Mycreativeimages - April 2022

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My Creative Images Promoting Digital Photo Artistry and Digital Photography

Issue 49 (April 2022)

Welcome to the Mycreativeimages Magazine April 2022 This month I decided to choose a photograph to put on the cover of the magazine. Normally I would select a textured piece of artwork. So why a photograph on the cover of a art magazine? ____________________ Its simple, a photograph is art. It takes time to get the lighting right, the models makeup, her (or his) outfit, the right pose and the right settings on the camera. It takes skill, it takes an eye for composition. This is all reflected in the photographs that Susan Jones has sent into the magazine this month. ____________________ In the same way that the cover has changed I’ve changed. This last month I haven’t made any art, I haven’t taken any photographs, but I have been creating, I have been learning.

Featured artists

Bernie Tuffs 4 Claude Trew 8 David Walker 12 James Hurley 18 John Kelly 20 Joyce Simpson 24 Sue Waterhouse 26 Susan Jones 30

The result of this is the creation of a new magazine. Its still art based, but its a different style of art made with tools and for different reasons. Please take a few minuets after you have looked through this magazine to pay it a visit. Don’t forget to head over to the individual artists websites and follow or like their work or to jump on Facebook to follow the magazine there. Facebook Page:

Cover image “La Mirada” by Susan Jones

James Hurley Photo Artist / Magazine Editor

Please note, that some articles contain affiliate links which direct you to 3rd party sales pages, for example Amazon. In the even you purchase something via one of these links a commission is paid to the editor of this magazine or the author of the article. All images in this publication are sourced / created by the artists, unless otherwise stated on their websites or social media pages and as such must not be copied or sold without the express consent of the artist.


This publication is created and owned by James Hurley, © 2021. Please feel free to share the magazine but do not make changes to any of the content.

PERSONAL MUSINGS Life is a series of choices. What to wear, what to eat, how to react, where to go, who to love, where to work, what to buy when you are paid.

Spend your life being angry, life provides you with more things to be angry about. Spend you life being happy life provides more things for you to be happy about. Spend you life helping others, life not only finds more people for you to help but it also finds people to help you. For 5 years I have created the Mycreativesimages magazine, never missing a single issue, always putting the magazine as a priority over going to the pub or for a walk with the wife. This last month I set up another similar magazine as I was inspired by the interactions I had seen in a Facebook group of around 6,000 people. I must be crazy, I am doubling the time it takes me to each month. I did wonder if it was the right thing to do, I did wonder if I should just stop. But something happened, something that made me want to continue with both magazines. Two total strangers reached out to me and told me that they thought what I was doing is incredible, they both told me that the magazines looked professional and were exciting. At the point where I thought I had finally overreached myself and was spreading myself too thin, where I was so tired that I could hardly think straight, life reached out and helped me. On top of that at a point where I was doubting web3 and crypto currency and on the verge of stepping back to be a spectator again life reached out and gave me a helping hand by showing me that the doors to opportunity are all around me. On the day where I was about to wander off my chosen path a door opened and took me on a side journey which resulted in me receiving a significant (for me) cash injection from a web3 venture I stumbled over.


Every single decision you make affects your life journey and determines what you are presented with next.

So I will continue on my web3 journey, I will continue to explore NFTs and the opportunities that will develop from them, I will continue with the Mycreativeimages magazine and the new Creative Talents magazine. I will carry on making art, I will continue taking photographs. My journey hasn’t reached a folk in the road its only taken a slight diversion and one that took me to a place that reinforced my belief that I can make a difference for other artists, no matter how small, even if its just one sale, even if its just one happy creator and one happy collector then I have achieved what I set out to do, I have helped someone. As I sit and write this I’m am happy. I help others where I can. I create art. I am like a cloud, changing every second, moving towards to the next exciting encounter, twisting and bending with the currents of wind, forever adapting, until my essence is absorbed in to the universal mind and its time to rest and relax. James Hurley Photo Artist / Magazine Editor / Human Being

Bernie Tuffs Hello! I’m Bernie and I live in the little seaside town of Margate and having lived here all my life, I couldn’t live anywhere else now! I’m continually inspired by the scenery here, with skies and light that so excited famous artist J. W. Turner, who said of this area, “…the skies over Thanet are the loveliest in all Europe”. Apparently, a love of the sea stayed with him all his life and I can well understand that! Painting with light holds a real attraction for me - the gentle light that is still strong enough to dispel darkness. I’ve always been arty, progressing from childhood sketching, through gouache and then oil painting, then paper crafting and scrapbooking which led me to digital scrapbooking and finally to Sebastian Michaels and Photo Artistry. My latest venture is designing and selling digital overlays and textures. Now I feel I’m home and am having so much fun with my art!


I Am Peace


I Am Whole

A Divine Connection

Claude Trew I retired a few years ago, and since I had more free time, I decided it was time to expand my photo art skills. I have been a member of my local camera club for many years, but I wanted to branch out in areas of photography that would be more artistic and outside the style of photographs that are most successful in club competitions. With this in mind, four years ago I joined the international online Photoshop course “My Photo Artistic Life” created by Sebastian Michaels. I have never regretted my decision and I am still a member of this vibrant and artistic FaceBook community. A few months ago I joined another online course “Elevate your Art”, this time learning to paint with Photoshop’s mixer brush. My vision is, one day, to be able to paint images which will look like oil paintings. You are welcome to visit my website to see some samples of my Photo Art.


Spiderman Poster



Two of us

David Walker As a human being I sit here, writing this month’s “My Creative Images” notes, feeling let down, devastated, humiliated, angry and frankly depressed… By simple human greed causing unnecessary loss of life. By governmental bureaucracy stopping women and children refugees coming to my country. By senior world leaders using warlike sound bites to their own political advantage. By the use of advanced weaponry to kill innocent people in hospitals, care homes and schools. And so much more! My wife and I (and, I guess, the rest of us) cannot do anything really meaningful… From Day 1 of the Ukraine invasion we wanted to offer rooms in my home for two families, something we still cannot do. We have donated food, clothes, baby requisites, winter clothing and more to local charities who have taken goods by lorry to Poland, after eventually passing through the bureaucracy at Dover, fortunately then without holdup to Poland. Donate money to appropriate Ukrainian causes or charities As an artist I can, perhaps, share my feelings through my PhotoArt. I have tried to express solidarity with the people of Ukraine with the images I have produced and submitted to “My Creative Images”. I have many more in my mind, but these may not fit in with a journal such as “My Creative Images”. Should I have been a political cartoonist? My thoughts may be too dark, too political and frankly not pretty but perhaps from a realistic viewpoint show the antipathy of the situation. I will save these for myself and publish in my social media…perhaps! That off my chest, the very next day I feel the need to include some more “nice” works, hope these make you feel good or smile! They helped me feel a little better.


Blood on Their Hands

Don’t Worry- My Friend- We are Right Behind You


Graffiti Self Portrait

Spring Time in Ukraine 2022

Spring Time in Ukraine

To Kyiv...with Love


Ukranian Flower Border

Sailing the Norfolk Broads

James Hurley James is BOLD and direct, this is reflected in his art. He doesn’t let other peoples actions or approaches to life corrupt his mind or attitude. He is his TRUE SELF and has learned to follow his own path brushing himself off and carrying on when he stumbles or has taken a wrong turn, he learns from mistakes or failures. James has turned his negative thoughts about his dreams and ambitions, “its impossible”, into his reality “I’m Possible” this was achieved when he realised he is his most underused and undervalued asset. When asked to describe his work James responded as follows: “I am an Artist. I am a creator. I am a creative entrepreneur. I turn Love, Joy, Passion, challenging emotions into art that makes connections between fantasy and reality to make photo-art that feeds the creative mind and generates happiness at a subconscious level. I LOVE who I am and I POUR this love, my compassion and raw emotions into my photography and Photo-art as a way of sharing my LOVE with you. My sole aim is to leave a lasting impression on people that I meet, that interact with me online or choose to invest in my work, either my artwork or the magazine. In short, if you want artwork that resonates with an emotion you have experienced or that fuels your thoughts then look no further, but remember, emotions should be observed and recognised for what they are they should be learnt from and not drive your choice and decision making.”

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” Ansel Adams


Sailing the Norfolk Broads

John Kelly I have always been fascinated with photography - recording family events with my Kodak compact. There was nothing artistic with my images. The subject was always plump in the middle of the frame. On retiring and learning of the various composition techniques through adult education courses and photo clubs I started being more adventurous with my photography and entered the world of Lightroom and Photoshop. This led me to Sebastian Michaels and his courses. I was totally absorbed with Sebastian’s inspiration and the mind blowing work of his students. I joined the Photo Artistry family, and while working at a much slower rate than other students, I am enjoying improving my artistic abilities under Sebastian’s course mentoring. I like experimenting with my images, adding textures, overlays and backgrounds, and then enhancing them further with creative apps. I always use my own images, textures and backgrounds and have started creating my own overlays.


Looking Out Of The Fish Bowl

Spring Has Arrived

Time To Step Up

Things Will Be Fine

Joyce Simpson I have just one piece of artwork to submit this month which is entitled ‘Behind The Mask’. The original image was taken in Liverpool in 2011. I knew at the time it had potential but I didn’t have the skills or knowhow to bring it alive. Eleven years later I am pleased with how it has turned out. On the back of my participation in the pre-Christmas ‘Photo8’ exhibition at Trapezium Gallery I was asked if I would give a talk and demonstration at a local camera club. I accepted the invitation, although this is well out of my comfort zone, because I believe that when opportunities come along they should be grabbed with both hands. The talk takes place at the end of March. Another first for me is my upcoming exhibition ‘Going Solo’ at Shipley Underground Market, West Yorkshire. This will be the first time that an exhibition is made up of just my artwork. It will take place at between 9th and 23rd April 2023.

Behind The Mask

Sue Waterhouse I was given my first DSLR camera for Christmas in 2013 and very quickly became addicted! fortunately, I was lucky enough to take early retirement at the same time. From 2013 to 2019 my husband and I split our time between Spain and Portugal in the winter, travelling in our motorhome, and the UK and France in the summer. This provided lots of opportunities for many styles of photography. When the first lockdown was introduced in March 2020, I decided I would use some of the extra time that we were spending at home, working to improve my Photoshop skills. Discovering the Photo Artistry course and more recently the AWAKE training has made me appreciate and enjoy creating digital art as much as I enjoy digital photography. I enjoy using photographs I have taken over the last few years and creating digital art from them. I also use models and digital assets provided within the course materials. I have not yet found one particular style that I prefer….maybe I never will!




Music at the stream


Susan Jones My name is Susan Jones I have loved photography all my life, though I was rejected from the photography class at school due to not having my own SLR camera. About 20 years ago a bought a DSLR and haven’t looked back, I love taking photos, mostly studio but as often as possible getting out and about, particularly London. I have been using Photoshop for a few years, and to my joy found Sebastian Michaels Photoshop Artistry courses and then Awake and have learned so much about Photoshop and continue to learn every day. I love the program, I love changing plain photographs into fantasy colourful worlds. I hope you enjoy looking at my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Red outfit: @official.katelyn.model Lemon outfit: @hollyevelemin Blue outfit: @Parislondon.official Concept: @Salligainsford-workshops Dresses @models.wardrobe1 MUA: Serah Eames Hats: @ccmillinerycreations


They call me Mellow Yellow

La Mirada

Pretty little sweet

Kindle Versions

Creative Talents

If you enjoy the web version of the magazine then take a look at the Kindle version availabe on Amazon.

As well as the Mycreativeiamges magazine you can now also read the Creative Talents magazine.

As well as some of the mycreativeiamges magazines you can also vie issue 001 of the Creative Talents magazine.

This magazine is an offshot and showases a very different style of art which is created to support specific projects such as the C.C.Club by Jeremy Rochet.


I encourage you to read this new magazine:

Back Issues

If you enjoyed this issue, follow the link below and check out the previous months magazines. Each one is packed full of photo-art made especially for you.

M e t v IImages ae My CCreative Promoting Digital Photo Artistry

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