M State Annual Report 2012-2013

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Financial Highlights Capital Improvements _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Detroit Lakes ParĆ&#x;al Roof Replacement: $1,100,000 Design and replacement of a por on of the roof over the northeast sec on of the building and an upgrade of the air handing and air condi oning units.

Biology Lab: $316,500 Convert 1,800 square feet of exis ng nursing lab into a general biology lab to accommodate increased demand from expanding programs for workforce and transfer degrees.



Window and Door Replacement: $476,030 Replacement of all windows and doors with higheďŹƒciency units.

Fire Alarm Upgrade: $350,000 Upgrade the campus fire alarm system.

Wellness Center: $1,385,000 Construct 5,400-square-foot wellness center for student health and fitness. Construc on and maintenance funded by student-approved fees.

Economic Impact _____________________________________________________________________________________________ M State has an annual economic impact of $197 million in west central Minnesota. Based on a regional economy of $8 billion, $8 of every $1,000 produced in the region is either directly or indirectly related to M State. The college’s direct impact in 2011 was $142 million, and the indirect impact in other industries was $55 million.

By providing an educa on to students, M State enhances the produc vity of both public and private organiza ons in Minnesota. The 1,038 degrees award by M State created the equivalent of $27.7 million in future value in the state.

During 2011 the college and its students generated an es mated 2,532 jobs in the region. These jobs included 2,043 direct job and 489 indirect jobs created by vendors, contractors and businesses supplying the college and its students. 20

Minnesota State Community and Technical College

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