Catalogue 2010-2011

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Booking, press : Alice Andrietti Artists : Emeric Thuret

European Tour in 20102010-2011

Music Anwar Abudragh obtained a diploma from the lnstitute of Music and a Masters degree from the Faculty of plastic Arts at the University of Baghdad. He was instructed by great masters such as Munir Bechir and Naseer Shamma. He taught at the Institute of Music as well as the School of Music and Ballet in Baghdad. He participated in several Arab and international festivals. He founded Maqamat School in January 2010 and works as a music teacher. He also performs solo playing Joze and luth and singing maqam. Currently, Abudragh strives to reinvent the Iraqi maqam basing himself on the classical tradition which he seeks to enrich with his new musical experience driven from his work with musical groups from different backgrounds. A mystic journey and a fountain of youth offered by a great artist !

Anwar Abudragh and Maqamat Ensemble. Anwar Abudragh founded Maqamat Ensemble representing the Iraqi maqam school in 2006 in order to share this important Arabic musical and lyrical school with the rest of the world. This school is the representative of the Mesopotamian music art and civilization. Maqam holds a very important place among the Arabic classical lyrical forms. The group is considered as an extension of the famous Al-Bayariq Ensemble. They performs in many European countries as well as Arabic countries including: Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Swenden, Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Abu-Dhabi and Algeria. A genuin moment of contemplative art ! Mr Diagonal and the Black Light Orchestra are rapidly becoming one of the Most singular and intruiging cabaret-pop phenomena in the galaxy. Combining Belgian surrealism, English pop and classical orchestration, The Black Light Orchestra is led by main man Mr Diagonal (aka Scottish-born pianist /singer/actor, Dan Barbenel). He is accompanied by 4 crazed multi-instrumentalists from the Brussels scene; on piccolo/alto flute, baritone/alto sax, bass guitar, analogue keyboards, drums, guitar, glockenspiel, typewriter and coconuts. A strong sense of the absurd, magical and unforgetable show!

Shows " The dance of the Lute " Show of Yumma Mudra, with Anwar Abudragh, Stéphanie Van Vyve, Carolina Fonseca, Anja Naucler, Sattar El Saadi. Musical celebration of the beauty through illuminated eyes with Mevlan Rumi, are revered Persian wise of the XIIIth century, The Dance of the Lute gathers around the poem of life and under the seal of love, beyond cultures and convictions, dance and music, time and space, men and women. A lute, three large-scale musicians, a renowned actress and two dancers of Danza Duende met in a simple manner to offer the public the gist of their sensitivity, under the shape of a show sober, bright and full of love. « Êxtase » Show of Carolina Morais Da Fonseca, with Guilherme Da Luz, Monica Roncon, Tatiana Lima Bonança, Tarikavalli. Dance performance inspired by “Spectrum of Ecstasy”, a book by Ngakpa Chogyan and Khandro Dechen, which approaches the five wisdom emotions according to Vajrayana Buddhism. The performance is divided in five parts, each of which tries to focus on five different seasons, five different luminous colours and elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Wind And Space, as we might perceive them in our contemporary universe. Êxtase proposes to experience an emotional contact with ourselves in a simple and direct way. Show and workshop


“Diotime and the Lions” The young and impetuous Diotime, takes part in a ritual fight against lions, a test strictly restricted to the men of his lineage. A battle against ancestors which allows him in every meaning of the way to reveal himself and find his own position. A figure combining femininity and masculinity, fury and bravery, determination and self-sacrifice, Diotime is like a breath of life. A mighty and poetic tale, that pays tribute to ancestors and celebrates womanhood. A text by Henry Bauchau, performed by Stephanie Van Vyve and danced by Ozan Aksoyek. Art expression by Yumma Mudra. Pietro Pizzuti for the dramaturgy and the musical contribution of Anja Naucler.

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