Mu Lambda is Alpha's eleventh alumni chapter, chartered October 1, 1923, in Washington D.C. The chapter was established, in part, in response to the desire of graduate brothers, many whom were initiated into Beta Chapter at Howard University, to give aid to the undergraduate brothers and continue the work of Alpha. Chartered by 22 distingushed men of Alpha which included Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray and Jewel Robert Harold Ogle.
There has been six members who served as the General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and two whom served as the Eastern Region Vice President. Mu Lambda is equally proud of our current brothers making their mark in the Washington D.C. community and beyond. Our chapter has many entrepreneurs, activists, political leaders, philanthropists, academicians, ministers and so much more. Our diverse brotherhood age range is between the ages of 25 and 98. We all work together to maximize the brotherhood of Alpha by following the Objective, Mission and AIMS of our Fraternity.
The officers elected at the first meeting were Brother Harold StrattonPresident, Brother John Lowery-Vice President, Brother Victor DalySecretary, Brother Daniel W. EdmondsTreasurer, and Brother Nathaniel Allison Murray (Jewel)-Chaplain. Mu Lambda was thus established and was on its way into history!
Torch Cover - June 2024 - We May’d It!
1. Chapter Cover Image - The MIGHTY
2. In this Issue
3. Executive Board, Committee Chairs, Charter Members, Past Presidents
4. The Presidents’ Message
5. The Vice-Presidents’ Message
6. Congratulations to 2024-2025 Board
8. Mu Lambda Birthdays | June 2024
10. The First DC Alpha’s College Fair! A Success
12. Project Alpha | East of the River Ballou H.S.
15. Mu Lambda is Service - Clean House and Block
17. Congratulations MAY 2024 Mu Lambda Grads!
19. Remembering our Brothers who passed in May!
21. Reclamation 2024 - 10 Brothers Back in the fold! .
23. Tips and Tricks
26. Events in the Area to Attend!
30 Federal Donations to Mu Lambda Foundation
33. The Mu Lambda HEALTH CORNER - Mental Health Awareness MAY
35. Recipes - Healthy Eating and a Little Drinks
37. Chapter Standard Meeting Calender 2024
38. Chapter Brother Business Advertisements
46. Message from the Editor
47. Espirt De. Fraternite
Mikael E. LaRoche
Vice President
Joseph Gibbs
Recording Secretary
Jason Jefferson
Corresponding Secretary
Samuel Armstrong
Financial Secretary
Antonio King
Treasurer Michael Young
William “Tony” Hawkins
Ameer Baker
James Heck
Intake Coordinator
Karl Bruce
Assoc. Editor/Sphinx
Justice Brown-Duso
Dir. Ed. Activities
Sean Perkins
Marcus Spells
George McNeal
Director of Technology
Mark Jones
Editor of the Torch
Daniel Mushala
Member at Large
Dr. Reginald Salter
Risk Management Officer
Joseph Gibbs
General Council
Justin Hansford
Immediate Past President
John “Tony” Wilson
Brother’s Keeper
James Morgan III
Budget and Finance
Antonio King
Communication and Technology
Mark Jones
Constitution G.D. McNeal
DC National Pan Hellenic
Daniel Mushala
Swain Riley
Golf Tournament
Frank King
Health & Wellness
Marcus Spells
Timothy Fitzgerald
Hospitality/Men Who Cook
Swain Riley
Beta Chapter Advisor
James Harmon, III
Ritual Committee Chair
Garrett Miller
Daniel Mushala
Jeffery Taylor
Public Policy
Stevaughn Bush
Social Chair
Daniel Mushala
Community Service
David Gaston
Marketing/Promotion Committee
Mikael LaRoche
Social Media Chairmen
Justice Brown - Duso
Noah Harris
Arthur Curtis*
Merrill H. Curtis*
Victor R. Daly*
Eugene L. C. Davidson*
Arnold Donawa*
Walter Garvin*
William L. Hansberry*
Charles H. Houston*
Edward Howard*
Joseph R. Jones*
R. Frank Jones*
J Edward Lowery*
Clarence H. Mills*
Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray*
Norman L. McGhee* FN4
Jewel Robert Harold Ogle*
Louis H. Russell*
James N. Saunders*
Emory B. Smith*
Harold C. Stratton*
J.H.N. Waring*
Charles H. Wesley* FN3
6th General President 1915-1916
General Secretary 1915-1916
7th General President 1916-1917
14th General President 1931-1940
FN4 General Secretary 1920-1926
8th Eastern Regional Vice-President 1950-1953
23rd Eastern Regional Vice-President 2000-2001
Executive Director
MLK Memorial
1. Harold Stratton* 1923 - 1924
2. Howard H. Long* FN2
3. Charles H. Wesley* 1926 - 1928
4. Frank Adams*
5. R. Frank Jones*
6. James B. Browning*
7. Jewel Henry Arthur Callis* FN1
8. U. Simpson Tate*
9. Claude Ferebee*
10. George O. Butler*
11. C.C. House* 1938 - 1940
12. Verdie L. Robinson*
13. Walter M. Booker* FN5
14. Jack Bond*
15. Millard R. Dean*
16. Frank Davis*
17. Clifton Hardy*
18. Herman Johnson*
19. Howard Jenkins*
20. C.C. House* 1952 - 1954
21. William F. Nelson*
22. Aubrey E. Robinson*
23. Joseph Waddy*
24. Edward J. Austin*
25. Elgy Johnson* 1964 - 1965
26. George H. Windsor* 1965 - 1967
27. James T. Speight* 1967 - 1969
28. Harold Sims* 1969 - 1970
29. Eddie L. Madison* 1970 - 1972
30. Wilbur Sewell* 1972 - 1974
31. Charles Walker Thomas* 1974 - 1976
32. Theodore Taylor* 1976 - 1978
33. Elmer Moore* 1978 - 1981
34. William E. Calbert* 1981 - 1983
35. Osmond Brown* 1983 - 1986
36. Vernon Gill 1986 - 1988
37. LeRoy Lowery, III 1988 - 1990
38. Morris Hawkins* 1990 - 1992
39. C.C. Jones 1992 - 1995
40. Vincent Orange 1995 - 1997
41. Melvin White 1997 - 1999
42. LeRoy Lowery, III FN6 1999 - 2001
43. James Haynes 2001 - 2002
44. Rudolph Harris* 2002 - 2004
45. Edwin Norwood 2004 - 2006
46. James McDonald 2006 - 2008
47. Timothy Fitzgerald 2008 - 2010
48. Kwame Ulmer 2010 - 2011
49. LeRoy Lowery, III 2011-2013
50. Eddie Neal 2013 - 2015
51. LeRoy Lowery, III 2015 - 2017
52. Joel Grey 2017 - 2018
53. Eddie Neal 2018 - 2020
54. John “Tony” Wilson 2020 - 2023
* Omega Chapter Brothers Footnote (FN)
My Brothers, Family and Wellwishers,
I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and belief in me as I have served as Mu Lambda’s president during the Centennial Year of the chapter’s charter. It has been a profound honor to lead this distinguished chapter, and I am deeply humbled by the trust you have placed in me.
Standing in the shadows of our illustrious chartermember, such as Brother Harold Statton, our first president who served from 1923 to 1924, has been both inspiring and motivating. Brother Statton, who earned both his undergraduate and medical degrees from Howard University and served as Vice President of the Howard University Alumni Association, set a high standard for leadership and dedication. Similarly, Brother Howard H. Long, who served as the Fraternity’s General Secretary from 1915 to 1916, and esteemed Eastern Regional Vice Presidents like Brother Walter M. Booker and Brother LeRoy Lowery III, have left indelible marks on our chapter and fraternity.
As I reflect on the end of my first term, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. The journey has been filled with numerous challenges, but it has also been a period of immense growth and learning. I have gained invaluable insights from each of you, and the camaraderie and brotherhood we share have strengthened my resolve to serve with excellence.
I am particularly thankful for the opportunity to develop as a leader, a journey that has taught me more about myself than I could have ever imagined. Your support has been instrumental in this personal and professional growth, and I am committed to continuing to uphold the legacies of the great men who have led before me.
Looking ahead, I am excited about the year to come. It is another opportunity to learn, to serve proudly, and to lead courageously. Together, we will continue to build on the strong foundation laid by our predecessors and work towards a future filled with promise and achievement.
Thank you once again for your trust and support. Let us continue to uphold the high standards of Alpha Phi Alpha and strive for excellence in all our endeavors. Fraternally,
Brother Mikael E. LaRoche, (10-Mu Lambda-13) President
2023 - 2024
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
Greetings Brothers,
We have reached the end of the fraternal year 2023-2024, the Centennial year of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter. Though time has swiflty passed, we have accomplished so much and continue to make significant strides, as was evident this past weekend with Project Alpha and the Mu Lambda House Clean Up.
I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to each of you. It is an honor and a privilege to have earned your trust as your Vice President this past year and for the year to come. Reflecting on my 31 years as a Brother in this fraternity, I must say that this year has been one of the most fulfilling in terms of serving the brotherhood. The late nights, meetings (in person and virtual), and tight deadlines have all been worth it when we see the success of our programs, our impact in the community, and the lives we touch in Washington, D.C. Thank you.
While this is our last chapter meeting of the year, we are not taking a break. We will still be working this summer, including preparing our house for reentry, attending the Constitutional Convention in Chicago, and planning our chapter retreat.
As you celebrate the month of June, whether by improving your health during Men’s Health Month, celebrating our community’s diversity with Pride, and/or commemorating our freedom on Juneteenth, do so with an extra pep in your step and sense of confidence, knowing you have been an integral part of this historic centennial year of Mu Lambda Chapter.
Thank you, and onward and upward to 2024-2025!
Brother Joseph Gibbs
Vice President (2-Beta-93) 2023 - 2024
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
It is with pride that I welcome the new members and returning members for the executive board of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter, serving for the fraternal year 2024 - 2025. In our September Edition, after formal installation and our chapter retreat, i will list each board member and the respective chairmen. But i wanted to extend congratulations to those who have served and continue to serve and amplify the brand and stature of Mu Lambda.
I have the distinct honor of working along side some of the most brilliant and powerful men as the president of this esteemed chapter over the past centennial year. Additionally, i am privy to the opportunity to lead, along side one of the strongest and most active Executive Board’s I have ever seen in my 11 years in Mu Lambda. Our work and impact is showing. From
collaborative efforts with other organizations, strategic partnerships, expansion of ideas and responsiveness to our calls to action. This year has been a rewarding experience.
Our chapter Chairmen stepped up into leading initiatives that grew the status of Mu Lambda to National Rankings, from our Programs Chair, Health and Wellness, Educational Activites, Community Service. We led the nation’s capitol as a Fraternity of disctinction. We provided service and care for our neighbors and individuals in need. I am inspired to continue to lead this charge, and inspire ALL BROTHERS, to find their way into a committee to change the blueprints of our operations.
Our neophyte brothers did not disappoint either, manifesting their love for the fraternity, community and service, and pushed themselves to stamp their names in the history of our chapter.
I extend my congratulations to the newly elected board, as a returning President, ready to serve for another year amonst giants. Unwaivering in my committment to our Fraternity and chapter, I am grateful for this opportunity. Congratulations to each new, thank your to all outgoing and welcome, to all interested in making leadership in Mu Lambda their endeavor.
Bro. Mikael E. LaRoche President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Mu Lambda ChapterBro. Kent Benjamin - 2nd
Bro. LeRoy Lowery III - 5th
Bro. Chinelo Cambron - 7th
Bro. Ted Darlington - 12th
Bro. Mario Simpson - 13th
Bro. Antonio King - 15th
Bro. Randall Clarke - 17th
Bro. Marquial Mc Millian - 17th
Bro. Sean Perkins - 19th
Bro. Joseph Gibbs - 20th
Bro. Gerard Williams - 24th
Bro. Irven Washingotn - 1st
Bro. Eugene Cornelius - 1st
Bro. Samuel Armstrong - 1st
Bro. Rudolph Scipio - 2nd
Bro. Jon M. Washington - 2nd
Bro. Al Williams - 5th
Bro. Brett Allen - 7th
Bro. Jerry Williamson - 10th
Bro. Christopher Montgomery- 10th
Bro. Robert Richardson - 16th
Bro. Kinnard Wright - 20th
Bro. Clinton Jones III - 20th
Bro. Sulaiman Almaroof - 20th
Bro. Ameer Baker - 24th
Bro. Frederick Moss - 26th
Bro. Lawrence Clark - 30th
Bro. Ernie Jolly - 30th
Bro.AJ Jones II - 31st
On May 4, 2024, the collective efforts of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.’s Area 6 chapters in Washington, D.C. resulted in the triumphant hosting of our first District College Fair at Paul Public Charter School in Upper Northwest Washington, D.C. This landmark event was a shining example of brotherhood, collaboration, and community service.
The event brought together the brothers of Beta Chapter - Howard University, Omicron Omicron Chapter - University of the District of Columbia, Nu Beta Chapter - Georgetown University, American University, and Catholic University, alongside Mu Lambda Chapter, Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter, and Omicron Eta Lambda Chapter. Together, we welcomed students from various high schools across the District to explore their future academic opportunities.
With over 20 colleges/ institutions and universities present, the DC Alpha college fair provided a platform for students to engage directly with admissions representatives, gain valuable information, and envision their paths to higher education. The event was further enriched by the support of the District Department of Fire Services and other recruiters, offering students a broader perspective on potential career paths.
A special highlight of the day was the undergraduate brothers’ brief step show exhibition, which added a vibrant and cultural dimension to the fair. Additionally, a college
trivia segment and the awarding of scholarships to participating high school students underscored our commitment to educational excellence and support.
It is with distinct honor that I extend my heartfelt thanks and congratulations to all involved. Our Associate Area Director, Brother Armstrong, deserves particular recognition for his visionary leadership in spearheading this initiative. His dedication and effort were instrumental in bringing our district together to create a college fair worthy of national praise.
As Chapter President, I am immensely proud of the unity and hard work demonstrated by our brothers. This event not only showcased our fraternity’s dedication to academic achievement but also strengthened our bonds within the community. I look forward with great anticipation to the 2025 college fair in Washington, D.C., confident that we will continue to build on this success and inspire future generations.
Brother Mikael LaRoche PresidentAlpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
On June 1, 2024, at Franklin W. Ballou High School Bro. Sean Perkins led an inspiring one-day “Go to High School, Go to College” workshop. The day kicked off with a welcome from the school’s principal, Bro. William Haith. Bro. President Mikael E. LaRoche started the program by thanking the young men for attending and participating in Project Alpha. Followed by Bro. Jeff Fleming, the Acting Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of the District of Columbia, who passionately highlighted the unique advantages and benefits of attending UDC, especially for DC residents.
Next up, Bro. David Gastons captivated the audience with his presentation on community service. He emphasized the urgent need for more young men to volunteer, sharing his own life-changing experiences and the profound personal growth that comes from serving
The workshop then launched into a series of dynamic sessions tailored for the young men from the DMV area. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including Discovering Your Strengths and Interests, Building Study Skills and Time Management, Navigating the High School Experience, Career Exploration and Goal Setting, Exploring STEM, Leadership and Teamwork, and Preparing for the College Application Process. These insightful workshops were conducted by Alpha Brothers such as Bro. James Israel, Bro. Jeffery Taylor, Bro. Sam Armstrong, Bro. Kent Benjamin, Bro. DeMarcus McMillian, Bro. George Walker, and Bro. Jordan Scott.
The young attendees were not just present— they were engaging! Their enthusiasm and insights were palpable throughout the day, making the event a resounding success. Bro. Mushala concluded the program with an inspiring speech titled “BEEF It Up,” designed to motivate the young men to believe in themselves and approach life with energy, excitement, and faith.
This program was made possible by the visionary leadership of Bro. Sean Perkins with the support of the Mu Lambda Education Committee. Special thanks to the committee
members: Bro. Juan Powell, Bro. Swain Riley, Bro. Sam Armstrong, Bro. Jeffrey Taylor, Bro. Malcom Carter, Bro. Austin Cooper, Bro. James Israel, and Bro. Daniel Mushala. Additional gratitude goes to the Brothers who came out to support Project Alpha: Bro. President Mikael LaRoche, Brother Vice President Joseph Gibbs, Bro. Tony Wilson, Brother Antonio King, Bro. Michael Young, and Bro. Randall Clarke. Fueled by this incredible momentum, the Education Committee is determined to expand Project Alpha to more middle and high schools across Washington, DC, in the 2024-2025 school year!
BrotherDaniel Mushala Editor of the Torch, Mu Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
On this Memorial Day, I stand before you not just as another retired army veteran, but as a symbol of the sacrifice and dedication of all those who have served, continue to serve, and will serve our country. Today, we remember and honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Their courage, their selflessness, and their unwavering devotion to duty will never be forgotten. Let us take a moment to pause and reflect on the meaning of this day, to send our thoughts and prayers to the families of the fallen, and to reaffirm our commitment to upholding the values they fought to defend. May we never take for granted the freedoms we enjoy, and may we always remember those who paid the price for them. Thank you, and God bless America.”
Bro.MSG(RET) Swain C. Riley
On Sunday, June 2nd, 2024, the Brothers of The Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha descended on the Chapter House located at the corner of Alpha Phi Alpha Way and Bryant St. NW, and a full day of fellowship and service to the Brotherhood commenced with over 15 brothers in attendance. We split the tasks of cleaning up the yard from leaves, trash, and overgrown shrubs, while other brothers were inside organizing and cleaning up debris from the recent construction. It was a great pleasure to see the brothers walking into the house for the first time after so many months and watching their faces light up at the new improvements. New floors, fresh paint, and upgraded lighting systems were highlights that stood out. As we stepped in and parted the blinds from the windows, the sun illuminated on a new beginning for the 100
year old chapter that has endured many seasons of both abundance and famine yet has remained resolute in holding high the AIMS of our great fraternity.
The brothers of Spring 23 were particularly excited about being present since they have not yet had the opportunity to experience being in the house for chapter activities. Brother James Morgan (6-ML-23) stated, “To be a neophyte in the fraternity and have the experience of helping to restore the chapter house to its former glory really helps me to understand the immense responsibility it takes to not only be a member but to truly be a Brother.” There is a certain sensation of comradery that permeates through the walls of the old Victorian home, a sense of pride that fills our hearts, and a lasting conviction to build a stronger foundation brick by brick. As we closed out the evening, the Brothers patronized a local eatery and spoke on various affairs relating to chapter business. We shared laughs and got down to serious matters, discussing strategies for building a stronger, more resilient brotherhood.
With the fraternal year coming to a close, we look forward to continuing the work of getting our house in order, both literally and figuratively, and we look forward to more brothers joining us in our efforts to return.
Look out for upcoming clean the House events in JUNE, JULY & AUGUST!
Come out for a chance to bond in SERVICE!
Bro: Ameer Baker
Chapter Historian
Mu Lambda Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
As the academic year comes to a close, it is my great pleasure to extend heartfelt congratulations to several of our distinguished brothers who have achieved remarkable milestones in their educational journeys. Their dedication and commitment to academic excellence are a testament to the values we uphold as members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Firstly, congratulations to Bro. Dr. Miguel Capers for earning his Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership, Policy, and Law from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Capers’ dedication to advancing educational leadership and policy will undoubtedly influence and inspire future generations of educators and leaders.
We also celebrate Bro. Dr. Alvin Reaves III, who has completed his Master of Science in Bioethics from Harvard Medical School. His accomplishment in the field of bioethics highlights the intersection of medicine, morality, and law, promising significant contributions to ethical medical practices and policies.
Bro. Garrett Miller has earned his MBA from Howard University’s School of Business. His achievement in business administration is a reflection of his hard work and strategic vision, and we look forward to seeing his impact in the business world and within our community.
Lastly, we commend Bro. Justice BrownDuso for obtaining his Master’s in Strategic Public Relations from George Washington University. His expertise in public relations will be invaluable in navigating and shaping public discourse and strategic communication.
These brothers have exemplified perseverance and persistence, raising the bar for all of us. Their achievements remind us of the importance of continuous learning and advancement while staying active and engaged in the service and work of our fraternity.
We applaud their dedication and hard work and encourage all our brothers to pursue advanced degrees and strive for excellence in all their endeavors. Let us continue to support and inspire one another as we uphold the values and legacy of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Brother Samuel Armstrong Corresponding Secretary, Associate Area Director
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. MAAC District IV, Mu Lambda Chapter
On May 3, 2024, family members and a score of Mu Lambda brothers gathered to bid our dear Brother Kenneth Holbert farewell with a peaceful and solemn service. Brothers such as Past President Eddie Neal, Vice President Brother Joseph Gibbs, Chapter Chaplain Brother Tony Hawkins, Chapter Intake Director Brother Karl Bruce, Chapter Treasurer Brother Michael Bryant Young, Associate Area Director Brother Samuel Armstrong, Brother Andre Lucas, Brother Ted Darlington, and Brother Antonio King, to name a few, were joined by many other members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. as we performed our Omega Service to commit our dear brother to our chapter of sweet rest.
As Chapter President, it is a somber moment to have laid to rest three brothers this year. However, it is ever encouraging to see the support of our brotherhood in these inevitable moments of our lives. Your support means the world to the families, friends, and loved ones who see us daily and for decades, dedicating our lives and work to help the communities and individuals we serve and impact with leadership and positivity.
Born December 13, 1924, in Dallas, Texas, Brother Kenneth Foree Holbert, Esq. was a World War II veteran, drafted into the military from Dillard University. Upon returning from service, Brother Holbert went on to the
University of Denver, where he became a charter member of the chapter on their campus. He was a beacon of light in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and a champion for equity and justice. Brother Holbert’s charm, seriousness, and correctness will be missed forever.
A true icon and backbone of the Mu Lambda Chapter, I write this in loving memory of an inspirational brother, a great man, and an exemplary leader who served with indomitable courage.
Until we meet again, my dear brother. Fraternally,
Brother Mikael LaRoche President, Mu Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
On May 4, 2024, Brother Kinnard Dwayne Wright joyfully transitioned into the Omega Chapter. Born on July 20, 1953, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Brother Wright embarked on an extraordinary journey of education and service. He graduated from Alabama State University with a B.S. degree in Political Science and furthered his education with a Master of Public Administration degree from Clark Atlanta University.
Brother Wright’s commitment to brotherhood shone brightly when he was initiated into the Delta Phi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in 1976. He continued his fraternity journey with the Mu Lambda Chapter, where his kindness and spirit left an indelible mark.
His personal life was filled with love and joy, especially in his 37-year marriage to his beloved wife, Jacqueline. Together, they raised two outstanding sons, Kinnard Cleveland Wright and Jonathan Matthew Wright, embodying the values of family and integrity. Professionally, Brother Wright dedicated 25 years to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where he was particularly proud of his work supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities. His career was a testament to his commitment to uplifting communities and fostering opportunities for future generations.
On May 25, 2024, we celebrated the incredible life of Brother Kinnard Dwayne Wright at Greater Mt. Nebo A.M.E. Church in Bowie, MD. Our hearts were filled with gratitude as many
Brothers attended the Omega service, led by our Chapter Chaplain, Brother Tony Hawkins. Among those honoring Brother Wright were Brother Ryle Bell, Brother Tony Wilson, Brother Joseph Gibbs, Brother Andre Lucas, Brother Daniel Mushala, Brother Theodore Darlington, Brother Randall Clark, and Brother Todd Anderson (Nu Chapter ‘85. Current with Rho Tau Lambda).
A special thanks to Brother Todd Anderson, who secured a proclamation for Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc., in honor of Brother Wright and presented it during the Omega service. This proclamation was a touching tribute to Brother Wright’s immense contributions and enduring legacy.
Thank you to all who joined us in celebrating the legacy of a remarkable man. Brother Wright’s impact on our fraternity and the broader community will never be forgotten.
Brother Daniel Mushala Editor of the Torch, Mu Lambda Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
As Chapter President, it is always encouraging when brothers from various regions and seasons migrate to Washington D.C. and seek a chapter to become active and acclimated. Their desires vary from service to wanting to reconnect with the brotherhood, but it is always heartwarming to know that a brother has chosen Mu Lambda as the place to continue creating community impact. Over the past year, we have successfully reclaimed 10 brothers into the fold. We are proud to continue creating a space where brothers feel welcomed and connected. Mu Lambda is fostering an inclusive space for transformational change. I hope that more inactive brothers looking for a chapter in Washington D.C. feel encouraged to visit us during our programs, projects, or formal meetings, and decide to call Mu Lambda home.
Bro. Lopez Matthews
Bro. Xavier Thompson
Bro. Johnny Dotson
Bro. Garrick Francis
Bro. Nicholas Gobern
Bro. Nigel Atwell
Bro. DeMarcus McMillan
Bro. Cubie Coleman IV
Bro. Marquise Sheehy
Bro. Franklin Austin
Thank you for making Mu Lambda your own
Fraternally, Bro: Mikael LaRoche PresidentAlpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter
Summer is synonymous with relaxation, vacation, and rest, but let’s face it, it can get scorching hot! Here are some tips to keep cool and comfortable during those blazing summer days:
Spin it to Win it: Ceiling fans are your best friends when it comes to beating the heat. Not only do they look great, but they also keep your home cool by circulating air effectively. This means you can raise your thermostat a few degrees and still stay comfortable, saving you money on your energy bills. Install a few well-placed fans and enjoy a refreshing breeze throughout your home!
Go Green for Shade: Nothing beats the cool relief of shade on a hot day. Planting trees around your home is a fantastic way to create natural shade and keep your house cooler. If you already have trees, make the most of their leafy canopies. Relax under a large tree with a glass of ice-cold lemonade and let nature do the cooling.
Invisible Cool: Modern window technology offers a brilliant solution to summer heat. Transparent window coatings block out heat without obstructing your view. Applying these to your sunniest windows can keep
your home cooler and reduce your energy costs. Stay cool and enjoy the sunshine without the heat!
Program and Relax: Make the most of your programmable thermostat. By setting it to maintain a consistent temperature, you can keep your home comfortable and save money. If you’re not sure how to set it up, don’t worry—most manufacturers provide easy, downloadable guides online. Program your way to a cooler, more efficient home.
Block the Heat: Room-darkening blinds are a simple yet effective way to keep the heat at bay. Close them during the peak sun hours in the morning and afternoon to reflect the sun’s rays and keep your indoor spaces cool. It’s a quick fix that makes a big difference!
For any real estate questions, concerns, or professional referrals, please feel free to call me at 240.328.4634 or visit our website at www.mushalaluxuryhomes.com. Stay cool, stay comfortable, and enjoy your Ice-Cold summer to the fullest!
Brother Daniel Mushala: Your real estate consultant licensed in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, and a Notary in DC and Maryland!
Brother Daniel Mushala Editor of the Torch Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,Inc.
Mu Lambda ChapterIn life, as in Alpha, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Running a marathon begins with the same approach: even if, like me, you’ve never run a race in your life. It was a cool, spring day in 2021. I was living in Somerville, Massachusetts right outside of Cambridge, where I was living off-campus as my junior year at Harvard had been restricted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. I passed my roommate to head out for a short run since many of the gyms were still closed. I said to him, “I think I’m going to run a marathon.” His eyes darted up in disbelief as if I had said the sky was green. I then proceeded to go outside into the cool air and struggle through a slow three mile-run. Believe it or not, six months later I completed the 2021 Boston Marathon in my first long-distance race. In this article, I’ll show you how you can do the same.
Rule Number One: Preparing to run a marathon is just like any other lengthy process. Every Brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. knows how to finish what you start. Training your body to run 133 laps around an American football field will require the same even-keeled mindset. Processes require vision, discipline, and execution. Also, running is just as much a mental exercise as it is a physical one. As you train your body, you are training your mind to believe you can get to that finish line. The hardest part about getting started is that your mind will stop you before your body does. In a practical sense, you will have to select your race and your training schedule. The time of year the race takes place is significant because that timing impacts the weather in which you train. Runners say the most difficult marathons
are in the spring because it nearly forces you to train in the middle of the winter. Marathon training schedules should mimic a mountain range in how you oscillate between short and long runs to train your body to add distance.
Rule Number Two: You don’t run a marathon just by running. As you build up the stamina to run long distances, you should also do exercises that build strength in other areas of your body, such as your legs and core. Non-running leg exercises are critical. Most of the fatigue from running long distances falls to your lower body, so strengthening your leg muscles is necessary to avoid injury. Core exercises are also helpful. A strong core leads to more balance and muscle efficiency during runs as your body seeks a stabilizing force. Leaning on your core is also helpful to prevent injury. Lastly, flexibility workouts such as yoga and pilates provide balance and give your body a break from running full-time.
Rule Number Three: It’s important to have a recovery strategy. No great athletic feats are possible without recovery. The process assists the body in repairing itself between workouts. Exercising creates small tears in your muscles, and active recovery gives those tears a chance to heal. A separate tip for taking care of yourself while training is to not run a step more than the goal you start with that day. This practice trains you to set a goal and complete it to the best of your ability. Even if you’re just running one mile, focus on making that the best mile you can run. The other side of not moving the goalpost is that running more than your scheduled runs can lead to unnecessary wear and tear. Finally, few aspects of your months of training are more important than knowing when it’s time to take breaks from running. At certain intervals, and particularly three weeks before the race, I was exhausted and my knees were in pain. If I had kept up my full training schedule, I might have been too fatigued to finish the
marathon. Therefore, I listened to my body, and I sat myself down for two weeks. I ran eight miles one more time almost a week before the race, and I felt great on race day. Months of training can quickly go down the drain if you don’t follow the signs your body is sending.
Running 26.2 miles is unnatural. Only 0.1% of people run marathons each year according to Livestrong. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Completing a marathon, or any extraordinary feat, requires a unique will to succeed. You have to be able to visualize that finish line on the longest days when you don’t feel like running, or when it’s too cold, or when you’re sore. The difference between owning the finish line and not is being willing to execute when times get tough. As we learn in Test of a Man, “with his head held high, bleeding, bruised and pale, is the man who will win and fate defied, for he isn’t afraid to fail.” When I completed the Boston Marathon, I was shocked how far I had come in just six
months. All I could think about was that cool day in March when I casually chose to pursue excellence and tirelessly worked to back it up. Now, the challenge is yours. It’s time to run your race and own the finish line.
Brother Noah Harris 9-ML-23
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
Brothers, it is that time of year when we begin to think in the spirit of giving and giving thanks. In that spirit, the Mu Lambda Foundation participates in two key funding programs through which federal and District of Columbia employees can share the gift of the giving.
The Combined Federal Campaign - CFC (https://www.opm.gov/combined-federal-campaign) is a resource that allows U.S. government employees to make regular payroll deductions in support of the Mu Lambda Foundation and its charitable and community service programs.
The DC One Fund (https://os.dc.gov/page/dc-one-fund-each-one-give-one) provides an opportunity for employees of the District of Columbia to do the same. All donations through these funds are tax deductible and deducted from your paycheck regularly. What could be an easier or better way to support the programs you care about?
As open season begins for 2023, you may plan your weekly, biweekly, or monthly contributions to the Mu Lambda Foundation by contributing to charity number 66770 in the CFC, and number 9556 in the DC One Fund.
Let’s make 2023 the best year yet for supporting youth and abused women in the DC area. Thank you for your continued support.
Bro. Kent Benjamin
The Mu Lambda Foundation meetings are monthly on the third Thursday of the month.
Next meeting is Thursday, June 13, 2024
• 1lb (450g) salmon fillets
• 1/2 pineapple, halved and sliced
• 1 stick (115g) butter
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 4 large cloves garlic, crushed
• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (juice of ½ a lemon)
• Chopped fresh parsley
• 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper
1. To make the salmon in foil packets: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. In a small saucepan, melt the butter over low-medium heat. Add honey, garlic and lemon. Whisk until the honey has melted through the butter and the mixture is well combined. Add one tablespoon chopped parsley, mix well and set aside.
3. Cut 4 sheets of 14-inch (35cm) length aluminum foil. Divide pineapple slices among sheets layering in center in an even layer and sprinkle with pepper. Arrange salmon fillets on top and drizzle with the honey lemon garlic butter sauce. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and top with more chopped parsley.
4. Pull sides of foil inward and seal then roll edges up, try to leave a little room for heat to circulate. Transfer the packets on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven about 10-15 minutes. Enjoy the lemon garlic butter salmon in foil packets with brown or white rice if desired and remaining sauce. Sprinkle with additional chopped parsley if you like. Enjoy!
Properly stored, cooked salmon will last 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. Remove the foil and place completely cooled salmon in an airtight container; close and store in the fridge. You can also freeze the cooked salmon for up to 1 month.
• 1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
• 1 cup pineapple chunks (fresh or frozen)
• 2 cups frozen banana slices
• 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, divided
• 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
1. To make the blueberry pineapple smoothie recipe: Combine blueberries, pineapple, banana, almond milk and Greek yogurt in your blender. Cover and blend until smooth, scraping down sides if necessary.
Thursday, January 4
Saturday, January 6
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, January 17 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, February 1
Saturday, February 3
Wednesday, February 21
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Thursday, February 15 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, March 7
Saturday, March 9
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, March 20 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, April 4
Saturday, April 6
Wednesday, April 17
Thursday,April 18
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, April 25 -28 Eastern Region Convention
Thursday, May 2
Saturday, May 4
Wednesday, May 17
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Thursday, May 18 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, June 6
Saturday, June 8
Thursday, June 20
Wednesday, June 19* TBD
Wednesday, June 19
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Foundation Meeting
Eboard Meeting
Juneteenth Day
July 2024
Chapter Vacation
July 2024 Constitutional Convention, IL
August 2024 Chapter Vacation
August 17 2024 Chapter Retreat
Thursday, September 5
Saturday, September 7
Chapter Meeting
Alpha Wives Meeting
Thursday, September 19 Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 Eboard Meeting
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
101st Charter Day
Thursday, October 3 Chapter Meeting
Saturday, October 5
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, October 16 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, October 17 Foundation Meeting
Thursday, November 7
Chapter Meeting
Saturday, November 9 Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, November 20 Eboard Meeting
Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, December 4 Founders’ Day
Thursday,December 5 Chapter Meeting
Saturday , December 7
Alpha Wives Meeting
Wednesday, December 20 EBoard Meeting
Thursday, December 21 Foundation Meeting
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas
CONTACT BRO. Mikael LaRoche for more info:
This official Mu Lambda Chapter App is for members of the chapter to find out about our events, chat with Chapter members, View Chapter Documents, View Chapter Directory, View our monthly magazine (The Torch) Pay Chapter Dues and much more. The ability to effectively communicate with Chapter members will help us continue to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our community.
“THINK Alpha Phi Alpha, TALK Alpha Phi Alpha, PROMOTE Alpha Phi Alpha, and LABOR for the broad principles of idealism for which Alpha Phi Alpha was created, so that humanity shall look on us as a body worthwhile.”
Brother Henry L. Dickason, 5th General President
Brothers! What an incredible journey it’s been as the Editor of the Torch during our Centennial Year! Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter has reached a monumental milestone—100 years of excellence! Founded by 22 men of distinction, our chapter’s legacy is one of impact and service.
As we honor our rich history, let’s also celebrate the lives we’ve touched and will continue to touch, especially those of the youth in Washington, DC. But amidst our celebrations, let’s remember the Brothers who transitioned into Omega Chapter this year, including Bro. Arthur King, Bro. Kenneth F. Holbert, and Bro. Kinnard Wright. Yet, our journey is far from over. Mu Lambda still has much work to do— more lives to positively impact, more community relationships to foster, and more programs to implement. With enthusiasm and dedication, let’s continue our legacy of service and make an even greater impact in the next century!
It is that time of year again.
The fraternity’s fraternal year runs January 1st to December 31st.
Mu Lambda’s 2023-2024 fraternal year runs September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The chapter does not meet during July and August.
It is now time to pay your 2023-2024 dues which will cover you from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Ways to make payment:
1. You can pay your dues on mulambda.org by clicking the dues tab at the bottom left of every web page.
2. Bring a check to the chapter meeting.
3. You can pay on the Mu Lambda App
4. Mail it to:
Financial Team
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
An Alpha Phi Alpha man’s attitude should not be “how much can I derive from the Fraternity” but “how much can I do for the Fraternity?” In proportion to what he does for his Chapter and for Alpha Phi Alpha will a member receive lasting benefits from the Fraternity to himself in the way of self-development by duty well done, and the respect of the Brothers well served.
A member’s duties should be:
1. Prompt payment of all financial obligations, the prime requisite for successful fraternal life.
2. The doing of good scholastic work in his chosen vocation, thereby accomplishing the real end of a college course.
3. The reasonable endeavor to participate in general college activities and social service and to excel therein.
4. The proper consideration of all things with appropriate attention to the high moral standard of Alpha Phi Alpha.