CN: May 11, 2016

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May 11, 2016

Pooches on patrol at Lambert Learn & Play


Hydrate to a healthy summer

Community Voices


By Odie Smith

Photos courtesy Lambert-St. Louis International Airport Eetie, a member of the National Explosives Detection Canine Program, sniffs passengers at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport.

Dogs especially trained to detect explosives will begin working at airport By Sara Hardin Look out for dogs on duty at LambertSt. Louis International Airport starting this month as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) introduces their National Explosives Detection Canine Program to St. Louis. These specially-trained canines are able to detect a variety of different scent signatures that make up explosive components, and their presence in the airport’s security checkpoint means safer travel for all air passengers. “We consider our canines to be the best example of a mobile explosivedetection device that we have,” said Jim Spriggs, Federal Security Director for Missouri. “There are a variety of different items that we know can be used to make improvised explosive devices. These dogs are good enough to pick up scents off of every passenger that walks past them, so while they’re working the floor, they will be screening 100 percent of the passengers that arrive for that checkpoint.” TSA canines have been deployed at about 100 airports in the country, with the primary focus being on integrating them into the largest airports first. By exposing the canines to as many passengers as possible, airports are able to more effectively protect its passengers by identifying and mitigating potential criminal or terrorist threats. “We know that aviation is a high pri-

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Phone-y baloney



Golden Chef Competition

Jim Spriggs (left), Federal Security Director for Missouri, addresses the media while Transportation Security InspectorCanine officer Jasmine Bourne stands with Eette.

ority target for criminal and terrorist organizations,” explained Spriggs. “We see these canines as a very effective tool to help not only detect potential explosive materials, but also as a deterrent for those people who may think that they could try to introduce [explosive materials] at an airport like Lambert. People shouldn’t be concerned when they see our canines working in the area. They are trained carefully to work around people. There will be more tails wagging than anything else.” In the midst of the busiest time of the year for travel, Spriggs advises that all potential plane passengers take the nec-

essary precautions before packing their bags. “It’s going to be a busy summer. Air traffic and air travel is up all over the country. I would encourage people to plan well. Take a look at and make sure you understand how to pack and what can and cannot be brought through the security checkpoint. I would also encourage people to get here well in advance. It’s a good idea to try to get to the airport two hours in advance so you don’t have any trouble getting through what is necessary before getting on the airplane.”


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Around Town Vol. 95 No. 19

In This Issue... Town 3 Around Win a $1,000 “staycation”

package by unleashing your civic pride and more.

8 School McCluer High students

win district’s Golden Chef Competition and more.

9 Business 2016 Greater North County Chamber Golf Tournament set for June 3 and more.

10 Sports Local sports with Gary B. & Play 11 Learn Featuring recipe and crossword.

12 What’s Happening 14 Classifieds 16 Movie Deconstructing the

financial crisis on film.

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May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •

Volunteers needed to help clean-up the Missouri River Missouri River Relief is hosting a community-based clean-up of trash from the banks of the Missouri River via motor boat on Saturday, May 14. The event will be headquartered at the Missouri River Boat Ramp at Sioux Passage Park at 17930 Old Jamestown Rd. in Florissant. The clean-up runs from 9 a.m. to noon, rain or shine. Volunteers can sign-in beginning at 8:30 a.m. and start boarding the boats at the Sioux Passage Park Missouri River Boat Ramp at 9:00 a.m. Volunteers will be shuttled to pre-scouted locations along the river to pick up tons of trash. Help is also needed after lunch to sort and haul trash for proper disposal. This is Missouri River Relief ’s annual river clean-up in the St. Louis area. Each year, different stretches of the Missouri and

Mississippi Rivers are targeted for trash clean-up. The severe winter flooding in the St. Louis area increased the amount of trash polluting the Missouri River and its adjacent banks, islands, and public recreation areas. Individuals, families and groups are encouraged to participate. People are urged to sign-up online at However, pre-registration is not required and people can show up the morning of the clean-up to register. Groups, individuals or families who are interested in participating in the clean-up also can contact the Missouri River Relief office in Columbia at 573443-0292 or email Event Coordinator at for more information.

COMMUNITY VOICES Living life jobless at 50-plus By Odie Smith We live in a society where finding employment for those who are age 50-plus that either have lost their jobs or want to reenter the workforce is challenging. The unemployed who are 50-plus years old are in difficult situations due to stereotypical mindsets. We fight against the “isms” such as, racism, disablism, ableism, etc., and to this list, “ageism” which are divisive practices within our communities. It is unfortunate that many believe that the 50-plus-years-of-age job seekers are less productive and a higher risk to the productivity of their business than those who are younger. I often wonder if the employers who embrace the mindset that younger is better, ever stop to think that one day they too may find themselves in the “50-plusyears-of-age” category, needing employment. A healthy workplace culture is one that embraces the experience, skill, and wisdom of the older worker coupled with the innovative technological skills and energy of the younger worker; this kind of workplace reflects the consumers of

our society. However, according to the April 2016 statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for individuals between the ages of 45-54 is 5.7 percent, and those that are age 55-plus is 5.0 percent, which is substantially lower than 25 percent reported in March 2013. Therefore, to escalate the continual decrease in the unemployment rate of the older workers, below are a few “tips” that can assist you or someone you know, with their pursuit for gainful employment. 1. Limit recording outdated experiences on your resume. 2. Display high regard to the job interviewer. By displaying respect to the interviewer (regardless of his or her age), you allow them to sense mutual reverence and appreciation. 3. Become familiar with the new technology terminology. It would be beneficial to you to investigate what type of technology that the company you are interviewing with requires their employees to know. Remember, the employer has certain

preferences and interests that the company desires for the applicant to possess which may be predetermined, so do not be discouraged because you did not acquire the job. If you are successful with getting an interview with a company, then you can be even more successful with your next interview, because now you have interviewing experience. You too will no longer be jobless at 50plus. Odie Smith is the Executive Director and Founder of Nu Beginnings Employment Organizers, a 501(c)3 employment ministry. In 2011 Odie and his wife Daval established Nu Beginnings Employment Organizers, an organization working with individuals in Missouri, Illinois and other communities in the United States by offering employment assistance and professional career guidance. The opinions expressed in this column are the columnist’s alone and do not reflect the opinion of the owners or staff of Community News. • Community News – St. Louis County • May 11, 2016

Great weather brings out many for the Fifth Annual Document Shredding Day

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t wit ws

Photo courtesy city of Florissant Pictured is city staff, employees from Cintas and Meridian Waste Services assisting the public at the Fifth Annual Document Shredding Day at St. Ferdinand Park.

The Fifth Annual Florissant Resident Document Shredding Day was held on April 23 at St. Ferdinand Park- rear parking lot. All information was destroyed upon delivery in a manner to which it cannot be recognized or recreated. All paper will then be recycled. There was over

33,659 pounds of paper shredded. Cintas Document Management Company professionally shredded the information and Meridian Waste Services donated the cardboard recycles dumpsters.

Win a $1,000 ‘staycation’ package by unleashing your St. Louis civic pride In the spirit of unleashing civic pride, the St. Louis Civic Pride Foundation is partnering with Ameren Missouri to launch the neighborhood pride initiative ‘Lucky to Live Here.’ A social media contest, Lucky to Live Here brings together community groups, bloggers, civic leaders and residents to celebrate St. Louis neighborhoods. The contest runs through May 31. At the end of the contest, one lucky winner will receive the grand prize: a $1,000 “staycation” package that includes a two-night hotel stay, brunch, drinks, dinner and a $50 gift card for the activity of their choosing in the neighborhood of their choice. They’ll also receive a “Lucky to Live Here” tshirt from STL Style. In addition, the neighborhood with the most mentions throughout the contest will win a marketing package courtesy of Explore St. Louis. “From South Grand to Florissant, our region’s unique character is defined by the amazing neighborhoods and their residents who make our region

such a special place,” said Brian Hall, executive director of the St. Louis Civic Pride Foundation and CMO of Explore St. Louis. “We are pleased to provide this program giving people from across the St. Louis region the chance to say why their neighborhood or community is a great place to live, work and play.” For an individual to participate in this contest, all one has to do is share a photo from a neighborhood and tell why it makes them feel lucky to live here. Each time a user shares a photo from a neighborhood, he or she is automatically entered to win the grand prize. Be sure to include the hashtags #LuckytoLiveHere and #ExploreStLouis to be eligible. This year’s contest will follow suit by fostering a culture of appreciation and celebration of St. Louis’ identity as a collection of unique neighborhoods and communities. For full details about Lucky to Live Here, please visit

Theater review:

By Christy Parks

Music to our ears – ‘The Sound of Music’ is brilliant from head to toe

Submitted photo Kerstin Anderson starred as Maria in the touring production of “The Sound of Music” that recently played at the Fox Theatre.

The classic Rogers and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music” premiered at the Fabulous Fox Theatre April 26 and ran through May 8. This spirited and beloved musical story on stage made this timeless, classic production fresh and alive once again. From the lead roles of Maria (Kerstin Anderson), Captain Georg von Trapp (Ben Davis) and The Mother Abbess (Melody Betts) to the polished performances of the Von Trapp children children (Paige Silvester, Jeremy Michael Lanuti, Maria Suzanne Knasel, Quinn Erickson, Svea Elizabeth Johnson, Mackenzie Currie and Audrey Bennett), the production was top notch! The lavish scene sets and costumes did not disappoint and the singing was phenomenal with a stand out performance by newcomer Anderson as Maria. Even though the movie was on my mind while watching the live production, I didn’t mind the subtle changes made for this live stage production. The production also included two songs that didn’t appear in the film. The melodies were beautiful and joyful and of course the heart of the story is one for all ages. What are some of my “favorite things?” This performance for one!



Around Town

May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •

Medical Memo: More than a flutter: How to know if your irregular heartbeat is atrial fibrillation

When asked to describe how atrial fibrillation feels, often patients will say it’s like their heart just flutters. This seemingly benign symptom could signal a much bigger issue. According to Elie Azrak, MD, SSM Health DePaul Hospital cardiologist, if you are experiencing heart symptoms – like a fluttering sensation – you should talk with your doctor. “Heart palpations can be a sign that something in your heart is not working properly,” said Azrak. “It is vital to find the cause of these symptoms and treat them promptly and properly to avoid more serious conditions or complications.” While heart palpations can indicate a number of heart conditions, one common condition is called atrial fibrillation. What is atrial fibrillation? Atrial fibrillation, also called AFib or AF, is a condition that causes a quivering or irregular heartbeat. It can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. According to the American Heart Association, approximately 2.7 million Americans live with atrial fibrillation. In a normal heart, the muscle contracts and relaxes to a regular beat. In patients with atrial fibrillation, the upper chambers of the heart – the atria – beat irregularly. This means the heart is unable to effectively move blood to the lower chambers – the ventricles. About 15 – 20 percent of people who have strokes also have atrial fibrillation. “When blood slows down or is allowed to pool in the body, the risk of developing a blood clot increases,” said Azrak. “It can also increase your risk for stroke.” If a blood clot comes loose, enters the blood stream and lodges in an artery leading to the brain, it can cause a stroke. This increased risk of blood clots is why patients with atrial fibrillation are typically put on blood thinners. Atrial fibrillation patients have an increased stroke risk of about five percent per year. Even though atrial fibrillation is the most common serious heart rhythm abnormality in people over the age of 65, many patients are unaware that it is a serious condition. Untreated atrial fibrillation doubles your risk of heart-related death and causes a four- to five-fold increased risk for stroke. What are the symptoms of atrial fibrillation? For many patients, the first sign of atrial fi-

Dr. Elie Azark

brillation is a quivering or fluttering heartbeat. The abnormal firing of electrical impulses in the heart causes the muscle to quiver. Sometimes people with atrial fibrillation do not notice any symptoms at all. For these patients, their condition is only detected during a physical exam by their doctor. Or, for some patients, the following symptoms indicate something is wrong: • General fatigue • Rapid and irregular heartbeats • Fluttering or “thumping” sensations in the chest • Dizziness • Shortness of breath coupled with anxiety • Weakness • Faintness or confusion • Fatigue when exercising • Sweating • Chest pain or pressure If you notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor to set up an appointment. If you experience chest pain or pressure, call 911. Chest pain or pressure is a sign you could be having a heart attack and medical care is needed immediately. “It is vital to call 911 immediately if you think you may be having a heart attack,” said Azrak. “When it comes to heart attacks, time is muscle. Don’t try to drive yourself to the emergency room. Call for an ambulance.” • Community News – St. Louis County • May 11, 2016

Around Town


By Cindy Moore

Moore On Life

Phone-y baloney Has this ever happened to you? You’re on a busy city sidewalk briskly walking against traffic with your nose deeply submerged in a handheld device intensely engrossed in the latest funny dog video sent to you by a bestie. Afterwards, it is only appropriate that you follow up by texting that friend to tell her how much you enjoyed the video and then courteously send her the latest cute puppy memes. As you step off the curb and are about to push send, out of the blue, a halfton SVU broadsides you in the brisket and you end up in traction for the next six weeks. Fortunately, it would never happen to me. I have more sense. I only deal in crazy cat videos. But, apparently this is happening all too often and action needed to be taken. So to further avoid these kinds of senseless accidents, law enforcement is now levying a pricey ticket on the spot to any dimwitted doo-doo head found texting and walking within city limits. And further, the authority will immediately confiscate the cellphone; lift the nearest manhole cover and toss the offending device into the depths of a dark smelly cesspool of sewage, thus teaching the wrongdoer an im-

portant lesson about safety and personal responsibility. Ha! Not really. That would be too logical and an easypeasy kind of fix which would totally eradicate this kind of nonsense. But we all know there is no room for such radical common sense concepts in today’s world. Instead, local authorities in one German town have opted for something more humane to the bumblebrained while incredibly costly to the lowly tax-paying citizen. They have embedded traffic lights into the

sidewalk which shine red to warn smartphone users to stop ahead, yellow to yield and green to go. Revolutionary! Now when cell users are checking their Facebook status or searching for the latest Instagram posting they won’t have to be distracted by something as annoying as a shattered femur. The only problem is that most pedestrian smartphone users have not even noticed that these sidewalk safety devices have been installed. You know, somebody should really text them. Cindy Moore is the mother of three superlative kids, servant of two self-indulgent felines and wife to one nifty husband. Her ficticious occupation? Archeological Humorist: someone who unearths absurdity and hilarity in strange and unusual places including public restrooms, the lint filter, and church meetings. Most recently, she excavated a find in her neighbor’s bird feeder. The opinions expressed in this column are Cindy Moore’s alone and do not reflect the opinion of the owners or staff of Community News.

Coldwater teacher receives more than $1,000 for DNA building kit Students in Stephanie Knights third grade classroom at Coldwater Elementary in the Hazelwood School District are now able to replicate DNA models thanks to a contributor. With this donation, Knight was able to receive a DNA replication and transcription kit, onion DNA extraction kit, and a strawberry DNA extraction kit. Merck Group, a leader in science and technology donated the $1,135 to Knights project. provides a simple way for people to donate money to help teachers meet their classroom needs. “These resources will impact the learning environment greatly,” said Knight. “Having the students build DNA models will help them visualize DNA in all living things. Students will know

what DNA is, how it is extracted and the role it plays in inherited traits.” Founded in 2000, has helped fund more than 600,000 classroom projects and has affected more than 17 million students across the country. In Missouri alone, has helped fund more than 12,000 classroom projects and has affected more than 300,000 students. “When teachers receive donations or grants, students immediately benefit,” said Melanie Davison, principal of Coldwater Elementary. “Stephanie will not only have better access to materials and lessons, but the students will have better access to materials and lessons, which leads to greater success in college and in life.”

Local Author Spotlight: Angela Lamb Author Angela Lamb ate whatever she wanted and found little time for physical activity as a child. Her habits improved as an adult but only marginally. As she approached middle age, she was faced with a scary hospitalization. She wasn’t diagnosed with something as common and well known as diabetes. Her body decided it had enough of the processed food, chemical drinks and lack of exercise. Her body began to attack itself by developing a blood clotting disorder. Angela’s first mission was to reverse a lifetime of bad habits and become well. Angela’s second mission was to motivate others to live a long healthy lifestyle. Angela lives in St. Louis with her husband and two young daughters. She is very grateful every day that she now has her health and has been given the gift to continue to watch her daughters grow and flourish. Do you struggle to have your children make healthy food and lifestyle choices? Would you like them to get outside and be more active rather than sit on their computers and play video games for hours on end? Are your children always asking for candy and on their own do not make nutritious foods choices? Introduce them to Superhero Healthy Henry - a healthy living superhero and positive role model. In “Superhero Healthy Henry Discovers Planet Earth” in a fun and clear way, he shows his unhealthy Earth friend Dan why it is important to be healthy. As a result, Dan becomes much healthier and helps others do the same. The book includes fun, kid friendly jokes as a bonus. Healthy habits begin early. Start your child on the right path to lifelong health. The book is available for purchase on Amazon.


Around Town

May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •

Florissant electronic recycle event a success

Pictured is MRC employees and city staff that assisted the public during the event.

An overflow of people came to the event to recycle electronic devices which included TVs, computer equipment, stereos and household appliances on April 16 in St. Ferdinand Park in Florissant at the rear parking lot. Midwest Recycling Center staffed the event with their employees and provided the necessary equipment which

Photo courtesy city of Florissant

helped make this event another success. Adjustments to this popular event will be made to accommodate the ever increasing popularity of this environmentally friendly recycling event which is another demonstration of Florissant’s commitment to saving our environment.

Secretary of state halts St. Louis-based investment scheme Secretary of State Jason Kander shut down an investment scheme run by Patrick Pinkston of St. Louis, who owns Mad Baby Pictures, LLC. Pinkston, who was not registered to sell securities in Missouri, used online advertising to solicit people in Barcelona, Spain, to help shoot a film. A 63-year-old woman lost $25,000 in the scheme. “The Internet makes it easier for scammers to contact potential investors across the globe,” Kander said. “Whether you’re approached with an investment opportunity by someone you trust or a stranger, it’s important to call my office to check if an individual and the investments they offer are registered.” The cease and desist order alleges that after a meeting in St. Louis in August 2013, the investor agreed to invest $25,000, which Pinkston said would be used for pre-production purposes. The investor wanted to be credited as a producer and an actress in the film, along with receiving a five percent “membership interest” in the company, among other arrangements. According to the order, the investor asked for a refund in 2014, which Pinkston said he didn’t have at the time, but it would be repaid if more investors supported Mad Baby Pictures, LLC. Eventually, Pinkston stopped responding to the investor’s requests. To date, the investor has not received any returns. The order also alleges Pinkston commingled investor funds with his own and used them for personal expenditures, including cash withdrawals, rent and utility payments, restaurants and payments to friends and families. The investor never received her initial investment or any returns on her investment. Kander’s order seeks full restitution, fines and the costs of the investigation.

Vote Best of Northwest Chamber 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County • May 11, 2016

City Of Florissant receives the prestigious McReynolds Award On April 21 the city of Florissant was awarded the McReynolds Award at the 2016 Statewide Preservation Annual Honor Awards ceremony for the video series “Florissant’s Historic Treasures.” The prestigious McReynolds Award is awarded to groups or individuals who have made significant achievements in the field or are in the midst of a longterm preservation project. The McReynolds awards are among the most important awards given out each year by the Missouri Preservation Office. The Landmark Historic District Commission has been recognized for their own goPhoto courtesy city of Florissant ing work in the area of historic education and bringing an area On April 21 the city of Florissant was awarded the McReynolds Award at the 2016 Statewide Preservation Annual Honor Awards ceremony for the video series “Florissant’s Historic Treasures.” wide cultural awareness to the beautiful historic properties located in the city of state capitol building. Gerard Henke, Florissant Councilman Ward 6, Phil Lum, Building ComFlorissant. Some of the fellow recipients for Preservation missioner and Dianne Lehmann from the Public Awards this year are the city of St. Louis for the Works Department, Kerry Luster and Dan Gopreservation of The Arcade Building, city of In- laszewski from the Florissant Media Department dependence and Jackson County for the interior as well as Patty Sosa, Dan Call and Christine Kiel renovation of the Truman Courthouse and the of the Landmarks Historic District Commission preservation of the Old Post Office in St. Charles, were all in attendance to receive the award from Lt. Governor Peter Kinder. just to name a few. The ceremony took place in Jefferson City at the

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Home & Garden Section in Classifieds page 15

City of Hazelwood presented with prestigious finance award for 18th consecutive year

Photo courtesy city of Hazelwood At a recent city council meeting, Mayor Matthew Robinson presented Hazelwood’s Director of Finance Lori Helle with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.

The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to the city of Hazelwood by the Government Finance Officers Assocation (GFOA) of the United States and Canada for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). This is the highest form of recognition that a city can receive for its financial reporting, and the city of Hazelwood has been presented with this award for the past 18 consecutive years. Every year, Hazelwood submits a comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) to the GFOA and they look at it and determine whether it meets the high standards they put in place. Attaining this honor represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. “What this means is that we have presented a financial report that makes it easier for end-users to read and clearly demonstrates the city’s financial status. So it’s a very prestigious award and

I’m honored to share it with my department employees who work so hard to maintain this level of excellence,” said Lori Helle, Hazelwood Director of Finance. An award of Financial Reporting Achievement has been awarded to the individual(s), department or agency designated by the government as primarily responsible for preparing the awardwinning CAFR. This has been presented to Lori Helle, Director of Finance. The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program including demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving approximately 17,500 government finance professionals with offices in Chicago and Washington, D.C.




May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •

McCluer High students win district’s Golden Chef Competition St. Louis - 636-294-3012

St. Charles - 636-333-9788

Photo courtesy Ferguson-Florissant School District McCluer High culinary students, seniors (l to r) Ciere Hunter, Chakira Tompkins, (Gwendolyn Harres-instructor), Khalil Joiner and Jordan Freeman beat culinary students from McCluer North and McCluer South-Berkeley High Schools to win the district’s Golden Chef competition

The McCluer High School culinary team is the winner of the Ferguson-Florissant School District’s second annual Golden Chef Competition. The team, comprised of seniors Ciere Hunter, Chakira Tompkins, Khalil Joiner and Jordan Freeman, won the competition with their stuffed spinach biscuits. The Golden Chef competition is sponsored by Aramark and brings together culinary teams from the district’s three high schools -- McCluer, McCluer North and McCluer South-Berkeley. Teams are given 40 minutes to complete a dish using a mandatory ingredient, which for this year’s com-

petition was spinach grown by Earth Dance Farms in Ferguson. They were judged on taste, originality and plating. Students were also challenged to make a smoothie while riding a smoothie bike. The smoothie bike uses physical energy (bike riding) to blend together ingredients to make a smoothie. “The event was very competitive, and the judges had a difficult time making a decision,” said Kelly Bristow, the district’s registered dietitian. Family and Consumer Science teacher Gwendolyn Harres instructs the McCluer High culinary team.

SCC women’s soccer signs four recruits for fall 2016 season

St. Charles Community College women’s soccer welcomes four signees for the fall 2016 season. Recruits include Amanda Heider, Breana Colombo, Kelli Jungewaelter and Samantha Garvilla. “All four players are going to elevate our games,” said Josh Tyler, head coach of SCC women’s soccer. “They are all quality players that should step in right away and make an immediate impact on the field.” Amanda Heider (Hazelwood Photo courtesy SCC West High School) Standing (from left) are Josh Tyler, SCC women’s soccer head coach; Steve Mayes, Hazelwood Heider played club ball at Mis- West assistant coach; and Jason Sellers, Hazelwood West head coach. Seated (from left) are souri Rush for Coach Diane Mo- Marsha Heider, Amanda’s mother; Amanda Heider and Mark Heider, Amanda’s father. nahan. At Hazelwood West High School, she was part of an All-Academic Award “She is a hard-nosed player who stops at nothing Team. In 2014, she was awarded Second-Team until she wins the ball.” All-Conference, and in 2015, she was awarded Samantha Garvilla (Francis Howell High First-Team All-Conference. School) “Amanda came to our winter session at SCC, Garvilla is a three-time State Cup Champion and I immediately noticed her work ethic,” Tyler with the St. Louis Scott Gallagher Soccer Club, said. “She has great field presence, and I believe coached by Scott Stephan. She attended Darlingshe is prepared to work hard at the next level.” ton School in Rome, Georgia her freshman and Breana Colombo (Oakville Senior High) sophomore years of high school on a soccer scholColombo played club ball with the AFA Fillies arship. After tearing her ACL for the third time, Soccer Club for Coach Jason Wyland, who is also she came back to Francis Howell High School and the women’s soccer’s assistant coach at SCC. She switched to the goalkeeper position. attends Oakville Senior High. She plans to major She is a two-year varsity player at Francis Howin criminology at SCC. ell High School, under the direction of Head “Bre has been battling to get back to the level Coach Brady Demling. Garvilla also earned Allshe was at, and I have full confidence she will be a Academic Honors. “I have been very impressed great asset for SCC on the field,” Wyland said. with Sam, not only as an incredible athlete, but as Kelli Jungewaelter (Oakville Senior High) a person,” Tyler said. “She has persevered through Jungewaelter also played club ball with the 10 surgeries and has continued to be dedicated to AFA Fillies Soccer Club for Wyland. She attends play at a high level. I see players quit playing afOakville Senior High, where she is an honor roll ter one surgery, so this is quite a testament to her student and was named 2014-15 Student of the dedication to be the best she can be.” Year. She plans to major in nursing while at SCC. SCC starts practice on Aug. 1. The game sched“Kelly is one heck of a competitor,” Wyland said. ule will be released in the next month. • Community News – St. Louis County • May 11, 2016

Bethesda adds strategy and business development vice president

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Nathan D. Darling has joined Bethesda Health Group as the organization’s new Corporate Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, announced Joseph J. Brinker, President and Chief Executive Officer. Darling, who has nearly 20 years of experience in business development and strategic direction, will assume responsibility for identifying new opportunities to help grow Bethesda’s business, as well as cultivating and expanding opportunities with Bethesda’s current business partners and preferred providers. “As we at Bethesda continue to engage healthcare partners throughout the St. Louis area for collaborative opportunities, it was vital to identify a candidate with the appropriate background and experience to further develop these relationships,” says Brinker. “Nathan has the skill set that matches our needs perfectly, and we look forward to many years of success.” Submitted photo Prior to joining Bethesda, Darling served as Director of Busi- Nathan D. Darling has joined Bethesda Health ness Development at Fresenius Medical Care, where he was Group as the organization’s new Corporate Vice responsible for driving revenue, and obtaining growth partner- President, Strategy and Business Development ships and new market development.

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2016 Greater North County Chamber Golf Tournament set for June 3 The Greater North County Chamber of Commerce will hold its 2016 Golf Tournament on June 3 at the Golf Club of Florissant at 52 Country Club Lane in Florissant. The 2016 Golf Tournament Event Sponsor is SSM Health DePaul Hospital-St. Louis. The $100 pre-paid entry fee ($110 the day of the event) includes 18 holes with a cart, lunch, dinner and drink tickets. Tournament will feature several contests, mulligans, skins, attendance prizes and more. Event has a noon shotgun start. Registration and lunch will begin at 11 a.m. Other sponsors to date include Eagle Sponsor: Commercial Bank; Beverage Cart Sponsors: Gary’s Automotive Services and Hear Today; Meal Sponsors: Hutchens Mortuary and Valley Industries; Hole in One Sponsor: Paul Cerame Auto Group; Putting Contest Sponsor: Nimmons Wealth Management; Longest Drive Sponsor: Handyman True Value Hardware; Closest To The Pin Sponsor: Life Care Center of Florissant; Cooler of Booze Sponsors: Catering To You and Morrison Travel & Cruise. Dinner provided by Longhorn Steakhouse—Florissant and Hazelwood locations. For more information on sponsorships or to register to golf, call the chamber office at 314831-3500.



May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •

Sports you see with Gary B... Rascals are ‘armed’ in search of post season again The River City Rascals play professional baseball in the West Division of the Frontier League at the CarShield Field in O’Fallon. As the 2016 season begins on the road for six games before starting at home the end of next week, the team has a strong presence on the mound. Four of the primary starters last year have dropped to three returning with team leader out of the bullpen in earned run average (ERA) Will Schierholz. Joe Scanio was a ninegame winner last season with team high 80 strikeouts. The former player in the St. Louis Cardinals organization finished with a 9-6 record and maintained a 3.63 ERA, best out of the 2015 starting rotation. Baseball America listed Lucas Laster as one of the top prospects in the league. In his final 21 innings he had a very stingy 1.71 ERA. The southpaw starter finished up his collegiate career at Mississippi State and then signed with the Rascals on June 14, making his debut four days later. With the best record in the league 11-0 last year, starter right-hander Tim Koons starts his third year. He also is the last Rascals player to throw a complete game, allowing one run on four hits and struck out nine in Florence. His 6’5” stature is a large stature on the mound. An even taller pitcher at 6’-6”, right-hander Clint Wright is also in his third season and compiled an 8-8 record with a 4.51 ERA. For more information go to * Some big guns on the mound

Nine days to River City Rascals Baseball in O’Fallon

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Visit Forrest Keeling’s all-new Habitat Headquarters in Elsberry.

in the back yard to the back forty! Forrest Keeling Nursery

Two golfers named to conference team Freshman Salome Bleuler and senior Renee Verboven of the University of Missouri-St. Louis women’s tennis team have recently been named to the All-Great Lakes Valley Conference Team. Bleuler is 21-8 in singles, playing mostly at the No. 2 spot, which includes a 4-1 GLVC mark. In doubles, Bleuler is 17-9, including 13-4 with Patricia Maya. The duo was 11-5 at No. 1. Verboven earns All-GLVC honors for the third time in her career. She owns a team-best 23-6 record and posted a 3-2 GLVC mark. In doubles,


Verboven is 16-13. The duo has helped UMSL to a 17-7 overall record, which ties a school record for victories. * Great results on the court Women and men golfers heading to regionals For the third-consecutive season, the Lindenwood women’s golf team has been chosen to participate in NCAA postseason play. The Lady Lions were one of the 12 teams selected to participate at the NCAA central region tournament. For the second-time in program history, the Lindenwood men’s golf team has qualified for NCAA postseason play. The Lions were one of 10 teams selected to compete at the NCAA central region tournament. * The links have been kind Indoor football team picks up fourth win The River City Raiders were staying sharp prior to their next conference game as they played an exhibition game against the Missouri Rampage and racked up an impressive 62-13 victory. With a sluggish start, the team had a slim 20-13 lead at the half time horn. From there, the defense stepped up not allowing another point on the board. The offense took care of their side as they notched 21 point in each of the last two quarters. The Raiders last regular-season contest will be on the road this Saturday as they take on Chicago Blitz. * Impressive

I will be broadcasting the “STL Health and Wellness LIVE” show every Saturday from 9-11 am on 590 The Fan and Gary Baute, a St. Louis native, has hosted many radio shows from Health to Sports to Baby Boomer news. He was the EMCEE of the River City Rascals and St. Louis Swarm basketball team inaugural seasons and broadcasting for the indoor football teams over a decade. Has been writing sports since 1999 for the paper. • Community News – St. Louis County • May 11, 2016

Learn & Play


Recipe: Hydrate your way to a healthy summer Staying well-hydrated is especially important during the summer months. In addition to normal body functions, higher temperatures draw more water through perspiration, so consciously replacing your fluid content becomes essential for overall health. “Every system in your body – from reproduction and digestion to circulation, mood and memory – depends on water,” said Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D., and author of several nutrition and wellness books. However, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 44 percent of adults drink fewer than four

cups of water per day (less than half of the recommended eight glasses per day), and in some cases, no water at all. What many people don’t realize is that beverages aren’t the only way to hydrate your body. In fact, water-dense foods such as watermelon can also boost your hydration. Sweetly flavored, low-calorie watermelon is 92 percent water and offers several nutrients along with the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene. Whether eaten out of hand, tossed into a salad or blended in a healthy beverage, there are dozens of delicious ways a healthy serving of watermelon can help hydrate.

Watermelon Lemonade Serveings: 5 cups

Crave-worthy snacks. Thoroughly chill the watermelon then slice, ball or cube it for a quick, refreshing and juicy boost. For kids, cut one-inch slices of the watermelon then use cookie cutters to make fun shapes for snacking. Frozen treats. Puree watermelon, add chunks of fruit and pour into freezer molds for a sweet way to beat the heat. Healthy juices. Make a simple Watermelon Juice for a great post-workout snack, or try this flavorful Watermelon Lemonade to put a fresh spin on a summertime favorite. Another option: add watermelon to your favorite fruit shakes or smoothies for a new flavor twist. Salads and sandwiches. Easily add extra hydration into your regular meals by tossing chunks of watermelon into a salad or layering strips of the fruit on a sandwich or wrap. Find out even more mouthwatering ideas and recipes at

Watermelon Juice Servings: Vary, depending on watermelon size

Ingredients: 1 watermelon, washed and cut into chunks. Directions: Blend 2-3 cups watermelon at a time until

smooth. Strain into serving pitcher, if desired. Note: If not strained, juice will need to be stirred until blended prior to serving.

Crossword Puzzle Theme: Children’s Stories

Ingredients: 1/2 cup lemon juice 2 1/2 cups water 2/3 cup agave syrup 2 cups watermelon chunks


Directions: Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Serve over ice.

Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all the digits 1 through 9.

See solution on page 13

ACROSS 1. Model material 6. Kind of story 9. Ginger-flavored cookie 13. *Severus Snape, ____ provocateur 14. Romanian money 15. Upholstery choice 16. Give sheep a haircut 17. Bruin legend Bobby ___ 18. Unlawful firing 19. *11-year-old spy 21. *Velveteen creature 23. Common inquiries 24. *Master gave it to Harry Potter’s Dobby 25. Home of “Today” show 28. One of deadly sins 30. Dogma 34. Spanish earthen pot 36. Prayer leader in a mosque 38. Jet setter’s ride 40. “____, Born is the King of Israel!” 41. *Rabbit’s first name 43. Talk like a drunk 44. Inundated 46. “The Way We ____” 47. Exhibiting good health 48. Holy water holder 50. TV classic “____ Make a Deal” 52. Jordan Spieth’s helper 53. Roentgen’s machine 55. Gear tooth 57. *Green ____ of Avonlea 60. *Norton Juster’s “The ____ Tollbooth” 64. Shrewdness 65. Tint 67. “Door,” à Paris 68. Orderly arrangement 69. Young newt 70. Gives off 71. Word on a door 72. Numbers, abbr. 73. Audition tapes DOWN 1. Loud get-together 2. Turkish honorific 3. Suggestive look 4. Eat when very hungry 5. Relating to a heart chamber 6. Vegas bandit

7. Over, in poems 8. Donkey in Latin America 9. Acid gritty-textured fruit 10. Not final 11. Sir Mix-____-____ 12. *Charlie Brown’s friend, Pig____ 15. Cursor-moving button 20. Provide with gear 22. Part of a play 24. Formal and imposing 25. *This Strega was a ____ 26. What chinook does 27. Sole traction aid 29. Old World duck 31. *Ogden ____ of “The Tale of Custard the Dragon” fame 32. Audience’s approval 33. Car rack manufacturer 35. “The Sun ____ Rises”

37. Bébé’s mother 39. *Shel Silverstein’s generous plant 42. Throw up 45. “Brave New World” author 49. “Before” prefix 51. Like lathered hands 54. Anemic-looking 56. *Earthman in “The Chronicles of Narnia” 57. Buddhist teacher 58. What snob puts on 59. Ho-hum 60. *Winn-Dixie and Ribsy, e.g. 61. Barbershop request 62. *Anne Frank’s father 63. ____ hall 64. Between generations 66. Flying saucer acronym See answers on page 13


What’s Happening

May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •

Send your event to and we'll print it! Events May 11: Karaoke

Karaoke at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105 located at 410 St. Francois from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314-831-6121.

May 13: Dinner

Chicken fried steak or meatloaf served at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, located at 410 St. Francois from 4 to 7 p.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314-8316121.

May 13: Panel discussion

“Dismiss the Myths” is an informative open panel discussion about independent senior living, supportive services, funeral homes, aging in place and hospice from 3:30 -4:30 p.m. at the Villa at Riverwood. Seating is limited, please RSVP with Shari at 314-839-5000.

May 14: Salad tasting

Flavors of 5-Star is the second of a four part series featuring salads. The Villa at Riverwood will have four of its most popular salads for you to taste and judge from 1:30-3 p.m. Seating is limited, please RSVP at 314-839-5000.

May 14: Texas holdem

Texas holdem with a $10 buy-in and great prizes at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105 located at 410 St. Francois starts at 5 p.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314-831-6121.

May 14: Missouri River cleanup

Missouri River Relief is hosting a community-based cleanup of trash from the banks of the Missouri River via motor boat. The event will be headquartered at the Missouri River Boat Ramp at Sioux Passage Park at 17930 Old Jamestown Rd. in Florissant. The cleanup runs from 9 a.m. to noon, rain or shine. Volunteers can signin beginning at 8:30 a.m. and start boarding the boats at the Sioux Passage Park Missouri River Boat Ramp at 9 a.m. Volunteers will be shuttled to pre-scouted locations along the river to pick up tons of trash. Help is also needed after lunch to sort and haul trash for proper disposal. Individuals, families and groups are encouraged to participate. People are urged to sign up online at However, pre-registration is not required and people can show up the morning of the cleanup to register. Groups, individuals or families who are interest-

ed in participating in the clean-up also can contact the Missouri River Relief office in Columbia, Missouri at 573443-0292 or email Event Coordinator for more information. Event details can be found at:

May 14: Farmers market

At the Ferguson Farmers Market, Benton’s Hair Salon presents no-sew vegetable bags from 9 – 11 a.m. Stop by and visit EarthDance’s Chickens to see how backyard chickens might be beneficial for you from 8 – 11:30 a.m. The Northern Arts Counci presents crafts for kids from 9 – 11 a.m. and there will be music by the Ritenour Jazz Band from 9 – 11 a.m.

May 14: Washers tournament

Florissant Eagles at 15245 New Halls Ferry Rd. will be holding the 5th Annual Washers tournament. There will be five lanes to choose from with a payout of first place 50 percent, second place 30 percent and third place 20 percent payout. Event starts at 1 p.m. Cost is $10 per two-person team. Come enjoy our beer garden and have some fun. Get there early to register your team.

May 14: “Shoot for a Cure” event

Make plans now to join the Friends of the Saint Louis University Liver Center for the Eighth Annual “Shoot for a Cure” fundraising event at the beautiful Strathalbyn Farms Club. Located on 140 pristine acres in the Weldon Spring area of St. Charles County, Strathalbyn Farms Club offers a unique private club environment for this benefit shooting event. The event is geared towards intermediate and experienced shooters. Event registration begins at 8 a.m. with a required safety meeting at 9:15 a.m. and shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. Breakfast will be served at 8:15 a.m. Sponsorships are available at various investment levels – for more information, contact the Friends of the Saint Louis University Liver Center at 314-576-3078. Teams may register for the event at a cost of $1,250 for a four member team, 100-shot course with 14-stations. Included in the team price is breakfast, clays and shells and beer and pretzels after the shoot. Proceeds will benefit the Friends of the Saint Louis University Liver Center. For more information about the “Shoot for a Cure” event and associated sponsorship opportunities, or to register a team, please contact the Friends organization at 314-576-3078 or via email at

Business Spotlight A place to find out a little more about your local businesses!

May 16: Golf fundraiser

The Christian Hospital Foundation is hosting their sixth-annual Golf Outing at Norwood Hills Country Club. The day includes lunch, shotgun start, on-course refreshments and games, and an awards reception with cocktails and dinner immediately after play. Proceeds from the outing will help the foundation continue in its mission to provide compassionate care and clinical excellence to more than 160,000 patients who visit Christian Hospital each year. The foundation also provides more than 10,000 area residents with free education and screenings each year. Sponsorships are still available and cost for a foursome is $800; individual play is $200; or cocktail/ dinner only is $70. For more information, please visit the website at www. or call the foundation office at 314-653-5162.

May 18: Karaoke

Karaoke at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105 located at 410 St. Francois from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314-831-6121.

May 21: Luncheon meeting

“How Public Policy Defined the Housing Demographic of North County” will be the program for the luncheon meeting of the American Association of UniversityWomen. Dr. Molly Metzger, Assistant Professor, George Brown School of Social Work, this discuss this topic. This presentation will delve into the history of housing policies and how these affected the whole St. Louis area. This program is presented by the Ferguson-Florissant (North County) branch of the American Association of University Women. The program for the luncheon will also include other short presentations and awards. The public is invited to attend. The luncheon will be held at Rizzo’s Restaurant, 1839 Dunn Road in Florissant, beginning at 11:30 am. Selections will be made from the luncheon menu. Reservations are required. For information or reservations, call 314-831-5359, 314-8316884 or e-mail gwestbrooks@hotmail. com.

a non-perishable food item. There will also be live music from Juan and Beelo from 9 – 11 a.m.

June 2: Bridge fundraiser

The St. Louis Bridge Center is pleased to announce that it has once again formed a team, as part of the ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) and Alzheimer’s Association’s The Longest Day Event, to raise funds for and increase awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease. In keeping with the theme of the fundraiser, the Bridge Center will host open and novice duplicate bridge games all day – at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Other activities include a raffle for dinner-for-four at Annie Gunn’s Restaurant, a silent auction, and a free bridge lesson at noon by Bruce Greenspan, an ACBL-accredited master bridge teacher. Linda Powers and Jane Ettelson are Co-Chairs for the event at the Bridge Center. More information is available at

June 11: 50th reunion picnic

May 21: Farmers market

Free Dinner and a screening of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” at the Villa at Riverwood. Dinner is at 5 p.m. and the movie starts at 6 p.m. Seating is limited, please RSVP at 314-839-5000.

At the Ferguson Farmers Market, Painted Effects presents building a window sash with hand tools, a handson event. There will be yoga presented by Om Turtle Yoga from 10 – 11 a.m., please bring a non-perishable food item. There will also be live music by Raw Earth from 9 – 11 a.m.

Pattonville class of 1966 picnic will be held at Vago Park in Maryland Heights from 10 a.m until 6 p.m. The picnic will feature lunch, snacks, music and drinks at a cost of $20 per person. For more information contact Betty Stealey Massey at or Carol Engelhardt Sullivan at

May 20: Pork steak dinner

May 25: Wednesday night out

June 11-12: Beaumont High School Reunion

May 20: Free dinner and move

Pork steaks served at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105 located at 410 St. Francois from 4 to 7 p.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314-831-6121.

May 20: Charity golf tournament

Soroptimist International of Greater St. Louis is pleased to announce its 18th annual All Women’s Charity Golf Tournament at the Golf Club of Florissant. Individual entry fee is $65 and includes nine holes with cart, dinner, attendance prizes and awards for longest drive and closest to the pin. Registration begins at 1 p.m., shotgun start scramble at 2 p.m. with dinner and awards at 5 p.m. The Golf Club of Florissant is located at 50 Country Club Lane in Florissant. This year’s theme is Tropical. Proceeds from the golf tournament benefit women and children’s charities. For more information please contact Margie Heppermann at 314-839-0565, Grace Zykan at 314-837-4881 or visit their website at

BBQ starts at 5 p.m., raffles and a band called Silver Wings Band go from 6 to 9 p.m. at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105 located at 410 St. Francois. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314-831-6121.

May 25: Karaoke

Karaoke at Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105 located at 410 St. Francois from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. All profits go to support veterans. For more information call 314-831-6121. May 27th: All you can eat Chicken dinner Dine In only. Florissant Valley VFW Post 4105, located at 410 St. Francois from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Please join us, all profits go to support Veterans. (314) 831-6121

May 28: Farmers market

At the Ferguson Farmers Market, Whistle Stop stops by with custard samples from 9:30 – 11: 30 a.m. and the Northern Arts Council presents crafts for kids from 9 – 11 a.m. There will be yoga presented by Om Turtle Yoga from 10 – 11 a.m., please bring

Beaumont High Schools graduating class of January and June 1946 will be holding their 70th reunion this June. This will be the final reunion for the Beaumont graduating classes of 1946. The reunion will consist of dinner at Clayton Plaza on June 11, followed by a lunch at the DoubleTree Hotel in Chesterfield on June 12. For more information contact Martha Strehle at 636-386-5587 or Marsha Hoeman 314-839-5156.

June 20: Charity golf event

The annual Jim Butler Charity Golf classic, benefitting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis, will be at the Country Club of St. Albans at 3165 St. Albans Road in St. Albans. The event will be a fun-filled tournament experience that includes afternoon tee times, golf, lunch, live and silent auction, dinner and awards program. Both courses will be available for the tournament. For more information, or to register, visit • Community News – St. Louis County • May 11, 2016 June 18: Golf fundraiser The Jennings Do-Dads are excited to announce the 23rd annual Juvenile Justice Scholarship Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will begin with an 8 a.m. shotgun start at Normandie Golf Club at 7605 St. Charles Rock Rd. in St. Louis County. The tournament format will be a four-player team, 18hole scramble. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each of four “flights.” There will be refreshments available during the event and all participants are invited to the Normandie Golf Club pavilion for food and beverages following the tournament. There will also be attendance prizes and plenty of fun for everyone. Team entry (four players) cost is $340 and includes greens fees, cart, limited beverages at course, attendance prizes and the posttournament food and refreshments. Limited to the first 36 teams, entry forms and fees are preferred by May 31, although you may register and pay up to the day of the tournament. You can also pay online with a major credit card via PayPal at Register and pay by May 31 and the cost per foursome will be reduced to $320.

June 20: Coed softball leagues registration

The city of Overland will offer adult coed recreational slow-pitch softball leagues Monday through Thursday at a cost of $450 per team for six week double headers and $300 per team for eight week single-header games. All leagues will be recreational and do not include playoffs. League games are set to start on August 1 - 8, 2016. Registration will be accepted starting June 20 through July 22 at the Overland Community Center at 9225 Lackland Road, during normal business hours. To reserve you spot in our upcoming leagues a 50 percent deposit or full payment is required along with a completed registration form. All remaining league fees must be paid before your second game. To obtain more information, please call 314-428-0490 or check us out online at: http://www.overlandmo. org/231/Adult-Softball-Leagues.

July 14: Charity golf tournament

United 4 Children announces their Annual charity golf tournament will be held at the Norman K. Probstein golf course in Forest Park at 6141 Lagoon Drive. This important event raises over $50,000 to help children

who are at-risk develop and thrive regardless of their fragile environments. Golfers will join us beginning at 12:30 p.m. with a shotgun start, followed by 18 holes of golf and an awards banquet at the club house. Tickets are $125 per player. Check out United4Children. org to register.

Aug. 14: Charity fundraiser

Hatz 4 Hearts will host its Second Annual Charity Fundraiser-supporting cancer patients. This charity fundraiser will be held at Voce located at 212 South Tucker in St. Louis. The partnership continues, Siteman Cancer Center, will be providing mobile screenings on site (in front of Voce). Women who qualify will receive a mammogram at no cost. The Sisters Saving Sisters screening campaign is scheduled to kick off at 1 to 5 p.m. We are encouraging women to get screened and “be in the know” regarding breast health. This year’s event features on of St. Louis’s own, Dirty Muggs, who will be performing diverse and eclectic music from their set list. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. We are asking the community to donate new hats or headwear for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Tickets for this event are $40 in advance or $45 at the door. You may also find out more information about Hatz 4 Hearts at

Recurring Events Mondays: A cappella singers

Men of Harmony a cappella singers meet at Salem Evangelical Free Church at New Halls Ferry at Pohlman Road at 7 p.m. Not church affiliated. Group is always looking for new members. Call Al at 314-993-6134 for more information.

Tuesdays: Choir rehearsals

What’s Happening


Florissant. For more info contact Paul or Connie McConnell, 314-831-5476.

Florissant Senior Citizens’ Bingo Clubs: 314.839.7604.

noon until dusk every Sunday - rain or shine. Great meat prizes awarded.

Every 4th Tuesday of the month: Fort Bellefontaine Memorial American Legion Post 335 meeting

Every 1st Wednesday of the Month: Stroke Support Group

Every Sunday: Tours at Old St. Ferdinand Shrine

3-4pm, Center for Senior Renewal, Detrick Building 1st floor, 11133 Dunn Rd. For more information, contact Jamie Stevens at 314.653.5331.

#1 Rue St. Francois St., Florissant, 1 – 4pm, through October. Donations accepted. Docents needed. 314.921.7582,

Every Friday: Our Lady of Fatima #4429 Knights of Columbus Bingo

Sundays: meeting

6:30pm, Fort Bellefontaine Memorial American Legion Post 335, 800 Chambers Road in Bellefontaine Neighbors. Those interested in membership are invited to attend.

Every Tuesday: Bingo Evening at Florissant Elks Lodge #2316

Doors at 4:30pm, games begin at 6pm, Florissant Elks Lodge #2316, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. in Florissant. For more information, call 314.921.2316.

Wednesdays: Are you interested in losing weight?

Check out TOPS #361 Florissant group of supportive ladies. Meetings are on Wednesday mornings beginning at 9:15 am at Bethel Providence Christian Church located at 14700 New Halls Ferry Rd in Florissant. If interested, please contact Shirley at 314-895-3528 for more information.

Every Wednesday: Bingo Morning at Florissant Elks Lodge #2316 Florissant Elks Lodge #2316, 16400 New Halls Ferry Rd. in Florissant. Doors at 7:30am, games begin at 9:30am. For more information, call 314.921.2316.

Bridgeton Trails Library Branch Programs:

3455 McKelvey Rd., St. Louis, 314.994.3300. Story Time: Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. 9 months to 2 yrs. Room 1 (Lap Time); Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. Ages 3–5. Room 2; Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. Ages 3–5. Room 1.

The St. Louis Chordinals, a women’s a cappella chorus, rehearse every Tuesday evening from 7 - 9:30 p.m. at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church at 12397 Natural Bridge Rd. in Bridgeton (next to the Bridgeton Government Center). For more information call Linda at 314-839-3495 or visit

Tuesdays: TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly)

From 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. located at John F. Kennedy Center/Henry Koch Ctr., Howdershell Rd. at Charbonier Rd.,

6:45pm, Knights of Columbus Hall, 1216 Teson Rd. in Hazelwood. For more information call 314.731.9330

Every 3rd Friday of the month: Bingo 2pm, Life Care Center of Florissant, 1201 Garden Plaza Dr. For more information, call 314.831.3752.

Last Saturdays: Writers Workshop: 10am - 1:30pm, Baden Liberary, 8448 Church Rd., 314.388.2400

Sundays: Meat shoot

Come and enjoy the meat shoots at American Legion Post 444 located on 17090 Old Jamestown Road between Sinks Rd and Lindbergh starting at SUDOKU answers from page 11



The Jennings Do-Dads hold meetings every third Sunday of the month (except June which is the second Sunday and no meeting in December) at 1 p.m. at Classics Bar & Grill at 11601 West Florissant Avenue. Those interested in membership are invited to attend. For more information visit www.

Church Tuesdays & Thursdays: Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church GriefShare Support Group

Tuesdays from 2 - 4pm and Thursday from 6:30 - 8:30pm, 11645 Benham Rd., 314.741.3737

CROSSWORD answers from page 11


May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •



NOVENA PRAYER TO ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, Pray for us. St. Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, Pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days, then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail.

P.S. Thank you St. Jude, R.H.

Garage Sale


over 2,500 pet burials; over 6 acres; over 40 yrs old. 314-576-3030

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Check it Out! • Community News – St. Louis County • May 11, 2016



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May 11, 2016 • Community News – St. Louis County •


“Money Monster”

By Steve Bryan

Deconstructing the financial crisis on film Jodie Foster, a prolific actress and director, steps behind the camera once again for “Money Monster,” a look at the financial world. George Clooney plays Lee Gates, the host of a popular investment program (think CNBC’s Jim Cramer in a very nice suit with better hair). A bankrupt investor arrives in the studio one day and, blaming the host for his situation, holds Gates hostage on live TV. Films like “Money Monster” hit very close to home. “The Big Short,” an Academy Awardwinner for best adapted screenplay, looked at the 2008 financial crisis and how it came to pass. Under Adam McKay’s direction, it deconstructed venerable institutions such as Lehman Brothers who, through their own hubris, cost countless people their homes. To his credit, McKay made the truth a little easier to digest with humor and celebrity cameos. Selena Gomez, for instance, appeared on camera to explain Collateralized Debt Obligations, a very real financial product being traded every day. Gomez explained it in terms of playing blackjack against a dealer while people are betting for or against her. The 1980’s saw a number of stock market influenced films. Kevin Bacon starred in “Quicksilver,” the tale of a broker who thinks he has a guaranteed investment. Unfortunately, Jack Casey, his character, put his father’s retirement fund on the line. After losing everything, Jack tries his hand at being a bicycle messenger before getting back into the stock market for one last score. No discussion of financial films is complete without “Wall Street,” which popularized the expression “Greed is good.” Michael Douglas’ Gordon Gecko believed in making money no mat-

ter what the personal cost. Charlie Sheen plays Bud Fox, an eager young stockbroker wanting to make his name on Wall Street. Fox becomes a part of Gecko’s scheme to get inside information and ultimately pays the price for his arrogance. Leonardo DiCaprio turned in an Oscar-worthy performance as Jordan Belfort in the loud and darkly funny “The Wolf of Wall Street.” His character, Jordon Belfort, was a real-life stock broker who made his fortune pushing low-priced “penny stocks.” Belfort, who ended up in prison, was a symbol of all the things that are wrong on Wall Street. As “Money Monster” prepares to open, one has to wonder if another financial bubble is ready to burst. The $1.1 trillion student loan market seems ready to collapse as even more students take unsecured loans. In some areas, large amounts of rental property are being constructed, leading to thoughts of a “rental bubble.” Ultimately, as these movies show, investors have to seek out trustworthy professionals but still make their own financial decisions. Folks like Jim Cramer definitely do not have all the answers. “Money Monster” photos courtesy of TriStar Pictures Born and raised in South St. Louis, Steve Bryan is now based in Anaheim, California, and has been allowed access to movie and television sets to see actors and directors at work. Though his writing has taken him far from St. Louis, Steve is, at heart, still the same wide-eyed kid who spent countless hours watching classic movies at neighborhood theaters.

It’s Time for a Revolution in Long-Term Care! Come join us June 10 and find out what that looks like

Join us for VOYCE’s 5th Annual Changing Landscape of Long-Term Care Conference. Hear national and local experts discuss dynamic strategies, innovative tools and available long-term care options.

June 10, 2016 8:00 am – 5:00 pm RENAISSANCE ST. LOUIS AIRPORT HOTEL 9801 Natural Bridge rd. St. louiS, Mo 63131 Luncheon fashion show featuring caregivers from the

st. Louis area

There will be two tracks throughout the day; one for professionals working in long-term care and one for the general public who are looking for answers to the complexity of long-term care. General Public Topics: • Having “The Other Talk” to Plan Long-Term Care with your family members • Demystifying Long-Term Care: Understanding Your Options • Empowering the Family to Advocate for Your Loved One • Compassion Fatigue: How to Self Care When You Can’t Give Any More

Professionals Working in Long-term Care Topics: • “It’s Time for a Revolution! Re-design and Re-Imagine Long-Term Care for All Members of the Care Plan Team” will discuss the dramatically changing health care landscape and how you can strive and thrive amidst change • What You Eat Impacts How You Live: Nutrition in Long-Term Care • Update on the- Missouri Quality Initiative (MOQI) Journey for reducing hospital readmission • Staff Stability and Engagement • How to Meet the Needs of Younger Populations in Long-Term Care • Compassion Fatigue: How to Self Care When You Can’t Give Any More • Ethics in “Move-Ins”: Bottom Line Versus Being Able to Sleep at Night Administrators and social workers earn 7.25 CEUs All registrations include free breakfast and lunch Speakers with a detailed description of their topics: Register: #LTCConf2016

Hosted by VOYCE




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