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Top 10 habits to aid sleep


CLICK If you struggle to fall asleep we recommend trying the following relaxation techniques: Audio guided meditation and ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) videos. YouTube has a vast array of free videos and success often comes down to finding the ones that work for you. We advise you to listen through wireless headphones to reduce your blue light exposure.


Our top picks:

Guided Meditation

ASMR hair cut, wash and style

Ensure your last caffeinated drink is in the early afternoon. This includes tea, coffee, energy drinks, and some sports drinks.

Alcohol can have detrimental effects on the duration and quality of sleep. You may find it aids the process of falling asleep but what it gives with one hand it takes away with the other.

Blue light delays the release of sleep-inducing melatonin, increases alertness and reset the body’s internal clock. You can download apps that dull the blue light or better still stop using technology an hour before bed.

Stay in bed. Sleep is great but rest is the next best thing so if you are struggling to get to sleep or stay asleep, keep the light off, lay back and try and let your mind and body relax, you never know you might even fall back to sleep.

Maintain a consistent daily schedule so that your body's internal clock knows it’s time to sleep.

Following a consistent movement or exercise plan to help increase your energy levels during the day will help to regulate your sleeping patterns at night and can improve your mood. Try not to exercise in the two hours prior to sleeping.

Don’t go to bed on a full stomach or consume a lot of fluids beforehand.