2023 - 2024 Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society Annual Magazine

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AN NUAL 2023 | 2024

Annual 2023 | 2024



44th Annual Production Sale Tuesday, 27th Feb, 2024 @ 11.30 Vic time

• 30 Outstanding Autumn & Spring drop Bulls • Selected Quality Stud & Commercial Heifers PTIC Complete Growth & Carcase BREEDPLAN data * Fully Guaranteed All bulls DNA tested * Delivered or Freight assisted All bulls semen tested Semen available from several trait leading sires

• • • •


Craig & Jacinta Grant, 3265 Coleraine, Vic 3315. Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society


Ph- 0427 704 227 Email: lindsaymgreys@activ8.net.au


President’s Report & Directors


Executive Officer’s Report & Staff


Milestone Members


The Year Ahead


In Memoriam

A N N UA L 2023 | 2024


New Zealand






United States


Robern Murray Grey Stud


Greymans Make Their Mark


Woodlands Station


Champion Of The World


Commercial Producer - Chris Hines


SA Murray Grey Beef


Waroona Goes International


Life Member Reflections


ARCBA Young Breed Leaders


www.ifarmwell.com.au online tool kit


Murray Grey “Hoofprint”


‘T’ Heifer DNA Incentive


Using Selection Indexes


Youth President Report


Youth Educational Weekend


SA Stud breeders under 30 to watch: Rebekah Branson


SA Stud breeders under 30 to watch: Amy and Prue Smith


Senior Ambassador NZ Trip


Sale Results & Reports


Show Results & Reports


Breed Promotion Groups Directory


Murray Grey Member’s Directory

Annual 2023 | 2024

COPYRIGHT Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society c/- ABRI. The Short Run University of New England, NSW 2351 murraygrey.com.au I 02 6773 2022 EDITOR Madeline Brockhoff Executive Office, MGBCS email mgsociety@abri.une.edu.au DESIGN Therese Donovan Graphic Design 0431 297 469 email theresedgd@outlook.com



PRESIDENTS REPORT Society President | Nigel Eylward

It has been good to see the displays of cattle, Stud animals as well as steers shown around at various shows with great results. To help breeders promote the breed while promoting their studs you can contact Maddie at the office for promotional material. So, when you are holding your next field day, sale or youth event, just make sure you contact the office with plenty of time for Maddie to send out some promotional merchandise to help promote the breed at your event. It will help if you advise the size of your event to the amount of merchandise you need also. The Murray Grey board continues to hold board meetings by zoom which is a saving to the society on travel cost. The Murray Grey board would like to see the positions of Vic and QLD filled. There will be elections of these states before the 2024 AGM. So if you know of someone that is good in marketing. with good ideas and will make the time, write a letter to the board and let us know.


The Society is again subsidising the T drop females DNA costs, all you need to do when scanning the animals is summit at least 1 performance data to Neogen though the society. You all are encouraged to participate in. Please contact the office for more information & DNA kits. I would like to thank Maddie for all her dedication and hard work as our EO, in the office and with social media. Also to thank my fellow Board members for your support and your continuing effort to improve the Murray Grey Breed. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hoping 2024 is a prosperous year for all. Regards,

Nigel Eylward



Nigel Eylward

Stephen Sims

Eylwarra Sands, 629 Walkingtons Hill Road, Bangham SA 5271

Aurora, 169 Smiths Lane, Numbaa NSW 2540

T: 0428 767 061 E: eylwarra@eylwarrasands.com

T: 0438 201 922 E: auroramurraygreys@gmail.com



Kurt Wise

Ella Anderson

Southend, Hensman Road, Katanning WA 6317

Cir-Ponds, 33 Gillam Creek Road, Mayberry TAS 7304

T: 0419 922 546 kurtwise90@gmail.com

T: 0488 099 322 E: ella.a@bigpond.com


Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

EXECUTIVE OFFICERS REPORT Executive Officer | Madeline Brockhoff

There is a great deal to report on as 2023 ends; with some new initiatives coming in as well as fine tuning some of the outstanding procedures that we already have in place. Before we get into the business side of things, I would first like to thank the Murray Grey Members and the Murray Grey Board for their understanding and support throughout the past year. Especially with my move to Wagga Wagga and working remotely from the ABRI Office in Armidale. Within the next year, the board and I are looking into improving the marketing and communications of the Society. Within this we will be reviewing the marketing budget as well as updating the current methods we have for marketing and communications. If you have any marketing experience, please send an email in or give me a call as I would love to hear from you. Effective from the 1st of January 2024we will be implementing a new animal identifier format (not the tattoo) to enhance compatibility with external programs and databases (i.e. DNA laboratories). The new format will incorporate the year digit before the letter, such as ABC24V1 instead of ABC V1 for animals born in 2024. This adjustment aims to minimise complications when registering animals, submitting DNA and integrating animals from external organizations like Angus Australia. The DNA turnaround time and current processes are being investigated by the Society and Neogen and we are looking to improve this by changing the process from:

To: Breeder email test request to office & collects samples – Office to create batch request and email Breeder DNA Acknowledgement – Breeder post samples and acknowledgement to Neogen – Neogen processes samples - Neogen reports results to office – Office reports results to Breeder. Sadly, throughout 2023 market conditions have created a less than optimal price outlook however the focus for me is the long-term future of the breed and increasing the number of members within the Society. We have had an increase in membership numbers, welcoming 36 new members. I hope that in the 2024 annual, I will be able to report that we have increased membership numbers again! This year has also seen some amazing results for breeders at Shows and Sales a testament to all the breeders who participated. Steer results throughout the year have also been phenomenal for the Murray Grey breed. It is great to see all the results coming in from all the shows – please remember however that I do not see every result of shows so if you could send me results from Murray Greys at Shows, I would be grateful! Bill Gates said “your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” so please if you have any questions or ideas feel free to email them through. Thanks,

Madeline Brockhoff

Breeder collects samples & posts to Office – Office to create batch request once samples received & posts to Neogen – Neogen processes samples - Neogen reports results to office – Office reports results to Breeder.





Boyd Gudex T: 02 6773 1711 E: boyd@sbts.une.edu.au

Maddie Brockhoff T: 02 6773 2022 M: 0478 753 441 E: mgsociety@abri.une.edu.au

MGBCS BREEDPLAN T: 02 6773 3555 E: murraygrey@breedplan.une.edu.au

Annual 2023 | 2024



M IL E STO N E M EMB ER S In commemorating the accomplishments of breeders within the Society who have achieved significant milestones this year, it is essential to extend our gratitude to every breeder for their invaluable contributions. While we highlight the achievements of specific individuals, it is crucial to acknowledge the collective efforts of all members, as their dedication and passion are the driving forces behind the Society’s success.


Apollo Murray Greys


Bundaleer Murray Greys


Bookoola Murray Greys




Baroona Park Murray Greys


Marella Murray Greys

30 YEARS G69

Colombo Pastoral Company Pty Ltd


Jacaranda Murray Greys


Nata-Lea Murray Greys


Lana Downs Murray Greys


Rouchelle Murray Greys


Kentsie Murray Greys

WMM Southend Murray Greys


Mundalola Murray Greys


Karakara Murray Greys


Pondyong Murray Greys


Micanker Murray Greys


Sixpence Park Murray Greys


Mark Schubert


Glen & Sue Williams




Atriem Murray Greys


Brookhampton Murray Greys


Cir-Ponds Murray Greys


Fire-Ro Park Murray Greys


Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Woodbourn Murray Grey Sale Est: 1969

54 years of dedication to Murray Greys

Monday 25th March 2024 at 12.30pm at Cressy, Northern Tasmania

Offering: 40 bulls and 30 females

The quality of animals offered at the 2023 sale

Woodbourn offers New sires represented in the 2024 sale team Full Breedplan figures • Free freight to Melbourne Assistance for road freight • Sire verification Bulls semen tested • All females PTIC Myostatin status in catalogue • Inoculated 7 in 1 All sale animals guaranteed All animals BVDV tested free and inoculated

Take your car, be independent. No luggage restrictions. New sailings from Geelong - 1800 634 906 Urgent book early

13 13 13

13 15 38

13 67 89

Or… fly from your local capital city direct to Launceston.

CONTACT DETAILS: Charles Wallace: 054 018GREYS • Ben Lane: 0439 224 211 7 Annual 2023 | 2024 0409 397 628 • Janet Wallace: 0407 MURRAY AROUND THE WORLD wallace@intas.net.au www.woodbournstud.com.au Follow us on Facebook.




New Years Day


Elders Beef Female Sale | 65 Mated Murray Grey Heifers | Contact Cameron Harris 0429 680 334


REMINDER - Membership Renewals


Australia Day


Atriem Murray Greys | Open Day | On Property - 175 Ashes Bridge Road, Tallarook VIC | Contact - Steve 0407 788 990


Ballyvaughn Murray Grey Stud Open Day @ Clare SA


Lindsay Murray Greys Open Day | On Property, Pigeon Ponds via Coleraine VIC


Bottlesford Murray Greys & Carrsview Murray Greys Open Day


Eylwarra Sands Murray Greys Open Day


Tullibardine Bull Sale | 1pm WA Time | On Property @ 34605 Albany Road, Green Valley, Albany WA | Contact Alistair 0427 532 035


TAS Junior Beef Expo


Royal Canberra Show


Venturon On Property | 1pm WA Time | 10 MG Bulls on offer | Onproperty at the Venturon Sale Complex, 52 Sambell Rd Boyup Brook WA | Jamie Abbs - Nutrien Deane Allen- Elders Harris Thompson Venturon Livestock 0488493713


Melaleuca Bull Sale | 1pm WA Time | On Property - 859 Pfieffer Road, Many Peaks WA | Contact Richard 0458 468 003 or Nigel Hawke (Elders Albany) 0429 479 467


Lindsay Sale | 11:30am AEST | On Property, Pigeon Ponds via Coleraine VIC | 30 Autumn & Spring Drop Bulls, Selected Quality Stud & Commercial Heifers PTIC | Contact Craig 0427 704 227


Invitational All Breeds Bull Sale | Online - AuctionsPlus | Contact – Elder James Culleton



Southend Murray Grey Sale | 264 Ranford Road, Katanning WA | Offering 55 Quality Autumn & Spring Bulls & 80+ Outstanding yearling Heifers (Stud & Commercial) | Contact Kurt 0419 922 456 GENERAL INFORMATION & REPORTS


Armidale Show Murray Grey Feature Breed


Monterey Bull and Female Sale | On Property - 34 CAPEWELL RD KARRIDALE, WA | Contact Gary 0419 958 579 & Julie 0408 958 531


GinGin MCBA Bull Sale | 1pm WA Time | GinGin Showgrounds | Contact - Nutrien


WA Supreme Bull Sale | Wed 20th March 2024 | Brunswick Showgrounds | Contact - Cameron Harris 0429 680 334


Woodbourn Sale | Woodbourn Sale Complex, Cressy TAS, 12:30pm | Offering 40 bulls & 30 females | Contact Charles 0409 397 628 | Janet 0407 054 018 | Ben Lane 0439 224 211


Green Triangle Murray Grey Sale | Arki Property – 3619 Naracoorte Road Western Flat SA | Offering 26 Bulls, 5 Stud & 55 Commercial Females | Contact - Geoff & Kate Buick 0438 582 071 | Denise & Anthony Fabris 0407 566 341

29 Mar1 Apr Easter 31

REMINDER Membership Renewals Due

APRIL 22 Mar2 Apr Sydney Royal Easter Show 5

REMINDER - Inventory Sent Out


Daylight Saving Time Ends (SA, Vic, TAS & NSW Change your clocks!)


Ayr Park On Property Sale & Female Reduction Sale | 578 Goodacre Drive, Woodstock NSW 2793 | Offering in calf heifers, 3 in 1 cow & calf packages & Stud MG Bulls | Contact Ian (0402 008 191) or Narelle (0437 745 185) ayrpark@bigpond.com


55th Murray Grey National Show & Sale in conjunction with the Murray Grey Youth Stock Show


AGM (to follow from the National Show & Sale)


ANZAC Day Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society




Rockhampton BEEF2024


Monterey Winter Bull Sale | Brunswick Showgrounds, Ridley St, Brunswick WA 6224 | Contact Gary 0419 958 579 & Julie 0408 958 531


REMINDER Inventory to be Returned




REMINDER - M1 Forms Sent out


Wallawong Bull Sale | Contact Lachlan 0402 839 373


Top of The Range Murray Greys Sale 11:30am @ Glen Innes Sale Yards NSW interfaced with AuctionsPlus | Offering 40 Murray Grey Bulls, Stud Females & Commercial Females

AUGUST 10-18

Brisbane Royal EKKA


Waroona Murray Greys Sale | Contact - Graham Hobbs 0429 076 617

20 - 22 AgQuip

Annual 2023 | 2024

Aug 31 Sep 8 Royal Adelaide Show 26 Sep 6 Oct Melbourne Royal Show 30

REMINDER - Inventory Payment Due


Daylight Saving Time Starts (SA, Vic, TAS & NSW Change your clocks!)


Premier Murray Grey Sale | Contact - Geoff Buick 0438 582 071 or Denise Fabris 0407 566 341


Royal Hobart Show


Mount Major Sale | Contact Brett Davidson 0459 999 662


Rememberance Day


National Ag Day




REMINDER Animals made Inactive if Inventory Unpaid



IN MEMORIAM Farewelling those lost in 2023

Joan Heard

It is with great sadness that we advise of the passing of Joan Heard from Rockleigh Murray Grey stud, Bendigo. Joan, and partner, the late Muriel Morrish started working with Murray Greys in 1968 and later registered their herd in 1972 with the MGBCS. At the height of their breeding program, Rockyleigh had 80 stud registered breeders with many grass-fed carcass championships under their belt. But perhaps Joan’s biggest legacy is the many new friends and Murray Grey breeders created through a life devoted to the promotion and advocacy for the breed. We offer sincere condolences to Joan’s family and friends at this sad time.

Catherine McGoldrick

24.05.1958 - 31.08.2023

It is with sadness, Amba, Ryan, and I (Tim) share the news of the passing of our Mum, Catherine McGoldrick, on Thursday, 31st August, at Orange Hospital.

To her beloved grandchildren, Emily, Hanna, and Logan, she was affectionately known as “Crumb”. Her influence and love will leave a forever lasting impact on their young lives

This news might come as a shock to most as only nine weeks ago, Mum was diagnosed with cancer. She decided being the private person she was, not to share this battle with many people.

Honouring her wishes, we won’t be hosting a funeral. Instead, we’ll celebrate her life at her farm in Cowra.

Throughout her life, Mum had a gift for forming connections. Both in Berry, on the South Coast where she spent the majority of her years teaching, and most recently in Cowra, where she forged lasting friendships and touched the lives of countless students. Her farm in Cowra, her dogs, and her lifelong passion for Murray Grey cattle were a testament to her love for life’s simple and genuine pleasures. 10


As we process this loss, we are comforted by the cherished memories we hold of Mum, Crumb, Catherine. Her enduring influence and light will forever remain with us. We’re grateful for your love and support. Warm regards,

Amba, Tim, Ryan, and Family Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Contact: Kareena Dawson 0476 243 333

TINTARA MURRAY GREYS Annual 2023 | 2024

Selling at 2024 Top Of The Range Murray Grey Sale GENERAL INFORMATION & REPORTS


NEW ZEALAND: TORRISDALE MURRAY GREYS Written by Andrea MacCormick STUD AT A GLANCE: Torrisdale Murray Grey Stud was established in the early 1970s and has developed into a thriving breeding operation with an extensive and loyal client portfolio. Today, the stud’s premium 150 breeding females produce bulls and females which are mostly sold at annual on-property sales, enhanced through onlineselling capabilities, to buyers throughout New Zealand. Based near Winton in Southland of the South Island New Zealand, Torrisdale Murray Grey cattle graze across a river plane, with young but productive soils. Torrisdale Murray Greys has also had success in the commercial industry, as the operation has run its own branded beef business, Ballyhooley Beef, which thrived in the retail sector. The superior Murray Grey beef line won New Zealand’s ‘Steak Of Origin’ and secured ‘Best of Brand – Retail’ consecutively and the People’s Choice taste award. TEMPERATURE: Ranging from 8 degrees in the winter, with the occasional -5 degree frost, and reaching up to 21 to 22 degrees in summer, with the occasional 31 degree day. WHAT ARE THE KEY TRAITS YOU AIM TO INSTIL ACROSS YOUR BREEDING LINES? The breeding objectives of the stud are based on the traits at the forefront of the grass-based pastoral systems the New Zealand beef industry is renowned for. A balanced performance profile combined with structural correctness are the basis of our selection criteria. Clients are looking for bulls, in particular, that have a shorter gestation, low to moderate birth weight, calving ease, moderate growth and good carcass attributes.



WHAT ARE THE KEY MARKETS YOUR BUYERS SERVE IN NEW ZEALAND? The majority of our bulls have been destined for the dairy industry, however, in recent years we have seen an increasing number heading to beef herds. For dairy herds, bulls are mostly used within and after Artificial Insemination programs with some also being joined directly to heifers. The progeny is mostly sold to calf rearers who grow them to reach about 100kg before they are bought by finishers. For beef herds, bulls are generally used initially over heifers then in subsequent years over mature cows. Progeny from these bulls is either sold at around six months to finishers or carried through by the breeder. WHAT ARE THE EMERGING MARKET OPPORTUNITIES IN NEW ZEALAND THE MURRAY GREY BREED CAN CAPITALISE ON? Murray Greys have always been a breed of preference for use in the dairy industry. As the dairy industry looks at ways to lessen the ‘wastage’ of surplus calves, more emphasis will be placed on genetics that give the breeder more scope to create a valuable beef ‘product’ that has a secure place within the beef sector. The main criteria for dairy farmers is to get their cows into milk early in the season, therefore short gestation, low birth weight and calving ease are already favourable traits. Finishers also appreciate animals that have reasonable growth rates and good carcass traits. As Murray Greys are synonymous with all these characteristics, the breed is a good position to meet the market demand. WHAT ARE YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR THE MURRAY GREY BREED IN NEW ZEALAND? The future for the breed in New Zealand is bright if we can harness not only the opportunities that the dairy industry provides, but also, the desire for quality from the meat processing sector.

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Bogegaarden Murray Grey cows and calves at the field by the barn.

DENMARK: BOGEGAARDEN MURRAY GREYS Written by Andrea MacCormick STUD AT A GLANCE: Bogegaarden Murray Greys is a family-run stud based at Brørup in southern Denmark. The stud director is Torben Nørremark, a producer with more than 20 years’ experience as a breeding advisor. The operation sells all bulls and genetics privately which is commonplace in Denmark. The stud has had success in the showring this year, winning Champion Murray Grey at the National with Bogegaarden Qrystel. From now on, cattle bred within the stud will hold the prefix Senhojgaard Murray Grey, to reflect the name of the property they graze across. RAINFALL: 750 mm TEMPERATURE: As low as -15 degrees in the winter and up to 30 degrees in the summer. WHAT ARE THE KEY TRAITS YOU AIM TO INSTIL ACROSS YOUR BREEDING LINES? It is difficult to point out specific traits, as for me, it is more about striking the perfect combination. I focus on identifying a cow’s weaknesses and pairing her with a bull that compensates for those weaknesses. However, calving ease, carcass weight, milk production, and IMF scores are crucial. YOU SELL YOUR GENETICS THROUGHOUT DENMARK AND HAVE OCCASIONALLY SOLD EMBRYOS ABROAD. WHAT MARKETS DO YOUR BUYERS SERVE? Our buyers serve various markets. Some produce beef for local shops on farms or sell directly to restaurants and butchers. The majority sell to larger processing facilities, where they are paid based on the cow’s weight, frame, and fat content.

Annual 2023 | 2024

WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES PRODUCERS FACE IN DENMARK? In Denmark we have a lot of restrictions and laws on how we farm and manage our land. All laws and restrictions are to make sure that farming doesn’t have a negative impact on the environment, that for me is ok, but the restrictions are becoming too bureaucratic. CAN THE MURRAY GREY BREED HELP ALLEVIATE THE BURDENS FACED BY COMMERCIAL PRODUCERS? Most of Denmark’s beef production centres on Danish Veal, using dairy cows and heifers crossed with beef breeds. Danish Veal is one of the most popular meat concepts in Denmark. However, we are starting to see more commercial beef farmers grazing cattle on nature areas. In Denmark almost 60% of the land is farming land, politicians and green organisations would like more nature in Denmark, therefore, the state and green organisations are buying land to make new nature reserves. So, there is now an opportunity for cattle to be grazed across these areas. I believe, when it comes to grazing nature areas Murray Greys will be a popular choice. We do have a lot of intensive beef breeds like Charolais, Limousine and Blonde d’Aquitaine, but they are not productive enough all year-round on grass like Murray Greys. Therefore, Murray Greys will be more popular, especially because of their superb meat quality and temperament. WHAT ARE YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR THE MURRAY GREY BREED IN DENMARK? I think Murray Greys have a great future in Denmark. The breed has grown very fast since the first two heifers came to Denmark in 2010. Now, after 13 years, there are around 450 Murray Grey cattle in Denmark. With the focus on nature and biodiversity in the future, I think Murray Greys have a great chance to be one of the favourite breeds in Denmark.



NETHERLANDS: GREEN HEART MURRAY GREYS Written by Andrea MacCormick STUD AT A GLANCE: Green Heart Murray Greys was established in November 2016 when stud founder, Anne de Jong, became the first person to import Murray Greys to the Netherlands. Anne secured her first two females from the premium Oakley Herd in Wales, the United Kingdom. One of the cows, later nicknamed Granny, was a foundational cow within the boutique stud that has grown to have seven Murray Greys. With her cattle located at Nieuwveen, about 25 minutes away from Amsterdam, Anne has sold bulls to breeders and is also producing her own Murray Grey meat. In the future, she plans to further develop her stud, expand her beef operation, and bring in Murray Grey genetics to the Netherlands. RAINFALL: 853 mm TEMPERATURE: About 4 degrees is considered normal during the winter, with some freezing weeks, and in the summer temperatures can reach 22 degrees, or climb to 35 to 40 degrees. WHAT ARE THE KEY MARKETS FOR YOUR OPERATION? I am only a small operation, so I occasionally sell meat packages, so far, most of my customers have been friends and family. When we have a Murray Grey that is ready to be sold for meat, I ensure that the cow has already been purchased from buyers in the form of 5 or 10kg packages before the animal is slaughtered. My father is a butcher, so together we make the meat packages.



The meat is frozen and is collected by the customer at the farm. In the past, I have sold two Murray Grey bulls to breeders. WHAT ARE THE CURRENT MARKET TRENDS WITHIN THE INDUSTRY YOU BELIEVE YOUR OPERATION CAN BENEFIT FROM? The demand for high-quality meat with a unique story is growing. Consumers want to know where their meat comes from and want to know how the animals were cared for, therefore, a niche operation like mine is well placed within the sector. WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES BEEF PRODUCERS FACE WITHIN THE NETHERLANDS? The biggest challenge at the moment is the government, as there are initiatives to get rid of farmers so there is more room for housing and space to create nature areas. The government wants farmers to farm as naturally as possible and less intensively. The Murray Grey is a type of cow that prospers when given time to grow and can thrive in solely grass pastures, they don’t have to be fed with corn, soy or grain. Therefore, the breed is well suited to this style of farming and can contribute to the Netherland’s industry. WHAT ARE YOUR HOPES, OR PREDICTIONS, FOR THE MURRAY GREY BREED IN YOUR COUNTRY? I hope that more farmers will choose Murray Greys. I believe that the Murray Grey breed has a future in the Netherlands, especially for extensive farms. The taste of the meat is fantastic, as is the tenderness and marbling.

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society


BUSINESS AT A GLANCE: Grazing within a unique and challenging landscape, Stillwater Murray Greys, which is owned and run by Tim and Crissy Thomas at Manhattan in Montana, is harnessing the power of Murray Greys adaptability and palatability to spearhead a regenerative agriculture operation selling direct to consumers. The ranch lies north of Yellowstone National Park, near the headwaters of the great Missouri River. With an elevation of 1463m, and surrounding mountains reaching 3901m, cattle prosper on a variety of native marsh grasses, and are resilient to some of the most extreme weather patterns in the US, as the property has less than a 100-day growing season. The couple are taking advantage of Murray Greys natural tenderness, exceptional flavour and ability to marble on grass to launch a purebred Murray Grey program, offering high quality grass-finished beef direct to buyers. RAINFALL: Averaging 14 inches of precipitation annually, the majority of which comes in the form of snow amounting to around 41 inches. TEMPERATURE: In the winter –40 degree days are common, with the coldest day on record plunging to – 47 degrees. In the summer temperatures can reach past 32 degrees. WHY IS THE MURRAY GREY BREED IDEAL FOR YOUR FARMING BUSINESS? We need cattle that can handle all the adversity Montana throws at them, while still achieving profitability. The more we focused on high density stock grazing, the more we began to seek a smaller-frame grass focused breed. We discovered Murray Grey cattle and, after

Annual 2023 | 2024

some research, we added a few to our herd of Angus out of curiosity. Although traits such as disposition, carcass quality, and fertility are selectable, we discovered our Murray Greys were consistently excelling. Therefore, we transitioned away from Angus to focus on a purebred Murray Grey herd eight years ago. Also, living in a harsh climate with no family or close connections nearby, we need cattle that are easily handled, even tempered, and hearty. With Murray Greys, grazing moves are the highlight of the day as our Greys are always gentle and calm to shift. Tagging calves has turned into a fun event, as we have no concerns of being stomped into the ground by an angry cow. WHAT ADVANTAGES DO MURRAY GREYS OFFER US PRODUCES? The biggest challenges US producers face are feed costs and profit distribution between producers and packers. With the US food system being largely corporate owned, new producers are looking for ways to increase their bottom line and keep food local. The most popular way of achieving that is selling beef direct to consumer. Murray Greys are perfectly positioned to meet the needs of the modern producer with their exceptional disposition, maternal strength, and consistent high-quality beef. WHAT ARE YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR THE MURRAY GREY BREED IN THE UNITED STATES? Murray Grey breeders in the US have a great opportunity to make their mark and establish a legacy like no other breed. Murray Greys can offer the consistent attributes most important to the US producers and have the ability to thrive in any environment. Our hopes for the Murray Grey breed in the US is for them to be recognised as a superior beef breed and as the ideal choice for grassfocused producers.



ROBERN – THE FIRST MURRAY GREY STUD IN AUSTRALIA TO EXPORT EMBRYOS TO THE USA Written by Ellen Atkins 1996 was a special year for the Robern Murray Grey Stud. George and Sharon Virtue of the Hillside Acres stud in Oregon USA had studied the Murray Grey breed in Australia particularly well, and decided they wished to purchase embryos from Robern Mister Muscle. The following year 20 frozen embryos were sent, making Robern the first Murray Grey Stud in Australia to export embryos to the US. Just recently Sherie Clark shared a story on facebook regarding the progeny of Robern Mister Muscle and the great influence his progeny has had on the Murray Grey breed there. We were very happy to read this story and it was rewarding for us to have this acknowledgement. Having bred Murray Greys since 1980 and forming the Elbern Murray Grey Stud all those years ago has instilled an absolute passion for this wonderful Australian breed and we want the breed to retain those magnificent traits the Murray Greys are known for and to re-gain the popularity they have enjoyed in the past, when there were around 1000 registered breeders in Australia.

Robern Mister Muscle sashed Junior, Grand Champion and Supreme Exhibit at the 1994 National Show and Sale



In 1985 we joined forces with the Robgranthony Murray Grey Stud in Western Australia under the guidance of master cattleman Archie Priestly and his wife Beryl. With the introduction of 32 Robgranthony heifers sent from WA to the Elbern herd in Tasmania we steamed ahead under the new stud name of Robern. During those years we exhibited regularly at state and interstate shows, including the National Show and Sale held in Wodonga each year. The National Show and Sale was the highlight of the year on the Murray Grey calendar. This sale would be held in April each year and in those days there would be entries from all over Australia gathering at the Wodonga exhibition grounds, and a huge crowd of spectators, buyers and vendors would gather for the 3 day event. The media would be there to capture the highlights and photograph the champions of the day. Many of the “older” Murray Grey breeders would very fondly remember these exciting times, everyone poised in the stands with their catalogues and taking in every second of the judging, with the sale held on the following day.

Robern Wallflower S40, daughter of Robern Mister Muscle and sashed the Junior and Grand Champion Female at the 1999 National show and Sale with the purchasers Ian and Narelle Wilcox of the Ayr Park Stud

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Sherie Clark from the USA provided these images and story about the progeny from the Robern Mister Muscle / Mt. View Wallflower L46 embryos we sent to Hillside Acres stud, Oregon USA back in 1997. The cow pictured ‘Yo-mama’ is a Wallflower grand-daughter who produced 13 embryos.

In 1994 we won Junior and Grand Champion bull and Supreme Exhibit with Robern Mister Muscle. He sold for the top price of the sale to a consortium of studs, i.e. Lindsay, Ondiong and Glenliam Farm studs, with Robern retaining a quarter share. The following year we exhibited the Reserve Champion cow with a Mister Muscle bull calf at foot (sold to the Monley family for the top female price that year). In 1999 we exhibited 2 of his daughters which stood first and second in a large class of 13 heifers, with Robern Wallflower S40 going on to win Junior and Grand Champion Female at 16 months of age, selling to the Ayr Park stud. In the year 2000 Robern Taurus was Senior Champion bull and went on to sell to the Tarlina Stud in SA.

US Robern Mister Muscle calf in USA 2021

In 2000 we sold the Robern name to the Meyer family in Victoria and reverted back to our original stud name, Elbern. We still have Robern Mister Muscle grand daughters in our herd today. We maintain a herd of around 40 cows plus replacement heifers and have our 2 senior stud sires, Southend Rockey and Maefair Sommerville S22, both of which are outstanding bulls with exceptional Breedplan figures to match. We have around 10 young bulls to sell each year as well as selected females. We are situated on the beautiful Stanley peninsula in Tasmania, we no longer show our cattle, but are very happy to welcome visitors to the farm.

Annual 2023 | 2024

12 Year Old Matron Returns to Hillside Acres HA Mr. Muscles Wallflower has come home. Wallflower was the result of an intensive search begun back in “96 all over Australia for the type of cattle Hillside Acres wanted to be identified with. We contracted for a “flush’ of two top quality Australian females to the Robern Mister Muscle of Tasmania, Australia. This was to be the first time Murray Grey embryos were ever sent to the US. Wallflower was the first one to hit the ground. After the ‘Disaster of 06’, Hill- side Acres put their entire herd of top quality Murray Grey cattle up for sale. Nothing was re- served. Wallflower was sent to the ML.J Ranch of Ridgefield, Washington. Thanks to a gener- ous offer by a consortium of Murray Grey Breeders in and around Sweet Home, Oregon, she has come back home. With over 24 progeny to her credit, this magnificent female has done more to improve the quality and performance of Murray Grey cattle in the US than any other female. Safe in calf to WeeGun Tjandamarra, she still has a lot more to offer.




Greymans are earning a reputation for excellence across prominent beefproducing regions, from winning broad ribbons at Far North Queensland shows to securing long-term contracts for Northern Rivers producers in NSW. DEMAND for Greyman cattle has reached a tipping point for growth in the northern beef industry, where producers are capitalising on the breed’s hybrid vigour to power rapid weight gain and secure premiums in key markets. Maple Downs Murray Greys Stud Principal, Russell Kidd, who is based at Malanda about an hour and half north-west of Cairns and sells bulls throughout North and Central Queensland, has noticed a surge in interest for Greymans. “All our clients have a Brahman-based herd and are needing big growth-weight figures across the 200 to 600-day period and require bulls that can thrive in any condition,” Russell said. Across the stud’s client base, which reaches as far west as Richmond, temperatures can surge past 40 degrees, and for coastal buyers, humidity often sits at 90% in the summer, so bulls need to show resilience and adaptability under these unique and challenging climates. Tick resilience, a slick coat and calm temperament 18


are also essential for graziers, and the Murray Grey infusion is emboldening these lines with a softness to create better carcass ability. “The Greymans are throwing flat-back cattle with tremendous weight gain for age, so for producers who are selling weaners off around 200 days, they are securing premium prices at the saleyards,” he said. “As for the graziers keeping their cattle to mature and finish, they can turn them over around 600 days, opposed to keeping and feeding them for two or two-and-a-half years, which means they are achieving better returns.” The Kidd family, who have been operating Maple Downs Murray Greys since 2017, founded the stud on superb Wallawong, Monterey and Lindsay Murray Greys genetics. They have a long history with Murray Greys in North Queensland as Russell’s grandfather, Percy Kidd, was the first breeder to introduce Greys north of Rockhampton in the 80s. The family harnesses the region’s rich red soils, high rainfall of around 2m a year, and rolling hills with mostly Seteria pastures to produce, not only premium lines for their stud, but also high-quality weaners for their commercial operation. A specific Greyman breeding program was established in 2021 by crossing Maple Downs genetics with Brahman females secured from prominent North Queensland studs. Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

The results from this breeding strategy have reaped rewards in the showring as Greyman Maple Downs Triumph has won every calf competition on the Far North Queensland show circuit and was crowned Grand Champion Bull at the Cairns Show. Weighing 540kg, the striking 11-month-old is sired by Maple Downs Quasimodo and out of a Hamnden Vale Brahman female. Show judges commented the bull had the power to “make a huge impact on the breed”, with one judge, Fiona Pearce, Telpara Hills Brangus, commenting on his tremendous growth, “structural soundness, overall weight for age ratio, and his ability to move freely”. Russell described Triumph as being an early “standout”. “From around the time he was four months old he was very impressive,” he said. “It’s very difficult for a bull that young to go up against older bulls in the showring, but his structure and weight made him a powerhouse. We have had other studs offer to buy him, but we are going to keep him and plan to show him at Beef Australia next year.” Russell believes Greymans are securing a prominent place in the Northern beef industry, which is building upon the breed’s established reputation in southern markets. … cont’d on page 20

Annual 2023 | 2024

PICTURED ABOVE: Greyman Maple Downs Triumph was crowned Grand Champion Bull at the Cairns Show. The Kidd family are eager to present the striking young bull at Beef Australia next year. PICTURED LEFT: TEAM WORK - Jesse Bolton and Greg Smith from Explore Property Cairns, with the Maple Downs Murray Grey team, Deborah Kidd, Russell Kidd Sn, Lucas Kidd, Montana Hayden-Stephen, Benjiman Kidd, Lachlan Kidd, Russel Kidd Jr, Alyssa Kidd, Sarah Entch, Lizzie Kidd, Michael Kidd and Beau Lyttle.



For almost 30 years Northern Rivers producers, Mike and Kim Kena, have grazed their Murray Grey cows across more than 121ha of land at Larnook, about half an hour north-west of Lismore.

… from page 19

GREYMANS UNDERWRITE LONG-TERM SUPPLIER CONTRACT Northern Rivers producers, Mike and Kim Kena, are ensuring the demands they have for their breeding herd – including high fertility rates, superb doing ability during harder seasons and explosive weight gain for age across their calves – are being underwritten through harnessing Greyman genetics.

PICTURED ABOVE: Northern Rivers producers, Mike and Kim Kena, are powering growth rates across their calves with Greyman genetics.

For almost 30 years the couple, who graze their cattle across more than 121ha of land at Larnook, about half an hour north-west of Lismore, has focused on Greymans by infusing Brahman genetics to produce F1 Murray Grey females which go on to directly supply a Lismore butcher shop with their offspring. “Here on the North Coast, you need a little bit of Brahman content,” Mike said.

“Due to our seasons, we aim for our calves to drop around June, which means the first stage of the calf’s life, around August and September can be dry and challenging on the cow. We need for our cows to be able to look after themselves during this period and be able to look after their calves. “But first and foremost, our cows have to produce a calf every year and have excellent temperament, we have found our Murray Greys work hard to achieve this for us.” Mike said the hybrid vigour of introducing Brahman genetics across his Murray Greys fuelled fast growth rates within his calves. “By the time we get our Spring storms in October, 20


our Greyman calves just take off with their weight gain,” he said. His calves, both steers and heifers, are sold around eight to ten months old and have consistently averaged about 190kg dress weight, and Mr Kena said the loyalty of his main buyer gave him confidence his stock performed well over the hooks and on the plate. “Butchers are notorious for giving very little feedback, but the fact we have been supplying them for so long, since 1994, tells us they are happy with our cattle,” he said. “At one stage we tried a Limousin cross, but our butcher said the fat content was not high enough, so we went straight back to the Greymans.” Mike, who is now 70 and nearing the end of his cattle career, reflected that the Murray Grey breed had been of great service to his business. “Our operation is small so we can’t supply quantity. We have to concentrate on quality and Murray Grey and Greyman cattle have certainly provided that for us.” Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society


Conception to consumption Ͳ pure silvers

28th Annual on property sale 1st March 2024

Offering 55 Quality autumn and spring drop bulls 80 + Outstanding yearling heifers, consisting of stud and commercials

Southend N106 Reflection Supreme Exhibit 2023 Wagin Show


Calving Ease DIR (%) +5.0



Calving Gestation Birth Ease Length Wt DTRS (days) (kg) (%) Ͳ0.6 Ͳ4.8 +1.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +43

400 Day Wt (kg) +72

600 Day Wt (kg) +103

Mat Cow Wt (kg) +117








Milk (kg) +9

Scrotal Days Carcase Eye Rib Size to Wt Muscle Fat (cm) Calving) (kg) Area (mm) +0.9 Ͳ +79 +2.3 Ͳ1.2

Rump Fat (mm) Ͳ1.6

Retail Beef Yield (%) +2.0

IMF (%) Ͳ0.2










Southend Roman R545 Sons to be offered in 2024 sale

Enquires always welcome Kurt Wise: 0419922546 Email: kurtwise90@gmail.com 264 Ranford road Katanning WA Annual 2023 | 2024

Catalogue available on line and by post

Pearce Watling: 0437 844 528 GREYMAN





Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

ALTHOUGH the paddocks were overgrazed and dry and the infrastructure needed repair, Mark and Sharon Yensch looked upon Woodlands Station as the perfect blank canvas to build upon. Sharon recalled they felt “ready for the challenge” when buying the property in 2005, which was a necessary attitude to have as the Brahman herd they bought with the 2347 ha cattle block 15km south of Bowen, although high quality, were unruly and “lacking manners”. However, the shift to Woodlands Station proved to be the right call, as across the past 18 years they have crafted a masterpiece: a thriving breeding operation that’s harnessing holistic grazing practices and regenerative land management strategies to power their business. What was once dry country is now rich grazing land that’s being hydrated from a sophisticated system of swales – contoured shallow drains that help slow and retain the flow of water – and 36 paddocks and 12 coolers have been established to home a rotational grazing program that’s tailored for the unique dry tropic seasons. “From the very beginning, we knew through implementing some changes we would be able to make great improvements to the property,” Mark said. “Everything we do here is about building resilience in our operation, be that through making the best use of rainfall, improving our soil health to increase the grass density or capitalising on the most suitable cattle genetics to ensure maximum profitability.” The land has now recovered, wildlife has returned and the some 800mm of annual average rainfall, which falls across the property during downpours in the wet season, is being fully captured. However, the masterstroke of this creation has been the splash of grey across the green paddocks, as Murray Grey cattle have been the backbone to the operation from day one and are now driving a diversification strategy to focus on breeding Greyman bulls.

GREYS UNDERWRITE PREMIUMS AND DEMAND Sharon has an inherent understanding of the value of Murray Greys as her grandmother was Helen Sutherland, a key founder of the unique Australian breed in the 1960s. “When we moved here the Brahman herd we bought with the property was fairly unmanageable. We knew we needed to work on temperament, so we straight away put a Murray Grey bull over them,” she said.

Mark and Sharon Yensch with some of their Greyman Herd

culling where needed, to get what we have today which is a quiet and highly productive line of breeders.” Mark also has a family connection to Murray Greys as his parents, Roy and Beryl, ran Tambovale Murray Greys and showed bulls at royal exhibitions. Mark said the economics of infusing Grey genetics across Brahmans instantly paid off. “I remember our weaners brought in about $120 more per head at the sale than straight Brahmans, and that was just purely taking them out of the paddock, putting them onto a truck, and taking them to the sale,” he said. Mark believes it’s Greyman’s hybrid vigour, which powers superb weight for age results, and confirmation that attracts sale-day premiums. Today, the Yensch family sell all their weaners directly to repeat buyers, in exception of about 100 head of replacement females. “At the moment our demand is outstripping the supply as we have had to turn people down who wanted more heifers,” Mark said. “As soon as our Greyman weaners are put on feed for their new owner they just power away with their growth and weight gain – they go like a house on fire.” Three years ago, Mark and Sharon looked across their Greyman progeny and decided to pursue this market demand by keeping their best bull weaners to sell as future sires. “We started off with just 20 bulls, they sold extremely well, so this year we will offer 60,” Mark said.

“Then, over the years, we worked with that herd,

… cont’d on page 24

Annual 2023 | 2024



… from page 23

Although Mark and Sharon have sold bulls throughout Australia, they have noticed peak interest throughout the Brahman heartland of the Northern beef industry. “Greymans value-add to Brahmans extremely well, as they add that element of better confirmation,” he said. “There has been a huge up kick across the North for Greymans because they are putting the beef on cattle.” Sharon also believes the malleability of hardy Greymans is driving demand, as the bulls can perform well across a variety of conditions, with their buyers stretched from as far south as Toogoolawah in southern Queensland and as far north as the Barkly in the Northern Territory. “They are just so adaptable, that’s the beauty of Greys, they can perform well in any climate,” she said.

HYDRATION THE HEART OF THE OPERATION Aside from ensuring you have the right cattle genetics, Mark believes land, water and pasture management is essential to all beef operations. “If you don’t have all three of those elements aligned it can fall apart quite quickly,” he said. For Woodlands Station, water management is a unique challenge and gift as rainfall occurs in floods, generally recording the bulk of its 800mm within three months, which is followed by a long dry period. “Having 300mm all in one hit is not unusual for us,” Sharon said. As custodians of land so close to the coast, the responsibility to ensure there isn’t rapid runoff or damaging erosion across their property isn’t lost on Mark and Sharon, which is one of the reasons they opted to install swales. “People don’t realise about sixty per cent of your rainfall leaves your property,” he said. “There are examples of the advantages of swales all around the world, it’s an incredible way to ensure you are maximising the benefit of every drop of water that lands on your property.” Woodland Station’s swales are a level contour with a firm bank on the bottom side, usually having about a two-metre elevation and have all been installed by Mark carefully shaping them with an excavator or dozer.

A rotational grazing program has also increased the biodiversity and pasture density across the paddocks, with Sharon using the “Pied Piper method” of mustering her stock. “We have two cow herds working on separate rotations, I drive to the gate and call them and they all walk through,” she said. Impeccable temperament and low-stress stock handling skills have paved the way for the rotations to be as smooth as possible, but Sharon said their Greyman cows had learnt the system. “I use a grazing chart to determine when I need to make a rotation, and the cattle are eager to shift to the next paddock as they know they will be getting the ‘ice cream’ of the pasture,” she said. The high-stocking density ensures the cattle are eating just the right amount of fresh grasses and legumes, so when the paddock is rested, the pastures can replenish swiftly. “We don’t have any need for fertiliser, as we are using our four-legged fertiliser,” she said.

SHARING THE ART Across the almost two-decade long journey, Mark and Sharon have always strived to never stop learning or improving their property. The goal to continually improve has extended to their infrastructure, with the yard system on Woodlands Station being a completely undercover network that moves cattle through to separate races and leads to a advanced hydraulic calf cradle. “Being fully shaded is important as it does get very hot here so it makes for better conditions for us and the cattle. With this system the stock flow through themselves, just one person can do all the yard work on their own if needed,” Mark said. The property is also fully off the grid, making its own electricity through solar panels. Mark and Sharon credit Allan Savory Holistic Management Courses and clinics through RCS as being fundamental to refining their holistic management skills and building their business aspirations. “It’s so important to keep learning, and looking past your own gate,” Sharon said. Now, the couple intend to share their knowledge, as they hope to offer farm tours in the future.

“It takes about six to seven years before swales completely hydrate the landscape,” he said.

“We want to welcome everyone, people from towns and cities and other graziers. There is so much benefit in effective water management, we really want to share it. We have people visit us from much bigger operations and they can’t believe our set up with the yards, and the grazing.

“But we noticed a huge difference almost straight away, the creeks used to run dry, now they have water in them all year round.”

“We know there is still further potential with our Greymans, and improving our land, so we will just keep building and building.”



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society


Glen Innes. NSW Fri. 12th July 11:30am and interfaced with Auctions Plus

CONTACTS Alan Zerbst. Burnett Downs MG’s 0435988233 Kym Carlton . Carlinga MG’s 0427593707 Tom Ernst. Dehavalyn MG’s 0400385289 Wayne Smith. Glenview MG’s 0447750088 Wendy McDonald. Hideaway Park 0408653634 Paul Francis. Ondiong MG’s 02 66572008 Sue Francis. Onward MG’s 02 66572539

AGENTS COLIN SAY & CO Nathan Purvis 0427324078 Annual 2023 | 2024

Offering, 40 Murray Grey Bulls. Stud females. Commercial Females. Jon Pinferi. Parsons Green MG’s 0467819579 Paul Richards. Rouchelle MG’s 02 65435191 Ben Spry. Sentry Box MG’s 0428374947 Kareena Dawson. Tintara MG’s 0476243333 Graham Hobbs. Waroona MG’s 0429076617 David King. Yallembie MG’s 0427123221 Peter Marsh. Yalumba MG’s 0411377075

GLEN INNES 02 67321266 Shad Bailey 0458322283 GREYMAN


PRAIRIE FALLS MURRAY GREYS CLINCHES WORLD TITLE By Andrea MacCormick Prairie Falls Murray Greys has garnered global attention for its breeding program, winning the Champion of the World ORB (Other Recognized Breeds) Miss World, with Prairie Falls Bettina N6. PF Bettina qualified for the Champion of the World competition after winning Grand Champion Murray Grey Female at the 2022 Royal Sydney Show. Stud Principal Crystal Bell, who operates Prairie Falls Murray Greys with her partner Geordie Elliott on Oak Park, outside of Breakaway Creek in Victoria, exhibited PF Bettina with her bull calf, Prairie Falls State Trooper S15, in the online competition. Crystal said she felt honoured to have won as it firmly placed Murray Greys on the world stage as a breed that could perform equal to, or rise above, other popular cattle lines globally. “It’s quite a stringent judging format, with four judges from around the world taking part. You must win your local region first to qualify for the Miss World title which I think makes it a fairer playing field,” Crystal said. “The ORB category includes 15 other breeds of cattle that are smaller in global herd size compared to major breeds. “This is a competition I have wanted to enter for years, and it’s incredible to get this sort of recognition.” PF State Trooper S15, the calf exhibited with PF Bettina, also qualified for the competition after winning Grand Champion Murray Grey Bull at the Melbourne Royal Show 2022. The young sire was judged in the bull section of the Asia/Africa Champion of The World ORB, and achieved Silver position. In recent years, the Murray Grey breed has excelled in the event, with Silver Mr James Bond TEI, a Brazilbred Murray Grey, winning Champion of the World

ORB (Other Recognized Breeds) in 2021. Crystal was pleased her stud could build upon this great result. “Overall, it is great marketing for the Murray Greys on a global scale because it is showing that the breed can be an option for other markets which may have never seen a Murray Grey before,” Crystal said. The online event is organised by PJ Budler and entrants are judged off a single image of an exhibit at a qualifying show. The picture Prairie Falls Murray Greys submitted of PF Bettina in the showring showcased the female’s perfect balance of being a big-framed cow while also having soft maternal features. PF Bettina is sired by Monterey Megaforce H83 and out of Eylwarra Sands Bettine H7. PF Bettina has a coveted history for Crystal as she was the heifer she showed during the 2018 Murray Grey Youth Show where she became the Murray Grey Senior Ambassador. Securing the Miss World ORB crown will provide Crystal with the opportunity to travel to Canada to receive her belt buckle prize during a ceremony. Crystal, now 29, established the foundation of her operation through buying Saber Mimosa H24 and Eylwarra Sands Bettina H7 females when she was just 18. While she believes her stud will always have a focus on quality over quantity, she said her and Geordie’s main ambition for their business sat much closer to their hearts: to create a thriving operation for future generations. The young couple’s family has just expanded with the arrival of their firstborn daughter, Eva. “For me, the focus is building our farming enterprise, so we have something sustainable and profitable for our kids,” Crystal said. PICTURED LEFT: Prairie Falls Murray Greys’ Crystal Bell and Geordie Elliott showing Prairie Falls Bettina N6, who won Champion of the World ORB (Other Recognized Breeds) Miss World, and her calf Prairie Falls State Trooper S15 PICTURED RIGHT: Geordie Elliott & Crystal Bell, with daughter Eva



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Annual 2023 | 2024




WHILE the commercial sector has long been attracted to Murray Grey genetics for their hybrid vigour, a Victorian Western District commercial breeding and backgrounding operation, GreenHills, is harnessing immense power from the breed in its pure form. Owned and operated by Sarah and Chris Hines, the 1450ha EU-accredited Minhamite property, located between Warrnambool and Hamilton, produces feeder steers and bullocks, targeting local sales where they have attracted premiums and long-term buyers. For almost a decade, Princess Royal Station Feedlot has been buying the property’s steers, usually grown out to weigh between 480kg to 550kg, from the WVLX Mortlake saleyard. Chris said the performance of his stock over the hooks was clearly what kept the MSA-accredited feedlot loyal. “Our aim is to always produce cattle in a forward condition and ensure we have quality larger lines, sitting around that feedlot pen size of about 60 head,” he said. “The impeccable temperament of Murray Greys means cattle settle onto feed quickly, our feeders tend to fit within the short 90 to 100-day feedlot programs, so they need to hit the ground running, and, the superb carcass attributes ensure buyers are gaining great returns.” The family also finishes bullocks, which reach about 700kg to 750kg, before selling for strong results at saleyards.



GREENHILLS 110-YEAR LEGACY GreenHills has been in family hands for 110 years, running a predominately Murray Grey herd since the 60s when Sarah’s parents Alex and Kit Boyd secured their first bull from Thologolong Bull Sale in 1966. “The breed has worked very well for us,” Chris said. “GreenHills has been renowned for growing bullocks for a very long time, and we tend to stick with what’s really working for us. “However, with the Greys, they provide you with so much adaptability, we have no problem selling a sprinkling of our weaners, both steers and heifers, when needed, and, we have always had good returns selling our finished cows to AMC in Melbourne for processing.” Recently, the family has transitioned away from its lamb business, to further expand their cattle enterprise. On GreenHills, cattle are grazed across about 1050ha of improved perennial pastures, with 80 per cent made up of Ryegrass and the balance belonging to Phalaris and sub-clover running across the productive clay loam soils. The pastures help power explosive growth through their weaners, and in the summer months, steers are finished on Sorghum and Brassica. Receiving a reliable 700mm of annual rainfall the property is currently enjoying a good season. This year the family further enacted its split calving program, with 250 head dropping in Autumn and about 250 calves being born in Spring. “This just gives us more diversity in terms of having cattle available for sale throughout the year,” he said. “It also spreads the workload for us.”

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

SECURING THE BEST GENETICS In terms of genetics, GreenHills has previously relied on the family’s studs, GreenHills and Fourways, but for the past decade has been loyal to buying bulls from Lindsay Murray Greys, run by Craig and Jacinta Grant, Coleraine, Victoria, and Northern Tasmania’s Woodbourn Stud, which is owned by Charles and Janet Wallace.

Chris Hines with Murray Grey Steers

“We have been buying bulls from them for a very long time for use in the stud and then for our commercial herd,” he said. “We look for bulls that have a great frame, excellent muscle, as well as having the needed carcass characteristic – that’s what helps us make the most out of the EU market,” he said. “We are always jigging the system a little bit, we need the big frames, but, we also want to maintain that beautiful softness in our cattle. I had an old uncle once say to me the ‘biggest challenge in breeding is being able to maintain the animal’, and that’s always our focus, we want to uphold and improve on the quality of our herd.”

BRIGHT FUTURE The 110-year legacy of GreenHills isn’t lost on Chris or Sarah, who both feel the pressure to uphold the business’s phenomenal sustainability. However, with fourth generation grazier Tom, their 25-year-old son, already on board they are both confident in the future of GreenHills and the continued imperative role of Murray Greys. “We have been lucky this business was started with a very good base, and over the years good decisions were made on and off farm, and that’s what has been key to keeping it viable,” he said. “Overall, I think we have stuck to what is working for us, and honed-in on perfecting that, rather than chasing market trends. I can’t imagine us ever leaving Greys because the breed has worked so well for us.”

Annual 2023 | 2024




Murray Grey Beef is a new branded beef product created by the SA Murray Grey Breed Promotion Group. Over the last year we have been working hard to produce and promote this Murray Grey product. Cattle are sourced from and bred by our South Australian breeders and then fed on grain to ensure a consistently high quality eating experience. We have been lucky in securing a relationship with butcher shop owner Rhys O’Donohue from Moonta Gourmet Meats. Rhys has always loved stocking Murray Grey Beef in his shop and was more than happy to get on board to promote the breed. The group started by sending a small group of Murray Greys sourced from SA breeders to Yarralinka feedlot. This was a good place to start but found challenges as we only needed to turn out a couple of steers a week and found this wasn’t quite the right system for us. We have been lucky in our group to have a couple of breeders that have been feeding their own cattle and so we were able to use this as our next option. Initially we had a great uptake of orders for the product. We supplied our beef to restaurants and other butcher shops and had great reviews. Unfortunately, we have run into a few challenges with processing and boning which is beyond our control. Additionally, we realised that we needed to try to shift more of our secondary cuts. To address this, we came up with the idea of



“Murray Grey Meat Packs”. This allowed us to offer a range of Murray Grey products and move the harder to sell cuts of beef. One of our first meat packs was actually sent to Darwin which received amazing reviews. “I found Murray Grey Beef and tried a long shot getting some up from SA and it paid off. The steak is maybe the best steak for tenderness and taste I have had in years. Super easy to deal with. I highly rate their product so I will be back for more.” We were also super excited to provide the meat for the Murray Grey Youth and Premier Sale event at Albury this year. It was great to be able to show other breeders from around Australia what the South Australian group has been working on. Our product is currently only South Australian, but the ultimate goal would be for other state breed promotion groups to follow our lead and join forces with us to promote our great breed. Looking forward we hope that more breeders will look to supply cattle into this program rather than just selling through a sale yard or consigning to bigger slaughter yards. We would also like to see our seed stock producers promote this to their commercial clients as a market opportunity. Head to our Facebook page Murrray Grey Beef for more information or to purchase Murray Grey Beef Merchandise.

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

easy calving • soft, meaty calves • massive growth

Annual 2023 | 2024




Murray Grey cattle from the Hobbs’ family Waroona Murray Grey Stud at Molong are headed to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Stud Principal, Graham Hobbs, said that Josh Crosby from Kevin Miller Whitty Lennon and Company in Forbes contacted him to bring a potential purchaser from the UAE to inspect the Waroona cattle in early August 2023. He liked what he saw and returned in October purchasing 3 bulls, 2 stud cows and calves and 20 stud and commercial heifers. The cattle will be transported in the belly of an Etihad airlines flight to the UAE leaving on 1 December 2023. Graham said “It is pleasing to see the sale of the cattle to the UAE as it opens up a new market for future sales of Murray Grey cattle”.

Waroona Murray Greys

2024 Production Sale Friday 16th August MOLONG NSW Contact: Graham Hobbs Ph: 0429 076 617 32


Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

GREEN TRIANGLE MURRAY GREY SALE Offering 26 Bulls, 5 Stud & 55 Commercial Females

Wednesday 27th March 2024

Held at Arki property –3916 Naracoorte Rd, Western Flat SA 5268 Geoff & Kate Buick 0438 582 071 arkimg@bigpond.com

Denise & Anthony Fabris 0407 566 341 beeamma@bigpond.com

Interfaced with AuctionsPlus and Elders agents Annual 2023 | 2024




YOUTH HANDLERS KEY TO BREED SUCCESS A DEDICATION to nurturing the talent of the next generation has propelled David King to become a Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society Life Member. Now living in Toowoomba, Queensland, after selling his Inverell cattle property in 2018 to purchase a farm near Greenmount, David said he felt “honoured” to be awarded a Life Membership. “Receiving a Life Membership has made me think about and reflect on my time with Murray Greys,” he said. “It all goes back 48 years and I have watched a few of the initiatives I have been involved in develop.” Mr King is most proud of helping foster the next generation through helping establish and run the Murray Grey Junior Stock Show for 21 years. Mr King initiated the youth camp alongside fellow Murray Grey Life Member Bob Lea, who also graduated from Hawkesbury Agricultural College.

“It has been rewarding to see participants who attended this camp go on to have careers in agriculture,” he said. Another initiative which supported youth handlers was establishing the Northern Schools Led Steer and Carcass Competition in 1989, alongside Inverell High School agriculture teacher David Grady. “It’s now 34 years on and this event has grown into a major competition on the school calendar with 15 high schools from all over northern NSW competing,” he said. Mr King became a member of the Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society in 1976 and established his Yallembie Murray Grey Stud the same year, which was a family affair, with his daughter Rowena being heavily involved in preparing and showing cattle. Yallembie Murray Grey won multiple ribbons at Royal Shows, the more notable including Grand Champion Carcass in 1995 and Supreme Murray Grey exhibit with Yallembie Halifax in 2014 at the Sydney Royal Show.

YOUTH CAMP A SPRINGBOARD FOR FUTURE AG LEADERS HELPING foster the next generation and watching them go on to have prominent careers within the agriculture sector has left a lasting memory for newly appointed Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society Life Member Bob Lea. Mr Lea has been a member of the Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society since 1973, and although his Inverell-based stud, Bookoola Murray Greys, has won accolades in the showring and secured titles in carcass competitions, he said helping organise the Murray Grey Junior Stock Show is what he is most proud of. Mr Lea, alongside newly minted life member David King, established the youth camp in January of 1988, when the event was called the Murray Grey Show Craft and Youth Camp Junior Stock Show.

“From the camp, we have two vets, ag teachers, beef cattle officers, Department of Agriculture employees, stud directors, stock agents, and people who have gone on to manage properties.” Mr Lea said reflecting on the camp was all happy memories, and while the students learned to handle, groom, parade and judge cattle, they also had plenty of fun through novelty games like the Farm Yard Olympics. “It’s surprising how often people want to come up to me and talk about their time at the camp. Now, us old fellas don’t change much so they always recognise me straight away, but I have a challenge trying to remember them, as I only new them as a young bloke and now they are a six-foot tall man,” he said. Mr Lea said it was an honour to be named a life member.

“Originally it started out with mostly children of Murray Grey breeders, and then it evolved to include kids from other breeds and to encompass schools which had students studying agriculture,” he said.

“I am coming to the end of my time with cattle breeding now, I never expected to become a life member, so I was quite elated to hear I had achieved it,” he said.

“There were kids who had natural ability, but there were others who were new to cattle, some who had grown up in town, who showed they had the work ethic and eagerness to learn.”

“I feel as though I am being rewarded for something that I have thoroughly enjoyed. My time within the Murray Grey breed has led to many lifelong friends. I only have happy memories.”



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

At the Brisbane Ekka, Mr King also won Junior Champion Murray Grey Bull for Yallembie Espresso in 2009. In 2011, Mr King won Grand Champion Carcass at the Brisbane Ekka with 96 points for a purebred Murray Grey – a record score at the time which remained for a number of years. In 2015, Mr King established the Top of the Range Annual Murray Grey Sale at Glen Innes, an auction that has now become one of the more prominent multi-vendor sales within the breed. “Members of the New England Breed Promotion Group were heavily involved in running this sale, especially Murray Grey breed stalwart Sue Francis. The sale also had great support from agents Nathan Purvis and Shad Bailey from Colin Say and Co,” he said.

FLASHBACK 1999 North Coast National Champion of Champions Double D Ace, exhibited by David King, “Yallembie” Murray Grey Stud, Inverell, and Bob Lea, “Bookoola” Murray Grey Stud, Inverell (front). Also pictured are: Wesfarmers Federation Insurance Area Manager, Peter Graham; Judge, David Raff, “Drillham”; and parader, Neville Farrawell.

Annual 2023 | 2024



ARCBA YOUNG BREED LEADERS WORKSHOP I would like to thank the Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society for giving me the opportunity to attend the ARCBA Young Breed Leaders Workshop this year in Brisbane. It was a great opportunity to network with likeminded people in our industry. There were 13 different breed societies represented, and as you would expect every society has different breeding focus areas. It was great to talk to other breeders about what is important for them in their herd and how we can keep our cattle commercially relevant. We had some great talks from industry leaders about how they entered and succeeded in the industry, commercial cattle operation, genomics, and consumer opinions on the red meat industry. Mixed in with these talks we were given the opportunity to do interactive group sessions on each of the topics and were given some hard-hitting industry questions. These questions really made us think at a deeper level and from a breed society perspective. It was great to have inputs from other breed societies as we all have the same goal of producing beef, but all have different ways of achieving this. Something that I have really taken out of the program is that we should work together more between our breeds to promote beef consumption. Our beef industry is lacking in promotion and all of us, regardless to what breed we are from, should be advocating for beef consumption. At the dinner we were given an inspirational talk from Gemma Noller, an Olympic gold medallist. Although this doesn’t

seem to be relevant to the cattle industry it truly is. We all at some point in our life as cattle breeders will have hit a point where we feel as though we are getting it all wrong and everything seems to be failing. We just have to keep riding through the tough times because the up times are always more rewarding. I also felt privileged to see Jake Phillips receive the Arthur Rickards Scholarship, a very deserving recipient. Jake has been a great mentor to me and his passion to get young people into Agriculture is inspirational. I am very grateful for this opportunity as I have been able to develop myself personally and as a breeder. I also hope that I will be able to use some ideas from other breeds and promote Murray Greys better. We have a great beef product to offer, and we are seeing that with the SA product “Murray Grey Beef”. We need to focus more on promotion our beef product, because at the end of the day we have our breeders so we can produce beef.

Amy Nankivell

At the end of October 2023, I was given, by the Murray Grey Society, the opportunity to attend the two-day ARCBA Young Breed Leaders Workshop in Brisbane. ARCBA is a council that is run “to provide leadership and support to the Australian cattle seedstock industry to produce and market cattle genetics which improve their viability as seedstock procedures and the profitability of commercial cattle production.” The aim of the workshop was to bring the next generation of beef breeders together as a collective, to inspire and prepare us for what roles we may step into as future leaders in the seedstock industry. Across the two days, we had a range of speakers present to us about a broad range of topics, both industry and leadership relevant. I was able to gain a wide range of knowledge and skills that I will be able to use personally going forward, while also using them to help others as well.



Overall, the two-day event was a great space to connect with like-minded beef breeders from right across Australia, from a wide range of breed societies. Ideas and common conceptions of the beef industry were challenged, new visions for the seedstock industry were born, exciting prospects were talked about and many new friendships and connections were formed. I found the experience highly valuable, and strongly suggest that anyone who gets an opportunity like this presented to them, to take it.

Amy Smith Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

We are very happy to have purchased Maefair Sommerville S22, the Junior and Grand Champion bull and Supreme Exhibit at the 2023 Sydney Royal Easter Show. We now have 2 exceptional outcross sires, the other being Southend Rockey who is proving to be a super sire. We welcome visitors and always have bulls and females for private sale. We would like to thank all those who have made purchases during the year and we wish you all the very best with your breeding programs.

Elbern Murray Grey Stud and Ellie’s Cottages, Stanley Tasmania Ph. Bernard 0417 593 158 Ph. Ellie 0427 582037 Email: batkins@iinet.net.au www.elliescottagesstanley.com.au Annual 2023 | 2024 Facebook - @elberntas



GROW YOUR WELLBEING AND KEEP YOUR MIND ON THE JOB www.ifarmwell.com.au – a free, online tool kit designed with Australian farmers, specifically for Australian farmers Australian farmers are known for being resourceful and good practical problem-solvers, but life on the land can be tough, particularly because their livelihoods are determined by many things beyond their control. Having grown up on a farm near Streaky Bay in South Australia, Associate Professor Kate Gunn knows firsthand the impact that events such as drought and fires can have on a farmer’s wellbeing. A Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Rural Health, at the University of South Australia, Kate has led the development of www.ifarmwell.com.au – a farmer-focused online and text message-based wellbeing program, specifically designed to help farmers learn new tools to cope with things beyond their control- like the weather. Farmers die of suicide at twice the rate of other employed people, and are half as likely to have seen a GP or mental health professional in the last 6 months compared to their non-farming rural counterparts. The reasons for this are complex, but challenges associated with spending time away from the farm to access help, reluctance to “complain” and concerns about privacy in small communities, are all thought to contribute. The good news is, there are lots of practical things farmers can do to improve or maintain their own wellbeing, and prevent the development of serious mental health issues. And fortunately, if required, with the advent of telehealth and other online options, GPs and mental health services are becoming more accessible to people who live in the bush.



Since the drought of 2008, Kate and the ifarmwell team have examined these issues and what can be done to help. A key finding, is that something that separates farmers who do not become distressed in times of drought from those who do, is their ability to accept things they cannot control, and not give up on the things they can. Additionally, a lack of understanding of the agricultural industry from outsiders (including health professionals), adds to stress and acts as a barrier to help-seeking. These findings directly informed the development of www.ifarmwell.com.au, which delivers accessible, evidence-based wellbeing education and support. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it was codesigned with Australian farmers, specifically for Australian farmers, and incorporates evidencebased strategies, to ensure meaningful, sustained impact on farmers’ wellbeing. Examples of things that farmers emphasised as important in the co-design phase included: being relatable, using everyday language and humour, using positive farming-related imagery (e.g. not droughts), being simple to use and practical. The free website guides users through five 30-minute modules, to learn new ways of coping with the types of stress that farmers commonly endure. “While farmers are generally very good problem solvers, much of their stress is caused by things beyond their control like the weather or commodity prices- things they can’t just fix,” Kate says. “Why it is totally understandable, worrying about things you can’t control is not only a waste of energy, but it is also dangerous. When your mind is elsewhere and not focused on the job at hand, this can have serious ramifications for your safety.”

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

“The ifarmwell website equips farmers with extra coping skills to help them focused on what they can control, practical tips and feedback on their level of wellbeing, as well as advice on seeking professional mental health help if required. To keep farmers engaged, ifarmwell also uses short videos, cartoons and text message reminders.” Evaluation of the website has shown that completion of the modules is associated with increases in psychological wellbeing and decreases in distress, that are maintained for at least 6 months following completion of the final module. Industry supporters and stakeholders, such as Rural Financial Counsellors, have highlighted the value of www.ifarmwell.com.au, particularly when distress is preventing sound financial decision making. Working with distressed farmers can also affect their stress levels, so the strategies it contains

have been found to be valued by people like Rural Financial Counsellors too. Based on feedback, additional features on a recently re-developed platform include an option for people working with farmers (like agronomists) to refer their clients to ifarmwell, and with the farmer’s permission, to monitor and encourage their progress through the five modules. Community members can also invite a mate to sign-up. Additionally, new content has been added in response to changing needs; for example modules are now available via podcast, and a module to help fire-affected farmers prepare psychologically for future fires is currently being codesigned with assistance from farmers like Michael Kowald, an Adelaide Hills dairy farmer whose property was burnt in December 2019, pictured here with Kate. Why not jump online and give it a go today?!

Temperament–Structure–Calving Ease–Carcase Quality Stephen Koch & Anne Trevena Tallarook Victoria

nt821 tested

Annual 2023 | 2024

Steve 0408 788 990 murraygrey@atriem.com.au




The first 11 months of the 2023 calendar year registered a total of 4,462 head of Murray Greyinfused cattle listed on the AuctionsPlus platform. The Murray Grey hoofprint extends primarily from SE Queensland down through the Tablelands of NSW, northern Victoria and into Tasmania. There was also significant activity in SE South Australia and in the southwest of WA (see Figure 1). New South Wales was the largest listing state with 1,641 head across all Murray Grey-infused cattle, accounting for a little over a third (37%) of total listings. Tasmania was the second highest at 1,224 head, or 27%, of total listings. Victoria and South Australia each accounted for 13% and 11% of the market respectively. Tasmania was the most active buying state for Murray Grey, accounting for 33% of purchases. NSW was the second largest buyer, accounting for 27% of the purchases on AuctionsPlus. South Australia and Victoria purchased 16% and 12% of the sold stock respectively.

AUCTIONSPLUS MURRAY GREY LISTINGS So far in calendar year 2023, purebred Murray Greys made up almost 38% of total listings at 1,713 of the 4,462 head offered. NSW was the largest listing state with 50% of purebred listings. Murray Grey/Angus-cross was the most prevalent crossbreed with 20%, or 890, of the total head offered. Murray Grey/Friesian-cross and Murray Grey/ Limousin-cross were the next most represented at 110 head each. Throughout 2023, a noticeable trend has been the interstate purchases associated with the breed, where 43% of all Murray Grey listings travelled outside of their listed state. Leading the way was Victoria, with 62% of all listed Murray Grey lines heading out of the state, followed by NSW at 54% finding an interstate buyer.

PRICE TRENDS 2023 was a difficult year for the cattle industry, as the decline from the top of the cattle market in early 2023 was rapid and severe, and Murray Greys were no exception. The commercial market was the hardest hit, with the EYCI indictor declining 62% in less than 12 months to a low of 349c/kg carcase weight (cwt) on 18 October 2023. This decline of 66%, which fell from 1,024/kg cwt on 1 November 2022, returned prices back to levels last seen in 2014. The AuctionsPlus commercial market has felt the full force of this rapid change of direction. The AYCI (AuctionsPlus Young Cattle Indicator), which has the same parameters as the EYCI, recorded a low of 409 c/ kg cwt on 29 September 2023, down 72% from the high of 1,439 c/kg cwt on 9 September 2022. Although the low of the AYCI traded at a premium to the EYCI of 15.8%, the fall was much sharper and from a higher base. 40


Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Currently, the AYCI is trading at a 17.6% premium to the EYCI, which is above the average of the 11c/kg cwt premium since 2016. Price fluctuations for young (200400kg steers and heifers) Murray Greyinfused cattle sold on AuctionsPlus are consistent with that of the broader market (see Figure 3). Since the Q4 high of 2022, prices have dropped beyond the March 2019 previous recent low. Murray Grey prices in Q3 2023 averaged $944/head across all categories, 12% higher than Q3 in 2018. In Q3, all categories averaged 22% lower than the previous quarter and 53% lower than the corresponding quarter in 2022. Heifers 200-280kg were the most represented category in the most recent quarter, with the 244 head averaging $549/head. Steers in the same weight category registered 139 head and averaged $710/head, while station-mated cows recorded 119 head and averaged $1,629/head.


visit www.auctionsplus.com.au for more information

EST 2001

Katrina and Steve Sanders

Stud Open Day Friday 2nd February 2024 Inspections welcome anytime

Annual 2023 | 2024

Supreme MG exhibit, 1st Pair Females, 1st Breeder’s Group, Part of Reserve Champion Interbreed Pair Royal Adelaide Show 2023

www.ballyvaughanmurraygreys.com Ph. 0487 397 930 ~ Clare, SA E. ballyvaughan1@hotmail.com



‘T’ HEIFER DNA INCENTIVE I would like to draw your attention to a great opportunity that the Murray Grey Board has decided to continue for the ‘T’ drop females. For the past 2 years the Board has discounted the ‘R’ and ‘S’ drop females DNA tests if they meet the eligibility criteria, the board has decided to continue with the discounting of female DNA testing for the ‘T’ drop.

DISCOUNT ON GGP 100K + PV TESTS The board have decided on the 01/09/23 to offer a discount of $30 per sample for each GGP100K +PV test on all eligible ‘T’ drop females. To be eligible for the GGP 100K +PV test discount, the animal sampled must be: • female • registered with the MGBCS • born between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022 • have a minimum of 400 day weight and carcass scanning data (EMA, rib and rump fats, and IMF) submitted to BREEDPLAN.

This initiative is aimed at increasing the number of parent-verified genetic samples available to the Society to enable the introduction of markerassisted EBVs. There has been an additional 336 animals tested due to the ‘R’ and ‘S’ Heifer DNA Incentives. This initiative aims to accelerate progress towards achieving a representative sample of the Murray Grey population and will be extended to each subsequent drop of females in turn, subject to an annual review to gauge effectiveness and cost. The MGBCS Board is still focused on providing a positive budget for the Society, and these initiatives will not affect the Society. It has also been very pleasing to see and hear all the reports of increased sales, prices and demand for Murray Grey cattle. We would like to encourage all producers to take advantage of these initiatives.

ACCREDITED ULTRASOUND SCANNING TECHNICIANS ULTRASOUND SCANNING PROFICIENCY Genetic analysis of the ultrasound scan data in BREEDPLAN relies on the proficiency of the scanning technician to get consistent and repeatable results that reflect the carcase trait. Technicians are therefore required to undertake and pass proficiency tests on a regular basis in order to have their data analysed in a BREEDPLAN analysis.

For a digital version of this list scan the QR Code

Note: Scanners are re-accredited at regular intervals. The expiry date listed under each scanner’s name indicates when the scanner is due for re-accreditation. Ensure your scanner is accredited at the time of scanning your animals.

THIS ARTICLE IS COURTESY OF BREEDPLAN visit breedplan.une.edu.au for more information



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Name Accreditation Number Expiry Date

Telephone Fax Email

Accredited Traits


RODERICK BINNY 1042 30-Jun-2024

Mob: 0409 911 791 Email: glenleacharolais@bigpond.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

MAX BOWMAN 1026 30-Jun-2024

Mob: 0427 495 473 Email: max.bowman2@gmail.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

LIAM CARDILE 1033 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 02 6036 3797 Mob: 0409 572 570 Fax: 02 6036 3797 Email: lmcardile@bigpond.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

NICK CORBET (HONDA) 1045 30-Jun-2024

Mob: 0437 935 532 Email: nick.corbet@gmail.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: No

NICK CORBET (PIE) 1024 30-Jun-2024

Mob: 0437 935 532 Email: nick.corbet@gmail.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

WHITNEY DOLLEMORE 1046 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 0400 649 381 Email: whitney@nthbreedassist.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: No


Tel: 02 6770 1830 Email: alistair.donaldson@dpi.nsw.gov.au


Fat: Yes EMA: No IMF%: No

ROGER EVANS 1018 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 02 6761 5991 Mob: 0427 102 258 Fax: 02 6761 5992 Email: evansnr@bigpond.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

BEN GLATZ 1013 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 08 8766 0180 Mob: 0407 712 455 Email: blackangus@activ8.net.au


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

GRANT KEECH 1043 30-Jun-2024

Mob: 0429 496 512 Email: grant@kenevel.com.au


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

PAUL KENNY 1039 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 07 5437 0020 Mob: 0413 702 919 Email: bulltesting@outlook.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

GEOFF MONCRIEF 19 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 03 5157 7567 Mob: 0408 034 823 Fax: 03 5157 7567 Email: vicscan@clearmail.com.au


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

DAVID REID 1011 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 07 4164 5690 | Mob: 0427 102 257 Fax: 07 4164 5680 Email: d.hreid@bigpond.com


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

LONNIE STONE 1041 30-Jun-2024

Mob: 0428 641 409 Email: scanning@sxs.net.au


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

PAUL WILLIAMS 1023 30-Jun-2024

Mob: 0427 018 982 Email: paul.williams@abri.une.edu.au


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

MATT WOLCOTT 1012 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 02 6773 3979 Mob: 0427 753 868 Fax: 02 6773 3266 Email: mwolcott@une.edu.au


Fat: Yes EMA: Yes IMF%: Yes

REG WOODGATE 1049 30-Jun-2024

Tel: 02 6770 1830 Email: reg.woodgate@dpi.nsw.gov.au


Fat: Yes EMA: No IMF%: No


Annual 2023 | 2024



Using Australian Murray Grey USINGIndexes AUSTRALIAN MURRAY Selection


Selection indexes assist beef producers take into intoaccount accountthe the relevant Selection indexes assist beef producerstotomake makeselection selectiondecisions decisions that that take growth, carcase, fertility and efficiency attributes of each animal to identify candidates whose progeny relevant growth, carcase, fertility and efficiency attributes of each animal to identify candidates will be the most profitable for a particular commercial enterprise. Selection indexes provide an overall indication of whose progeny will be the most profitable for a particular commercial enterprise. Selection indexes an animal’s genetic value for profit in a specific production system/target market and are calculated based provide an overall of an animal’s genetic valuetofor in a specific on weightings placed indication on individual traits that are deemed beprofit important for thatproduction production system.

system/target market and are calculated based on weightings placed on individual traits that are

The weightings are calculated using BreedObject software that analyses all sources of costs and income deemed to be important for that production system. for the production system represented by each selection index. As such, selection indexes account for both sides of the profit equation and reflect the short and long term profit possible through selection of superior The weightings are calculated using BreedObject software that analyses all sources of costs and genetics. For example, short term profit can be generated by a bull through the sale of his progeny, and the income the production system represented each selection index. longer termfor profit generated by his daughters in aby self-replacing cow herd.As such, selection indexes

account for both sides of the profit equation and reflect the short and long term profit possible through selectionGUIDE of superior ForSELECTION example, shortUSING term profit can be generated by a bullGREY BEST PRACTICE TOgenetics. ANIMAL AUSTRALIAN MURRAY through theINDEXES sale of his progeny, and the longer term profit generated by his daughters in a selfSELECTION replacing cow herd. index information Incorporating selection into breeding decisions takes the hard work out of trying to decide how much emphasis Guide to Animal Using Australian Murray Grey Selection youBest needPractice to put on individual EBVs Selection when Indexes which animals you want to retain determining in your herd or purchase. The recommended strategy for selecting animals is to complete into breeding decisions takes the hard work out of trying Incorporating selection index information the to following steps: decide how much emphasis you need to put on individual EBVs when determining which animals

you wantthe to retain in yourindex herd orofpurchase. The recommended strategy for selecting animals is to 1. Identify selection most relevance to your or your client’s breeding complete the following steps: objectives. This decision should be aided by the descriptions at the endof ofmost this relevance to your or your client’s breeding objectives. 1. index Identify the selection index document the following flowchart. Thisand decision should be aided by the index descriptions at the end of this document and the following 2. Rank animals onflowchart. the chosen selection index. This can be done via the web search facility available for the breed.

3. Consider the individual BREEDPLAN EBVs of importance. All breed level selection indexes are designed for the average of the production system specified in their description. This means that individual farm environments and management choices may require that their own thresholds are applied. For example, if looking for a bull to use over heifers, particular attention should be paid to Calving Ease and Birth Weight EBVs. 4. Consider other traits of importance. Structure, fertility (e.g. BULLCHECKTM), temperament, genetic conditions and pedigree are all important additional considerations. Further information is available in the A BREEDPLAN Guide to Animal Selection tip sheet that can be found in the Help Centre on the BREEDPLAN website.

AVAILABLE AUSTRALIAN MURRAY GREY SELECTION INDEXES The Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society currently reports five different selection indexes. These are the: • Vealer Terminal Index (VT) • Supermarket Index (SUP) • Heavy Grass Fed Steer Index (GF) • Northern Terminal Index (NT) • Breeder Replacement Index (BR) BREEDPLAN results are calculated by the Agricultural Business Research Institute using beef genetic evaluation analytical software developed by AGBU and Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.



For more information visit breedplan.une.edu.au

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Vealer Terminal Index (VT) Each selection index is reported in units of net • Crossbred commercial herd using profitability per cow Murray mated ($),bulls and targets the Grey to target vealer following specifications: production. Supermarket Index (SUP) VEALER TERMINAL• INDEX Vealers(VT) finished on grass. • Self-replacing commercial herdGrey • Crossbred commercial herd using Murray • All progeny target targeting the(including domesticheifers) supermarket bulls to target vealer production. slaughter at 12 months of age. • Vealers finished on trade. grass. Supermarket Index (SUP) • All progeny (including heifers) target slaughter at •• Progeny target kg live weight Selected heifers430 are retained for • Self-replacing commercial herd 12 months of age. (225 kg HSCW & 9domestic mmtraits P8 fat depth). breeding so maternal are the supermarket • Progeny target 430 kgtargeting live weight (225 kg HSCW important. trade. Supermarket Index (SUP) & 9 mm P8 fat depth).

alving ase ir.






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• Steers targetheifers 470 commercial kgare liveretained weight (260 •• (SUP) Selected for SUPERMARKET INDEX ays to ay alving eightonger ighter Self-replacing herd ye uscleayreaeight maller kg HSCW & 12 mm P8 fat) at 15 ighter breeding so maternal traits are alving ase ir. arder targetingherd the domestic supermarket • Self-replacing commercial targeting the atureato epth eighteaner ighter months of age. important. alving ase at. arder domestic supermarkettrade. trade. etail eef ield ilo ero er irth eight eavier crotal ati e o maller ntramuscular er • Selected heifers• are retained for breeding so ay ro th ighter •• Steers target 470 kg live weight (260 Positive emphasis on carcase quality. ays to alving onger Selected heifers are retained for ay eight ighter maternal traits are important. ye uscle rea maller kg HSCW &are12 mm P8 fat) atare 15Business BREEDPLAN results calculated by the Agricultural ay eight ighter breeding so maternal traits at epth eaner Research Institute using beef genetic evaluation analytical software • Steers target 470 kg live weight (260kg HSCW & 12 months of age. ature o eight ighter important. developed by AGBU and Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. etail eef ield o er il o er mm P8 fat) at 15 months of age. ntramuscular at o er crotal i e maller • Positive emphasis on carcase quality. • carcase SteersFed target 470Index kg live(GF) weight (260 • Positive emphasis on quality. Heavy Grass Steer ays to alving onger ye uscle rea maller kg HSCW & 12 mm P8 fat) at 15 HEAVY GRASS FED STEER INDEX (GF) at epth eaner • Self-replacing herd months of commercial age. etail eef ield o er • Self-replacing commercial herd targeting heavier alving ase ir. arder targeting heavier grass fed markets. ntramuscular at o er alving ase at. arder Grassemphasis Fed Steeron Index (GF)quality. grass fed markets. •Heavy Positive carcase irth eight eavier Selected heifersfor are retained for so • Selected heifers• are retained breeding ay ro th ighter • Self-replacing commercial herd breeding so maternal traits are maternal traits are important. ay eight ighter alving ase ir. arder targeting heavier grass fed markets. ay eight ighter important. alving ase at. arder • Steers target 620 kg live weight (330kg HSCW & ature o eight ighter Heavy Grass Fed Steer Index (GF) irth eight eavier 14 mm P8 fat depth) 24 months • atSelected heifersof areage. retained for il tho ighter er ay ro • Steers target 620 kg live weight (330 crotalay i eeight maller breeding so maternal traitsherd are • Positive emphasis on carcase quality. ighter • Self-replacing commercial kg HSCW & 14 mm P8 fat depth) at 24 ays to ay alving eightonger ighter important. alving ase ir. arder targeting heavier grass fed markets. NORTHERN TERMINAL INDEX (NT) yeature uscleo reaeight maller ighter months of age. alving ase at. arder at epth ileanero er irth eight eavier • Commercial herd using Murray Grey bulls over •• Steers target 620 kg retained live weight etail eef ield i eo maller er Selected heifers are for(330 crotal ay ro th ighter • Positive emphasis on carcase quality. cows containing somekg Bos indicus content. HSCW & 14 mm P8 fat depth) at 24 ntramuscular at o onger er ays to alving breeding so maternal traits are ay eight ighter ye uscle rea maller oftarget age. slaughter at • All progeny (including months heifers) ay eight ighter important. at epth eaner ature o eight ighter 27 months of age. etail eef ield o er il o er •• Positive emphasis on carcase quality. Steers target 620 kg live weight (330 ntramuscular at o er • Progeny target 550 kg live weight (300kg HSCW & crotal i e maller Northern Terminal Index (NT) ays to alving onger 10 mm P8 fat depth). kg HSCW & 14 mm P8 fat depth) at 24 ye uscle rea maller months ofquality. age. • Positive emphasis on carcase • Commercial herd using Murray Grey at epth eaner etailase eef ir.ield arder o er alving bulls over cows containing some Bos Northern Terminal Index (NT) • Positive emphasis on carcase quality. BREEDER REPLACEMENT INDEX (BR) ntramuscular at o er indicus content. irth eight eavier • Self-replacing commercial herd using Murray • Commercial herd using Murray Grey ay ro th ighter Grey bulls. alving ase ir. arder bulls over cows containing • All progeny (including heifers)some targetBos ay eight ighter • Animals finished onslaughter grass. indicusTerminal irth eight eavier atcontent. 27 months age. Northern Indexof(NT) ay eight ighter • Selected heifers are retained for breeding so ay ro th ighter •• All progeny ye uscle rea maller • important. Progeny target (including 550 liveheifers) weighttarget maternal traits are Commercial herdkgusing Murray Grey ay eight ighter slaughter offatage. (300 kgweight HSCW &27 10months mm depth). alving ase ir. at epth eanerarder bulls over at cows containing some • Steers target 440 kg live (230 kgP8HSCW &Bos ay eight ighter indicus content. irth eight 9 mm P8 fat depth)•at Progeny 12 months age. etail eef ield o eavier er ye uscle rea maller targetof 550 kg live weight • Positive emphasis on carcase quality. ay roat th o ighter ntramuscular er (300 kg HSCW & 10 mm P8 fat depth). More detail on the trait EBV emphasis for each at epth eaner • and All progeny (including heifers) target ay eight ighter of the selection indexes described is available Breeder Replacement Index etail eef ield o er slaughter atabove 27 months of(BR) age. • Positive on carcase quality. ay eight ighter in the Australian Murray Greyemphasis Selection Indexes: ntramuscular at o er • Self-replacing commercial herd using ye uscle rea arder maller Progeny target kg be livefound weight Technical Specifications tip sheet that550 can alving ase ir. alving ase at. arder Murray Grey bulls. (300 kgresults HSCW & 10 mm P8 fat depth). at epth eaner in the Help Centre on the BREEDPLAN website. BREEDPLAN are calculated by the Agricultural Business irth eight eavier Research Institute using beef genetic evaluation analytical software etail eef thieldighter o er If you have any further queries regarding the ay ro by AGBU and Meaton & Livestock Australia Limited. • developed Animals finished Positive emphasis ongrass. carcase quality. ay eight ighter Australian Murray Grey Selection Indexes, please do ntramuscular at o er BREEDPLAN results are calculated by the Agricultural Business ay eight ighter Research using beef genetic evaluation analytical software not hesitate to contact staff atInstitute your BREEDPLAN • Selected heifers are retained for ature o eight ighter developed by AGBU and Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. processing centre. il o er breeding so maternal traits are crotal i e maller important. •

Annual 2023 | 2024

BREEDPLAN results are calculated by the Agricultural Business


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Steers target kg genetic live weight (230 software Research Institute440 using beef evaluation analytical at epth eaner developed by AGBU and Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. etail eef ield o er kg HSCW & 9 mm P8 fat depth) at 12 ntramuscular at o er months of age.

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For more information visit breedplan.une.edu.au horter igger a er igher asier igher asier


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For more information visit breedplan.une.edu.au igher eavier

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For more information visit breedplan.une.edu.au eavier igher igger horter igger

For more information visit breedplan.une.edu.au a er igher igher

TECHNICAL 45 More detail on the trait and EBV emphasis for each of the selection indexes described above is available in the Australian Murray Grey Selection Indexes: Technical Specifications tip sheet that can be found in the Help Centre on the BREEDPLAN website.

YOUTH PRESIDENT REPORT This year has been tremendous for the growth of Murray Grey Youth, and especially for myself as I have moved into the role of President. It has been a significant learning experience and I have been supported throughout the whole year by a great committee. I would like to say thank you to my fellow committee members, breeders, Maddie and the Society for such a successful year. There have been considerable highlights for current and rising youth members occurring all over Australia. From Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Perth to Launceston, including SA Junior Heifer Expo, TAS Junior Beef Expo and the National All Breeds Heifer Show, I believe the impact of youth breeders in the show scene has supported the Society’s positive growth. The promotion of the breed at Sydney Royal kickstarted a great wave of enthusiasm and connection between youth, breeders and the public. Youth breeders have also been strong in breaking into the market, with many selling stud animals under the changing conditions. I would like to commend breeders Kareena Dawson of Tintara Murray Greys, Mt Barker Community College, Samantha and Ella Betts of Floodway Pass Murray Greys, Daphne, Gretchen and Zelda Pell of Mystical Murray Greys, Emily Van Der Struik of Nu Walla Murray Greys, and Declan Haines of Dangarra Murray Greys for their consistency in supporting the breed in the stud stock scene.



There has also been a positive representation of the breed by schools within the show steer competitions nationwide. The breed has stood its ground within hoof and hook competitions, with notable achievements from Mount Compass Area School (SA), Kingston Community School (SA), St Mary’s College Gunnedah (NSW), Macintyre High School (NSW), and St Catherine’s Catholic College Singleton (NSW). The biggest achievement of the MGY committee was the Murray Grey Youth Educational Weekend held in conjunction with the Premier Murray Grey Sale in Albury. In the face of challenges, the weekend was finished off with many positive responses from participants, vendors and parents. Without the support of the Premier Sale Committee, sponsors, and helpers on the day it could not have run as successfully as it did. The weekend ended off with participants receiving scholarships, and the MGY committee is very excited to sponsor entrants to the SAJHE, TASJBE and support participants as part of educational bursaries. With an incredibly successful year, the support from dedicated breeders and generous businesses that contributed to the youth has not gone unnoticed. Without the invaluable backing of these individuals and organizations, the youth’s ventures would not have been possible. Regards,

Katie Sutcliffe

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

2023 MURRAY GREY YOUTH EDUCATIONAL WEEKEND After many months of limited action, the 2023 Murray Grey Youth Educational Weekend held was an inspiring way to bring new and current youth back into the breed. The committee hosted 25 entrants from ages 8 to 25 from NSW, SA, VIC and TAS over the weekend, with many experiencing their first event like this. There was great support from breeders and vendors who brought high quality animals for the competitors to use in ringcraft and junior judging. Saturday started early with education sessions from industry leaders, giving insights into the BREEDPLAN system, animal nutrition, interview skills, animal handling, meat education, show preparation and cattle selection. These sessions were well appreciated by all competitors, with great feedback on the quality of speakers and a high level of engagement. A credit to Boyd Gudex, Mark Jones, Amy and Rhys Nankivell, Courtney Hazeldene, Brett Davidson, and Melinda Kent for sharing their expertise over the weekend. The sessions were followed by a breeders talk with an exceptional panel of Murray Grey Breeders. With the focus on stud stock breeding and the show cattle scene, competitors, parents and committee were able to take away some advice from breeders who have experienced the industry firsthand. Thankyou to our panel for sharing their guidance; Jon Pinferi, Courtney Hazeldene, Don Monley, Sam Betts, Guy Burnett and Geoff Buick. Our Saturday concluded with watching the Premier Murray Grey Sale finish over dinner at Albury Commercial Club. It was a great setting for competitors, family, vendors, buyers and committee to all interact, eating Murray Grey beef thanks to Moonta Gourmet Meats. Sunday kicked off with ringcraft, where all ages came together to prepare animals to be judged under Michelle Fairall. Seniors stepped up to aid younger

competitors in prepping their animal and gain confidence in stepping into the ring. It was incredible to see everyone overcoming their challenges and walking out with smiles on their faces, even if it was their first time in the ring. Champion handler was won by junior handler, Charlotte Smith, in a very competitive class. Junior Judging followed after morning tea under Fiona Sutherland, who gave wonderful insight into the history of Murray Greys and shared her expertise in selecting cattle. There was a high calibre of speakers, with many also speaking on cattle for the first time. Champion Junior Judge was won by senior competitor Dylan Caire. Sunday closed with the presentation of awards and scholarships. I commend our panel of judges for our scholarships; Jon Pinferi, Michelle Fairall, Maddie Brockhoff and Jacob Merrick; for their extensive effort in analysing applications and conducting interviews with all applicants. Major award recipients included: • Champion Herdsman recipient under judge Neil Carr and group leaders – Amelia Bruggy • Tasmanian Junior Beef Expo Recipient – Ally Peter • South Australia Junior Heifer Expo Recipient – Isobel Talbot • $500 Bursary Award Recipient – Amy Smith • $250 Bursary Award Recipients – Sam Buick and James Sutcliffe Competitors were recognised in their engagement and their performance across the weekend by their group leaders with merit and encouragement awards. Ultimately, the weekend was finished with lots of positive feedback and smiles from everyone. On behalf of the committee, I would like to give a tremendous thankyou to everyone, including our helpers, group leaders, kitchen crew, breeders and vendors, Premier Murray Grey Sale committee, Fleur Ferguson Photography, Albury Showground, sponsors and Elders Stud Stock for their support over the weekend.

Images courtesy of Fleur Ferguson Photography

Annual 2023 | 2024





A Stockport couple are forging ahead with their five-year-old stud, which has taken them interstate with competitions. Rebekah and Sam Branson have two breeds under their Lakota stud name, which began with Limousins and more recently included Murray Greys. Rebekah said the stud name was inspired by the steer she was rearing and showing while at school in 2013 named Lakota. “I got involved with the Limousins quite heavily through the SA Junior Heifer Expo, showing Limocrosses and pure Limos for a few years,” she said.

“When I started the stud, I wanted something that was quite eye-catching and looked really good in the ring but also something that had a commercial viability in the future. “I wanted the hybrid vigour that the Limos bring, so that carcase quality, as well as the docility because I find that the Limos are quite quiet compared to some of the other breeds I’ve worked with.” She said there were a couple of highlights during her time in the show ring. “Mainly the senior champion parader for the SA Junior Heifer Expo for 2021,” she said. “And then I was state reserve junior judge for 2021.” In November, she went to Tasmania and judged the Circular Head Show qualifier at Stanley, and then assisted in the Stanley show interbreed cattle championship, judging alongside fellow South Australian beef breeder Dayna Grey. She also won a reserve junior champion ribbon with a Lakota-bred Limousin heifer at the Royal Adelaide Show in 2022. “Lokota Solitare Diamond is definitely the prized possession out in the paddock at the moment - she’s everything I want in a female,” she said. Rebekah said the Murray Grey stud was started in 2021 as something for their future kids. “We exhibited our first Lakota-bred Murray Grey female this year and we took her to Sydney (Royal Easter Show),” she said. “She came second in the 12 month and under a class to the female that went on to win grand champion female so we’re pretty happy to have come second to her. “She is our first Lakota prefixed animal, but we have only just started up with the Murray Greys. “Now we’ve got what we want in the paddock, we can start breeding from that, to then market them and sell them as the cattle that we want to put out into the industry.” Not including this years calves, the Branson’s have 10 Limousins and 16 Murray Greys.



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society


AMY AND PRUE SMITH By Quinton McCallum

Despite one living on Kangaroo Island and the other near Strathalbyn, distance is proving no obstacle for the cattle breeding dreams of sisters Amy and Prue Smith. The Smith sisters have formed Lemarand Murray Greys and are currently building their number of foundation females. The stud, located on the family farm just outside of Strathalbyn, is in its early stages consisting of four females and three calves. The plan is to focus on black Murray Greys. Amy, 21, works for Nutrien Ag Solutions on KI and is studying a Diploma in Agriculture focused on animal genetics, and animal health and nutrition, while Prue, 18, works as an SSO at a school in Strathalbyn and at Kuitpo Tree Climb. They say they were always involved in agriculture growing up, whether it was helping their dad doing farm work on leased properties, or spending days in the truck with him carting stock. “Our dad has been our backbone during this journey, helping wherever he can in whatever way, to try and help us succeed to our best potential,” Amy said. “Whether it be feeding animals, moving animals around, breaking show animals in, marking calves, weaning calves, putting the females through the AI program we run, he is always there to support us and lend a helping hand whenever we need it.” The stud was founded in late 2021, with the Lemarand name inspired by their grandparents who had a love for Murray Greys. “Unfortunately they are no longer here with us, so it is special that they still get to be a part of our journey and achievements,” Prue said. The sisters were both members of their school’s show team and said that’s where their love for stud cattle and showing was fostered. “From there, we decided to start our own cattle stud after we spent a weekend away with the Murray Grey promotional group in the Clare Valley in 2021 and drew a lot of inspiration from all of the lovely people and families involved,” Amy said. “They are a solid breed of cattle, that bring both carcase and physical traits to the table. “Their temperament is docile as well as being able to adapt to most conditions without much fuss.” The Lemarand herd has bloodlines from Bottlesford, Tungkillo; Kenton, Gumeracha; Ballyvaughn, Clare Valley; Nawarra, Wagga Wagga, NSW; and Cadfor, Binda, NSW, The sisters say their future plans are to continue building their stud numbers, and bringing in solid genetics to help improve their cattle.

Annual 2023 | 2024



YOUTH SENIOR AMBASSADOR TRIP TO NEW ZEALAND 2023 In January of 2023 my husband, Wade, and myself were fortunate to undertake a twoweek trip to New Zealand as part of my winning the 2019 Senior Ambassador for the Murray Grey Youth. Unfortunately, due to COVID, my trip was much delayed, but it was well worth the wait. It was a fascinating opportunity to compare our farming practices to those of New Zealanders. The main being that they have at least double our annual rainfalls and the optimal climate for highly productive pastures and hence highly productive properties. New Zealand farming was once predominantly sheep and beef cattle, with occasional dairy farms in between, but in the last 15 to 20 years, there has been a large growth in dairy farming due to the drop in price of wool, beef and lamb commodities. It is ideal for dairy farming with the abundance of water and ability for rotational grazing on highly productive pastures. This change in major commodities has seen the change of purpose of breeding beef cattle, with beef breeders selling majority of their stud bulls to dairy farms to use over dairy heifers for ease of calving but still maintaining do-ability. It was a shame to learn that the wool industry in particular is suffering, with the shearing of meat sheep causing producers to run at a loss, whereas at least in Australia, producers may not make much but they can at least make ends meet. Since the introduction of Mycoplasma bovis to the country (an endemic disease in Australia), importing genetics such as semen and embryos has also become more difficult, being impossible to import older genetic lots as animals must test negative to this disease before their genetics can be imported to the country. The wetter conditions of New Zealand and closer proximity of cattle and other animals compared to Australia make it a high risk of impacting the beef and dairy industry. We flew into Auckland and made our way down to meet Jane Burke of Chequers Murray Grey Stud: a beautiful 30 acre highly productive property 300 metres from the beach, not far from Whakatane. Since the passing of her husband Neill, Jane runs around 25 head of breeders. Neither Jane or Neill were from a cattle farming background, but they had a lot of experience with genetics from their family orchid business. Neill had a lot of experience breeding orchid hybrids and different varieties, supplying flowers predominantly to Japan. So when they began their Murray Grey stud in the early 2000’s, they wanted guidelines and a way of measuring their cattle to make sure they were on the right track. They heavily used literature from Gearld Fry “Bovine Engineering” to choose out favourable qualities for breeding, such as using linear measurement guidelines, escutcheon mirror for milk production, slick coats and lack of hair on udder. And the proof was in the pudding, with her cattle being moderate framed powerhouses, but still



having enough femininity to put plenty of oomph into the calves they were rearing. Jane and Neill also put a lot of time into pasture improvement, using Agrisea pasture diversity as a guide. What fascinated me most about this property was their homeopathic approach. No vaccines, drenches, and minimal use of drugs where possible – a rude shock for a veterinarian such as myself! They instead use seaweed extract in their water to increase vitamin and mineral intake, zinc in their water twice weekly for the prevention of facial eczema, and they would rub sulphur on their backs twice yearly for lice and tick prevention. It was exceptional to see regenerative farming in its element. We next made our way down South to Levin to Sue and Trevor Clarke of Yorkvale Murray Grey Stud. They began breeding Murray Greys in the late ‘70’s and have since been very involved in showing Murray Greys and furthering the breed. Both Sue & Trevor come from a background of managing and working on broiler chicken breeding farms their whole lives. Once again, the genetic component of this industry made them very attuned to the importance of breedplan figures, and how this correlates to the phenotypic qualities of the animal. Although they run a smaller herd of 30 stud cows, we were very impressed with the quality of Murray Greys they produced. During our visit here, Sue was good enough to organsie use to see 2 other properties in the region. Firstly, we headed to Michael Malmo of Kaihinau Murray Greys, a beautiful property set on the edge of a mountain range. Michael more predominantly breeds stud Simmental cattle but branched into Murray Greys around 5 years ago to give his dairy clients more variety when it came to choosing bulls for their dairy herds. Clearly having an eye for cattle, we were very impressed with both his herds. Next property we visited was owned by Mary Kilsby, who has the stud name of Arawa but mainly runs a commercial herd of Murray Greys as well as meat sheep, of which her lambs are contracted direct to abattoir. Mary is a very practical, hardworking farmer with a property to match this, being highly productive but more of the conventional type, with a variety of sown pastures designed to finish lambs and young cattle ready for market. After catching the ferry from Wellington to Picton, we drove through some flooded valleys from the torrential rain of the last day to make our way through the Marlborough region. This region predominantly produces wine, so it was good to drive through acres upon acres of vineyards, comparing it to our own Clare Valley. We stayed a night on a dairy farm in the Atarau region with an immaculate rotary dairy and plentiful Holstein Friesian’s, Jersey’s, and crosses of these two breeds. We spent a couple days making our way down the West Coast before staying with family in the beautiful Arrowtown for a day. I’m not ashamed to admit I did get a little faint-headed from the sheer enormity of the mountains around Arrowtown and Queenstown. It really was an eye-opening experience

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

travelling through the region. We were lucky to fit in a few days with family in Arrowtown, it was great to be able to catch up and learn about the historic town from a local. We eventually made it to Carolyn and Chris McIntosh of Silver Fern Murray Grey Stud, based at the beautiful Otahu Flats. This property was probably the most similar to home, running 60 stud breeders and 20 commercial breeders over a 300 acre property. The main difference being that they also run 600 breeding ewes on this property! They mentioned this summer was the most productive they have ever had in terms of grass production, where they produced over 400 bales of hay and bailage compared to poorer years only producing around 50 bales. Carolyn made it clear why these New Zealanders place such importance on intramuscular fat, getting a premium of up to $1/ kg (dressed weight) per animal at market. Carolyn was doing a great job of balancing muscle and fat figures to meet her desired market. Their stud is predominantly made of the original New Zealand (Australian) genetics with the occasional newer Australian genetics brought in through artificial insemination and embryo transfer. She also buys in commercial heifers – Murray Grey Simmental X – from a Simmental breeder she sells her Murray Grey bulls to. This cross produces some pretty impressive growthy cattle. Surprisingly, they have 30 varieties of Australian gum trees on property, and they use a local arborist to trim limbs to harvest seeds to be exported back into Australia for a pretty penny. We were lucky enough to be treated to a jet boat ride on the Waiau river that runs through the back of their property, before being treated to a huge lunch – Carolyn can cook!

a large producer of soft wheats for milling and flour production. Since the rise of dairy farming, it is now mainly produced for animal feedstuffs. Overall, we felt very privileged to be able to stay with such hospitable people throughout our trip. We would like to say a huge thank you to the studs that hosted us and took time out of their daily routine to show us around their property and teach us a thing or two. I would also like to personally thank Murray Grey Youth Australia, and especially Errowanbang and Arki Murray Grey Studs for their sponsorship of this award to allow me to complete a study tour in such an unreal country. We intend on using some of the things we learnt about farming & breeding cattle from this trip. It was especially important for Wade to gain a better understanding of genetics and breed plan while we were there now that he will be working for my parents at Ballyvaughan Murray Grey Stud. It truly was a once in a lifetime opportunity for both of us! New Zealand really is the land of milk and honey. We were stunned by the abundance of cattle, sheep, bees, birds, farmed deer, grass, silage rolls, and most of all, water!

Hannah Hogg

Ballyvaughan Murray Grey Stud, Clare, South Australia

Our final stay was with Barry McDonald of Torrisdale Murray Grey Stud near Winton. Barry runs 150 head of stud breeders on under 300 acres of land. This property was originally sheep, cattle and cropping, before wool prices dropped and Barry and his father made the decision to sell the sheep and focus on the cattle. Barry has a balanced rotation of grazing and sown crops for hay and bailage production throughout his property. He produces some incredibly consistent cattle in terms of structural correctness, softness, do-ability and vigour. We were very impressed with his overall set up and approach to breeding cattle, admitting he breeds to match types rather than to compensate types which has resulted in a very consistent type of cattle but still enough variation depending on what his clients are after. He has used a lot of Australian genetics to get where he is today, and will continue to do this even though there are more hoops to jump through due to M. bovis. Barry has an excellent set up for his gestating females to be housed in over winter to maintain production as well as reducing his paddocks being bogged up with the snow falls and wet weather. He built a custom-designed shed 11 years ago designed to trap heat in the coldest winter days while still maintaining airflow and drainage of animal waste. He feeds out a daily silage mix to his 150 cows, with straw for bedding. Similar to Silver Fern, he sews fodder beet in the summer time for winter feed, a frost and snow resistant crop that cattle can graze in the coldest of times. The cattle feed on the large sweet potato-like root vegetable produced by this crop. To Wade’s delight, he was able to cast his eye on some broad-acre crops, as the Winton region was originally

Annual 2023 | 2024



MONTEREY MURRAY GREY LADIES’ DAY FEMALE SALE By Jodie Rintoul | Farm Weekly THE opportunity to purchase from the heart of the Monterey Murray Grey and Angus breeding herds wasn’t lost on buyers when they operated in the stud’s Ladies’ Day Female Sale at Karridale last week, pushing prices to a high of $12,000. In the sale Monterey stud principals Gary and Julie Buller off ered 88 Murray Grey and Angus stud females made up of PTIC and open cow/ calf units, PTIC and open cows, PTIC heifers, unjoined heifers and 2022-drop heifer calves alongside 43 Angus and Murray Grey commercial females comprising PTIC cows, PTIC heifers and unjoined heifers through the combined Elders and Nutrien Livestock selling team. All up there were 123 online bids placed on AuctionsPlus on 44 lots and this resulted in 31 lots selling to 13 online users located in WA, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Idaho in the United States. This strong online activity combined with solid bidding from the buyers in the selling shed resulted in 81 per cent of the stud off ering or 71 head selling for an average of $5704, while 30 from the 43 commercial females off ered, sold for an average of $3423 and to a top of $3700. With 50 years of breeding and careful selection behind them, the Murray Grey females on offer were not short of interest given the stud’s standing across the country. All up 46 stud Murray Grey females were offered and of these 37 sold under the hammer for an average of $6095. PTIC cow and calf units and PTIC cows made up the bulk of the off ering. Broken down, 14 PTIC cow and calf units sold from 18 off ered to the day’s $12,000 top price and an average of $6321, while 11 from 14 PTIC cows sold to a top of $8000 and an average of $5636. There were also eight PTIC heifers off ered and these saw very strong buying support to all sell to a top of $10,000 twice and an average of $6938. Recording the $12,000 top price was a July-drop 2019 cow, Monterey Miss Magnolia Q190, catalogued in lot 22 when it sold to Christine Sponseller operating on AuctionsPlus from Idaho, who has previously had Monterey genetics.

out of Monterey Miss Magnolia F223 that is a daughter of Tarlina Cairns C18. It was sold with a silver, April 2022-drop heifer calf at foot, which is by Monterey Revelation R29 and PTIC to Monterey Limitless L198. Miss Magnolia Q190 has EBVs of +4.5 birthweight (BWT), +3 milk, +29, +40 and +52 for 200, 400 and 600- day weights, +50 mature cow weight (MCW), +34 carcase weight (CWT), +1.8 eye muscle area (EMA) and +1.1 retail beef yield (RBY). Also knocked down to the Idaho account was the silver, May 2011drop cow, Monterey Majestic Miss G176 in lot 27 for $7000, which was the highest price for an open cow and calf unit in the sale. The super sound, feminine, deep and long Majestic Miss G176 is by Monterey Bombadier B5, which is a son of Monterey Stratosphere and out of Monterey Majestic Miss W67, which is a daughter of Martindale Tallwood T63+98. Majestic Miss G176 was sold as open with a fresh calf at foot by Monterey Phoenix P6. A second Murray Grey PTIC cow and calf unit also made a fi ve fi gure value when it was knocked down at $10,000 to a buyer operating on AuctionsPlus out of Wangoom, Victoria. Hitting the $10,000 mark was the silver, April 2015- drop, Monterey Primrose L58 in lot 34. Primrose L58, which is by Monterey Harley Davidson H113 and out of Monterey Primrose E252, was sold with a top bull calf at foot Monterey Tally Ho T242, that is by Monterey True North N94 and PTIC to Dehavalyn Randy R33. It has EBVs of +3.4 BWT, +10 milk, +34, +50 and +68 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +70 MCW, +46 CWT, +1.3 EMA and +1.7 RBY. Also heading to this Victorian account at $7500 was a PTIC, November 2016-drop silver cow, Monterey Dutchess M309. Dutchess

M309 is a granddaughter of Yamba Bonanza B32 and was sold PTIC to Monterey Nixon N289. The best price for a PTIC Murray Grey cow was $8000 for Monterey Magnolia H156, bid by Nutrien Livestock, Boyup Brook agent Jamie Abbs, who was taking buying instructions over the phone from Dehavalyn Murray Grey stud, Singleton, NSW. The 2012-drop silver cow, which is by Monterey Easterly, is in the top one per cent of the breed with Breedplan figures which include -2.0 gestation length (GL), +8 milk, +39, +62 and +87 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +92 MCW, +57 CWT, +2.3 EMA and +1.9 RBY. Magnolia H156 is PTIC to Monterey Phoenix P6. Others to buy up strongly in the PTIC cow/calf unit and PTIC cow off erings included James Argent, JW Argent, Cookernup, who is looking to register a stud and EJ & CF Goodchild, Willyung. Mr Argent purchased a PTIC cow at $7000 and a PTIC cow/ calf unit at $6500, while the Goodchilds were successful on two PTIC cows at $7500 and $5000. One of the biggest buyers of the Murray Grey stud females was a Blythewoodbased buyer operating on AuctionsPlus which picked up two PTIC cow/units at $7000 and $6500, as well as two PTIC cows at $4500 and $4000 along with a PTIC heifer at $7500. In the PTIC heifers, the top price was $10,000 when guest auctioneer Cameron Petricevich, Cam Petricevich Auctioneering, Albany, knocked down two heifers at this value. The fi rst of the heifers to sell at $10,000 was Monterey Mannequin R212 in lot 82 and it was purchased by return Monterey buyers the Koopman family, Bottlesford Murray Grey and Angus

Prices hit a high of $12,000 for this PTIC cow and calf unit when it sold to a buyer operating on AuctionsPlus from the United States. With the Murray Grey cow and calf were Monterey stud principal Gary Buller (left), Elders South West livestock manager Michael Carroll, Elders auctioneer and Donnybrook representative Pearce Watling, Elders stud stock representative Lauren Rayner, Nutrien Livestock trainee Jordan Dwyer, Nutrien Livestock South West manager Mark McKay and Nutrien Livestock, Boyup Brook agent Jamie Abbs.

The silver Miss Magnolia Q190 is by Monterey Kambalda K135, which is a son of Monterey Dollar Man and



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

studs, Tungkillo, South Australia, operating on AuctionsPlus. The August 2020-drop female is by Monterey Mainland M120, which is a son of Monterey Galactic G125 and out of Monterey Mannequin P74 that is a daughter of Monterey Juggernaut J18. Darren Koopman said they selected the heifer for its outcross genetics as they have none of its bloodlines in their herd. “We liked her pedigree, performance fi gures and also her physical appearance,” Mr Koopman said. The stylish young female has growth EBVs of +28, +44 and +66 for 200, 400 and 600- day weights to go with MCW of +67, a-2.3 GL and a +2.4 EMA. Mannequin R212 sold PTIC to Monterey Quake Q222 after running with it from June 1 to September 1, 2022. The Koopmans also picked up a 2016-drop cow, which had a bull calf at foot and was PTIC, for $5000. The other PTIC heifer to hit $10,000 was Monterey Joyce R203 in lot 83 and it was knocked down to Mr Abbs, who was taking buying instructions over the phone from Guy Burnett, Burnett Pastoral, Maefair stud, Artarmon, New South Wales. The August 2020-drop female, which is by a Monterey Megaman E158 son, Monterey Lucky Strike L100 and out of Monterey Joyce P103, which is by Ayr Park Honda H57, is PTIC to Monterey Quake after running with it from June 1 to September 1, 2022. It has EBVs of -1.4 GL, +7 milk, +29, +49 and +72 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +2.2 EMA and +1.4 RBY. Another strong supporter of the PTIC heifers picking up two heifers both at $7000 was Phil Tomlinson, P & SA Tomlinson, Albany, who operated with the support of Nutrien Livestock, Great Southern livestock manager Bob Pumphrey. The heifers were by Monterey Norfolk N78 and Monterey Mainland M120 and both were PTIC to Monterey Quake Q222.

Annual 2023 | 2024

Double A Bridget S15 purchased by Maple Downs Murray Greys, Malanda, Qld

DOUBLE A MURRAY GREY DISPERSAL SALE By Kate Loudon | The Land Buyers from across Australia were drawn to the Double A Cattle Company Herd Dispersal in Clarence Town with full clearance being achieved for stud principal Annika Wynberg. In total, all 38 females offered sold to $10,000 for an average of $5297 and two bulls sold to $7500 to average $5125. Full clearance was also seen in the genetic lots with 37 semen packages selling to $1900 per package for an average of $468/package, and 15 embryo packs sold to $1000/package to average $458/package. Topping the sale was 22-monthold Double A Bridget S15 which was purchased by Maple Downs Murray Greys, Malanda, Qld. The daughter of Glenliam Farm Bridget L44 was sired by Tullibardine Jeopardy J14 and was sold pregnancy-tested-in-calf to Ayr Park Quincy Q11. Maple Downs Murray Grey’s Russel Kidd said “I saw that heifer in the catalogue and as soon as I saw her, I went wow”. “We like to stick to our silvers but when you see a magnificent female like that, colour doesn’t matter,” he said. Chasing the Glenliam Farm genetics, Maple Downs also purchased the second top priced female, Glenliam Farm Capri Lass P52 for $9000, and the equal third top priced female, Glenliam Farm Antoinette H46 for $8000. Topping the bulls was Double A’s walking sire Ayr Park Quincy Q11 which was purchased by Doug Giles, Willawa Greys, Newdegate, WA, for $7500. Sired by Ayr Park Legend L3, the almost four-year-old was the joining sire for all PTIC lots in the sale. Semen lots were topped by a package of 14 straws of Bottleford Kudos K18 which sold for $1900. These straws were purchased by Stephen Sims, Aurora Murray Greys, Shoalhaven. Embryo’s sold to $1000 for a package consisting of two eggs out of Glenliam Farm Capri Lass A29, by Ondiong

F78, and four out of Glenliam Farm Antoinette E25 by Tullibardine Jeopardy J14. This package was purchased by Venturon Livestock, Boyup Brook, WA. Purchasing a solid draft of four females was Lakota Livestock, Stockport, South Australia. Securing all silver females, the draft averaged $5125 and topped at the equal third top of $8000 for Double A Bridget Q3. Lakota’s Rebekah Branson said she was very excited to add these genetics to her herd. “We love the Power and Capacity in Lot 18 (Double A Bridget Q3). She was hard to walk past in the yards on Saturday morning,” Mrs Branson said. Mrs Branson said Bridget Q3 was her pick of the sale and that she wasn’t going home without her. “I’ve seen how the Bridget line performs in herds back home, and I am impressed,” she said. “All of the females we have purchased will slide in nicely with our herd back home in SA, with our main mob starting to calve next month. Double A’s Annika Wynberg said the dispersal was a hard decision to make but she needed to focus on her young family and put them first as the cattle were seven hours away. “I was truly overwhelmed with the support from across all states, especially the Kidd family were huge supporters,” Mrs Wynberg said. “I am just super happy to see them go to so many homes that I know they will breed for. With hopes to purchase a new farm in the central west, Mrs Wynberg said she would focus on and expand her and her husbands Angus program, Right Time Farms. The sale was conducted by Colin Say and Co, Glen Innes, and was interfaced with AuctionsPlus with Shad Bailey taking bids.



Young Guns Murray Greys Principal Lindsay Bagshaw with Elders Stock Agents

ELDERS BOYANUP BEEF FEMALE SALE By Jodie Rintoul | Farm Weekly The Murray Grey heifers rounded out the offering of PTIC heifers and in these pens three vendors offered and sold 33 heifers to a top of $4000 and an average of $3755. The Bagshaw family, Young Guns Murray Grey stud, Hyden, led the way selling 20 heifers across three pens for between $3800 and the $4000 breed top price for an average of $3870. The $4000 top-priced pen of seven heifers was purchased by Begala Pty Ltd, Cookernup, with the assistance of Elders, Harvey/Brunswick agent Craig Martin, while the other two pens sold at $3800 with Ironstone Ridge, Dardanup, picking up a pen of five and Altham Pastoral, Busselton, a pen of eight.

All the heifers sold by the Bagshaw family are in calf to Young Guns Murray Grey bulls and due to calve for 10 weeks from March 16 to May 25. Nangara Grazing, Manjimup, just missed out on the run’s top price when it sold a pen of six at $3900 to IB & AS Lorrimar, Dardanup. The Nangara heifers were PTIC to a Nangara Murray Grey bull and due to calve for 12 weeks from February 27. The final vendor in the run was Carbon Plus, Brunswick and it sold seven heifers, which are PTIC to a Limousin sire and due to calve from February 14 for 11 weeks, for $3300 to Arbien Traders Pty Ltd, Harvey.

ROCKHAMPTON ALL BREEDS SALE QLD Record & 2023 Highest Priced Murray Grey Bull Selling At Auction – Shell-Dee Iron Power, 26 months, weighing 1022kgs, EMA 150sq cm, P8 fat of 10, rib fat of 8 and IMF of 6%. Selling for $27,000. His overall sire appeal and softness drew much attention but his massive 150sqcm EMA was the real drawcard. Returning buyers, 2 commercial cattlemen battled it out with spirited bidding as well as several WA Murray Grey Studs. Not to be outdone was stable mate ShellSee Iron Strength, 24 months, weighing 908kgs, EMA 136sqcm with a P8 and rib fat of 10 as well as IMF at 5.7% selling for $14,000.



Shell-Dee Iron Power

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

MELALEUCA MURRAY GREY ON-PROPERTY BULL SALE By Jodie Rintoul | Farm Weekly IT might have been a diff erent sale format for the Koojan Hills Angus and Melaleuca Murray Grey onproperty bull sale at Manypeaks on Monday, but it didn’t aff ect the enthusiasm of buyers when it came to selecting their bulls Following the offering of Koojan Hills Angus bulls, the Metcalfe family off ered 16 Murray Grey bulls from their Melaleuca stud and the competition was nearly as strong as on the Angus sires, to ensure the family achieved a pleasing result. By the end of the run 14 of the 16 bulls had sold to 10 diff erent buyers to a top of $14,500 and average of $8536, which was back $1973 on last year as well as being up $36 on last year’s top price alone. Last year the Metcalfes off ered 19 Melaleuca bulls and sold 16 under the hammer to a top of $8500 and an average of $6563 Leading the way in the Murray Grey off ering and achieving the $14,500 top bid was Melaleuca Solar S12 in lot 101 when it was knocked down to Gary and Julie Buller, Monterey Murray Grey stud, Karridale. Mr Buller said Solar S12 was the obvious pick to him in the Murray Grey line-up. “I thought the offering of Murray Grey bulls stood out for their bone, substance and power,” The March 2021-drop, 838kg, silver bull is by Melaleuca Phantom P110 and out of Melaleuca Patty G226. Along with showing plenty of class

in the fl esh Solar also had a good set of balanced fi gures including +1.1 calving ease direct, -1.7 GL,+5.2 BWT, +33, +54 and +74 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +76 MCW, +45 CWT, +2.6 EMA, +0.3 rib fat, +0.3 rump fat, +0.7 RBY and +0.5 IMF along with index values of +$56 for vealer, +$57 for supermarket and +77 for EU heavy steer. The next best price in the Murray Grey off ering was $11,000 and it was achieved twice. The fi rst to bid the value was Lancelin Nominees Pty Ltd, Albany, when it went to $11,000 for Melaleuca Spartacus S6, which was the fi rst bull off ered in the run. The 776kg well-muscled, silver, March 2021-drop bull was sired by Melaleuca Kenny K250 and ranks in the top 5pc for EMA, top 15-20pc for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, CWT and RBY, while it is in the top 1pc for the vealer index and top 5pc for the supermarket and EU heavy steers indexes. Along with taking home Spartacus S6 Lancelin Nominees also purchased at $9000, a second Melaleuca Kenny K250 son which showed good softness and ranks in the top 5-15pc for the three indexes. The second bull in the off ering to make $11,000 was the late March 2021-drop Melaleuca Solar S68 when it sold to Kanandah station, Kalgoorlie. The 784kg silver, eyecatching Melaleuca Phantom P110 son sire is in the top 10pc for 400 and 600- day weights as well as the supermarket index.

Kanandah station also picked up a second Murray Grey bull during the sale at $6000 plus one of the passed in sires post sale at $6000 as well. There were another two Murray Grey bulls in the run to sell for fi ve fi gures. The Giles family, BP, RM & AR Giles, Ravensthorpe, purchased the 812kg, April 2021drop Melaleuca Salesman S117 at $10,500. The Melaleuca Mission M64 son had the ideal figures and phenotype. It ranks in the top 1015pc for the three indexes as well as top 15pc for 200, 400 and 600-day weights. Rounding out the Murray Grey bulls to sell at five figures was Melaleuca Solar S59 when it sold to Cameron Harris, Nangara Murray Grey stud, Manjimup. The 804kg, Melalueca Phantom P10 son ranks in the top 10pc for 200, 400 and 600-day weights and top 15-20pc for the three indexes. Mr Harris, who was buying from Melaleuca for the first time, said Solar S59 would be a total outcross for his herd and that was one of the reasons for buying it. “I think he is the complete type of bull which will work well with my females,” Mr Harris said. Two other buyers to have an impact on the Murray Grey run were TA & TL Bradshaw, Manypeaks, who purchased two bulls at $9000 and $6000 while AR & MA Muir, Manjimup, bought two both at $6000.

Prices in the Melaleuca Murray Grey side of the catalogue hit a high of $14,500 for this bull Melaleuca Solar S12, with the bull were Nutrien Livestock Great Southern manager Bob Pumphrey (left), buyer Gary Buller, Monterey Murray Grey stud, Karridale and Melaleuca principal Richard Metcalfe.

Annual 2023 | 2024



LINDSAY BULL SALE • 30 of 31 bulls sold to $18,000 (twice), av $10,333 • Total clearance of 35 commercial heifers sold to $3000, av $2802 • Total clearance of 13 stud heifers sold to $9000, av $6030 TWO mixed-aged bulls have topped Lindsay Murray Grey’s on-property sale at Pigeon Ponds, as only one lot of the 79 bulls and heifers was passed in at auction on Tuesday. Lindsay Murray Grey stud principals Craig and Jacinta Grant sold 30 bulls and 48 heifers during their 14th sale. “Bulls went to South Australia, NSW and some females went to Tasmania,” Mr Grant said.

(L-R) Tim Woodham, Nutrien Stud Stock Wagga, Purchaser Chris Hines Greenhills and Craig Grant Stud Principle. Lot 8 Lindsay Sierra S74 $18,000

The first top-priced bull, Lot 6, Lindsay Schnapps S45, was bought by Cavanagh Farms, Tintinara, SA, for $18,000. The 21-month-old was sired by Bottlesford Mocha M58 and described as versatile, with balanced figures, a moderate frame and suitable for use over heifers and cows. Cavanagh Farms was also among the volume buyers, securing three lots including Lot 33 for $16,000 and Lot 7 for $6000. The equal top-priced bull was Lot 8, Lindsay Sierra S74, an 18-month-old, which was bought by GreenHills Murray Greys, Minhamite, and sired by The Glen Keystone P243. GreenHills Murray Greys also bought the first lot, Lindsay Stealth S11, for $15,000 and Lot 4 for $8000.

(L-R) Stud Principle Craig Grant, Purchasers Bruce Cavanagh, Stuart and Natalie Allen. Lot 6 Lindsay Schnapps S45 $18,000

VENTURON LIVESTOCK ON-PROPERTY BULL SALE By Kane Chatfield | Farm Weekly STUD and commercial buying support from throughout the country saw values reach $26,000 at the Thompson family’s Venturon Livestock third annual on-property bull sale at Boyup Brook last Friday. Attendees at the sale were spoilt for choice with an expanded sale team of 57 quality well-bred and presented Angus, Charolais and Murray Grey bulls happily spread out among the large viewing pens for buyers to casually inspect before enjoying some generous country hospitality from the Venturon team. The big crowd in attendance created a festive atmosphere with 53 buyers registering at the sale from strong local support joining buyers from the South West, South Coast, Great Southern, northern and Central Wheatbelt, Esperance and interstate. The sale was also interfaced on AuctionsPlus with 76 registered bidders logged in from WA, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania along with a further 145 viewers watching the sale.

The team of 10 Murray Grey bulls rounded out the fixture with Nutrien Livestock, Boyup Brook agent Jamie Abbs bidding the breed’s top dollar of $10,000 from the outset for team leader Venturon Sarsparilla S111 on behalf of RH Norman & Son, Busselton. The low birthweight bull (top 25-30pc) was a mid-May 2021-born son of Double A Qualifi ed Q2 and a Karakara Balfour B202 daughter Karakara Bodacea G407. The 770kg bull scanned 9mm P8 and 7mm rib fats, 131cm2 EMA, 5.8pc IMF and 40cm SC. Mr Abbs said the bull would be used over a selection of the Norman’s heifers from their Hereford- Simmental breeding herd. The progeny of Rouchelle King Of Hearts found favour among Murray Grey buyers with all four sons fi nding new homes from $5000 to $7000 with the two higher priced bulls going to Nutrien Livestock, Williams and Tara Grazing, Boyup Brook. Nutrien Livestock, trainee Jordan Dwyer (left), Venturon Livestock stud co-principal Andrew

At the completion of selling, the Elders and Nutrien Livestock selling teams had cleared 38 bulls under the hammer (67 per cent clearance) on the back of selective buying throughout the sale which saw bulls making strong values and others unfortunately overlooked. In the line-up of 10 Murray Grey bulls, half were sold at auction to average $7000, down $1643 on last year’s sale average of $8643 from all seven bulls selling.



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

30TH ANNUAL INVITATIONAL BULL AND FEMALE PRODUCTION SALE By Kyah Peeti | Farm Weekly THE 30th Annual Invitational Bull and Female Production Sale was again held exclusively online, via the AuctionsPlus platform last week and prices peaked at $12,500 for a Young Guns Murray Grey bull yet again. Although the sale was held online, buyers were able to take advantage of the helmsman-style auction and buyers bid in confidence on the bulls they were chasing. Potential buyers and underbidders were given plenty of options during the sale. The Murray Grey bulls made up the largest off ering in the sale with 22 on off er from two vendors and 19 sold from just one of the vendors at an average of $7158. Return vendors the Bagshaw family, Young Guns stud, Hyden, was the biggest vendor in the sale and in the Murray Grey off ering, with a line-up of 20 Murray Grey bulls, of which 19 sold during the sale at an average of $7158. Catching the eye of many buyers was Young Gun Sarge S50 in lot one, which sold for the day’s top price of $12,500 to Nutrien Livestock, pastoral agent Leon Goad, who was purchasing on behalf of his father-inlaw, Phil Tomlinson, Napier. Sarge S50 is a son of Young Guns Napoleon N33 and out of Young Guns Cleopatra N13. It has estimated breeding values (EBVs) of -0.5 calving ease direct (CED), 0.0 gestation length (GL), +3.1 birthweight (BWT), +2 for milk, +11, +23 and +34 for 200, 400 and 600- day weights, +38 mature cow weight (MCW), +0.4 scrotal size (SS), +17 carcase weight (CWT), +1.1 eye muscle area (EMA), -0.1 and -0.2 for rib and rump fats, -0.1 intramuscular fat (IMF) and +0.5 retail beef yield (RBY).

With these figures it ranks in the top 35pc for BWT, top 40pc for rib fat and top 50pc for rump fat. Mr Tomlinson said he was selecting new genetics to go over his mature Murray Grey cows. “I was sourcing an outcross, ultimately, I wanted to try something diff erent,” Mr Tomlinson said. “I have heard the Young Gun bulls are very good and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to give one a go. “I will join him with the breeders at the end of April, beginning of May and they will calve down in early February, early March.” Four bulls sold to $9500 in the Young Guns off ering. First to pay the price for a Lindsay Metallic M139 son, Young Guns Swagman S31 were return buyers, the Forrester family, Kanandah station, Kalgoorlie, who were the volume buyers in the run. Also paying $9500 was an Elders Bunbury account for a Young Guns Netfl ix N11 son, Young Guns Sheriff BJL S33, while Young Guns Sante Fe S95, a Young Guns Netfl ix N11 son was picked up by a Hyden buyer, and last to secure a bull at $9500 was a Mardella buyer who bought a Young Guns Platinum P14 son, Young Guns Seafarer BJL S64. Along with securing Swagman the Forresters purchased three other bulls to fi nish with a team of four at an average of $6875. The Forrester family’s Esperance farm manager Devyn Mills, is a return buyer and said they wanted to get bulls from the stud because they were raised in harsher conditions. “They are better suited to us,” Ms Mills said. “As for the bulls themselves, they have a nice good structure and are even overall. “They are the bulls we expect to hold up out in the weather and hold condition.”

Catching the eye of many buyers was Young Gun Sarge BJL S50 in lot one, which sold for the day’s top price $12,500 to Nutrien Livestock

Annual 2023 | 2024



SOUTHEND MURRAY GREY ON-PROPERTY BULL AND FEMALE SALE By Kyah Peeti | Farm Weekly IT is safe to say the Wise family’s quality line-up of Murray Grey bulls and heifers were keenly sought after at the 29th annual on-property bull sale at its Katanning-based stud, Southend last week. The extremely well presented pens of heifers and bulls had buyers fi lling the shed and grandstands at the property to secure and bid on their preferred catalogue favourites and soak up the Wise family hospitality. With solid buying support, the diverse offering of 54 Murray Grey saw an 80 per cent clearance, with 43 selling under the hammer at an average of $9047 and to a top of $15,000. In the female side of the catalogue all 10 registered heifers sold for an average of $3330 and a top of $4500, while the stud also achieved a complete clearance of the unregistered heifers which topped at $2700 and average $2025. Mr Watling took bids from left right and centre on the day which saw prices reach a top of $15,000. Achieving the top price of $15,000 was Southend Sassy, in lot 29 which was snapped up by Rob Bass and Kerry Pinch, RP Bass and KR Pinch, Boyup Brook. The spring-drop sire is a son of Southend Narssist and out of Southend K-Sapphire K763. It has estimated breeding values (EBVs) of +3.8 birthweight (BWT), +31, +47 and +60 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +51 mature cow weight (MCW), +3 milk, +0.3 scrotal size (SS), +41 carcase weight (CWT), +2.1 eye muscle area (EMA), -0.1 and -0.1 for rib and rump fats, +1.0 retail beef yield (RBY) and 0.0 intramuscular fat (IMF). With these fi gures, Sassy ranks in the top 15pc for 200- day weight, top 25pc for 400- day weight, top 30pc for CWT and EMA. Mr Bass said he had been buying from the Wise family for about 20 years. Stud principal Kurt Wise said Sassy had quality genetics. “The bull is an outstanding type and has a good structure,” Mr Wise said. Two bulls achieved the second top price of $13,000 with the fi rst being snapped up by the volume buyer at the sale, Bettini Beef, Port Hedland.



With the top-priced $15,000 bull, Southend Sassy, is top price buyers Kerry Pinch (left) and Rob Bass, RP Bass and KR Pinch, Boyup

It’s $13,000 bull, Southend Sugar Daddy was sired by Wallawong Xyris and out of Southend Jelly Bean M62. The long, thick bull has EBVs of +3.8 BWT, +33, +52 and +75 for 200, 400 and 600- day weight , +77 MCW, +4 milk, +1.0 SS, +48 CWT, +2.0 EMA, +0.1 and +0.2 for rib and rump fats, +0.9 RBY and +0.1 for IMF. With these figures it ranks Sugar Daddy in the top 10pc for 200, 400 and 600-day weights and MCW. Bettini Beef purchased seven bulls by the completion of the sale at an average of $9714. Among the Bettini Beef’s purchases was one of four, $12,000 third top-priced bulls, Southend Song Bird. Song Bird is a son of Southend Narssist and ranks in the top 1pc for 200, 400 and 600day weights and CWT, top 5pc for MCW and SS, top 10pc for milk and EMA and top 15pc RBY. Achieving the other equal $13,000 equal second top price status was Southend Smelly, purchased by Lindsay Pastoral Co, Forrest Hill. Smelly is a Southend Paypal son and out of Southend Q441 Jelly Bean and possesses EBVs of +3.3 BWT, +19, +28 and +37 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +44 MCW, 0 milk, -0.4 SS, +26 CWT, +2.1 EMA, -0.2 and -0.4 rib and rump fats, +1.3 RBY and -0.3 IMF. Paying the equal third top price of $12,000 was Hampden Farm, Brookhampton, for lot 24 bull Southend Shamrock, another Southend Narssist son. It ranks in the top 1pc for 200, 400-day weights and CWT, top 5pc for 600day weight. Larussa Assets, Gingin, picked up two bulls at an average of $9000, with one of them being Southend Sire in lot one for $12,000. Sire is a Southend Narssist son and ranks in the top 1pc for 200-day weight, top 5pc for 400 and 600day weights and CWT, top 10pc MCW. The fourth bull to achieve $12,000 Southend Slip Stream, was purchased by local account Yolander Holdings Pty Ltd, Kojonup. Slip Stream is a son of Wallawong Xyris and ranks in the top 15pc for RBY, top 20pc for 200-day weight, top 25pc for milk. In the registered heifer off ering, all 10 heifers off ered were sold with prices reaching a

top of $4500. South Australian buyer, Lennard Wicks, paid the sum for Tullibardine T953 Peanut which is a daughter of Mungatta Tijuana Q10 and out of Tullibardine Peanut K124. The stylish young heifer has EBVs of +6.5 BWT, +38, +60 and +83 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +91 MCW, +7 for milk, +0.5 SS and +52 CWT. Mr Wicks rounded out his purchases in the heifer offering with an additional heifer from pen 64, Southend T914 Katie, which was sired by Mungatta Tijuana Q10 at $3700. This heifer has EBVs of +5.1 BWT, +34, +55 and +78 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +81 MCW, +3 for milk, +1.3 SS and +52 CWT. The second top heifer price of $3900 was paid by Stockhill Grazing Company, Quairading, for Southend S838 Perfection. Perfection is a maternal sister to Southend Narssist being a daughter of Carlinga Mordred and out of Southend K-Perfection K769. Perfection has EBVs of +3.6 BWT, +31, +55 and +65 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +61 MCW, +10 for milk, +1.3 SS and +47 CWT. Bettini Beef was again the volume buyer in the registered heifer off ering, taking home a total of three heifers at an average of $3133 and to a top of $3300 for Southend S781 Capri Lass. There were again 70 unregistered heifers up for grabs, selling in lots of fi ve on the day, and sure enough there was a 100 per cent clearance with the best priced pen achieving $2700, three times. The fi rst pen of heifers to sell for $2700 were knocked down to Coonawarra Farms, Bruce Rock. The Bruce Rock account also took home the offering’s second top price at $2600 and two more pens at $2200 and $1950. The remaining two $2700 top-priced pens were snapped up to overall volume buyer Bettini Beef. Bettini Beef bought six heifer pens ranging from $1800 to $2700, leaving with 30 unregistered heifers in total. Southend stud principal Kurt Wise was very pleased with the result. “We had a lot of return clients and new clients which was really pleasing to see,”

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

31ST ANNUAL MONTEREY ON-PROPERTY BULL SALE By Kane Chatfield | Farm Weekly AN extensive list of buyers acquired bulls of choice within budget at the 31st annual Monterey Murray Grey and Angus bull sale at Karridale last week. The Buller family and the Monterey team upped their bull numbers catalogued in this year’s outstanding team of 87 Murray Grey and Angus rising two-year-old bulls described by a number of buyers and Monterey alike as the best team ever presented at the sale. A register of 64 buyers attended the sale to inspect the well-bred and presented bulls and view the video sale live onfarm while there was no shortage of interest online. The sale was interfaced on AuctionsPlus and 2619 online catalogue views yielded 34 buyers logged into the sale, along with 55 guests from throughout the country resulting in 75 online bids and 11 bulls selling to nine buyers operating online from WA and Victoria. The joint Nutrien Livestock and Elders selling teams headed by auctioneers Tiny Holly and Nathan King along with Austin Gerhardy to fi nish the sale, notched up an 87 per cent overall clearance with 76 Murray Grey and Angus bulls selling under the hammer for $9888 average. While there was a big crowd in attendance, a few faces missing from last year allowed buyers to fill their requirements from the large catalogue of quality bulls within their desired budgets. Buyers were content to operate at either end of the market and this resulted in values ranging from $25,000 to $6000 with the sale average accurately refl ecting the sale tone.

Situated in the Tablelands region, the Gadgarra stud is Australia’s northern most Murray Grey stud and has been registered for 25 years, pioneering Murray Greys in the traditional Bos Indicus cattle area. Mr Contarino said the Monterey genetics were elite and were being used in every State in Australia. “Our foundation sire from the Todrina stud was a son of Monterey Star Chief and his imprint on our herd was signifi cant,” Mr Contarino said. “We bought a Monterey elite cow about 12 years ago and have used Monterey semen in our herd.” Mr Contarino said they viewed the bulls three days prior to the sale but due to commitments couldn’t stay for the sale. “We’d picked out the three top-priced bulls, we’re extremely fussy and know exactly what we want,” he said. “Snowstorm reminds us a lot of our original sire which we saw as a weaned calf and it’s almost identical with their temperament and structure. “It ticks all the boxes, nice bone, tracks well, structurally sound, softness but also with volume throughout and a beautiful sirey head.” Another bull the Bullers retained a semen share in was Monterey Sandman S33 which was knocked down to a Victorian buyer on AuctionsPlus for the sale’s overall $20,000 third top price. The powerful silver 900kg early March 2021-born bull was by Monterey Jagger J217 and out of a Yamba Bonanza B32 dam Monterey Miss Daisy G236.

The overall average dipped $2426 compared to last year’s blockbuster of a sale where 78 of 80 bulls sold at auction to average $12,314. The line-up of 44 Murray Grey bulls saw 40 sell at auction to average $9813, back $2328 on average from last year where 39 of 40 bulls sold at an average of $12,141. The youngest bull in the sale, Monterey Snowstorm S244, catalogued deep into the sale in lot 72 in the second last run of Murray Grey bulls, proved a surprise packet when it claimed the sale’s $23,000 top-priced honours for the breed. The bull was finally knocked down to John Contarino, Gadgarra Murray Grey stud, Yungaburra, northern Queensland, bidding via phone with Mr Abbs, after a lengthy bidding battle with a buyer on AuctionsPlus. The bull was purchased in partnership with commercial Murray Grey producer Garry Simmons, Ravenshoe, also in the Tablelands region. The impressive silver coated youngster was an early September 2021-born son of exciting sire Monterey Nixon N289 (by Woodbourn Kimberley K39) and an emerging elite Monterey Matrix M109 daughter Monterey Magnolia Q224. It tipped the scales at 752kg at 16 months of age and scanned 7 FS, 42cm SC, 9mm P8 fat, 8mm rib fat, 117cm, EMA and 4.7pc IMF. The bull displayed an even spread of above average Breedplan performance and indexes including top 15pc for 200-DW, top 25pc 400DW and SC. The Bullers thought equally as high of the young bull and retained a semen share.

Annual 2023 | 2024

Elders, Margaret River representative Brendan Millar (left), with Charlotte Durin and Daryl Avery, BE & DC Avery, Scott River and the sale’s $18,500 third top-priced Murray Grey bull Monterey Sultan S35 (by Monterey Jagger J217)

Travis Bower (left), Monterey stud, Karridale, Nutrien Livestock, auctioneer and Manjimup representative Austin Gerhardy and Elders



35TH ANNUAL GINGIN BULL SALE By Jodie Rintoul & Kane Chatfield | Farm Weekly The quality of the 82 bulls representing three breeds drew another large crowd of 66 registered buyers in person from as far away as Bremer Bay and Northcliffe in the south to Merredin in the east and Kalbarri in the north, as well as all points in between and they weren’t afraid to bid up on the bulls they really wanted. In addition there was added buying support on AuctionsPlus where the catalogue received 1759 views and 102 logins during the sale from across Australia. Despite the strong interest on AuctionsPlus, the online buying activity was limited with only

three bulls selling via the platform. With strong buying support right through the catalogue, the sale was extremely solid from start to finish ensuring all involved walked away happy. At the completion of selling, the Nutrien Livestock and Elders selling teams led by auctioneer Tiny Holly had recorded a 94 per cent clearance (or 77 bulls sold) of the 82 bulls off ered for an overall average of $10,909. This was up $1213 on last year’s sale average of $9696 for 79 bulls off ered and sold. The Murray Grey bulls were second into the ring and in this run the Stickland family, Mungatta stud, Wongan Hills, offered 12 bulls. By

the end of the off ering 10 had been cleared under the hammer to a top of $13,000 and at an average of $7700, which was up $400 on last year. Standing out in Mungatta’s offering and topping the team at $13,000 was Mungatta Venice S63 in lot 65, when it sold to return buyers Peter and Fiona Haydon, PJ & FG Haydon, Bindoon, who run 120 Murray GreyAngus cross breeders. Ms Haydon said Venice S63 was a standout in their eyes due to its outlook and style. “He is easy-doing, has good length and depth of body and a good temperament,” Ms Haydon said.

WALSA FARM WEEKLY SUPREME BULL SALE By Kane Chatfield, Jodie Rintoul & Kyah Peeti | Farm Weekly This year three studs offered 12 Murray Grey sires and sold 11 of them under the hammer to a top of $9000 twice and an average of $6818, which was down $1182 on last year’s average. Recording the $9000 top price twice, was Cameron Harris and Kylie Proctor’s Nangara Murray Grey stud, Manjimup, which offered seven bulls and sold six at an average of $7583. The first bull to achieve the $9000 price tag in the Nangara run was Nangara Silver Power S18, in lot 69, when it was secured by Mr Abbs, who was buying on behalf of a South West enterprise. The 904kg, thick, deep, March 2021-drop sire is a son of Southend Posidon and out of Nangara Magnolia N27. Silver Power S18 has EBVs of +6.1 BWT, +4 milk, +40, +59 and +86 for 200, 400 and 600 DW, +1.1 SC, +54 CWT, +2.2 EMA, -0.9 and -1.2 for rib and rump fats, +1.8 RBY and -0.2 IMF. The second bull to achieve the equal $9000 top price in the Nangara team was Nangara Slam Dunk S9 in lot 71 and it was knocked down to Elders, Margaret River agent Alec Williams, who was taking buying instructions over the phone from the Campbell family, Campbell Family Trust, Yornup. The 856kg, March 2021drop, Slam Dunk is a well-bred son of Monterey Major League M30 and out of Glenliam Farm Anthena F41.



It has EBVs of +3.1 BWT, +5 milk, +31, +37 and +49 for 200, 400 and 600 DW, -0.4 SC, +34 CW, +1.2 EMA, +1.4 and +2.0 for rib and rump fats, -0.2 RBY and +0.1 IMF. Nangara Supernatural S33 was snapped up for the run’s $8500 second top price by Elders, Albany representative David Lindberg on behalf of an Albany client. Supernatural is a son of Ayr Park Legend L31 and out of Monterey Miss Kuri. It has EBVs of +4.4 BWT, +8 milk, +24, +47, +66 for 200, 400, 600-day weights, +1.0 SC, +40 CW, +1.7 EMA, +0.1 and +0.2 rib and rump fats, +0.7 RBY and +0.4 IMF. Two bulls in the Nangara team made $6500 when they sold to D & A Campbell, Warner Glen and MA Ward, Dardanup. David Corker, Wundam Park stud, Boyup Brook, sold all four bulls presented to an average of $5875 and a top of $6500. Achieving the top price of $6500 for the Wundam Park stud was lot 65, Wundam Park Stockman S1. The classy silver bull is a son of Southend Nike N108 and out of

Wundam Park Silverbell L8. It has EBVs of +3.6 BWT, +2 milk, +20, +32 and +40 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +0.6 SC, +26 CW, +1.2 EMA, -0.3 and -0.5 for rib and rump fats, +0.9 for RBY and -0.1 for IMF. Two bulls achieved the $6000 mark in the Wundam Park team – Wundam Park Senator S4, which was bought by WL & GL Reynolds, Forrestfi eld, and Wundam Park Spartan S23, which was snapped up by Elders, Donnybrook representative Pearce Watling, who purchased on behalf of the Walker family, Mayanup. Senator S4 is a son of Wundam Park Patriot. The last of the vendors in the Murray Grey run was the Argento stud, Harvey, which off ered and sold one bull, Argento Ringleader R33, for $6000 when it was knocked down to Nutrien Livestock, Brunswick/ Harvey, agent Errol Gardiner, who was purchasing on behalf of DF & J Riegert & Son, Yarloop. He is the October 2020-drop son of Bundaleer Good Will G14.

Nangara Murray Grey representatives at the Walsa Farm Weekly Supreme Bull Sale

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

The March 2021-drop, 852kg silver bull is a son of Monterey Magnetic and in the ring it showed good thickness and excellent conformation. On the fi gures front Venice S63 ranks in the top 5pc for SS (+1.7) and DTC (-4.1) as well as top 10pc for 200, 400 and 600day weights (+33, +55 and +77) and MCW (+81) and top 15pc CWT (+46). Dandaragan enterprise Mikkelsen & Wilson, might have been the losing bidders on Venice S63, but it didn’t go home empty handed as it purchased two bulls at Mungatta’s second and third top prices of $9000 and $8000. It paid $9000 for Mungatta Valor S81 which is in the top 5pc for 600day weight, MCW and CWT and $8000 for Mungatta Victorian S48 that is in the top 5pc for milk. Both bulls were sired by Monterey Magnetic M39. Five bulls in the Mungatta team sold for $7000 and they were purchased by Apache Investments, Merredin, which also bought a second bull at $6000; AJ McLintock, Kalbarri; Cobham Pastoral Co; Wheller Plains, Nolba and IB Lehmann, Bindi Bindi.

With the $13,000 toppriced Murray Grey bull sold by the Stickland family’s Mungatta stud, Wongan Hills, were buyers Peter (left) and Fiona Haydon, Bindoon, Mungatta co-principal John Stickland, Elders stud stock and Gingin representative Graeme Curry and Nutrien Livestock, Wongan Hills representative Grant Lupton.

WOODBOURN SALE A large crowd gathered at the 44th Woodbourn Sale, on Monday 27th March this year. The atmosphere was buoyant, with the three large television screens whetting everyone’s appetite for the auction ahead. Visitors to the Woodbourn Sale always enjoy the complimentary hot coffee from the coffee cart and delicious steak lunch, provided by Woodbourn. The auctioneer had a job ahead of him, as he had multiple areas to take the bids from, (the crowd, the phone and the computer screen with Auctions Plus) all having to be condensed quickly into a bid. He did an excellent job and the results were very good.

Woodbourn Spruce S73 - Top Priced Bull $23,000 purchased by Daniel & Annika Collins Glanmire Murray Greys

Total clearance of 66 lots 40/40 bulls sold to average $11725 Top price bull Lot 5 Woodbourn Spruce S73 $23000 purchased by Daniel and Annika Collins, Glanmire Murray Grey Stud NSW. EBV’s on this bull are exceptional with 3.2 birth, 74 for 600 day growth. EMA +2.4, rib fat +0.7, rump fat +1.2 and IMF of +0.7 Woodbourn mature cows with calves at foot averaged $6888

Equal top priced female Lot 44 Woodbourn Miss Pansy M70 Purchased by Huntley Farms Murray Greys

Top price cow and calf $8500 twice purchased by Huntley Farms and a third cow was added to this pair of Woodbourn matrons to make it a magnificent trio from Woodbourn Equal top priced females Lot 43 Woodbourn Miss Carrie L55 Lot 44 Woodbourn Miss Pansy M70 Registered heifers averaged $4676 Top price registered heifer Lot 54 Woodbourn Thetis S51 $7500 purchased by Guy Burnett, Maefair Murray Grey Stud NSW

Annual 2023 | 2024

Equal top priced female Lot 43 Woodbourn Miss Carrie L55 Purchased by Huntley Farms Murray Greys



THE GREEN TRIANGLE MURRAY GREY SALE THE Green Triangle Murray Grey sale was cause for celebration for vendors Arki and Beeamma studs, which in 2023 are both celebrating major milestones in cattle breeding - 50 years and 21-years respectively. The Buick and Fabris families’ 13th annual production sale at Western Flat on Wednesday last week was also lucky for the 20 registered bidders, with some of the SA bull sale season’s best value buying. Twenty of the 26 bulls sold to the Adelaide Hills, Mallee and South East to western Vic and Tas for a $6800 average. This was up nearly $1000 on their 2022 sale. The sale’s $9500 top price was Lot 5, Arki Summer’s Night S24, a two-yearold silver bull with plenty of eye appeal. Stud principals Geoff and Kate Buick also rated the 888 kilogram bull highly, retaining semen for use in their stud. Summer’s Night sold to repeat buyer BL&HL Field, Inman Valley, for their commercial Murray Grey herd, which aims to sell nine-month-old calves on-farm. Their agent, Elders Strathalbyn’s Brett Peters, said the bull was a stand out for its shape and depth, excellent structure and “very good bone”. ”This was the third time they have been here buying and since they have been on this bloodline, you can see their herd is going in the right direction,” Mr Peters said. The sale topper, which was sired by Ayr Park Nugget N34, ranked in the top 10 per cent on Breedplan for 200, 400 and 600-day growth and top 5pc for milk. Another Nugget son at Lot 17, Arki Starfish S5, sold for the second highest price of $9000 to Betty and Ken Walker, Beachport. Denise and Anthony Fabris’ highest price bull from the Beeamma stud was Lot 9, Bennooka Park Sparton, which had been purchased as a calf at-foot at the Premier Murray Grey Sale in 2021. It sold to Meramba Holdings, Loxton for $7000. There were several online bids, including $6000 paid by Natalie Talbot, NataLea stud, Lower Barrington, Tas, for Lot 7, Arki Silver Boy S19. The 57 commercial heifers, most of which had calved in the past couple of weeks, attracted strong bidding to average $2738. Meramba Holdings raised their hands again buying half of these, including the $3100 top price pen comprising five heifers with calves sired by Wattyvale Nitro Circus N4. Three of the five stud heifers sold for $5000 each. One of these from the Beeamma stud - Lot 30 - was secured by Ally Peter, Clare, as one of the foundation females for her new Eastwood Cattle stud. “I got into this through the school program through the Ballyvaughan stud,” she said. “I love their (Murray Greys) good temperament and they are easy doing animals with a lot of potential.” Both Mr Buick and Mrs Fabris were



pleased with the result, given the drop in cattle prices in the past few months and said it was special to have carried on breeding Murray Greys from their parents, who established the Arki stud in 1973, and Beeamma stud in 2002. “We have many long time buyers and also made a lot of friends along the way,” Mr Buick said. “It was great Jill Fiebiger (former Murray Grey breeder), who I did work experience with at the 1985 Royal Adelaide Show, came for a look.” He said Murray Greys remained “industry relevant” cattle. “They had a lot of success with their carcase and meat quality in the 1990s and 2000s and we are working with a butcher at Kadina to make a SA Murray Grey brand to show that quality again,” also having a lot of success this year at the Adeliade Royal Show Carcase comp winning Champion Light Weight carcase. Again this year Elders Naracoorte will conducted the sale with Tony Wetherall the auctioneer, and interfaced with AuctionsPlus. We will again offer 26 bulls, 5 stud heifers and 55 commercial heifers with calf at foot or ptic on Wednesday the 27th of March 2024.

Ally Peter, Eastwood Cattle, Clare, brought this stud heifer for $5000 from Beeamma Stud’s Denise Fabris

Arki’s Kate and Geoff Buick (kneeling), Elders Alan Thomson, buyer of the $9500 sale topper Kylie Kain and Elders Strathalbyn’s Brett Peters

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Top priced cow - Lot 3 Bukartilla Beef Rainbow M11 to Floodway Pass Murray Greys. $5,500

ALL STATES MURRAY GREY SALE Following a very successful inaugural sale, the second All States Sale took place on Saturday 15th April 2023. Vendor support was high and entries again flowed in from around the country exceeding 75 lots including stud registered bulls, stud and commercial females, steers and genetic packages. Online interaction with the catalogue was strong, with 8,569 views and despite the developing backwards trend in the cattle market, a total of 184 people had logged in to AuctionsPlus from throughout NSW, WA, TAS, VIC, SA & QLD, with the sale grossing $100,475.

Top priced bull - Lot 36 Maefair Sommerville to Elbern Murray Greys. $10,500

Sale Results • Top priced heifer - Lot 10 Elbern Murray Grey Stud Wallflower S22 to Troy Wright Holdings. $5,500. • Top priced cow - lot 3 Bukartilla Beef Rainbow M11 to Floodway Pass Murray Greys. $5,500. • Top priced bull - Lot 36 Maefair Sommerville to Elbern Murray Greys. $10,500.

Top priced commercial heifer - Lot 55 from Central Vic Cattle Co to Edwillang Dorpers. $2050

• Top priced semen package (donated lot with all proceeds going to Murray Grey Youth) - lot 103 Monterey Jurrasic to Elders stud stock. $145 per straw. • Top priced commercial heifer - Lot 55 from Central Vic Cattle Co to Edwillang Dorpers. $2050. • Top priced commercial cow - Lot 57 from Central Vic Cattle Co to Jarrod Esh $2850. • Top priced pen of steers - Lot 60 from Central Vic Cattle Co to Elders Stud Stock. $1050

Annual 2023 | 2024

Top priced semen package (donated lot with all proceeds going to Murray Grey Youth) - Lot 103 Monterey Jurrasic to Elders stud stock. $145 per straw



MONTEREY MURRAY GREY WINTER BULL SALE By Kane Chatfield & Kyah Peeti | Farm Weekly THE Monterey Murray Grey and Angus stud, Karridale and Scott River, hosted its 12th annual winter bull sale at the Brunswick Selling Complex in May. The Buller family and the Monterey team compiled a catalogue of 53 well-grown 18-26 month-old Angus and Murray Grey sires. There was a bull suited to all producer requirements ranging from power bulls for mature cows to versatile types and easy calving spring-drop heifer joining bulls, showing weight for age, thickness and softness. The sale attracted 44 potential, registered buyers, with interstate interest sparked via AuctionsPlus from New South Wales buyers.

The modest buying support resulted in a combined average of $6971.

Travis Bower (left), Monterey stud, Karridale, Elders, Margaret River representative Brendan Millar

In the breed breakdown, 22 of the 28 Angus bulls sold under the hammer resulting in a 79pc clearance and a $7182 average, while 13 of the 25 Murray Grey bulls were cleared at auction for a 52pc clearance and $6615 average with both breeds’ values and clearance down on last year’s sale. On a positive note, negotiations post sale on the overlooked bulls resulted in a further nine bulls fi nding new homes with the $6000 sale reserve price upheld. The Murray Greys were offered in lots 16-30 and 46-58, but lot 22 bull Monterey Salute S117 stole the show.

New and return buyers also went into the draw to win some exciting prizes. The Buller family generously drew a lucky winner from the registered buyers list to win the choice of a Monterey Angus or Murray Grey bull and following the sale, successful bull buyers went into the draw for a chance to win a $4000 Summit Fertilizer package and a 50 tonne lime/ cartage package.

The impressive young 860kg bull was bought by Nutrien Livestock Great Southern livestock manager Bob Pumphrey, assisting Phil Tomlinson, P & S Tomlinson, Napier, who paid the breed’s $9000 top price.

The event was interfaced on AuctionsPlus with the catalogue amassing more than 2000 views prior to the sale, resulting in 42 registered buyers from throughout the country logging in alongside 35 viewers. Three active buyers placed 12 online bids, which saw four bulls sell interstate to two NSW buyers.

It has EBVs of +4.9 BWT, +30, +44 and +63 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +61 MCW, +4 for milk, +2.2 SS, +36 CWT, +2.0 EMA, +0.1 for rib and rump fats, +0.8 RBY and -0.1 IMF.

While there was no shortage of interest in the sale, unfortunately buyers were mostly selective and hesitant to compete beyond a couple of bids. This swung the sale into the buyers’ favour where beef producers were able to invest in new Monterey genetics at value for money. Overall, the Elders and Nutrien Livestock selling teams, led by auctioneers Pearce Watling and Tiny Holly, sold 35 of the 53 bulls under the hammer for a 66 per cent clearance.



Salute S117 is a late April 2021drop bull that is a son of Monterey Mainland M120 and out of a Monterey Juggernaut J18 daughter, Monterey Joyce Q83.

With these figures it ranks in the breed’s top 1pc for SS and top 20pc for 200-day weight. Its raw data scans were 13mm P8 fat, 11mm rib fat, 43cm SC, 128cm2 EMA and 5.2pc IMF. The Tomlinsons earlier paid $7000 for a long, deep 964kg sire from lot 20, Monterey Starshine S45, a son of Monterey Jagger J217 (by Monterey Barcoo) and out of a Bundaleer Zero In Z2 daughter, Monterey Primrose C119. It has EBVs of +5.6 BWT, +32, +48 and +66 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +65 MCW, +8 for milk, +0.9 SS, +39 CWT, +1.7 EMA, -0.3 and -0.4 for rib and rump fats, +1.0 RBY and

0.0 IMF. It ranks in the top 5pc for milk, top 15pc for 200-day weight and rib fat and top 20pc for 400-day weight. It scanned 10mm fats, 45cm SC, 132cm2 EMA and 6.3pc IMF. Mr Tomlinson runs a split commercial herd of pure Murray Grey and Charolais breeders with a small percentage crossed and is known for sourcing top genetics at WA sales. Bulls are joined with the cows from May 1 and Mr Tomlinson said he needed a couple of replacement bulls following recent breakdowns with two older bulls. The herd calves from late January for nine weeks and while the majority of the progeny are sold in saleyard fixtures, a selection of bull calves are retained and sold to fellow local breeders who need replacement bulls during joining. Mr Tomlinson said with the Monterey bulls carrying strong weights, the first thing he selected for was feet and conformation followed by scale. He said last year’s first draft of calves were sold off mum through Mt Barker in November averaging 430kg, with the heaviest calf weighing 520kg while the balance were weaned and sold at Muchea sales in December. Monterey ‘Win A Bull’ competition winners Bruce and Daphne Marsh, BR & DR Marsh, Warner Glen, who opted for the Angus bull, also picked up two Murray Grey bulls, one being the second top-priced $8000 bull in the Murray Grey offering. The 916kg ealy April- 2021 drop sire, Monterey Sonic S88 is a son of Ayr Park Legend L31 and out of a Monterey Saratoga B13 daughter, Monterey Joyce N13. It has EBVs of +3.4 BWT, +25, +41 and +56 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +57 MCW, +8 for milk, -0.4

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

SS, +34 CWT, +1.3 EMA, +1.6 and +2.3 for rib and rump fats, -0.6 RBY and +0.7 IMF.

calving ease when their breeders calve down about January 23, each year for eight weeks.

With these figures it ranks in the top 1pc for rib fats and top 5pc for milk.

The Marshs rounded out their sales with an additional Murray Grey sire for $7000.

Mr and Mrs Marsh said they were long-time supporters of the Buller family’s Monterey bulls.

The Monterey Jagger J217 son was an early March 2021 drop bull weighing 896kg.

“We were selecting primarily on conformation, length, softness, head conformation and temperament,” Mr Marsh said.

It has EBVs of +4.6 BWT, +25, +41, +55 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +56 MCW, +3 for milk, +0.9 SS, +33 CWT, 1.9 EMA, +0.3 and +0.4 for rib and rump fats, +0.7 RBY and -0.1 IMF. It ranks in the top 20pc for rib and rump fats.

“Although calving ease was a big selection factor too.” The couple run a mob of 70 firstcross breeders and rotate their bulls every three weeks during joining. “We will use the Murray Grey bulls over Angus- Friesian or CharolaisFriesian breeders, while the Angus bull we won will most likely go over Angus-Friesian or HerefordFriesian breeders,” he said. The cross is to assist with the

Nutrien Livestock, Margaret River/ Busselton agent Jock Embry, buying on behalf of Shellcol Pty Ltd, Busselton, was also a fan of the Murray Grey bulls, purchasing two at $7000 and $6000. Mr Embry paid $7000 for the stylish 920kg black Murray Grey bull, Monterey Simba S185, which is a son of Cam Grove Black Nite L41 (GR2) and out of a Wundam Park

Silversmith K8 daughter, Monterey Miss Magnolia N189. Simba has EBVs of +3.7 BWT, +23, +44 and +58 for 200, 400 and 600day weights, +62 MCW, +4 for milk, +0.6 SS, +38 CWT, +2.0 EMA, +0.6 and +0.9 for rib and rump fats, +0.4 RBY and +0.6 IMF. It ranks in the top 10pc for rib and rump fats and IMF. Shellcol rounded out their purchase with a 820kg son of Monterey Lucky Strike L100, by Monterey Megaman E158 and a Ayr Park Honda H57 daughter. Also purchasing a team of two Murray Grey bulls for $6000 each was Yiragan Grazing through Mr Giglia. Mr Giglia purchased consecutive lots late in the sale for a son of Ayr Park Legend L31 which ranks in the top 5pc for milk, top 15pc for SS and rib and rump fats and a Lucky Strike L100 son which ranks in the top 20pc for RBY.

AYR PARK MURRAY GREYS SALE In a successful cattle auction held at Ayr Park, five cows and calves were sold, along with seven joined heifers, and one unjoined heifer. The details of the sale are as follows: Cows and Calves: WIN L72 Ayr Park Kristen L72 - With a heifer calf at foot - Sold for: $12,000 (top price cow) - Buyer: Tom Ernst, Dehavalyn Murray Greys - Note: A photo is requested, or one can be provided upon request.

- Sold for: $5,500 - Buyer: Stephen Robertson, Benooka Park Murray Greys Joined Heifers: Out of the ten joined heifers, seven were sold to the following buyers: WIN S44 Ayr Park Roberta S44 - Sold for: $5,500 - Buyer: D&A Collins, Glanmire Murray Greys WIN S50 Ayr Park Matina S50 - Sold for: $5,500 - Buyer: D&A Collins, Glanmire Murray Greys

WIN M61 Ayr Park Kristen M61 - With a bull calf at foot - Sold for: $8,000 - Buyer: Stephen Robertson, Benooka Park Murray Greys

WIN S49 Ayr Park Roberta S49 - Sold for: $5,000 - Buyer: J.B. Kuchel, Idriess Murray Greys

WIN L68 Ayr Park Kristen L68 - With a bull calf at foot - Sold for: $6,000 - Buyer: Guy Burnett, Maefair Murray Greys

WIN S14 Ayr Park Antoinette S14 - Sold for: $4,500 - Buyer: D&A Collins, Glanmire Murray Greys

WIN M50 Ayr Park Wallflower M50 - With a heifer calf at foot - Sold for: $5,500 - Buyer: Ruby Weismantel, Glenrock Murray Greys WIN M56 Ayr Park Roberta M56 - With a heifer calf at foot

Annual 2023 | 2024

WIN S7 Ayr Park Midnight S7 - Sold for: $4,000 - Buyer: Guy Burnett, Maefair Murray Greys

WIN S52 Ayr Park Wallflower S52 - Sold for: $4,000 - Buyer: D&A Collins, Glanmire Murray Greys WIN S61 Ayr Park Trial & Error S61 - Sold for: $3,000 - Buyer: D&A Collins, Glanmire Murray Greys Unjoined Heifer: WIN S55 Ayr Park Kristen S55 - Sold for: $3,000 - Buyer: Catherine McGoldrick, Karawi Hill Murray Greys Ayr Park Murray Greys would like to express their gratitude to all the buyers for their participation and support in this sale.

Top Priced Cow - WIN L72 Ayr Park Kristen L72 with a heifer calf at foot $12,000 to Tom Ernst, Dehavalyn Murray Greys



Top Of The Range Sale Dinner

TOP OF THE RANGE SALE Sale Wrap 2023 Another gathering of MG enthusiasts enjoyed the atmosphere of the annual, multi vendor, Top Of The Range sale held at Glen Innes, NSW in early July. Now in its 8th year, it has become a solid fixture for the breed with the attraction of a physical sale providing a wonderful reason for many local and interstate who’s, who of the breed to gather, not only on sale day, but at a good fun dinner the evening prior. Solid support from high end stud breeders, new, reinspired and youth MG members, well renown commercial producers and this year, an international following created a solid result and an atmosphere of intense positivity for the breed. One of the sales’ largest hand waving, head nodding crowds competed strongly with an Auctions Plus force keeping the wonderful agents team of Colin Say and Co on their toes and phones. SALE HIGHLIGHTS AND INTERESTING NOTES. Lot 14. Glenview Sherwood, offered by Smith Partners received the Traynor Trophy winner for the Yardsmans pick, opening the sale and setting the pace at $14000 heading to “Bonnie Doon”, Texas QLD for the Counter family. Lot 16. Carlinga Shakespeare S72, offered by Kym Carlton topped the sale at $17500 heading to Bundella Station, Namoi for sale stalwarts, the Thompson Family. Lots 6, 9 and 21 all hit the 2nd top price of $15000. Lots 6 and 21 offered by Sue Francis’, Onward MG’s, headed south to great supporters of the sale and well renowned leaders of the breed within stud circles, Woodbourn MG’s Tas. Lot 9, sold by youth member Kareena Dawson of Tintara MG’s headed to another return sale supporter, Michael Osborne at Bendemeer. Of interest all 3 of these bulls were out of Onward females and sired by Melaleuca Napolean N169 (WA) providing some excellent WA outcross genetics to the east side and setting a cracking pace for the top sire average. • Top vendor average for the bull section (within 2 or more bulls sold) had Carlinga MG’s reach $11625 for 4 of 5 bulls offered. • Top bull clearance and average had Onward MG’s hit $9800 for 5 of 5 bulls offered and sold. • The excellent complimentary attributes of MG’s with female herds containing environmentally



adaptable Bos Indicus traits had several Northern Rivers breeders source new sires. The Paisley family and the Shepherd family from Tucki Tucki and Stratheden respectively both selected easy doing, well muscled, early maturing bulls to enhance their Greyman, Charbray and/or Brangus based herds. • The Easterbrook family with butchershop interests in Lismore selected 2 carcase focussed sires from Carlinga and Tom Ernst’s Dehavalyn offerings. • Volume buyers were the Harris family buying through Nutrien Ag Solutions Narrabri selecting 4 bulls for a $7500 average. • Heading to Chinchilla for D & S Flett were 2 Waroona bulls from the Hobbs family at an average of $8000 • A bull clearance of 26/33 topped at $17500 and attained an average of $8350. FEMALES Lot 56 Yearling heifer, Onward Evelyn T40, topped the female draft at $4750 who together with Lot 52 Onward Jennifer T28, were purchased by Christine Sponseller’s, Westridge MG’s, from Idaho. These heifers will provide embryos to head overseas, boosting the strength and diversity of MG’s in the USA • The volume vendor draft of 12 Onward yearling heifers sold to a full clearance with strong stud support not only from the US, but also from the Hobbs family of Molong, the Tongue family of Tamworth, the James family of Glen Innes, Tintara MG’s and Stephen Robertson’s Benooka Park MG’s. • KC McMullen & Partners from Glencoe who operate a magnificent herd of commercial MG’s, often admired on the New England Highway, secured the only senior female, a Dehavalyn cow and calf unit at $4500 and a Compass Creek heifer from new youth vendor Katie Sutcliffe to add some fresh genetics to their herd. • South Australia featured in the buyers list with Mallbrae MG’s selecting Carlinga’s Lot 57 to head interstate. • 18/23 females (topped at $4750 and averaged $2986 COMMERCIAL FEMALES An outstanding offering of 12 x PTIC heifers account of Waroona MG’s made $1600 head purchased by Barry Elliot, herd manager for RM Stewart’s commercial herd at Woodburn NSW.

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Commercial PTIC Heifers

Lot 56. Onward Evelyn T40. Selling to Westridge MG_s Idaho USA. Top priced female

Lot 6 Onward Sarge. Sold for $15000 to Woodbourn MG_s Tas and one of 3 sons of Melaleuca Napolean N169 with the top sire average of $15000

Mike Traynor Award Winner (Yardsmans Pick) Lot 14 - Glenview Sherwood

Top Priced Bull

Annual 2023 | 2024



WALLAWONG PREMIUM BEEF CARCASE QUALITY BULL SALE Held on 10th August 2023 Superior carcase characteristics combined with industry leading coat types were in demand at the 2023 Wallawong Premium Beef Carcase Quality Sale, held on the 10th August 2023, Gunnedah NSW. The sale saw 14 of 16 Silver and Grey bulls sell to $20,000 and average $10,114. The majority of bulls sold to repeat clients, combined with some new interest from central Queensland. Bulls sold to local clients, as well as central Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia. Topping the sale at $20,000 was lot 8, Wallawong Salvation S20, a son of breed stalwart Lindsay Starbright Y47. Chosen for his compact body type, easy doing ability and sleek coat, Salvation S20 was purchased by Consolidated Pastoral Company for use over Brahman cows in the Northern Territory. He was also joined by Lot 2, Wallawong Spokesman S41 and lot 3 Wallawong Supersonic S56. Purchased for stud duties, Lot 1, Wallawong Skin in the Game S8, was secured by Kurt Wise, Southend Murray

Top Priced Male - LEJ S20

Greys, for $15,000. He was selected as a moderately framed very well fleshed, moderate birthweight sire. Skin in the Game backs up Southend’s 2015 purchase of Wallawong Xyris who has been a standout sire at Southend for several seasons. Wallawong principals Lachlan and Kate James were pleased with the competition throughout the sale, with many in attendance commenting favourably on the high quality offering. The large management groupings, consistent carcase characteristics and industry leading coat score evaluations, semen testing, freight assistance and fertility guarantees are set to continue when the next lineup of Wallawong sires is offered to the market on Thursday 4th July 2024. www. wallawong.com.au

WAROONA MURRAY GREYS PRODUCTION SALE Pregnancy tested in calf females and cows with calves at foot were in demand at the Waroona Production Sale on Friday 18 August 2023 with a complete clearance of both stud and commercial females. Spirited bidding saw Lot 24 Waroona Taree N5 PTIC sell to Charles and Janet Wallace of Woodbourn Murray Grey Stud, Cressy Tasmania for the top price of $6000. Charles and Janet were volume buyers on the day securing 6 lots in total including Lot 25 Waroona Clarette M41 PTIC for the second top price of $5000. Long-time Murray Grey breeders Doug and Elizabeth Dagg of Blayney NSW secured Lot 17 Waroona Wendy N57 with an outstanding bull calf at foot for $4500. Doug said that he was so impressed with the calf that he has asked Stud Principal, Graham Hobbs, if the cow could be re-mated to Beeamma Redline, the sire of the calf.

The other 4 bulls sold for $4500 and went to Jenny Anderson, Gulargambone, NSW, Costello Rural, Corryong Vic, and Tongue Pastoral Company Loomberah, NSW. Stud Principal, Graham Hobbs, said he was pleased with the sale considering the seasonal conditions and lower cattle prices. He thanked all purchasers and under bidders for their support. The 2024 Waroona Murray Greys Production Sale will be held on property on Friday 16 August. Lot 24 Waroona Taree N5 PTIC sell to Charles and Janet Wallace of Woodbourn Murray Grey Stud, Cressy Tasmania for the top price of $6000.

Repeat buyers Stephen Robertson, Robin McClay and Peter Batten also purchased female lots. Both heifer lots were purchased for $1650 to go to Casino NSW to the same buyer of the heifers offered by Waroona at the Top of the Range sale earlier in 2023. Five of fourteen bulls sold to a top of $4750. The top priced bull, Waroona Steve a son of Woodbourn Larry N9, went to Costello Rural, Corryong Victoria.



Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

WALLAWONG WHOLE OF MATURE FEMALE HERD SALE Held on 18th March 2023 In what was the largest single offering of Wallawong Female genetics, the Wallawong Mature Herd Female Sale proved to be an outstanding success with Silver and Grey females selling locally, throughout NSW, into Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. With many international donors in the offering, some of the industries leading stud and commercial operations bid to secure their requirements. Cows (either with calves or PTIC) sold strongly with 30/40 selling to $14,000 to average $7,266, while 8/9 young heifers sold $6,000 to average $4,000. Topping the sale at $14,000 was the impressive female, Wallawong Opal K21, who with heifer calf at foot, sold to Kurt Wise, Southend Murray Greys Katanning Western Australia. She was one of 3 lots purchased by Mr Wise.

Top Priced Female - LEJ K21

Also putting a very impressive line of females together was Consolidated Pastoral Company, Biloela, Queensland, who secured 5 cows and calves to a top of $13,000 for Wallawong Gretel N17. Other females also found their way into stud herds including, Lindsay, Carrsview, Dehavalyn, Aurora, Kurani, Windberra, Namoi, and Wyatta. A large offering of semen (382 straws) was also keenly contested with straws of Wallawong Quantity Q6 and Southend Quality Q486 both topping the sale at $70 per straw.

PREMIER MURRAY GREY SALE Held on Saturday 21st of October 2023. 15 vendors made a great line up of 52 head of cattle on offer, a good range of cows & calves, bulls and heifers from 4 states. Murray Grey Sale chair Geoff Buick, Western Flat, SA, said two thirds of the cattle were on display at the Albury Showgrounds and the event was run in conjunction with an educational youth weekend. “It was a very positive thing for the breed because there were really good numbers across the weekend,” he said. Buyers from four states are set to receive a slice of the cattle sold at Saturday’s Murray Grey Premier Sale, despite a low clearance rate which reflected the “tough market conditions”. The Albury Showgrounds sale recorded a clearance of four of 15 bulls to a top price of $7000 to average $5500, nine of 13 heifers to $3500 to average $2527 and seven of 21 cow and calf units to $7000 to average $4713 at the 34th multi-vendor sale. The sale attracted 16 buyers, with the top-priced bull bought and sold by graziers in South Australia. Katrina and Steven Sanders, Ballyvaughan Murray Grey stud, Clare Valley, SA, sold the $7000 bull to a buyer just 200 kilometres away at Jervois, SA, despite the bull travelling a round trip of 1800km to Albury for the auction. “We are excited to sell two of the three animals we sent over because it was a pretty tough sale overall,” Ms Sanders said. “It was a great opportunity for us from South Australia to send our genetics over to those on the east coast so those at the sale could access the genetics more easily.” The Sanders family established the stud in 2001 and said it was their second year in the multi-vendor sale and first time topping such an auction. “We thought really highly of the grey toppriced bull because his paternal sister was the supreme Murray Grey exhibit at the Royal Adelaide Show this year,” Ms Sanders said. “His sire, Wallawong Yippee, was an AI sire that we’ve used extensively in the stud with great results. “We also sold a pregnancy-tested-in-calf

Annual 2023 | 2024

heifer and she was one of the best from her drop, so we were willing to give someone else an opportunity.” Greg Samuel, Glenellen Cattle Co, Jervois, SA, bought the top-priced bull because of his dataset which stood out from the moment he inspected the line-up of cattle. “We focus on the breeder replacement index and supermarket index and both of these were in the top one per cent of breed or marginally outside top 1pc,” he said. “He has excellent growth traits and moderate birthweight and calving ease traits. “We are taking a long-term view of the market and expect it to bounce back in the next 12 to 18 months, so we’re happy to continue to invest in quality genetics while prices are down.” Elders Victoria and Riverina stud stock agent Jenni O’Sullivan said the buying gallery was spread from WA through southern Australia and up to Orange. Monterey Murray Greys, Karridale, WA, sold the two top-priced cow and calf units for $7000 to buyers at Lake Muir, WA, and Bega. The Premier Murray Grey Sale will be on again for its 35th sale on 19th October 2024. Ally Peter, Clare, SA, represented Steven and Katrina Sanders, Ballyvaughan Murray Grey stud, Clare Valley, SA, and Premier Murray Grey Sale chair Geoff Buick, Western Flat, SA



ROYAL CANBERRA Congratulations to the four Murray Grey Breeders who exhibited at the 2023 Royal Canberra Show – Dangarra Murray Greys, Karawi Hill Murray Greys, Nu Walla Murray Greys, and Benooka Park Murray Greys. Junior Champion Female sponsored by K&A Fairall of Fourways Park Murray Greys Benooka Park Mimosa T15. Reserve Junior Champion Female sponsored by Riverina Wool Karawi Hill Kambala T28

Grand Champion Bull with Sandra Johnston (Elizabeth Fields Murray Greys), Stephen Robertson, Margaret Hunter (Elizabeth Fields Murray Greys), Sam Hunter (Judge), Hamish Maclure (Assoc. Judge)

Senior Champion Female sponsored by K&A Fairall of Fourways Park Murray Greys Dangara Maya Reserve Senior Champion Female sponsored by Riverina Wool Nu Walla Karnataka R1 Grand Champion Female sponsored by Livestock Connect and the recipient of the Helen Sutherland Memorial trophy: Dangara Maya

Grand Champion Female with Annie Haines, Gary Haines, Sandra Johnston (Elizabeth Fields Murray Greys), Sam Hunter (Judge), Hamish Maclure (Assoc. Judge)

Junior Champion Bull sponsored by Heiniger Australia awarded to Benooka Park Super Star S24 Reserve Junior Champion Bull Sponsored by Riverina Wool Dangara Trojan. Grand Champion Murray Grey Bull sponsored by Livestock Connect and the recipient of the Elizabeth Fields Murray Greys Perpetual trophy Benooka Park Super Star S24 Supreme Murray Grey Exhibit sponsored by International Animal Health Dangara Maya

MGBCS Exhibitors L-R. Sam Smith Stephen Robertson, Gary Haines, Annie Haines, Catherine McGoldrick, Emily Van der Struik

TOOWOOMBA ROYAL Bull 24 months and over - 1st Red Gum Royalle - Jim and Veronica O’Shea Champion Senior Bull Red Gum Royalle - Jim and Veronica O’Shea Grand Champion Bull Red Gum Royalle - Jim and Veronica O’Shea Female 6 months and under 12 months -1st NB7 Touchstone T5 - C & K Teske

Grand Champion Female - Hideaway Park Elizabeth S32

Champion Calf Female NB7 Touchstone T5 - C & K Teske Female 15 months and under 18 months - 1st Aztec Downs Sambuca - C & K Teske Female 18 months and under 21 months - 1st Hideaway Park Elizabeth S32 - C & K Teske Champion Junior Female Hideaway Park Elizabeth S32 - C & K Teske Reserve Champion Junior Female Aztec Downs Sambuca - C & K Teske Grand Champion Female Hideaway Park Elizabeth S32 - C & K Teske



Red Gum Royalle

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

SYDNEY ROYAL Junior Champion Female Burnett Pastoral Trust Maefair Magnolia T12 (PB) [GEB T12] Reserve Junior Champion Female Mr Neil Carr & Mrs Jo Carr Carrsview Maid T12 (PB) [CAR T12] Senior Champion Female Mr Neil Carr & Mrs Jo Carr Carrsview Pearl Of Louise (PB) [CAR P12] Reserve Senior Champion Female Burnett Pastoral Trust Maefair Bouquet S1 (PB) [GEB S1]

Maefair Sommerville S22

Grand Champion Female (S2810A) - The Manooka Perpetual Trophy for the Grand Champion Female, donated by Bruce and Keith Watts, founders of theManooka Murray Grey Stud. Burnett Pastoral Trust Maefair Magnolia T12 (PB) [GEB T12] Junior Champion Bull Burnett Pastoral Trust Maefair Sommerville S22 (PB) [GEB S22] Reserve Junior Champion Bull Burnett Pastoral Trust Monterey Trademark T143 (PB) [GJB T143] Senior Champion Bull Burnett Pastoral Trust Maefair Smitty S20 (PB) [GEB S20] Reserve Senior Champion Bull Mr Paul Richards & Mrs Lyn Richards Rouchelle Ringmaster R201 (PB) [ROU R201]

Maefair Magnolia T12

Grand Champion Bull The M S Traynor Perpetual Trophy for the Grand Champion Bull, donated by M Traynor. Burnett Pastoral Trust Maefair Sommerville S22 (PB) [GEB S22] Best Exhibit Burnett Pastoral Trust Maefair Sommerville S22 (PB) [GEB S22]

BRISBANE ROYAL Junior Champion Heifer Rouchelle Linda T110 (PB) Reserve Junior Champion Heifer Kingsgrove Rose T1 (PB) (AI) Junior Champion Bull Carlinga Talisman (PB) (AI) Reserve Junior Champion Bull Carlinga Thunderbolt (PB) (AI)

Grand Champion Cow Or Heifer Baroona Park Seraphina (PB) (AI) Senior Champion Bull Shell-Dee Mr Real Deal (PB) Reserve Senior Champion Bull Red Gum Royalle (PB) Grand Champion Bull Carlinga Talisman (PB) (AI)

Baroona Park Seraphina Exhibited by Amelia Taylor-Rose - Photo with IAH Representative Chris Booby

Annual 2023 | 2024

Shell-Dee Mr Mascot Senior Champion Brisbane Ekka

Carlinga Talisman Exhibited by Kym Carlton (Leading is Lyn Richards) with IAH Representative Chris Booby



SWAN HILL CATTLE SHOW For the last two years Swan Hill (Northwestern Victoria) has run a standalone Cattle Show. For two years Murray Greys have been proudly represented and for the second year running a Murray Grey heifer has taken the crown in the Junior All Breeds Feature Show Section.

Supreme All Breeds Exhibit

In 2022, Youth Member Paige Mountford exhibited Jarradyne Savannah JDY S3 who was awarded Junior Champion Interbreed Feature Heifer on the first day of the show. Fast forward 12 months and Courtney Hazeldene’s Ganado Queen Coachella MVA T21 won the same award! For exhibitors and families alike, the Swan Hill Cattle Show is not only a great opportunity to take young stock for a hit out before the Royals, but also has fantastic junior paraders and junior judging competition - the Murray Grey Alumni didn’t disappoint here either. Ella Betts from Floodway Pass partook in her long awaited first ever paraders class and was awarded 3rd place for her efforts. Brock Seiler and Keelie Hogan from Catherine McAuley College (who are prepping a Murray Grey Steer for Melbourne Royal Carcase Competition) were placed first and second in the Junior Judging 15 – 25 years section.

Ganado Queen Coachella

On the second day of the show Murray Greys were well represented in the shed with 5 studs presenting animals for judging, along with Speckle Park, Angus, Charolais, Shorthorn, Highland and Limousins.

Courtney also won Best Junior Beef Pair with Ganado Too Cool & Ganado Queen Coachella and Best Pair of Bulls with Ganado Too Cool & Ganado Theophilus Thistler.

Courtney’s Ganado Queen Coachella went on to win back-to-back Championships under different judges over the weekend to ultimately take out the major prize of Supreme All Breeds Exhibit of the show out of 70 entries.

MELBOURNE ROYAL Junior Champion Heifer Ganado Queen Coachella T21

Junior Champion Bull Ganado Too Cool

Reserve Junior Champion Heifer Ganado Platinum 3rd

Reserve Junior Champion Bull Ganado Theophilus Thistler

Senior Champion Cow Prairie Falls Bettina R5

Grand Champion Bull Ganado Too Cool

Reserve Senior Champion Cow Ganado Platinum

Supreme Exhibit Ganado Too Cool

Grand Champion Female Prairie Falls Bettina R5

Most Successful Murray Grey Exhibitor Ganado Greys

Grand Champion Female - Prairie Falls Bettina R5



Grand Champion Bull - Ganado Too Cool

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

ROYAL ADELAIDE Junior Champion Cow Or Heifer KPN T22, Bottlesford Cristy T22 Reserve Junior Champion Cow Or Heifer KPN T21, Bottlesford Sarah T21 Senior Champion Cow SKS P11, Ballyvaughan Faith P11 The Bottlesford Trophy Senior Champion Murray Grey Bull

Reserve Senior Champion Cow SKS Q11, BALLYVAUGHAN FAITH Q11 Grand Champion Female SKS P11, Ballyvaughan Faith P11 Junior Champion Bull KPN T25, Bottlesford Triumph Reserve Junior Champion Bull MBA T1, Garanggi Tennesee Whiskey Senior Champion Bull CAR T9, Carrsview Turbo T9 Grand Champion Bull KPN T25, Bottlesford Triumph

The Kenton Trophy Supreme Champion Murray Grey Exhibit

Supreme Champion Exhibit SKS P11, Ballyvaughan Faith P11 Reserve Champion Interbreed Sire’s Progeny Bottlesford Pewter All Breed Junior Champion Pair, Male And Female Reserve Champion KPN T25, Bottlesford Triumph Reserve Champion KPN T22, Bottlesford Cristy T22 All Breed Grand Champion Pair, Male And Female Reserve Grand Champion SKS P11, Ballyvaughan Faith P11

The Hills Farm Supplies Prize Reserve Champion Interbreed Sires Progeny

Reserve Grand Champion KPN T25, Bottlesford Triumph

PERTH ROYAL Junior Champion Bull Barker High Tim Grand Champion Bull Barker High Tim Junior Champion Female Barker High Trouble Grand Champion Female Barker High Trouble Supreme Champion Barker High Trouble

Grand Champion Bull - Barker High Tim Exhibited by Mount Barker Community College

SUPREME MURRAY GREY EXHIBIT - Barker High Trouble Exhibited by Mount Barker Community College

Annual 2023 | 2024

Grand Champion Female - Barker High Trouble Exhibited by Mount Barker Community College

Mount barker community college show team line up



ROYAL LAUNCESTON Grand Champion Murray Grey Female Three Shades Timbell T07

Junior Champion Female Three Shades Timbell T07 Reserve Junior Champion Female Three Shades Toby T08

INTERBREED RESULTS Breeders Group Of Three 2nd Three Shades Murray Greys

Junior Champion Bull Fire-Ro Park Taz

Senior Champion Female Woodbourn Miss Sally R88

Reserve Junior Champion Bull Three Shades Teddy Bear T02

Reserve Senior Champion Female Moss Banks Trene T1

Grand Champion Murray Grey Bull Fire-Ro Park Taz

Grand Champion Female Three Shades Timbell T07

Junior Champion Bull

Group of Three Three Shades Murray Greys

Sires Progeny 1st Three Shades Murray Greys Junior Beef Bull 2nd Fire-Ro Park Taz (Fire-Ro Park Murray Greys)

Sires Progeny - Three Shades Murray Greys Woodbourn Quickset Q147

Junior Champion Female - Three Shades Timbell T07

ROYAL HOBART Champion Junior Bull Cloverside Trooper T3 Reserve Champion Junior Bull Cloverside Traveller T4

Champion Junior Bull - Cloverside Trooper T3

Junior Champion Heifer - Cloverside Zephr T2

Grand Champion Bull Cloverside Trooper T3 Junior Champion Heifer Cloverside Zephr T2 Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Cloverside Zephr T5 Grand Champion Female Cloverside Zephr T2



Supreme Exhibit of the 2023 Royal Hobart Show - Cloverside Zephr T2

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

19 - 21 APRIL 2024 Albury Showgrounds & WA Hub @ Manjimup Showgrounds

55th Murray Grey National Show & Sale partnered with Murray Grey Youth Stock Show

Annual 2023 | 2024



BREED PROMOTION GROUPS DIRECTORY NEW ENGLAND BREED PROMOTION GROUP President | Wayne Smith “Millbrooke” New England Hwy, Black Mountain NSW 2365 | Mob 0447 750 088 Secretary | Kareena Dawson The Flags, Boorolong Road, Armidale NSW 2333 | Mob 0476 243 333 Treasurer | David King 118 Tourist Road, Rangeville QLD 4350 | Mob 0427 123 221 TOTR Publicity Officer | Sue Francis Dorrigo NSW | Ph 02 6657 2539 SOUTH WEST SLOPES BREED PROMOTION GROUP President | Ian Bromham ‘Gnoleda’, 969 Courabyra Road, Tumbrarumba NSW 2653 | Ph 02 6948 8651 | Mob 0458 488 650 | E gnoleda@gmail.com Secretary/Treasurer | Georgette Keen ‘Nawarra’, 1149 Gregadoo East Road, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 | Ph 02 6926 3427 | Mob 0419 126 430 | E georgette@nawarramurraygreys.com.au Publicity Officer | Annette TenBroeke 13 Sycamore Road, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 | Ph 02 6922 4519| E annette@riverinairisfarm.com MURRAY GREYS QUEENSLAND INC. Chairperson | Chris Andersen 9 Hedley Drive, Woolmar QLD 4515 | Ph 07 5497 1452 | E pacan1@bigpond.com Vice Chairperson | Dean Rasmussen PO Box 575, Kingaroy QLD 4610 | Mob 0428 716 109 | E malndean@bigpond.com Secretary / Treasurer | Marilyn Hansen PO Box 575, Kingaroy QLD 4610 | Mob 0428 719 508 | E malndean@bigpond.com NORTH EAST VICTORIA BREED PROMOTION GROUP Chairman | Ryan McRae 225 Grahamvale Road, Grahamvale VIC 3630 | Mob 0438 704 476 | E dajorymg@mcmedia.com.au

Secretary | Dr Sarah Chaplin 871 Dookie Road, Yabba North VIC 3647 | Mob 0403 502 640 | E davo@mountmajormurraygreys.com.au GIPPSLAND MURRAY GREY BREEDERS GROUP President | Melinda Kent 0407 862 657 | E kentsiemurraygrey@dcsi.net.au Vice President | Jenny Lawrence 0428 358 345 | E jennyghct@netspace.net.au WESTERN VICTORIAN MURRAY GREY BREEDERS President | Craig Grant 3265 Coleraine/Edenhope Road, Coleraine VIC 3315 Ph 03 5570 4227 | Fax 03 5570 4227 E lindsaymgreys@activ8.net.au Treasurer/Secretary | Rachel Crothers ‘Crover’, 299 Warrumyea Road, Wangoom VIC 3279 Ph 0428 764 888 | E ronsardmg@gmail.com Publicity Officer | Sarah Crothers Ph 0418 178 407 | E ronsardmg@gmail.com TASMANIAN BREED PROMOTION GROUP If you are interested in joining the Tasmanian Breed Promotion Group, please contact MGBCS or Rebekah Henri Mob 0448 680 758 | E cow_girl@hotmail.com MURRAY GREYS WA Chairman | Gary Buller Ph 0419 958 579 | E buller@activ8.net.au Vice Chairman | David Corker Ph 0412 390 315 Secretary | Melvin Hettner Ph 0417 902 194 | E idealmurraygrey@westnet. com.au Treasurer | Joan Monley Ph 08 9574 2319 | E jomalglen@hotmail.com

Sue Francis

from Onward Murray Greys in Dorrigo, NSW, has claimed the coveted front cover of the Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society’s annual magazine. 76


Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

Eylwarra Sands Swagger S151

SIRED by Eylwarra Sands Quicksilver Q314

Bulls & Females for private sale upon enquiry & on farm at the SA Beef Field Days

Monday 5th February 2024 Nigel Eylward 0428767061 Angela 0438783076 Annual 2023 | 2024 DIRECTORY & BPG 77 FRANCES S.A.




COMMERCIAL (C31) JM, JR & GI SMALL 403 NESBITTS ROAD DENILIQUIN NSW 2710 Ph: 03 5884 6670| 0428 846 670 E: leanne.small1@bigpond.com (C45) J P MALONE BYRA GARAH NSW 2405 Ph: 02 6754 3455 E: jill.byra@bigpond.com (C50) MD & MO CHAMBERLAIN ‘GLEN AYR’ NUNDLE NSW 2340 Ph: 0429 667 746 E: chambose@bigpond.com LITTLE BIDWELL (CTB) C BURTON 8 CAMPBELL ST DELEGATE NSW 2633 Ph: 02 6458 8449 (D04) KC McMULLEN & PARTNERS CRATHIE 3313 MOUNT MITCHELL ROAD GLENCOE NSW 2365 Ph: 0409 848 669 E: crathie.glencoe@gmail.com DELOWEN (DLN) DELOWEN PARTNERSHIP “DELOWEN” 64 KERONGA HEIGHTS ROAD LOOMBERAH NSW 2340 Ph: 02 6760 9397 DL (DLW) MR & MRS D.A. & L.J. WEBB 901 KANGALOON RD GLENQUARRY NSW 2576 Ph: 0418 472 309 E: thewebbs0@bigpond.com (F19) MJ & KM KENA 92 MARTIN RD LARNOOK NSW 2480 Ph: 02 6633 7035| 0428 336 988 E: greyman1492@gmail.com



(F1F) MS S W DAVIS “WIND RUSH” 138 TERREEL ROAD WARDS RIVER NSW 2422 Ph: 0429 829 549 E: jenilake4@gmail.com

(J67) WINGELO PASTORAL CO GEOFF ROBERTS “WINGELO” RMB 862 WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 Ph: 02 6928 5253 E: wingelopc@gmail.com

(F2F) MR GARY ROSS 1088 PINCHIN ROAD THE CHANNON NSW 2480 Ph: 0427 895 268 E: garyr4063@yahoo.com.au

(JUD) DARREN & KATRINA JUDD 544 CAMERONS ROAD BELFRAYDEN NSW 2650 Ph: 02 6928 2224| 0428 266 033 E: auroraclyde@gmail.com

(G02) JESSE BUCKMAN 822 GOOD HOPE RD YASS NSW 2582 Ph: 02 6227 1121 E: buckmans@ozemail.com.au (G69) COLOMBO PASTORAL COMPANY PTY LTD P.O. BOX 228 BRAIDWOOD NSW 2622 Ph: 02 4842 2287| 0405 378 077 - KAYLEEN E: drew67@tpg.com.au (G7F) RAYMOND PERCY MELTON 4 MIRBELIA DR WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 Ph: 02 6931 6770 (G96) J MCNEICE JNR 7 SEYTON PLACE ROSEMEADOW NSW 2560 GRAEKIMBAR (GHL) GRAEKIMBAR PTY LTD PO BOX 578, WAHROONGA NSW 2076 Ph: 0412 406 858 E: bennettbev@optusnet.com.au (H54) SUE MCCOLL PO BOX 8723 GUNDAROO NSW 2620 Ph: 02 6236 8530| 0423 601 748 E: sue.mccoll@hotmail.com (H73) A & K LEHTSALU 20 GREVILLEA PLAC COLO VALE NSW 2575 Ph: 02 4889 4167 (I29) MR IAN MCINTOSH “DENBIGH” 531 COBITTY ROAD COBBITTY NSW 2570 Ph: 0403 302 717 E: denmac@ozemail.com.au

(M03) BJ & LD CLOSE “WHITE LODGE” MEMAGONG LANE YOUNG NSW 2594 Ph: 02 6383 3296 E: bandlclose@bigpond.com DYRRING (NRC) N.J. & R.J. CONNORS 60 OXFORD ROAD SCONE NSW 2337 Ph: 0408 975 219 E: noeljillc@gmail.com OSO (OSO) MR ANDREW KETTLEWELL PO BOX 95 LAVINGTON NSW 2641 Ph: 02 6020 3286| 0428 739 625 E: aejkettlewell@bigpond.com ROGILLA PARK (ROG) G.R. & B.K. HUDSON 28 RUSHTON AVE MOONEE BEACH NSW 2450 Ph: 02 6657 1330| 0427 571 330 E: graeme.hudson@bigpond.com KALKARA (RSM) R.S. & H.L. MUSCAT PO BOX 81 CLARENCE TOWN NSW 2321 Ph: 02 4996 5604| 0419 256 536 E: rsmuscat@bigpond.com CASSINO (SPM) PETER & MARGARET SMITH ‘ERINSVALE’ 1029 POLHILL RD WELLINGROVE NSW 2370 Ph: 02 6733 6882| 0427 900 878 E: pmsmith@skymesh.com.au VIDLEA (VID) M.R. VIDLER 400 FOGWELLS ROAD YORKLEA NSW 2470 Ph: 02 6663 7150

(X49) LINDA ROBERTSON ‘PHOENIX’ YASS RIVER ROAD VIA YASS NSW 2582 (X87) AW & KL WARD MULGOA 627 VITTORIA ROAD GUYONG NSW 2798 Ph: 02 6846 7201| 0428 467 201 E: awklward@bigpond.com (C163) HEATH BIRCHALL KARLOO PARK 184 DURI DUNGOWAN RD DURI NSW 2344 Ph: 0429 678 883 E: hbirchall@hotmail.com.au (C170) IAN HAMON 9 ROBINSONS ROAD PIGGABEEN NSW 2486 Ph: 0423 285 345 E: ianrhamon@gmail.com (C174) LARRY GREETHAM & GAY WILLIAMSON 4483 GUNDAROO ROAD GUNDAROO NSW 2620 Ph: 02 6236 8207| 0427 057 468 E: lgreetham@internode.on.net (C182) S. KERR 168 MANSE RD MULLUMBIMBY NSW 2482 Ph: 02 6684 1411| 0412 486 234 E: mullummg@gmail.com (C212) SPRING CREEK BENDEMEER NSW 62 ROSS STREET BELMONT NSW 2280 Ph: 0429 201 662 - NIVEN| 0407 006 679 - ANGIE E: niven.james@bigpond.com (C215) BL & JK WALLIS 1084 EULAH CREEK ROAD NARRABRI NSW 2390 Ph: 0428 505 391 E: jennywallis3@bigpond.com (F13F) JOHN HYLES ‘SHARROW’ 557 BRIARS SHARROW RD BUNGENDORE NSW 2621 Ph: 02 6238 2241 E: jrwhyles@gmail.com

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

(K106) SUGARLOAF FARM SUGARLOAF FARM 78 SUGARLOAF LANE KANGALOON NSW 2576 Ph: 02 4888 2209| 0474 087 115 E: farmsugarloaf1@gmail.com (X102) COLIN & FELICITY JAMES ILPARRAN 740 ILPARRAN ROAD MATHESON NSW 2370 Ph: 02 6733 6835 (X103) MRS ANNABEL KINGHAM “THE WATTLES” MILLTHORPE NSW 2798 Ph: 0428 745 369 E: annabel.kingham@gmail.com (X118) MAYFIELD FARM TRUST RP KENDAL 351 DUNBRITTON ROAD COURABYRA NSW 2653 E: Admin@Mayfieldfarm.net.au (Z139) GLEN & SUE WILLIAMS COSY CORNER EUCUMBENE NSW 2628


FULL ONDIONG (2F) PAUL & SANDRA FRANCIS ONDIONG PO BOX 620 DORRIGO NSW 2453 Ph: 02 6657 2008 E: ondiong1@gmail.com GLENVIEW (SG) SMITH PARTNERS PO BOX 123 GUYRA NSW 2365 Ph: 02 6775 0250| 0447 750 088 E: wjs1012@icloud.com MUNDALOLA (ASG) ANDREW & SHARON GUNN 12 HONEYEATER PLACE MOORE CREEK NSW 2340 Ph: 0427 695 797 E: an.smgunn@bigpond.com WAROONA (ASH) AW, SM & GK HOBBS “WAROONA” MANILDRA ROAD MOLONG NSW 2866 Ph: 02 6366 8365| 0429 076 617 E: g.khobbs@bigpond.com MOUYI (BGB) BILL RICHARDSON 338 BRINDABELLA VALLEY ROAD BRINDABELLA NSW 2611 Ph: 02 6236 2142 E: mouyimgs@skymesh.com.au

Annual 2023 | 2024

BENNOOKA PARK (BRA) STEPHEN ROBERTSON PO BOX 766 BEGA NSW 2550 Ph: 0409 037 550 E: bennookapark@gmail.com DEHAVALYN (CPE) CP & TP ERNST 27 WHITEFALLS LANE SINGLETON NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6572 2124| 0400 385 289 E: dehavalyn@outlook.com SHELLGARDI (DGR) SHELLGARDI MURRAY GREY STUD “CHATELLE” 621 LADEVALE RD GUNNING NSW 2581 Ph: 02 4845 1974| 0438 813 943 E: diane@shellgardi.com.au ERROWANBANG (ERR) JOHN & HILDE GERATHY C/- Mr Garry Haines 1553 Burnt Yard Road ERROWANBANG NSW 2791 Ph: 02 6366 7212 | 02 6366 7299 (GARRY) E: jhgerathy@gmail.com MAEFAIR (GEB) GP & EJ BURNETT LATERAL PROJECTS PO BOX 360 ARTARMON NSW 1570 Ph: 0429 600 337| 0412 955 578 E: gburnett@lateralprojects.com DALVEEN & RIVER (GGN) NICHOLAS & RUTH HAYES 63 DALVEEN RD BOLWARRA HEIGHTS NSW 2320 Ph: 0431 156 277 E: geoffhayes@hotmail.com GLANMIRE (GMG) AJ & DT COLLINS “RED HILL” 167 SAINT ANTHONYS CREEK RD GLANMIRE NSW 2795 Ph: 0410 648 183 - A| 0437 792 920 - D E: glanmiremurraygreys@ bigpond.com GNOLEDA (GNO) JM & IJ BROMHAM “GNOLEDA” 969 COURABYRA ROAD TUMBARUMBA NSW 2653 Ph: 02 6948 8651| 0458 488 650 E: gnoleda@gmail.com ELLERSLIE (GRC) SARA COLE 160 PUTTY ROAD SINGLETON NSW 2330 Ph: 0419 630 159 E: s.cole93@hotmail.com HIDEAWAY PARK (HDP) MISS W. MCDONALD 5 CRANWORTH STREET GRAFTON NSW 2460 Ph: 0408 653 634 E: wendymcdonald@hotkey. net.au

CADFOR (HR1) ROD HOARE AND HELENA WARREN CADFOR 1486 BINDA ROAD BINDA NSW 2583 Ph: 02 4835 6220| 0416 284 149 E: rod@cadfor.com.au FOURWAYS PARK (KAF) KJ & AU FAIRALL FOURWAYS PARK - WOBURN 180 WOBURN ROAD HARDEN NSW 2587 Ph: 0418 298 162 E: kerryannette@bigpond.com CARLINGA (KYM) KYM CARLTON CARLINGA MURRAY GREY STUD 333 HAIRES LANE BOGGABRI NSW 2382 Ph: 02 6743 5713| 0427 593 707 E: carlingamgs@skymesh.com.au KALYRA (KYR) MR ALAN HUMPHREYS PO BOX 11 BRANXTON NSW 2335 Ph: 0417 832 030 E: ahumphreys4@bigpond.com GOLDEN (LBG) PETER BATTEN ‘ROSEDALE’ 737 GARRA ROAD MOLONG NSW 2866 Ph: 02 6366 8909| 0418 292 053 PB E: peter.batten1906@gmail.com WALLAWONG (LEJ) LE & KE JAMES PO BOX 138 GUNNEDAH NSW 2380 Ph: 0402 839 373 E: lachlanj@yahoo.com MOORABINDA (MMT) RJ TRAVERS 19 EAST STREET HOWLONG NSW 2643 Ph: 02 6041 5299 E: rtravers@albury.net.au KARAWI HILL (MPL) KARAWI HILL PTY LTD NU-WALLA 156 TOMANBIL ROAD FORBES NSW 2871 Ph: 0428 486 165 - AMBA E: info@nuwalla.com.au YALUMBA (MVF) PJ & AL MARSH 141 DEARDS LANE CRAVEN NSW 2422 Ph: 02 6595 9335| 0411 377 075 E: cedargrove64@bigpond.com DEVANAH (NJS) N.J. & J.M. SOUTHORN HEYBRIDGE 166 LEDGERS - MALLOY RD FORBES NSW 2871 Ph: 02 6853 7212| 0409 157 077 E: njsouthorn@bigpond.com NOSTONES (NSN) MRS JME AND MR N ANDERSON NOSTONES MURRAY GREYS “AVOCA” GULARGAMBONE NSW 2828 Ph: 02 6825 1103 E: nostones.anderson@bigpond. com

PARSONS GREEN (PGN) PARSONS GREEN GRAZING 24 CLARKE STREET BOWRAL NSW 2576 Ph: 0467 819 579 E: Jon.R.Pinferi@nab.com.au MARELLA (PMR) P.M. & M.E. RENSHAW 875 LOGAN ROAD ALBURY NSW 2640 Ph: 02 6785 2092| 0427 414 122 E: pmhrenshaw@gmail.com ST GERMAINS (RAP) RJ LIVESTOCK SERVICES VALLEY VIEW 632 BOCOBRA RD MANILDRA NSW 2865 Ph: 0403 945 123| 0427 956 388 E: rjlivestock@gmail.com ROGIALYN (RGN) ROGIALYN MURRAY GREYS PROF CRS & MR DAVID HOUGHTON PO BOX 2274 BOWRAL NSW 2576 Ph: 02 4872 1558| 0427 124 501 E: david.houghton@agrisk.com.au ROUCHELLE (ROU) PAUL & LYN RICHARDS MCCULLYS GAP MUSWELLBROOK NSW 2333 Ph: 02 6543 5191| 0419 297 310 - Paul E: Lyn.richards2@det.nsw.edu.au SENTRY BOX (SEB) REWLET PTY LTD PO BOX 765 INVERELL NSW 2360 Ph: 0428 374 947 - H| 0439 704 248 - B E: helen.spry50@gmail.com AURORA (SJS) SUCCESS4LIFE PTY LTD STEPHEN SIMS 169 SMITHS LANE NUMBAA NSW 2540 Ph: 0438 201 922 E: auroramurraygreys@gmail. com SKYLINE (SKY) SBACKO PTY LTD PO BOX 2017 BENDALONG NSW 2539 Ph: 4456 1500| 0413 362 470 E: skylinemurraygreys@gmail. com ONWARD (SUE) SUE FRANCIS PO BOX 20 DORRIGO NSW 2453 Ph: 02 6657 2539 E: onward@aapt.net.au WOOLARINGA (WGA) MRS FIONA BATTISTE 4672 BRAIDWOOD RD TIRRANNAVILLE NSW 2580 Ph: 02 4829 5107| 0400 197 311 E: fionabattiste@bigpond.com WATTLEGROVE (WGX) MARK & LEISA GRIMSON PO BOX 221 ALBION PARK NSW 2527 Ph: 0409 155 240 E: mlgrimson@gmail.com



AYR PARK (WIN) IL & N WILCOX AYR PARK 578 GOODACRE DRIVE WOODSTOCK NSW 2793 Ph: 02 6345 0261| 0437 745 185 - N| 0402 008 191 - I E: ayrpark@bigpond.com BREELONG (WKR) ROB WALKER “BREELONG” 114 BRUMBY PLAINS RD WOODENBONG NSW 2476 Ph: 0427 661 192 E: rob@breelongfarms.com.au TENNYSON PARK (ZYM) MZJ MCMAHON 3398 HOBBYS YARDS RD BLAYNEY NSW 2799 Ph: 02 6368 2144| 0488 095 883 E: jencus2@bigpond.com

LIFE (948) DAVID & DONNA MARSHALL 9 BASS CLOSE CORLETTE NSW 2315 Ph: 0408 256 132 E: dmarsh73@bigpond.com (L05) MR WHP CHARLES 14 ADINA PLACE COOMA NSW 2630 E: kydrabah@bigpond.com BOOKOOLA (LEA) RL & SM LEA P O BOX 513 INVERELL NSW 2360 Ph: 02 6723 2346| 0409 313 572 E: bobandsuelea@outlook.com

SILVER IDRIESS (AAK) JOHANN BENJAMIN KUCHEL 2 SCADDAN STREET WEMBLEY WA 6014 Ph: 0477 282 477 E: j.ben.kuchel@gmail.com WYADRA (AJC) A.J. & S.L. CHRISTIE RMB 1013 WINDELLAMA ROAD GOULBURN NSW 2580 Ph: 0414 566 773 E: tartateeth@gmail.com BELLA BESTIA (BBM) MICHAEL HARDING 464 DUNNS RD DOUBTFUL CREEK NSW 2470 Ph: 0423 491 327 E: mspud87@hotmail.com DELWOOD (DWD) TONGUE’S PASTORAL COMPANY PTY LTD “GLENWOOD” 2033 DURI-DUNGOWAN ROAD LOOMBERAH NSW 2340 Ph: 02 6769 1533| 0429 081 152 E: tonguespastoral@outlook.com



BARFIELD FARM (IMG) FRANK SGRO & CARMELLA PIZZILLI 48 OLD TAREN POINT ROAD TAREN POINT NSW 2229 Ph: 0400 121 599 E: carmella.pizzilli@ stoweaustralia.com.au


KENCRAIG (KCM) ALICE A MURRAY RMB 101 DUNOON ROAD LISMORE NSW 2480 Ph: 0448 063 098 E: kencraig_93@hotmail.com


NAMOI (NAM) IAN LAMB 116 RUSHES CREEK RD MANILLA NSW 2346 Ph: 0438 600 223 E: jlamb1903@hotmail.com SIXPENCE PARK (SXP) SIXPENCE PARK MURRAY GREYS STEPHEN & NATALIE MARTIN 22L PANAI AVENUE DUBBO NSW 2830 Ph: 0439 834 851 - NATALIE| 0435 092 023 E: natalie_m_hume@hotmail.com CHAPEL PADDOCK (TCP) MR SHAYNE HERRING & MRS JULIE KAY PO BOX 966 CESSNOCK NSW 2325 Ph: 0412 143 514 E: julieandshayne@outlook.com CHB (TLW) TARYN WORTH 6 GIMLET PLACE WINGHAM NSW 2429 Ph: 0412 005 664 E: tarynworth@hotmail.com WYATTA (WYB) DAVID W. HANNA 52 HOPF ROAD TUCKI TUCKI NSW 2480 Ph: 0420 457 963 E: david.hanna@wyattabeef. com.au

YOUTH SNOWY MT (ADE) LUCY KELL PO BOX 92 ADELONG NSW 2729 Ph: 0458 644 657 E: lucy.kell22@gmail.com DANGARRA (DGA) DANGARRA MURRAY GREYS 1553 BURNT YARDS ROAD ERROWANBANG NSW 2791 Ph: 02 6366 7299| 0439 436 280 Declan E: gads1553@hotmail.com TINTARA (JHD) KAREENA DAWSON “THE FLAGS” BOOROLONG RD ARMIDALE NSW 2350 Ph: 0476 243 333 - Kareena E: kareenajane1@gmail.com COMPASS CREEK (KEJ) KATIE SUTCLIFFE 53 WAVERLEY ST SCONE NSW 2337 Ph: 0493 366 493 E: katherine.sutcliffe@outlook.com

JUMPING ROCK (NBV) NIKKI VAUGHAN PO BOX 248 BUNDANOON NSW 2578 Ph: 0490 164 705 E: nikkivaughan13@hotmail.com NU WALLA (NWC) EMILY VAN DER STRUIK “NU WALLA” 156 TOMANBIL RD FORBES NSW 2871 Ph: 0412 604 059 E: info@karawihill.com.au

(Y1991) ALLEGRA PINFERI 24 CLARKE STREET BOWRAL NSW 2576 E: jono.pinferi@gmail.com



GLENROCK (RMW) RUBY WEISMANTEL 81 SHERWOOD ROAD ALDAVILLA NSW 2440 Ph: 0467 505 106 E: glenrockgreys@outlook.com TMJ (TMJ) TMJ PASTORAL COMPANY 68 COMBO LANE SINGLETON NSW 2330 Ph: 0438 363 402 E: jacobmerrick17@hotmail.com (Y1977) WILL HENLEY COOLMORE 3367 GOLDEN HIGHWAY JERRYS PLAINS NSW 2330 E: williamhenley123@icloud.com (Y1978) ZACH HUGGINS 4 NANDOWRA STREET ABERDEEN NSW 2336 E: zachugs68@gmail.com

(K3) LAWRENCE CHESTER LEADBETTER P.O. BOX 505 PITTSWORTH QLD 4356 (15A) ‘TAABINGA HOMESTEAD’ LIBBY LEU & COLIN MARSHALL PO BOX 843 KINGAROY QLD 4610 Ph: 07 4164 5531 E: taabhome@hotmail.com TARRINGTON (LTN) LYN NICHOLSON “TARRINGTON” COORANGA NORTH ROAD JIMBOUR QLD 4406 Ph: 07 4663 6220 E: lynnicholson1@bigpond.com (A155) DAVID ELLIS ‘BARANBALI’ 852 AHERNS RD CONONDALE QLD 4552 Ph: 07 5435 0426 E: dae73@bigpond.com (C162) AUSTRALIAN RURAL EXPORTS LEVEL 8, 10 EAGLE STREET BRISBANE QLD 4000 E: austrex@austrex.com

(Y1981) MAE GILKESON 4 MANOR RISE BOWRAL NSW 2576 E: g.gilkeson@me.com (Y1984) CHARLOTTE SMITH “LALOKI” 56 CRIBBS ROAD YARARA NSW 2644 E: sarah.yensch@bigpond.com (Y1985) RYAN SMITH “LALOKI” 56 CRIBBS ROAD YARARA NSW 2644 E: sarah.yensch@bigpond.com (Y1988) DANIEL RICHARDS “LEVEN” 1875 SANDY CREEK ROAD MUSWELLBROOK NSW 2333 E: lyn.richards2@det.nsw.edu.au (Y1990) JAMES SUTCLIFFE 53 WAVERLY STREET SCONE NSW 2337 E: jmanwiggy01@gmail.com

(C214) WOLLUB PRODUCE RYAN & TENEIL BULLOW P.O.BOX 408 STANTHORPE QLD 4380 Ph: 0468 404 682 E: gbffstanthorpe@gmail.com (D100) GLENN DAY 67 Newells Road The Caves QLD 4702 Ph: 0438 784 435 E: glenn-day@hotmail.com


Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

FULL BURNETT DOWNS (BD) BURNETT DOWNS PASTORAL CO PO BOX 11 BRIGALOW QLD 4412 Ph: 07 4665 2145 | 0435 988 233 Alan | 0401 245 089 Rosie E: bdmurraygreys@hotmail.com GADGARRA (GGA) MR T LEARY & MR J CONTARINO PO BOX 123 ATHERTON QLD 4883 Ph: 0407 111 092 - TERRY | 0407 003 415 - JOHN E: gadgarra_greys@bigpond.com MAPLE DOWNS (MPD) RD & DA KIDD & SONS PO BOX 160 ATHERTON QLD 4883 Ph: 0457 868 008 - RUSSELL | 0407 171 047 - DEBORAH E: mapledownsmg@gmail.com NB7 (NB7) KASANDRA TESKE 155 CURTIS ROAD KINGAROY QLD 4610 Ph: 07 4162 5291 E: kpedler86@gmail.com SHELL-DEE (SHD) SHELL-DEE MURRAY GREYS PO BOX 575 KINGAROY QLD 4610 Ph: 0428 719 508 - M | 0428 716 109 - D E: malndean@bigpond.com WINDBERRA (WND) A.P., C.M.J & B.L. HODGSON 179 BURNETT LANE MALENY QLD 4552 Ph: 07 5429 6745 | 0429 667 210 - BERNADETTE E: hodgsonfam@live.com

LIFE YALLEMBIE (YAL) DW & JA KING 118 TOURIST ROAD RANGEVILLE QLD 4350 Ph: 0427 123 221 E: davidkingyallembie@gmail. com GLENGARRY LOC (LOC) GW & JE LITTLE THE PINES 5333 PALMERSTON HIGHWAY MILLAA MILLAA QLD 4886 Ph: 0429 823 117 E: gwje.little@bigpond.com

SILVER AMALLEKA (AMA) ALANA & KARL CARTER PO BOX 199 MOURA QLD 4718 Ph: 0429 130 206 E: alanawarren@hotmail.com RED GUM (ARK) VERONICA & JIM O’SHEA 727 MAHONS ROAD PATRICK ESTATE QLD 4311 Ph: 07 3810 2311 | 0429 066 819 E: mistygummurraygreys@ bigpond.com

Annual 2023 | 2024

KEEN EDGE (KEM) PAUL BROWN PO BOX 273 PITTSWORTH QLD 4356 Ph: 0439 604 241 E: brownpaul1972@yahoo.com. au

(B75) DAN AUSTEN PO BOX 1479 WARRNAMBOOL VIC 3280 Ph: 03 5561 4314 | 0419 812 179 E: danaust@bigpond.com


APOLLO (CGP) C.G. & P.H. PICKUP 173 SKENE STREET NEWTOWN GEELONG VIC 3220 Ph: 03 5237 6057 | 0418 680 413 E: colpickup@gmail.com

KINGSGROVE (KMR) KATHRYN TAYLOR 22 ELGAR STREET HOLLAND PARK QLD 4121 Ph: 07 4630 0134 E: kjtaylor25@hotmail.com ROSE-JA (MSM) M.J. & S.R. MARKEY 11 WHITESIDE ROAD WHITESIDE QLD 4503 Ph: 07 3285 1794 E: msmarkey2018@gmail.com PACAN (PAC) JC & P ANDERSEN 9 HEDLEY DRIVE WOOLMAR QLD 4515 Ph: 07 5497 1452 | 0458 771 373 E: chrisandersen3@bigpond. com BAROONA PARK (TBP) D.G & S.A. TAYLOR BAROONA PARK 537 BRIMBLECOMBE RD WELLCAMP QLD 4350 Ph: 07 4630 0134 | 0412 534 763 E: dgtaylor1@bigpond.com

YOUTH BROBROOK (BBK) MR FLETCHER BROWN 30 KIRBY STREET WOODFORD QLD 4514 Ph: 07 5496 1035 | 0439 662 556 E: allstar84@bigpond.com AMELIA PARK (MTR) AMELIA TAYLOR-ROSE 22 ELGAR STREET HOLLAND PARK QLD 4121 Ph: 07 3349 7625 | 0488 620 169 E: kjtaylor25@hotmail.com


COWDEN PARK (CVS) A J & R M WHYTE, UNIT 2/14 WILLIAM STREET MOUNT WAVERLEY VIC 3149 Ph: 03 5628 1649 E: jwbco@optusnet.com.au (D08) PG HABERSBERGER DALVUI RMB 6510 TERANG VIC 3264 Ph: 03 5592 5445 E: pghabers@bigpond.com.au CULLENYA (DBS) D.B. & A.M. SLATTERY 124 S REEDS ROAD WANNON VIC 3301 Ph: 03 5570 8210 | 0418 370 539 E: cullenya.mgreys2@bigpond. com (F13) SEMEX PTY LTD ALECIA HALLETT PO BOX 748 BACCHUS MARSH VIC 3340 Ph: 03 9743 0344 E: semex@semex.com.au (G11) MINHAMITE RURAL ‘GREENHILLS’ 381 MINHAMITE-CARAMUT RD MINHAMITE VIC 3287 Ph: 03 5576 6273 | 0427 766 273 E: hines3287@gmail.com (G1F) PETER & JEANNIE GANNON 46 TINAMBA-GLENMAGGIE RD TINAMBA VIC 3859 Ph: 03 5145 1216 | 0418 514 537 E: erinvale@wideband.net.au (H70) STUART WORN LAVENDER RAIN PTY LTD P O BOX 110 EPPING VIC 3076 Ph: 0417 321 456 E: sworn@snowexpo.com.au (J43) BELINDA WILKIN 11 LERINA PLACE WHEELERS HILL VIC 3150 Ph: 03 5664 8325 | 0407 473 223 E: belindawilkin@hotmail.com (K60) TERRY GREAVES 596 MARKWOOD/ TARRAWINGEE RD WANGARATTA VIC 3678 Ph: 03 5727 3215

KINGSTON (KGN) COOINDA KINGSTON PARTNERSHIP PO BOX 391 BALLARAT VIC 3353 Ph: 03 5345 6407 | 0427 456 407 E: agbug6@bigpond.com BRANTWOOD (LLL) M.D. LAWRENCE & SONS “BRANTWOOD” P.O. BOX 56 AVENEL VIC 3664 Ph: 0428 826 797 E: davidanddeblawrence@ bigpond.com (N68) PETER & EILEEN BOWYER TRALEE MURRAY GREYS 4614 KIEWA VALLEY HIGHWAY DEDERANG VIC 3691 Ph: 0427 805 873 E: pcerbowyer@Gmail.com GRACE DALE (SYD) BM & JTC SYDENHAM 50 MCCONACHY LANE WINCHELSEA VIC 3241 WAAIA PARK (WAA) MAX & SUZANNE BAKER 978 MATHERS RD NATHALIA VIC 3638 Ph: 0447 771 025 E: suzanne@waaiapark.com.au (X79) T. MOSCRIPT 280 SOLDIERS RD LEONGATHA SOUTH VIC 3953 Ph: 03 5664 3213 | 0408 643 279 E: tnmossy@gmail.com (A151) FRANK HANCE 40 HANCES LANE LANG LANG VIC 3984 Ph: 03 5997 5272 (A174) C & J COOKE ‘BALLAMORE’ PO BOX 371 PYALONG VIC 3521 Ph: 0418 344 074 E: chriscooke@bigpond.com (C177) JENNY LAWRENCE PO BOX 69 BRUTHEN VIC 3885 Ph: 03 5157 5556 | 0428 358 345 E: jennyghct@netspace.net.au (C181) NEVILLE ELFORD 95 ROYCROFTS RD TERANG VIC 3264 Ph: 0417 541 436 E: elford@westvic.com.au (C200) JARLATH PARK UNIT 3/4 STATION RD SEVILLE VIC 3139 Ph: 0427 177 718 E: merri1313@hotmail.com (C201) MILANGIL PASTORAL CO. 343 GIL GIL RD DONALD VIC 3480 Ph: 0427 504 535 D | 0409 824 242 E E: milangil1@westnet.com.au



(C213) QUENTIN BARRETT 88 LONGERONG ROAD DOOEN VIC 3401 Ph: 0434 392 219 E: qjbarrett@gmail.com (F18F) BW FARM TRUST Katrina Boyd Walsh 650 Minhamite Rd MINHAMITE VIC 3287 Ph: 0427 504 642 E: bwfarm5@bigpond.com (F19F) RB & JE PIKE 3154 GREAT OCEAN RD NIRRANDA VIC 3268 Ph: 0407 866 340 E: bpike964@gmail.com

EDUCATIONAL GOOD SHEPHERD (GSC) GOOD SHEPHERD COLLEGE 297 MT NAPIER RD HAMILTON VIC 3300 Ph: 03 5571 2595 E: farm.manager@gsc.vic.edu.au

FULL MICHAELONG (HS) MR MURRAY SUTHERLAND PO BOX 78 BARNAWARTHA VIC 3688 Ph: 02 6020 2034 | 0459 302 034 E: helensutherlandpastoral@ gmail.com BEMM RIVER (ZN) BEMM RIVER PASTORAL PTY LTD 55 PARDEW TRK BEMM RIVER VIC 3889 Ph: 03 5158 4220

HUNTLEY FARMS (HTY) JACQUELINE LAUGHLIN PO BOX 262 EUROA VIC 3666 Ph: | 0429 149 173 E: huntleyfarms1@gmail.com LINDSAY (LSY) CRAIG & JACINTA GRANT 3265 COLERAINE - EDENHOPE RD COLERAINE VIC 3315 Ph: 03 5570 4227 | 0427 704 227 - C E: lindsaymgreys@activ8.net.au GANADO (MVA) COURTNEY HAZELDENE PO BOX 325 MARONG VIC 3515 Ph: 0438 083 191 E: ganado@live.com.au LOCHCLYDE (PFG) LOCHCLYDE PASTORAL CO “LOCHCLYDE” 351 PARKER’S ROAD RUSSELL’S BRIDGE VIC 3331 Ph: 0488 397 178 E: jess@lochclydepastoralco. com.au PRAIRIE FALLS (PFS) CRYSTAL BELL OAK PARK 652 MYAMYN - MACARTHUR RD BREAKAWAY CREEK VIC 3303 Ph: 0401 942 567 E: crystalbell4@hotmail.com RONSARD (RFC) RACHEL CROTHERS PO BOX 25 WANGOOM VIC 3279 Ph: 0428 764 888 E: Ronsardmg@gmail.com KENTSIE (SKP) SIEKMAN & KENT PARTNERSHIP 180 MIDDLETON ROAD

AVONLEA FLOWERS (AFL) D & J WEIDENBACH 420 RIVER ROAD MURCHISON VIC 3610 Ph: 03 5826 2406 | 0428 597 084 E: david@avonleaflowers.com.au

LABERTOUCHE VIC 3816 Ph: 0407 862 657 E: kentsiemurraygrey@dcsi. net.au

ATRIEM (ATR) STEPHEN KOCH & ANNE TREVENA PO BOX 473 SEYMOUR VIC 3660 Ph: 0408 788 990 E: stephen.koch@atriem.com.au


MOUNT MAJOR (DVD) BRETT DAVIDSON 871 DOOKIE RD YABBA NORTH VIC 3646 Ph: 0459 999 662 E: davo@ mountmajormurraygreys.com. au ELK RIVER (ELK) MR LUKE BARBER & DR JANINE ARNOLD PO BOX 623 BENDIGO VIC 3552 Ph: 0425 360 235 (JANINE) | 0429 169 759 (LUKE) E: janine@ bendigosurgicalservices.com.au




CRATLOE (CIB) I.H. & C.A. BURNSIDE “GOONDANNAH” 330 LANCEFIELD ROAD SUNBURY VIC 3429 Ph: 03 9744 3080 | 0417 105 301 (IAN) | 0419 877 607 (ANNE) E: cratloemg@gmail.com (L04) MR GJ PHILLIPS PO BOX 234 POINT LONSDALE VIC 3225 Ph: 0411 413 599 E: geoffphi@ozemail.com.au (L13) MRS BEV SCHMOLLING PO BOX 106 HEALESVILLE VIC 3777 E: bschmolling@bigpond.com

THE GLEN (L18) THE GLEN PASTORAL CO P/L PO BOX 3 WALWA VIC 3709 Ph: 02 6037 1347 | 0427 371 347 E: theglenpastoral@bigpond. com (L22) JOHN TYRRELL 4 MAY ST TUNGAMAH VIC 3728 Ph: 0428 918 251 E: heather.tyrrell@bigpond.com

SILVER BALLAM PARK (BPG) BALLAM PARK GREYS “BALLAM PARK” 245 LABERTOUCHE ROAD LABERTOUCHE VIC 3816 Ph: 0408 336 990 E: ballamparkgreys@gmail.com BROADREACH (BRC) BROADREACH CATTLE & HORTICULTURE MACKENZIE DAVIDSON 43 BOUNDARY ROAD COLDSTREAM VIC 3770 Ph: 0409 385 951 E: mac@ mackenziephotography.com.au PYRENEES (JAQ) JACQUELINE GALE 19 POWNCEBY LANE GLENPATRICK VIC 3469 Ph: 0427 658 032 E: markandjacqui@yahoo.com PARAPARK (PRK) ANDREW MEDEW & EDEN ISBISTER 1490 HENDY MAIN ROAD PARAPARAP VIC 3240 Ph: 0428 185 300 E: andomedew@yahoo.com.au BELLAIR (PVG) PAUL VAN GEND PO BOX 86 BULLEEN VIC 3105 Ph: 03 9739 0799 | 0418 850 901 E: paulvangend@bigpond.com. au R&K FOLEY (RKF) KIRSTIN FOLEY PO BOX 8120 SEYMOUR SOUTH VIC 3660 Ph: 0401 318 443 E: kirstin.dwyer@ymail.com

YOUTH WARRINA (WC) MATILDA SULLIVAN 585 BARNAWATHA-HOWLONG ROAD BARNAWATHA VIC 3688 Ph: 0422 338 451 - STEPHEN | 0405 775 168 - NICOLE E: matildasullivan10@gmail.com ARDMONA (DGZ) DAPHNIE, GRETCHEN & ZELDA PELL 1345 TOOLAMBA-RUSHWORTH ROAD TATURA VIC 3616 Ph: 0417 146 487 | 0478 597 852 - Robert E: mysticalmg@gmail.com

RICKLEE (EPR) RICKLEE PASTORAL COMPANY 56 WHITE ROAD NORTH WONTHAGGI VIC 3995 Ph: 0429 606 767 E: rickleepastoral@outlook.com PARAPARAP (GJJ) E & L JOHNS “WOODLANDS” 1810 HENDY MAIN RD BELLBRAE VIC 3228 Ph: 0419 315 468 E: murray.scipn@gmail.com JARRADYNE (JDY) JARRADYNE CATTLE CO 57 DAVIES RD WALMER VIC 3463 Ph: 0455 183 845 E: jarradynemg@gmail.com DAJORY (RJD) LUKAS MCRAE 225 GRAHAMVALE ROAD GRAHAMVALE VIC 3631 Ph: 03 5829 9413 | 0417 966 822 (Carolyne) | 0488 948 996 (Josh) E: dajorymurraygreys@gmail. com TJC (TJC) TABBY CROSS 24 CHEESLEYS RD INDIGO VALLEY VIC 3688 Ph: 0409 324 999 E: tabitha.cross@icloud.com FLOODWAY PASS (VZU) FLOODWAY PASS MURRAY GREYS 256 MURDOCH RD FAIRY DELL VIC 3561 Ph: 0448 046 428 E: garsam1@icloud.com (Y1976) AMELIA BRUGGY 82 KILLARNEY LANE BOOROLITE VIC 3723 Ph: 0456 816 877 (Y1979) ABIGAIL PETERS 15 HOLDSWORTH ROAD LONG GULLY VIC 3550 E: felicity.trew@outlook.com (Y1983) VERONICA MURPHY 398 O’BRIENS LANE AXEDALE VIC 3551 E: Murph@thebeardedcoach. com.au (Y1986) HARVEY BECK 270 ERAMOSA ROAD W MOOROODUC VIC 3933 E: georgiebeck@icloud.com (Y1987) JAMIE BECK 270 EMAMOSA ROAD MOOROODUC VIC 3933 E: georgiebeck@icloud.com

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society


(W27) A & P.L MCCRACKEN & SON BOX 274 EDILLILIE SA 5630 Ph: 08 8676 4244 (W29) W. G. FUSS AND SONS PO BOX 96 CUMMINS SA 5631 E: coolangattaf@bigpond.com

COMMERCIAL GALEE (3T) S.K. THOMAS & SON BOX 34 GALEE AUBURN SA 5451 Ph: 08 8849 2055 | 0407 492 055 E: trent.thomas1926@gmail.com (B07) PJ & JM KENNELLY PO BOX 66 KAPUNDA SA 5373 Ph: 08 8525 2248 E: okd1@bigpond.com ROSEHILL (BNL) BN, LK, NB & DJ LUKE 85 SUFFOLK ROAD HAWTHORNDENE SA 5051 Ph: 0412 309 964 E: csssadelaide@webshield. net.au (F40) FINGERPOST BOWAKA AG 236 BOWAKA RD REEDY CREEK SA 5275 Ph: 0408 059 530 E: mattrobbo84@gmail.com (G2F) TABOR PARK NICK KLOSE PO BOX 230 LOBETHAL SA 5241 Ph: 0413 434 187 E: nick@klose.com.au (G8F) ROB, LINDA & DALE HOWARD RSD 5 PENNESHAW SA 5222 Ph: 08 8553 1068 | 0427 531 068 E: roberthoward8@bigpond. com (H02) MRS CHERYL WILLIAMS PO BOX 223 MIDDLETON SA 5213 Ph: 08 8555 4085 | 0402 402 187 E: cheroela@activ8.net.au (MLN) MARLESTON HOLDINGS PTY LTD PO BOX 595 NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006 E: ludo.dierickx@bigpond.com PARA VIEW (NTK) MG & LF SEELANDER PO BOX 131 ANGASTON SA 5353 Ph: 08 8564 2408 | 0415 199 876

Annual 2023 | 2024

(A109) PETER & LYNN ROSE PAL-DARAK C/- POST OFFICE WISTOW SA 5251 E: paldarak@adam.com.au (A170) AJ & SK GEUE R S D 88 GEUES ROAD KINGSTON SE SA 5275 Ph: 0427 677 202 (C103) CHRIS & TRACEY BLAKEMORE PO BOX 1039 MILLICENT SA 5280 Ph: 0429 876 045 E: chris@mayurragreys.com.au (C172) JALACASE INVESTMENTS PTY LTD PO BOX 419 STIRLING SA 5152 Ph: 0407 884 777 E: nwsa@nwsa.com.au (C210) MR & MRS SAM PRITCHARDGORDON PO BOX 396 ANGASTON SA 5253 Ph: 0430 309 428 E: spg@cornerstonestud.com.au (C211) SA & LJ NITSCHKE PO BOX 1536 LOXTON SA 5333 Ph: 0427 956 064 - S | 0427 090 632 - L E: saljnitschke@gmail.com (Y106) MR T R STRATFORD UNIT 7/16 ESPLANADE TUMBY BAY SA 5605 Ph: 08 8676 7048 | 0447 514 453 BARBUSH (Y116) BJ BAKER PO BOX 2572 MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 E: barbebush@gmail.com (Z119) MARK A SCHUBERT PO BOX 326 GUMERACHA SA 5233 Ph: 0459 223 277

FULL ASHVELL (AJN) AMY NANKIVELL PO BOX 63 MAITLAND SA 5573 Ph: 08 8835 1225 | 0447 351 354 E: amynankivell96@gmail.com MOORILLA RISE (ATC) MRS TRACEY CAIRE 1005 BLACK HEATH RD MOUNT TORRENS SA 5244 Ph: 0408 089 912 E: traceycaire@bigpond.com

BEEAMMA (BEE) ANTHONY & DENISE FABRIS 2936 NARACOORTE RD WESTERN FLAT SA 5268 Ph: 0407 566 341 DENISE | 0438 582 025 ANTHONY E: beeamma@bigpond.com CARRSVIEW (CAR) NW & JR CARR PO BOX 431 WOODSIDE SA 5244 Ph: 0400 155 928 - Jo | 0438 835 941 - Neil E: joannarcarr@gmail.com GROVENE (CMJ) M.J. GRADY 22 Jenkins Terrace Naracoorte SA 5271 Ph: 08 8388 9399 | 0428 623 074 E: micgrady@bigpond.net.au THE ELMS (DEL) DAVID JAMES LEWIS 2 PAGE CRESENT PANORAMA SA 5041 Ph: 08 8389 6837 | 0419 857 461 E: mandy.lewis@bigpond.com MALLBRAE (JLB) MALLBRAE PASTORAL CO 39 BAKERS RD WILD HORSE PLAINS SA 5501 Ph: 0407 605 830 E: jackie74.baker@gmail.com BOTTLESFORD (KPN) G, J.R. & D.J. KOOPMAN PO BOX 83 TUNGKILLO SA 5236 Ph: 08 8568 2076 | 0438 682 076 E: darren.koopman@bigpond. com PONDYONG (M4G) PONDYONG MURRAY GREYS DR PETER GALE 727 TUGWELL RD BACK VALLEY SA 5211 Ph: 08 8554 5312 | 0408 554 519 E: peter.gale@unisa.edu.au EYLWARRA SANDS (NEW) NA & RG & AJ EYLWARD PO BOX 2189 NARACOORTE SA 5271 Ph: 0428 767 061 - NIGEL | 0428 767 067 - GINA E: eylwarra@eylwarrasands.com ARKI (RIB) GEOFF & KATE BUICK “ARKI” 3916 NARACOORTE ROAD WESTERN FLAT SA 5268 Ph: 08 8758 2071 | 0438 582 071 E: arkimg@bigpond.com REDWOOD (RRW) SI & CJ REDDING PTY LTD PO BOX 383 MINLATON SA 5575 Ph: 08 8853 1142 | 0427 360 544 E: stewart@netyp.com.au SILVER (RZK) SILVER ANGUS PTY LTD PO BOX 1511 MYLOR SA 5153 Ph: 08 8388 8803 | 0408 841 002 E: glenbold.stud@bigpond.com

SANDY HILL (SCG) SOPHIE BURT 439 BURT ROAD CLEMENTS GAP SA 5523 Ph: 0429 292 541 E: soph.burt@hotmail.com BALLYVAUGHAN (SKS) S & K SANDERS PO BOX 1 CLARE SA 5453 Ph: 0487 397 930 E: ballyvaughan1@hotmail.com MONOBELLE (SMG) RJ & VR GIDDINGS 18118 SHEPPARD RD COULTA SA 5607 Ph: 08 8685 4116 | 0428 855 097 E: simonandmarika@bigpond. com WAITARA PARK (WWD) N.K. & E.H. WILTSHIRE 28 HOOPER RD STRATHALBYN SA 5255 Ph: 08 8536 4902 | 0439 877 395 NEIL E: n.wiltshire@bigpond.com

LIFE OAKLEY (KJH) OAKLEY PARTNERS “OAKLEY” SPALDING SA 5454 Ph: 08 8665 4077 WYONG (KRF) JL FIEBIGER BOX 240 PENOLA SA 5277 Ph: 0417 843 622 REDAWAYS (RWY) G.H. & G.E. REYNOLDS PO BOX 309 WOODSIDE SA 5244 Ph: 08 8538 7023 E: redaways@gmail.com

SILVER AVAGO (AGO) BEN & CATHY THORN PO BOX 128 YANKLILLA SA 5203 Ph: 0417 079 283 E: bthorn17@gmail.com JIRANDA (JES) JESSIE THOMSON PO BOX 198 GUMERACHA SA 5233 Ph: 0439 806 555 E: jessie.thomson8@gmail.com KENTON (KPR) R A & S F RANDELL PO BOX 8 GUMERACHA SA 5233 Ph: 08 8389 1268 | 0409 280 478 E: kentonmgs@gmail.com GARANGGI (MBA) PHILLIPS CATTLE COMPANY PO BOX 1270 NARACOORTE SA 5271 Ph: 0401 261 217 E: beyondthebull@bigpond.com



YOUTH SUNSHINE (CAF) CHELSEA HARROP PO BOX 38 CAMBRAI SA 5353 Ph: 0418 176 378 E: chelseaharrop@hotmail.com LAKOTA (CFN) BRANSON FARMS PO BOX 94 STOCKPORT SA 5410 Ph: 0488 282 407 E: lakotalivestock@gmail.com DASHWOODS GULLY (DGB) JAYDA BROOKES PO BOX 1384 MOUNT BARKER SA 5251 Ph: 0419 852 962 E: bukartillabeef@bigpond.com EASTWOOD (ECA) ALLY PETER PO BOX 927 CLARE SA 5453 Ph: 0403 327 659 E: allypeter2103@gmail.com ELM (EJL) EMILY JANE LEWIS 2 PAGE CRESENT PANORAMA SA 5041 Ph: 0455 955 513 E: emily.l05@hotmail.com LEMARAND (LMA) AMY SMITH PO BOX 313 STRATHALBYN SA 5255 Ph: 0476 046 052 E: lemarand@bigpond.com

TAS COMMERCIAL FOUNTAIN HILL (FHL) MK & KE LORD FOUNTAIN HILL 718 CIRCULAR ROAD EAST RIDGLEY TAS 7321 E: rockdell@bigpond.com (H33) C & E LUMSDEN P O BOX 8126 TOOWOOMBA QLD 4352 Ph: 07 4630 9934 | 0428 131 765 E: charles@lumsdenlawyers. com.au (V12) PAUL & DENISE SAWARD 25 HORTONS ROAD REDPA TAS 7330 Ph: 03 6457 1240 E: paul.saward@bigpond.com (X33) MILTON, ANNE & DANIEL SMITH “TELEGRAPH” PO BOX 104 GLADSTONE TAS 7264 Ph: 0458 970 991 E: telegraph.am@gmail.com (X52) ROB PATON PO BOX 69 OUSE TAS 7140 Ph: 0408 556 643 E: rpaton@thegroup.com.au

(Y1913) GEORGINA & SAM BUICK 3916 NARACOORTE ROAD WESTERN FLAT SA 5268 Ph: 08 8758 2071 E: arkimg@bigpond.com

(A152) HEATHBRAE MR LEIGH NICHOLAS PO BOX 859 LAUNCESTON TAS 7250 Ph: 0411 549 431 E: leigh.nicholas1@bigpond.com

(Y1939) DYLAN CAIRE 735 SALTWELL ROAD WANGOLINA SA 5275 Ph: 0408 089 912 (TRACEY) E: traceycaire@bigpond.com


(Y1959) ZOE ROSSER 3 GRIFFIN LANE ECHUNGA SA 5153 E: jed.carly@gmail.com (Y1982) SHANNON MANOGUE 735 SALTWELL ROAD WANGOLINA SA 5275 (Y1989) EMILY ROSSER 3 GRIFFIN LANE ECHUNGA SA 5153 E: jed.carly@gmail.com



LILYDALE (LDH) LILYDALE DISTRICT SCHOOL TANIA WALSH 1947 MAIN ROAD LILYDALE TAS 7268 Ph: 0427 505 519 E: lilydale.district.school@ education.tas.gov.au GREY ROCK (SGR) SHEFFIELD SCHOOL 1 HIGH STREET SHEFFIELD TAS 7306 Ph: 03 6491 8222 | 0400 232 487 E: sheffield@education.tas.gov. au FULL MEMBER BARWON (BAR) ISABELLA FIRTH PO BOX 60 WESTBURY TAS 7303 Ph: 0448 353 461 E: isabella.firth@live.com


ELBERN (BEA) B C & E M ATKINS ELBERN PO BOX 36 STANLEY TAS 7331 Ph: 03 6458 2038 | 0417 593 158 E: batkins@iinet.net.au CENTRAL COAST (CCF) G & L CONNELLY PO BOX 434 ULVERSTONE TAS 7315 Ph: 03 6425 2945 | 0404 822 952 E: gconnelly@woolworths.com.au CIR-PONDS (CEA) ELLA ANDERSON PO BOX 185 MOLE CREEK TAS 7304 Ph: 0488 099 322 - ELLA | 0438 517 254 - CALLUM E: ella.a@bigpond.com

MURRAE (MRG) EMILY PADMAN PO BOX 103 SHEFFIELD TAS 7306 Ph: 03 6491 1109 E: murraemurraygreys.tas@ gmail.com NATA-LEA (NJG) S & N TALBOT 349 LOWER BARRINGTON ROAD LOWER BARRINGTON TAS 7306 Ph: 03 9885 7299 | 0438 923 254 E: nataliejtalbot@bigpond.com THREE SHADES (NSD) SMITH FAMILY ‘HOMEVALE’ 36055 TASMAN HIGHWAY SPRINGFIELD TAS 7260 Ph: 0429 177 193 | 0458 627 648 E: n.smith.business2@gmail.com FIRE-RO PARK (RRG) RICHARD GOSS & REBEKAH HENRI 2471 WEST TAMAR HIGHWAY EXETER TAS 7275 Ph: 0409 941 517 E: cow_girl@hotmail.com.au CLOVERSIDE (SKL) KAITLYN WILTON 813 WOODSDALE ROAD RUNNYMEDE TAS 7190 Ph: 0429 810 250 E: wiltonkaitlyn132@gmail.com

WOODBOURN (4W) CHARLES P WALLACE ‘WOODBOURN’ 391 SAUNDRIDGE ROAD CRESSY TAS 7302 Ph: 03 6397 6285 | 0409 397 628 Charles | E: wallace@intas.net.au

NARACOOPA (AWM) AW MOORE 34 MAWSON ROAD BURNIE TAS 7320 Ph: 03 6433 3949 | 0427 333 949 E: tony.moore04@bigpond.com


CAMPANIA (CRG) NIGEL WEBB PO BOX 82 SORRELL TAS 7172 Ph: 03 6265 7979 | 0407 306 867 E: nigelwebb4@gmail.com


SUNDANCE (AML) L & S JONES FAMILY TRUST MR LEIGH JONES & MRS STEVIE JONES PO BOX 199 SCOTTSDALE TAS 7260 Ph: 03 63 524 114 | 0437 240 633 E: leigh.jones1@bigpond.com

ROLAND VIEW (BDM) BRIDIE JAYNE DUFF 300 PARADISE ROAD PARADISE TAS 7306 Ph: 0408 339 815 E: bossimis@bigpond.com PARKNOOK (HRC) TUCKER FAMILY PARKNOOK 105 WEST MINSTONE RD SCOTTSDALE TAS 7260 Ph: 0409 381 343 E: ojtucker87@gmail.com JACARANDA (JCD) NICHOLAS MANTJE PO BOX 575 ULVERSTONE TAS 7315 Ph: 0428 308 940 | 0428 308 940 E: jasontimbs@bigpond.com MOSS BANKS (MBB) CHARLTON SKIRVING PO Box 66 Sheffield TAS 7306 Ph: 0482 619 596 E: charlton.skirving@gmail.com LADY BROOKE (MKD) MISS KATIE DAWKINS 481 CRADLE MOUNTAIN ROAD WILMOT TAS 7310 Ph: 03 6492 1169 | 0499 005 855 E: katiedawkins12@yahoo.com. au KURANI (OMG) OSCAR CREESE 58 TOMAHAWK DRIVE TOMAHAWK TAS 7262 Ph: 0484 910 983 - OSCAR | 0425 719 995 - JANE E: oscar@creesenortheast.com. au WATTYVALE (PBR) MR PEARCE WATLING PO BOX 456 SMITHTON TAS 7330 Ph: 0448 459 915 E: wattyvale@gmail.com NORMANDALE (WGD) ALEXIS HARMEY PO BOX 272 SHEFFIELD TAS 7306 Ph: 0407 822 162 - Winston E: winneen@bigpond.com (Y1980) ISOBEL TALBOT 349 LOWER BARRINGTON ROAD LOWER BARRINGTON TAS 7306 E: isobeljtalbot@gmail.com

Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society


FULL ATG (IYT) A.A. & P.A. SEVERIN CURTIN SPRINGS STATION VIA ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 Ph: 08 8956 2906 E: admin@curtinsprings.com

(P20) E.J Penny 17 Railway Parade Yarloop WA 6218 Ph: 0439 943 603 E: eric_penny@live.com

MUNGATTA (CDS) C. & D.J. STICKLAND & SONS PO BOX 16 WONGAN HILLS WA 6603 Ph: 08 9671 1060 E: johnrs@westnet.com.au

(W16) JOHN BURRIDGE 91 SHENTON ROAD SWANBOURNE WA 6010 Ph: 0417 189 883 E: john@jbma.com.au

WUNDAM PARK (DMC) D.M. CORKER RMB 115 BOYUP BROOK WA 6244 Ph: 08 9765 3061 | 0412 390 315 E: bullshop@activ8.net.au

(A134) REDMOND PTY LTD PO BOX 391 SERPENTINE WA 6125 (C175) PD & EA SMITH 1182 MAWSONDOODENANNING ROAD QUAIRADING WA 6383 Ph: 0427 817 707 | 0403 329 408 E: peter.lizsmith@hotmail.com (C206) RJ & KM MOYES PO BOX 103 BRIDETOWN WA 6255 Ph: 08 9761 2482 (C209) JACK & ANGUS CAMPBELL RMB 426 BRIDGETOWN WA 6255 Ph: 08 9761 9002 | 0429 821 260 E: yornupfarm@outlook.com


COMMERCIAL BROOKHAMPTON (BKH) HENCO RURAL PO BOX 196 DONNYBROOK WA 6239 Ph: 08 9731 0119 | 0415 395 265 E: martin.henco@gmail.com BYFORD PARK (CEG) CHARLENE & JIM RENARD 1347A BROCKMAN HWY BRIDGETOWN WA 6255 Ph: 0429 196 437 E: maranupvale@gmail.com

(K114) AR & MA MUIR 3522 MUIRS HWY LAKE MUIR WA 6258 Ph: 08 9773 1240 E: armamuir@westnet.com.au (Y131) ROB BASS RMB 94 BOYUP BROOK WA 6244

EDUCATIONAL BARKER HIGH (BSH) MT BARKER COMMUNITY COLLEGE ATT: JAY ROWLES PO BOX 116 MOUNT BARKER WA 6324 Ph: 0417 564 768 (Jay) E: jay.rowles@education.wa.edu. au


COLLIER PEAK (CPK) GE BELL 1863 YELLANUP RD PORONGURUP WA 6324 Ph: 08 98 531 243 | 0417 965 397 E: collier.peak@activ8.net.au

URUGA (UR) GE & NL & DG HILL PO BOX 37 WANNAMAL WA 6505 Ph: 08 9655 7033 | 0488 120 751 E: davidhill@live.com.au


BENVIEW (BEN) AIMEE BENDOTTI 26 BORONIA ST MANJIMUP WA 6258 Ph: 0427 761 217 E: benview.mg@bigpond.com

CHESTNUT FARM (MOU) E J DENNIS & S M FADDEN RMB 356 BRIDGETOWN WA 6255 Ph: 08 9764 4078 E: jimdennis@westnet.com.au

YOUNG GUNS (BJL) LINDSAY BAGSHAW PO BOX 159 HYDEN WA 6359 Ph: 08 9880 8040 | 0427 778 889 E: young.guns96@bigpond.com

Annual 2023 | 2024

WILLAWA GREYS (GGO) WILLAWA GREYS TREVOR & VIV GILES PO BOX 96 NEWDEGATE WA 6355 Ph: 08 9872 0015 E: willawagrey@bigpond.com.au MONTEREY (GJB) G.R. & J. BULLER PO BOX 6 KARRIDALE WA 6288 Ph: 08 9758 5531 | 0419 958 579 - GARY | 0408 958 531 - JULIE E: buller@activ8.net.au HAMPDEN (HFM) GERVASE & JANICE PURICH ATT: Kane Wetherell P.O. BOX 322 DONNYBROOK WA 6239 Ph: 08 9731 8447 (KANE) | 0418 927 651 | 0477 023 776 (KANE) E: hampdenfarm@gmail.com KARRI HILL MEADOW (KHM) KARRI HILL MEADOW PTY LTD PO BOX 455 NORTHCLIFFE WA 6262 Ph: 0417 091 617 E: karrihillmeadow@outlook. com KUBANKS (KUB) JAMES ARGENT 99 McCARTHY ROAD COOKERNUP WA 6219 Ph: 0448 184 647 E: kubankscattleco@gmail.com MELALEUCA (MCA) RT & CJ METCALFE “MELALEUCA” 859 PFEIFFER ROAD MANY PEAKS WA 6328 Ph: 08 9846 8001 | 0458 468 003 E: admin@metcalfepastoral. com.au ARGENTO (MCL) SW & GF MICHAEL 42A WILLANSBY AVE BRIGHTON VIC 3186 Ph: 0497 082 776 - G | 0412 944 115 - S E: simon.w.michael@gmail.com JOMAL GLEN (MDM) JE & DG MONLEY PO BOX 223 CLOVERDALE WA 6985 Ph: 08 9574 2319 (JOAN) | 0429 963 708 (Donald) | 02 6386 2248 (DONALD) E: jomalglen@hotmail.com NANGARA (NGA) CAMERON L HARRIS P.O BOX 990 MANJIMUP WA 6258 Ph: 0429 680 334 E: nangaragreys@outlook.com

TULLIBARDINE (PIE) AG AND JC MURRAY PO BOX 251 ALBANY WA 6330 Ph: 08 9853 2035 | 0427 532 035 E: ag.jcmurray@bigpond.com RUSTY GATE (RGK) RUSTY GATE WA PTY LTD MR MATTHEW KIPPEN 618 HARVEY ROAD DENBARKER WA 6324 Ph: 0447 621 797 E: matt_kippen@hotmail.com RAYMOND PARK (RGP) WJ WOOLCOCK P.O. BOX 1543 TOODYAY WA 6566 Ph: 0417 184 410 E: woolyfarm72@gmail.com LANA DOWNS (RLA) L B & A J RHODES 292 LOWLAND ROAD MARDELLA WA 6125 Ph: 0419 919 143 | E: lanadowns1@bigpond.com VENTURON (VE7) VENTURON LIVESTOCK PO BOX 229 BOYUP BROOK WA 6244 Ph: 08 9767 1355 | 0488 493 713 | E: info@venturon.com.au SOUTHEND (WMM) WISE FAMILY TRUST RMB 485 HENSMAN ROAD KATANNING WA 6317 Ph: 08 9823 1538 | 0419 922 546 | E: kurtwise90@gmail.com WHITFIELD (WWA) GR & KL HOWARD PO BOX 869 DENMARK WA 6333 Ph: 08 9840 9016 | 0408 919 256 E: info@whitfieldestate.com.au





SENHOJGAARD (BOG) TORBEN NORREMARK FOLDINGBROVEJ 46 BROERUP DK 6650 Ph: +45 40 44 73 47 E: atnorremark@hotmail.com


KWANG-IL FARM (D99) JIN CHOON-HO 539-74 SANSOO-DONG DONGKU KWANGJU-SI CHUNNUM Ph: 062 266 8809 E: moodoong@naver.com

SPECTRUM (H62) J & ME WOZNY SPECTRUM FARM PO BOX 112 COOLVILLE OH 45723-0112 Ph: 0011-1-740 667 6191 E: wozny@windstream.net

STILLWATER (SWR) STILLWATER RANCH MONTANA PO BOX 141 MANHATTAN MT 59741-0001 Ph: (1) 406 595 8443 E: stillwatermurraygreys@gmail. com

BUNDALEER (JOS) OWEN CATTLE CO 37 CAEDELYN RD WHITCHURCH, CARDIFF, CF14 1BH WLS CF14 1BH Ph: 08 9758 5520 | 0427 756 936 SAM | UK +44 7528 436 163 E: sowen@owencattle.com

WESTRIDGE (WRC) WESTRIDGE MURRAY GREYS 448 N 2800 E ROBERTS ID 83444 E: cmsponseller89@gmail.com




Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

2024 Summer Sale Tuesday March 5 2024 Winter Sale Wednesday May 22













E: buller@activ8.net.au www.montereyonline.com.au

STUD OPEN DAY Sunday 4th February 2024

- all enquiries welcome -

Gerald & Jeannette Koopman: 0438 686 455 | Darren Koopman: 0438 682 076 “Bottlesford” Hobbs Road, Tungkillo, SA 5236 follow us on

www.bottlesford.com.au 88


Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society

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