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Pearls - Front cover feature



Fascination for pearls transcends time and borders as objects of myths and legends to be desired and revered.

It is said that this organic mineral help radiate a calming effect and can balance your karma, strengthen relationships and helps to provide a focus to ones attention.

Pearls are also known as a stone of sincerity and are thought to attract wealth and luck as well as protection. The pearl also symbolises the purity, loyalty, and integrity of it's wearer.


Persian legends say that imperfections in a pearl's appearance were the result of thunder and lightning as pearls were created at the intersection where a rainbow met the earth during a storm.

The ancient Japanese believed that pearls were created out of the tears of mermaids, nymphs, angels and other mythical beings from the sea.

Golden South Sea Pearls

White South Sea Pearls


The ancient Egyptians were buried with their pearls because they valued them so much. Legend has it that Cleopatra dissolved a pearl from one of her earrings in a glass of wine and drank it to show Roman politician Mark Antony that she could consume the riches of an entire population in just one gulp.

Ancient Chinese civilisations believed that once a dragon was full-grown, the pearls were carried between his teeth. You could only obtain black pearls if you slayed the dragon.

Oro, the god of peace and fertility in Tahitian myth, is said to have visited the earth on a rainbow bringing with him a magical oyster. He offered the black pearl within to the princess Bora Bora as a symbol of his love.

Arab legend weaves tales of drops of dew that dropped from the sky during the nighttime, into the moonlit ocean and these were swallowed by oysters, creating the precious pearls. HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR PEARLS

1. To help prevent any buildup of oils or other substances that may have come in contact with your pearls during the day wipe them after each wear with a soft cloth. Do NOT submerge a pearl necklace in water, as it will weaken the silk thread.

2. If your pearls are visibly stained or show traces of makeup, you can mix a solution of lukewarm water and mild dish soap, dip a soft cleaning cloth in it and wipe the pearls. Let them dry fully before storing.

Again, this helps preserve the silk strand.

4. While you want to wear your pearls often to keep them hydrated, all that body oil doesn't do the silk thread any favors. Take them to a reputable pearl jeweler to check the integrity of your jewellery and also give them a thorough, safe cleaning.

WARNING: Never clean pearls with a steam or ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Both of these methods are likely to damage the outer layer of the pearl.

Tahitian Pearls Freshwater Pearls Akoya Pearls