Magma 1922

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ARTHUR E. ADAMI, E. M. Associate Professor of Mining Engineering. E. M., Montana State School of Mines, 1907; Assayer and Chemist, Red Metal Mining Co., 1907; Assayer and Chemist, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 1908; Instructor, Metallurgy, Mineralogy and Mathematics, Montana State School of Mines, 1908-1910; Instructor, Mathematics, Drawing and Surveying-, Montana State School of Mines, 1910-1912; Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering, Montana State School of Mines, 1912-1918; Associate Professor of Mining Engineering-, Montana State School of Mines, 1918—. Member of American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; Montana Society of Engineers. THEODORE SIMONS, C. E., E. M. Professor of Mining Engineering. C. E. and E. M. Royal Polytechnicum, Munich, Bavaria; Mining and Metallurgical Engineer with the Societe Anonyme des Mines et Hautes Furneaux, Luxembourg, 18801885; Engineer with the Union Pacific Railway system, coal mining, surveying, and railway construction, 18861889; Engineer with the U. S. Government, War Department and General Land Office, 1890-1898; Mining Engineer with the War Eagle and Center Star Mining Co., Rossland, B. C, 1898-1902; Superintendent for Payne Mining Co., and Consulting Engineer, Slocan District, B. C, 1902-1904: Consulting Engineer, Spokane, Wash., 1904-1905; Mining Engineer, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Butte, Montana, 1905-1906; Professor of Mining Engineering, Montana State School of Mines, 1906—; Consulting Engineer for U. S. Bureau of Mines directing Montana manganese production during the war. Member American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; Montana Society of Engineers. LESTER J. HARTZELL, B. S. Professor o* Chemistry. B. S. Colorad hool of Mines, 1894; Asst. Chemist Pueblo Smelting and ixefining Co., 1894; Chief Chemist Sucelles No. 2, Monterey, Mexirr "• ,5; Experimental Chemist Montana Ore P irchasin^ ^., Butte, Montana/ 1 Ch - f Chemist and Assayer, Grai te Bi-Metallic Cr Mont., 1898-1902;. Assayer and Chemist, But'^ ^ . . Co., Butte, Mont., 1902-1903; Assayer and Chemist, Vi-'anut Sampler, Butte, Mont., 1903; Assayer Washoe Smelter, Anaconda, Mont., 1903-1904; Professor of Chemistry, Montana State School of Mines, 1904—. Member American Chemical Society, Montana Society of Engineers. —10—




HORACE THARP MANN, B. S., M. S., E. M. Tau Beta Pi; Pi Kappa Alpha. Professor of Metallurgy. B. S. in Mining-, School of Mines, University of Missouri, 1908; M. S. School of Mines, University of Missouri, 19 09; E. M. School of Mines, University of Missouri, 1910; Associate Professor in charge of the department of Metallurgy and Ore Dressing, 1911-1919, Missouri School of Mines; Professor of Metallurgy, Montana State School of Mines, 1919—. Member of American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education; Montana Society of Engineers. WALTER T. SCOTT, A. B., M. A. Acacia. Associate Professor of Economics and English, Director of Student Activities and Publicity. A. B., Westminster College of Pennsylvania, 1905; M. A., Harvard University, 1911; Generator Tester, Peerless Electric Co., Warren, Ohio, 1905-1906; Instructor, Todd Seminary, Woodstock, 111., 1906-1908; Graduate School, University of Wisconsin, 1908; Assistant Principal, Rugby Academy, New Orleans, La., 1908-1910; Headmaster, Rock River Military Academy, Dixon, 111., 1911-1912; Director of Camp Work, Northfield Summer Conferences, Northfield, Mass., 1904-1906, 1909-1914; Head of History Department, Flathead County High School, Kalispell, Mont., 1912-1915; Head of History and English Departments, Anaconda High School, Anaconda, Mont., 1915-1918; Camp Lewis Army Y. M. C. A. War History Lecturer, 1918-1919; Western Department War History Lecturer, 1919; Assistant Professor of Economics and English, Montana State School of Mines, 1919-1920; Associate Professor of English and Economics, - Montana State School of Mines, 1920—. Member of Amerrican Historical Association; American Economics Association. E. RALPH BOWERSOX, B. S., B. F. E. Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Physics. B. S., C" College, 1906; B. E. E., Ur'versity of Iowa, 1910; T T if A Training and Drawing Departments, Pubid Point, Idaho, 1910-1913; Instructor, Sur... _, and ..ydraulics, Washington State College, ]91319*16; Instructor in Mechanics and Mechanisms, A. & M. College of Texas, 1916-1918; Instructor in Physics, A. & M. College of Texas, 1918-1919; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Montana State School of Mines, 1919—. —11—




ALFRED E. KOEXIG, A. B., M. A., Ph. D. Sigma Xi; Gamma Alpha. Associate Professor of Chemistry. A. B., Macalester College, 1904; M. A. University of Wisconsin, 1910; Ph. D., University of Wisconsin, 1912; Instructor in Chemistry, Cokato, Minn., High School, 19041907; Instructor in Chemistry, Astoria, Oregon, High School 1907-1908; Instructor in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1908-1917; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1917-1920; Associate Professor of Chemistry, Montana State School of Mines, 1920—. Member of American Chemical Society.

GERALD S. LAMBERT, B. S. Pi Kappa Alpha, Theta Tau, Sigma Xi. Assistant Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Geologist, Montana State Bureau of Mines. B. S. in Geological Engineering, University of Utah, 1919; Graduate Fellow in Geology, Leland Stanford University, 1919-1920; Geologist, Utah Oil Refining Co., 1917; Assistant Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Montana State School of Mines, 1920—. Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science; Montana Society of Engineers.

EARL B. YOUNG, Ph. B., M. A. Professor of Geology. Ph. B., Coe College, 1905; M. A., University of Wisconsin, 1910; Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, Montana State School of Mines, 1910-1913; Geologist, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 1913-1921; Professor of Geology, Montana State School of Mines, 1921—. Member of American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; Montana Society of Engineers. —12—





CURTIS L. WILSON, E. M. Instructor in Metallurgy. E. M., Montana State School of Mines, 1920; Assistant Testing Engineer, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 1918; Assistant Research Engineer, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 1920-1921; Instructor in Metallurgy, Montana State School of Mines, 1921—. Member of American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers.

CHARLOTTE RUSSEL. Librarian. Librarian, Montana S:ate School of Mines, 1911—; Librarian, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1920.

CHARLES MARVIN BLACKBURN, B. S. Instructor in Engineering Mathematics. B. S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1921; Research Physicist, Tuberculosis League of Pittsburg, 1921; Instructor in Engineering Mathematics, Montana State School of Mines, 1921—.





M. F. HALEY. Chief Engineer and Practical Mill Man, Superintendent of Buildings. Mill-man, Elkhorn, Mont., 1888-1891; Mill-man, Helena & Lewis & Clark Co., as foreman and mill superintendent, 1891-1906; Instructor in Milling, Montana State School of Mines, 190 6—.

CHESTER M. PITTSER. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Tau. Coach of Athletics. Colorado School of Mines; R. O. T. C, 1918; Coach, Golden, Colorado, High School, 1919; Coach, Colorado School of Mines, Freshmen, 1919; Coach, Montana State School of Mines, 1920—.

CHARLES McGREAL. . Secretary to the President, Secretary of the Montana State Bureau of Mines. Secretary to the President, 1921—. 2 h Div., A. E. F. 1918; French Tank Corps, 1918-1919.




The Montana State School of Mines AT BUTTE, MONTANA


Foreword Some of the earlier classes at the Montana State School of Mines published year books. But for a decade or more the custom has been allowed to lapse. We, of the staff of the "M," in reviving this custom, know that we are publishing a book which is far from perfect; we know many ways wherein our efforts could be improved. Our object has been to give a record of the life of our college during the past year. We ask you to bear with us in whatever faults you may discover and to enjoj'' whatever of worth you may find.




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JAMES J. NAUGHTEN "Jimmie" "That stuff he told us is the bunk." Mining Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines Class Basket Ball, 1920 and 1921 Asst. Manager, A. S. S. M. 1920-1921 Hobo Club Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

BENJAMIN ADELSTEIN "Fink" "Well, now, I'll just betcha!" Mining Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines Exchequer-of-the-Road, Hobo Club Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

WALKER B. CARROLL "Walker B." "Just reflect on that." Mining Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines Secretary of Dancing Club, 1919-1920 Editor-in-Chief of Annual, 1922 Second Place, State Oratorical Contest, 1922 Montana Society of Engineers Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

G. MAITLAND KIRWAN, JR. "Buster" "Gosh! Who has a smoke?" Mining Course U. S. Army, 1918 U. S. Marines, 1919 Basket Ball, 1920 Class Basket Ball, 1920, 1921 Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Contact, Montana


WALTER FRESHMAN "Charlie" "Well, I don't know about that." Mining Course President of Class, 1916 Dancing Club, 1916-1917, and 1919-1920 U. S. Army, 1917-1919, 91st Div. A. E. F. Class Basket Ball, 1920 Football, 1916 and 1920 Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

DONALD D. MACLELLAN "Mac" "Never Misdoot a Scotchman." Mining Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines, 1918 17th Field Artillery, 1st Div. Canadian Ex. Force, 1914-1917 Dancing Club, 1918-1919 Vice President of Class, 1920-1921 Montana Society of Engineers Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

CARL GROOM "Carlos" 'I didn't have time—I went to the dance. Mining Course Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

EDWARD SHEA "Eddie" "Any one seen Murph?" Mining Course Sec. Treas. of Class, 1918-1919 Vice President of Class, 1919-1920 Football, 1919, 1920, 1921 "M" Club Vice President A. S. S. M., 1920-1921 Dancing Club, 1921-1922 President "M" Club, 1921-1922 President of Class, 1920-1921, 1921-1922 Montana Society of Engineers Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana


A. GROVE BROCKWAY "Brock" 'Gimme that problem! I'll beat you all to it. Mining Course R. O. T. C., U. of Idaho Montana Society of Engineers Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Spokane, Wash.

TIMOTHY DRISCOLL "Tim" "How do you get that way?" Mining Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines Dancing Club, 1918-1919 Vice President of Class, 1918-1919 Secretary, A. S. S. M., 1919-1920 Assistant Manager A. S. S. M., 1920-1921 Yell Leader, 1920-1921 Manager A. S. S. M., 1921-1922 Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

WALTER McGONIGLE "Gooligan" "Eats? No, sir, you've spent all your money." Mining Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines Class Basket Ball, 1920 Manager A. S. S. M., 1920-1921 "M" Club Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

WILLIAM A. SCARLETT "Bill" "So this is Butte?" Mining Course 2nd Lieut. 102nd Field Artillery, 26th Div., A. E. F. Football, 1920, 1921 Dancing Club, 1921-1922 Sergeant-at-Arms Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Lynn, Mass.


LEONARD WALDE "Butch" "Well, now, if you don't think so ' Metallurgy Course S. A. T. C, U. of Wisconsin Football, 1921 Dancing Club, 1921-1922 "M" Club Business Manager of Annual, 192 2 Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. B. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Superior, Wis.

FRANK A. BIGELOW "Big" "Say, Carroll, " Mining Course Orchestra, 1919 Class Basket Ball, 1920 and 1921 Hobo Club Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana

WILLARD MOWBRAY "Who's got my slide rule?" Metallurgy Course Grand Bouncer, Hobo Club Senior Class Editor Annual, 1922 Montana Society of Engineers Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Anaconda, Montana

WALTER LANDWEHR "Copie" "Did you ever hear a log boom?" Metallurgy Course 1st Lieut, Coast Artillery, R. C. Football, 1920, 1921 Basket Ball, 1921, 1922 President A. S. S. M., 1921-1922 "M" Club Montana Society of Engineers Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Cottage Grove, Ore.


RAY STANAWAY "Ray" "Say, did you ever get married?" Mining Course 2nd Bat., 11th Field Artillery Montana Society of Engineers Hobo Club Butte, Montana

A L E X MCDONALD "Dougal" "Can't see a nickel in it." Mining Course Football, 1919, 1920, 1921 Manager Class Basket Ball, 1921, 1922 Sec. Treas. of Class, 1920-1921 Vice President of Class, 1921-1922 Secretary Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Montana Society of Engineers Butte, Montana

JOHN AMSDEN NUCKOLS "Jack" "I'll betcha!" Mining Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines Football, 1919, 1920 Class Basket Ball. 1920 and 1921 Basket Ball, 1921 Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Anaconda, Montana

LESTER F. BISHOP "Bish" 'Did you ever hear that joke aboutMining Course S. A. T. C. Football, 1919, 1920, 1921 "M" Club Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Butte, Montana


CLAUDE ALLEN "Tussie" "This pipe of mine has seen the world." Mining Course 1st Div., 16th Infantry, A. E. P. Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. London Society of M. & M. E. Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Cornwall, England

ELLIS P. FRJNK "E. P." "What do you say?" Metallurgy Course Master Engineer, Jr. Grade, 1st Bat., 1st Gas. Rgt. School Wrestling Champion Yell Leader, 1921-1922 Sec. Treas. of Class, 1921-1922 _ President Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Montana Society of Engineers Jun. Associate, A. I. M. M. E. Portland, Ore.

JAMES J. DOUGHERTY "Jimmie" "What do you think?" Metallurgy Course S. A. T. C, Montana Mines Class Basket Ball, 1919-1920 Baseball, 1920-1921 Basket Ball, 1921-1922 Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society Anaconda, Montana

HENRY SYMONS "Harry" "My kingdom for a self-writing notebook." Mining Course 40th Spruce Squadron, U. S. Army Dancing Club, 1920-1921 Butte, Montana



"And now doth come account of mighty men, of grave and learned men, yea, valiant men with sword and pen—and trencher." —Shakesbeer.





Junior Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Fred Streibich Al Healey William Price





Junior Roll Thomas D. Baker Arnold E. Borel Robert H. -Bowlby Ingles M. Gay Charles H. H a r m o n Aloyslus Healy Joseph A. Judge Sanford W. Ladic Wallis H. Lee Charles C. McGreal

P. D. McMaster Charles L. McNeill Ray McQuay George D. McDonald Aloysius Moran William Murphy Wallace A. O'Brien Victor Osterholm William E. Price Hugh M. Quinn


George F. Sahinen Fred D. Schwanz Frank L. Shaw Tyler W. Sprake Fred W. Streibich William A. Struthers Aimer J. Thompson Lawrence L. Thompson Fay G. Willson Samuel R. Worcester Jr.

HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF 1923 Registration Day in September, 1919, found a new freshman class larger and in some ways different from that of any preceding freshman class at the Montana State School of Mines. This was the first post-war class registered and was made up largely of World "War veterans. In fact, of the forty-seven registered as freshmen, twenty-five were exempt from matriculation fees because of war service. The men as a whole averaged several years older than the ordinary class, this being accounted for by the fact that so many who before the war had been content to drift along, were by their military experience brought to appreciate the value of an education. Some two or three of the men had never completed their high school work and were admitted under the special provisions extended to service men. Now the writer will challenge any one to pick out these two or three, for they since have been among the best students in the class. Five co-eds, the largest number to have registered up to that time in the history of the Montana. Mines, were also on the list. That their stay was a success is shown in that one of them met her husband during that year, while there are hopes for some of the others. There was no hazing during that first week and although several challenges were posted on the bulletin boards, the sophs did not "rise." Consequently, there was nothing to do but to settle down to work. The class organized early, at the first meeting electing Aaron Steadman president; Claudia Woodward, vice president, and Fred Schwanz, secretary treasurer. Everything went smoothly nntil just before the first get-together smoker was to be held in the gymnasium. Then it was that the serenity of the class was ruptured, when, one morning, "Dutch" Streibeck and "Elmo" Borel nearly came to blows in the locker room before class. "Who would have thought it," everyone said, "the largest and seemingly the best natured fellows in the class." Excitement ran high until the two were separated. "Dutch," it seemed, had just received a letter from his buddie and there was some score to settle with Borel for an injustice done during the service in France. It was gob against landlubber, and, though no one knew exactly the cause of the hard feeling, everyone took sides at once. A council decided that " P o p " and "Elmo" must be kept apart until 4 o'clock and then they and their friends would go out to the end of the car line to settle the matter once for all. Then some bright wit suggested that the fight be delayed until the following night, then to be staged at the smoker where it could be properly conducted and witnessed by all. So it was agreed and the big fellows were guarded to prevent a premature meeting and battle. The excitement remained intense. Of course, everyone planned to go to that smoker -^ ' to see that fight; it was bound to be a good one and fierce, because, so said ^me Rumor, both fellows had fighting records in the service. The odds were ' I . When the fateful hour arrived and the Goliaths were ushered into the ^ng, the whole student body was at the ringside. As the spectators watched, surp* -> appeared on their faces. Why did they not wade into each other?1 Purely both were not yellow, but ue ' • a t was wrong? Then SOF seemed to be " to hv- the whispered, "It v" Th t* °d—and in time "^ute" actors in +^P "Elmo" became ^. r. ,; ^ .Tntere Intero The basket ball . < - 1i •••••;• . rnament and the freshmei five varsity men i | Ja.( The Freshman Froli warn held i . befo^

is doubtful if the gymnasium has ever looked any better. Streamers and colored lights in the school colors ran from a large Christmas tree in the center of the floor to the walls, which were paneled off in red and green. Evergreens were on all sides in profusion with much artificial snow in evidence. Though the crowd was too large for the size of the floor, everyone pronounced the dance a great success, one of the best of the year. In May the class to a man, with the co-eds thrown in for good measure, turned out with the rest of the student body to give the big " M " its usual coat of whitewash. It was a fine spring day and the task was finished in great shape at about 1 o'clock. The bucket line was composed of frosh and sophs, with a few juniors at the upper end of the line to do the bawling out which was necessary. It was noticeable that the freshmen covered by far the greatest part of the distance up the hill. The middle of August found almost all of the original class at Maiden Rock prepared for a month's work in surveying under the direction of Professor Adami. The work hours were not too long and grub was good, if costly. All enjoyed the work, unless it was Steadman, to whom all work was professedly distasteful. After 4 o'clock nearly everyone took a swim in the cool Big Hole River. Some fished, some fixed up tent conveniences, and some loafed. After supper there was a big camp fire and the gang sat around for a time. After that Ladic and Harrington staged their daily jockeying match to see who was to make their bed. The outstanding incidents of those four weeks included the famous snipe hunt, organized by Harmon in self defense, with Thompson literally holding the bag—though it is hard to get the latter to admit that he held that bag very long. " P o p " Streibeck furnished his share of the comedy by illustrating just how to lose a boat and go swimming in two feet of water while waving a tenfoot fishing pole. The Pathe "Weekly missed a great film by not having a moving picture camera handy just then. A dance at Divide gave Harmon the chance to part with eight dollars to the pirate driving the Wisdom stage, who hospitably invited eight of the boys to ride with him and then, once in Divide, taxed them a dollar apiece. The more enterprising business men of the party later organized a dance at Melrose, which was attended by the whole gang, plus a few from Butte. The enterprise came in the way the " e a t s " ran out before everyone was served. The final episode was the long remembered football game between the Levels and Transits, which, after being desperately waged in Bennett's clover patch, ended with the Transits ahead, 7-0. As a farewell to camp, Willson and Struthers upset in a boat out in midstream, but their attempt to do " a Streibeck" met with a chilly reception, judging at least by the small crowd which saw the performance. The skill iov,n by some of the crowd in beating their way back on the rods augured well for the organization later of the Hobo Club. The following morning everyone went up and regist r 1 as sophomores. A class meeting was held almost immediately, but the el n for president resulted in a tie. At a later meeting Borel was chosen p i . ^ d e n t ; Willson, vice president; and Lee, secretary treasu1- . The first smoker of the ye* nd u? with the now famous " M a r c u s and Queensbury" basket balJ %n s^T>hs ' > frosh. The rules -f/'eviously agreed upon WP ythii' to ^owed except slug•jg *ne 1923 repr^ <-?tl ; .nets and other pros^""" • ^j shown by their placing .i

JL923 won a great victory

• ••-.n—an*. ti'd" > tlr^rules of the occasion, vacation arrived t h e , , was "more excitement, for —27—

on Wednesday night "King" Fisher and his freshman cohorts put up an insulting little yellow and black flag on the Mines flagpole. The rope then was tied high and the pole thoroughly greased for the first thirty feet up. Then, so sure were they that they had put one over on the sophs and that the flag was certain to remain until it wore itself out, they whispered it around town that a flag was flying. Struthers, Borel, Willson and several others figured out just how the bunting could be reached and then spent most of Thanksgiving Day running down the material for a sophomore flag, material which they finally obtained at Connell's from a traveling man who happened to be showing his samples. That night they flew their emblem from the top of the flag pole, leaving the frosh rag turned upside down, half way down the mast in the traditional position indicating extreme mourning. On Monday the freshmen streamed up the hill boasting about how they had slipped one over. Then came a real jolt because of what they saw on the pole. Groups of disgruntled frosh planned all day long how to reverse the situation, so that night Bore! and the football men after practice took down both flags, which are still in possession of the class. For the edification of some of the lower class who even now do not know how the top of the pole was reached we will say that the School of Mines owns several long ladders. When the basket ball season opened the sophs carried off the honors in the Interclass Tournament after a lively time with the other teams. In February the class held its Sophomore Hop at the Odeon Hall, and again by much work and diligence made the scene one of brilliance long to be remembered. The hall was draped in the Mines colors with, in one corner, a set of mine timbers bearing the 1923 numerals. A special feature was the distribution of balloons as favors to the ladies, but the assaults of a hastily organized pin brigade on all balloons in general ruined the feature, much to the disgust of some of the ladies. However, the dance has gone down in history as a real success. The loss of "Brick" Martin in April was a heavy blow to the forensic prospects of the class and he is still mourned by those who enjoyed his manner of engaging a prof in a long-winded argument while the rest of the class escaped. Just before the end of the semester President Clapp took the gang to Maiden Eock on a geology excursion and set a terrific pace all day long explaining the rock formations of the vicinity. The day ended with a sprint up to the peak above the eagle's nest with a wild race back down the steep cliff to catch the train. No one will forget Harmon's exhibition of high diving, with a juniper tree as a landing place instead of water. In May the " M " was again painted, this time in the afternoon owing to an illegal sneak day organized by some of the class Bolshevists and paid for by the loss of part of the day usually given up to the occasion. The sophs, held the upper end of the water line this time, right under the " M " itself. During May the class divided almost equally into Miners and Metallurgists played a series of baseball games. Interest in these games was strong, especially when the Mets won, due to the efforts of Borel, a Miner sub who was loaned to the winners. The close of the semester was followed by two weeks of mine surveying under Professors Simons and Adami, with the Moonlight mine as the of our labors. The "teory" learned in class was put into practice in ways. It was there that tl ) men learned to drop a straight plumb line a crooked shaft with the best of them. Prof. Adami's stunt in catching whole crew playingjiards bacK in a warm drift and the way he "turned 'er completed that part of the theory in surveying for keeps. —28—

September rolled around again and back came the fellows who, since there Avere no mines running in which to shovel ore, had taken to shoveling hay on farms instead. At the first class meeting " P o p " Streibeck was elected president ; Healey, vice president; and Price, secretary treasurer. The work looked hard, and there was no hesitation about going after it hard. The one release from hard work came during the football season, when the team had to be supported. The interclass basket ball tournament wound up with the juniors and the seniors tied for the honors, with the grave and reverend ones refusing to play off the tie. Consequently 1923 claims that the championship is hers by rights. The months wound along, Christmas vacation came and went, January passed, and the semester examinations were over without any excitement. At this time Struthers in his joy over the outcome of his work celebrated by doing a nose dive down the elevator shaft at the Butte Y. M. C. A., but very inconsiderately refused to be the recipient of slow music, flowers, and a holiday for the school. Despite enough broken bones to make him famous if they had come on the football field he began hobbling back to classes the middle of March. As we go to press the class is wrestling with the proposition of the Junior Prom, and hopes to give something entirely new in spite of the effects on the Mines traditions. Borel, A. J. Thompson, and Moran are the men who have charge—we say "charge" advisedly—of the affair. It will undoubtedly add another interesting bit of history to the class experiences. The class is still living in hopes that it will get to do at least one year's work in the new Metallurgy and Chemistry building which was started during our freshman year. Just now the bets are about even for and against. At any rate we can look back to having done our full share to put over Measures 18 and 19, which will make possible several new buildings on the hill. When everything else is said our share in that feat has probably been our most permanent achievement to date. We can always be proud that what later students at the School of Mines will enjoy we helped to secure for them.


'The wine of life doth run somewhat hotly in their veins '•-•— J" —Chaw Sir.






Sophomore Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Dennis Ryan Joe O'Leary Robert Toole Michael R. Walsh

Sophomore Roll W. Elmer Caldwell Dan E. Crowley James Dunstan Peter B. Gallagher Steve J. Guilio Lloyd L. Gussenhoven Eugene F. Havey Robert G. Hunter

Stephen Hurley John W. James Albion Johnson Chas. J. McGonigle Jesse L. Maury Haven C. Nutting Stephen J. O'Leary John P. Quinn


Dennis V. Ryan Joseph K. Schmidt Clarence Shafer John P. Steadman Thomas W. Tait Robert H. Toole Michael R. Walsh James L. White

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YE SOPHOMORES The day will be remembered, so we hope, when some forty odd, and otherwise, young fellows registered as freshmen at the school. Miss Russel looked them over and decided that in time they might become good sophomores. We started our nois}" career by hoisting a class flag over the school. War came and went, leaving only two badly torn flags to show that it had been there. Next of note came the Freshman Frolic, which in its turn created a good deal of excitement. As "ye editors" say, some of the class last year "fell by the wayside" and most of the rest of the class stumbled badly. But after the decks had been cleared and the smoke blown away, we rubbed our toes, shined our shoes, and stepped right out again. At the end of the 3'ear the barrier again presented itself. A few managed to side step. Some stumbled and some fell. It seemed as though the faculty took a few days off and sorted out the good of the class from the bad. "When we were able to look around again, our surprise at finding something of a class left was genuine. Since that time we have come to believe that that "something of a class" is just as good as any one else's "something of a class." Summer came and during the last month the greater part of the now sophomore class spent their time and money on a surveying trip. Our camp was located near Maiden Rock, on the Big Hole River. It was here that one of the best football battles of the year took place. The senior class had been out on a long geology trip, climbing mountains and chasing jack rabbits. They seemed to have the idea that they were pretty tough rocks for a class of sophomores to crack. Negotiation in the form of a direct challenge took place and a game was agreed upon for the following evening. After supper was well over and our meal had begun to settle, the two teams chased the cows out of "Pa Bennett's" pasture, marked out the field and began the battle. We won the game by one touchdown. The main object of the players seemed to be to get the fellows' faces in the mud. The fact of the matter was that the man who pushed his opponent's head farthest into the mud got up first. The only dampener to the evening lay in the unpleasant fact that some unknown person jumped too hard on quarterback Nuckol's arm and broke it. Arriving b. Y at the school, we found that we had a class totaling nineteen. Though as a cla J we are small we have some big members and some mighty fast small ones, and we wish to take this means of giving fair warning to the world that it had better keep right on smiling just as though there had never been any war and we had never been freshmen. We're sophomores—Has any one any objections?






UNFASTENED VERSE Did ya' ever Know of a school That had as fine A class of sophomores As this one has? The frosh are 0. K. But they're new, And, man, ain't it funny how hard It is to lose that green exterior. The juniors are not so bad, But you know how iron rusts "When left out in the rain. "We'll get rid of the seniors soon, so Why worry? One class left, The class of classes, Look 'em over—THEY'RE SOPHOMORES. (Copywrong anytime 2192.) Some people have been writing blank verse And we're mighty glad that those people Are not here now to inspect this disjointed stuff That you are reading. But anyway, Once upon a time A bunch of young fellows "Went on a trip. They killed a farmer's goose And cooked it about twelve P. Z. that night, And all got goose flesh from it. Another bunch went on another trip To the same place And took along a case of beer. A certain man sat on that case For half an hour And lectured on the evils of booze. He doesn't know yet what was in the case. Now wouldn't that give yon more GOOSE FLESH. But such is history (With apologies to everyone.)


SAY SOPHS DID YA' EVER THINK— That the fellow who thinks he is the whole cheese is usually at least a piece of it. Or this one—Mike—I hear that Prof. Hartzell leads a pretty fast life. Joe—Oh, I don't know. He hasn't passed me yet. Our Co-ed says that the divinity that shapes our ends probably intended that we expose them. I wonder whether he specified silk hose. You can't remodel the past, but even at that some of us do manage to remove a condition once in a while. My brother came into the house the other day, looking as though he had been through a train wreck. Dad asked him what the trouble was. "It's that d n correspondence school course again. The sophomores wrote me a letter the other day and told me to haze myself." Yes, we've got a cat at home that has nine lives, but the bull-frog in the duck pond croaks every night. And before we leave, ask some of the Maiden Rock bunch what goose flesh is and how it tastes at 1 a. m.


The tumult and the shouting grows, Their playthings and their toys amuse.' —Kidling.




Freshmen Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Sergeant-at-arms

Elton Wagner John Stenson Louis Marick Dan Aronowsky



Freshmen Roll Dan Aronowsky K a t h r y n H. A r t h u r William B a r r e t t Vern R. Benson J o h n D. Bertoglio George F . Bettschen R u t h V. Bloftigren Mathew F . Canning W. Edloe Chancellor C. D. Charles William C. Charteris Dolores E. Chidester A. Philip Choquette A r t h u r M. Clark Sherman Cummings Stuart EatoMina M. E 1 . Martin E. Jrickson

Emerson H. Evans Charles V. Everett Aldo Ferrando William W. Fell John W. Gillis Joseph A. Hackett Mary C. Harrington Lester J. Hartzell Jr. Lome S. Hay Edward J. Holland Robert Johnson Anthony E. Keppler Earl B. Klein Benjamin W. Trnowlton Howard P. I ih. Howard T. iv- 'afferty Walter N. Me rmick

John H. McGuire Louis Marick Bernham H. Murray Walter H. Myers Frank J. Naughten John D. Price James £ Rogers Adolf Solomonson John F. Shields John F. Stenson Cornelius Sullivan Leonard Swanson Geraldine Tallon A. Russell Templeton John H. Truzzalino Elton F. Wagner Godfrey B. Walker H. Frank Weyerstall

THE CLASS OF 1925 (Overheard Conversation Between a Reporter and a Freshman) "What'd you say, mister? AVhen did the Freshman organize? Oh, we got the 'bunch' together on October 23, 1921, and elected the following fellows to carry us through thick and thin for this year: E. Wagner, president; J. Stenson, vice president; L. Marick, secretary treasurer, and D. Aronowsky, sergeant-at-arms. They have made the school sit up and take notice of our little gathering of 'insignificant Frosh.' " "Well, sonny, after the officers had been elected, did the class do anything else to boost the name of their gathering?" "You bet we did. At first there was no pep in the bunch, in fact, such a little amount of that stuff—what do you call it? Elixir Vitae?—was present that the Freshman team in the basket ball tournament generally played with only four Freshman representatives, the rest being absent on account of mysteriously-sudden colds, coughs, etc. But the four or five that did come out made the uppers 'hump' to beat them. "Talking about Freshman activities, did you go to our Frosh 'tussle,' pardon me, I mean dance? That was some gathering of dancing fools. They, the rest of the class, tell me there was 'kick' in the punch, n'everything, but I guess that the mule who supplied the kick must have moved before I got there, 'cause it was surely pure drinking water when it was my turn to do 'the wet your whistle' act. But, say, talk about your novelties! I'll bet I dreamed cigarette-butt-ladened confetti for a week. Why, if a geologist wanted fine dust for an analysis, all he had to do was to collect some of the confetti thrown at him. But the music made up for that! Even the professors couldn 't resist its 'captivating strains of melodius jazz,' as Mark Antony once said on his prime visit to the Jazz Palace. This dance put us on the map as a live social class, and it was our hope that the fifteenth of December, 1921, would be a memorable date on the dance-records of the institution. "But, say, mister, the good things must cease eventually, mustn't they? We woke up about January 15 to the realization of impending disaster in studies. We called out the militia think-tanks to stem the tide. But in spite of all the 'cramming' we, as a unit, could do, our lines were thinned from sixty healthy, lively boys to thirty tottering, nervous wrecks. Oh, let me tell you, mister, the 'profs' surely ain't easy on work while they are fitting us for ou 2ife-jobs. "Well, I see jou're getting cold standing here listening to me tell you our brief, .but brillian'1 history. I'll bet you wish my jaw would freeze and give m / tcigue a sleig tide, but there's one thing more. You remember that basket ball £ame betwec-j the Mines and the State Aggies in Butte, when all us got up late and h;i to come in our nighties? A'simple-minded'Frosh, to )te an almighty upp , thought of that idea to save time in getting to th ie. So I guess ve i t as dead as some freshman classes we hear tell abi ? I knew yoi 'd i \ Well, so long, g-A 'o get how to chow. G'by."


ATHLETICS The story of athletics at the School of Mines shows .a steady progress towards that class of games and spirit which exemplifies the best in college competition. The proof that the old Mines has the right spirit is shown by the obstacles that have been overcome. The student body is small; the standard of grades to be maintained is high, and rightly so; the gym is inadequate; there is no decent athletic field. Despite this long list of woes, the students go about with a grin and look with loving eyes upon their "campus." Away back in the days of 1919, Manager Cliff and Captain McAuliffe rustled around to see if they couldn't get some kind of football team. There hadn't been a team at the school since '16, so their job was no easy one. Enough enthusiasts showed up to permit Coach Daems to have some hopes of being able to carry out his schedule. His enthusiasts, however, were enthusiasts,.but they were not football players; the only bright spot in that first year was the spirit of the team. They went to Helena, where they lost to Wesleyan, 7-0; then to Bozeman, where the Aggies made it 43-0; over to the " U , " where the score was 28-6; on to Spokane, where Gonzaga piled up 47-7; to come back home and wipe out the sting of all of these defeats by a victory over Wesleyan of 21-10. To be frank, the school didn't seem to care whether games were lost or won. But the team cared. Every game had been hard fought, every man had stayed to the end. When the season started, most were strangers to each other; when it closed, in every man's heart burned that friendship which is born only in struggle. They had played together, they had lost together. Whatever else a man wanted, all wanted this, a better, finer team next year. It was an obsessing spirit with each and every one. They thought it, they talked it, they dreamed it, they simply must have it. Such a spirit spreads. Basket ball season came on. The doings of the basket ball team were watched with greater care. The Mines were working and most of the students had regular Friday and Saturday night jobs. Coming off shift at three in the morning, the first thing to do was to get a paper from a newsboy and find out the results of the game. Then down to Kampou's, the Chequarnegon or Bartlett's, there to discuss it with the fellows from the other mines. The team was the Senior class with Emmett Hale for captain. Athletic Director Scott frankly told the boys that he wouldn't pose as a coach, but because the school was unable to get anyone to do the job, he would do his best to train the team. Of the string of games which the team played they won six and lost five, thereby getting third place in the state. One of those won was from the " U " by a score of 15-14. The game was forfeited in the last minute of play because the crowd would not permit the " U " to try for a free goal on a foul which should have been called on the " U " but was unjustly called on the Mines. Ladic, a freshman, and the only man on the team not a senior, divided the season with Ed Renouard at guard and was therefore unanimously elected Captain for the year '20-'21. The second semester rolled around into spring. Something must be done. Every student was afire and rarin' to go. There must be a coach next fall, as good as could be found. But coaches cost money and the state did not consider that one of its duties was to furnish one for the Mines. At a student body meeting every man present pledged himself to work a shift and to turn the money over to a fund to help get a coach. This meant $5.75 from every fellcv. Also the student athletic fee was raised from $5 to $10, this extra money aiso to go to that fund. The student body enthusiastically supported these measures. As a result in the fall of 1920, Chester Pittser came to direct the Ore —44—

Diggers as coach. He found more men out for practice than there had been the previous year. The men took hold with a will. With the exception of a few that had dropped out of school, all the old team reported back. Sam Heatherly, captain-elect for the 1920 team, failing to return, Hugh Quinn was chosen to take the helm. In this year there were bright and dark spots. The team beat Mt. St. Charles, 27-6, playing in Butte; covered itself with glory by playing the State College Bobcats to a standstill, but losing to them by a score of 7-6; only to get a blot the following Saturday by permitting the South Dakota Mines to win, 12-9, after victory had been practically assured. They then beat Wesleyan in Helena, 10-6; lost to the Utah Aggies at Logan, 21-0, and to Gonzaga in Butte, 47-7. To settle the city championship they played and beat the Centerville Y. M. C. , 19-6. This made four games won and four lost. And what is more, at the last game of the year there were two full teams in suits, something that had never happened before. The basket ball team under Captain Ladic took third place in Montana Intercollegiate circles by winning six and losing six games. Ladic being the only veteran on the team, it was up to Coach Pittser to start in as he did in football and build his team from the ground up. He worked hard and faithfully and the results he brought about both in football and basket ball were so noticeable that the school was unanimous in its endeavor to get him to come back for the next year. This he promised to do and he was with the Ore Diggers during 1921-22. His pay was better taken care of since the school budget took over the salary of the coach, and thus, in this respect, the Mines was placed on an equality with the State College and the University. The spirit of the school was aroused. The Friday before the Bozeman football game a "sneak day" was called and for the first time in the Mines history, as far as can be discovered, the student body pulled off a snake dance through the center of the town. The people of the city were finally made aware of the fact that there is a college on the hill and that it is a live one. It can be safely said that from then on slowly but surely the Mines athletes have been gaining the respect and the support of all classes in Butte.


FOOTBALL Did someone say that green is not a good looking color? We never saw any green jersies and socks such as the Mines athletes wear before we came to Butte, but somehow we've come to love that color now. It seems to stand for the Mines more than does anything else we know. And, oh, boy, isn't it a great sight to see the green jersied Mines football team trot out on the field Avith every action showing the men mean business. You know they are going to give everything they've got and that they are going to make people honor and respect the college they represent. And if you watched them last autumn you know they showed a lot of good football as well as a lot of determination and fight. The First Game

"When Mt. St. Charles came down from Helena on October 1. the Miners donned their green jersies and green socks—the rest of their outfit went entirely unnoticed—and went out to meet them on the Columbia Gardens field. It was a good game for an opener, but the Ore Diggers' line just about had things its own way. When the fracas was over there was no argument about supremacy, for the Mines had won 26-0 and not a single touchdown was made on a fluke. The South Dakota Trip

Twenty men all told started less than a week later on the trip to South Dakota and, wonder of wonders, they all made it back. The team tried to slip out of town as quietly as possible, but it did not succeed. A small group— you could count them by using your fingers with the possibility of running over to the necessity of using a couple of toes—were at the depot, in spite of the early hour, to see the gang away. And what a rousing cheer they gave! We know of some who are not in the habit of going around boasting what they are doing for the school, but we saw them there that morning in that little group. Another surprise was that "Pop" Craven was there to wish us luck on our trip and for his trouble won a hearty cheer for "Prexy" and our realization that he was back of the squad. It would be a pleasure to take all the students on an enchanted rug and to go on that trip again. Every one knows what a college team is when it is seeing new towns. Pittser's favorite expression was, "You're a bunch of kids." For the second game of the season and the first one of the trip the Ore Diggers played Billings Polytechnic on Saturday, October 8, and easily won by a score of 55-0. The Miners used to think that they had a hard ground on which to play, but, man, that ground down there was like concrete. The only reason the score was not larger was because Eddie tried to keep the ball down in one corner where there was a little loose sand to fall on. Every man with the squad had the chance to limber up that afternoon and they all looked good. The team now took up the role of a road. show. It was uj on Sunday morning to catch a train out of Billings at 7 :30 for some place c )wn in Wyoming. Such a ride! There is always somebody around to take the t )j out of life. At Wyola, Wyoming, the kindly hangers on around the station informed us that a bridge had burned out about six miles down the line. As it was about eleven o 'clock, the first move was to get something to eat. We did, but what prices! '' cotty" McDonald still raves about them in his dreams. To pass the time Knser had the team run signals up and down the Main str et of the city— there being no other place minus taL veeds in easy reach—all to the great edification of the wondering populace. They gave us all their attention—they had nothing else to give. Then the fellows took a geology trip into the near-by —47—

fields. Around six o'clock the train moved down to the bridge so as to be in readiness to cross as soon as all was well. At Moorcroft, Wyoming, the team detrained and took autos for the better than hundred-mile journey to Spearfish, South Dakota. Spearfish! Will we ever forget it? On Wednesday, October 12, Columbus Day, the Mines played Spearfish Normal College and beat them 22 to 14. It was a good game, you bet, a real good game, and there were lots of thrills that we still remember. The Ore Diggers' touch downs were made on straight football, with a safety added for good measure, while the Normal made their first score on a side line sneak pass and their second on an attempted onsicle kick, which went astray and was recovered by one of their men, who promptly raced for a touchdown. It was a hot and dusty day, and Spearfish apparently needed lots of rest, for they kept constantly taking out time. During one of these periods a telegram was brought out onto the field with words of encouragement from the students back home, sent through Prof. Scott. Suppose it did not make us feel good! On Thursday the squad moved to Deadwood, S. D., where points of interest, among them the Homestake Mine at Lead, were visited. Friday afternoon saw the Miners enroute for Rapid City, where the next day they were to meet the South Dakota Ore Diggers. If ever again the South Dakota muck artists come to Butte, give them a right royal reception. They certainly did wonderfully by the Montana Mines. The closest friendship should always exist between these two schools, for both Friday night and all day Saturday they did all in their power to give our fellows a pleasant stay, and they certainly succeeded. The game on Saturday, October 15, was a hard fought, clean contest and resulted in 0-0 score. The day was very hot and the dust was very deep. The tide of battle rolled up and down the field with neither side having the punch to score, though we twice thought that we had the ball across the line, only to be called back. The Montana Miners sincerely believe that they had the better of the argument, but that, of course, does not let us chalk up a victory. The only serious injury of the trip, a twisted ankle by Borel, was received that afternoon. Another long automobile ride, lasting from 7 p. m. until 4 a. m., and ending at Upton, Wyoming, made it a day and let the team save twenty-four hours in getting back to Butte and to their books. It was some trip with some experiences, but the best of all was listening to Pittser express his honest, bona fide opinion of the bathing facilities in Black Hills hotels. The Mines-Bobcat Game

On Saturday morning, October 22, the Ore Diggers traveled down to Bozeman. That trip was a mixture of joy and sorrow. The loyal Mines students furnished the joy. A bunch of the fellows moseyed down beforehand, journeying by means of the tops, blinds, rods and a couple of Fords. When the team arrived, about 11 o 'clock, a delegation of more than thirty was at the depot to greet the men. Suppose it didn't make the team feel good! We'll say it did. All the rest of the time up until the game began that delegation made Bozeman sit up and take notice, because it was the first time a fair sized bunch of Ore Digger rooters had appeared in the Gallatin city. The sadness was one of the direct results of the score. The Aggies certainly did not clearly outplay the Miners at any stage of the contest. Much of the time their drives were piled up for no gain, and in addition the Mines would go for distance occasionally. But four different times the breaks of the play offered the Bobcats chances to score, chances which they were not at all slow about taking. As a result, they wound up on the satisfactory (to them) end of a 26-0 total, due to a kick which went wrong, an intercepted forward pass and two successful passes. It just seemed that the Mines lacked the punch —48—

to prevent these breaks against them, while the State College had the dash to take advantage of them. All the Ore Diggers had was fight and that was not enough. The Hoboes sure had a cold, cold ride going home that night, all except Mowbray, but not a man regrets that he made the trip. The Mines-Utah Aggie Game

One of the biggest surprises of the year and the farthest reaching in its effects was the outcome of the encounter with the Utah Aggies, later the clean cut winners of the Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Conference championship. Two weeks previous, the Mormons had beaten the Montana State College Bobcats, 30 to 7, Avhile the previous Saturday the State College downed the Mines 26-0. This dope certainly gave Utah a wide margin and the sports of Butte took advantage of it. The usual bet was that the Mines would be defeated by 30 points, while other wagers that it would be 50 points were by no means uncommon. Never were sure-thing sports worse stung, for the game ended with the visitors barely ahead by a 3-0 score. Without a doubt this was the best football game seen in Butte in years. The Aggies were so confident that they started many of their second string men, but before the second quarter was under way the subs were on the side lines and they had thrown in their best, including Falck, their crack quarterback, who had nearly stayed at home to rest. Through as hard a fought battle as many of the spectators had ever seen the Ore Diggers halted every attempt to cross their goal line and threw a scare or two into the invaders. Havey and Shaw at ends broke up Falck's famous end runs with everyone else getting in to check the line bucks of Percy Hanson. A lone, and as the visitors themselves admitted, lucky drop kick by Falck let Utah go home with a victory. That game awakened a great deal of interest in the Mines team in town. The Mines-Englewood Game

As there were no college games scheduled for the two Saturdays following October 29, the date of the Utah Aggie contest, Coach Pittser decided to take on the strong Engiewood Athletic Club eleven, which with Centerville and the Hubs was a leading contender for the city independent championship. Within a few minutes after the whistle opened play it became evident that the only questions to be settled were whether or not Engiewood would be able to score and could prevent a rout. The Mines defense was so close that no fluke plays were permitted to slip across and the game ended 28-0 in the Ore Diggers' favor. The victory was won so decidedly that all the other independent teams in Butte gave up any hope of conquering the collegians. The Mines-Montana Wesleyan Game

Wesleyan sure ran into a snag when her eleven came down to try out the new Clark Field. They had gone through the season undefeated, having downed the State College Bobcats two weeks after the latter had bested the —49—

Mines. Why, they had the state championship within their grasp! All they had to do was to beat the University, The Mines? Oh, well, the Ore Diggers would be easy. The Utah Aggies were badly crippled when they came to Butte. No use considering the Miners. It was only a formality to play the game. That was the spirit with which, most of them went on the field. True enough, the Ore Diggers did not win, the score was 0-0, but Wesleyan found out that the Miners were not so easy as they had expected. That wonderful shift with which they had defeated the Bobcats was broken up like surf is broken up when it hits the rocks. Only fine kicking by Bowers kept the Panthers out of danger and the yardage figures favored the Ore Diggers by a wide margin. Each team always managed to stiffen as the other came to its owu twenty-yard line, halting its opponents' rushes. The day was cold and snowy, following a blizzard the clay before, and so only a small crowd saw a battle equaled in Butte only by the Utah Aggie contest for its brilliant football. The Methodists presented their usual bunch of clean sportsmen and as a result the game was free from all rough features despite the hard play and the intense rivalry. Conclusions

It is the firm belief of all supporters of the Mines that the 1921 Ore Digger eleven was the best football machine in the state when the season closed as well as the best team that the Mines has yet produced. It was somewhat stronger defensively than offensively, but had plenty of punch at that. Never, during the whole season, was there any quibbling among the men, either on or off the field. As was the case the year before, the second team stayed out until the last dog was hung, and it was no small thing for them to stay with the weather we had. The Scrubs had the pleasure of playing the Butte Central, Anaconda and Dillon high school teams, winning from Central and losing to the other two. Good coaching by Coach Pittser, plenty of hard work, and the united spirit of all the men who were out accounted for the season's showing. At the end of the season, Director of Student Activities Scott set the men up to a waffle dinner at his home. The rule, strictly enforced, was that no one was allowed to count how many waffles his neighbors ate. The fellows were bashful at first, but with Prof. Scott leading the way, they were soon attacking the stacks of waffles that came continuously from the kitchen. How Mrs. Scott, with the aid of Mrs. Mann, Miss Russel and Mrs Craven, kept up with the gang is a mystery. From that time since none of rhe football men has ever wondered at the smile of content that usually covers Prof. Scott's beaming countenance. President Craven, Prof. Mann and Coach Pittser were the guests of honor, with Manager Tim Driscoll and sixteen letter men also present. Following a few remarks after the dinner the election of a new captain was held. The choice fell upon William Murphy of the Class of 1923. With all vowing to do their best next year for the honor of their school, their captain and their team, the party finally broke up. Four men were chosen from the Mines for the Spalding All-State college eleven. Johny Bertoglio, our full back, had lots of competition, but all who saw him in action conceded that the position was rightfully his on the honor team. The Mines is proud of the man who was chosen for right end, Gene Havey, one of e best loved men on the team, a fighter through and through, and the lighte. id en any college team in Montana. At center Walter Landwehr won out against three others of unusual aVlity, thereby giving one more good reason why the team played such good football. For the third successive year "Elmo" Borel earned a job ac tackle and an. addition was named to captain —5.0—

the All-State eleven, his leadership of the 1921 Mines team being responsible for the latter honor. THE 1921 RECORD Mines 26 55 22 0 28 0

Mount St. Charles Billings Polytechnic Spearfish Normal College South Dakota School of Mines Montana State College Utah Agricultural College Englewood Athletic Club Montana Wesleyan

Total 131

Opponents' Total

(l (l


0 14 0 26

3 0 0 43


at Butte " " " " " " "

Billings Spearfish Rapid City Bozeman Butte Butte Butte

CHESTER M. PITTSER, Coach, 1920-1921 and 1921-1922 "Pitt" is a product of Colorado, for he gained his first reputation with the Gunnison, Colorado, high school championship teams in football and basket ball, and later vastly improved that reputation at the Colorado School of Mines. While at the latter institution he earned his letters in football, basket ball, baseball and track. The critics unanimously selected him as All-Rocky Mountain Conference fullback and pitcher on the honorary teams chosen during his college career. Later he served as coach of the Golden, Colorado, high school football champs and of the Colorado School of Mines Freshmen eleven. Since coming to the Montana Mines, he has taught a lot of football to the men under him of the styles he learned from Ralph Glaze of Dartmouth, Jim Barron of Iowa, and Bob Zuppke of Illinois, featuring the concealed play type of attack and the close line defense. In basket ball he has also worked cut distinctive styles of attack and defense. As a result the Mines have made steady advancement in both sports. Because of his attendance at a mining college he has known how to handle the difficult situation which all technical institutions face in developing athletics. But:e fans have come to recognize his own prowess in sports by his work with independent teams in the local leagues, and all who have seen him in action have a real admiration for his ability. "Pitt" is a scrapper who hates to lose and yet he plays fair and clean and teaches his men to do likewise. Off the athletic field he is of a shy and retiring disposition, his greatest fear being that some girl will hog-tie him and hale him up in front of a preacher.


WALTER T. SCOTT Faculty Athletic Director, 1919-1922. Prof. Scott says that he is getting fat and lazy, and it may be true. Still he finds time to teach a few sections in English and economics, to keep track of the athletic and other student activities of the School of Mines, to write sports articles for various newspapers, to see all football and basket ball games in reiach, and to pursue various other interests too numerous to mention. Rumor has it that at some time in the remote past Scott was slender and given to strenuous athletics and that since then he has coached various football, basket ball and track teams with some success; but the exact details cannot be run down. At present he shoots a snappy long distance basket from the floor and hurls a wicked quoit at the peg. In recent years he has been selected by the publishers of the Spalding Football and Basket Ball Guides to name the Montana All-State teams, an office which he has performed in a manner to win respect for his fairness and judgment. His interest in the teams and in the fellows who try for the teams has never flagged since he became connected with the Montana Mines. His two big objectives are to see the Ore Diggers equipped with a suitable athletic field and gymnasium and to see the Copper and Green win some clean-cut championships in athletics. Here's hoping he gets his wish in each respect.


ARNOLD BOREL, Tackle, 1919, 1920 and 1921. Captain, 1921. "Elmo" has a very mild disposition and to date only "Dutch" Streibich has offered to take him out to the end of the car line to do battle. But that happened during the freshman year and is another story. Just why the small boys in Butte call him "Tarzan of the Mines" is a mystery to the other members of the team, though it may not be so hard to explain if you will talk to some of the unlucky wights who have faced him on the football field. He is another of the three-year men and each year he has been selected ;vithout undue argument for an All-State position. Since he was the captain last season, no one dared start any dissention in the ranks. Elmo announced that there would be none—and a word to the wise was a great sufficiency. As there must be a woman-hater on every team to make it complete, Borel gets the job. "Elmo" might possibly break his neck this summer, but even then he is likely to be out in a suit in September.


TIMOTHY "HAY" DRISCOLL, Student Manager, 1921-1922. "Tim" is the bearer of great burdens. He figures that the past nine months have taken at least seven years off his life. His favorite remark just now is that after having been student manager of athletics at the Montana Mines for that long, he knows exactly why former President Woodrow Wilson broke down in office. And Tim knows just when he lost each of those seven years. The first went while he was sellirfg tickets in the snow at Clark Field; two more over making sure of having a floor on which to play the Mines' basket ball schedule; one because of his strenuous battles with the Butte kids who tried to get into games free; one while watching the expenses pile up on the South Dakota football trip, especially during meals; one worrying about the time lost from his studies; and one over explaining to his girl why he could not get around as often as he once did. The men on the teams think that the girl who catches Tim and marries him will show good sense, for he is a fine provider. Driscoll gets a sweater for his services, and we can say without any hesitation at all, that he has earned that sweater many times over. As he graduates this year, he will not be of direct use to us in 1922, but we hope he stays in Butte. Perhaps he can recover some of those lost years watching his successor struggle with the problems of the job.

EDWARD SHEA, Halfback, 1919 and 1920. Quarterback, 1921. We wonder who is wearing 'em now. What? Why, Eddie's sweaters. Never mind, Eddie, every one of them can be proud to wear a sweater of uours. Do they ever speak of Irishmen as "Jovial arps"? We don't know, but if there ever was ie, Eddie is it. He claims that he is the best Known man in Butte, because every drunk he meets walks up to him and breaks out, "Shay, can you . " Eddie graduates this year and he will leave a big hole in the backfield, where his fighting grin was a fixture. For a middleweight he sure hit hard and we will all miss him. Honest, that's just how we feel about it, Eddie. Good luck to you.


WILLIAM MURPHY, Halfback, 1919, 1920, 1921. Bill is one of our three letter men, with AllState halfback in 1920 to his credit also. In addition he is captain-elect of the 1922 team, and, with things going as expected, he may be the leader of the next state champions. It's a safe bet to say that one of the greatest joys of the Butte fans is to see old "Murph" hit the line or an opposing runner who has visions of making a good end run. But one of the greatest joys of his team-mates is to watch "Murph" trying a drop kick. Bill is a most accommodating soul; he lets you laugh at him all you wish. At that he says he does get tired of the way all the profs keep hinting that he should buy a battery of Big Bens. Here's luck to you next year, Murph.

ALEX McDOXALD, Center, 1921. Listen, you freshmen, and think it over carefully. For two whole years Alex came out without getting into a game even for a minute. This year his friends were all rejoiced to know that he played enough quarters to earn his letter. For good, faithful service, give us a man like McDonald. His spirit, fight, and determination were an example to every other man on the team. Old "McTDougal," as he is affectionately called, is a fighting Scotchman, and as stubborn in refusing to quit as any of his race. That's why his big chance came when Landwehr was hurt in the Wesleyan game nd Alex will wear the M hereafter. He graduates this year and he takes with him the best wishes of his team-mates.


FRANKLIN SHAW, End, 1921. Frank came to us last Fall with an A. B. from Stanford University. He considered that his education was not complete until he had learned to play football. It took the combined efforts of the whole scrub team at first to show him how to get into a shoulder harness, but after that Shaw progressed rapidly. For a man entirely new to the game at the beginning of the season, he was a wonder when it closed. We honestly predict an All-State end for him next year if he is back in the harness. With the natural build and ability, and well supplied with brains, he is bound to go far. Shaw is also the comedian of the team and the weird ones he has pulled deserve a place in Life. Boy, page Mr. Shaw for 1922.

LESTER BISHOP, End, 1920 and 1921. Bishop has kept a little black book for three years and whenever anyone threw cold water on him in the showers or tied knots in his clothes, down went a name in that little black book. But Bish graduates this year and he has told one or two of us confidentially that he is going to burn up his black, black book. Of course you do not want to tell that you know about it, but we are sure you all can breathe easier now, for you remember that Bish always got the man he went after. His tackles were tackU= and no imitation of the holds used by Naughten at a dance. Lester takes two football letters with him. There would have been three, but sickness ke it him out of the necessary games in 1919. They say little guys usually make good because they have to fight whether thjy want to or not. That means "Bish" has a real future ahead of him.


JOHN BERTOGLIO, Fullback, 1921. When Johnny puts on a pair of specs you'd think he was ,a member of the Jap delegation come over to attend the Arms Conference. But when he puts on a football suit and gets back of the line the other teams think that some one has run in a battering ram against them by stealth. Xo one remembers having seen Johnny thrown backwards for a loss, but he had a cute li-tie trick of taking the other guy back a few yards and then dropping him with a thud. This is the first year "Bert" has played with the Mines, but he made All-State fullback, which is going some. We hear that ultimately he intends to become a dentist. If he yanks teeth the way he plays football— Wow! !

WALTER LANDWEHR, Center, 1920 and 1921. We all wish Walt would take a post-graduate course so he could be with us next year. "Copie" made All-State center this year and he deserved it, too. He's taking away with him two letters in football, two in basket ball, and no one knows how many from different girls. Some people try to say that Walt has big feet. He is sure in the way he gets there, but we're not sure that his'feet are so dreadfully big. Perhaps we should have asked some >f the men he faced on the field ard He walked all over them. We t>"l floor about gradua* ' this year, because hate to se ealize 1 it no one need wo • have come about his po show !' weakness at any t r His middle has r "Old Reliabl. ' '-h us for two ? -wfy rayinf >nf' r\ • ly


LEONARD WALDE, Halfback, 1921. Walde is the Beau Brummel of our football squad. Some day we are going to ask him to show us all of the pictures he has. We know that when he went to South Dakota he must have rounded up quite a collection. And to think that they gave them to him without his asking for any of them! But to get a bawling out for making a touchdown, that hurts, eh Walde? Especially when you could only with great difficulty keep from making it. Our saying all these things about him shows that we know he is good natured, and that counts a lot with his team-mates. Walde works hard when he works and he plays hard when he plays. That stood out all during the season when, though rather light, he turned in much good yardage. He graduates this year and we know that the qualities which made him a good football player will bring him success in his later undertakings. Here's to you, Walde.

INGLES M. GAY, Halfback, 1920 and 1921. When Ingles came out for football three years ago, he didn't know whether he was supposed to play marbles with the ball or whether he was to kick his head-guard around. In fact he almost fell for the joke when some one told him he could play humpback on the eleven. But Gay soon learned. He did not get into enough games that fall to earn his letter, but he su-e did find out ,ow to get the wind knocked out " him down at pokane. How about Ingles? , V*>r since then has tried to get n for wb was done to and that has rr him h on rats for o?:\iin . Sine . Gay. also won two get another 'hat ild be warnear w n he gets h; toi •at n u m •


THOMAS BAKER, Tackle, 1921. Tom's a jolly good fellow and a mighty good tackle. He seemed this year to have all the luck going1 when it came to getting black eyes and cut lips, probably because he wanted to prove to Pittser that he was always in the fight. And how the girls downtown did shudder when they happened to see his cheerful grin issuing forth from that battered countenance. We wish we knew what effect it had on the guy he faced in a game, but we never could tell for Baker always kept his face towards the opposition. Tom in previous years put in a hard apprenticeship with the scrubs and learned so much that he could not be kept away from a letter this time. Baker has another year left and he sure will be useful.

GENE HAVEY, End, 1920 and 1921. Gene is only a sophomore, but he is already well on his way to making a real mark for himself in athletics with two letters in football, two in basket ball, All-State end in football and Second All-State guard in basket ball. When he really gets going what will he do? Sports writers, page Walter Camp. Havey is very light, we should say easily the smallest good college end in the state. But lack of size means nothing to Havey, nor a lot of size when the other fellow has it. He takes them all jut as they come, his motto being, "The bigger the" come, the harder they fall." for five minutes an opponent After facing Gei knows just one I ng about him, that no one can tell what he is . ely to try and get away with atte, the best town in Montana next. Outside of oecause no one has ever called for him is Dilloi him "Brick-top" down there. Up and at them in 1922, Havey.


FRED STREIBICH, Guard, 1920 and 1921. This is the second year "Dutch" has played with the Mines both as a guard and as the punter de luxe for the team. "Pop" always was able to boot that ball, but he did exceptionally well last year. His good old right toe pulled the Mines out of many a hole. But that's the only kind of kicking "Dutch" has ever done. He has a very gentle spirit and an exceedingly kind disposition. If the poor guard opposite him does not know how to behave himself, "Pop" always very obligingly gives him a few lessons in football etiquette. Of course, "Dutch" will be out next year, so we do not dare tell him just how good he is for fear he will bust himself trying to break his own record.

WALLIS H. LEE, Quarterback, 1919, 1920, 1921. "Wallie" has played quarterback for three years, dividing the responsibilities of that position in 1921 with Eddie Shea. He is a clean, fast performer who several times has pulled some extra spectacular work that has brought him general recognition. If we can defeat the Bobcats next year Lee will feel that the great purposes of life have been fulfilled. He is one of those Miners whose dream it ever has been to beat the Aggies and the U before he leaves the hill. "Wallie's" favorite diversion is in b- -;ket ball and consists in running three steps w h the ball before he starts a dribble. And woe to the robber of an umpire who calls him for it. At that we're glad Lee is to be back next year. Ilis pleasant smile is such a fooler to the other tet. ns.


HUGH QUINN, End, 1919, 1920, 1921; Captain 1920. We're sure Hughie will be a big help to his mother when he grows up, but we oan't explain why we feel that way. Hughie was knocked coocoo once. He still wants to know what that score was in the Gonzaga game. Another three-year man, he has played good, consistent football ever since he started with the Ore Diggers. But he sure is one hotheaded Harp. We always get a kick out of him when he gets sore in a game. He bristles up like a game cock and then it takes the whole Mines team to smooth him down. Quinn has no intention of graduating earlier than the date set down in the catalogue, so we will see him in action again next year.

ALBION JOHXSOX, Guard, 1921. Do you see that guy? He hit Al Johnson in the mouth with his head, and now he, not Al, is going around with an awful headache, and thinks he has to hold his head to keep it from dropping off his neck. That's Albion for you. He believes absolutely in giving more than he gets, at least on the football field. "Hubba's" favorite expression was, "Huh, didn't make it that time, yuh got fooled, didn't mt \ e it that time." What was it ail about? Why. they tried to run over our Albion, but most cf the time they never even reached the line., "'ohns" gave the boys many a laugh when he wa tackling the dummy, but out in a game he surf was there. His iv -er failing sense of humor ai.J his dry wit have ;nlivened many a moment. With a few new ga - added to his supply, he should be a highly vf .ble man next year on the trip to Utah.

• • • —62—



BASKET BALL The gladiators of the iron hoop during the season of 1921-1922 brought honors indeed to the School of Mines, to their coach, and to themselves. The team won through to second place in the state intercollegiate standing, a place somewhat disputed by Mt. St. Charles and the Montana State College, yet conceded by most of those in a position to judge accurately the strength of the various Montana college teams. Upon their own confession, the Miners at the start of the season did not see how they were going to get away with very much bacon. The only things in their favor were that they had played together the previous year and that they had Coach Pittser back to direct them. Their honors were won not because of their own exceptional natural ability, but because of the excellent coaching they received and because of their own hard, faithful training. The season was a very long one for any college basket ball team. In all twenty games were played, fifteen of these being contests with college quintets. The pace-maker of the season was the game with the Utah Aggies. The Logan collegians had a fast bunch and no doubt about it. Spectators still remark about the cleverness of their team-Avork and the ease with which they covered the floor. This game, though lost, brought no discredit to the Montana Mines. Instead, all thought that the Copper and Green did excellently to stand up against the Utahans as well as they did. The Montana State University game, played in Missoula, came next. Eeports of rough work on the part of the Bruin team came back to Butte, but the game was lost due to the small floor, which made necessary shooting almost entirely from the center of the floor, at which the Grizzlies were the more adept. Pittser then took his men to Billings and Columbus. The Poly contest was an easy victory, but the small floor in Columbus prevented a repetition of the victory the next night, that and the real basket ball ability of the Columbus Independents. The next week the Ore Diggers went to Bozeman, where they dropped tAro contests to the State College. These were heart-breakinglosses, because the superiority of the Miners in floor Avork and passing brought them three shots to the Bobcats one. The ball, hoAvever, when a Miner threw it absolutely refused to recognize the hoops or realize why it Avas thrown and missed shots are worth little in basket ball. Eather easy victories OA^er Billings Poly and Montana Wesleyan in Butte came next. After a close but winning battle Avith the Montana State Normal College at Dillon, the Mines again faced the Aggies, this time in Butte. In the tAvo games played it Avas shoAvn beyond doubt which was the better quintet. On both nights the visitors, handicapped a little by sickness, were helpless. These were the first two games a Mines basket ball team had won from the Aggies in eight years, so the next day the whole school celebrated in commemoration of the event with an afternoon sneak day. For the team the schedule Avas almost too heavy. Two nights later Mt. St. Charles beat us by a narrow margin on tfteir own floor and the next night the wearied Ore Diggers barely managed to i.ose out Wesleyan by one lone point. ,. Before the men could properly recuperate they met and conquered Gonzaga, 14 to 11, in one of the slowest games of the year. The Spokane collegians were on a long trip and had already done much playing, while Pittser's aggregation seemed to be somewhat stale. The following night the Miners tried to get their old fight back when they played the State University in Butte, but in vain and the U put over a second win by a decisive score. Mt. St. Charles was taken into camp two days later by a total of 40 to 23, so that accounts Avere more than evened up with the Helena five. This ended the college season. —65—

To satisfy the popular demand the Mines quintet later played the Waldron Globe Trotters, a Minneapolis aggregation, and the Butte Boulevards. The Waldrons took the first encounter and the Ore Diggers the second, each game being fast and closely fought all the way. On the Montana All-State collegiate team Ladic was given the place he so richly deserved at standing guard. "Mike" Walsh at forward, Walter Landwehr at center, and Gene Havey at guard were placed on the second AllState five. No one doubts their ability or the judgment which selected them. Thompson and Giulio at forward were also top notchers, doing fine work all season, and to us they are also stars. The School of Mines looks with pride upon the season just passed, since it shows so clearly what the right kind of spirit and determination can accomplish. To Coach Pittser especially goes credit for turning out a winning five. He had many discouragements to face but none of them daunted him. TAVO men, Landwehr and Dougherty, of this year's squad will be lost by graduation. With the others all back next year and with other material developed an even better record may be achieved.





33 17 14 25 28 27 21 19 17 18 24 30 21 21 14 14 40 21 24

Butte Y. M. C. A. Staff Anaconda Bankers Utah Aggies Montana State University Billings Polytechnic Columbus Independents Montana Wesleyan Billings Polytechnic Montana State College Montana State College Montana State Normal College Montana State College Montana State College Mount St. Charles Montana Wesleyan Gonzaga University Montana State University Mount St. Charles Waldron Globe Trotters Butte Boulevards Opponents


25 14 3G 24 10 42 7 16 23 24 16 17 18 25 20 11 29 23 27 18 425


THE BASKET BALL TEAM PERSONNEL WALTER LANDWEHR, Center, 1921 and 1922, Captain 1922. We hope Landwehr won't think we're taking his name in vain because we mention it so often. All know that Walt is not one of those fellows who are always pushing themselves to the front, but that, instead, he is one of the steady, reliable chaps who get there through hard, faithful work. The start of a basket ball game rarely saw him picked out as worth watching, but after it was over you always discovered that he had covered more floor than anyone else in sight. No one can remember seeing him quit, even for a second, no matter what the score was against the Mines. We could say a lot more nice things about him, but what is the use? Pie knows we are all for him now. MIKE WALSH, Forward, 1921 and 1922. Mike is as clean and clever a little forward as you could wish to see. It was a real pleasure to watch the way he covered the floor and all know that he was easily worthy of the position he made on the second All-State team. After he comes to realize fully that it is tough on a fellow to eat weinies and sauerkraut just before a game, we look to see him one of the two best in Montana. And we don't think we'll be far wrong if we say that Mike is a good student. We are glad of that because we don't like to see a star athlete fail to come back in the Pall, especially when he has two more years of basket ball ahead of him. Over in Anaconda they still point out Mike as the man who made a touchdown from the kickoff, so he may be heard from in football also before he graduates. GENE HAVET, Guard, 1921 and 1922. Captain-elect for 1923. Why did Gene get one of his sweaters two sizes smaller than the other? Don't expect to get thin, do you, Gene? Every Miner was certainly glad that Gene pulled down the captaincy of the team for next year. Havey was a regular battling wildcat on a basket ball floor and then some. To see him take the toss-up away from a man a good foot taller than himself was nothing unusual, and how he could stay with an opposing forward! He also broke into the scoring column almost as often as a forward. We expect him to bring just as much honor to the Mines in the future as he has brought in the past, and we know that the school which he honors will honor him. We're satisfied you'll "put her there" next year, Gene. SAXFORD LADIC, Guard, 1920, 1921 and 1922. Captain 1921. Ladic is our only three-year basket ball man and, thanks be, he has another year coming. That sure ought to give us a chance to kill him off, shouldn't it? And to think that the "Big Finn" did not know any better than to go and make All-State guard the last two years. But we'll forgive him. All we can say is that he is a fighting fool on the floor and the best standing guard in Montana. Off the floor he is the best man we know to take a poke at, and without him around for that purpose, life would not be worth living. As a lady's man—well, it's not safe to get started along that line with him. LAWRENCE L. THOMPSON, Forward, 1921 and 1922. "Tommie" Thompson left New Hampshire to come west to see the "wild and woolly," and we'll say he has seen it. In 'basket ball he is a wildcat without question. When you come right down to it, he is not so very big, but the way he goes tearing around we expect to see him climb the frame of some big hoosier every minute. At the same time, Tommie is a sociable animal, as all his friends know, for the little parties in his room will long be remembered. Pittser wants Tommie to spend his summer on a battleship studying range finding. If he does, Coach predicts that he will have a world beater next winter. STEPHEN GIULIO, Forward, 1922. Steve just can't make the easy ones. He simply can't at least so he says. But we've sure seen him throw some wild-eyed heaves, and in they'd go, pretty as you please. Giulio's an artist, a sort of temperamental duck, and he admits it. When he was goinggood he was a bear, so it was up to the coach to watch him and to use him at the psychological moment. Since last year Steve has developed to such an extent that the papers now class him among the "galaxy of stars," whatever that may be. He has two more years to get out of that class and to become an All-State forward. "JAMES WHITE, Guard, 1922. White had little to do this year to win a place on the Mines team ,a.nd to,, irn a letter. All there was to it was to beat out either Ladic or Havey, the best h' 'rding combination in the State. But White stayed right with it and when the seaso had ided all the fellows were glad to find that he had put in enough time to get the cc -ted emblem. When he was in a game he was right there all the time performing his • ies as guard and managing besides to s lare a basket now and then. You can't keep a 'uc1 man down when he get- started, i the next two ye-i will probably see him more and more in the midst o tvie f iy. JAMES DOUGHERTY, Center and forward, 1922. "Lanky Jim" should have come out for basket ball right from the start. In his one year of serious effort he made a lc of progress and was used in several games. His graduation this year along with Lan hi- will leave a dearth of centers in 1922.

MINOR SPORTS "Iowa Colleges Encourage Ringers" was the headline in a Chicago news-paper in the spring of 1921. The story which followed told how the University of Iowa and the Iowa State College at Ames were forming quoit pitching teams for an annual tournament. Perhaps that was what started the same sport at the School of Mines. At any rate several sets of the iron rings appeared on the hill and noon and evenings various groups of students could be seen arguing around iron pegs stuck in the ground at the side of the Main Building. The interest became so great that President C. H. Clapp and Prof. W. T. Scott ordered a fine little silver cup to be offered as a permanent prize to the winner of a yearly tournament. The cup arrived too late in 1921 to be awarded and play which was started was not finished, but considerable interest is being shown in the 1922 event. The rules require three pound quoits to be pitched fifty feet and a set consists of two out of three 21 point games. The tournament is a straight elimination affair. During the spring of 1922 Coach Pittser arranged a handball court in the gymnasium and at once thirty-five or more enthusiasts appeared. After some practice singles and doubles tournaments were announced and resulted in some fast play. The winner of the singles was Gene Havey, with Frank Shaw as runner-up. At this writing Havey and Walsh look like winners of the doubles tournament. Owing to the lack of a convenient diamond, to the lateness of the season in Butte. -tiid to the geology trips, which take the seniors and juniors away for r ^f May, no attempt has been made recently to put a School of Mines bas "n in the field. However, class teams get out each year and play VP ^. es. The spring of 1921 the sophomores carried away the interclass h' )rs and are prepared to defend their title again this spring. For much the same reasons as prevent baseball on any large scale no track team has been attempted. There are nvmber )f men in college who have ability, but without a near-by track or prat ^e, they cannot be developed. When the Mines secures its long promised athletic field this branch of sport will undoubtedly be added to those already maintained. —69—

CLARK FIELD No account of the School of Mines athletics for 1921-1922 would be complete without mention of the new field where the football games were played last fall. Possessing no field of their own as yet, though it is expected that this defect "will be remedied within a year or so, the Ore Diggers have always been forced to take visiting teams out to Columbia Gardens for contests. The gridiron out there was often deep in mud, it was easy for the crowd to swarm the fences onto the playing space, and the long trips out and back were often cold and disagreeable. Last September Manager J. R. Wharton and his assistant, Alex Blewett, of the Butte Street Railway Company, secured permission to construct an athletic field at the Clark Playgrounds, close to the .business section on the South Side. They invested nearly ten thousand dollars in bleachers, dressing rooms, grading the field, and on other things necessary to produce ideal playing conditions. Arrangements for handling large crowds and at the same time keeping people off the gridiron were perfected in a way rarely attained outside the large stadiums. No football games in Montana were handled anywhere nearly so well last year with reference to seating and controlling the crowds as were those at Clark Field. Added investments this spring will give the people of Butte an exceptionally fast baseball diamond with a convenient grandstand and a good running track. The School of Mines joins with all the others in Butte who are interested in athletics in thanking Messrs. Wharton and Blewett for their enterprise and especially for their many courtesies to the Mines athletic management.


The "M" Staff Walker B. Carroll Leonard Walde Tom Baker Mrs. H. T. Mann Arnold Borel Ellis P. Frink Willard Mowbray Fay Willson Robert Hunter Edlow Chancellor Prof. Walter T. Scott

Editor-in-Chief Business Manager Artist Art Editor Athletics Organizations Features Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Faculty Adviser



RYAN SCOTT DRISCOLL LMDWEHR BOREL The Executive Committee of the A. S. S. M.


THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES In the fall of 1919, the students of the School of Mines, realizing the necessity of an organization which would function in matters of general interest to the student body, organized the Associated Students of the School of Mines. With the aid of Professor W. T. Scott, faculty student adviser and athletic director, a constitution was drawn up and adopted, officers were elected and on November 1st of that year the general supervision of student activities was taken over. From the beginning the organization has functioned in a very satisfactory manner in matters pertaining to athletics, social activities, traditions, customs, and on all questions of general policy. It was instrumental in securing an athletic coach, a part of whose salary was paid by the organization during the first year. The athletic record of the teams representing the school for the past two years is a direct result of this movement. School spirit has been fostered and traditions and customs established which have aided the school in gaining the position it now holds among the institutions of the state. The A. S. S. M. operates largely through the Executive Committee, the Student Go-vernment Board, and the Dance Committee. The Executive Committee, consisting of the student body officers, the faculty adviser, and two membersat-large, has charge of the general business of the organization, arranging athletic schedules, supervising the finances, awarding letters, and discharging other various duties of general import. The Student Government Board acts as a bond between faculty and students, seeking to harmonize all elements and to work for the growth and betterment of the school. Matters pertaining to " M " day, rallies, the wearing of school insignia, and other traditional observances are also regulated. The social activities of the school are under the direction of the Dance Committee. —73—

THE DANCING CLUB The Dancing Club, started nearly a decade back, has become one of the most important of the organizations in connection with the student activities at the School of Mines. It has well served its purpose in guiding the social activities of the institution and in making them uniformly successful. At the beginning of each school year the officers and the representatives who are to compose the Dancing Club for the ensuing year are elected at the regular meeting of the A. S. S. M. The Club consists of eleven members, the president, vice president, secretary treasurer, and two representatives from each class. They have charge of all arrangements relative to the dancing activities of the college. They supervise the class dances giving personal and financial aid to the class committees and in addition they give four dances a year themselves to raise funds for other student activities. As everyone in Butte knows, the class dances at the School of Mines, particularly the Junior Prom, have come to be looked upon as delightful social events, not only by the students, but also by such townspeople as have been fortunate enough to attend them. These hops are free of charge, each student having the privilege of mailing one invitation to a friend. The past year the Freshman Frolic and the Sophomore Hop were especially elaborate and yet were not so elaborate that any fun or jollity was lost thereby. The Junior Prom last June, given in the big dancing pavilion at Columbia Gardens, was the most brilliant of recent years, being enjoyed by a large crowd of Mines students, Mines graduates, and their friends. In giving pay dances the Dancing Club does this solely for the purpose of raising funds to defray the expenses of the class hops. Invitations are mailed to friends of the students in town. These dances are by no means open to the general public, but each person who attends must present an invitation and must be vouched for by some student. A permanent mailing list is maintained and if any person who attends conducts himself in an objectionable manner his name is removed from the list. In the past these dances have been very successful, not only from a financial standpoint, but also in the good times enjoyed by those who have attended. Since its inauguration the Dancing Club has won for itself a deservedly prominent place in the school life. It has received the hearty co-operation of the student body at all times. In the future it promises to make the school social events even more successful and to prevent a large amount of the criticism which sometimes is leveled at this side of college life.

THE 1921-1922 DANCING CLUB Edward Shea Dennis Ryan Gene Havey Leonard Walde, WiP.ian Scarlett Hugh Quinn, Lawrence L. Thompson Robert Hunter, James White . . . Godfrey Walker, Frank Naughten


President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Seniors Juniors Sophomores . . . .Freshmen






The girls who regularly attend the Montana State School of Mines, have organized, the past year, under the direction of Mrs. Horace T. Mann, a society which it pleased them to call the '' Co-Ed Club.'' This club was formed for the purpose of promoting the social interests of the girls attending the School of Mines, and to further the common interests of the school. The officers of the club are only two, Miss Kathryn Arthur, the chairman, and Miss Charlotte Russel, the secretary treasurer. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mann on January 17th, 1922. The programs planned for the twice-a month meetings have proved to be quite beneficial. The lives of noted men Lnd women have been reviewed and some of their works read. A c irse in "Planning and Serving Formal and Informal Luncheons and Dinners," has been planned. The charter members of the club are • KATHRYX ARTHUR RUTH BLOMGREX DOLORES CHIDESTER MPS. FERN COADY






Wearers of the "M" FOOTBALL Gene Havey Albion Johnson Walter Landwehr Wallis Lee Alex McDonald William Murphy

Tom Baker John Bertoglio Lester Bishop Arnold Borel Ingles Gay

Stephen Giulio Gene Havey Sanford Ladic

BASKET BALL Walter Landwehr Lowell L. Thompson

Hugh Quinn Franklin Shaw Eddie Shea Fred Streibich Leonard Walde

Michael Walsh James White Curtis Wilson

STUDENT MANAGER Timothy Driscoll Walter McGonigle


THE "M" CLUB The " M " Club of the Montana State School of Mines was formed on October 27, 1920. The charter members, composed of the letter men then in college, were Arnold Borel, Robert Bowlby, Sanford Ladic, Wallis Lee, William Maloney, William Murphy, Hugh Quinn and Edward Shea. Officers were at once elected and the following men were victimized for the college year: William Maloney, president; AY all is Lee, vice president; Arnold Borel, secretary. The motives and interests of the Club were well brought out by the preamble to its constitution, the preamble running as follows: "As it is conceded by all, that in order to stimulate growth, promote better fellowship, further the interests of athletics, and extend the athletic sphere, it is necessary to have union, to fulfill this mission this club has been organized this, the 27th day of October, 1920." Being progressive, the club soon started an athletic program of its own and, late in January, a basket ball team composed of Coach Pittser's first squad cast-offs was organized. A finer football team never was seen in basket ball suits. However, that team finished third in the Butte Independent League, and took the bacon away from the Washoe Smelter team at Anaconda after two extra periods of play. In this game we proved conclusively that line bucks are better ground gainers than wide end runs. But every strong organization has its weakness and the " M " Club soon developed its—dancing. On the fateful evening of February 2, 1921, the club gave its first annual hop. This event was a success both socially and financially, so we were almost compensated for the loss of some of our brave athletes who so nobly fell that night. At the last meeting in May, 1921, officers were elected for the ensuingyear. Eddie Shea was chosen president; Gene Havey, vice president; and Wallis Lee, secretary. On the first Monday of the fall term a meeting was called by President Shea and it was decided to have an " M " Club smoker the following Friday. A good program was arranged and the supply of "hot dogs" held out well, so the affair was a success. Other " M " Club affairs were noticeable for their absence during the football season, for nearly all of our members were too busy chasing the pigskin to think of much else. Late in December our second basket ball team was formed and was entered in the American League section of the Butte Independent League. We played a much better brand of ball than the previous year and copped second place in our section, after losing two heart-breaking games to the League champions by a total of five points in the two games. Our season closed on the evening of March 26, when the members of the team and their mascot participated in one grand feed and then went to a show. The one criticism heard the next day was that Lee spent all the money on food and drink and saved nothing to pay for the taxis later. The second annual " M " Club dance was ;iven on the evening of January 21, 1922, was very well attended and was a reat success from eYery standpoint. We gave final proof of the theory that he same man can play football and can also almost dance. The " M " Club i Ireac1 has d le much to \ *omote greater unity and good fellowship among th? we. ers o? the emblem md to make it a much more cherished possession. Tn the years to come we believe the organization will expand to even grea'^r usefulness. —77—

ANDERSON-CARLISLE TECHNICAL SOCIETY Previous to March, 19:22, the students of the Montana State School of Mines had no active organization in which they could listen to addresses by experienced and successful engineers, nor in which they could participate in discussions of the various engineering topics of current and future importance. Realizing this, and the fact that engineers as a class are tragically deficient in the art of public speaking, a few of the upper classmen decided to "start something," and the outcome of their efforts was the "Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society,'' this name being chosen by the members in honor of two former students who lost their lives in the World War. At the first regular semi-monthly meeting held March 20, 1922, President Craven of the School of Mines, discussed the value of such an organization, both to the students and to the graduates, and heartily approved the step taken by the members. The first technical talk to the society was given by Professor Theodore Simons, in which he told of a trip through central Europe to the Ural Mountains, where he visited some dredging operations. This talk was followed by one given by an active member, Claude Allen, in which he gave his experiences in gold mining, and in building hen-houses, in Egypt. At the next meeting, Walter Landwehr gave the members present a good, brief outline of the lumbering industry, as carried on along the Pacific Coast, from Northern California to Southern Alaska. The next speaker of the evening was Donald MacLellan, who told in very interesting manner of the trials and tribulations which befell him and "another young Englishman" while cruising down the Yukon in a little flat boat. The programs of the society are similar to the above, with an occasional "smoker," or an informal banquet, to break the monotony. Membership in the society is open to all students in good standing at the M. S. S. M. All members of the faculty are honorary members, and all students upon graduating, automatically become honorary members. The charter members of the societv are: OFFICERS: ELLIS P. FRINK, President WALLACE LEE, Vice President ALEX. M. McDONALD, Secy. Treas. WM. A. SCARLETT, Marshall











THE HOBO CLUB "Say, are you going to Bozeman?" The usual answer to this question, which was asked so many times among the student body, on October twentieth and twenty-first, was " I sure am. I wonder how many are going." On the twenty-first, reports kept coming up to the school that so-and-so had been seen hanging around the Northern Pacific freight yard, and by 4 o'clock quite a number of fellows, it seemed, had made the statement that they were going to see the football game with the Bobcats. Skeptical ones said, "Oh, sure, they all say they are going, but not more than two or three will really go." Roll-call, taken in an unofficial and unconventional way, at the Northern Pacific Depot, at 8 :30 that night, proved that no less than twenty-four muckers had assembled with the avowed, intention of obtaining passage to Bozeman without paying for it. Their success is told of in this narrative. At promptly 9 :15 p. m., the throttle on the engine of Train No. 224 was "cracked" and with the starting of the cars, twrenty-four muckers rushed for the engine and the blinds. Whence they came, no one knows, but it seemed that an army of "bulls" had made up their minds that not everyone or even anyone should board that train. The "bulls" rushed the crowd and nineteen muckers, more experienced than the others by reason of their past careers, succeeded in evading those said "bulls," and ten minutes later were on the way to Bozeman. Not at all down-hearted, the remaining five waited to take passage upon No. 42, "which was a faster and better train, anyhow." Success crowned their efforts this time, and they, too, in ten minutes, were safely on their way. They were twenty-five minutes behind the first contingent. At 11:40 p. ML, No. 224 having come to the end of its run at a tank-town by the name of Logan, the first division of the mucker army descended from its position to wait for No. 4 from Helena to carry it the remaining distance. What mattered it if an angry brakeman wanted to know where the army got the side-boards to put on the tender, when it filed off the top of that said tender in numbers sufficient to awe any train crew ? The army, after, some difficulty with the fireman of No. 4, decided to ride on the coach tops, and in the blinds, and let the fireman have his old tender to himself. This they did the rest of the way to the objective point, where they waited for the second contingent of the mucker army. The second contingent arrived safe, and very happy, at the hour of 1:35 a. m. Having arrived at an hour when the populace of the lonely village on the prairie were enjoying their slumbers, the army thought it would be really fine to sing some songs. This it did, until when, within a block of the "main drag" a "cop" came running up and wanted to know where the army was going. Lieutenant Stenson informed the officer-of-the-law that the army was looking for a place to sleep, and mentioned that any assistance offered would be accepted. After considerable marching around the town, the efforts of Lieutenant Stenson were rewarded by obtaining three rooms in one building, and the army turned back the covers of several beds, rolled over on its side, and slept peacefully until 8 a. m. Going out foraging, who should several members of the army meet, but Frank Bigelow, Ben Adelstein and Jimmie Naughten. They were escorted in style up to the rooms, where they were allowed to wash up and shovel the hay out of their clothes, for they had slept in a haystack the night immediately preceding that morning, having made the trip in a Ford "bug." Their "bug" was covered with mud from'head to feet, no, from top to tires. The army now numbered twenty-seven. At 10:50 a. m., on the twenty-second, iSio. 220 pulk/1. in from Butte with —8 0—

the plunging, line-smashing Miners on board. And the reception they received! Never in the history of the school, Q,S far as the writer can ascertain, has the football team been met with such an aggregation of rooters. Yell after yell rent the air of the peaceful village, even though it is a mile distant from the depot. Smiles could have been bought very cheaply then, for there were not less than four yards of smile in every warrior's face. Confidence reigned supreme. At this juncture, Chiffonier McGonigle, Bookkeeper Charles McGreal, and Master McGonigle arrived in their "bug." Tire troubles galore, and mud. in the same quantity had made their trip hard, but they were there, so why worry? Everyone proceeded to the Bozeman Hotel, where they posed to allow "Young-fellow" Mowbray to "footy-graf" them in front of the hotel sign. Nothing much happened from then until the game, except some very entertaining piano playing by little Frankie Bigelow, and some nourishment prepared by the Club Cafe. In justice to the English used here, it must be explained that the nourishment was not seriously planned for, that it just "happened" to be thought of, and subsequently consumed. • At the football game, cheering was carried on in a very organized manner, although it seemed to lack some of its usual "kick" in the latter half of the game. The Miners fought a good battle that day, and one that will not be forgotten either by those who played, or by those who saw it. Whether it was luck playing against us, or a better team, we don't know. We lost, but even so, the army voted that the trip was worth while, just to see the game, and give the team its support. In the evening, everyone repaired to the hotel after supper, and filled the three rooms which had been engaged to almost overflowing. Some of the army curled up to get a little sleep before train time, some went to a dance, and some went to the only show in town, only to see a melo-drama that was so mellow it was rotten, in the language of hobos. Unkind remarks which rent the air when some weary soul threw himself across the foot of the Mentor's bed, and when another piled into the bed, have since been forgotten, but all will remember the tenement-like aspect which the rooms presented until I o 'clock. At 1 o'clock, all except enough fellows to comfortably fill three rooms dressed and wended the weary, dreary way to the depot, where they sat around and chatted until 2 :10, when the train for Butte pulled in. There then followed at least three unsuccessful attempts to board the train. The fireman was on the war-path, but little did it avail him, for the determination to board that train was firm in every man's mind, and board it they did, without exception. Some rode in the "blinds," a great many rode on top of the coaches, one or two even braved the fireman's wrath and rode on the tender, while one small member of the party, the last one tn bel ekicked off, let five coaches go past him, as the train was pulling out, be£ "& - realized that another train would not be along for several hours. He thei acI e a rush for the rear end of a coach, and succeeded in placing himself comfortably m the second step under the platform. He rode this way tAf o? »lev^ral miles, thei ' !| +e wa> kind to him and sent two of the football si^ oaci to see if h was f if They pretty nearly scared hiiu o death when th y raised f ^atft -ii, h U they made up for it by findin nice pi ce for mm inside nc , -ach-unu r a seat in the smokin :ompartineut in a pace that was at 1 ist f • * leet a. <c inches in length, eight ,- lies l r im the floor to the first ster^n pipe am1. °lv; t the same distance from the o v j ^ the seat to another stt :m pi e. h,e rc> e comfortably here until Shaw \ t obligingly procured a hat-check from K m. > was riding on a pass1; then the hobo "rode the cushions" th. rest of cLe —82—

way to Butte. He, of course, removed his overalls, which had been put on over his good clothes, so no suspicion was raised on anyone's part. At 6:15, in Butte, a check was made, and it was found that of twenty-four muckers who had composed the part of the army which went by train, the same number had arrived safe and sober at home again, after a very cold ride on the first train that left Bozeman after the game. The following week, the Hobo Club was organized and officers were elected. The officers and their rank follow : Most Grand Worthy Bum, John Stenson; Most Grand Unworthy Bum, "Watermelons" McCormick; Exchequer-of-the-Road, Ben AdeLstein; Grand Bouncer, Mowbray. The men admitted to charter membership were: BILL FELL BILL PRICE JOHN PRICE CHARLES HARMON DONALD McMASTER JIMMIE DUNSTAN BILL TAIT EARL KLEIN FAY WILLSON BOB TOOLE JACK QUINN HOWARD McCAFFERTY BILL CHARTERIS JOHN JAMES CHARLES McGREAL


Such an auspicious start was soon to be made worthless by the action of the Northern Pacific officials and the school authorities. It seems that some of the fair co-eds from our big sister at Missoula decided to beat their way. They did, in their own way: they refused to pay their fare and dared the conductor to put them off the train. He became unjustly angry, reported to his superintendents, who took up the matter with the different schools, resulting in the action that Hobo Clubs were declared to be outlaw organizations and would not henceforth be recognized by the official student body. And so, dear reader, you probably never will have to read another tale like this one, because the Hobo Club exists in history only, at t-his time, and anyway, we couldn't ever go again because Anaconda Copper has bought American Brass and now we can go to work on Friday and Saturday nights to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow.


FIELD TRIPS The Montana State School of Mines, in common with most .technical institutions, has always placed much emphasis on field trips whenever such trips would be of advantage in the subjects pursued. Almost any day during the year the attempt to find certain classes around the buildings on the hill will end up in the discovery that the professor and the class are out on an inspection trip of some kind or other. In Butte or near by are good illustrations of most of the points brought out in the text books and so to the theories are promptly added demonstrations of the real thing. The freshman geology classes in the autumn and in the spring often take a Avhole day to wander around over the mountains looking for outcrops, terminal moraines, andesite, and other things, and to find faults, usually in the eats and with the instructor who planned the trip. During the summer between the freshman and the sophomore years, the plane surveying students put in four weeks of work on a series of problems which thoroughly test their ability. For years now Prof. Adami, who has charge of this work, has taken his gangs to Maiden Rock, thirty-five miles or so out of Butte on the Big Hole River. Camp is established on an island in the river, while board is obtained at " P a " Bennett's, known to most of the fishermen who haunt that section of the country, as a sure provider of grub. Those four Aveeks are filled with much hard outdoor work, but they are also the occasion for many a good time. The first week is always a bad one for the fish, while the last usually sees the snipe in the vicinity steering absolutely clear of the candles of some earnest hunter. Sometimes a nip or two of cold Aveather adds to the zest of things, while on the other hand warm weather Avith fine sAvimming in the river may last the Avhole four weeks. No fellow who takes this Avork is likely to forget the stay at Maiden Rock. During the junior year the men get mine surAreying, using for this purpose some one or more of the mines in Butte. The senior work in mine mapping folloAvs the same procedure, except that by this time the members of the class are more expert about slipping off into some quiet spot for a nap or a smoke. Usually in May the juniors make a ten-day inspection trip to other Montana mining districts. Favorite places to visit are the coal mines at Roundup, the oil fields near there, the LeAvistown district, the coal fields near Belt, the smelter at Great Falls, and the mines and smelter near Helena . Three Aveeks of field geology precede the work of the senior year, the time being devoted usually to the Butte and Philipsburg districts Avith occasionally an excursion to Alder Gulch to the placer workings. Philipsburg often arranges a dance for the men Avhile they are there, offering the Miners the chance to shoAv off what social graces they possess and to bring about a dozen or more quarrels in the high school set by paying attentions to the local belles. In May the custom has been for the class to make a trip to one of the well known mining districts outside of Montana. At different times Montana Mines seniors have visited the Black Hills, TJtah, Coeur d'Alenes, British Columbia, Western Washington, and even South rn Alaska. In 1921, owing to the general financial stringency, both the juni jrs and the seniors, much to their sorrow, had to call off these trips, but wit a the return of better times in the Butte mines the custom undoubtedly will be renewed. The experiences on one of thtac trips would fill a book and would make interesting reading in more ways than one. But always there is no one Avho dares to write the account, safety first having been taught all through the year. And so we can say no more about what happens. —84—


BETWEEN THE INFINITIES An Oration Delivered by W. B. Carroll at the Intercollegiate Contest, Helena, Montana. Awarded second place in competition with orators from Mount St. Charles, Montana State University, Montana Wesleyan, Montana State College and Billings Polytechnic Institute.

Ever since the dawn of creation man has found himself between the infinities, the infinitely great and the infinitely small. Ever have the great heavenly bodies of the universe commanded his interest and respect. From times of such antiquity that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, the sages of all peoples have sought to discover the secrets of the ethereal blue. And the most ancient philosophers as well as those of modern times have pondered about the mysteries of diminutive life. Ever have these wise men conducted their researches in three realms, the realm of fact, the realm of theory, and the realm of fancy; the realm of fact upon the sure foundation of human experience; the realm of theory in accordance with the best scientific thought of the day, and the realm of fancy conjured by imagination, the harbinger of achievement. Ever, down through the centuries, have the great philosophers pondered the two extremes in the three realms. In the sixth century before Christ, Anaximander taught in the Ionian schools conceptions of the two infinities. Two centuries later Aristotle taught in Athens that to the finite human intelligence the infinite remains unrealized, although logically it could be realized, that potentially it exists, but to our perceptions it is only gradually becoming actual. The ancient philosophers obviously were limited to the use of the naked eye in their visual researches. But in the sixteenth century after Christ came the great mathematician and phj'sicist, the master of the telescope and the microscope, Galileo. He laid the foundations for our modern conceptions of the infinitely great and the infinitely small, but Galileo found himself, as were his predecessors, still between the infinities. Since the epoch of Galileo a grand procession of investigators have added to the sum total of human knowledge, have increased the power and refinement of telescope and microscope, have made clever deductions and prophecies, many of which have stood the test of time. Such men teach lyat light is a form of radiant energy which acts on the retina of the eye and renders visible the objects from Avhich it comes. And light is our guide to knowledge of the infinitely great. In the beginning God said, "Let the^e be light." and He —86—

"called the light Day." Ever since the Creation man has by day and by night sought the light. He has gratefully accepted the warm brilliancy of the sun by day and curiously sought the secrets of the stars by night. What secrets of the stars has man attained? Prom a multitude consider three. First, one in the realm of fact. Jn the constellation Hercules appears a faint star of the twentieth magnitude known as Messier XIII. So far distant is this dim star from the earth that its angle' of parallax, using the celestial yardstick of 92,000,000 miles as a chord, is measured by nine one-hundredthousandths of second of arc. Our photographic plates, made with the aid of powerful reflectors, disclose to us that this inconspicuous point of light is in reality a cluster of suns, over thirty thousand of which, each exceed in brilliance and magnificence our sun. What the present situation, is in Messier XIII, we cannot with accuracy tell. Experience teaches us that it is probably very much as it ever has been, but the only record we have is of the situation as it existed thirty-six thousand years ago. Three hundred and sixty centuries have passed since the light that meets our eye today started upon its journey from that star through the depths of the universe to our earth. A small part of such a lapse of time is entirely ample to witness the rise of our most ancient civilization to enjoy a brief moment of vaunted permanence and then to become as dustSecond, one in the realm of theory. We say the fixed star Arcturus, mentioned in the book of Job, moves forward on an undeviating path with an absolute velocity of 100 miles per second. Yet so well established already is the theory of relativity that we are compelled to admit that what we proclaim as a proper motion of 100 miles per second in three dimensions, is subject to change in a fourth dimension and the true velocity may indeed be something quite different. Fact that has been sought through all ages, at the very moment of attainment has eluded our grasp. This swiftest of stars has a velocity so great that it is almost beyond human conception, and yet in the vastness of the heavens its apparent motion has been so slight in thousands of years that if Job could again come to life and study the constellation in which Arcturus is situated he would notice scarcely any change in its appearance. Third, one in the realm of fancy. The ancients took pride in a nearly complete knowledge of our own solar system. A recently modern view has been that flight through space far beyond our solar system to a distance to pass over which light would require 10,000 years, would bring us near the boundary of the universe. But today it is as impossible for us to conceive of a totally empty space extending without limit in all directions from our universe as it is for our minds to grasp the conception of other, far distant, universes, succeeding each other throughout a space which is also absolutely endless. If such other universes exist i+ can only be said that we as yet have no known means of discovering them. So we still peer into outer darkness, we have not yet seen the boundary of our universe, childlike we still wonder what we should find if we could go out there only a little way. Suppose we could travel with the speed of thought, that to be at a point in the depths of the universe required but to think of it. Looking backward with eyes infinitely powerful what should we see? Not our earth as it is today, because we should be overtaking rays of light which left the earth some time before. The impression reaching the eye would be quite similar to th t of moving pictures which are run backward. The earth would appear as ^ did yesterday, last century, hundreds and thousands of centuries ago. We should witness the march of Caesar's armies, the building of the pyramids, the hairy mammcth floundering in the Arctic tundra, the Darwiniar ances^ 1 monkey hanging by his tail in the forest primeval, the -^-87—

giant dinosaur romping across a Cretaceous plain, the birth of the moneron, a speck of protoplasm in a hitherto azoic sea. Nay, more, we should observe the very birth of this old world of ours. Then we should know whether it were torn from a parent gaseous mass, or evolved by the comparatively gentle infall of accretions, or solidified from the condensation of a cloud of atoms, the cloud of atoms itself in turn the result of the collision of two former cold worlds. The word atoms at one leap carries us from the infinitely great to the infinitely small. Democritus taught an ancient philosophy which included the atom in the theory of the universe, much as it is included today. But in actual investigations of the infinitely small the ancients were content to consider such diminutive beasties as the ant. The invention of the microscope started men to studying smaller and smaller forms of life. The midge, a hundred times smaller than the ant was found to be no less perfectly formed. More and more minute animals and plants were discovered; in the sea depths the radiolarians, types of animals so small that in comparison with the humble ant they are as the ant is to the huge ox; in the air and in the water microbes healthful and microbes harmful; each inconceivably minute and yet each perfect in its life processes. Further investigation of the sub-microscopic in both animate and inanimate forms showed that each minute particle could be segregated into the chemical elements whose very smallest unit of form has been called the atom. In the realm of fancy of former centuries was placed th« alchemists' dream of the transmutation of the elements. Today it is an accomplished fact that the elements nitrogen, oxygen and carbon have been transmuted into hydrogen and helium. The dream of charlatan and scientist has come true. How has this been accomplished? We leave the realm of fact and again enter the realm of theory. The atom theoretically has a structure somewhat resembling our solar system; a central nucleous of positive electricity is surrounded by whirling electrons of negative electricity. Atoms of nitrogen, for instance, are bombarded with alpha rays of radium. The alpha particles produce such a disruption in the nitrogen atom as might occur, for instance, if another star of the dimensions of the sun tore through the solar system, hit the sun directly and drove it off into space, causing the planets to shoot off in all directions to be isolated or readjusted in new systems. Millions and millions of such disruptions have produced, so theory rurH. transmutations of the elements themselves. And what does the realm of fancy let us expect from the study of the infinitely small? Here we can suggest the possible far-reaching results of the transmutation of the elements due to the inherent energy in the atoms. It appears that the kinetic energy of the ejected fragments of the atoms is greater than that of the bombarding particles, all, of course, on an infinitely minute scale. If this difference in energy can be sufficiently intensified we shall find ourselves face to face with two stupendous possibilities. The effects may prove uncontrollable, which will spell for us with our finite knowledge the end of all things, or they may prove controllable, which will place at our disposal an almost illimitable supply of power, transcending anything hitherto known. Perhaps we witness the dawn of a new era, the era of subatomic power. We cannot with accuracy formulate our fancy; time alone will reveal the correct theory; in the future is locked the truth of fact. And so today, s with the sages of all ages, we find ourselvos still between the infinities, the infinitely great and the infinitely small. But to us, as we investigate each, is coming through the haze of ignoram a conception of the infinite power which joins the two together. For the activities of the

electrons in the minute atoms is governed with the same exactitude as is the inarch of planets about a central sun. That march, perhaps, is but the result of the combined action of the inconceivably tremendous number of atoms working upon each other, combining to form molecules, cells, plants, crystals, and animals, massing together as worlds and suns and solar systems, joining together to unloose forces which the mind of man cannot conceive, forces which finally hurl huge mass against huge mass, resolving the infinitely great into the infinitely small as two worlds or two suns become again a nebulous cloud of atoms as they were in the beginning. Thus runs the tremendous cycle, which the mind of man, midway between the infinities, is beginning to perceive, a cycle which seems to operate under inexorable law, with always in progress the growth from the infinitely small to the infinitely great. In recent years the shadow of a world cataclysm has induced in the minds of men a depressing indifference to the sublimity of things great and small. Wars and rumors of wars, conflicts between labor and capital, the struggle for riches, the unending battle for bread, have combined to blind men to the immutability of natural law, to the fact that Providence designed that we should each, great and small, contribute our quota to the grandeur of the universe. We play our parts. Ever we seek the infinitely great, ever we seek the infinitely small, ever are our efforts in three realms, the realm of fact upon the sure foundation of human experience, the realm of theory in accordance with the best scientific thought of the day, the realm of fancy conjured by imagination the harbinger of achievement. And who shall say these efforts are wasted? Has not the Ruler of the Universe in divine encouragement implanted in the bosom of man the beautiful invocation: "Build thee more stately mansions, oh, my soul. As the swift seasons roll Leave thy low vaulted past. Let each new temple nobler than the last Shut thee from Heaven with a dome more vast Till thou at length art free Leaving thine outgrown shell'by life's unresting sea."



Of cryptograms I'm very fond, Of studies deep and quite profound; But there is one that's got my goat, It makes our Gerald grin and gloat, Whene 'er he hands a rock to me, And I can't find what it may be. Of Mineralogy, I do speak, It makes me kick and curse and weep. I take a rock that's black or white, It may be soft, it may be light, And place it in the HC1, Whose fumes rise up and give me H--1. It's soluble, or it is not, And I must try another shot, And test it for its colored flame And see if I can find its name. It has no tint of an}' hue, Not red or green or pink or blue. And so I try the old blow-pipe, And fry it like a piece of tripe. I blow and blow with bulging cheeks, Until the minutes seem like weeks, In vainest effort for a test That may my labors bring to rest. In vain I've tried all things I knew, And cribbed from my companions too, But though they knew much more than I, They squinted once and passed it by. I must report to Gerald perforce So as I 'm rather out of sorts, I'll call it Tourmaline or Quartz. ANN ALCITE, POLLY BASITE, SARAH SITE, AL BITE. McMasters replied to the question, "What < meant by over-travel?" by answering, "The first trains were equipped with hand brakes only and there was one brakeman for each coach. As a train ueared a station the engineer whistled for brakes. The brakemen were usually asleep about this time, so they were slow to get the brakes on and the train usually passed by the depot. The amount the train passed the station was the over-travel." —BLOOEY-BLOOEY.

Prof. Adami—Gassy, where do you p ° the primer when blasting? Gus—I don't think it matters much » long as you don't get it too far out of the hole. Tommy—What shall I use to dissolve this sulphur in? Prof. Koenig—Use your brains. Prof. Young—Mr. Johnson, what organic matter is found in Johns—Fish.

THE MINING STUDENT'S WIFE Oh, it's a great life to be a mining student's wife, When lie loves just his work and you. You don't think of the day he will be away, Of course, it is bound to be blue, But you think of the evening1 so cozy and bright When you sit together—what sport It will be when he smiles on thee, And says, "Dear, I must write a report." When days are bright with the growing light Of the sun's longer travel home, You both are gay o'er a holiday And decide to take a roam. So you go to the hillside for flowers gay That grow ou rarest of stocks. Little interest has he for Botany When he finds his beloved rocks. If you talk of the home when you are alone, Or the grocery bill's mysticisms, He says, "Dear, you know, with such things I'm sLow Without slide-rule or logarithms." Oh, it's a great life for the mining student's Avife, But she takes it up with a song. She learns his queer ways, and the strange things he says, And tries to help him along. —G. A. G. Shaw (watching a foot of snow descend on the eighth day of April)—I wish some one would explain the vagaries of the weather in Butte to me. I can't see any reason for this. Prof. Scott— That's easy for anyone but a tenderfoot. One of the old timers killed a bear last winter and it's not all eaten up yet. The weather man noticed it and keeps on f.ending snow so that the meat won't spoil. Shaw (as Scott walks pway)—Now that's what I call turning an imaginary bear into real bull. Pres. Craven—I see soiae of you say this valve is the best on the market and you refer to something I said last fall as the proof of your statements. Gentlemen, I want to tell you that you are all wrong. Since last fall I've changed my mind about this valve. Fay Willson took a young lady walking this spring out to the end of South Montana street. As they p ??• Qd the cen etery Fay remarked : "Wouldn't it be ghastly if all the dead pe' t here came to life?" "No," said the girl, yawning, " I wish one of them wt. lid." Kathryn Arthur, ruefully regarding a grade of 59 on an economics paper: " I just naturally feel awfn1 " om Baker, looking at the same grade: " I iust feel av\ fully H "tzel—Price, name the phosphates. PriL —Orange, lei^on apd cherry. -93—

THINGS YOU WILL NEVER SEE Teddy running. Eddy Shea mad. O'Brien on time. The stadium. Johnson fussing. Dougherty (discussing). Missoula vs. Mines in football. Mowbray smoking. Pittser walking. Nuckols' ears. Koenig's record book. A calculus problem. Prof. Mann excited. A crap game in the library. A senior loafing. Sprake's mustache. An honest election. THE FOUR AGES Play, play, play! He wastes his time with boyish tricks And never works till Blackburn kicks. He's a freshman. Bore, bore, bore! He scarce may leave his books alone Lest he meet the prof's grave look of scorn. He's a sophomore ! Cram, cram, cram! He studies early, he studies late, Lest colored marks be his sad iate. He's a junior ! Strut, strut, strut! He studies little or nonf at al1 He bluffs the profs bot. greu He's a senior!

~71 N

Prof. Koenig—What are the ;jrincipaV'~'O A Little Co-ed—Hydrogen, Oxyge trv<

iospher'•ns- cts.

I- s. Craven to Landwehr— Vbat GO L "idwehr—An old man. Lddie—"What is the diff ence betv arms? Mowbray—I'll bite. Eddie—One fall ^ith a ^all and the olm Nuckols— ' that chicken sli%\ud Miss ^ ussel—IS " wouk, put them a rooster. —94-

OU gradual • ^


and a bQbe in a bawl.

1 you sell them? seura. Taat chickc

A little lesson IV


[Jedicdted to UILT

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Symons—the Young Men's Store of Butte The store that serves the best and the most for the least money! It's a generally recognized fact among the young men of the community that Symons is the one store that serves and satisfies their apparel wants best. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, SHOES, HATS, ETC., FOR THE YOUNG MAN —are shown at this store in the largest and best variety and prices, every young man knows, are the lowest in the city— alwavs!



* ^ QPLE

Montana's Leading Daily Newspaper

5 ITS SUPERIORITY as an advertising medium is acknowledged by men whose business it is to know how best to dispose of their wares.

5 THE STANDARD has a wide circulation throughout the State of Montana and is generally recognized as the strongest newspaper in its field.

MINTING of highest excellence executed with dispatch md accuracy.




(Quality 4- 4« 4- 4* 4- 4" 4- <*• 4- 4>4>1*>4- 4* 4- 4* 4>4>4> 4>

THINGS WE ARE PAID TO PRINT The hoboes are a club. Handball should not be confused with football. The library is a place to study. "Poly" is not a bird. J. J. Xaughten, Mining Engineer. Quoits should be taken seriously. The juniors are not part of the museum. THINGS WE ARE NOT PAID TO PRINT

Geraldine's telephone number. "What Mac thinks of Metallurgy. A list of Tommy's sweethearts. Borel's first love. AVillard's generosity. That Oregon is a state. "Why Groom learned to dance. They had never met B4, But what had she 2 care, She loved him lOderly, For he was a 1,000,00'Oaire.


Compliments of


Butte's Leading Florists House of Superior Home ~o n\ Flowers 27 W. Broadway Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association. —100—

WHAT SCHOOL SHOULD YOU SELECT? For Modern Business Training

It is folly for a young man or woman to waste time in a school that is not properly equipped to give all that he or she is seeking. THE BUTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE

Offers young men and women the highest type of business training to be had in the entire Northwest. You have the advantage here of a high ranking teaching staff, every business course is offered, every form of modern business equipment is actually operated and taught thoroughly—by the individual instruction system. Write or phone for literature, prices and rates. Complete day and night school the entire year around.

RICE BROTHERS, Proprietors. Estab. 1890 Phone 1240

Entire Top Floor Owsley Bids.




Cleaning', Dyeing, Pressing-, Repairing, Relining, and Remodeling- All Kinds of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Neatly Done at Reasonable Prices Suits or Overcoats Hand-Tailored. All Work Done in Butte. Fitting and Workmanship Guaranteed. We have on hand a fine selection of the very best Imported Woolens and Linings. Suits or Overcoats Sponged and Pressed, 75c. Pressing Done While You Wait. We Call For and Deliver. Largest and Best Equipped Custom Tailoring Plant in Butte

508 West Park St.

Phone 1279

LADIES! Would you appreciate a lotion tHat beautifies and preserves the texture of the skin—and leaves it soft, white and clear?


MRS. NICHOLS' HAND LOTION You Will Be Satisfied. Sold Exclusively By Phone 926

JENSEN, The Druggist 401 South Montana Street


Our Men's Suits for $35.00 Snappy suits selected carefully fror the lines af several of the countries b. iaken of " a n's suits. Stern Mayer, Sincerity Clo hes id other . Suits that a -e h taih - they throughout to give long s.^. /ice and i their attractive lines.

Heptu sv's —102—

lilt taip

Butte, Montana

Students! Coaches! Keep your money in Montana. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. We specialize in team outfits, estimates cheerfully furnished and satisfaction guaranteed. Agents for the famous Wright & Ditson-Victor Athletic Goods.

Beaty Sporting Goods Co. "The Bug House of America"

Manufacturers of High Grade Fishing Tackle. 101 East Park Street

Butte, Montana

To miss a kiss Is more amiss Than it would be To kiss a miss, Provided that The kiss you miss The miss herself Would never miss. But if you try To kiss a miss With whom a ^iss Tould be amiss, You had better always Miss the kiss. 'If yse win, w^'ll ave the ball in our gym." 'Oh - ow love do as] me up to 't." Mary ad a li. le lamb, Likewise a lotster stew; And e' 1 the sunlit morning ciawned She hac a nightmare, too. 'Hey, frosh, what time is it?" 'How'd you know I was a frosn?" 'I guessed it." * 'Then guess wlic.t time it Is.' 103-


Your trip will not be complete unless you visit the home of the largest pansy on earth, situated on top of the Continental Divide


The cuts in this book are the first Electrolytic plates made in the West

FRANK WARD Silver Bow Block Butte, Mont.


Let Us Do Your Kodak Finishing


We have the most up-to-date Dark Eoom in the State.

Phone us.

Enlarging Our Specialty Developing 15c Roll, Any Size

We are waiting to hear from you.

Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention.

Phone 1040 We have the finest food products in the widest variety.

Paxson & Rockefeller Co. 3 Progressive Rexall Stores: 24 W. Park Phone 572

109 N. Main Phone 1026

37 W. Park Phone 160

Columbia Garden

Mining Machinery


Columbi v ^kral Co. A. Q M. Hardware

A. C. Wi 4^_>. ,i» Mgr. We Ar

Phone 1923 Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association.

47 W. Broadway. —106—

Butte, Mont.

"The greatest secrec of success in life is to be ready when opportunity comes."


WHEN will opportunity come? No one can say. That is why the man who is constantly prepared is usually the most successful. PART of the mission of a helpful bank is to assist its patrons in accumulating surplus funds—funds usually needed when opportunity conies. In this bank we welcome the small depositor and share his pride as his surplus increases and he feels the strength and security which a bank account gives.


Walker Carroll, as editor of the "M," received from one of the co-eds a touching poem of her own composition, entitled: " I Wonder if He'll Miss Me." Walker sent the poem back with the following note: "Dear Miss: If he misses you he ought never be trusted with firearms again." MacLellan—She gave me the geological survey. Borel—What's that? Mac—Stonv stare. Shaw—Gus, can you tell me the name of your closest frien Gus—No, but he used to live in China. Prof, .o. jig—D a't look for ;mmer U come eaj._y in B^tte. Si miner won't com( 1 , til ft i snow goes o Mt. Fleecer over yonder in tl.e highlands, and the sno" an't go off Mt. Fie 3er until su1 mer con as. Shaw-' .Valdt, have you seen the new Virginia wrap ? Walde-Say , . hat about it? Shaw- "Tii*e are no buttons on it. Walde—, [ow do they fasten it? Shaw—Oh, there are buckles. Things to worry .about: The junior crass in thermod fnamics wishes tc know if the- ut on the fly wheels t ^ keep the flies off. ^WOOF-WOOF, r 107—•

Value—Style Economy —and "when you see young men dressed well, you can guess safely— that Boucher's enjoys their trade. BOUCHER'S has always been a pre- SPALDING Athletic Goods are sold ferred center for young men. Good exclusively in Butte by Boucher's. The clothes, exceptional styles and low name and the quality is well known and prices will always win out with the young men anywhere. Economy isn't this store is an ideal place to find such in what you pay, but in what you get goods. This department is for all the for vour monev. familv.




Buttc, Mont.

29-31 W. Park


First National Bank BUTTE, MONTANA Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $1,000,000.00

ANDREW J. DAVIS, President J. E. STEPHENSON, Vice President GEO. U. HILL, Cashier A. J. DAVTS, Jr., Asst. Cashier W. J. FORSYTHE, Asst. Cashier



There is the fellow Avith the powerful grip, who delights in crushing your hand. There is the handshake that is limp and clammy and cold. Then there is the fellow who gives you only the tips of his fingers. The handshake we all like, though, is the one that is hearty, natural and sincere. The personal attention that this institution extends to customers is hearty, natural and sincere, the kind that leaves you with a feeling of wholesome pleasure, like an old friend's handshake. "We invite the accounts of those who desire a banking connection which wilJ render efficient service in a natural, human sort of way.

YEGEN BROS., BANKERS CAPITAL $100,000.00 Butte, Montana

Open from 8 to 1 a. m.

Phone 717

V. TRUZZOLINO Genuine Hot Chicken

TAMALE The Original Tamale and Chili Parlor V. TRUZZOLINO, Prop. MERCHANT'S LUNCH AT MODERATE PRICES SERVED 11:30 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. 120 W. Park St.

Butte, Mont.

i —109--

Students' Savings Accounts

College Men and Style

There is every reason for you to have a saving's account.

College men are recognized as among the best dressed men in every community. You "Mines" men have the same opportunity to secure correct clothes as the man of the large Eastern universities. Our selections are complete. We invite your inspection.

Save just a little of what you have. In your pocket it is sure to go—when you have a savings account, it conies in handy at the times when you DO need money real badly. This bank will quickly demonstrate its appreciation of your patronage.


The Silver Bow National

Main & Granite.

'•The Bank of Courtesy" Phone 921 33 W. Park.

For Nearly Half a Century We havt- guaranteed the people of Butte

Highest Quality Merchant Lowest Consistent Prices Efficient Service


Est. 1869

Learning to Save Is as Important as Learning to Earn We Offer Every Inducement

Metals Bank &L Trust Co. Established 1882

Officers: CHARLES J. KELLY, Chairman of the Board. JAMES E. WOODARD, President C. C. 8WINB0RXE Vice President R. W. PLACE, Cashier J. L. TEAL, Asst. Cashier

TOWLE—WINTERHALTER— HANNIFIN CO. Manufacturers of Platinum and Solid Gold Jewelry. Diamonds and other preci stones mounted to vour i^aivi order. Exi ert Wati Repairing, Adjusting a d Timing. Designers and Makers of School, College and Club Emblems Sellers of High Grade Diamonds, Watches, Solid Gold and Platinum Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, and season's latest Jewelry Novelties. TOWLE, WINTERHALTER, HANNIFIN CO. 101 W. Park St., Butte.


Engineering Supplies Eversharp Pencils Waterman and Swan Fountain Pens



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Memory is good, but — a Photograph is better

ZUBICK ART STUDIO 114 West Broadway. Next Door to Public Library. Phone 1843. Copying, Enlarging, Viewing and Framing of all kinds. Portraits a Specialty.

I — 112—

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