MAITRI 2010 / English

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ÂŤ Authentic in your art, Artist in your life Âť

Level 2 — « MAITRI » « Living the colours of wisdom » The potential transformation of emotive states and the discovering of their intelligent source. A psychology study programme created by Chogyam Trungpa in the Naropa Institute, USA, and presented within the framework of the Danza Duende project by Barbara Maertens and Myriam Szabo. (See following page)

From 20 to 26 September 2010 (inclusive) 9:00 a.m. a 6:00 pm (In Spanish / French / English) Information & registration

les Arts Divins 75 rue d’Andenne Bruxelles, Belgium Vegetarian food 7 € / meals Dormitory 10 € / day (take his equipment) Room 2 person 30 € / day / person

THE LEVEL 2 MAITRI The Sanskrit word « maitri » means love or unconditional friendliness. The maitri space awareness practice was developed by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a Tibetan mediation master and is based on the traditional teachings about the five Buddha families as well as other elements of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. The five Buddha families describe five basic aspects of manifestation which can be experienced on every outer and inner level of being in each moment new. We all move through life with our individual patterns of behaviour and perception which are an expression of the dynamic interplay and potential of these five archetypical forms of energy. Each of the families can be experienced as awake or confused, depending on the approach we take towards it. In maitri space awareness practice we heighten and provoke these basic energy patterns by using colours and specific body postures. In this way we have the opportunity to experience and explore the dynamic play of these energies in all it’s manifold colours. We learn to trust the display of it’s expressive power in us and others and get a chance to expand our habitual emotional and perceptional repertoire. By befriending ourselves it dawns to us that we are nothing but a unique and precious dance of these five energies and their manifold variations.


Yumma Mudra A soloist dancer of the Russian Ballet Irina Grjebina at the age of 12, Myriam Szabo has studied the disciplines of the body intensively all along her artistic career: world dances, martial arts, yoga and qi gong. She has been participating in several study and meditation retreats (both individually and in group) on a regular basis since 1981. After having worked in France and Portugal as a character dance soloist, a model, a cultural festival producer and as an actress, she created the Danza Duende project which proposes to dance one’s life as a means of awakening one’s natural goodness each day. Myriam has been giving seminars in different European countries since 1991. In 2005 she decided to set her main residence in Brussels, where she was invited by Christine Delmotte to dance as a soloist in Molière’s play « Les Fourberies de Scapin » in 2007. She will also be performing in the play « Sur les traces de Siddharta » by Chrisitine Delmotte, which will premier this year at the Martyrs’ Theatre.

Barbara Maertens Barbara Maertens is trained in cultural pedagogy, Zen-arts and contemplative psychology; currently she is director of the Buddhist gate of Shambhala Europe. Barbara Maertens teaches Maitri Space Awareness practice and other contemplative approaches to art, work, and to life in general. Her special emphasis lies in training sense perception and creative expression in individual and group work. She is a Buddhist teacher with more than 20 years of practice. Today she is a member of faculty in Karuna and Upaya, has two grown up children and lives in Cologne, Germany.

Danza Duende® is a training under all aspects of our lives, which allows us to value and elevate our existence by dancing. It leads us to discover the art being as we are and to open ourselves to the potential of our free and loving nature. This project has been created by Myriam Szabo with the purpose of transforming our lives into an art practice offers numerous activities to cultivate basic goodness in daily life. In our international trainings several teachers gather together their different artistic skills in order to propose a strong synergic work, bringing together exercises on perceptions, on intelligence, improving braveness, nourishing a spirit of joy and generosity. It is a long-term training that allows us to visit the very sources of form in our own mind and to discover our intrinsic potential so that we can work in all aspects of life as if we danced our life. NOW ALL THE ACTIVITIES AND RETREATS ARE OPENED FOR BOTH SEXES. The Duende methods mainly aim at developing our perception of space, courage and the capacity to improvise, to create forms, to adapt ourselves to changes, to capture movements quickly, to express ourselves clearly and intensely, to communicate and to be flexible and generous when working in others. Danza Duende® envisages a training that promotes ethics and joy in the transmission of art. With the collaboration of MUDRIAM

photographs : Jérôme Latteur | design : Laure

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