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Toxic friend dump




They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, ergo if you hang out with gym junkies the chances are you're not going to be a couch potato and if your friends are all wealthy you're not going to be living on struggle street.

15 signs of a TOXIC friendship

If you're not 100% sure if a friendship is toxic well we have created 15 signs to help you spot if your "bestie" is the best thing for you?

Unhappy They are constantly stressed, discontented and miserable. They worry about every possible negative outcome. Pessimism They see the glass as half empty. They focus on the downside and discourage every positive future decision not only for themselves but also for others. Gossip They incessantly gossip about others and never in a good way; chances are very high that they are talking about you behind your back too.

Deceit They are deceitful and habitually lie. They tell improbable stories which you know are far from the truth. Envy They feel bitter when you acquire things they don't have instead of being happy for you and they are never grateful for what they have. Cheap They always seem to need your help and take advantage of your generosity, giving nothing in return. Don't lend them money as they won't repay it.

Selfish They won't ask what time is convenient for you to do something as don't consider your needs and they only offer help when it benefits their agenda. Complaining They complain about everything, everybody, and life in general. Only happy when they condemn and belittle others. Blame They blame their problems on others. They do not take individual responsibility for their lives. They see themselves as victims. Criticism You ask for advice but it feels like an attack that leaves you feeling small and embarrassed. Fear They are filled with fear that holds them back from achieving anything worthwhile in life and they never set long term goals. Complaining They complain about everything, everybody and life in general, nothing is ever good enough. Lack Compassion They don't feel your pain and lack compassion for others. Blabby They talk way too much and don't expect them to listen. This is a one way conversation that's all about them. Drama They go from one drama-filled day to another and exaggerated events are stretched to ensure they get you're constant attention.

Letting go and breaking loose of a toxic friendship is hard but so rewarding, you're worth better, go find it!