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My Partner and I have always enjoyed an active sex life however since he’s been taking anti-depressants his level of interest has gone from red hot to icy cold. We both love each other and I am not worried about another woman but I am worried about him because he seems to think he’s less of a man and I am concerned it’s making his depression worse.

It is more common than you think for one partner to go off sex for a whole host of reasons, depression being high on the list. Talk to him and reassure him that there is no pressure to perform and that just being together and being close is essential to your relationship.

Make time for each other, date nights are perfect for this. Listen to him and show interest in what he has to say and compliment him as this will help bolster his confidence.

He will be putting a lot of pressure on himself, so be patient and gradually things should start to get better. I feel like I have tried every single diet and nothing works! I am great for the first 2-3 weeks and then I just seem to fall off the wagon and I can’t seem to get back on track.

Oh, we have all been there! Full of fire and determination at the start but bad habits creep back and our motivation drops off.

Often the problem is our need for perfection. If we fall off the wagon we often just throw in the towel. The trick is to never give up. So what if you have one bad day every now and again, just isolate it and jump back on the wagon and make this part of your plan.

• Write down all the reasons why you want to lose weight and pin it someplace where you can see it everyday. Don’t put it in your phone. • Clear out your cupboards of any food that doesn't fit with your new eating plan and don’t buy more, your kids don’t need it either. • Make a chart and tick off each day as a visual aid to keep you motivated. • Find a diet buddy. There are lots of groups online and the trick is to find somebody who will support you and hold you accountable, check in daily and you will feel less likely to cheat. You can do it, just never give up!

When you feel like quitting, pause and think about all the reasons why you started in the first place!

I have a friend that always seems to just take, she takes my time, my money and my things but when I need help shes never available. I have always been a giver but I just feel that it’s all one sided.

This relationship sounds toxic (see pages 14-15) When you feel like you are the only one making the effort and that this person only seems to want you for what they can get out of you it is time to take action and put the friendship back in balance.

Try talking to her, tell her how you feel. If you don’t feel you can talk to her face to face then write her a letter. Tell her that you value the friendship but feel it is one sided. Keep it friendly but to the point. If she doesn’t respond positively or doesn’t amend her behaviour then it’s time to cut ties.

There are people out there that will truly value your friendship for who you are so please don’t give up hope. Be happy and find your kind of tribe.

I am addicted to lip balm. I never leave the house without it and if I stop using it my lips become dry and cracked. My new girlfriend doesn’t like it and has asked me to stop but I don’t think I can.

It is more common than you would think and it can become a vicious cycle as you use the chapstick to sort the problem, it makes the problem worse.

Your lips become dependent on the lip balm for hydration. Overuse of lip balm can interfere with your skin’s ability to adapt and naturally hydrate itself.

Are you also drinking enough water? Dehydration will make your lips dry and flakey. Ensure you drink 8 glasses of water per day.

We recommend cutting down slowly and maybe try only using it at night and discuss your progress with your girlfriend as the key to this will be to wean yourself off the dependency slowly. I would like to get fit and healthy but at my age and size, it just seems like I have left it too late, I feel so overwhelmed because there is just too much conflicting information and so I just seem to be procrastinating before I even start.

Firstly, it is never too late! It is important as you get older to invest in your health. Exercise helps support strong bones, mental agility, aids quick recovery and weight control. In short, it benefits you in almost every aspect of your life.

It can seem overwhelming and it sounds as though you will need some support and guidance. My advice would be to first consult with your doctor or health advisor before starting any new exercise and weight loss plan.

Once approved start off slow and try low impact exercises, for example, walking and swimming and build up the amount/time you do each week.

Look at joining a gym, Fernwood Fitness is a women's only gym and they will discuss your fitness goals and help set up an action plan.

• Get approval from your doctor before starting • Start off slow, if you push yourself too hard, too quickly it can cause injury • Invest in a fitness watch that can count your steps and monitor your activities and heart rate • Ask friends and family members to join you • Join a gym that supports you and gives professional training and advice • Set yourself fitness/weight goals (see pages 32-33) • Do what you enjoy!

When you feel like quitting, pause and think about all the reasons why you started in the first place!