Sample Middler Teacher Guide Fall

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Sep | Oct | Nov 2020



1: Jesus Heals 2: God Is Our Source

3: Gratitude

Middler Teacher Guide Grades 3 & 4 Volume 40 Number 1 Sep • Oct • Nov 2020

MIDDLER TEACHER GUIDE is available in Spanish from Gospel Publishing House (product number 63 2131) for the fall and winter semester.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
 Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. MIDDLER TEACHER GUIDE (ISSN 1059-3306) is published quarterly by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 658021894. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MIDDLER TEACHER GUIDE, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 658021894. For information on quality discipleship resources for all ages, visit our Web sites at or or call tollfree 1-800-641-4310. 64 1141

© 2020 by Gospel Publishing House 1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, Missouri 65802 Printed in U.S.A.

• TEACHING HELPS The ABCs of Salvation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Steps to a Successful Sunday School Class. Learning Styles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Age-Level Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher Skill Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feedback Forum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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• LESSONS UNIT 1: JESUS HEALS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11 September 6—Jesus Heals a Man at a Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 September 13—Jesus Heals a Girl and a Woman. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 September 20—Jesus Heals a Sick Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

UNIT 2: GOD IS OUR SOURCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30 September 27—Our Source of Life.. . . . . . . . . October 4—Esther’s Source of Guidance. . . . . . October 11—Jeremiah’s Source of Courage . . . . October 18—The Three Hebrews’ Source of Faith. October 25—Daniel’s Source of Wisdom. . . . . . November 1—Our Source of Love.. . . . . . . . . .

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. 31 . 37 . 43 . . 49 . 55 . 61

UNIT 3: GRATITUDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   69 November 8—Jehoshaphat Is Grateful. . . . . . . . . . . November 15—A Leper Chooses to Be Grateful. . . . . November 22—A Woman Shows Appreciation . . . . . November 29—The Prodigal Son’s Grateful Thoughts .

Cover photo: © MesquitaFMS/E+/Getty Images

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Leading a Child to Christ

Evangelism is a privilege. There’s nothing quite so exciting as helping a child accept Jesus as Savior. As you teach, look for opportunities to lead children to Christ. When children respond to a salvation invitation, use this plan to guide them as they accept Jesus as Savior.

Admit you are a sinner. • Read Romans 3:23 (NIV) with the child: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” • Say, “Everyone disobeys God. That is sin.” • Ask, “Do you understand that you have sinned?”

Believe in Jesus. • Read John 3:16 (NIV) with the child: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” • Say, “God hates sin but loves each of us—even though we all sin. He loves us so much that He gave Jesus, His Son, to die and take the punishment for our sins.” • Lead the child in the sinner’s prayer: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I have disobeyed You. Please forgive me. Come into my heart and life. Help me love and follow You. Thank You for the gift of salvation. Amen.

Confess that Jesus is your Lord. • Read Romans 10:9 (NIV) with the child: “Confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ ” • Say, “Asking Jesus into your heart is the start of a new life, a life where Jesus is your Leader, your Lord. He will never leave you alone.” • Ask, “What has happened to you?” and let the child respond. • Encourage the child to tell someone about his or her new life with Jesus. • Tell the child’s guardian the good news of the child’s salvation. Ask if the child would like to be baptized in water as a sign of his or her decision to live for Jesus.




Steps to a Successful Sunday School Class

Start with Curriculum

You’ve made the right choice in choosing this curriculum. It provides solid biblical teaching at a level your middlers will enjoy and understand. The lessons are designed for easy preparation, and the activities will keep your students interested and reinforce your lesson. As you begin your preparation, use the following checklist to keep track of the curriculum pieces you will be using.

 Middler Teacher Guide— 13 easy-to-use lessons, plus helpful hints and tips  Middler Resource Packet— lesson helps for your classroom, including a CD  Middler Student Guide— hands-on activities that relate to the lessons  Action Tracks— take-home paper to reinforce the lesson throughout the week  Bible Fact-Pak ™ (NIV)— 576 questions covering biblical people, places, events, and teachings


Think about Your Class Consider what you already know about your class.  Time—How much class time do you have? Be sure to consider total time as well as actual time (after greeting, transitions, etc.). Estimating the time it will take for each activity will help you decide which ones to use.  Setting—What is your classroom setting like? Is your classroom arranged in lecture style? Do you have a table? Don’t be afraid to get creative in your classroom arrangement. Arrange the chairs in a circle, or bring pillows and have everyone sit on the floor one week. If you have a small space, adapt activities to better fit your needs.  Teachers—How many teachers and helpers do you have? You may want to choose or modify activities based on the amount of supervision required.  Students—Who are your regular attendees? How do they learn best? Do you frequently have visitors? It’s a good idea to plan your lesson for the regular attendees, but be prepared in case of visitors.

s old Nate—boy, 9 year hing. He by seeing & touc

Learns notices pictures always looks nice, es to draw. He is an and colors, and lik ant and friendly to enthusiastic particip new. students, old and

years old Michaela—girl, 8 ts in trouble by hearing. She ge

Learns er s the first to answ for talking, is alway tell d an to ten es to lis a question, and lov d an s itie tiv ac of new stories. She is wary . ng ati cip fore parti always watches be

ars old Amber—girl, 9 ye ing and

by mov Learns primarily g, ays moving, talkin alw is touching. She to r difficult for he and touching! It’s e the task at hand. Sh on remain focused th ADD. was diagnosed wi

ars old Austin—boy, 8 ye ’s athletic, enjoys He g. movin Learns by s ugh—play, rarely sit energetic—even ro down, etc.

Now consider what you know about your regular attendees. You may want to keep notes (see sample) on each child describing how he or she learns best. If your regular attendees cover all the learning styles* (like the sample note), you won’t have to plan other activities for less frequent attendees. If your class has primarily one or two learning styles, you may want to have variations or additional activities ready for visitors.

*To learn more about learning styles, see page 5.


Middler Teacher Guide

The Teacher Focus will help you become familiar with the lesson and how it relates to your students. “Life Application” will show you how to apply the lesson theme to your students’ lives. “We Believe” lets you know what doctrine is being reinforced by the lesson. C. Poster Interaction Seeing and Touching Displaying posters helps students who learn by seeing. Posters that require interaction help students who learn by touching and moving.

A. Music (as students arrive) Seeing and Hearing As students arrive and get settled, you may want to take a little extra time to talk to your students about what is going on in their lives as well as review last week’s lesson. Asking questions about last week’s lesson will prepare their minds to focus on this week’s theme.

B. Healing Defined Hearing and Seeing An activity that gets them interacting with each other can help break the ice, especially for newcomers, and start them thinking about the lesson.


Learning God’s Word John 5:1–9

Pool of Bethesda A spring-fed pool at Jerusalem, surrounded by five porches (John 5:2), thought to have healing properties. Here Jesus healed a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years (John 5:1–16).

(Adapted from Accordance 4.3 April 2000, Oak Tree Software , Inc. NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible)


This segment presents students with the Bible lesson.



Bible-Time Beds In Bible times, Jewish people slept on the floor. Wealthier people may have had thick, coarse mattres ses to sleep on. Poor people used animal skins or light, flexible mats for beds. These could easily be rolled and carried.

(Adapted from The Bible Almanac, pp. 416, 492; Beacon Commen tary, page 76)

Let’s read the Bible story on page 1 of the studen t guide, to discover how Jesus helped a man who had been ill many years. (The story is provid ed here.) • The city of Jerusalem is surrounded by a tall wall. In one of the walls was an opening called the Sheep Gate. Near this gate was the Pool of Bethesda. The pool was surrounded by five colonnades, columns set at regular interva ls, supporting the base of a roof structure. • One day Jesus went to Jerusalem for a feast. He stopped near the Pool of Bethesda. Many people who were sick or disable d sat or lay near the pool. They wanted to be healed. • Jesus stopped to talk with a man lying near the pool. He learned the man had been ill for thirty-e ight years. Jesus asked the man,“Do you want to get well?” • The man explained that he was at the pool to receive healing. When the water was stirred, he had no one to help him get into the water to be healed. • Jesus did not help the man into the water. Jesus had another way to heal him. He said,“Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” • Instantly, the man was healed. He got up right away. He picked up his mat and walked.


Cut apart Lesson 1 Poster on the dotted lines. Attach the lesson scene to a bulletin board. Pin the rectang les over the picture so it is covere d. Use the following questio ns to review the story. ? How long had the man been ill? (Thirtyeight years)



Middler Teacher Guide Lesson 1

? How had the man tried to get help? (Tried to get into the pool when the water was stirred) Draw the students’ attentio n to Lesson 1 Poster. ? What do people do today when they are sick or hurt? (Let volunt eers respond by removing pictures of

Plan Your Lesson At this point, take your Middler Teacher Guide and adapt the ­lesson to fit the needs of your class. Highlight, circle, or mark the activities your students will enjoy and, most importantly, will meet their learning styles. Here is a lesson overview with a sample way to teach the lesson. Fall



Plan Your Lesson cont.

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When God Doe sn’t Heal We can’t den doesn’t always y that God time and in heal at the the way we want. Jesus may the man who have passed Beautiful ever sat at Gate man wasn’t y day.Yet the hea and John pass led until Peter Jesus’ resurrec ed him after tion and timing are . God’s ways ours, but we different from kno does heal and w that He ask for healingthat we are to .


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’s Word Applying God

ents helps the stud This segment le to their lives. Bib connect the

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Master 3 1, Copy Today, Lesson God Heals Middler




God Heals To

healto pray for April began later April He right foot. ing. Five months to the doctor. that his paralyzed later James went back good news two Two months gave them the had improved service with He BABY HEALED was born blind. went to a believers. April’s eyes did not need Baby Shari one lung, and thousand other Two minisso much she She had only organs were asked for prayer. him. glasses. to pray for her internal later the docters began James felt the normal position. Two months April again, not in a said they Suddenly, in his body. tor checked was perfect. Fourteen doctors for her. power of God healed. no and her vision other could do nothing could find He was completely his right arm, The doctor her Shari’s great-grandm for the total prayed for He could move paralyzed. medical reasonwas also healed been and a friend next morning which had and began change. Aprilpains and headBaby all night. The James stood When found that stomach of around. the doctors see, she had two the jumping back to aches. and her parents Gary and Shari could and everything James went could find no —April Duncombe, had are from perfect lungs, doctors, they skull, and he Karma Nelson normal. God his inside was Iowa. cracks in healed Shari. and her famSigns completely had no paralysis. and his wife later (Ball) Gambino God, from Acts Today: of —Shari Central Assembly ily attended Missouri. Springfield,

HEALED SOLDIER in army trainJames was while hiking day he ing. One field pack, with a full heat. When he fainted from his skull was fell backward,seven different cracked in seventeen days ways. After James awoke. His in a coma, strokes. He had four paralyzed. was right side months doctors After five him anymore. couldn’t help all the time, he His head hurt eyesight, and his was losing crutch, dragging he used a

Sturgeon His heal—James P. in Oklahoma. served as pastorsat the annual Oklahoma of ing took place of the Assemblies District Council God in Seminole.

Stories adapted Holy Spirit by Ralph of the House, & Wonders Gospel Publishing by perUsed W. Harris. MO, 1996. Springfield, rights reserved. mission. All

GIRL HEALED was ten When April fourth-grade her years old, that April seeteacher noticed problems her was having parents took ing. April’s eyes checked, need to get her she might said thinking doctors glasses. The serious eye disa April had would lead to ease that blindness. heard about People who

Ave., Springfield, N. Boonville only. House, 1445 classroom use Publishing duplicate for © 2004 Gospel Permission granted to

MO 65802

on te “Me Too” dents comple r: Have the stu dent guide. (Answe stu l me page 2 of the sick man. He can hea a Jesus healed ely too.) We can fre for today. ling Healing is d and ask for hea Go others. approach for and s lve for ourse


CIRCLE ACTIVIT Y An alternative way to help the stud story is for them ents apply the Bible Activity” on pag to complete “Circle e 4 of Action They will iden Tracks. tify people Jesu heal and the s can kinds of thin gs Jesus can heal. (Answe r: Circle all the people. Underline all the situations.)

When Healing Delays God is sovereig n and we do lednot always underst s HeaHis Jesu and ple ways. However Other Peo This segment , we e rem helps students cam emb er several thin can God’s Word • All who gs in daily livin use a rs pers on ant is not healed. when g. • Ten lepe turion’s serv cen 1. Som an HEALING IN M e are sick beca • Rom Y LIFE use of ther-in-law sin mo (1 r’s Cor Pete inthians 11:2 • Read aloud, one 7–30). Wedshou at a time, the His ld ask • Paralytic from “Healin touche questions to show us any the Holy Spirit g in My • Woman who Life ” on page 3 of sin in our student gui hearts. the garment de. Give stud ghter 2. God ents time to in their respons • Jairus’ dau e blin d may be tryin write es. (Answer: wer us som g to 1. Answers will vary. The • Men who s, blin d ething (2 Corinthi teach Bible tells of ans 12:7 d • Bartimaeushrivel hancan Jesus’ healing ed).We peo ask ple; God the h for Bible promis understa • Man wit ghter es hea heals people cian’s dau nding. 3. • Syropheni ure today. 2. Answer ling; God inds us to pray seizandsJesus rem s will vary. 3. Answers will it • Boy with unc notspir give lean vary. Pray for - (Luke 18:1). echup Headea Answers will them. 4. • Man with was lingf, spe may come, but it var y.) who n Ma not be immedia may • ? Do you nee te. was less 4. ida Lackwho d prayer for of faith can hsa healing? (Write on the prevent • Man at Bethealing. The chalkboard prayer of faith blind the from will of names ed stud hea ents who resp son rais l the sick (James • Widow’s If, afte ond. Have the 5:15). student guide.) r we hav students wri death our hea rmity e examined te the names infi an h rt and there Pray together wit in the seems to • Womanbe for eac psy no h dro reas stud h on ent whose nam to pray for stud forr cut not being • Man wit Pete hea e is listed. Ask ent led,afte wer mus s’ ear t trust God for volunteers • Malchuand If questions aris needs. leav e e the rega th in His it off han ed fromresu rding the dela dealts the sidebar with ds. y rais of s hea aru ling the • Laz (Adapted , share the students


from edited by Stanl Systematic Theology, ey M. Horton, Press, p. 517– Logion 518)



7, 2008


Middler Teac her Guide Lesson 1

Living God’s W ord



material in

PRAYER REM INDER An alternative way to help the students son is to hav apply this lese them mak ry verse writ e bookmarks ten on them with the mem . oKeep your boo kmarks in you are reading. r Bib les or in other Eac books you reminded that h time you see your boo kmarks, you when we are will sick be , we can pray Option: Writ for healing. e on the boo kmark the nam needs healing e of a person . who

D. Jesus Heals Skit Moving and Hearing Drama is an excellent teaching tool. Most students enjoy acting; plus, acting out the Bible story helps them learn it better by experiencing it.

E. Healing in My Life Seeing and Hearing Using activities from the Student Guide and Action Tracks helps students review the Bible lesson and reinforces lesson objectives.


Middler Teacher Guide

F. Rhythm Verse Touching and Hearing Handling objects and repeating words to a rhythm helps students retain what they are learning.

G. Making Christ My Savior

If you have students who have not made a commitment to Christ, or you are not sure of the spiritual walk of visitors, it’s a good idea to present the plan of salvation and give them the opportunity to accept Christ. You never know when a student might be ready to make a lifechanging decision.

Take a closer look at LEARNING STYLES


Teach the Lesson As you teach the lesson, constantly evaluate: • Your middlers—What things are you ­discovering about them and how they learn? • Your lesson—Are the students grasping the concept and objective presented in the lesson? • The activities—Are they working well? Is the order flowing like you’d hoped? • The time—Do you have extra activities or games planned? Are you keeping your students’ attention? What fun activities can you do to reinforce the lesson?


Evaluate After each class, evaluate the lesson as a whole using the questions from step four.

Evaluation: nt well. we son les * The s option activity! * Glad I had the bonu the baseball game. * The students loved get them up and to n tio Note: Any op moving is a winner!

There’s no set formula for a successful Sunday School class, and there’s no guarantee that all your middlers will remember what you teach them and make the life applications. But God promises that His Word will not return void. By following these five simple steps, you can teach biblical principles effectively so that many of your students will remember and apply them. And that’s what teaching is all about.

SEEING (visual) Miguel likes to “see” his world. He enjoys colors, contrast, bulletin boards, and videos. He gets bored when there are no visuals.


• D isplay posters from the Resource Packet • Do Student Guide, Action Tracks, and copy master activities • Use object lessons

HEARING (auditory)


Alison “hears” her world. She loves to hear stories and listens when you tell her to do something. She becomes bored when she hears information she already knows.

HOW TO TEACH ALISON: • Tell Bible and life-application stories • Use listening and sharing activities • Sing songs and listen to skits from the Resource Packet CD

TOUCHING (tactual) Stephanie likes to “feel” and “feel good about” her world. She needs to “get in touch” with new concepts and learns best when she can feel and compare information.


• Use interactive posters from the Resource Packet • Make lesson-related objects or crafts • Draw and create lesson-related pictures or collages

MOVING (kinesthetic) Zack loves to experience his world through movement. He moves a lot during class and loves ­participating in things like dramas, action songs, and plays.

HOW TO TEACH ZACK: • Act out the Bible story • Utilize dramas and skits • Play movement games for review or memory work Fall




Strong sense of fairness and justice

Teach each student equally. Show what the Bible says about how we should treat others. Show that God is fair and just.

Sensitive to criticism

Avoid criticism. When correction is needed always talk to the individual alone.

Will attempt to place blame on others

Show them the wrongness of placing blame on others for something they choose to do.

Can accept responsibilities

Give them a chance to do things for you. Your trust will do much for them.

Group approval is important

Encourage the students to accept each other and visitors in your class. Provide opportunities for students to get to know each other.

Developing interest in people

A study of real-life missionary characters and biblical heroes will help to satisfy this need.

More competitive as group members than as individuals

When planning competitive activities, involve the whole group.



Easiest age to lead to Christ

Explain salvation. Provide times for the students to respond to the message of Jesus Christ.

Have good memories

Teach the Bible. Help them memorize Bible verses.

Interested in Bible stories and characters

Use drama and role-play. Show them ways to study the Bible. Use Bible games to reinforce the lesson.

Practical in their approach to the Bible

Ask questions. Speak plainly. When they ask questions, answer truthfully. If you do not know, say so.

Enjoy attending Sunday School

Make every student feel welcome. Keep the class interesting to encourage a positive attitude toward the church.

Relate Bible stories to their own life experiences

Give personal application with lessons. Ask them to give examples also.








Not all children grow through similar stages at similar ages. These are just averages. Some of these characteristics will occur earlier or later in some children. Knowing how children think and feel and act in general will help you in relating to them and in planning lessons that will help them in their spiritual growth. Remember these characteristics as you plan each lesson. Pray for each student as you plan ways for him to discover God.


Middler Teacher Guide


Full of energy

Take advantage of this energy by using such methods as role-play, drama, Bible games, or active choruses.

Enjoy organized games

Use team games to increase learning and retention. Have clear, simple rules.

Release tension through movement

Allow them to stretch. Movement is a way of coping with growing pains. Their muscles need to stretch.




Bring things to class they can touch and examine. A nature center or table for investigating objects can be useful.

Limited concepts of time and distance

Explain new concepts or terms. Use pictures when possible. Be patient.

Limited vocabularies

Explain new words. Use language they can understand. Question to see if they understand what you said.

More mature mentally

Lead them in memorizing Scripture verses and doing Bible research.

Eager to learn

Encourage them to participate in class projects.

Learning games interest them

Use games to review the lesson or to learn the memory verse.

Like details and unusual information

Encourage them to read the Bible and learn its facts.


Watch a lot of TV and listen to the radio

They are aware of world events, but cannot always process information received through the media. Fears arise from this.


Need adult assurance and recognition

Become sensitive to their needs. Offer praise for things well done.




Listen to each student and hear what he says. Provide encouragement.

Want to do things for themselves

Allow them to do for themselves. They need to discover their own capabilities.

Are big worriers

Listen to what they are worried about. Try to help them. Let them know Jesus can help them with their problems, both real and imagined.

Relatively easy to discipline

They know when they have done wrong. Accept their apology and don’t overreact.








Change in mood and attitude quickly Wait awhile before you react. Accept them as they are.



Teacher Skill Builder


Can Be a Good Experience You reach your classroom on Sunday morning with high hopes for an interesting class where everyone is involved. Your hopes are dashed when your lesson presentation is lost amid classroom chaos. As the last student leaves, you wonder what happened. Did you make a mistake by agreeing to teach? If this sounds familiar, the following tips are for you.

Use variety. An interesting presentation is crucial for maintaining student attention. An interested class has fewer behavior problems. Practice your presentation during the week. Don’t read the entire lesson to the students. If you do, • your students will think you don’t know the material, • you won’t have eye contact, • you won’t see signs of potential misbehavior. As you study your lesson, select activities to provide variety and evoke interest and understanding. Lecture has a place among teaching methods, but any method used all the time becomes monotonous. Students will be more interested in the lesson if variety is used in its presentation.


Middler Teacher Guide

Let the students help set behavior boundaries. Have an informal class discussion and let the students suggest what behaviors should or should not be permissible in Sunday School. List their suggestions on the marker board. Some students may try to be funny or shocking

Children can sense if you want to be their teacher. When they know you want to be with them, misbehavior, apathy, or chaos is diminished and interest and involvement increases. in their suggestions, but you will probably get several excellent ideas. Help the students understand that their conduct shows how much they love and respect God. You may be pleasantly

surprised at how well the students respond to forming their own guidelines for behavior.

Communicate your own behavior expectations. Tell the students what kind of behavior you expect from them. Explain, for example, that you want them to read their lesson before class or that you don’t want them to interrupt while you or someone else is talking. Telling them what you expect lets them know if their behavior is acceptable.

Reinforce the positive. A misbehaving student receives attention while the well-behaved students are often ignored. Children like to feel they are noticed and that they are pleasing the people who are important to them. By complimenting positive behavior, such as contributions and attentiveness while others are speaking, you are providing examples of how you want all the students to act.

Make your room cheerful. A bright room filled with interesting items is inviting. Although you may face limitations in

Teacher Skill Builder decorating as you wish, you can still do things to brighten a room. • Add brightly colored posters. Purchase inexpensive posters or let the students make them to give them a sense of ownership. • Work out arrangements with leaders of groups who share the room. Decorate portions of the walls assigned to you.

Enjoy your students. Children can sense if you want to be their teacher. When they know you want to be with them, misbehavior, apathy, or chaos is diminished and interest and involvement increases. • Like your students for who they are. • Consider the strengths or talents of each student. • What is particularly likeable about each student? • Ask God to help you see positive characteristics in difficult students. The more you enjoy your students as people, the more you will enjoy your teaching ministry. Your students will also sense they are accepted for who they are and will begin to relax and enjoy the class—and you.

Essentials for Improvement There will be days when it seems nothing works. Children are naturally more energetic during holidays or drastic changes in weather (the first snowfall, or the first few days of warm weather after winter). It is also impossible to know all the events happening in each student’s personal life. As a teacher who wants to improve, do these things:

Pray Ask God to help you be the teacher He wants you to be. Ask Him to show you ways to improve your teaching ministry. Seek to be open to the Holy Spirit’s direction as He convicts and deals with students in your class. Pray for each student individually. You may not know every need each student has, but God does. Pray in your classroom before the students arrive. Dedicate your class time to God to be used for His glory. God can work through your prayers.

Evaluate progress After every class, evaluate it. • How did the students react to the lesson topic? • Did the students identify how the topic related to them? • Did your presentation keep them interested? • Did you give the students a chance to respond to the lesson topic? • Did you begin to lose control of the students? If so, when? By evaluating each lesson, you will become more aware of which ideas work with your particular students and which ideas don’t. This will give you guidelines for future lessons.

God wants you to be a successful teacher. He wants Sunday School to be a good experience for you and your students.

Depend on God’s help You are not alone in your teaching ministry. God wants you to be a successful teacher. He wants Sunday School to be a good experience for you and your students. Let God help you be the teacher He wants you to be.



Teacher Skill Builder


By Glen Ellard

Daily prayer and Bible study are essential for both you and your students. Daily Bible study and prayer can benefit you as a teacher by • helping your own life to grow spiritually stronger, making you a better role model. • providing spiritual help for your teaching ministry. If you have a hard time developing a consistent pattern of Bible study and prayer, perhaps the following points will help.

1. Make an appointment with God. Develop a

habit of having your devotions at the same time every day when you can be alone with God. Remember, God spoke to Elijah in a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:11–13). Hearing God speak is easier if your mind is uncluttered with the day’s activities. If necessary, keep a notepad handy. When something you need to remember comes to mind, jot it down, then return to your devotions. If you begin to have your devotions at the same time each day, this will soon become a normal, yet special, part of your day’s schedule. The day may even seem incomplete if you fail to have your time with God. It is a spiritually uplifting habit.

2. Find a “secret place.” This may be nothing

more than sitting beside a certain window or in a favorite chair during your devotions. In your secret place you can shut yourself away from the problems and trials of daily life and spend special moments with God.

3. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Jesus

knew we could not understand His Word by using our minds alone. We need His help to understand spiritual truths. The Holy Spirit provides that help. Before you read God’s Word, ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what it says and how you can


Middler Teacher Guide

apply it to your life. Then be sensitive to the Spirit’s direction.

4. Come just as you are. Prayer is a privilege God

has given us to express our deepest feelings to Him. Talk honestly with God. He knows how you feel. Psalm 139:4 says, “Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord” (NIV). God wants you to come to Him as you are. He understands you because He created you.

5. Incorporate praise. Prayer is also a time to praise God for who He is. God deserves our praise and adoration. God can do great things in and for us as we praise Him. He commanded the army of Jehoshaphat to let the singers lead them into battle. When they obeyed, they found their enemy completely destroyed. There is power in praise (2 Chronicles 20:20–24). 6. Include your teaching ministry. As you spend time in prayer, ask God to prepare you for the coming Sunday. Let the Holy Spirit guide you into a deeper understanding of the truths you teach your students. The Holy Spirit may also reveal passages of Scripture that will be useful in teaching your class. Then pray for each student in your class. 7. Share your devotions. Tell your students about

some new things you have learned from God’s Word or an answer to prayer you have had in your personal devotions. You will be setting a good example of daily devotions for them to follow. They need to know you practice what you teach. Personal devotions is a time when you can grow in Christ. Let God speak to you as you in turn speak to Him. Then minister to others through your growing, maturing spiritual life.

esus Heals “We believe deliverance from sickness is provided for in the Atonement and is the privilege of all believers.” Jesus bought our healing on the cross. Throughout history God actively healed His people. He heals today. Students will be challenged to believe God not only has the power, but that He will heal those who come to Him in faith for healing.

UNIT VERSE The unit memory verse is provided for those teachers who prefer that the students learn one memory verse each unit rather than a new verse each week. The unit memory verse can be learned over the course of an entire unit. KJV: He was wounded for our transgressions, . . . and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 NIV: He was pierced for our transgressions, . . . and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

By the end of this unit, your students should be able to ■ state that Jesus has power over all illness and death, ■ tell about several people Jesus healed, ■ tell about people they know whom Jesus has healed, and ■ demonstrate compassion for the sick by praying for them.

UNIT REVIEW At the beginning of the unit, give the students the Unit Review from Copy Master 1 to see what they need to learn. Repeat the review at the end of the unit to see what they have learned. Answers are provided below.

CLASS IDEA Play Dough Recipe You will need: 1 cup cornstarch

The numbers referenced in the lessons refer to the Bible Fact-Pak Question Cards used with Junior Bible Quiz. These questions correlate with the lessons. For more information, visit

2 cups baking soda 11⁄4 cups water Mix the cornstarch and baking soda in a medium-sized sauce pan until it is blended. Add the water and stir until the mixture is smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes, then remove from the heat. Turn it out onto a plate and cover it with a damp cloth. When it is cool enough to handle, knead it for a short time. Store the play dough in an airtight container. Option: Add food coloring to make various colors of play dough. Tip: Experiment with the dough at home to create the consistency that is best for you.

The numbers referenced in the lessons refer to the question numbers from the Bible Fact-Pak, used with Junior Bible Quiz. These questions correlate with the lessons. To order, contact your Radiant Life supplier 1-800-641-4310. Middler Teacher Guide Unit 1



Lesson 1 • September 6, 2020

esus Heals a Man at a Pool UNIT 1: JESUS HEALS


The students will be able to describe how Jesus helped a man who had been ill thirty-eight years.

Life Application Prayer: To encourage the students to pray when they are sick

Bible Text John 5:1–9

Teacher Focus

Today’s lesson is about a man who had suffered for thirty-eight years but was healed completely when he met Jesus. God cares about our suffering. Jesus cared about the man who could not help himself into the pool. Even when we do not have strength to get the help we need, God can come to us and heal us. Jesus’ death on the cross provided that healing. LESSON STEP

Getting Started

Memory Verse

I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26 (KJV)

Learning God’s Word



Healing Defined.............

Marker board, markers

Option: Puffo’s Potion.............

Resource Packet CD, track 9; Copy Master 2

Jesus Heals

Middler Student Guide, page 1 Lesson 1 Poster



“I am the Lord, who heals you.” Exodus 15:26 (NIV)

We Believe

Divine Healing: We believe that the stripes Jesus received and His death on Calvary provide healing for our bodies.

Applying God’s Word

Living God’s Word

Option: Cured by Jesus.............


God Heals Today............

Copy Master 3 Middler Student Guide, page 2

Option: Circle Activity. ...........

Action Tracks, page 4


Middler Student Guide, page 3; marker board, markers


My Life.........

Option: Prayer Reminder..........

Closing Activities

Memory Verse ................ Making Christ My Savior............................


Middler Teacher Guide Lesson 1

Construction paper, markers, scissors Student guide covers and stickers, rhythm instruments Page 1


Pages 94–95

Bonus Option: Jesus Heals........

Middler Student Guide, page 4

Sing “Nothing Is Too Hard for You” (track 1/5) on the CD in the resource packet.

Review Last Week’s Lesson ? What is one way we can be like Jesus? (Answers will vary.) ? What qualities of God did you put on last week? (Answers will vary.)

Getting Started

This segment gets your students thinking about the lesson concept.

Healing Defined Print the word healing on the marker board. ? What is healing? (A sick person is made well.) ? What is a miracle? (An event that seems impossible; it cannot be explained by the laws of nature.) Today’s lesson is about a man who had been ill for thirtyeight years and how Jesus helped him.

Puffo’s Potion

Play “Puffo’s Potion” (track 9) from the CD in the resource packet or the students may perform it from Copy Master 2. The skit is about a slick salesman who learns about divine healing while trying to sell a “healing” potion. A potion is “a mixture of liquids.” ? What was Puffo trying to sell? (A potion he claimed would heal any illness) ? Why did the caller say Puffo’s potion was too expensive? (She knew Someone who healed for free.) ? Why did Puffo begin offering his potion at a lower price? (The girl saying that God healed people without charging them hurt the sale of his potion.) Today’s Bible story is about a man who had been ill for thirty-eight years and how Jesus helped him.

Disabilities Here are some ways you can help students who have a disability. • Be sensitive during this lesson to any student who may have a disability. • Accept students as they are. • Include them in activities, adapting where necessary. • Remind them that God loves them and cares for them.

Magnet Power

An alternative way to introduce the lesson topic is to place a paper clip in the center of a table. Explain that by itself the paper clip is unable to move. Then place a magnet on the table. ? What do you think will happen as you move the magnet toward the paper clip? Move the magnet slowly until the paper clip begins to move toward the magnet. ? What caused the paper clip, which was unable to move by itself, to begin to move? (The power of the magnet) Today’s lesson is about a man who had been ill for thirty-eight years and how Jesus’ power helped him.

These questions from the Bible Fact-Pak™ are relevant to this lesson: This Bible## Fact-Pak Question Card is relevant toforthisinformation lesson: See page 11 about the Bible Fact-Pak™. 445

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Learning God’s Word

This segment presents students with the Bible lesson.

Jesus Heals a Man John 5:1–9

Pool of Bethesda A spring-fed pool at Jerusalem, surrounded by five porches (John 5:2), thought to have healing properties. Here Jesus healed a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years (John 5:1–16). (Adapted from Accordance 4.3 April 2000, Oak Tree Software, Inc. NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible)

Bible-Time Beds In Bible times, Jewish people slept on the floor. Wealthier people may have had thick, coarse mattresses to sleep on. Poor people used animal skins or light, flexible mats for beds. These could easily be rolled and carried.

(Adapted from The Bible Almanac, pp. 416, 492; Beacon Commen­tary, page 76)

Let’s read the Bible story on page 1 of the student guide, to discover how Jesus helped a man who had been ill many years. (The story is provided here.) • The city of Jerusalem was surrounded by a tall wall. There was an opening in one of the walls called the Sheep Gate. Near this gate was the Pool of Bethesda. The pool was surrounded by five colonnades, columns set at regular intervals, supporting the base of a roof structure. • One day Jesus went to Jerusalem for a feast. He stopped near the Pool of Bethesda. Many people who were sick or disabled sat or lay near the pool. They wanted to be healed. • Jesus stopped to talk with a man lying near the pool. He learned the man had been ill for thirty-eight years. Jesus asked the man,“Do you want to get well?” • The man explained that he was at the pool to receive healing. When the water was stirred, he had no one to help him get into the water to be healed. • Jesus did not help the man into the water. Jesus had another way to heal him. He said,“Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” • Instantly, the man was healed. He got up right away. He picked up his mat and walked. Cut apart Lesson 1 Poster on the dotted lines. Attach the lesson scene to a bulletin board. Pin the rectangles over the picture so it is covered. Use the following questions to review the story. ? How long had the man been ill? (Thirtyeight years) ? How had the man tried to get help? (Tried to get into the pool when the water was stirred) Draw the students’ attention to Lesson 1 Poster. ? What do people do today when they are sick or hurt? (Let volunteers respond by removing pictures of

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MiddlerTeacher TeacherGuide Guide Middler Lesson11 Lesson

things people use, such as aspirin for a headache or a sling for a broken arm.) When the lesson scene is uncovered, ask the students to read the verse on the poster with you. ? What did Jesus do for the man? (He healed the man.) Healing was not just for Bible times. God still heals.


by Jesus

John 5:1–9

An alternative way to present this story is to let volunteers take turns reading the story from the Bible in John 5:1–9. Let two students act out the story while it is being read. Then allow two other students to act out the story while someone retells the story. Ask the questions provided under “Jesus Heals a Man.” The Bible tells many stories of people who were healed by Jesus. Healing was not just for Bible times. God heals today.

Applying God’s Word

This segment helps the students connect the Bible to their lives.

God Heals Today Briefly share a time when God healed you or someone you know or have read about. The Bible gives many examples of God’s healing. (Share the examples provided in the sidebar.) People are healed today too. Give each student a copy of “God Heals Today,” Copy Master 3. Review with them the testimonies of God’s current healing power.

Have the students complete “Me Too” on page 2 of the student guide. (Answer: Jesus healed a sick man. He can heal me too.) Healing is for today. We can freely approach God and ask for healing for ourselves and for others.

Other People Jesus Healed • All who came • Ten lepers • Roman centurion’s servant • Peter’s mother-in-law • Paralytic • Woman who touched His garment • Jairus’ daughter • Men who were blind • Bartimaeus, blind • Man with shriveled hand • Syrophenician’s daughter • Boy with seizures • Man with unclean spirit • Man who was deaf, speechless • Man at Bethsaida who was blind • Widow’s son raised from death • Woman with an infirmity • Man with dropsy • Malchus’s ear after Peter cut it off • Lazarus raised from death

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When God Doesn’t Heal We can’t say that God always heals at the time and in the way we want. Jesus may have passed the man who sat at Gate Beautiful every day. Yet the man wasn’t healed until Peter and John passed him after Jesus’ resurrection. God’s ways and timing are different from ours, but we know that He does heal and that we are to ask for healing. When Healing Delays God is sovereign and we do not always understand His ways. However, we can remember several things when a person is not healed. 1. Some are sick because of sin (1 Corinthians 11:27–30). We should ask the Holy Spirit to show us any sin in our hearts. 2. God may be trying to teach us something (2 Corinthians 12:7).We can ask God for understanding. 3. Jesus reminds us to pray and not give up (Luke 18:1). Healing may come, but it may not be immediate. 4. Lack of faith can prevent healing. The prayer of faith will heal the sick (James 5:15). As we examine our hearts and are sure that our faith is placed in God, we must trust Him and remember that it is His normal will to heal. We trust in God completely with faith and know that He cares for us. (Adapted from Systematic Theology, edited by Stanley M. Horton, Logion Press, pp. 517–519)

Circle Activity

An alternative way to help the students apply the Bible story is for them to complete “Circle Activity” on page 4 of Action Tracks. They will identify people Jesus can heal and the kinds of things Jesus can heal. (Answer: Circle all the people. Underline all the situations.)

Living God’s Word

This segment helps students use God’s Word in daily living.

Healing in My Life Read aloud, one at a time, the questions from “Healing in My Life” on page 3 of the student guide. Give students time to write in their responses. (Answer: 1. Answers will vary. The Bible tells of Jesus’ healing people; the Bible promises healing; God heals people today. 2. Answers will vary. 3. Answers will vary. Pray for them. 4. Answers will vary.) ? Do you need prayer for healing? (Write on the marker board the names of students who respond. Have the students write the names in the student guide.) Pray together for each student whose name is listed. Ask for volunteers to pray for student needs. If questions arise regarding the delay of healing, share the material in the sidebar with the students.

Prayer Reminder

An alternative way to help the students apply this lesson is to have them make bookmarks with the memory verse written on them. Keep your bookmarks in your Bibles or in other books you are reading. Each time you see your bookmarks, you will be reminded that when we are sick, we can pray for healing. Option: Write on the bookmark the name of a person who needs healing.


Middler Teacher Teacher Guide Guide Middler Lesson 11 Lesson

Closing Activities Memory Verse Divide the class into groups, and provide each group with one simple rhythm instrument, such as a tambourine, sticks, or clackers. Give them a few minutes to create a rhythm to play along with the words of the memory verse. Let them perform their beats as the rest of the class recites the verse. Then give others an opportunity to use the instruments in this way. KJV: I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26 NIV: “I am the Lord, who heals you.” Exodus 15:26

Making Christ My Savior God has created everyone. He loves each of us as His own and wants to have a friendship with us. Invite students to enter into a relationship with Christ by inviting Him into their lives. See “The ABCs of Salvation” on page 1 for further information.

Review Use the questions in the sidebar to review the lesson and check the students’ understanding of the material. See pages 94–95 of the teacher guide for review ideas.

Review Questions 1. Where did Jesus meet a man who needed to be healed? At the Pool of Bethesda 2. How long had the man been sick? Thirty-eight years 3. What did Jesus ask the man? “Do you want to get well?” 4. What did Jesus say to the man when the man said he had no one to help him into the water? “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” 5. What did the man do? He picked up his mat and walked. 6. What does Exodus 15:26 tell us about God? I am the Lord that healeth thee. (KJV) or “I am the Lord, who heals you.” (NIV) 7. What can we do when we are sick? Pray

Jesus Heals

If time permits, have the students complete “Jesus Heals” on page 4 of the student guide. They will read a brief review of the Bible story and then fill in the blanks to complete the memory verse. (Answer: “I am the Lord, who heals you.”)

Self-Evaluation: • Could the students describe how Jesus helped the sick man? • Did the students express a desire to pray when they are sick?

Hand out Action Tracks take-home paper.

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Review Activities Number Game You will need numbered pieces of paper, numbered review questions, and tape. Before class tape numbered pieces of paper beneath the students’ chairs. When you are ready for this game, have the students reach under their chairs for their numbers. Ask each student the review question that coincides with his number. You may use a number and question more than once.

Square Off You will need a list of review questions, markers, and a marker board. Draw dots on the marker board, five across and five down. Form two teams. Assign each team a number. Ask one team a

a team completes a box, they get another turn. The game ends when all the questions have been asked or all the boxes are completed.

Answer Poster You will need a large sheet of poster board, slips of paper with review questions printed on them, and a small bag or container. On a sheet of poster board or the marker board, print the answers to the review questions. Print the questions on slips of paper. Place the slips of paper in a small bag or container. Have one student at a time draw a question. Ask him to match the answer on the poster board with the question. Give a point for each correct answer.

Balloon Man You will need ten inflated balloons, tape, a marker board, markers, and review questions. Draw two short vertical lines on the marker board. Make two balloon men by taping five inflated balloons to each line (a head, two arms, two feet). Form two review question. If they answer correctly, they may connect two of the dots either horizontally or vertically—but not diagonally. When a team draws a line that completes a box, they put their team’s number in the box. When


Middler Teacher Guide

teams. Alternately give each team a review question to answer. If a team answers correctly, pop one of their balloons. See who has the fewest balloons at the end of the game.

Acting Out You will need index cards. Print scenarios from a lesson on index cards. Have students draw a card and act out the scenario while the rest of the class tries to guess what it is. Option: Use this as a unit review. Below are examples: • A man lying by a pool and then being healed • Jeremiah being beaten and put in the stocks • Belshazzar seeing the handwriting on the wall

Straight Up You will need a set of blocks and a list of review questions. Form two teams. Ask a student from one team a question. If he answers correctly, he may place a block on his team’s tower. Alternate between teams. If a tower falls, the team must begin again. See how high the teams can build their towers by the end of the review. A rectangular block game would work for this.

Review Activities Beanbag Bull’s-Eye You will need sheets of paper, tape, beanbags, and review questions. Print one lesson title on each sheet.

Form teams or play as individuals. Tape the sheets of paper to the floor. Standing a short distance from the sheets, each team must try to toss its beanbag onto a sheet. Each time a beanbag touches a sheet, that team may earn points by answering a review question from that lesson. Give ten points for each correct answer. If time permits, rotate the teams and ask the questions again. Note: Make no-sew beanbags by filling a sock with dry beans or peas and tying the top.

of paper and place one into each balloon. Inflate the balloons. Form two teams. Ask a student from one team a review question. If he answers correctly, allow him to pop a balloon. His team earns the number of points written on the piece of paper in the balloon. The game ends when all the balloons are popped. Option: Lay the point papers facedown on a table. After correctly answering a question, the student selects a card and his team receives those points.

Review Wheel You will need two paper plates for each student, scissors, brads, pencils, and markers. Ask the students to cut a quarter wedge out of one plate, leaving enough plate in the center through which to push a brad. The students should draw lines to divide the second plate into quarters. Ask them to draw scenes in the quarters which retell the lesson. Put the picture plate under the other one, and fasten them together with a brad. As the students turn their top plates, they can share the lesson with parents and siblings.

Pop Quiz You will need 2-inch squares of paper and balloons. On the pieces of paper print point values based on the number of questions you plan to ask (for example, for 10 questions the values would be 1000, 900, 800, and so on). Roll the pieces





Middler Teacher Guide

What What’ ’ s What’s


Scope & Sequence

Winter 2020–21

Unit 1 Advent of Jesus Unit 2 Godly Choices Unit 3 Taking the Gospel

Spring 2021

Unit 1 Jesus, Our Savior Unit 2 Future Events Unit 3 Growing Spiritually

Summer 2021

Unit 1 The Church Unit 2 I Am a Witness Unit 3 God Helps with Our Problems

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