Michael Sommer - Architectural Portfolio

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Salt Lake City, Utah

WhileatModernOutWest,Ihelpeddirectdevelopmentforthe interiorlayoutanddesignofanewrestaurant&loungeprojectfor HPManagementgroupwhichwillofferaLatin-Asianfusiondining experienceindowntownSaltLakeCity.

Taking over a former restaurant tenant space on the ground floor of the historic Boston Building in downtown Salt Lake City, Aker Restaurant & Lounge posed a unique set of design opportunities. The proposed design was careful to balance respect for the unique and historic character of the space while delivering on the client’s objectives and budget for the project.

Inspired by his trips to Mexico and Brazil, the client wanted to lean heavily into influences from the restaurants fusion concept and create a space that felt equally capable of delivering a memorable dining experience as well as serve as a new player in downtown’s bar and entertainment scene. The design responded through a curated finish palette that referenced Latin American design motifs balanced with a sleek modern detailing inspired by Japanese minimalist design.

It was very important to blend the new with the historic elements of the space to create a distinct experience for patrons which felt approachable for our market while respecting the cultural traditions in the restaurant’s concept.

Main Level Plan

Thedesigngave specialconsideration totheprocessionfrom entrylobbytothebar anddiningareasas wellasexteriorpatios withanemphasison sightlineacrossthe roomandflexibilityto accommodatearange ofpartysizesand circulationoptionsto allowforthespaceto transitioninlatehours ofservicetoaless formalloungefunction.

Team Members:

Michael Sommer

Modern Out West

Cost: $1.6M

Completed: FALL 2023

Size: Approx. 6,500 SF

Mezzanine Plan

Emphasiswasgivento adaptingapreviously clutteredandunsightly mezzaninelevel tobettersupport ‘back-of-house’ administrativeand storageoperations

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Designdevelopment renderingofaview towardsthebarupon enteringfromthe lobby.

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Renderedperspective viewoflobbywithhost stationanddisplay cabinetentryportalto diningandbarbeyond.

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Interiorrendering ofdiningroom fromomakasetable adjacenttosushibar.


Clearfield, Utah

Inspired by the role that aviation and technology have played in Clearfield city’s formative history, the new Clearfield Branch was postured to serve as a new technology hub with enhanced resources forpatronsacrosstheDavisCountyLibrarysystem.

The design of the new Clearfield branch was an exhilarating challenge which required the balance of modernity with tradition in both form and program. For the branch to serve as a model for new technological resources, the library staff prioritized square footage for new computer and equipment for patron’s to use as alternative means of learning while retiring a sizable number of volumes in its physical collection in favor of new digital collections. The design also considered potential flexibility for further similar collection adjustments in the future.

The clients and community also wanted to have a design solution that signaled this shift in focus while preserving the high level of comfort and care in patron experience which has been a hallmark of Davis County Library’s service model.

We worked very closely with a large group of stake holders from Davis County’s facilities department, library staff & board members, and Clearfield city staff & elected officials to deliver a design that would support the long-term vision and service to the community while paying homage to the city’s past.

Team Members: Michael Sommer ajc architects

Cost: $4.7 M

Completed: 2021

Size: 13,890 SF

Thedesignincorporatedformalreferencestoinvertedairfoilsandgyroscopesasdevicestohelpshapeacousticalandlighting performancecharacteristicsthroughoutthebranchwhilenoddingtoaviationtechnologyinherentwithinClearfield’shistory.

Exteriorviewofthe branch’smainstreet frontagefromthe newentryplazaatthe intersectionofMain andCenterStreets. Specialcarewastaken inthedesigntoengage thepublicsideofthe buildingtosupport theintentofClearfield city’snewlyadopted form-basedcode.

Viewofdouble-height studyareasoffering expansiveviewstothe Wasatchmountains andanabundanceof naturaldaylightfor patronsandstaff.

Detailviewofthe grandstairwithits tensionedvertical cablerailingand integratedperiodical displaytomaximize thebranch’sefficient footprint.

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AsthefirstbuildingtoopenonthenewSLCCHerrimanCampus,theJuniper buildingmarkedapivotalopportunitytosetatoneanddesign standards for futurecampusdevelopment. Thedesignteamproposedapaletteandspatial sensibilitythatfeltmodernwhilereferencingtheuniquecharacteristicsand featuresofthevalley’swestbench.

Because it is a joint venture undertaken by both SLCC and the University of Utah and the first building on campus, the Juniper building had to be a powerhouse of program to provide core student services, faculty and administrative offices, and instructional spaces all under one roof.

Combined with both institutions goals to strive for high-performance and sustainable building standards, the design response was to create efficient spaces with subtle yet comfortable environments which are durable enough to stand the test of time and support the varied functions across the building with proper acoustical performance and an abundance of daylight.

Tasked primarily with the development of the interior architectural responses for the facility, my efforts focused heavily on establishing a clean, simple design which utilized texture and pattern as a way to nod to the local landscape as well as the mining traditions of the surrounding community while maintaining a functional and flexible armature to support student life for generations to come.

Michael Sommer

ajc architects


Team: $46.2M

Completed: SUMMER 2023

Size: 92,000 SF

Initial Mood Board Interior Finish Palette Herriman, Utah

Renderingofsouth exteriorfacade.The useofterracotta claddingandlouversto providesomewarmth andtexturetothe buildingsfinishpalette aswellasreference thecoppertonesof thenearbyKennecott Mineasapartofthe locallandscape.

Renderingofentry commons&joint collegereception desks.

Renderedperspective ofeventspace.

Renderedperspective ofstudentdining& studylounge.

Renderedperspective ofthirdfloorstudy lounge.

Interior Vignette Development Photo Bottom Left Photo Bottom Right Photo Middle Left Photo Middle Right Photo top


Logan, Utah

Utah State University commissioned a comprehensive Logan Campus HousingMasterPlanefforttoaddresscurrentaswellasfuturegrowth needsforon-campushousing.

The plan identified priorities for future development, sought optimal adjacencies with other campus functions, integrated essential functions such as Dining Services and Residence Life, improved circulation patterns, considered safety and security of residents, and sought to improve efficiency of land use while modernizing the standard of student living for contemporary and future needs. It provided strategies to enhance the image and character of USU, shift housing opportunities wherever possible to integrate within academic core of campus and to strengthen the connections for campus shuttle infrastructure to outlying housing sites.

Growth was analyzed in 0-5yrs, 5-15yrs, and 15+ years (full build out). The goals for growth for existing housing sites were generally to replace the current stock over time, and add 10% while investing in more flexible infrastructure for future improvements beyond the developed plan.

The overall vision for on-campus housing at Utah State University was that it should feel like “Home” while also providing a safe and comfortable environment for students to pursue their academic goals and build lifelong networking connections.

Team Members: Michael Sommer ajc architects

Cost: Unbuilt Master Plan

Completed: 2022

Size and Site: Approx. 225 Acres

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Preliminaryaerial massingrenderingof finalbuildoutof15+ yearplanforAggie Villagefamilyhousing site.

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Excerptedmaster planofAggieVillage familyhousingsite depictingapproach ofdistributedstreet parking,walkingpaths, &greenspaceswith lifestyleamenities.

Excerptednorth centralcampus masterplanoutlining opportunitiesfor studenthousingin adjacencytoexpanded studentlivingcenter andpedestrian connectionstolibrary plazaandhousing southcampusdistrict.

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ExcerptedLunstrom StudentLiving Centermasterplan outliningeffortsto densifyhousingand communitycenter functionsalong1200 Eastcorridortoadd commonservices betweensingleand familyhousingsites.

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To better support its vision and goals for student-centered learning acrossthebroaddemographicsofitsstudentbody,SLCCcommissioned asignificantrenovationandexpansiontotheexistingstudentservices building to better meet the diverse needs of its students on the west sideofthevalley.

Conceived as a hub for student life, the college aimed to provide additional services through student engagement opportunities, academic and career advising, financial aid, childcare, and a health and counseling center which had not previously been offered on its Jordan campus. In addition to the added services and programs, SLCC aimed to respond to student requested opportunities for additional study and congregational spaces to enhance the quality of student life.

As a principal building for the campus, it was imperative that the design of the new student services building was conceived to be as inclusive and welcoming as possible. The design team focused on distributing a variety of different types of student study spaces throughout the building and in proximity to core college provided services such as student tutoring, counseling, student leadership offices, as well as a small food market.

Of paramount importance was the creation of approachable spaces which supported a range of student interactions with peers as well as the college’s staff and faculty to foster a sense of inclusion and belonging which can often go missing in student life on a community college campus.

The design of the building also gave an opportunity for SLCC to conceive of new ways to apply existing building and construction standards a modern twist to position for future improvements across campus. The building’s interior finish palette sought to provide a vibrant, energetic, and modern spaces which could act as a flexible backdrop to school branding opportunities as well as leave room for students to put their own stamp on each space to allow them to feel a better sense of ownership of their place on campus.

Team Members: Michael Sommer

ajc architects

Cost: $17.2M

Completed: FALL 2021

Size: 41,000 SF

West Jordan, Utah Detailshotofcustom wayfindingsignageat entrancelobby Interiorstairand ceilingfeaturenear eventspace. Interiorsecondfloor corridoralonglarge sharedconference room. Bottom Left Image Bottom Center Image Bottom Right Image Mainentrancelobby, informationdesk,and grandbleacherstair. Center Image Mainbuildingentrance welcomesstudents fromplazaatcampus core. Top image
111 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 84101 MICHAEL SOMMER Phone 801 597 8961 Email mrsommer84@gmail.com

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