MDDM | January 2021 | Vol. 6

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VOL. 6


Mylo’s Advice on New Year’s Evolutions Self-Care Tips – Because You’re Worth it! How to Move on From a Bad Break-Up Local Spotlight: Mylo’s Favorite Juice Bar & Cafe

...and more!

Mylo Draven Siobhan Miller Kristine Bello Siobhan Miller Mylo Draven Kristine Bello Caitlin Knudsen Kira Gavalakis Caitlan Osborn SGI Creative SGI Creative Benjamin Bledsoe Caitlin Knudsen Suzanne McPherson Photography Web Hosted By Cascadia Web Services

EDITORIAL OFFICE & ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Advertising Executive - Siobhan Miller 92 Piazza Lane Ste. 100, Colleyville, Texas 76034 MDDM is published by Mylo Draven Digital Magazine, L.L.C. |

The opinions expressed in MDDM do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Although all material is checked for accuracy, no liability is assumed by the publisher for any losses due to the use of this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of Mylo Draven Digital Magazine L.L.C.

Are you ready for this? No, but we’ll let you read anyways.



Let’s Be Honest: Breakups Suck Ain’t no shame in feeling a little sad. Just make sure to pick yourself back up with our tips. You deserve happiness, honey!


Mylo’s Practical Self-Care Guide Six self-care tips to keep you fabulous!

Mylo’s Go-To Health Spot: Pure Cafe 13 Community-driven and good for you? What more could you want?



Vegan Recipe: Stuffed Delicata Squash Classic, but make it Mediterranean! You better get cooking, girl!

Smoothie Recipe: Beet the Winter Blues Just blend all the plants and things, and voila! You’re a healthy chef!

Musings 19 Mylo’s Mylo’s take on resolutions: not to have them! Think evolutions instead.


Are Healthy Habits the New Gucci? Tips from a fitness expert for ultimate motivation and inspiration.

Foundations 25 Healthy Four simple lifestyle changes to fabify your everyday life! Ripple Effect 27 The An exclusive interview with life coach Kristine Maurer. Me My Money, Honey! 31 Give Post-holiday budgeting tips, so you can keep shopping (responsibly!).

Start Fresh With

Enter our Swag Bag Giveaway to win free goodies from:

Skin RX Clinical Spa

How to enter: - Like our FB page - Follow us on Instagram - Subscribe to the magazine - And send us the page # that the hidden smoothie is on!

And big congratulations to last month’s winner!


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Letter From the Editor Happy New Year MDDM family!!!!


f you are reading this you survived 2020, and all it had to offer. I’m not going to recap the year that was, but instead will focus on the year that can be. This can be your year, and if Mylo Draven Digital Magazine has any influence in your life, it will be your year! I have BIG PLANS for MDDM, and I am bringing all of you along for the


Since today is the first day of the year/the rest of your life/a fresh start why not make the most of it??? Sure, you may be hungover from too much Netflix last night, or champagne, or both, but don’t let that stop you. Today, I say begin to create one habit that will propel you forward. It takes 30 days to make a habit so I will check in next month and see how you’re doing.

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What is this? Simple, it is a way for you to succeed at being the best you that you can be for 2021. Make a list of things that require you to evolve. There is no time stamp on evolution. We are all works in progress, and I for one am tired of feeling the pressure to be “new year new me” ready just because of a date change. My MDDM fam I am giving you the OK and/or go ahead to evolve at your own pace. To relieve yourself from the pressures of joining the gym on December 29th, and not going on January 1st. because you are “too tired, too hungover, or too something else” to be bothered.

I am informing you that there is ZERO NEED to follow in the same failing footsteps of new year’s resolutions past.

In the meantime, I will be sending you good vibes. Please don’t make new year’s resolutions. In my lifetime I don’t think I have ever made it longer than a week, at best, and surely never an entire year with something I resolved to do for the new year. A list of failings includes but is not limited to: exercising regularly (because everyone else says it), eating better (what does that even mean?), stop dating losers (judgmental much?!), shopping less (um, no comment), and so many more I could fill a book. The point is that new years resolutions, in my opinion, are a recipe for disappointment. Let’s all make a pact to not set ourselves up.

What I suggest is you plan New Year’s evolutions.

2021 is the opportunity to have your best year yet. I promise you won’t get there by making the same mistakes and taking the same path that led to nowhere again. Nobody wants to live a life less fortunate by choice. Be BOLD! Be DIFFERENT! Believe in YOU!! Take your first steps towards your brightest and best self EVER! Every month Mylo Draven Digital Magazine will be here to inform and inspire you through a FANTASTIC 2021.



By Kristine Bello


Mylo’s Practical Self-Care Guide: BECAUSE YOU CAN’T BE FABULOUS WITHOUT TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF such a large range, it’s quite impossible to mention it all, but just to list a few, here are some things you can try.

Get Enough Sleep We are officially declaring 2021 the year of self-care! Girl, do we deserve it or what? Selfcare is an essential to be fabulous, honestly. Because how will you strut in your Gucci without sleep, without confidence, without sanity? With 51% of people feeling burnt out, do you know how much beautiful talent we are missing out on—all because some people are not giving themselves the love and care they deserve. The fact that people even claim to feel guilty about taking time for themselves, it breaks out hearts. And self-care is not just about face masks and watching your favorite show (even though these are two very qualified ways). Ultimately, self-care is about taking care of yourself, filling up your cup, so that you can then pour back into every other aspect of your life, like friends, family, work, hobbies, etc. You listening? It’s impossible to pour from an empty cup. So what does self-care involve? At the basis of self-care is you, so start there! What makes you feel relaxed? What disconnects you from your stress? Where do you feel at peace? What renews you? For some it looks like a daily 15minute walk, for others it looks like a therapy session. There’s

Whether you need eight hours or six, make sure to nurture your body with the rest it desires because otherwise you’ll be cranky and nobody wants to deal with that! We’re definitely guilty of not prioritizing this enough sometimes, but to help yourself stay on track, try setting up a bedtime routine wherein you can wind down doing some relaxing things, like reading, drinking tea, or choosing your outfit for the next day.

Eat Right You heard us; put down that InN-Out burger! While it’s totally ok (in fact, encouraged) for you to have your favorite unhealthy meals once in a while, it’s definitely not recommended on a daily basis. Try replacing your favs with healthy dupes; there are way too many talented food bloggers out there for you to not be able to find suitable replacements. Also, let’s be clear: healthy eating looks different to everyone! Don’t feel pressured to be keto or vegan just because that works for others. Everyone’s bodies are different, so find what works for you. By supporting your gut, you’ll feel more energized, think clearer, and have less stomach aches (those are the worst!)


Start Small Follow @myeasytherapy on Instagram for general mental health tips, including fun, easily accessable graphics with self-care “menus” and mindful check-in reminders.

Move Your Body Listen, we are not the type to preach about all these overused, over-pushed narratives about how exercising is the end all be all for your mental health. However, there are numerous studies proving the benefits. It’s not always to get yourself up and going, but if you do— even if it’s just a short walk—your body will feel the difference. Do it enough times and your brain will feel it too.

Learn to Say No Say it with us: no, no, no. This one’s really about boundaries. It’s not that all of sudden, you’re going to become this selfish hermit that never has plans and never helps anyone else out. It’s that sometimes you need to help yourself out first, like putting your own Dior shoes on before helping your friend put on theirs. Seriously, though, getting burnt out from always saying “yes” to others when you’re already overwhelmed with your own personal life is not effective nor efficient. Remember what we said about the cup?

Spend Time Doing What You Love If you love what you do professionally, no, this does not include work. It. never. includes. work. For it to be self-care, it needs to be free of financial responsibility. Corporate America has brainwashed us into feeling like we always need to be doing something productive, but self-care is productive, doing things just for fun is productive. We definitely can’t give you an entire list of activities to try, but we really don’t need to, you know what you like to do!

Indulge This might just be our favorite. Cue us yelling, “yasss, treat yourself, honey!” This can be whatever feels indulging for you, whether it’s a full-on pamper-yourself night, getting lash extensions (we highly recommend Amy Chinn at Beauty Bar Southlake!), or eating from your favorite restaurant. Mylo’s favorite ways to indulge are to go shopping, get a massage at Adriana’s Massage, or get a facial from Roxanne at Skin RX. We love their services. Having struggled with her own skin issues all her life, Roxanne decided to open her spa in 2015 with a passion to help others and educate them about their skin. Now, they even sell skincare products from all over the world while she works on her own line. With that dedication, we wouldn’t want to entrust our self-care to anyone else!

At the end of the day, we just want you to do you, boo, but with your mental and physical health in mind. Because sometimes luxury means self-care.



Breakups suck

By Caitlan Osborn

Even if you’re the one to cut the cord, it can be hard to put yourself back together, especially if the relationship was long-term. But as they say, time (and wine) heals all wounds. Sometimes you need to spend a couple of weeks wallowing with a pint—or three— of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream while binge-watching The Bachelor. There’s no shame in that. But once you get over your need to be alone (and get used to the idea of actually being “capital A” alone), you’re going to want to step out of the house and see all that the world has to offer. Having a strong network of encouraging and empowering friends to keep your mind off of He-Who-MustNot-Be-Named may be exactly what you need. Here are a few friend date ideas to help get you through the tough times.

#1 Grab Coffee Choosing to meet your BFF at a coffee shop may seem overrated, but don’t count it out just because it’s conventional. Grabbing a cold brew or hot cup of chai is an almost effortless way to get to know someone. But don’t use this as an opportunity to vent and wax poetic about your ex. Let the conversation �low organically before opening up the Pandora’s box of past relationships. Small talk can be a good way to keep your mind off of the heavy stuff. Once you’re off to a nice start, don’t be afraid to admit that you need a little comfort. You can even ask for advice if you feel like they’re the type of person who isn’t hesitant to give it.


#2 Netflix & Chill Bonding over your favorite show (or discovering a new one) is a great way to get your friendship off on the right foot. If you can, try to avoid movies or shows that remind you of your ex. If you and your past love spent hours watching House Hunters, keep your trigger �inger away from the HGTV button. However, if you really feel a connection with your friend and aren’t afraid to feel all the feels, see if that person is down to watch a chick �lick and cry with you when Rose promises Jack to never let go.

#3 Dance Your Heart Out If a new friend invites you for a night on the town, take the offer! Spend a couple of hours beforehand swapping clothes and gossiping while listening to your favorite tunes. Don’t be afraid to go all out with your hair and makeup. That way when you look in the mirror, you can’t help but think “Damn, I’m looking �iiiiiiine.” Once you’ve got your look down, you’re ready to head out. Avoid bar-hopping as much as possible. You don’t need to down shots like they’re coming from a Pez dispenser to feel better. Instead, head to a club and dance like no one is watching. Let your hair down (literally!) and let the music �low through you. Before you know it, you’ll have spent hours having a good time with your squad, which are hours that you haven’t spent thinking about your ex.


#4 Feel the Rage Unfortunately, anger is one of the key stages of grief, and you’ll need an outlet for all that pent-up wrath eventually. But we live in an amazing time where there are places literally devoted to letting your anger out. Did you know that there are rage rooms where you can pay to break almost anything? Want to throw a bunch of plates at the wall? How about smashing a mirror with a sledgehammer? Do you have some framed pictures of your ex that make you sick to your stomach? Bring them along and destroy them with every �iber of your being! Schedule a session with your bestie and have a competition to see who has the best Hulk Smash. If breaking stuff isn’t your thing, there are other ways to let your anger �ly free. In Austin, for example, there’s a place called Urban Axes where you can take classes devoted to honing your axe-throwing skills like a true lumberjack. Pretend the target is your ex, and you’ll feel better in no time.

#5 Get Crafty There’s nothing like learning a new skill (or revisiting an old one) to �ind inner peace. Did your ex hate the fact that you’re into knitting? Time to pull out the needles and yarn! If you can’t help but look at pictures of you with your ex, take ones with your friends and create a scrapbook based on all the fun adventures you’ve had together so far. And if you and your friend have a common interest, like painting, for example, use that to your advantage. Host your own painting and wine night with your nearest and dearest, and make some beautiful new memories that you can hang on the wall where that picture of you and your ex used to be.

#6 Get Away Sometimes you can’t help but pass that record store where you and your ex used to spend hours combing through vinyl, or that park where you used to have picnics together in the summer. If everywhere you turn you get hit in the gut with another painful memory of your ex, it’s time to say “bon voyage” for a bit. Invite your friend for a day trip to a city you’ve never been to, or hit the beach for the weekend. Dig your toes in the sand, feel the waves hit your feet, and feel yourself let go.


. . . g n i c u d o r nt



Here’s where we spill the tea on the best places to #shopsmall and #supportlocal. This month, we’re featuring Day Made Delivery! They’re a custom + curated gifting service that got it’s start when the founders found themselves needing a pandemic-friendly way to give gifts to family members that were most at risk. Their boxes are perfect for creating a unique gift, without all the work of �inding everything yourself! If you’re looking to show a little love this Valentine’s Day, or ANY day, check them out and tell them Mylo and MDDM sent ya!




(Yours and theirs)






Tong’s priority is fostering development, using his connections to give his employees real-life experience in their chosen fields. For example, when an ambitious employee expressed a desire to go to business school, he invited her to come along for meetings with his vendors and suppliers. His methods are extensive.


What Tong is doing at Pure Cafe is special and we are here for his radical approach. While the menu items remained mostly unchanged during the transition (don’t worry, your favorites are still there!), the entire business is now centered around innovation. The menu boards? They are digital so employees can quickly adjust for specials or seasonal items. The dishes you have come to know and love? They are now made with premium, organic ingredients. The employees? Tong invests in their education and career goals, and he goes above and beyond to do it. Let’s talk about that.


s it possible for a small, single location cafe to change the world? With Quyen Tong at the helm, it is not only possible, it’s happening right now! Pure Cafe Southlake opened its doors nearly a decade ago in order to provide healthy, satisfying food to residents of the Southlake area. It remained a fixture of Southlake Town Square, but in November 2019, when Tong took over, the business went through a significant culture and vision upgrade.



x ake, t



Throughout our conversation with him, he mentions not only paying the education expenses for his employees, but also arranging for tutors if they find themselves struggling with their coursework, or even offering to stay after the store closes to personally help them with their homework.

“For us, it’s education first.” Unlike other companies that offer to pay for their employees’ education, albeit with limiting conditions, he encourages the employees to be self-directed, to take the bull by the horns when it comes to their futures. He explains, “You tell me what your schedule is and we’ll build your work schedule around class.” His vision is all about the long-game. A college degree or trade school takes time, but for him, it’s worth the investment. He sees the restaurant industry as a perfect platform for his vision. While he doesn’t believe it’s ultimately the place to make a liveable wage, he sees it as valuable for developing the members of our communities so that they can do more and do better for themselves. With a background in management consulting, Tong is the ultimate resource. Under his guidance, one of his younger employees started their own club at school to gain leadership experience instead of just joining a preexisting club. As he puts it, “I’ve planted a seed in their minds that is growing. These ideas are sprouting from the seeds. And they’re executing on these suggestions that I’ve given them.” What’s the seed in this situation? If you want something, make it happen for yourself. On the surface, Tong is running a cafe and an education program, but underneath it, he’s helping members of the community develop crucial skills that will help them truly succeed in their careers. For example, he shares with us how he teaches his employees how to receive feedback and how to implement it.


Your dollars + Tong’s sense = lives changed



During 2020, his cafe had its fair share of visitors who didn’t want to obey mask mandates, at times berating his employees for asking them to follow the rules. Don’t feel too bad for the young employees at Pure Cafe. Tong used this experience as an opportunity to teach them how to manage conflict, a skill essential for existing in any professional environment. He doesn’t say this, but it’s clear he’s also teaching them to be resilient by showing them how to adapt, learn, and grow during times of adversity. More on that later. Why does he invest so much of his time, money, and energy into his employees? Take it from him: “Growing up, I wish I would have had a platform, or at any of my jobs, someone to guide me or someone to give me an opportunity to do well.” So, he’s become the mentor he always wanted and is paying it forward through his employees. And they, in turn, pay it forward to the customers. Investing in his employees increases the quality of service they provide. Yes, you’re getting better smoothies and salads because the people behind the counter have a purpose and somebody who cares whether or not they succeed in life. There’s a lot of good going on behind the scenes, but we can’t forget that there’s a lot of good to enjoy as a customer at Pure Cafe. Tong’s philosophy is clear when he says, “We want the customers to be able to eat healthy, but not hate life.” That’s a message we can get behind, especially in January when we’re all eager to be our best selves after the holiday sugar overload. Plus, we’ve all been there, trying to choke down healthy food that tastes like glorified cardboard. Fortunately, flavor is a priority for every menu item at Pure Cafe. While we love a hefty basket of French fries as much as the next person, we can’t deny that our bodies feel different after 1,000+ calories of fried potato versus a smoothie chock full of kale, spinach, pineapple, and


strawberries. When you decide to come down from your holiday-induced cookie coma, Pure Cafe is there to help you pick up the pieces with a juice cleanse. Just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Transparency is important to Tong, with employees and the public. When we discuss the cleanses, he notes, a juice cleanse is, “to reset how you approach food. It’s not necessarily to clean your body of toxins. As a matter of fact, I’ll emphasize that. It is NOT to clean your body of toxins. It’s to give you a lot of nutrients during those days to be able to survive.” Yes, y’all, your kidneys and liver detox for you better than any juice can.

If you’re just looking to increase the number of fruits and veggies in your diet, there are lots of options for you to choose from. We visited Pure Cafe in mid-December so we could sample the goods and give you the honest, juicy truth about this must-visit cafe. Mylo chose his signature smoothie, which has vegan protein powder, blueberries, and almond milk. It fits his fitness goals and dazzles his taste buds. Siobhan opted for a ginger lemon shot, which packs a tangy, spicy punch that is known for its immune-boosting and stomach-settling properties. She also tried the acai bowl. If you can’t travel much during COVID, at least you can transport your taste buds to Brazil with this berry-filled bowl. Plus, you can visit a local business that would be grateful for your support. Tong acknowledges that the hardest part about 2020 has been keeping the doors open, though not much changed for his employees, who he continues to support educationally, whether it puts him in the red or not.

I only want to hire someone who is going to leave me. -Quyen Tong, owner



Visit Pure Cafe. Look for the new Italian flatbread sandwiches, called piadina. Try a juice cleanse. Your last drink of the day will be the often requested cashew milk, which Tong says tastes like horchata. It might be the best way to end the day. Tong recently purchased a Vespa to trial a house delivery service. Check social media for updates on this new offering. Why not just use third party services? In case you haven’t heard the tea, third party services take such a large percentage when they partner with restaurants, it greatly reduces the restaurants’ profits. Haven’t restaurants been through enough this year? If you really want to have a special experience ask the lovely people behind the counter what they have going on that’s not on the menu. Oh, we didn’t mention they have a secret menu? They do, and they have some brilliant dishes in the works that you can ask about since you’re in. the. know.

Watch for updates from Tong. His goal is for his employment philosophy to be successful and to see other businesses adopt it, too. You can make sure it’s a success by choosing to support a business that aims to develop the community from the inside out.

You can find Pure Cafe Southlake at 1244 Prospect Street, Southlake, TX 76092. Yes, that’s the Southlake Town Square! Since you made it to the end of our article, we have a special gift for you; when you mention MDDM Magazine at Pure Cafe, you’ll get 10% off your purchase.

You’re welcome!



Directions: Put all of that goodness into a blender. Yep, every single ingredient. Blend on high for 30-45 seconds. Pour into a large glass, get yourself a fun straw, and drink up! Ways to Customize: • If you’re a ginger lover, add a tablespoon of

Beet the Winter Blues


Photos & Recipe by: Caitlin Knudsen


ew year, new you, right? If you want to treat your body like the temple it is, you need to give it the good stuff. I’m not going to tell you how to live your life, but I will tell you this smoothie is PERFECTION for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or for post-workout hydration. We love the bright magenta color and promise it will beet (see what we did there?) any winter blues you might be facing. With tangy lime juice and creamy yogurt, we couldn’t possibly fit more vitamins and minerals in one drink. Sip up, y’all, this one’s a winner (just like you)!

Servings: 2 Ingredients: ½ cup beet puree 1 cup of frozen strawberries 1 cup of frozen cherries Juice from 1 lime ½ cup 2% Greek yogurt 2 tbsp hemp seeds 1 cup almond milk

fresh minced ginger. It’s so worth it, and your belly will thank you! • If you really want to treat yourself, add some crushed pistachios, shaved coconut, and diced strawberries to serve. • For those of you hitting your workouts hard, add a scoop of your favorite protein powder to make this smoothie extra juicy!


MYLO’S MUSINGS The Year of Evolutions


h, the pressures of January 1st of any year can be paralyzing. I have tried so many ways to start off

any and every new year “correctly.” Usually, I do a restart by my birthday in March. If necessary, I start the prenew-year focus in October for Quarter 4. Are you catching what I am throwing here? I just keep trying to get it right. The starts and stops to have a great year can be exhausting. There is the fitness journey. There are also the multiple attempts to get in the correct lane of the fiscal highway. I can’t leave out the quest to let love find you, or at the very least not to be preoccupied with your solo existence. I could go on, but why? If you could do one thing differently in 2020, what would it be? Would you be less fearful? Would you be more forgiving? Maybe you would spend more time focused on your relationships? Well, 2021 is here, and so is your chance to do better because you know better. The one thing that you must remember is that 2021 is 365 days. Don’t set yourself up for failure with unrealistic pressures and expectations.


“ YO U A R E N ’ T G O I N G TO B E A ‘ N E W YO U ’ I N ONE WEEK OR ONE MONTH.” Rome wasn’t built in a day! I have never understood why I, and so many others, concede so quickly to failure with new year resolutions. It’s almost as if with the fading of the newness of the year, so goes the effort tied to many people’s resolutions. This year give yourself the space and time to succeed. You aren’t going to be a “new you” in one week or one month. You’re not going to erase all the bad eating choices you made in 2020, and reshape your body, by going to the gym three times. We all know these simple truths. For some reason January seems to be the time when we all have ridiculously fantastical truths. Or is the time we just make excuses to continue a path we know is comfortable, but probably not the most beneficial? In any event make 2021 the year you do things differently. Make 2021 the year of EVOLUTIONS not resolutions. Set realistic goals and timelines that allow you to evolve. Allow yourself setbacks: we are all human after all. There is no reason to feel defeated within the first week or month of the new year. Find the fortitude and focus to tackle your goals in a methodical method that will ultimately lead to your successful





yourself the time needed to achieve each step of success needed to take you to your final goal. Break the cycle of defeatist mental noise and unrealistic timelines. Accept setbacks as part of the growth process. Make 2021 your best year yet. You can do it!! Photos by Ben Bledsoe


By Kristine Bello

They could never. But you still need them in your life! If there’s anything that we can all benefit from right now, it’s a refresh button. And though we aren’t particularly fond of the cliche new year noise, we can definitely appreciate the opportunity to restart. Basically, we need to treat 2021 the same way Andy from the Devil Wears Prada treated the fashion world: it chewed her up until she decided to make a change, so she got her hair done, a new wardrobe, and girl, did she wear the Chanel boots. And what better way to take control than by starting with our health? That’s why we sat down with Mark Vinch from Quantum Performance to get all the exclusive deets straight from a fitness coach. Having started his journey in health and fitness at 18, Mark has gained extensive experience in this industry over the years. Currently, he offers virtual fitness coaching, including meal planning, workout builds, guided meditations, supplement protocols, and weekly fitness classes. His favorite part of what he does is having the ability to add value to his clients’ lives and that’s exactly what we’re going to do for you with the following health tips!

1“Diet” the Right Way Let’s get one thing straight: when we say “diet” we mean what you’re eating, not eating to lose weight. And when it comes to what most people should be eating, it’s actually not too complicated. Mark stressed the importance of a “whole-food-based diet,” eliminating processed oils, and drinking lots of water. His main message was “if you really can’t go find it in nature, you probably shouldn’t eat it.” A tip he gave for making sure you get enough whole foods is to try and have at least one whole food and one type of protein with every meal. It’s kind of like buying something every time you go to the store. No? Not the same thing? And if you’re still not convinced, think about how beneficial whole foods and hydration are for your skin! Just imagine being able to look like a glazed donut without having to add highlighter. *Swoons*


2 Exercise Smarter Not Harder When it comes to exercise, Mark’s advice was simple: more is not always better, make sure to have good form no matter what you’re doing, and don’t underestimate the importance of stretching. He mentioned that a lot of people think it’s better to spend more time working out and get in more exercises, but he advised the contrary: 4-5 exercises and 3-4 sets at high intensity. For some, even just getting in a daily walk and a good stretch can be very beneficial, especially after a long day of sitting. So, essentially, all we heard when he said that was that a nice, long shopping trip at the mall improves our health. Right?

3 Focus on Your Goal Mark found that the biggest obstacle the majority of people face when it comes to adopting a healthier lifestyle is discipline. While there are some things we love doing over and over again (like shopping or getting our hair done!), other things aren’t as fun, like meal planning or exercising. And it totally doesn’t help that there’s a fast food restaurant or social dinner invitation popping up at every corner. Not to mention, on a day when work was stressful, Kelly from marketing was being annoying, and your boo thang thinks you’re being dramatic, a big bowl of mac and cheese and a pint of ice cream look real good. So it’s important to always keep your eye on the prize and remind yourself that reaching your health goal is going to feel much better than the temporary comfort your favorite unhealthy meal provides. There are three main takeaways here. One, everyone’s body is different, so what works for someone else might not work for you. Second, being healthy is not just about losing weight or gaining muscle, it’s about treating our bodies with love and respect because hello, they do a lot for us! And third, having someone else to plan your meals and workouts and to call when you’re wavering with your health goals is the easiest option to get all this done, ain’t that right?! Y’all can find Mark on the Quantum Performance website, and make sure to tell him that we sent you!


STUFFED DELICATA SQUASH with tahini dressing photos + recipe by Caitlin Knudsen

Who said vegan couldn’t be delicious? Not us! This is a healthy, Mediterranean-style take on a classic. We’ve got you covered with creamy, sweet, salty, crunchy, and roasted flavors. It takes a few steps, but when you put all the ingredients together, you’ll have a tasty meat-free meal as pretty as a picture. Make sure you use everything, and we mean everything the recipe calls for; this recipe is all about balance with the briny olives balancing out the sweetness of the squash and the tart pomegranate seeds. Read the recipe through once before you get started. You got this!

Serves: 4 INGREDIENTS: 2 delicate squashes, sliced in half lengthwise with seeds and innards removed For the lentils:

For the spice mix:

For the tahini ginger sauce:

1½ cups of green lentils

¼tsp of powdered ginger

½cup of tahini

3cups of water

¼tsp of ground coriander

½cup of water

3cups of vegetable broth

½tsp ground cumin

2tbsp minced ginger

½yellow onion

¼tsp cayenne pepper

Juice from 2 lemons

Spice mix (see below)

¼tsp allspice

3tbsp coconut aminos or tamari

¼tsp garlic powder

1tbsp minced garlic 1tsp salt

garnishes: Pomegranate seeds Sliced green olives Microgreens (we used radish greens)


Listen up! To make sure you’re on the right track, you will be starting the squash and the lentils around the same time. While both cook, you can prepare your sauce, spice mix, and garnishes. Let’s do this!

13. To make the sauce, place the tahini, ginger, garlic, salt, coconut aminos, water, and lemon juice in a blender

1. Preheat your oven to 375°F

and blend until smooth. That’s it!

2. Slice each squash lengthwise and remove the seeds

14. Slice your green olives thin. If you want to snack on a

and innards. You don’t need anything fancier than a metal

few while you’re prepping, we won’t tell!

spoon to do it. We promise!

15. Wash the microgreens and gently pat dry.

3. Pop it in the oven and set your timer for 35 minutes.

16. Slice the top of your pomegranate, horizontally until

The squash is done when the tines of a fork go into the

you expose seeds. Look for the natural divisions in the

flesh without resistance and the edges are slightly

flesh and trace them top to bottom with your knife, insert-

browned. Caramelization = flavor. You heard it here!

ing the blade about ¼ inch into the flesh. Starting at the

4. Once the squash is done, take it out of the oven and

top, gently break the pomegranate open into sections, ex-

set it to the side.

posing the seeds.

5. While the squash is doing its thing, get the lentils started. Measure 1 ½ cups of lentils into a deep-set sauce-

To assemble:

pan. Make sure you rinse and sort before you get them

Divide and scoop the lentils evenly between the four

going. You want the best of the best!

halves of cooked squash.

6. In a blender, blend 2 cups of water with half an onion.

Top with pomegranate seeds, sliced olives, and micro-

Add that deliciousness to the lentils.

greens. You can use as much or as little as you want, but

7. Add the remaining 1 cup of water and 3 cups of broth

you want a layer of each for color AND flavor.

to the lentils. We like mushroom broth, but you can do

Drizzle the tahini ginger sauce all over the top of your

you! Just make sure its veggie broth if you want to keep

squash halves. Set some sauce aside in a small container

this recipe vegan or vegetarian-friendly.

to dip and drizzle as needed (believe us, there’s no such

8. Turn your heat up to medium-high and bring the lentils

thing as too much tahini ginger sauce).

to a simmer with the lid partially on.

Pour yourself a glass of wine and enjoy!

9. Measure your spices out into a small container and

Don’t forget to take pics of your finished dish and tag us

set aside.

on social!

10. Cook the lentils until they start to become tender, stirring occasionally, approximately 35 minutes.


11. At 35 minutes remove the lid, add the spice mixture,

The skin of delicata squash is edible, so feel free to eat

give it a good stir, and continue cooking for another 5-10

the whole thing!

minutes until fragrant with the lentils still slightly al dente. Don’t forget to take them off the heat once they’re done!

As the lentils cook down, they absorb the salt from the

12. While your lentils and squash are cooking, prepare

broth. There’s no need to add extra salt unless you use

your sauce and garnishes. This is the stuff that’s really go-

low-sodium vegetable broth.

ing to jazz up your dinner!



Building a Healthy Foundation How to make those New Year’s new habits stick Special Guest Writer, Jerry Snider

s we near the end of another year, people start thinking about things they want to change in their lives for the coming year. Many of these resolutions will involve improving one’s health but unfortunately many of these resolutions end up as afterthoughts by February. One reason for this trend is that many resolutions are too big in nature at first. To make new habits stick, it’s best to take small steps first. If it’s a small enough change that you think it’s easy to maintain - that’s exactly how big you need to start. Having success, even small success, is the key to making new habits stick.


Here are four simple, but maybe not easy, steps that you can start taking now to put that first piece of a healthy foundation in place.

1. Sleep more. It’s estimated that the average 40 year old American has a sleep deprivation of 20,000 hours. That’s over 2 years of lost sleep time. This is massively important to your health as your body’s main recovery/repair time occurs during your sleep. Instead of trying to snooze until the last possible second, make an effort to go to bed at least 8 hours before you need to wake up the next morning. Maybe you won’t have to hit the snooze button at all.

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Check out Jerry’s latest book, No More Sugar Coating, found on Amazon!

2. Drink more water. Many medical researchers believe that as much as 50% of the chronic diseases in America today would disappear if people simply drank more water. Make it a part of your daily practice to drink water as soon as you wake up but then also every hour during the day.


3. Deep breathing/meditation/prayer time. If you are not currently spending any quiet time to start your day, this is something to start slowly but then build up to about 15 minutes. You can always do more as time allows, but I’ve found 15 minutes is a good amount of time for most people to receive the daily health benefits of concentrated deep breathing/meditation/prayer time.

4. Gratitude. Spend a few moments every evening, just before going to bed, to jot down one to three items for which you are grateful for from that day. At first, this is a fairly simple task for most people, but with a goal of not repeating any items from day-to-day this can become difficult for some. What it will teach you though is to find those moments during the day where you are grateful for a certain interaction, person, or outcome.

Jerry Snider is an exercise physiologist, health coach, and owner of All In Health and Wellness. He has authored two books: No More Sugar Coating and Confidence Through Health, and is the host of the podcast Confidence Through Health.

Suzanne McPherson Photography

This may not be the typical list you come up with when you think of ways to improve your health. It doesn’t tell you to eat less of something or do a specific number of exercises a day. While nutrition and exercise are definitely important pieces of the health puzzle, for many they aren’t enough without the four steps outlined above. The great thing about sleep, water, quiet time, and noting gratitude is that they are simple habits to keep once you get started. And they don’t take a lot of extra effort to figure out how to do them like some diets or exercise plans.

p p i R e h T

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By Kira Gavalakis

Sunflower Connections Coaching


Okay, here was our chat: Kira: Kristin! It’s so great to meet you. So to start off, what would you say your mission is as a Life Coach?

Kristin: I believe when we take the time to decide when to get up and what we’re going to eat, what our jobs are going to be, we’re ultimately creating our life. When we stop and look at our lives and ask, “Is this what I want to be?” “Is this what I want to have?” “Is this what I expected it to be?” can be a really pivotal point in our life. In fact, the masterclass I did last week-- which I host for free every first and third Wednesday of each month-- was about the power of imagination, and how everything starts with our thoughts and our imagination. My philosophy is: when you step into the fact that you’re blessed with a gift and act to serve, it becomes a ripple effect in your life.


Kira: That’s amazing. I feel like it’s so simple, and I definitely forget that day-to-day. Even this morning, I was so caught up in my task list, I forgot to tell myself how grateful I am to have a task list and to make money, and that I’m able to afford my rent and things I pay for that I love doing like kickboxing, massages, stuff like that. It’s so easy to get in your head and never out of it.

Kristin: Right. It’s like, when you look at things you don’t have, you start coming from a place of lack, and we can go down the rabbit hole of “we don’t have.” I do a whole slide on “because-ing,” and I break it down into four areas: 1. Your relationship 2. Health and wellness 3. Your time and money freedom 4. Your vocation I have everyone look in those four areas and ask themselves questions. The first one is: “What would you love in those areas?” Everything really starts from the imagination, but we’re taught to shut that down. So when we start imagining, it’s coming from something we really want. Then, I ask “what is it costing you by not doing it right now?” Then, I go into “because-ing,” which is when people say things like: “I can’t do that because I don’t have enough money.” “ I can’t do that because I don’t have enough time.” “I can’t do that because there’s a pandemic.” Then I’ll flip the word around so they can see the bigger picture: “Because-ing” your life ends up being: what’s your cause that’s keeping you from being you?


Kira: Well, that’s actually another question I had, because I feel like all these people this year have been saying things like, “Bye 2020! Screw you!” and “I can’t wait for it to be over.” I definitely have thoughts on that, but what are your thoughts on the idea of seeing the year as the enemy? Do you have any opinions on that?

Kira: I totally agree with that. And even though I totally feel that this whole idea of blaming the year is really silly, I’ll still use certain things as excuses, even if it’s not the pandemic. Like, the place I rent right now is amazing, but the kitchen isn’t the biggest. So I love to blame the kitchen for all of my problems, how it’s too small, too tight, not white enough. I tell my partner, “Well, I don’t want to cook because the kitchen is so small,” when really I just know I’m making up excuses for myself.


Kristin: Yeah, it’s usually the problem that we think is the problem is never the problem. It’s like, the real issue here isn’t the kitchen.

Upcoming FREE Masterclasses Kira: Exactly! And I know it too, but I still do it! I always need to remind myself to be in that place of abundance and not that place of, “Oh, I wish I had this.”

January 6th @ 6:30pm CT January 20th @ 6:30 CT February 3rd @ 6:30 CT

Kristin: When you come from that abundance place, there’s always something to be grateful for. If I say the words, “I’m so happy and grateful that…” my brain will automatically start searching my memory bank for what I’m grateful for. I always like saying to imagine a string of Christmas lights. When you power Christmas lights, you know they’re going to light up the room, and look beautiful no matter how you decorate with them. But when you plug them into the wall, there’s no magic button that makes them automatically just work. There’s power that goes down underground all the way to the power plant and back up to bring them to actually light. When you take your thoughts-which by the way, we think up to 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day, which is crazy- as every one of those Christmas lights, knowing the power that’s needed to be lit, you can see that the more you think about them, the more power you’re going to give them. So then the question becomes: what thoughts in your head are you choosing to give power to? We don’t remember back to the circumstance, we think back to the last time we remembered it. You are always greater than any situation, circumstance or experience.

Final Thoughts

Kristin then went on to teach me more about her practices with her clients, how she practices what she preaches daily, and how bringing this to others is truly her life’s calling. Then, she asked me what’s been bugging me. Not expecting this, I really just came clean and told her that I was totally overstimulated by daily tasks, to-dos and chores and felt like I was drown‐ ing. She told me to grab a piece of paper and to fold it down the middle into four sections, la‐ beled “day,” “week,” “month,” and “year,” and then went through all my tasks with me and helped me organize them into each of the four columns. I felt like I had a weight lifted off of my chest. She showed me that I was prioritizing tasks that didn’t even need to be completed until the end of the month – or even the end of the year, and from there, my daily to-do list when from 17 tasks to only five. I wish I could put our entire conversation on here for every‐ one to see, but you’ll just have to witness Kristin for yourself to really understand the influ‐ ence and amazing nuggets of information she gave me.

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3 1 | G I V E M E M Y M O N E Y, H O N E Y !

Give Me My Money, Honey! Post-Holiday Budgeting Tips from the Biggest Budgeting Brains

by Kira Gavalakis


ou may be feeling like you’ve been run a little dry after the holidays are over, as you stock your new gifts into your closet but secretly wishing it was straight-up cash. Budgeting can be tricky, especially after the holiday season where your wallet is emptier than the Broadway theatres ( ). So, I’m showing you exactly where your mind should be in the new year from big money experts like Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruz, and more, to help our Mylo fam get outta that funk together, and get rid of those post-holiday blues of wishing we had more green.


Know that every month varies (And give yourself a break for it!) Idea Machine: Dave Ramsey

If nobody’s told you this, here it is: Your December budget is not going to be the same as your January budget, so stop beating yourself up if you went over budget during the biggest month for spending of the year! Sure, there are months where you’ll spend less and save more, but don’t put yourself down if the red numbers in your bank account are burning brighter than a Christmas tree. Instead, start January out with a clear and forgiving mind, knowing that you can start fresh, and that the world won’t end.

TL;DR: GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! Mylo Translation: Every month is like a unique pair of Gucci loafers: some are more than others, but each has their own unique adventures.


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Start your meal plan. Idea Machine: Rachel Cruz

Avoid the Karens yelling at the manager in the restaurants and eat at home! Not only does buying food in bulk save you money, but meal prepping prevents you from ordering out, which could save you up to $200 a month. At least for me, when I’m working from home and hungry, my day goes something like this: Me: Hey me, I’m hungry! Me: Okay, me. Let’s go to the refrigerator. Me: There’s nothing to eat, me!

Me: Darnit! Well, it will take me 20 minutes to make that pasta dish if I get this pasta and mix it with that sauce, and then another 15 minutes to steam vegetables to put in the pasta to make sure I have enough greens, then I have to get a… Me: Girl, stop that right now. Just order out food. Me: But, no, I don’t want to spend… Me: You have no time. Order the food, me. Me: Okay me, but just this once! Me: Okay, you tell yourself that. As you can see, my sassy self will tell me how much I need that food now-- and she’s right! But if I’d have had a meal already made in my fridge that I can pop in the microwave or on the stove, I’d have spent almost that same amount of time it would have been if I’d looked up the restaurant menu, called them up, ordered, and put in my credit card information. Meal prepping meets you where you’re at, because at the end of the day, time is money.

TL;DR: MEAL PREPPING WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Mylo Translation: Don’t spend that cash to save your A%$; Meal prep before or get out the door.


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Focus on what you can control. Idea Machine: Dr. John Delony Before, during and after the holidays, we all need this reminder: focus on what you can control, not what you can’t. For example... You can’t control the fact that you have to spend money. You can control what you spend your money on, and how wisely you spend it. If you resent the fact that you have to pay rent every month, or hate how Netflix still hasn’t offered you a free year of streaming for just being a fabulous customer, you won’t have a mindset that’s setting you up for happiness and success.

TL;DR: YOU CHOOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE – OWN UP TO IT. Mylo Translation: You got a roof over your head – now go Netflix & Chill like you should!


You have the privilege of being able to pay for these amazing additions that make your life easier and more enjoyable. You are in control of everything in your life, including your ability to choose to live in an apartment to pay rent instead of living on the streets! Everything in your life is a decision, and being strategic and awake when spending your money will make you more aware of when you’re spending for you, and when you’re spending just to spend.

Promote yourself. Idea Machine: Ken Coleman Budgeting is the typical way of saving money when you have a full-time job that provides a regular, consistent stream of income. But what if you feel like you’ve been crushin’ it at work and feel like you can ask for a little more green to supplement your passion, hard-work, and extra time? Ken Coleman suggests a bunch of ways that you can stay totally on at work so your boss looks at you like you’re Beyonce stepping off the stage. Here are some examples of doing it right: You’re winning at your job, and you and your co-workers know it. You’re asking for feedback on how you’re doing. You work collaboratively and take initiative and leadership. You set goals and complete them diligently.

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Now that you feel like you’ve made it to the next level like in your Mario Gameboy game, perform a self-assessment, and see if you were a boss, why you’d give somebody a raise. Then, start from this script and cater it to your and your boss’s liking such as something like this that you’ll eventually be telling to your boss (this is directly from the words of Ken Coleman):

TL;DR: MAKE MOVES TO MAKE MORE MONEY. Mylo Translation: Get that damn green if it’s the LAST thing you do.

“I’m really happy and grateful to be at this company (assuming that’s true) and I want to make myself more valuable to the team. Are you open to creating a growth plan with me that will allow me to grow professionally and financially?”


Do what you love. Idea Machine: Christy Wright

Sure, there’s taking up an extra couple shifts per week at the local grocery store to make extra cash after the big holidays are done, but honestly, if you can do something you love (barring if you love working at a grocery store), you can make money doing it, recovering gracefully from the holidays, and beyond! Although this is a more long-term goal, it might make holiday stressing a lot more minimal, changing your attitude towards December spending forever. Christy Wright suggests to us that the first step to starting a business you love is to make a plan by filling in the blank, “I’ve always loved…”. From there, you’ll take actions like doing market research, creating visions and goals for the future, and managing finances, so you can build a business that you love and that will last. Afterwards, focusing on things like profit, marketing, selling, and time management will continue to help your vision flourish. PS-- did you know that everybody in America starts off as a sole proprietor? That means that you have the freedom-- that many other countries don’t have-- of being able to start almost any (legal) business you want and you love. So why not find out a way to start creating a life you love, and building funds at something you’re actually good at?

TL;DR: MAKE A BUSINESS THAT YOU WILL TO MAKE GOOD MONEY. Mylo Translation: Can’t stop, won’t stop (doing what you love!)

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