Food and drinks that prohibits tooth decay

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Food And Drinks That Prohibits Tooth Decay

Bitting your favourite sweet desert, eating up those tasty pastries, craving those icecream with a glass of soft drinks. Who doesn’t wants to consume all this? But But But my mate let me tell you all these treats may make you feel guilty by the last bite after knowing the fact that all this are not only food we like to eat but our cavities like it too. Yes, you heard it right ! Scary isn’t it? Overconsuming sweets and lack of dental hygiene can lead to severe tooth decay, cavity not only destroys the enamel of teeth but severe cavity can cause loss of a tooth, or you may end up getting a painfull dental treatment. A cavity is a hole in a tooth caused by the diseases process known as Tooth decay. Tooth decaying occurs when germs in your mouth make acids that eat away at a tooth. Dental Treatment for cavities can be costly and at the same time, it might be an affordable dental extraction though it is a time taking process, as there are many sessions a patient might go through. So, therefore, some times patients avoid the root cavity and leave it untreated, which should avoid doing, as it may become a major issue afterwards. The tooth decaying can occur due to several factors including diet, oral hygiene but cavities can occur even with a great diet and oral hygiene because of the bacteria. Dental Treatment is necessary because it can cause pain, infection, and tooth loss. One can consult a dental surgeon for their dental complications and should try to take the following measures by their own to prevent the decaying. FEW PREVENTIONS – 1. APPLE – ”An apple in a day keeps your dental problem away”. The prevention of tooth decay can be done through an apple a day. Fresh fruits do contain a high sugar level and can be more sweet and acidic, but it has been said that the consumption can encourage the flow of saliva inside our mouth. As there is more production of saliva the bacteria in small amount might get clear due to it. Therefore the extra saliva reduces cavities because it lowers levels of bacteria. So next time don’t forget to carry an apple wherever you go .

2. MILK – According to American dental association, Drinking milk after eating sweet foods or any sugary cereals can reduce the damage to your teeth. Eating dairy products in combination with other sugary snacks or at the end of a meal may be an effective way to avoid tooth decay. Researcher claims that Milk is better than water while it comes to prevention of bacteria in teeth. Milk can help bring up pH levels lost while consuming sugary foods and drinks. It also helps to strengthen the teeth and weaken the acidic levels after the cereal consumption. 3. CHEESE – Dairy products like cheese have been found to prevent cavity formation. The result study showed that there was a significant change in pH level after consuming dairy products; cheese was found to have the highest pH level compared to milk. Researchers claim that cheese has anticavity properties because of the high amount of pH levels, which tends to increase the calcium. The dairy product makes the mouth more alkaline which reduces dental problems. 4. REDWINE – Lovers of the alcoholic beverage will be happy to know that a glass of wine can kill bacteria that promotes cavities. Red wine and grape seed extracts can help remove bacteria from the teeth, The grape seed extract and wine can slow the growth of bacteria. Chemicals in red wine like proanthocyanidins, phytonutrients found in grapes, apples and chocolate that have antioxidant properties, seem to prevent the bacteria that causes tooth decay. 5. GREEN TEA – After having a sugary treat, consumption of green tea can reduce cavities by preventing plaque buildup by the bacteria. But make sure yo do not consume tea with sweeteners, milk, or cream. As green tea control bacteria and less the acidity in the mouth, it also prevents the cavities. The antioxidants and other properties of green tea are to protect the tooth against organic damage. Do try the prevention and let us know by commenting. For queries do contact us at our website.

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