or hike the 15 miles of multi-use trails for free. The guided trail tours— whether by horse, UTV, or foot—are worth it. Shout out to Jazlyn, the Director of Activities, who answered all of Siobhan’s questions and was an excellent guide through the forest and into the hay meadow, where they came across a field full of whitetail deer.

To take advantage of the lakes, ask about kayaks, paddleboards, or boat rentals. If you stay at Cedar Loft or Log Cabin, kayaks and life vests are right outside your door. Everybody else will have to get theirs at the main office. The kayaks are easy to use and give you a bird’s-eye view of the crystal clear water. The ducks may even join you on the water!

And there’s plenty for families to do. The petting zoo has sheep and goats, and the complimentary animal crackers provided at the front desk will keep everybody busy. There are basketball courts, volleyball courts, and GaGaball areas. There are playgrounds, too, and while the indoor escape room isn’t available, the outdoor one is.


Homemade or Well-Cooked Due to COVID-19, the cowboy cookout is on hold, but you can bring your ingredients and practice all the skills you learned watching Chopped in the full kitchen in your cabin. You can also check out the restaurants nearby.

Siobhan recommends The Marina. A short 10-20 minute drive from the nature preserve, this restaurant features classic appetizers, like fried pickles, and well-known salads, like the Greek Salad, which Siobhan enjoyed. They even make all of their dressing in-house!

Their selection of burgers is drool-worthy, and on Fridays and Saturdays, they feature a Smoked Gouda Burger With Bacon. I mean, come on! Siobhan’s husband tried the Raspberry Chipotle Burger, which he thought was different but good. If you’re not into burgers, they also have catfish and salmon, and a whole section of their menu dedicated to pizza (which we stan!). Check their calendar of events before you go, as The Marina hosts East Texas singer-songwriters for live performances.

BOOK YOUR STAY WEBSITE: Call/ Text: 903-960-0181 Email:


The Financial FAQs: Top Things to Know About Taxes, Stimulus, and Unemployment By Kira Gavalakis

Do I need to pay tax on my stimulus (economic impact) payment?

No! Stimulus #1 and Stimulus #2 both are not taxable! Woohoo! Additionally, you can use it as a tax credit for the upcoming tax season. According to AARP, “You’re getting what amounts to a refundable tax credit now in the form of a stimulus payment, rather than waiting to get the money from the credit in 2021, you’re in effect getting an advanced refundable tax credit.” Again, although it’s seen as additional income, it’s really a tax credit for 2020, meaning that it won’t be counted as income. Doesn’t sound too shabby, right? Now, let’s zero in on that extra $600 that some of you might have been wondering about.

Do I need to pay tax on Unemployment? Yes, you do. Unemployment benefits are taxable, according to the IRS. On your form, you should have been given an option if you want to withhold the tax, or you could have sent over a withholding form. Either way, make sure you’re reporting it, because it will be needed come tax time.


Do I need to pay tax on the $600 PUA? So this… is a little different from the stimulus, and a little more like unemployment. In short, yes you will have to count this as taxable income when filing your taxes next month. BTW, PUA stands for (Federal) Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, so the name alone should hint some similarities between this and any unemployment benefits you might be getting.

What happens if I didn’t receive my stimulus check (but I should have)? Remember how we said that the stimulus check is basically a prorated refundable tax credit? Well, if you haven’t received your stimulus check and you should have, firstly, hit up this page on the IRS to see if you’re able to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit.

Go-To Resources Turbo Tax Type: DIY How it works: You can choose to do your taxes yourself, to hire someone within TurboTax to help you, or to have one of their professionals do it for you!

AARP Type: Free How it works: The Tax-Aide program offers help on your taxes for those who are over 60, or who fall under a certain income bracket. Call your local library to see if you qualify to get free help.

H&R Block Type: Retail How it works: In-person or virtual, video chat or home, you can either file directly online, or with the help of a tax professional.

CPA Type: Local independent How it works: Phone a friend! If you know somebody who’s a certified CPA, you’re one step closer to getting your taxes done.


Overcoming Addiction By Kristine Bello

85% of individuals struggling with addiction relapse within one year. Sounds scary, right? But it doesn’t have to be! There’s nothing fabulous about substance use disorder. Having experienced this closely, we know first-hand how significantly this disease impacts the respective individual’s life, loved ones, and overall health. That’s why we’re so grateful to have gotten the chance to include this article in this month’s issue and to have interviewed Nathaniel Maxfield, who works in sober living at Lighthouse Recovery Texas, a facility offering addiction treatment services, such as sober living, sober companionship, recovery coaching, an intensive outpatient program (IOP), and intervention and transportation.

WHAT IS ADDICTION? Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation regarding substance use disorder that leads people to make inaccurate assumptions and judge those who suffer from this disease. Many walk around thinking that someone struggling with substance usage could just stop anytime they wanted, that they’re just “weak,” “undisciplined,” and “lacking morality.” Too often, we want to go off on those people because in reality, that’s not the case. It’s considered a disease for a reason, and if you don’t know what that means, look it up! It’s about time we listen up and learn the facts. To understand the science behind substance usage, we first need to address what is considered addiction. Addiction is not when you hear your friend say, “these chocolates are so good, I’m addicted” or when you see a new designer bag and need to have it. It’s addiction when the individual: ● Needs more of the drug to achieve the same effect ● Is anxious or irritated without the drug ● is constantly thinking about the drug ● Hides/ lies about the drug usage ● Cannot stop using the drug despite negative consequences arising as a result (this includes ignoring one’s health, avoiding responsibilities, experiencing relationship problems, etc.)


HOW DOES IT HAPPEN? But how does it get to that point? Sure, it’s voluntary, at first. However, after a certain point, it changes the way our brains work. The main process affected is how our brains perceive rewards. Normally, we’re motivated to do things that help us survive, like eat, shower, spend time with family and friends, shop from the newest Gucci collection, etc. But because ingesting drugs causes our brains to release dopamine, we’re teaching our brains that using drugs makes us feel good. It’s almost like positive reinforcement, except we’re not making our brains produce that chemical, it just naturally happens (you know, the same way we’re naturally fabulous).

used to offer pleasure, like going shopping, having our favorite meals, or hanging out with our friends. And our brain becomes confused with feeling like we need drugs. After long-term use, drugs will cause other areas of the brain to deplete, reducing our ability to learn, use judgment, make decisions, handle stress, remember things, and behave normally.

Once your brain has gone through this reward circuit enough times, the reward becomes less and less significant, a.k.a our drug highs are not as high as they used to be. Enter tolerance. Now, we need more and more of the same drug to feel as good as it used to make us feel. This can also lead to a decreased satisfaction when doing other things that

● Genetics. ● Our experiences, like trauma. ● Our personal environments, like peer pressure. ● Our ages. If we take drugs too early in life, it will affect how our brains develop.

Maybe you’re thinking, well how come some people have to deal with this disease and others don’t? While anyone can suffer from substance usage issues, there are some factors that make some more susceptible than others, like:


What Does Recovery Look Like and is it Possible to Live a Normal Life? Yes, it’s possible! Just as it’s possible to live with diabetes and heart disease, it’s possible to live normally as a person with substance use issues. “Normal,” however, is a bit too vague to describe life, right? Everyone’s “normal” is different because everyone has different ways they need to live to be able to be healthy, successful, and just a good human overall! For someone recovering from a substance use issue, recovery may not always be linear. Many think that a relapse means they’ll never be able to recover, live a healthy life, or that they failed, but this is not true! Part of recovering is being able to work through a relapse, but also structuring our lives in a way that supports us best. Addiction is chronic, which means there’s no cure, but there are ways to manage it, such as:

● Therapy (group and/ or individual) ● Education ● Medicine ● Nutrition ● Exercise ● Pets ● Having relationships with people who are also in recovery ● Family/friends that are supportive ● Being mindful of triggers ● Helping others (volunteering, becoming a sponsor, etc.) ● And other coping mechanisms, like meditating, practicing gratitude, focusing on personal growth, etc.) It’s also important to acknowledge how grief plays a part in recovery. Many people grieve the loss of their substance use because it was, essentially, a lifestyle and a way to cope, therefore making it a significant part of someone’s life. It’s generally okay to grieve from a retrospective point, so long as the grieving is balanced with proactive actions, such as emotional and mental repair and progress. If there’s anything to take away from this section, it’s that living a fulfilling life is possible—making your dreams come true is possible. Take the advice from someone like Nathaniel Maxfield from Lighthouse Recovery Texas, who experienced it and has now been sober for four years:

“You ready to do something different with your life? You ready...for things you can only dream of? For possibilities to become a reality? If you’re struggling with addiction, don’t hesitate to call. Don’t be scared. Don’t let your ego tell you not to call. Make the call. It will save your life, I promise you that. Saved mine.”


CONTACT Website: Call them: 214-983-1408 Email them:

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, there are several ways to start working on recovery. The first step is acknowledging that there is a problem that needs to be addressed (and that if and when that happens, you can be happy again!). Whether this problem gets address through an intervention—with or without an interventionist—or in another way, there are several treatment options, like: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Detox/inpatient care Residential treatment Partial hospital/ outpatient treatment Mutual help programs Sober living Recovery coaching A sober companion

Lighthouse Recovery Texas offers some of these services at top-notch level. You know, we only put you onto the best of the best, and Lighthouse Recovery Texas is it. Founded in 2016, they take a customizable, individual-focused, community approach in everything they do. Combined, their staff provides 50+ years of addiction treatment experience, utilizing in-depth skills and understanding to meet the needs of everyone they help.

Nathaniel Maxfield, community manager at Lighthouse Recovery Texas, is just one of the many uplifting stories that result from choosing this facility. Having been treated there himself, he was later contacted to join the staff, which he says is like a family. One of the many things that makes Lighthouse different from other facilities it’s that everyone who works there truly cares about the health of everyone who works there, as well as of everyone who uses their services. “Our staff is what sets us apart from everyone. From the owners, down to the house managers, we’re willing to do whatever it takes to help these guys.” The most important fact from this article: you matter. And if you’re struggling with substance use, there are so many people out there that can, and want, to help you. You’re not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes.

Everyone here at MDDM is rooting for you, so don’t let us (or yourself) down, and take the first step towards living the life you deserve. Remember, if no one else tells you, Mylo’s always on your side.




This month’s #MDDMMarket feature is Sacred Ashes! Sacred Ashes was founded by Ashley Johnson-Smith, who’s always been a huge advocate for nurturing the self and the soul. Her candles are made of 100% coconut-soy wax, so you can enjoy a fragrant, yet clean environment, and she also sells body oils and bath (soaking) salts—all handcrafted! Visit her website and get to indulging yourself ASAP because you deserve it! Get 10% off all orders with this discount code: 326!

Coming Soon the retro issue •

Best retro gifts

Having parties during a pandemic

Mylo’s favorite retro TV shows

The science of health and laughter (plus where to go and what to watch to laugh)

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